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Light and low-fat weekly menu

Monday Tuesday Breakfast: • Coffee or infusion • Skimmed Breakfast: • 1 fruit juice • 1 yogurt with
milk with unsweetened cocoa • muësli-type cereals
Breakfast: •Coffee with milk •1 yogurt •2 Breakfast: •Orange juice •1 yogurt with whole
whole wheat toasts with unsalted fresh grains •Coffee or infusion Mid-morning: • 1 fruit • 1 yogurt Mid-morning: • 1 infusion • 1 drinkable
cheese and low-salt turkey breast yogurt
Mid-morning: •1 pear • 1 toasted bread with Food: •Grilled or canned asparagus• Pasta (30
Mid-morning: •skimmed and unsweetened low-salt cold cuts g) with vegetables and tuna• Fruit Food: • Carrot and potato cream • Chicken
yogurt• 1 apple breasts stuffed with cooked ham and 1 slice of
Lunch: •Various salad • Stewed rice (30 g) low-fat cheese • Yogurt
Food: • Zucchini cream • Grilled chicken fillets with vegetables and fish • Fruit Mid-afternoon: •1-2 whole wheat toast with
with salad • Yogurt fresh cheese and low-salt ham • infusion
Mid-afternoon: • 1-2 whole grain crackers • 1 Mid-afternoon: • 1 apple • 1-2 slices of low-
Mid-afternoon: • Fresh pineapple • Infusion apple salt cold cuts with 1-2 whole-grain toast
Dinner: • Cooked potato salad (30 g) • Baked
Dinner: • Pasta salad (30 g) • Grilled chicken Dinner: • Chicken soup • Ratatouille with tuna fish stuffed with spinach and walnuts • Fruit
with vegetable stew • • or yogurt Dinner: •Stuffed zucchini • Baked fish with
Yogurt or fruit Yogurt or fruit Thursday mushrooms • Yogurt or fruit

Friday Dinner: • Vegetable and pasta soup • Turkey cooked potato (30 g) • Low-calorie dairy yogurt or fruit
rolls with low-fat and salt ham • Fruit and/or dessert *The amount of bread in the main meal is
Breakfast: •Natural orange juice• Coffee or yogurt Sunday approximately 30 g.
infusion• 1-2 toasts with fresh cheese and Saturday
sugar-free jam Breakfast: •Coffee with milk • 1 fruit juice • 2- *Eating 5 meals is healthier, since glucose
Breakfast: • Coffee with milk • 1 yogurt • 2 3 whole grain cookies without sugar levels are much more level, so it is important
whole wheat toasts with sugar-free jam to eat something mid-morning and respect
Mid-morning: • 1 apple • 1 drinkable yogurt Mid-morning: •Pineapple juice• 1 apple• 1-2 your food intake mid-afternoon
Mid-morning: • Infusion • 1-2 sugar-free sugar-free whole grain cookies
Lunch: • Chickpeas with spinach and hake • whole grain cookies *Remember to include the recommended
Lemon chicken with salad • Pineapple in its Food: •Vegetable lentils •Roast meat with servings of vegetables and fresh fruit.
juice and/or yogurt Lunch: • Rice salad • Grilled beef steak • Fresh salad and potatoes •Roasted apple with
cheese with low-calorie jam yogurt

Mid-afternoon: • 2-3 sugar-free whole grain Mid-afternoon: •Coffee (decaffeinated) •1-2 Mid-afternoon: • 1-2 whole wheat toast with
cookies • Infusion or decaffeinated coffee walnuts or hazelnuts low-salt turkey • 1 slice of pineapple
with skimmed milk
Dinner: • Steamed hake with broccoli and Dinner: • Fresh cheese with tomato and olive Bon Rppetit
oil • Chicken skewers with pineapple • 1

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