Physical Education Thesis

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Recognition by CONICIT (1991)
Authorized by the CNU: (1991)
Official Gazette No. 34678





Prof. José Gregorio Quijada
Mcs. Arcelys Vasquez
CI: 13,425,043
Cohort 3

Maturín , December 2016

Recognition by CONICIT (1991)
Authorized by the CNU: (1991)
Official Gazette No. 34678





Prof. José Gregorio Quijada
CI: 13,425,043

Maturín , December 2016

Recognition by CONICIT (1991)
Authorized by the CNU: (1991)
Official Gazette No. 34678



Who underwrites Mcs. Arcelys Vásquez, in my capacity as tutor of the degree

OF NEW ESPARTA”, presented by Professor José Gregorio Quijada , head of the CI
13,425,043 to qualify for the degree of Magister Scientearum in Educational Planning
and Evaluation, I consider that said thesis meets the sufficient requirements and
merits to be submitted to public presentation and the corresponding evaluation by the
examining jury that is designated.

In the city of Maturín, on the sixteenth day of the month of December, two
thousand and sixteen.

Mcs. Arcelys Vasquez


To God and the Virgin of the Valley, for allowing me to reach this point and for
giving me health to achieve my goals, in addition to their infinite kindness and love.
Eternally grateful for all the blessings received.

To my most wonderful mother, my light that illuminates my path, my inspiring

engine, and my reason for overcoming each step overcome.
I love you mom.

To me, for believing every day that there is nothing impossible or obstacles that I
cannot overcome in achieving my goals.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of
Paulo Coelho.

Prof. José Gregorio Quijada


To the CIPPSV professors for their knowledge imparted, their guidance in my

knowledge to bring this goal to a successful conclusion.

To my tutors Dr. Freddy Valderrama and Msc. Arcelys Vásquez, for the
proper guidance in carrying out this study, and nourished me with significant

To my colleague and friend Lic. Yulmer Gómez, for all the support and
guidance provided at all times, fundamental in carrying out my research, thank you

To my excellent coworkers Euniles Meneses, Rena Gómez, Carmen Ramos and

Yanixe Fajardo for their unconditional support and support in this journey to achieve
my goal, thank you friends.


Prof. José Gregorio Quijada




CHAPTER I.................................................................................................................22

THE PROBLEM AND ITS GENERALITIES...........................................................22

1.1.- STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM...............................................................22

1.1.1.- Key Informants.........................................................................................28

1.2.- CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROBLEM:.................................................34

1.3.- POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS:..............................................................................36

1.4.- RESEARCH OBJECTIVES............................................................................37

1.5.1.- Main Question:..........................................................................................39

1.5.2.- Secondary Questions:................................................................................39

1.6.- RELEVANCE OF THE STUDY....................................................................40

1.7.- BACKGROUND OF THE RESEARCH:.......................................................42

1.7.1.- Historical Background:.............................................................................42

1.7.2.- National Background................................................................................44

1.7.3.- Local Background:....................................................................................46

1.8- INDICATORS AND ASSUMPTIONS:..........................................................49

1.9- LIMITATIONS AND DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY............................51

1.9.1.- Limitations of the Study............................................................................51

1.9.2- Delimitation of the Study Field..................................................................51

1.10.- DEFINITION OF TERMS.........................................................................54

CHAPTER II...............................................................................................................56

THEORETICAL MOMENT.......................................................................................56

2.1.- THEORETICAL BASES................................................................................56

2.1.1.- Area of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation:................................56

2.1.2.- Importance of the development of physical activities, sports and

recreation in the training of students....................................................................57

2.1.3.- Pedagogical Planning of Physical Education, sports and recreation:.......58

2.1.4.- Pedagogical strategies for teaching physical education, sports and

recreation, in learning projects.............................................................................58

2.1.5.- Effective planning in the area of physical education, sports and recreation
for the proper development of physical activities................................................60

2.1.6.- Planning of physical activities and based on performance and

participation in physical education, sports and recreation...................................60

2.1.7.- Importance of communication between the classroom teacher and the

specialist teacher of Physical Education, sports and recreation in the planning of
learning projects...................................................................................................61

2.1.8.- Motivation based on performance and participation in the area of Physical

Education, sports and recreation..........................................................................62

2.1.9. Planning of evaluative activities in Physical Education, sports and

2.1.10.- Supervision in the area of physical education, sports and recreation.....64


AND RECREATION:.............................................................................................65

2.2.1.- Foundation and philosophical current that supports physical education,

sports and recreation.............................................................................................65

2.2.2.- Psychological foundation and current that supports physical education,

sports and recreation.............................................................................................66

2.2.3-. Sociological foundation and current that supports physical education,

sports and recreation.............................................................................................67

2.2.4.- Foundation and Pedagogical Currents that support physical education,

sports and recreation.............................................................................................67

2.2.5.- Andragogical Foundation that supports physical education, sports and


2.3.- INSTITUTIONAL THEORY..........................................................................69

2.3.1.- Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.............................69

2.3.2.- Organic Law of Education........................................................................70

2.3.3.- Sports Law (2011).....................................................................................72

2.3.4.- Organic law for the protection of children and adolescents.....................73

2.3.5.- General regulations of the organic law of education................................73

2.3.6.- Regulations for the Practice of the Teaching Profession (2000)..............74

2.4.- THEORY OF THE AUDIENCE:....................................................................75

Hearing No. 1. Executive.....................................................................................75

Hearing No. 2. teacher..........................................................................................75

Hearing No. 3. Students.......................................................................................76

Hearing No. 4. Parents and Representatives........................................................77



CHAPTER III..............................................................................................................82

METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK.....................................................................82

3.1.- TYPE AND MODALITY OF RESEARCH...................................................82

Kind of investigation............................................................................................82

3.2.- RESEARCH SCHEME...................................................................................83

3.3.- POPULATION OBJECT OF STUDY............................................................84



3.5.- DISTRIBUTION OF THE OBJECT POPULATION.....................................88

3.6.- OPERATIONALIZATION OF VARIABLES...............................................89


3.7.1.- Validity and reliability..............................................................................99

3.8.- APPLICATION OF THE INSTRUMENTS:..................................................99

3.9.- DATA COUNTING AND TABULATION PROCESS...............................100

CHAPTER IV............................................................................................................101

ANALYSIS OF RESULTS.......................................................................................101

4.1.- DEFINITION OF THE TYPE OF ANALYSIS:...........................................101

4.2.- FORM OF DATA ANALYSIS:....................................................................101

The results of social research must be presented in carefully prepared statistical

tables that provide precise and key information that can be easily interpreted by the
reader. The tables are prepared in accordance with the objectives set out in the
study (p.279). ........................................................................................................101

4.3.- LEVEL OF ANALYSIS................................................................................102

4.4.- INTERVARIABLE ANALYSIS..................................................................136

4.5.- SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS:..............................137

100% of the directors and 46% of the Teachers indicated that all the indicated
forms of communication are used, 29% of the Teachers indicate that through
periodic meetings and 25% indicate that through oral information. In this order of
ideas, 100% of the Director, Teachers and Parent-Representatives are clear that all
the indicated activities allow the practice of effective communication such as:
Dialogues, Social gatherings, Social-sports events................................................138

CHAPTER V.............................................................................................................141
SOLUTION MOMENT............................................................................................141

5.1.- General Proposal for the Solution of the Problem.........................................141

5.2. JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROPOSAL:......................................................142

5.3.- Objectives of the Question............................................................................144

5.3.1.- General Objective...................................................................................144

5.3.2.- Specific Objectives.................................................................................144

5.4. CONCRETE IDEAS OF OPERATION:........................................................144

5.4.1.- Concrete Ideas of the Operation of the Proposal....................................144

5.5.- IMPACT OF THE PROPOSAL....................................................................146

5.7.- CONTENT OF THE PROPOSAL................................................................147

5.5.- ACTION PLAN.............................................................................................150

CHAPTER VI............................................................................................................154

EVALUATION MOMENT......................................................................................154

6.1.- SCHEME TO EVALUATE THE PROPOSAL............................................154


25.- How has the school's participation been in achieving effective integration in
the sports and recreational area?............................................................................161

26.- How has the participation of parents and representatives in pedagogical

activities been strengthened?.................................................................................161

27.- How do you promote participation of members of the educational institution
through socio-sports activities?..............................................................................161

6.3.- OBJECTIVES ACHIEVED..........................................................................163

6.4.- PROJECT BACKGROUND.........................................................................163

6.5.- GENERAL CONCLUSIONS........................................................................164

6.6.- FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................................166

BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES..........................................................................168


Table No.1 Distribution of the Population Object of Study..................................84

Table No.2 . Distribution of the target population.................................................88

Table No.3 . Variables for Managers and Teachers...............................................89

Table No.4 . Variables for students..........................................................................93

Table No.5 . Variables for representatives..............................................................95

Table No.6 . Absolute and percentage distribution about the academic and
professional aspects of the management staff.......................................................103

Table No.7 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the cognitive aspect of

management personnel regarding the planning of physical education, sports and

Table No.8 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on

the execution of physical education, sports and recreation planning.................104

Table No.9 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on

pedagogical strategies for planning physical education, sports and recreation 105

Table No.10 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on

effective communication within the institution.....................................................106

Table No.11 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the management staff on

the attitude that the specialist teacher assumes towards planning.....................107

Table No.12 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on

the motivation used in the school...........................................................................108

Table No.13 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on
the evaluation used on campus...............................................................................109

Table No.14 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel

on the supervision used on the campus..................................................................110

Table No.15 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on

the expectation they have with the proposal.........................................................111

Table No.16 . Absolute and percentage distribution about the academic and
professional aspects of the teacher.........................................................................112

Table No.17 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the teacher's cognitive

aspect regarding the planning of physical education, sports and recreation.....113

Table No.18 . Absolute and percentage distribution of teachers on the execution

of physical education, sports and recreation planning.........................................114

Table No.19 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the teacher on the

strategies in planning physical education, sports and recreation.......................115

Table No.20 . Absolute and percentage distribution of teaching staff on effective

communication within the institution....................................................................116

Table No.21 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the teaching staff on the
attitude that the specialist teacher assumes towards planning............................117

Table No.22 . Absolute and percentage distribution of teaching staff on


Table No.23 . Absolute and percentage distribution of teaching staff on the


Table no.24 . Absolute and percentage distribution of teaching staff on

Table No.25 . Absolute and percentage distribution of teaching staff regarding

the expectations they have with the proposal........................................................121

Table No.26 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the cognitive aspect of the

Table No.27 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the teacher on the

planning of physical education, sports and recreation.........................................123

Table No.28 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the student on physical

education, sports and recreation strategies...........................................................124

Table No.29 . Absolute and percentage distribution of student motivation.......125

Table No.30 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the student on the


Table No.31 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the student's expectation

with the proposal.....................................................................................................127

Table No.32 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the personal and

academic aspects of parents and representatives.................................................128

Table No.33 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the cognitive aspect of

parents and representatives regarding physical education planning.................129

Table No.34 . Absolute and percentage distribution of parents and

representatives regarding effective communication.............................................130

Table No.35 . Absolute and percentage distribution of parents and

representatives on the attitude that the specialist teacher assumes towards

Table No.36 . Absolute and percentage distribution of parents and

representatives on motivation.................................................................................132

Table No.37 . Absolute and percentage distribution of parents and

representatives on the evaluation...........................................................................133

Table No.38 . Absolute and percentage distribution of parents and

representatives of their expectations about the proposal.....................................134



Author: Prof. José Gregorio Quijada
Tutor: Arcelys Vásquez
Date: December 2016


The objective of the research was to design a pedagogical proposal to strengthen

planning in the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation in learning projects
in the educational institutions of the Marcano municipality, Nueva Esparta state, with
the purpose of achieving educational quality in the area. The study is focused on
descriptive and field research, and the Inductive Holistic Model was used, which was
based on a qualitative and quantitative approach. The sample taken was 260 among
the entire population of those involved in the educational events of these institutions.
The instruments used were the survey and the questionnaire and for the validity of
said instruments, it was carried out through a judgment of three (3) experts: one in
design of data collection instruments, another in methodology and one in content of
the area. in study.
From the results obtained, it was concluded that it is necessary to constantly
encourage the motivation of specialist personnel in terms of planning activities and
their integration into learning projects with respect to their planning, based on their
performance and what is emanated by the System. National Educational System, as
well as the need for an effective evaluation plan to assess and appreciate the abilities
and skills that children can develop, it is also necessary to define supervision actions
and guided review of planning in the area of Physical Education, sports and
recreation in learning projects.
Descriptors: Strengthening, pedagogical planning.

The regular and systematic performance of physical activity has proven to be
a beneficial practice in the prevention, development and rehabilitation of health, as
well as a means to build character, discipline, decision making and compliance with
rules, which that benefits the development of the practitioner in all areas of daily life.
This is why its planning is of utmost importance in the good performance of the

Physical Education, sports and recreation, in an organized manner, facilitates

better training and sports performance in schoolchildren, where it contributes to the
comprehensive training process of the student, for personal, social and physical
benefit and enrichment in their daily life, thus generating a tool that ranges from
preschool to sixth grade, and on to higher education, which makes it easier for the
educator to execute appropriate actions for the Physical Education class.

Fernández 2009, cited by Toro (2013), highlights the teaching of Physical


It is the basis for the child to awaken his motor skills and intelligence
in the acquisition of experiences for the development of knowledge; With
physical education it is possible to improve interpersonal and group
relationships; because well-oriented physical exercise is essential to help
achieve harmonious development, improve posture, walking, etc. Improves
through physical activities, basic motor capacity for the development of
physical growth processes-knowledge, personality and social interactions.
Physical Education, sports and recreation are solid foundations that provide
students with fundamental tools in the cognitive, physical and emotional dimensions;
Therefore, it is necessary that they receive training in them from their first years of
life, since they basically aim at the development of the body, motor skills, decision
making, physical abilities, skills and abilities and the process of relationships and
integration with the around.
Planning in Physical Education, recreation and sports is a process that should
not be left aside due to its importance and significance. Since if it is planned well, an
effective learning process can be carried out. Structuring expected learning,
objectives, activities and evaluating is a necessary task to achieve progress in
education, especially when it is considered that Physical Education is subject to
simple improvisation and dependent on how the teacher approaches his class
according to his mood.

According to the aforementioned and the need and importance of planning in

the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation in the training of students, it was
proposed to carry out a study to strengthen pedagogical planning in the area of
physical education. sport and recreation in the educational institutions of the Marcano
municipality in the state of Nueva Esparta, specifically in primary education
institutions: UENB Dr. Francisco Antonio Risquez”, UENB Rafael Valery Maza,
UEE Francisco Salazar Sabino, UEE ”Juana Méndez Penoth” and the UEE “Fr.
Manuel Montaner", characteristics of the problem and possible solutions, the
objectives, purpose of the research, as well as the national and local historical
background that served as support material for carrying out the research, the
indicators and assumptions, the delimitation of the study and the definition of terms.

While in chapter II, the theoretical framework, the psychological,

philosophical, sociological, pedagogical and andragogical foundations and currents,
the institutional theories, the audience theories, together with the audience profile and
the variables, are presented.

Chapter III describes the methodological framework that made the research
possible, the research scheme, the population under study, calculation of the sample
size, operationalization of the variables, construction and validation of the
instruments, the application of the themselves and the counting process.

Once the questionnaire has been applied to the population under study,
chapters IV, V and VI will be developed, which will be structured as follows: Chapter
IV, infers the Analysis of the Results, type of analysis, form of presentation of the
data, level of analysis, intervariables and summary of the results.

While Chapter V will refer to the General Proposal for the Solution of the
Problem, it will include the proposal as a possible solution to the problem posed,
justification of the proposal, general and specific objectives of the proposal,
operational ideas and their impacts, finally Chapter VI, which will be related to the
evaluation of the proposal, in which the scheme and the respective evaluation criteria,
progress, the instrument, conclusions and final recommendations will be explained.


This Chapter presents the statement of the problem, the characteristics,

possible solutions, the general and specific objectives, purpose of the research, main
and secondary questions, relevance of the study, background, indicator and
assumption, limitations and definition of terms


For several decades, physical education in the Educational System has
acquired increasing importance, the development and planning of training and sports
activities in all its aspects has also accelerated. The pioneering researchers who
emerged especially from Russia, began to devise organized forms of training that
would guide it towards improvement in marks.

During the decade of the 20th century, pioneering researchers linked to

physical education, who emerged especially from Russia, saw the need for
programming their activities guided by the fluctuations imposed by the physiological
manifestations of athletes.

In reference to the globalization of Physical Education, Fundación Encuentros

(2011) , in its report El Deporte en España. A Sociological Approach, they propose

With the passage from the 20th century to the 21st century and the advance of
globalization processes, sport has been acquiring new globalizing features. It
can be stated without exaggeration that sport, in its various manifestations,
exudes globalization everywhere, whether in the number of practitioners and
spectators, in national teams, in the Olympic Games and in the World
Championships of the most popular sports, in the business figures of the
sports equipment and materials industries or in the growing number of
practitioners of sporting activities for reasons of entertainment, health, leisure,
adventure or tourism (p.5).
One of the great transformations that physical activity and sport has acquired
has been its importance in teaching within different educational systems from an
early age, which has given rise to major sports competitions and healthy living in
recreational spaces. .

The Ministry of Sports of Ecuador in its physical education curriculum (2012)

states that,

Physical Education is important because it enables students to develop

cognitive, motor and affective skills, express their spontaneity, encourage
creativity and, above all, it allows them to know, respect and value
themselves and others, focusing their actions on movement education as
learning that allows you to experience and experiment. (p.25)

Physical Education has become a fundamental and important discipline for the
comprehensive education and training of human beings, especially if it is
implemented at an early age, as it enables children to develop motor, cognitive and
affective skills that are essential for their daily lives and as a process. for your life

Fernández (2013), in his publication The importance of Physical Education

in school in the Digital efdeportes magazine of Buenos Aires, stated that

Through Physical Education, the child expresses his spontaneity, encourages

his creativity and, above all, allows him to know, respect and value himself
and others. Therefore, the variety and experience of different activities in play,
leisure, recreation and sports is essential to implement them continuously,
whether in class or through recreational-pedagogical projects. (p. 1).

Physical Education, sports and recreation through physical exercises and

recreational, pre-sports and sports activities, favor the student in their comprehensive
training in the cognitive, emotional, social, psychomotor and physical aspects with
the purpose of strengthening health, developing and improve motor qualities and
habits necessary for life.
EURYDICE (2013), in its report Physical education and sport in schools in
Europe, concluded that,

It is expected that the teachers who teach the Physical Education class will not
only be able to practice and organize sports and other physical activities, but
also have the necessary skills to promote a healthy lifestyle, to plan, to
increase motivation. of young people towards physical exercise and to
encourage them to participate in various sports. To be able to carry out this
task, teachers should receive appropriate initial and ongoing training. (p.399).
The aforementioned by the European Commission implies that it is necessary
that the physical education teacher must have the necessary knowledge and studies
about the area and its planning, but there are many educational institutions that do not
have suitable specialized personnel.

It is also necessary that in addition to the specialist being a graduated teacher

in the area, proper supervision of the area is necessary. In this regard, UNESCO
(2015) in its publication Quality Physical Education (EFC), states that:

As the provision of an OBE depends on well-qualified educators,

reviews must be carried out by responsible authorities. Reviews should be
carried out with a view to making improvements in both the initial education
and continuing education of physical education teachers. Special attention
should be paid to those responsible for physical education in
primary/elementary schools. (p.50).
It has been possible to observe the little supervision that this area has for the
proper development of the class, regardless of whether the teacher has sufficient
knowledge and knows his responsibility, in many cases they allow themselves to be
overcome by apathy, and it is the directors and other supervisors of the educational
system those co-responsible for guaranteeing proper activity.

Physical Education, sport and recreation in the Bolivarian Educational System

of Venezuela, has resumed its role of ensuring and guaranteeing the Venezuelan

population a level of quality of life in the development of their sociocultural potential,
both individual and collective, and has the character of obligatory.

The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1999) establishes

that the fundamental purpose of education is the full development of personality and
the achievement of a healthy, cultured, critical man capable of living in a democratic,
fair and free society. based on the family as a fundamental cell and the appreciation
of work; able to participate actively, consciously and in solidarity in the processes of
social transformation; consubstantiated with the values of national identity and
understanding, tolerance, coexistence and attitudes that favor the strengthening of
peace between nations and the links of Latin American integration and solidarity.

Likewise, in his Art. 111, the Constitution says that All people have the right
to Sports and Recreation, while the Education Law in its Art. 16 states that "The State
attends to, stimulates and promotes the development of Physical Education, Sports
and Recreation in the Educational System", these are some of the laws that govern the
obligatory nature and importance of Physical Activity, Recreation and Sport in the

Furthermore, Physical Education, sports and recreation in Venezuela, or

physical education as it is commonly called, is a mandatory academic area of the
school curriculum, which is why it is considered an important component of
comprehensive training that configures a construction of knowledge through of the

The Bolivarian Educational System (2007) states that “Physical Education

encompasses conscious, organized, pedagogical, didactic, physical, sports and
recreational work in the multiethnic and pluricultural context of the populations of the
national territory, promoting the practice of indigenous activities, in addition to the
basic sports developed in educational institutions” (p.46). The specialist teacher must
not be aware of his or her responsibility in the organization and planning of his or her
area, as well as the wide and diverse activities that can be dealt with within the

Tinedo (2012), states that

Specialist teachers relegate Physical Education, sports and recreation

to outdoor activities, when they sometimes make children run or jump, all of
this carried out under a framework of informality and lack of planning;
ignoring the importance of this discipline, which must be planned and directed
to stimulate the different areas of development. (p.12).
Unfortunately, some of the Physical Education teachers themselves do not
take the area seriously, how can they ask others to take it seriously. Physical
Education, sports and recreation teachers constantly lose prestige in the area through
unmethodical work and lack of professionalism.

In this regard, Melendez. (2016), infers that

In educational institutions, the Physical Education, Sports and Recreation

teacher as a transformational leader is required to act in a way that is capable of
mobilizing the interests of the people who comprise him or her and indirectly benefit
the rest of the group, creating a rewarding work environment. and motivating,
improving their job satisfaction through shared decision making, teamwork, effective
communication, organization and active participation. (p.45).

The specialist teachers in this area do not assume their role as leaders for both
their students and their co-workers, they do not organize their work or plan, much
less do they seek to integrate with their colleagues in regards to planning, in favor of
the participation of all. and improvements in the area of Physical Education, Sports
and Recreation.

Rodríguez (2015 ) states that “evaluation can become a great positive force if
it timely provides those involved with the information that helps them correct their
failures, to more effectively reorient their efforts and capabilities” (p.43). In such a

way that the planning of evaluative activities is essential in the proper development of
the contents of the area of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, which is why it
is necessary for the teacher to leave the apathy manifested within the area and get
involved with the planning.

In the teachers of the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation in the
State of Nueva Esparta, this apathy has also been observed regarding the good
development of the teaching in their institutions, they do not give it the importance
that it requires in the comprehensive training of the the students, and this is
specifically reflected in the development of the strategies and activities they develop,
observing little participation of the students in disorganized informative activities and
a teacher with little involvement.

The educational institutions in the Marcano municipality do not escape this

reality; it has been observed that teachers are apathetic to carry out the respective
planning in the area, both the planning of daily learning activities and the planning of
their evaluation. , this can be seen in the bulletins delivered in each evaluation period.

Given this situation, the need arises to strengthen pedagogical planning in

teachers in the area of physical education, sports and recreation in the educational
institutions of the Marcano municipality in the state of Nueva Esparta, to make the
pertinent adjustments to their needs. .

A questionnaire was developed with ten (10) open questions in order to

achieve a more precise understanding of the problem under study and to facilitate the
development of this research. These were:

1.- Mention the courses or workshops carried out on the planning of Learning

2.- What knowledge do you have about the importance of Physical Education in
the training of students?

3.- What is the teacher's planning like in the Physical Education area?

4.- Describe the pedagogical strategies you plan for teaching in the area of
Physical Education?

5.- What communication style is present in the teacher-specialist labor relations

for the planning of the Physical Education area?

6.- Who participates in the preparation of the planning that is carried out in the
educational context?

7.- What is the motivation or recognition that you have received based on your
performance in physical education?

8.- What evaluative activities are applied among students to appreciate

participation in the area of Physical Education?

9.- What aspect in the Physical Education area do you consider should be
supervised for the student's training?

10.- What is your perspective regarding strengthening the planning of activities

in the area of Physical Education?

1.1.1.- Key Informants

To gather adequate information about the problem, a structured survey type

instrument with ten (10) open questions was applied to key informants who live in the
institutions studied in the Marcano Municipality.


Rena Gómez has a degree in education, thirteen (13) years of service, UEE
Classroom Teacher “Fr. Manuel Montaner

Graduate in education Carmen Ramos classroom teacher with eight (8) years of
service, UEE Classroom Teacher Francisco Salazar Sabino

Graduate in Education and Master in Supervision and Management Damelis

Rodríguez, fourteen (14) years of service, Director of the UENB Dr. Francisco
Antonio Risquez”

Graduate in education Karla Mata, with 12 years of service, Coordinator of research

and teacher training at the UEE ”Juana Méndez Penoth”

TSU Comprehensive Education Rosa Elena Mata, twenty-three (23) years old, UEE
Librarian teacher Francisco Salazar Sabino

Preschool Education Teacher, Yuliana González, ten (10) years old, classroom
teacher at UENB “Rafael Valery Maza”.

Lenin Yeguez, 11 years old, fifth grade student at UEE ”Juana Méndez Penoth”

Greismary Carrión, 12 years old, sixth grade student UENB “Rafael Valery Maza”.

Eleidys Noriega, secretary, representative, spokesperson for the Sports and Physical
Education Committee at the UENB Dr. Francisco Antonio Risquez”

Leonarda Fue, nurse, representative, spokesperson for the Health and Environment
Committee in the UEE “Fr. Manuel Montaner

In relation to the courses or workshops carried out on the planning of

Learning Projects, Gómez (2014) stated “I have not carried out any course or
workshop on planning learning projects.” (Questionnaire applied March 2014). This

response reflects that there is a deficiency both in the fulfillment of teaching updating
by the Governing Body, even when it is normalized in the Organic Law of Education,
and in the interest in updating on the part of the teaching staff.

Likewise, Ramos (2014) responded that “I did workshops on classroom

projects and planning of the Comprehensive Community Educational Project (PEIC)”
(Questionnaire applied March 2014). Despite the moderate compliance with the
teaching update in terms of planning classroom projects and the comprehensive
community educational project, a conformism can be observed in the teacher-

Regarding the importance of Physical Education in the training of students,

Rodríguez (2014) maintained that “Physical education, sports and recreation are vital
for the development of personality and the body” (Questionnaire applied March
2014). It is clear that for the management staff, the area of physical education, sports
and recreation is of vital importance in the personality and health of the student, so it
is necessary for them to be the guarantor of its compliance.

Similarly, Gómez (2014) pointed out that “Physical education and recreational
activities are one of the rights that must be respected for boys and girls, since through
these they acquire knowledge about their body, but it must be taught with due care.
planning". (Questionnaire applied March 2014).

Through the interview, it was observed that the teaching and management
staff are clear about the importance that the area of physical education, sports and
recreation have in the training of students, and that it is an acquired right. ; Therefore,
it is necessary to give it the corresponding attention in the planning of activities and

Regarding teacher planning in the area of Physical Education, Ramos (2014)

stated that “In the institution, sports teachers do not provide planning as such to
classroom teachers” (Questionnaire applied March 2014). According to the opinion
of this informant, it is evident that the physical education, sports and recreation
specialist teacher does not deliver or participate in his planning to the teacher; it is not
known if he delivers it to the school management.

Likewise, Mata K. (2014), indicated that “Planning is scarce, since they do not
keep anything recorded.” (Questionnaire applied March 2014). According to the data
collected among the key informants, it is clear that the specialist teachers do not
fulfill the responsibility in their functions in terms of planning the activities and the
proper records of participation, they are only limited to the recreational aspect
without the proper organization that has repercussions the area.

Regarding the pedagogical strategies planned for teaching in the area of

Physical Education, Mata R. (2014), responded that “According to what has been
observed, they do not exist, there is no strategy planning.” (Questionnaire applied
March 2014). For the informant, it is clear that she does not observe the planning of
the strategies that must be taught in the area of physical education, sports and
recreation according to the curricular demands in the National Educational System.

For her part, Mata K: (2014), stated that “There are few on the part of the
teacher in the area” (Questionnaire applied March 2014). The manifesto referring to
the poor planning of activities and strategies in the area of physical education, sports
and recreation is recurrent among teaching staff, a worrying fact given the need to
organize activities carried out with boys and girls.

In reference to the communication present in the teacher-specialist working

relationships for the planning of the area of Physical Education, Rodríguez (2014)
indicated that "The classroom teacher has little contact with the specialist in their
planning, since the teacher (to ) of sport, generally does not plan systematically”
(Questionnaire applied March 2014). According to the information provided by the

interviewees, it was found that there is no good communication between teachers and
specialists, a fact that is detrimental to achieving the objectives set in an educational
institution, since with group cohesion the educational process is strengthened. every

While González (2014) expressed that “There is no communication in this

regard” (Questionnaire applied March 2014). It is clear that despite the harmonious
environment that was observed during the interview between the staff that lives in the
institution, the communication between the classroom teacher and the specialist
teacher is deficient, a fact that affects the proper development of the activities in the
institution. learning project and in the training of the student.

Regarding who participates in the preparation of the planning that is carried

out in the educational context, Mata R. (2014), stated that “Only the teacher
participates” (Questionnaire applied March 2014). You can contact that classroom
teachers carry out their planning of learning activities individually, each person works
on their own on what they want to teach, it does not comply with the
interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity established in the National educational

Likewise, González (2014) opined that “Teachers, assistants and the

community in general” (Questionnaire applied March 2014) . In many of the school
institutions, the general institutional planning is complied with, but there is no follow-
up in the execution of the planning of the different specialists, only attention is paid
to the planning of activities of the classroom teacher.

In order to address a little more about the problem, in relation to motivation or

recognition based on performance in physical education, Yeguez (2014) stated that
“Through group activity” (Questionnaire applied March 2014). The motivation
received is only intrinsic to the student, in the need and interest he or she expresses in

sharing different recreational activities with his classmates, but not through
motivational activities that encourage the practice of planned activities.

Similarly, Carrión (2014) said that “Through group activities” (Questionnaire

applied March 2014). The students' taste for recreational and sporting activities is a
motivating action in itself due to the fact that they are going to get rid of their
notebooks and blackboards, but it is necessary for the specialist teacher to apply
motivational strategies that lead to the fulfillment of the objectives. objectives
required in the area.

Regarding the evaluative activities to assess participation in the area of

Physical Education, Carrión (Idem) expressed that “The teacher only evaluates
volleyball and physical warm-up” (Questionnaire applied March 2014). The fact that
a teacher does not plan or systematize the activities to develop the learning he or she
wants to achieve, in the area of physical education, sports and recreation, leads to the
neglect of not evaluating the activities carried out in the area, which diminishes the
importance of his or her functions. .

In the same way, Yeguez (2014) pointed out that “None, everything is
repetitive” (Questionnaire administered March 2014). The state of apathy present in
the physical education, sports and recreation specialist teacher is clear; it is necessary
to raise awareness of the importance of the area and its corresponding planning in the
comprehensive training of the student.

On the other hand, the importance of the integration of parents and

representatives is well known, which is why the questionnaire was applied, and in
relation to the aspect in the area of Physical Education that he considers should be
supervised in favor of the student's training, Noriega (2014), pointed out that in
“Compliance with the teacher's schedule, discipline, responsibility and planning”
(Questionnaire applied in March 2014). The area of physical education, sports and

recreation, like the other areas that the student must develop, requires the
corresponding guiding and motivating supervision for the proper development of the

For his part, he was (2014), expressed that “Classes and planning”
(Questionnaire applied in March 2014). The concern of the informants regarding the
planning of physical and recreational activities in the area of physical education,
sports and recreation, and the need to be supervised, is evident.

Regarding his perspective regarding the strengthening of the planning of

activities in the area of Physical Education, He was (Idem), expressed that “We must
strengthen it with a variety of recreational activities” Questionnaire applied March
2014). To achieve quality academic training, it is necessary for teachers to comply
with the demands of their functions, the duties and responsibility that their role
entails, as priority actions in favor of the learning expected of students.

Similarly, Noriega (2014) opined that “Improvements in physical and

recreational activities and in work hours” Questionnaire applied in March 2014).
Both the staff who work in school institutions, as well as students, parents and
representatives, expect a strengthening in the planning of physical activities, as well
as in other aspects in the area of physical education, sports and recreation. That
specialist teachers understand the importance that they themselves have for the


1. Lack of updating and permanent teacher training on the planning of Learning
Projects in the personnel who work in the institution.

2. Weaknesses in the knowledge that the teaching staff who work in the institution
have, about the importance of the development of physical activities in the
training of students

3. Poor practice in teacher planning in the area of Physical Education, sports and

4. Little planning of pedagogical strategies for teaching physical activities that

improve the comprehensive development of children in learning projects.

5. Deficiency in communication between the classroom teacher and specialist

teachers regarding the planning of the area of Physical Education, sports and
recreation in learning projects.

6. Unfavorable and apathetic attitude assumed by specialist teachers of Physical

Education, sports and recreation in the preparation of the planning that is carried
out in the educational context.

7. Little motivation or recognition regarding the planning of physical activities and

based on performance and participation in physical education, sports and

8. Weakness in planning evaluative activities to appreciate participation, as well as

the skills and abilities that children can develop in and with physical activities in
the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation.

9. Supervision by management is rarely applied in the development of physical

activities carried out in the projects.

10. Low level of expectations regarding effective planning in the area of physical
education, sports and recreation for the proper development of physical

 Promote actions that allow teaching staff to attend refresher and ongoing training
courses and workshops on the planning of Learning Projects.

 Strengthen all teaching staff through talks, workshops and forums about the
importance of the development of physical activities in the training of students

 Suggest to the Governing Body and/or competent authorities that professionals

in the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation be specialist teachers in
the area.

 Structure a program of actions aimed at the management and teaching staff who
work in the institution, with the purpose of strengthening planning in the area of
Physical Education, sports and recreation, which allows it to raise the
educational quality and the comprehensive development of the students.
students in the educational units of the Marcano municipality

 learners to enjoy physical activity in an organized, controlled, planned and

supervised manner as a priority requirement in the comprehensive education of
the child. Create a favorable communication environment that allows the
exchange of knowledge between the classroom teacher and the specialist
necessary in planning activities in learning projects, through training groups.

 Promote in the specialist teacher of Physical Education, sports and recreation,

through pedagogical guidance, the need to assume a favorable attitude towards
the importance generated by the planning of activities and their respective
evaluation in the development of physical activities.

 Propose to the management staff and the pedagogical promoter that in the
teaching action circles, specialist staff be motivated and stimulated in terms of
planning physical activities and their integration into learning projects.

 Suggest, through pedagogical support in the area of Physical Education, the
need for an effective evaluation plan to assess and appreciate the abilities and
skills that children can develop in and with physical activities and their
participation in them.

 Explain through talks and discussions to the school management, the importance
of efficiently supervising or accompanying all aspects in the area of Physical

 Organize and execute teaching update workshops on pedagogical planning and

evaluation of physical education, sports and recreation , to strengthen it, raise
the level of expectation and commitment of specialists in the area.


General objective

 Diagnose how pedagogical planning is carried out in the area of Physical

Education, sports and recreation in learning projects in educational institutions
of the Marcano municipality, Nueva Esparta state.

 Design a pedagogical proposal to strengthen planning in the area of Physical

Education, sports and recreation in learning projects in the educational
institutions of the Marcano municipality, Nueva Esparta state, with the purpose
of achieving educational quality in the area.

Specific objectives

 Analyze the theoretical, philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical,

andragogical and institutional foundations that will serve as the basis for the

 Determine the academic training and updating of the management and teaching
staff who work in the Educational Units of the Marcano municipality regarding the
planning of learning projects.

 Investigate the level of knowledge about the importance of the development of

physical activities in the training of students.

 Establish the form of planning in the area of Physical Education, sports and
recreation that allows its link in learning projects with other areas of knowledge in an
organized and supervised manner.

 Specify the strategies that are planned and carried out in learning projects.

 Know the level of communication in teacher-specialist labor relations, necessary

in planning the activities of learning projects.

 Analyze the attitude assumed by the specialist teacher of Physical Education,

sports and recreation when planning activities and their respective evaluation.

 Specify the motivation that specialist teachers have regarding the planning of
physical activities and based on performance and participation in physical education,
sports and recreation.

 Identify evaluative activities in learning projects to assess the development of

students' skills and abilities in the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation.

 Define supervision actions and guided review of planning in the area of Physical
Education, sports and recreation in learning projects at the institution.

 Organize and execute teaching update workshops to strengthen pedagogical

planning and evaluation of physical education, sports and recreation .


The purpose of the research is to answer a set of questions that arise from the
research aimed at strengthening pedagogical planning in the area of Physical
Education, sports and recreation in the educational institutions of the Marcano
municipality, Nueva Esparta State, as a way to encourage teaching staff about the
importance of organizing, planning, controlling and evaluating physical activity as a
priority requirement in the comprehensive education of the child. Below are the

1.5.1.- Main Question:

 What are the causes and factors that have influenced pedagogical planning in the
area of physical education, sports and recreation in the educational institutions of
the Marcano municipality in the State of Nueva Esparta, and what pedagogical
actions can be applied to strengthen planning?

1.5.2.- Secondary Questions:

1. What are the theoretical, philosophical, sociological, psychological,

pedagogical, andragogical and institutional foundations that will serve as the
basis for the research?

2. What is the academic training and teaching updating that management and
teaching staff who work in the Educational Units of the Marcano municipality
have regarding the planning of learning projects?

3. What knowledge do teachers have about the importance of the development

of physical activities in the training of students?

4. What should planning be like in the area of Physical Education, sports and
recreation that allows their link in learning projects with other areas of
knowledge in an organized and supervised manner?

5. What pedagogical strategies are planned for teaching physical activities that
improve the comprehensive development of children in learning projects?

6. How does effective communication affect teacher-specialist labor relations in

the planning of learning project activities?

7. What is the attitude that the specialist teacher of Physical Education, sports
and recreation assumes when planning activities and their respective evaluation?

8. What is the motivation that encourages specialist teachers regarding the

planning of physical activities and based on performance and participation in
physical education, sports and recreation?

9. What evaluative activities are planned in the learning projects to assess the
development of students' skills and abilities in the area of Physical Education,
sports and recreation?

10. What supervision and review actions are carried out in planning in the area of
Physical Education, sports and recreation in learning projects?

11. What is the level of expectations with respect to updating the planning of
activities in the area of physical education, sports and recreation ?


The area of Physical Education, sports and recreation, is of utmost importance
for the comprehensive training of the student, as it is based on the development of
capacities and skills such as physical - functional, motor, cognitive and sports, all of
which guarantees the presence of a citizen with positive skills and attitudes prepared
to face the challenges of the society in which he lives. This is why the proposal to
strengthen pedagogical planning in school institutions is of great relevance for all
those who live in the system in them:

 Managers:

- Contribute to increasing their knowledge necessary to guide the process in the
area of Physical Education, sports and recreation.
- Commit to complying with the demands that the area entails in favor of the
- Promote work communication for the teacher-specialist relationship for the
articulation and organization of the different areas of knowledge.
- Assess the importance of the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation
in the comprehensive training of students based on their learning.
- Strengthen the interaction between him and the student, teachers and family,
guiding the responsibility that corresponds to each one.
 Teachers:
- Include in your planning activities that allow students to develop sports
- Plan and evaluate the different physical education, sports and recreation
activities established in the curriculum of the national educational system.
- Exchange ideas of knowledge with the different teachers in planning and be
able to provide teaching that is consistent with the needs of the students.
- Maintain constant work communication between teacher and specialist.
- Develop in him and the student their abilities and skills in a systematized and
controlled manner.
 Students:
- Participate and practice physical activities in an organized and controlled
manner based on their physical abilities.
- Appreciate their progress in the development of pedagogical activities in the
- Express your spontaneity, encourage your creativity and above all allow you
to know, respect and value yourself and others.

- Conceive a harmonious balance of your physical, functional and intellectual
capabilities that allows you to successfully take on the challenges of society.

 Parents and/or Representatives:

- Acquire basic knowledge about planning physical education, sports and
- Require the specialist teacher to fulfill his or her responsibilities.
- Know the development of your client in the area.
- Integrate and participate in the training process of your client.
- Maintain communication with the specialist teacher for the training and well-
being of the student.


In this space, the various approaches to physical education, sports and
recreation are studied, which range from their origins to the present, that is, the
historical, national and local background is considered.

1.7.1.- Historical Background:

Prehistorically, the reasons that moved man to practice physical exercise,

measuring his strength with others, were the search for security, subsistence and
power. The survival of the group depended on its members possessing agility,
strength, speed and energy.

In the past, Physical Education consisted of physical exercises to increase

agility, flexibility and resistance. The Greeks considered the body as a temple; which
contained the brain and the soul, and gymnastics was a means to maintain the health
and functionality of the body.

Galen is the first to propose specific exercises for each part of the body:
exercises to give muscle tone (dig, carry weights, rope climbing, strength and
endurance). Quick exercises (running, hitting, ball games, speed and reflexes).

Physical Activity, in contemporary society, has become one of the main

indicators capable of guaranteeing the sustained increase in the quality of life of the
population, hence its great importance from a social point of view. However, there
are many occasions in which, for reasons lacking solid foundations, the importance of
this activity is undervalued, focusing on it only from the narrowest perspective,
basically framing it in the competitive results obtained by one or several sports,
regardless of which one. or whatever these may be, but Physical Activity goes beyond
a simple sporting activity.

Physical education is about the great challenge of education to change and

improve attitudes and behaviors to project the purposes of pedagogy, and to achieve
motor education with a transcendent and intense base, as is the case of the
significance or impact of motor skills at school.

Fernández (2009), in a research carried out on the importance of planning

Physical Education in Spanish schools, points out that

Physical Education is considered a mandatory area according to the

guidelines of the Ministry of National Education for basic education.
It has been established as a fundamental discipline for the education
and comprehensive training of the human being, especially if it is
implemented at an early age, since it enables the child to develop
motor, cognitive and affective skills essential for their daily life and as
a process for their life project. . (p.1).
In general, educational institutions are unaware of the importance that
Physical Education represents for primary school, because it, like other disciplines of
knowledge, also contribute to the process of integral formation of the human being
for personal and social benefit and conservation of their own. culture.
Salazar (2012), in a degree project on Manipulative Skills in Physical
Education. A proposal for launches and receptions in the first cycle of Primary
Education indicates that,

Physical education is about the great challenge of education to change

and improve attitudes and behaviors to project the purposes of pedagogy, and
to achieve motor education with a transcendent and intense base, as is the case
of the significance or impact of motor skills at school. (p.11)
The sports teacher Rozengardt (2013) in a research carried out in Argentina: A
teaching proposal for school Physical Education, in reference to the articulation of
learning contents states that:
The contents must be articulated, from a perspective that crosses the
political and the pedagogical, training and development, public
knowledge with personal knowledge, the subject, critically, with the
content. In didactics, teaching with learning, the logical structure of
the content with the cognitive and motivational structures of the
subjects who learn, with the relevance of the task placed on the
personal/social experience (which can be identified as socio-psycho-
motor praxis). ) of boys, girls and young people. (p.2)
Physical education is an area that involves and articulates all the contents in
the teaching-learning process. It is feasible that in its planning the interdisciplinarity
proposed in the Bolivarian national educational system can be developed, since it
combines all personal and social aspects. of the student while cognitive and motor
skills develop.

1.7.2.- National Background

In Venezuela, despite the importance of Physical Education, not many studies

have been carried out on its practice and much less on its pedagogical planning,
although many historical figures have expressed the need to form a healthy, active
and upright citizen ( physically and intellectually).

In his futuristic vision, the Liberator Simón Bolívar (cited by Bello 2006),
supported the sponsorship and protection of Physical Education and sports as a
human need: “Games and recreation are as necessary to children as food; these reliefs
They must be directed to a useful and honest goal. The ball, the racket, the skittle, the
hot air balloon, checkers and chess are known as useful and honest” (p. 84). This
phrase is still in force, for the benefit of Physical Education and Sports and its
connection with the training of citizens.

Ramírez (2013), in his research carried out at the Libertador Pedagogical

Experimental Pedagogical University of Caracas , on the Historical Approach to
Physical Education in Venezuela, establishes that:

It is essential that lines of research originate in the history of Physical

Activity and sport in Venezuela, which allows us to know and understand
the different philosophical and pedagogical currents that gave rise to this
activity, which allows us to understand more precisely its current situations.
and thus undertake with aplomb the new policies to be developed at the
different levels of Physical Activity and Sports. (p. 24)
Colmenarez. (2012), in a publication about the General Theory of Physical
Education and its history in Venezuela, states that:

Physical Education is necessary in the Basic School curriculum

because it allows a range of human capacities that are not presented in other
disciplines, its contents allow the understanding of the human cultural legacy
to permeate, such as dances, traditional popular games, native sports. as well
as the relationship with the various beliefs that support sport. The teacher's
role, through appropriate techniques, can reach the personality of the student,
developing their physical and emotional capabilities, as well as their motor
intelligence. You must also put into practice new forms of interaction based
on movement. (p.14)
Moreno (2010), in the publication of his study carried out on the Problems of
Physical Education in Venezuela, making reference to the training of specialist
teachers, as well as the updating of curricula, points out that:

Institutions that train human resources in physical education, sports
and recreation face the challenge of planning and developing curricula that
respond, on the one hand, to promoting specialization and postgraduate
degrees in physical education, sports and recreation and, on the other,
updating and innovating the contents. of the study plans of these
institutions that help us respond to these generational demands. (p.19)
Physical education, sports and recreation are of utmost importance in the
training of students, to obtain the social entity that the nation requires, endowed with
a harmonious balance of their physical, functional and intellectual capabilities that
allows them to successfully take on the challenges. of the society in which it lives, so
the school must take it back as a valuable means of educating, it must be considered
as another activity of pedagogical action.

1.7.3.- Local Background:

Regarding other investigations carried out in the town on planning in the area
of Physical Education, sports and recreation, none were found that preceded this one,
others were found on the recreational games that are part of the area, among them:

Aurea Prieto (2009), in her degree thesis at the Center for Psychiatric,
Psychological, and Sexological Research of Venezuela: “Proposal to guide teachers
on the importance of recreational games in the Preschool Education Stage of the
Initial Education Center “La Asunción”, located in La Asunción, Arismendi
municipality of Nueva Esparta state, had as one of its general objectives: Design a set
of generational and pedagogical actions that allow the development of psycho-motor
skills in boys and girls through games. recreational.

In this research, it was concluded that the period of free activities in the
outdoor space basically gives the child the opportunity to spontaneously carry out
multiple and varied actions that contribute to the child's development, helping him in
his relationships inside and outside the classroom, as well as learning from world
around him, while developing his motor and cognitive potential.
Salazar, in his master's thesis in 2010: “Proposal for a recreational games
program in order to contribute to the comprehensive training of students at the
Bolivariano Talento Deportivo Nueva Esparta high school, La Asunción, Arismendi
municipality” at the CIPPSV university, The general objective was to design a
program of recreational games that contribute to the comprehensive training of
students in the Nueva Esparta Sports Talent Educational Unit.

The researcher concluded that recreational education is seen as a non-training

education, for this reason, the proposal seeks that educational institutions focus on
updating their teachers in the area, through dialogue with competent people and thus
be able to provide new recreational learning to children and motivate staff in new

Rodríguez (2010), proposed a “Proposal to enable and strengthen recreational

spaces in the Rafael Valery Maza Bolivarian National Educational Unit, located in
the town of Pedregales, Marcano municipality, Nueva Esparta state, to achieve more
significant learning through them in learning projects”, in his Master's degree in
educational supervision and management at the CIPPSV.

The objective of the proposal was: To propose the implementation of an

action plan where strategies are designed to optimize recreational activities and
enable spaces for their application in learning projects in the “Rafael Valery Maza”
Bolivarian National Educational Unit, with the purpose of providing students with a
variety of activities that boost their creative potential, the exercise of their motor
skills as stimuli and benefit from the directed actions offered by the teacher.

The researcher concluded that one of the weaknesses observed in educational

institutions is the planning of activities and the lack of time used by teachers to carry
out their class plans, which constitutes a fundamental factor both to avoid
improvisations and to for learning to occur in a meaningful way.

Rosas ( 2014), proposed “Descriptive Studies of the Performance of Physical
Education Teachers, at the Initial Education Level, Preschool Stage of the
Educational Institutions of the Antolín del Campo Municipality in the State of Nueva
Esparta” in his degree work at the University Experimental Libertador Pedag ó gic,
which aimed to carry out Descriptive Studies on the Performance of Physical
Education Teachers, at the Initial Education Level, Preschool Stage in the
Educational Institutions of the Antolín del Campo Municipality of the Nueva Esparta

The researcher concluded in his work that the implementation of these

strategies results in integration towards the Initial Education Level, Preschool Stage
so that Physical Education and Recreation remains a fundamental area in this stage,
as it allows comprehensive development. evolutionary, cognitive, social, emotional
and growth for boys and girls at this important level.

Lugo (2015), in his Master 's thesis of Education at the Universidad

Pedagógica Experimental Libertador: “Methodological trends on the pedagogical
praxis of physical education teachers in public Primary Education schools in the
García municipality of the Nueva Esparta State.” Its objective was to promote
teaching tools that allow Physical Education teachers to improve their pedagogical
praxis in the public Primary Education schools of the García municipality.

The author concluded that the school, as a social institution, is the place
where the most diverse social groups interact, therefore it functions as a mediator
between the most diverse knowledge and the most diverse codes, Teacher Training in
Physical Education includes the construction of knowledge, which integrates
knowledge, practices and pedagogical and scientific attitudes, pedagogical praxis
represents the means to satisfy basic learning needs through the implementation of
pedagogical models that allow the application of didactic tools

It can be observed in the different proposals and conclusions, the prevailing
need to create plans and programs, as well as physical and recreational pedagogical
actions that contribute to the development of motor skills and the cognitive aspect of
the students.


According to the problematic characteristics observed, a series of assumptions
are deduced that can cause failures regarding the lack of planning in Physical
Education, sports and recreation by the specialist teachers who work in the schools of
the Marcano Municipality of the State of Nueva Sparta:

Indicators Assumptions

1.1.- Lack of update sessions by the responsible

1. lack of teaching update on
1.2.- Limitation on the time factor to participate
the planning of Learning
Projects in the personnel who in conferences or workshops.
work in the institution.
1.3.- Teaching staff is reluctant to participate in
refresher courses.
2.1.- Disinterest of teachers in acquiring
2. Weaknesses in the knowledge about the subject.
knowledge that teaching staff
have about the importance of 2.2.-Project Planning with traditional activities
physical activities in the 2.3.- Demotivation in teachers due to the
training of students
teaching and practice of physical activity.
3. Deficient practice in teacher 3.1. Lack of organization in planning activities.
planning in the area of 3.2. Non-compliance of teaching action groups
Physical Education, sports and in institutions.
recreation. 3.3. Demotivation of the specialist teacher
4. Poor planning of 4.1.- Specialist teachers without academic
pedagogical strategies for training in the area.
teaching physical activities in
4.2.-Comfort on the part of the educator in
staying under the traditional scheme.
learning projects.
4.3.- Lack of knowledge of the curricular
requirements in the area.
5.1. Staff do not use regular channels that allow
5. Deficiency in for effective communication.
communication between the 5.2. Lack of knowledge about the importance of
classroom teacher and
work communication
specialist teachers in the
planning of learning projects. 5.3. Lack of knowledge exchange between
teachers necessary in planning.

6. Unfavorable attitude 6.1. Teachers show a selfless attitude to

assumed by specialist teachers planning.
of Physical Education, sports 6.2. Little support and pedagogical guidance in
and recreation in the the area
preparation of planning. 6.3. Teacher comfort in fulfilling their duties.
7.1. Apathy of traditionalist and behaviorist
7. Little motivation regarding teachers
the planning of physical
activities and based on 7.2.-They lack training in the area.
performance and participation 7.3.-Lack of creativity and implementation of
in the area.
physical and recreational activities.
8.1. The techniques and records applied lack
results according to the student's reality.
8. Weaknesses in planning
evaluative activities to 8.2. They do not plan adequate evaluation
appreciate the abilities and
activities for the development of the activities
skills that children can develop
in physical activities 8.3. Non-compliance of teaching action groups
in institutions.
9. Supervision by management 9.1. Little supervision and monitoring in the
is rarely applied in the execution of projects.
development of physical 9.2. Lack of organization in the schedule of
activities in the manager.
activities carried out in the
9.3. Lack of knowledge of management
personnel about the area.

10. Low level of expectations 10.1. Lack of interest in strengthening planning.

regarding effective planning 10.2. There is no cooperation of teaching staff in
in the area of physical
education, sports and learning projects
recreation for the proper 10.3. The teacher's resistance to the change of
development of physical
activities. new pedagogical activities.


1.9.1.- Limitations of the Study

In carrying out the pedagogical proposal to strengthen pedagogical planning in

the area of physical education, sports and recreation in the educational institutions of
the Marcano municipality, no type of limitations has been presented that could
interfere in the realization and development of the proposal as resource for teachers of
these institutions.

1.9.2- Delimitation of the Study Field

Due to the extent of this research, this study is limited to the directors,
teachers, students, parents and representatives who live in the National Educational
Unit ”Dr. Francisco Antonio Risquez”, from Los Millanes, Bolivarian National
Educational Unit “Rafael Valery Maza” in Pedregales, State Educational Unit
“Francisco Salazar Sabino” in the Las Piedras Sector, State Educational Unit “Juana
Méndez Penoth” on the main street of Las Cabreras and the State Educational Unit
“Pbro. Manuel Montaner” in the Tari-Tari Urbanization of the Gaspar Marcano
Municipality of the Nueva Esparta State.
Figure 1. Delimitation of the study field

Source: Google Earth – Researcher

Actions: Set of operations coordinated with each other, which are part of a cognitive
structure or mental scheme. (Tenutto, 2006, p.978).
Cronbach's Alpha: is a coefficient used to measure the reliability of a measurement
scale, and whose name Alpha was made by Cronbach in 1951. (Orozco, 2014: p1)
Capacity: Quality or attribute that a subject has to carry out an activity competently.
(Tenutto, 2006, p.985).
Communication: Process that includes any kind of message exchange and
transmission of meanings between individuals. (Toussaint, E. 1999.p.98).
Curricular Contents : Set of knowledge referring to what is explicit in the curricular
design. (Tenutto, 2006, p.987).
Specialist Teacher: is the teacher with academic preparation to teach a specific area.
(Def.Op 2014)
Sport : It is that physical activity in which a set of rules must be respected and which
is carried out with a competitive zeal, it also develops the mental acuity or equipment
of the athlete. (Def.Op 2014)
Curricular Design : Document in which the principles and essential features of the
purposes, goals and contents to be transmitted in the school are explained. (Tenutto.
2006, p.991).
Physical Education : Physical education is the essence of life which provides a lot of
health, it also allows you to know the body and know how to use it appropriately
without harming it. (Def.Op2014)

Comprehensive plan : A way to plan components of the learning areas that are not
addressed with the learning projects due to their complexity or nature, are integrated
into the pillars and axes. Likewise, they are contextualized. (MPPE, 2009: 36)

Planning: It is a method in the form of a process, for making decisions regarding the
maintenance of a given reality or its transformation into a more desirable one,
through the distribution of resources between multiple purposes, meeting the
following requirements (Castellano, 2000, p.70)
Project Planning : It is the forecast of the educational goals and intentions and the
means, strategies planned to achieve them, where teachers, students, fathers, mothers,
representatives and members of the community participate. (Flores and Agudelo,
2005, p.59).

Project : Refers to a set of specific activities, interrelated and coordinated with each
other, that are carried out in order to produce certain goods and services capable of
satisfying needs or solving problems (Ander Egg, 2007, p.64).
Recreation: Recreation is understood as all those activities and situations in which
fun is implemented, as well as relaxation and entertainment through it. (Def.Op 2014)

Sociogram : graphic representation of the interrelationships of the group members,

after tabulation of the data provided by the students in a confidential manner. It serves
to discover the leaders of the group, the subgroups, the isolated ones, among others.
(Island, 2006:p.1


This chapter presents the theoretical foundations, the philosophical,

psychological, sociological, pedagogical and institutional foundations, as well as the
theory of the audience, the ideal profile of the audience and the definition of the


Physical education is a pedagogical discipline that bases its intervention on
body movement, to first structure and then develop, in a comprehensive and
harmonious way, the physical, affective and cognitive abilities of the person, with the
aim of improving the quality of human participation in the different areas of life, such
as family, social and productive.

2.1.1.- Area of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation:

Physical education, sports and recreation is the discipline that covers

everything related to the use of the body from a pedagogical point of view, since it
helps to develop the basic qualities of man as a bio-psycho-social unit because it
teaches the best way to take care of it through physical exercise, relaxation and

In this sense, the National Open University (2014) defines Physical Education,
sports and Recreation as:

The area of knowledge that constitutes one of the essential aspects

included in the term Comprehensive Education, since through a systematic
process the person is educated, through movements and their peculiarities,
putting into practice a series of activities and methodological strategies
directed by intelligence, will and creativity, which tend to the conservation,
perfection and mastery of the spirit. (p.4).

Physical Education, sports and recreation, is one of the areas that most favors
the integral development of the person, since it is worked mainly through collective
activities that allow the student to get to know himself, participate, solve problems
and live together. with the class group.

In this regard, the Ministry of Popular Power for Education (2007) points out

This area of learning offers important development in all the dimensions that
make up the human being, offering girls and boys the greatest number of
motor experiences possible, in relation to postures, body segments and the
need for their movements, according to the characteristics of culture and age,
promoting a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, while
structured physical activity from an early age improves concentration,
academic performance and quality of life. (p.23)
The activities oriented by the teacher in this area must have implicit
pedagogical elements that lead to conscious, organized, pedagogical, didactic,
physical, recreational sports work that is fundamental in the development of the
student's comprehensive training.

2.1.2.- Importance of the development of physical activities, sports and

recreation in the training of students

Physical Education, as an integral subject of educational programs,

constitutes an important link in the integration of actions that help the training of
individuals capable of successfully facing the requirements of society. That is why its
compliance is necessary and essential in the training process of students. It is
appropriate to understand, according to Escudero, 2009 that

The purpose of Physical Education is to contribute to the improvement of

our children, adolescents and young people, through physical, sports and
recreational activities, and to contribute, in this way, to the training and
education of a young person capable of actively and consciously
conducting themselves in the service of the construction of society. (p.1)
The very dynamics of society impose on man a constant preparation to face life
accordingly with the changes that occur in it. In this sense, Physical Education
acquires a relevant importance, since from a practical profile it contributes to the
development of subjects both from a physical and psychological point of view.

2.1.3.- Pedagogical Planning of Physical Education, sports and recreation:

Pedagogical Planning consists of organizing and planning a series of activities

that you want to carry out to provide learning. When planning, you must consider
what the objective is and what the learning content that you want to develop is, in
order to choose the more appropriate activities.

Regarding planning in the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation,

Uribe (2013) points out that:

The planning of the specialist teachers must be established based on the

strategic lines within the framework of the curricular process of the
Venezuelan Educational System, taking into account the School calendar,
based on the diagnosis and needs of the students in the area of Physical
Education and the PEIC. It must be delivered at the beginning of each
period. Weekly planning must be articulated with learning projects. (p2).

In the Curriculum of the Bolivarian Primary Education Subsystem, it

establishes the programmatic content and purpose of the different academic areas,
including those of Physical Education, sports and recreation, which facilitates
planning, but in many cases, as observed in schools of the Marcano municipality, the
teacher does not plan, at the time of class, he throws the “little ball” on the field for
the children to play without any guidance

2.1.4.- Pedagogical strategies for teaching physical education, sports and

recreation, in learning projects

The pedagogical strategies that can be applied in Physical Education, sports

and recreation are innumerable, but according to the purpose of the area in the
Bolivarian Primary Education Subsystem, the following can be developed:
Natural games : these are activities that children practice daily inside and outside of
school that play an important role in their development; they offer students the
opportunity to test their motor skills and channel their interest in playing and move
freely. It is possible to establish a rich dynamic in terms of collaboration and group

Games with rules : In these games, attitudes and personal skills are tested, which
constitute the basis of strategic thinking, that is, knowing how to do things, with
whom we can do it and what it consists of, and allows the teacher to guide the
children. to understand the rules and based on this, control their movements.

Motor action circuits: The motor action circuits are intended to test psychomotor
and sociomotor skills through actions that require the committed and conscious
participation of children. In addition, they allow children to develop specific attitudes
such as: tenacity, effort. , willpower, self-improvement and responsibility.

Modified games : The games in this category take up the regulations of socially
practiced games or activities, modifying them according to educational purposes and
school needs, adjusting the times, spaces and roles of each participant, and even
building and creating new games. They are participatory and cooperative activities
focused on promoting the possibilities of movement and encouraging strategic
thinking that contributes to obtaining their own satisfaction.

Alternative activities : they are proposals to hold events in which all students
participate, to come into contact with children from the same school grade or from
other grades or even schools, for this strategies must be applied so that the student
participates in the activities from the planning competitive activities. These activities
allow students to assume responsibilities, come into contact with children from other
groups, grades or even schools and take charge of the organization, from planning to
awarding. (Escudero, 2009: p.8)

There are many activities that can be planned in physical education, sports and
recreation, according to the need, capacity and ability of the students, taking into
account the breadth of the suggested strategies.

2.1.5.- Effective planning in the area of physical education, sports and recreation
for the proper development of physical activities.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the teaching-learning process in Physical

Education, sports, depends on the educational quality provided by the teacher, on the
direct relationship between all the areas that include the curriculum of the educational
system, schools and educational institutions, and, obviously, of the seriousness of the
teacher and the congruence in his processes in the Area

According to Blázquez (1993), he points out that

“The ability to prepare a stimulating and valid program constitutes one of the
fundamental aspects of a physical education professional, and its
implementation represents the culminating point of the process of planning the
objectives to be achieved.” (p.5).

The teaching-learning activities and motor tasks constitute the means from
which the different teaching contents are worked on and allow the achievement of the
proposed didactic objectives.

2.1.6.- Planning of physical activities and based on performance and

participation in physical education, sports and recreation

The physical education, sports and recreation specialist teacher must plan the
activities in the area taking into account the learning that the students will perceive
through their participation and performance in the activities, within the learning the
following will be provided:

 Spontaneous and natural learning: the activity becomes natural and

spontaneous, reporting pleasure and satisfaction.

 Meaningful learning: the student introduces the activity to his/her center of
interest, so the assimilation of content becomes a necessity.
 Comprehensive learning: all types of content can be developed (conceptual,
procedural or attitudinal) and related to other areas.
 Personal learning: thanks to the game, students explore, experiment and learn
about their own possibilities and limitations, as well as those of others,
accepting each other. (Barcala, 2014. Q.6)

The planning of teaching and learning activities, as well as their presentation to

the students, constitutes one of the most relevant factors in the teacher's
performance, therefore, the teacher's work must take into account the general
context of teaching in which he is immersed.

2.1.7.- Importance of communication between the classroom teacher and the

specialist teacher of Physical Education, sports and recreation in the planning of
learning projects

Communication is of vital importance in education organizations, where the

relationship between staff must be precise and motivating, to achieve the objectives
set together. To do this, it is necessary to establish assertive communication, which is
defined by Alberti (1977) cited by Aguilar (2012), as

the communication issued by a person in an interpersonal context, which

expresses the feelings, attitudes, desires, opinions and rights of that person in
a direct, firm, honest way, respecting at the same time the feelings and
attitudes, desires, opinions and rights of other people (p.12)
Thus, communication is of significant importance within educational
establishments, but lacking this type of communication between the people who make
up the institution generates a multitude of problems that end in conflicts, which
hinder the efficiency of the organization. In this regard, Mendoza 1998, cited by the
same author, points out that:

Today's educational organizations need a paradigm shift in
management processes to make them functional and efficient. A well-versed,
creative, innovative leader is required, who integrates various activities, who
combines communication between all members of the educational
organization, capable of making decisions, monitoring the process and
establishing practical skills to optimize the progress of the organization.
educational. (p. 15)
The lack of an organizational culture is what causes the breakdown of
interpersonal relationships between the parties (teacher-directors, teachers-teachers)
with a very non-peaceful outcome, this due to the weakening of communication, it is
of utmost importance for the effectiveness of the projects. pedagogical and the proper
functioning of educational institutions maintain interpersonal communication with

2.1.8.- Motivation based on performance and participation in the area of

Physical Education, sports and recreation

Motivation is a term used to explain the motives or causes of behavior; it

summarizes a series of elements that determine the activity aimed at satisfying needs.
Physical Education as a form of human activity requires a motive from the
personality in order to be executed.

Based on this, Escudero (2009) points out that,

Motivation towards Physical Education also influences the attitude that

students adopt, the way in which they carry out the activities, as well as the
level of effort they require to complete their tasks. Motivation is basic to
attract students to the practice of physical activities. (p.1)
The teacher must plan exercises that are accessible to the students, since selecting
those that can only be performed by the most advantaged will cause the rest of the
students to lose the desire to perform them successfully.

But not only students require motivation to participate, teachers also need
work motivation based on their performance, in this respect Amorós 2007, cited by
Delgado (2010) points out that

Work motivation is the force that acts on the worker, and causes him to
behave in a certain way, directed towards goals, conditioned by the capacity
of the effort to satisfy some individual need." (P. 81).
Because the motives for carrying out a job by employees influence
productivity, it is one of the tasks of managers to effectively direct employee
motivation towards achieving the organization's goals. Likewise, Educational
managers must motivate the teacher towards achieving the goals of the educational
process through compliance with the planning.

2.1.9. Planning of evaluative activities in Physical Education, sports and


When planning evaluation activities in physical education, sports and

recreation (just like other areas), it is necessary to keep in mind the following
questions: What do you want to evaluate?: the learning that you want to achieve, how
will it be evaluated? : planning the activities, what technique and instrument to use?:
these must adjust to the characteristics of the student, the contents, the strategies, the
Evaluation in Physical Education, sports and recreation should not only be
directed at the student, all aspects that intervene and influence educational success are
also the object of evaluation study (Blázquez, 1993: p.3). The specific contribution
that the area of Physical Education makes to the evaluation process translates into
greater precision of certain aspects of the evaluation of the development of the
students' abilities.

63 Techniques and instruments

To obtain an effective verification of the achievements achieved by the

students, it is very important to choose the appropriate technique and
instrument to be applied. Isla 2006, proposes the following Techniques and


Set of procedures to collect information. tools to obtain information

To collect data Observation

 Observation: describes events as they happen.  Anecdotal record.
 Interview: through questions.  Diagnostic record
 Sociometry: knowing the internal structure of  Daily entry.
groups.  Checklist or control.
 Survey: collects information on a topic (oral or  Observation scale.
written).  Gram partner.
 Student work: these are the tasks, exercises. Evidence
 Socialized discussion: verbal exchange of a topic
Written tests.
between several people.
Practical tests.
 Triangulation: different methods are used to
Oral test.
evaluate the same activity.
Interview and
 Problem solving : how they face the problem and
solve it. questionnaires
 Test Runs – View performance.
 Written or oral
 Interview guide
To assess the learning achieved by students in a reliable and effective way, the
teacher can choose between the technique according to the activity that is going to be
developed, as well as the instrument that adapts to the procedure and can keep a
record of the learning achieved.

2.1.10.- Supervision in the area of physical education, sports and recreation

Supervision, as one of the important actions that must be carried out in the
educational process, must be oriented towards strengthening pedagogical practice.
Physical education, sports and recreation as an area of learning also requires
pedagogical guidance and supervision, in this regard Ruíz (2008) points out that

Educational Centers must have specific regulations for classes and activities
of Physical Education, Recreation and Educational Sports, which will serve as
evaluation criteria, supervision and teaching support, management of sports
equipment, and planning of activities. extra class sports. (p.6)

The management team, as the main and immediate supervisor, must provide
the necessary conditions for supervision in the approach of guidance and motivator to
the teacher, to ensure and guarantee the effective development of the pedagogical
process in physical education.


2.2.1.- Foundation and philosophical current that supports physical education,
sports and recreation
a.- Constructivism: In pedagogy, constructivism is called a current that affirms that
the knowledge of all things is a mental process of the individual, which develops
internally as the individual interacts with his environment, Ramírez, J (2009), implies

It is a theory of knowledge and learning that considers the world to be an

active process. Furthermore, it can be described as a perspective that
emphasizes the active participation of the learner in understanding. It
represents the pedagogical movement where the student builds his new
knowledge based on initial knowledge or previous or new experiences.
As people experience something new they internalize it with experiences or
construction of previously established knowledge. Therefore, under this type of
philosophical-pedagogical approach, learning represents the internal construction of

b.- Empiricism

Empiricism is a philosophical movement whose ramifications are multiple.

The only trait common to all of them is that they only admit one means of
knowledge: experience. (Pareto. 2013: p.2) For this doctrine, the origin of our
knowledge is not in reason, but in experience, since all the content of thought has first
had to pass through the senses; The physical education, sports and recreation teacher
must take advantage of the children's knowledge when planning activities.

2.2.2.- Psychological foundation and current that supports physical education,

sports and recreation

A.- Psychomotor:

Uribe (2013), infers that

Physical Education is a discipline that takes motor behaviors as its

object of study. The development of both motor and psychomotor abilities
makes up its specificity. Its purpose is to train the student in relation to the
perception and awareness of his own body and of it with the environment,
giving rise to a clear goal, which is to form a free and autonomous man.
Pedagogical planning is necessary for the development of a pedagogy of
motor skills that involves the development of human potential in all its dimensions:
cognitive, affective, social, biological, aesthetic, maturational, playful, erotic, ethical,
moral, communicative, spiritual , and of course, motor.

b.- Psychoanalytic Current

Education owes a good part of its approaches to the contributions of Freud
and his scientific legacy. It was psychoanalysis that raised, in a constructive way, the
enormous role that early experiences play in adult life. This importance of the first
experiences will be the starting point that emphasizes the quality of the interactions
and experiences that the child receives and not their quantity. The adequate

development of human potential at an early age will project the capable citizen that is
required in society.

2.2.3-. Sociological foundation and current that supports physical education,

sports and recreation

to. Motor Praxilogy: is a methodology that seeks to study the logical structure of
human action (praxis). The first postulate of praxeology is that man is a being of
perfect rationality. (Parlebas, 1997: 7). Physical Education is understood as a
discipline of pedagogical intervention, where its object of study is clear and precise,
and motor actions and their development are the purpose of physical education, as
well as expanding the student's , the ability to make decisions in different situations,
and thus reach the ultimate goal of achieving and expanding your personality.

b.- Humanism : It is a system of criteria that recognizes women and men as supreme
values and postulates their freedom and multifaceted development; it represents the
currents of thought that promote or defend the qualities of human nature. (Mieres,
2013:p.4). Physical education in recent decades has lost its humanistic essence,
perhaps due to the apathy of the specialist in motivating students. The physical
education, sports and recreation teacher has a great advantage over other teachers and
that is the predisposition from children to movement and this must be taken
advantage of.

2.2.4.- Foundation and Pedagogical Currents that support physical education,

sports and recreation

a.- Behavioral Pedagogical Current

The behaviorist scheme is based on the assertion that human behavior can be
reduced to a set of responses to certain stimuli.

This is how Physical Education is conceived as sports education, preparing

athletes; the purpose is to learn to do the task; teacher-student relationships are

cordial, but superficial and the teacher allows the student to make some decisions;
The contents are largely extracted from sports techniques manuals; Regarding the
methodology, programmed instruction is used, emphasizing demonstration, repetition
and correction; and finally the evaluation refers to the mastery that the student
demonstrates in the fundamentals and skills worked on, thus losing the essence of
Physical Education.

b.- Personalized Pedagogical Current

This current of Carl Rogers maintains that Education must be carried out
according to the characteristics of each person, considering them as a biological,
psychological and social whole; The purpose pursued is personal formation with
notes of uniqueness, autonomy, openness, freedom, responsibility, based on the
Christian foundation; Teacher-student relationships are one of empathy, of mutual
appreciation of the role that corresponds to each one. The teacher must inspire in the
student an attitude that leads him to a commitment to his own education. (Borda,
2010.p 26)

The planning of learning activities is not in the techniques, in the processes, or

in the methods, but in each of the students, that is, it must raise in the student,
reflection and awareness, which values responsibility, freedom and effort. The
physical education teacher must change his activities and remember that the area is
not only there to train great athletes.

2.2.5.- Andragogical Foundation that supports physical education, sports and


Andragogy is the science that deals with studying the various forms of adult
learning. Freire, cited by Figueroa 2010, "The more man reflects on reality, on his
concrete situation, the more he emerges fully conscious, committed, ready to
intervene in reality to change it", (p.1). Adult learning occurs throughout the life of
the individual, not only in childhood, and requires the active participation of each
person; the teacher must be a permanent researcher in the search for new knowledge
and then transmit it to his or her students.


2.3.1.- Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Article 102. Education is a human right and a fundamental social duty, it is

democratic, free and mandatory. The State will assume it as an unavoidable
function of maximum interest at all its levels and modalities, and as an
instrument of scientific, humanistic and technological knowledge at the
service of society. Education is a public service and is based on respect for all
currents of thought, with the aim of developing the creative potential of each
human being and the full exercise of their personality in a democratic society
based on the ethical valuation of work and in active, conscious and supportive
participation in the processes of social transformation consubstantiated with
the values of national identity, and with a Latin American and universal
vision. The State, with the participation of families and society, will promote
the process of citizen education in accordance with the principles contained in
this Constitution and in the law.

Education is a human right and a fundamental social duty, which must be

guaranteed by both the State and the family, it is democratic, free and obligatory, with
the aim of developing the potential and personality of the student.

Article 103. Every person has the right to a comprehensive, quality,

permanent education, under equal conditions and opportunities, with no
limitations other than those derived from their abilities, vocation and
aspirations. Education is compulsory at all levels, from kindergarten to
diversified secondary level. That taught in State institutions is free up to
university undergraduate. To this end, the State will make a priority
investment, in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations
Organization. The State will create and sustain institutions and services
sufficiently equipped to ensure access, permanence and completion in the
educational system. The law will guarantee equal attention to people with
special needs or disabilities and to those who are deprived of their liberty or
who lack basic conditions for their incorporation and permanence in the
educational system.
Effective and permanent comprehensive education, under equal conditions
and opportunities, is a right for everyone and mandatory at all levels, only with the
limitations that arise from the characteristics of the individual, their vocation and

Article 104 . Education will be provided by people of recognized morality

and proven academic suitability. The State will encourage their permanent
updating and will guarantee stability in the exercise of their teaching career,
whether public or private, in accordance with this Constitution and the law, in
a work regime and standard of living in accordance with their high mission.
Entry, promotion and permanence in the educational system will be
established by law and will respond to merit evaluation criteria, without
partisan or other non-academic interference.

The State must ensure that Education is in charge of people of recognized

morality and proven academic faculty, in addition, it must guarantee permanent
teacher updating and stability in the exercise of their functions.

Article 111. All people have the right to sport and recreation as activities that
benefit the individual and collective quality of life. The State will assume
sports and recreation as an education and public health policy and will
guarantee resources for their promotion. Physical education and sports play a
fundamental role in the comprehensive education of children and adolescents.
Its teaching is mandatory at all levels of public and private education up to the
diversified cycle, with the exceptions established by law.
Sports and recreation are part of the State's education and health policy as a
most consecrated right because it is essential in the comprehensive education of the
child and is a benefit for both individual and group quality of life, which is why the
State guarantees its promotion, and compulsory education at all levels.

2.3.2.- Organic Law of Education

Art. 6. The State, through the national bodies with jurisdiction in educational
matters, will exercise stewardship in the Educational System. Consequently:
F. Guidance, comprehensive health, sports, recreation, culture and well-being
services to students who participate in the educational process in co-
responsibility with the corresponding bodies.

Through the Ministry of Popular Power for Education, the highest governing
body of the National Educational System, the State will guarantee services, among
others, sports and recreation to students, as established in literal f of article 6.
Article 17 : The State will attend to, stimulate and promote the development
of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation in the Bolivarian Educational
System, in accordance with the provisions of the special legislation issued on
the subject.
It is the task and obligation of the State, as established by this regulation, to
promote physical education, sports and recreation in the national educational system,
so it must ensure compliance with it.

Article 63: Permanent training is a comprehensive, continuous process that,

through its policies, programs and projects, contributes to the updating and
improvement of those responsible and co-responsible for the training of
citizens. Permanent training must guarantee the strengthening of a critical,
reflective and participatory society in the development and social
transformation that the country demands.
To comply with the process of permanent teacher training, as established by
this regulation, it is necessary to comply with plans and programs by the Governing
Body and thus be able to guarantee the strengthening of education for the social
transformation that the nation demands.

Article 70 : The State formulates and administers the Educational Supervision

policy with the purpose of guiding, accompanying, planning, coordinating,
executing, evaluating and controlling supervision as a unique, comprehensive,
holistic, social, humanistic, systematic and methodological process, with a
regular technical-administrative regime that must be in accordance with the
different levels and modalities of the Bolivarian Educational System.
Educational supervision is necessary in all areas and educational space,
especially in physical education, sports and recreation, and thus provide appropriate
guidance and guarantee the development of activities in an organized, planned and
effectively controlled manner.

2.3.3.- Sports Law (2011)

Article 8 . All people have the right to physical education, to practice physical
activities and to develop themselves in the sport of their choice, with no
limitations other than those derived from their sporting aptitudes and physical
abilities, without prejudice to the due protection of morality and order. public

The right to physical education and sports development is a right for

everyone, the only limitation is those derived from their aptitudes and physical
abilities. It is necessary that teachers become aware that physical education is not a
preparation for high-quality athletes. high level.

Article 56. Compulsory subjects in the National Educational System.

Physical education and sports are mandatory subjects in all modalities and
levels of the National Educational System. The ministries of Popular Power
with powers in matters of sports, basic education and university education will
jointly establish the study plans and programs.
The practice of physical education and sports is declared mandatory at all
levels and modalities of the Venezuelan educational system, the Governing Body and
the National Council of Universities will adopt the appropriate measures to ensure the
practice of sports by students of public or private educational institutes.

Article 57 . Physical education will be taught at all levels and modalities of

the National Educational System, by professionals and technicians graduated
in the specialty, graduates of university education institutions or by
individuals duly authorized by the governing body. Universities throughout
the country will promote the creation of university clubs and leagues as part of
the comprehensive training process of their students.
It is of utmost importance that physical education, sport and recreation, is
attended by people academically trained for the area, this would avoid the deficiency
observed in the planning and development of the subject, in the educational
institutions of the Marcano municipality.

2.3.4.- Organic law for the protection of children and adolescents

Article 64. Spaces and facilities for rest, recreation, leisure, sports and games.
The State must guarantee the creation and conservation of public spaces and
facilities aimed at recreation, leisure, sports, games and rest.

In addition to promulgating the education of physical, sports and recreational

activities, the State must guarantee the spaces, facilities, and resources necessary for
their development, as described in the different paragraphs of this article.

Article 81 . All children and adolescents have the right to participate freely,
actively and fully in family, community, social, school, scientific, cultural,
sports and recreational life, as well as progressive incorporation into active
citizenship. The State, families and society must create and promote
opportunities for the participation of all children and adolescents and their

Organic Law for the protection of children and adolescents, like the Organic
Law of Education, enshrine what is stated in the nation's Magna Carta; the right to
participate in the different sports and recreational activities that the child wishes to
practice according to his or her physical abilities and capabilities.

2.3.5.- General regulations of the organic law of education

Art. 84. For the purposes of compliance with the mandatory nature of
physical education and sports, in accordance with the provisions of article 12
of the Organic Law of Education, the means of this area, subject or similar,
will be established in the plans and programs of study and other activities of
the curriculum, as well as in the programming of the competent educational
services, depending on the characteristics and peculiarities of the population
served at each level and modality of the educational system.
Physical education, sports and recreation are mandatory in the Educational
System with equal importance as the other areas, so the planning of activities is
unavoidable, in accordance with what is established in the educational plans and
programs and curricular activities.

Art. 86. Students who have physical or mental impediments that do not allow
them to carry out the practical activities of physical education and sports will
be subject to a differentiated teaching regime. To this end, they will present to
the Director of the respective campus the corresponding certification, issued
by an official medical service, specifying the type of impediment, its duration
and activity from which they are exempt.
Students who are disabled, according to a medical report, from practicing
physical activities, must be subjected to individualized teaching, so the physical
education, sports and recreation teacher must carry out special planning according to
their abilities.

2.3.6.- Regulations for the Practice of the Teaching Profession (2000)

Art. 5th. The provision of the service of teaching staff who act on a regular or
interim basis will be governed by the provisions of the Organic Law of
Education, by this Regulation and other legal provisions related to the
professional practice of teaching, in the Ministry of Education, Culture and
Sports, in the States, Municipalities and other entities of the official sector;
and as applicable, to teaching professionals who provide service in the private
The article makes it very clear that regardless of whether the teacher is regular
or interim, public or private, he must be governed by the provisions of the Organic
Law of Education, the Regulations and other official legal provisions.

Art. 8th . Teaching professionals, in addition to the rights enshrined in

the previous article, and in the Constitution and laws of the Republic, are
guaranteed the right to:
Literal 5. Participation and completion of improvement, updating,
specialization, master's and doctoral courses, programmed by the Ministry of
Education, Culture and Sports and/or academic, scientific and cultural
institutions of recognized accreditation.

In order to comply with the educational lines, it is essential that the teacher
receives permanent training which will help him update knowledge, innovate in the
use of pedagogical tools, raising the quality and effectiveness in the teaching and
learning process in the students.

This research is aimed at management and teaching staff, who are responsible
for compliance with education, physics, sports and recreation in students, as well as
parents and representatives who live in the educational institutions of the Marcano
municipality in the state of Nueva Esparta.

Hearing No. 1. Executive

Vision: face the challenges involved in the work of the educational institution; as
well as, try to solve all the problems that arise; maintain permanent supervision in all
areas, all of this for the benefit of the students who study there and the society to
which they integrate when they graduate from this educational institution.
Mission: develop a comprehensive project with objectives of importance for all
actors in the educational space; as well as, to solve the problems that arise, all within
a framework of motivation, inspiration, reinforcement, with commitment, with
passion, among others.
Function: process everything related to educational policy guidelines issued by
higher organizations, exercise the guidance and participation of all community actors
in the preparation of the Comprehensive Community Educational Project (PEIC) of
the institution and promote activities that must serve as reinforcement of the teaching-
learning process and safeguarding educational facilities, among others.

Hearing No. 2. teacher

Vision : The teacher's vision is to be a catalyst for the needs and interests of the
students, in order to promote positive and participatory attitudes in them towards the
effective development of activities proposed according to the themes suggested in the
learning projects.

Promote a culture of collaboration and spirit of service, open to cutting-edge

educational trends; Its teaching, research and extension functions are committed to
the highest standards of quality and specialization applied to education, always in

accordance with the nature of its socio-economic environment. (Ministry of
Education 2007: p37), in such a way that it acquires a determined attitude in favor of
the creation, strengthening and maintenance of the quality of the teaching-learning
processes through learning projects.

Mission: The teacher's mission is to present successful results in terms of the

development of learning projects, with objective evaluations of the performance of
each student and appreciation of the knowledge built.
Promote and develop the philosophical acceptance of educational curricula, in
such a way that it allows them to comprehensively educate and train boys and girls,
so that they contribute with their critical and analytical capacity to the development of
a more just and human community within a framework of values. . (Sánchez, 1999: p.
33). Likewise, improve it comprehensively and harmoniously in meaningful, global
and lasting learning that allows them to interact in society.

Function: The teacher's function is to promote meetings consistent with the proposed
themes and objectives of the learning projects, to periodically and permanently
evaluate the knowledge constructed by the students. In addition, you must apply
evaluation techniques and instruments that guarantee greater dynamism and
motivation towards the proposed activities.
The teaching function involves the direct implementation of systematic
teaching-learning processes, which includes the diagnosis, planning, execution and
evaluation of the same processes and their results, within the framework of the
institutional educational project. It also includes community service activities; to
pedagogical updating and improvement activities

Hearing No. 3. Students

Vision: guide your learning activity towards obtaining results of excellence and
quality, to become an active citizen, responsible and participatory in solving specific
problems of society, being the center and subject of educational interaction and the

training process in general. It is a dynamic entity with biological, psychological,
social and cultural potential to make learning an essential and significant activity.

Mission: correspond to the demands of the educational system and adapt your study
habits to successfully comply with the activities and evaluations that arise during the
studies carried out. Achieve a comprehensive education that prepares you for life and
makes you aware of your place in society. Be a citizen aware that he can and must
participate democratically in the life of the community and that, in this way, it is
possible to improve society, show dedication and responsibility to solve the problems
that arise.

Role : Actively participate in all learning events and activities that arise as part of
your comprehensive training. Be an active, cooperative, supportive, tolerant
individual and be present to meet the evaluative demands of your grade or level. Be a
dynamic agent of the school and educational system.

Hearing No. 4. Parents and Representatives

Vision: Parents will be excellent citizens, extensive collaborators and participants in

the different activities carried out by the school to evaluate the boys and girls. Parents
are responsible, as a priority, immediate and unavoidable, for ensuring that children
and adolescents exercise and fully enjoy their rights and guarantees. Father and
mother have common and equal responsibilities and obligations regarding the care,
development and comprehensive education of their children. (Organic Law for the
Protection of Children and Adolescents. 1998:p. 52). Parents are directly responsible
for their children's education, so they must make an effort to provide them with all the
resources and materials they require, as well as support and effective warmth.

Mission: to fulfill as co-responsible for the educational event and encourage in their
children and represented the encouragement towards constant and participatory study.
Parents and representatives cannot and should not stop considering themselves as

partners in the responsibility of educating their children. They must be involved in the
learning process to increase its quality, relevance and inclusion.

Function: They have an unavoidable function which is to help and guide their
children and/or clients from home and in their participation in school. They must
ensure that they fulfill their daily assignments and contribute so that learning projects
are evaluated objectively and appropriately.

Help connect academic learning with the quality of the student, so that they
work together. Their participation in the examination of study plans, textbooks,
teaching methods and systems, the selection of school management and teaching
staff, evaluation systems, and the work of managers is evident and indispensable. ,
teachers and students.

The role of parents must be exercised permanently throughout the school year,
in order to guarantee that the objectives and goals planned in educational plans and
projects are met.


Managers Teachers

 With ethical principles  Teaching professional

 Solid pedagogical and academic  Opportunity facilitator.
training.  Communicator and Counselor.
 Innovative and creative  Participation promoter.
 Social promoter, aware of the needs  Investigator.
of the school, students and all staff  Creative, proactive and innovative.
 Investigator.  Responsible.
 Communicator.  Respectful.
 Leader and autonomous.  U nderstand students' needs and
Students Parents and Representatives

 Identified with moral values and  Fulfiller of his commitments.

respect.  Aware and capable of assuming their
 Motivated to learn with responsibility role as responsible for the
and discipline. comprehensive education of their
 Responsible, sincere, fair, supportive, children.
participatory and tolerant  Collaborative and participatory.
 Enjoy physical activity and value  Role models of those they represent.
physical, mental and social health for  Communicative, guiding, supportive,
the preservation of life. respectful and tolerant.
 Work in groups and maintain open
and positive interpersonal
Source: Own elaboration, Quijada 2016


The controlled and objective search for information in a research work
requires that the researcher organize the most important aspects separately using the
best method to do so. According to Arias (1999): “Variable is a characteristic or
quality, magnitude or quantity, that can undergo changes, and that is the object of
analysis, measurement, manipulation or control in an investigation.” (p. 57). For the
teacher-researcher, the important thing is to know that the different variables studied
will allow him to collect the necessary information to carry out his work.

The variables considered in this research are based on the following aspects:

Variable No. 1 . Academic aspects. : Provides general academic and professional

information, referring to the undergraduate and postgraduate degree, status of your
position and workshops held.

Variable No. 2 . Cognitive Aspects . It seeks to investigate the knowledge they have
regarding the planning of physical activities, the content of the research, and the
methodological strategy of planning. Bases that support the planning of physical
education, sports and recreation.

Variable No. 3. Planning. The aim is to learn about the planning of physical
education, sports and recreation. Planning Forms. Modes of organization for planning
Who participates in planning Purposes of organizing for planning.

Variable No. 4. Pedagogical strategies: with this variable, it is proposed to

investigate which pedagogical strategies teachers apply in the teaching of physical
education, sports and recreation. Strategies that you consider important to reinforce
planning Elements that favor the practice of planning strategies.

Variable No. 5. Communication. This variable aims to study work communication

and its importance in interpersonal relationships. Way of communicating between
director and teacher. Activities allow the practice of effective work communication.
Function of classroom teacher communication - specialist in the planning process

Variable No. 6 Attitudinal. It allows us to know the teacher's aptitude for planning
physical activities in learning projects, the degree of importance they give to their
planning. Analyze the reasons for apathy when planning activities and their
respective evaluation

Variable No. 7. Motivation: The variable allows identifying motivation regarding

the planning of physical activities and based on performance and participation in
physical education, sports and recreation. Forms of motivation used on campus.
Actions executed to increase motivation. Problems caused by lack of motivation

Variable No. 8. Evaluation: the aim is to study the planning of evaluative activities
to appreciate participation, as well as the skills and abilities that children can develop
in and with physical activities in the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation.
Tools used to evaluate planning. Purposes of evaluating planning and achievements.
Responsible for evaluating the planning process

Variable No. 8. Supervision. Aimed at verifying the supervision by the school

directors in relation to the planning during the development of the physical activities

carried out in the projects. Nature of the supervision applied. Objectives of
supervising activities Techniques used to supervise the planning process.

Variable No. 10 Expectations . It will be surveyed what teachers, students, fathers,

mothers, representatives and managers expect, regarding the optimization of the
planning process of physical activities in the projects. Forms of Participation to
optimize planning. Actions that need to be taken to improve planning. Who should
join project planning ..


This chapter presents the methodological strategy that was used in order to
achieve the objectives of the study. This includes: type of research, population and
sample, calculation of the sample size, applied sampling process, operationalization
of the variables, construction, validation and application of the instrument and
process of counting and tabulating the data.


Kind of investigation

The study is focused on field research, where it will try to strengthen

pedagogical planning in the area of physical education, sports and recreation in the
educational units of the Marcano municipality in the State of Nueva Esparta. This
type of research will attempt to answer a series of questions that arose as a result of
the problem statement.
The research is also field research, since the facts must be related to a reality
where information must be sought. According to the Libertador Experimental
Pedagogical University (2006), it consists of:
Systematic analysis of problems in reality, with the purpose of
describing them, interpreting them, understanding their nature and constituent
factors. Explore its causes and effects, or predict its occurrence, using
methods characteristic of any of the known or developing research paradigms
or approaches (e.g. 14).

In field research, data is taken directly from the place where the events occur,
to which an explanation is sought regarding how they occur and what impacts they
generate in relation to the problem or problems.
While the Modality of the proposal was based on a feasible project
investigation of a qualitative-quantitative type. A feasible project, as its name
indicates, has a purpose of immediate use, the execution of the proposal. In this sense,
UPEL 1998, cited by Dubs, R. (2002), defines the feasible project as a study "that
consists of the research, elaboration and development of a proposal for a viable
operating model to solve problems, requirements or needs of organizations or social
The proposal that defines it can refer to the formulation of policies, programs,
technologies, methods or processes, which only make sense in the scope of their
needs, in this case, providing a solution regarding the planning of the Education area.
Physics , Sports and Recreation of the educational institutions of the Marcano


The research scheme used corresponds to the Inductive Holistic, Herrera (2013),
and is based on a global and qualitative approach to the research process. This model
was selected because it was considered to have the attributes that allow for a
qualitative, global and sequential approach to the educational reality observed in the
institution that is part of the study. The characteristics of this model are:
 Qualitative: Presumes that social phenomena cannot be reduced to numbers and
even less to quantitative relationships.
 Subjective: Subjectivity is present in all human action and of course in social
research, both in the selection of variables and in the development of
 Proximity of the data: The researcher gets involved and participates in the
process as another element of the social environment.
 Dynamism: The scheme is dynamic, once each of its components can be
reviewed and failures detected and errors made corrected.
 Globality: The analysis of the social phenomenon cannot be studied in isolation,
its components are part of a whole.

 Internal validity: It is based on the scientific validity of the instruments applied to
obtain the data.
 Diversity: Allows adaptation to any social situation, for the search for an
appropriate solution to a specific case study. (pp. 35-36).
By virtue of the highlighted characteristics of the holistic inductive model, the
investigative process was executed, supported by this scheme to analyze the different
elements that affect the problem raised and, subsequently, establish the proposal for a
qualitative evaluation process in the selected school.


The population under study is two hundred eleven (211) managers and
teachers, two thousand six hundred ninety-six (2696) students and two thousand one
hundred forty-eight (2148) fathers, mothers, representatives and managers of
educational institutions in the municipality. Marcano from Nueva Esparta state,
School: U. AND. N. b. Rafael Valery Maza located on “Mamá Chalia” Street, town
of Pedregales; the UEN Dr. Francisco Antonio Risquez” located on “El Estadio”
Street in the town of Los Millanes, UEE “Francisco Salazar Sabino” on Tacuantar
Avenue in the Las Piedras Sector, UEE ·Juana Méndez Penoth” on the Main Street of
Las Cabreras and UEE “Pbro Manuel Montaner” in the Tari-Tari urbanization.

According to Morales, cited by Arias (1990): “It refers to the set for which the
conclusions obtained from the elements or units (people, institutions or things)
involved in the investigation will be valid” (p. 49). For these reasons, the population
of students, fathers, mothers, representatives and managers was selected, with the
purpose of involving them in the research proposal. Teachers responsible for training
new individuals must be aware of the latest advances to practice effectively and

Table No.1 Distribution of the Population Object of Study

Institutions Managers Teachers Students Parents/
EU Dr. Francisco 2 65 721 684
Antonio Risquez
UENB Rafael Valery 2 41 450 360

UEE “Francisco 2 25 482 390

Salazar Sabino

UEE “Fr. Manuel 2 36 561 402


UEE “Juana Méndez 2 34 482 312


Total 10 201 2696 2148

Sources: data obtained from school addresses (2015)

The characteristics that identify the population under study are:

Homogeneous: they all belong to the educational sector and carry out teaching
and learning functions.

Heterogeneous: managers, teachers, students and representatives present at the

academic and professional level with different titles and mentions, others without a
professional title, others studying. With different sex, age, marital status, academic


The Sample For Morales, cited by Arias (1999): “It is the representative
subset of a universe or population” (p. 49). The greatest advantage of probabilistic
sampling is that it certifies the representation of defined groups of the population,
because they all have the same possibility of being contained in the sample.

In an investigation it is important that the sample calculation process is
followed. For Arias, F. (1996) says: "A sample is nothing more than a part with
respect to the whole constituted by a set called universe." (p.54). Regarding the
audience corresponding to the managers (10 individuals), it is not necessary to apply
statistical procedures; However, to the other three: teachers (201), students (2696)
and parents and representatives (2148), since they are above one hundred individuals,
the formula of Azorin Poch 1975, proposed by Herrera 1994 , cited by Valderrama,
will be applied ( 2012), proposes the application of the Azorín formula to calculate
the sample:

When applying this formula to the population of Teachers to choose the

appropriate sample, we have the following:

n: Sample of subjects to be investigated

N: 201 Teachers
e: assumed estimation error (5%)
S: probabilistic standard deviation (S=0.5 x 0.5)
Z: tabulated coefficient of the probabilistic constant with respect to the assumed error
(5% = 1.96).

n= 201 x (1.96) 2 x( 0.25) 2 n = 201 x 3.84 x 0.0625

0,052 (201-1) + (1,96)2 (0,25)2 0.0025 x 200 + (3.84 x 0.0625)

n = 48.24 n = 48.24 n = 65
0.5 + 0.24 0.74

Where 65 : is the sample of teachers to investigate.

Likewise, the formula is applied to calculate sampling in the student
population because they also exceed one hundred (100) individuals, where:
n: Sample of subjects to be investigated
N: 2696 students
e: assumed estimation error (5%)
S: probabilistic standard deviation (S=0.5 x 0.5)
Z: tabulated coefficient of the probabilistic constant with respect to the assumed error
(5% = 1.96).

n= 2696 x (1.96) 2 x( 0.25) 2 n = 2696 x 3.84 x 0.0625

0,052 (2696-1) + (1,96)2 (0,25)2 0.0025 x 2695 + (3.84 x 0.0625)
n= 647.04 n = 647.04 n = 93
6,73 + 0.24 6,97

The sample of students will be equal to 93 individuals for studies.

The formula is also applied to the representatives to calculate the

representative sampling for the research, because they also exceed one hundred (100)
individuals, where:

n: Sample of subjects to be investigated

N: 2148 representatives.
e: assumed estimation error (5%)
S: probabilistic standard deviation (S=0.5 x 0.5)
Z: tabulated coefficient of the probabilistic constant with respect to the assumed error
(5% = 1.96)
n= 2148 x (1.96) 2 x( 0.25) 2 n = 2148 x 3.84 x 0.0625

0,052 (2148 -1) + (1,96)2 (0,25)2 0.0025 x 2147+ (3.84 x 0.0625)

n= 515.52 n = 515.52 n = 92
5,36 + 0.24 5,6
n = 92 is the sample of parents and/or representatives to be investigated.


Once the sample has been calculated, the proportion will be calculated for
each institution under study, to which the survey will be applied, applying the

following formula: , where:

nh: proportional sample

N: population per school.
N: sample
NT: total population.
Table No.2 . Distribution of the target population


EU Dr. Francisco
Antonio Risquez

UENB Rafael
Valery Maza

UEE “Francisco
Salazar Sabino

UEE “Fr. Manuel


UEE “Juana
Méndez Penoth”

Total Sample 65 93 92

Source: Researcher (2015)


Table No.3 . Variables for Managers and Teachers

Variables Items Indicators

Yo Undergraduate degree Higher University Technician
held Teaching Bachelor
Academic and DNG
professional Specialist
Post Graduate Degree Master
aspects Doctor
Ordinary (Title)
Condition of position Hired
Acting Substitute
In charge(*)
PEIC Planning
Workshops have been PA Planning
carried out Planning physical education, sports
and recreation.
Daily class plan.
All of the above
Bases that support the Philosophical
planning of physical Sociological
education, sports and Psychological.
Cognitive recreation. Pedagogical
Aspect All of the above
Knowledge has about Types of planning.
planning physical Planning principles.
education, sports and Planning stages
recreation. Importance of planning.
Doesn't know
Academic training.
Form of knowledge Teaching Update Conferences.
acquisition Teaching action circles.
Personal research.
All of the above.
Forms of Planning to Learning projects
develop physical Integral plan
education, sports and Participatory Classes
recreation. All of the above
Planning None of these.
In work groups
Organization modes for For related areas
planning By Degrees
They are not organized
The educational committee.
Those involved in All teaching staff.
planning Teacher alone.
Teaching staff-Students.
Specialist – Student.
All of the above
None of these
Purposes of organizing Avoid improvisations
for planning. Unify criteria.
Define goals and strategies.
Choose the right plan.
All of the above
IV Type of strategies used Pedagogical.
for the development of Sports
plans Recreational.
All of the above
Does not know
Strategies Strategies that you Natural games.
consider important to Games with rules.
reinforce planning Modified games
Motor action circuits.
All of the above
Elements that favor the Teamwork.
practice of planning Shared vision.
strategies. Information processes.
All of the above.
None of the above

Way of communicating Periodic meetings.
between director and Meeting in the hallways.
teacher Written orders.
Oral information.
All of the above
Activities allow the Dialogues.
V practice of effective Coexistences.
work communication Socio-sports events.
Communication All of the above.
None of the above
Function of classroom Facilitate strategies
teacher communication Exchange information
- specialist in the Facilitate teamwork.
planning process Favor activities.
All of the above
None of the above
What is the attitude that Extremely interested.
the specialist teacher Little interested in planning.
assumes towards Improvise the activities.
planning? He simply doesn't even apply
Reasons for apathy Non-specialist in the area
regarding the planning Intrinsic demotivation
Attitudinal of activities and their Lack of supervision in the area
respective evaluation Lack of planning
All of the above
What should the Proactive.
teacher's attitude be? Creative.
All of the above
Forms of motivation Verbal recognition.
used on campus Written recognition
VII Affectivity
Delegation of function
All of the above
None of the above
Actions carried out to Meetings between all actors
Motivation increase motivation Permanent talks.
Coexistence activities
Shared projects

All of the above
None of the above
Problems caused by Prevents constructive dialogue.
lack of motivation It affects the harmony of the groups.
Interferes with work performance
Decreases interest in activities.
All of the above.
None of the above
Instruments used to Observation Guide.
evaluate planning Checklist.
Task analysis.
All of the above
Purposes of evaluating Compare purposes.
VIII planning and Analyze results.
achievements Determine the faults.
Assessment Adjust the methodology used.
All of the above
Responsible for Director.
evaluating the planning Teacher.
process Parents and Representatives.
All of the above
Of control.
Nature of the Like a personalized job.
supervision applied. To evaluate
As guidance.
All of the above
Supervision Objectives of Efficient development of planning.
monitoring activities Proper execution of projects.
Participation of all actors.
Improve the quality of planning.
All of the above
Techniques used to Observation.
monitor the planning Interview.
process. Visit to the classroom.
Meeting with teachers
All of the above.
None of the above
x Forms of Participation Orientation of activities.
Expectations to optimize planning With review of plans.
With analysis of achievements.

All of the above.
None of the above
Actions that need to be Exchange of knowledge.
taken to improve Professionals in the area.
planning Planning supervision.
All of the above.
None of the above
Who should join project Classroom teachers – specialist
planning teachers.
Parents and representatives.
Sports and health committee.
All of the above.
None of the above

Table No.4 . Variables for students

Known aspects of school sports games

physical education, Traditional games
sports and recreation Motor development
Cognitive Excursions and walks
Aspect Does not know
Knowledge has about It is important for the development of
planning physical the class
education, sports and Avoid improvisations
recreation. Allows the participation of all
All of the above
Does not know
Teacher's explanation
Form of knowledge Personal research.
acquisition Exchange with colleagues.
All of the above.
Does not know the reference
Planning Forms to Learning projects.
develop physical Integral plan.
education, sports and Participatory Classes.
recreation. Does not know
Those involved in The educational committee.
Planning planning All teaching staff – students.
Specialist – Student.
Teacher only.
All of the above.
Purposes of organizing Avoid improvisations
for planning. Unify criteria.
Define goals and strategies.
Choose the right plan.
All of the above
Type of strategies used Pedagogical.
for the development of Sports.
plans Recreational.
III Social.
Does not know
Strategies that you Natural games.
consider important to Games with rules.
Pedagogical reinforce planning Modified games
Motor action circuits.
Strategies All of the above
Elements that favor the Teamwork.
practice of planning Shared vision.
strategies. Information processes.
All of the above.
Does not know
Forms of motivation Recognitions
used on campus Affectivity.
All of the above
Actions carried out to Talks about participation
increase motivation Coexistence activities.
Motivation Teacher incentive.
Does not know
Prevents learning
It affects harmony among students.
Problems caused by Interferes with participation.
lack of motivation Interest in the activity decreases.
All of the above.
Does not know
V Instruments used to Observation Guide.
evaluate planning Checklist.
Task analysis.
Does not know
Forms of evaluation of Keep going.
skills and achievements End of the period.
Does not evaluate.
Assessment Does not know
Evaluative activities of Individual activities.
physical education, Group activities.
sports and recreation Personalized activities.
All of the above
Does not know
Update in the area of To improve activity in the area.
Avoid improvisations in class.
physical education,
Enrich learning
sports and recreation Encourage greater participation.
All of the above
Does not know
Actions that need to be Exchange of knowledge.
SAW taken to improve Professionals in the area.
Expectations planning Planning supervision
All of the above.
Does not know
Who should join project Classroom teachers – specialist
planning teachers.
Parents and representatives.
Sports and health committee.
All of the above.
Does not know

Table No.5 . Variables for representatives

Variables Items Indicators

20 to 25 years
Yo Age 25 to 30 years
30 to 35 years
Personal and 35 to 40 years
academic Others
aspects Sex Male
Applied studies Secondary
work you do Domestic
Civil servant
Private company
What aspects do you School sports games.
know about physical Traditional games
education, sports and Development of motor skills.
Cognitive recreation? Excursions and walks.
Aspect Does not know
Knowledge you have Types of planning.
about education Planning principles.
planning Importance of planning.
n physics, sports and Doesn't know
Teacher explanation.
Form of knowledge Personal research.
acquisition Exchange with colleagues.
All of the above.
Does not know the reference
Way of communicating Periodic meetings.
between teacher – Coexistences.
parent and/or Report lapse.
representative Oral information.
All of the above
Activities allow the Dialogues.
III Coexistences.
practice of effective Socio-sports events.
Communication communication All of the above

Function of specialist Know the child's aptitude and skill.

teacher communication Report student performance.
– parent and/or Facilitate activity planning.
representative in All of the above

What is the attitude Extremely interested.
that the specialist Improvise the activities.
IV teacher assumes Simply do not apply strategies
towards planning?
Attitudinal Reasons for teacher Non-specialist in the area
apathy regarding the Intrinsic demotivation
planning of physical Lack of supervision in the area
activities and their Lack of planning
respective evaluation All of the above
Does not know.
What should the Proactive.
teacher's attitude be?
All of the above
Does not know
Forms of motivation Orientation.
used on campus Incentives
All of the above
None of the above
Actions carried out to Talks about participation
Motivation increase motivation Coexistence activities.
Incentive by the teacher.
All of the above.
Does not know.
Problems caused by Prevents constructive dialogue.
lack of motivation Affects group harmony
Interest in the area decreases.
All of the above.
Does not know
Oral and written questionnaires
Instruments used to Evidence
SAW evaluate Descriptive report
All of the above
Does not know
Purpose of the Verify the student's achievement of
evaluation in your the contents
represented Check the scope of learning
Record school performance
Does not evaluate
Aspects that the teacher Relationship with teaching content
Participation in activities.
evaluates his client .
Sports performance.
Aptitudes and abilities
Does not know
The teacher must be To improve activities
Avoid improvisations during class.
updated in the area of
Enrich learning
physical education, Encourage greater participation.
All of the above
sports and recreation
Actions that need to be Constant supervision of the area
Specialist professionals in the area.
taken to improve
VII Orientation of activities
Expectations planning Knowledge exchange
All of the above
Does not know
Who should join project Classroom teachers – specialist
Parents and representatives.
Sports and health committee.
All of the above.
Does not know


To collect the data, the survey technique was constructed and applied. In this
regard, Arias (2006) defines it as: “A technique that aims to obtain information
provided by a group or sample of subjects about themselves, or in relation to a
particular topic” (p.72). Through this procedure, information was sought and
obtained from the population or sample investigated.
To apply this technique, the questionnaire was used, according to Arias
(op.cit.) “It is the survey modality that is carried out in writing using an instrument or
paper format containing a series of questions.” (p.74). Through this, it was possible to

obtain the responses of the individuals representing the investigated audience,
regarding the strengthening of the planning of physical education, sports and
recreation, and aspects related to it.

3.7.1.- Validity and reliability

Every data collection instrument must meet two essential requirements:

validity and reliability. Ruiz and Otro point out that validity "refers to the degree to
which an instrument actually measures the variable it purports to measure" (p.56).
The validity of the data collection instrument was carried out through a judgment by
three (3) experts: one in the design of data collection instruments, another in
methodology and one in the content of the area under study. The experts will give
their opinion and make pertinent observations on the suitability of each question to
achieve the stated objectives, taking numerical values from one (1) to four (4),
according to the following scale: four (4) Excellent , three (3) Good, two (fair), one
(1) Poor.


To execute the instrument, the corresponding permission was requested from
the management staff of the institutions selected for this study, to whom we spoke
about the importance of the research in order to obtain the requested permission to
establish the approach to the teachers who They were very receptive and honest in
collaborating with the development of this work.

To do this, the researcher developed and conducted a structured interview

with twenty key informants from the three selected educational institutions. This
instrument was applied randomly and directly by the researcher, who previously gave
instructions on how to answer the questions in a time determining in which the
interviewers were asked to be sincere when issuing their answers, with attention to

achieving an objective investigation to guarantee the validity of the data obtained.
Finally, with the surveys duly answered, we proceeded to the tabulation and counting
phase of the data.


After obtaining the data that served as an information source through the
application of the survey, the counting was carried out manually. We proceeded to the
presentation and interpretation phase of the results obtained.
According to Ander-Egg (1992) “The coding process involves collecting data
according to one of the variables investigated, these are translated and represented by
codes that facilitate tabulation.”(p.353). With the results obtained, the frequency at
which some data is repeated is established, which allows the researcher to record each
information obtained which will be used to find possible solutions to the problem
posed. Carrying out the count allowed the construction of statistical tables to carry
out the interpretation and analysis of the information collected, based on the theory
and reality of the research.


This chapter will review the definition of the type of analysis, form of data
presentation, level of analysis, intervariable analysis and summary of results.


The research is framed within the qualitative-quantitative analysis, to this effect
Devuelta (2004) defines:

Qualitative methodology is understood as a qualitative strategy as a

research strategy based on a refined and rigorous contextual description of the
event, behavior or situation that guarantees maximum objectivity in the
capture of complete reality and preserves the spontaneous temporal continuity
that is inherent to it. (p.24)

In social research, qualitative represents the characterization of the population

under study, to observe through it the phenomenon that originates it and the detail
that identifies the context or area in which it occurs. Objectivity must prevail to
observe the reality of each circumstance or problem raised; It is also true that the
qualitative is reflected through the application of statistical procedures. For this
reason, the information obtained by the subjects under study was interpreted by
applying statistical units linked to the absolute frequency of the data expressed.


The data obtained are grouped and reflected in statistical tables prepared in an
orderly and sequential manner for each variable selected and studied. Hernandez et al.
1991, cited by Alvares (2001) expresses

The results of social research must be presented in carefully prepared

statistical tables that provide precise and key information that can be easily

interpreted by the reader. The tables are prepared in accordance with the
objectives set out in the study (p.279). .

It is for this reason that the tables were the feasible option to publicize the
development of the research. In this sense, the tables are ordered at the top with the
title in reference to the variable, the item description at the bottom contains the
indicators with their respective absolute and percentage frequency. Finally,
everything related to the description and interpretation, both quantitative and
qualitative, of the information collected is found at the bottom.


The level of analysis that was applied was based on three primary elements:
the statistical description of the information obtained by the consulted actors, the
comparison of the questions with the theoretical and legal foundation that supports
the study and the conclusions and recommendations stated or clarified certain
concerns regarding the problem under study. The statistical tables with their
respective analyzes are presented below.

Table No.6 . Absolute and percentage distribution about the academic and professional aspects of the management

Undergraduate N % Postgraduat N % Condition of N % Workshops Conducted N %

degree e degree Office
Lcdo/University 10 100 Specialist 3 30 Ordinary PEIC Planning 1 10
Higher Technical Master 2 20 (holder) PA Planning 3 30
Professor Doctor Hired Planning physical
Teaching Bachelor none 5 50 Acting 10 100 education, sports and 1 10
DNG Substitute recreation.
In charge(*) Daily class plan. 5 50
All of the above
Total 10 100 10 100 10 100 10 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
The table shows that 100% said they were Professors or Graduates, 30% said they were specialists, while 20% said
they were masters and 50% said they did not have any Postgraduate degree. Likewise, 100% of Directors stated that they
were in charge in their position. Regarding the workshops carried out, 10% stated that Planning was from PEIC, 30% from
PA, and 50% said that they had carried out all the workshops consulted.
The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in its article 104, the LOE in article 37 and the
Regulations for the Practice of the Teaching Profession in article 4, mention that education must be provided by people
with recognized academic training in university institutions that meet the required profile at the different levels and
modalities of the system. educational. According to what is observed in the table, the directors of the institutions surveyed
are all Professors or graduates and the majority have completed their postgraduate studies. They also have knowledge of
the different planning applied in Basic Education, but their employment status is unstable because he is only in charge.
Table No.7 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the cognitive aspect of management personnel regarding the
planning of physical education, sports and recreation
N % Planning Knowledge N % Way to acquire knowledge N %
Bases that support
Philosophical. 10 100 Types of planning. 3 30 Academic training. Teaching 3 30
Sociological. Planning principles. 2 20 Update Conferences.
Psychological. Stages of planning Importance of Teaching action circles. 2 20
Pedagogical planning. 5 50 Personal research. 2 20
All of the above Doesn't know All of the above. 3 30
Total 10 100 10 100 10 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
In the table it can be seen that 100% of Managers stated that in all bases, likewise, 40% of the staff indicated that
they knew the different types of planning, another 40% indicated the importance of it and 20% admitted Not knowing what
is related to the planning of this area, 30% indicated that their knowledge was acquired through their academic training,
20% through workshops and 50% through all indicators.
In the Organic Law of Education, article 38 , emphasizes the importance that must be given to the permanent
training of teaching staff to update them and improve the level of knowledge with the objective of having the necessary
tools that guarantee the strengthening of a society and social transformation that the country demands.
. According to what is observed in the table, the directors of the institutions surveyed are all Professors or graduates
and the majority have completed their postgraduate studies. They also have knowledge of the different planning applied in
Basic Education, but their employment status is unstable because he is only in charge.
Table No.8 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on the execution of physical education,
sports and recreation planning

Planning Forms N % Organization N % Those who N % Purpose of N %

mode participate organizing
Learning projects. In work groups. Educational Avoid
Integral plan. 10 100 For related areas. 8 80 committee. 4 40 improvisations
Participatory By Degrees. All teaching staff. Unify criteria.
Classes. They are not Teacher alone. 6 60 Define goals and
All of the above. organized Teaching staff- strategies.
None of these Students. Choose the right
2 20 Specialist – plan.
Student. All of the above
All of the above 10 100
None of these
Total 10 100 10 100 10 100 10 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
Analyzing the table, 100% of the management personnel indicated that the only form of planning they know is
project planning, 80% stated that they organize themselves in groups and 20% indicated that they do not organize
themselves, likewise, 40% of the Managers believed that all staff participate and 60% said that the teacher plans alone and
100% indicated that all the indicators presented are the purpose of organizing to plan.
Chapter II states that the physical education, sports and recreation specialist teacher must plan the activities in the
area taking into account the learning that the students will perceive through their participation and performance in the
activities. It is imperative that the specialist teacher in the area, like other teachers, organizes himself when planning and
thus avoids improvisations that create deficits in the learning of the students.
Table No.9 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on pedagogical strategies for planning
physical education, sports and recreation

Type of strategies used N % Important strategies to N % Elements that favor the practice N %
reinforce of strategies
Pedagogical. Natural games. Teamwork.
Sports. 3 30 Games with rules. Shared vision.
Recreational. Modified games Information processes.
Social. Motor action circuits. All of the above.
All of the above 7 70 All of the above 10 100 None of the above 10 100
Total 10 100 10 100 10 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
In accordance with what is reflected in the previous table, 30% of the management staff stated that sports strategies
are used, 100% stated that all the indicated strategies are important in planning, and 100% indicated that all the indicators
favor the practice. of planning strategies.
Blázquez (1993), cited in chapter II, states that the ability to prepare a stimulating and valid program constitutes one
of the fundamental aspects of a physical education professional, and its application is the culminating point of the process
of planning the objectives that they want to get.
The teaching-learning activities and motor tasks constitute the means from which the different teaching contents are
worked on and allow the achievement of the proposed didactic objectives. Teamwork, shared vision, and the exchange of
information are also important. between teachers and specialists when planning, this would lead to better development of
planning and achievement of objectives in students.

Table No.10 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on effective communication within
the institution
Way of communicating N % Activities that allow the N % Function of classroom teacher N %
practice of effective work communication - specialist
Periodic meetings. Dialogues. Facilitate strategies.
Meeting in the hallways. Coexistences. Exchange information.
Written orders. Socio-sports events. Facilitate teamwork.
Oral information. All of the above. Favor activities.
All of the above 10 100 None of the above 10 100 All of the above. 10 100
None of the above
Total 10 100 10 100 10 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
In accordance with what was reflected, 100% of the directors indicated that all the indicated forms of
communication are used, also 100% are clear that all the indicated activities allow the practice of effective communication
and they stated that all the functions of communication are valid for planning.
In chapter II it was indicated that effective communication must be the center of interpersonal relationships between
teacher-principal, teacher-teachers because it leads to people being able to express their feelings, thoughts, desires, defend
their rights without violating the of others.
It is necessary that educational managers use all possible ways to communicate with their staff, the constant
exchange of ideas and concerns will allow more effective, fair and motivating communication in favor of the good
development of the established plans and programs and the training of the students who specialize.

Table No.11 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the management staff on the attitude that the specialist
teacher assumes towards planning
Attitude assumed by the N % Reasons for apathy regarding the N % Teacher's N %
specialist teacher towards planning of activities and their attitude
planning respective evaluation
Extremely interested. 2 20 Non-specialist in the area Proactive.
Little interested in planning. Intrinsic demotivation 5 50 Creative.
Improvise the activities. 4 40 Lack of supervision in the area Planner.
He simply doesn't even apply Lack of planning Flexible.
strategies. 4 40 All of the above 3 30 All of the
2 20 above 10 100
Total 10 100 10 100 10 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
It can be seen that 20% of the Directors stated that teachers assume an attitude of little interest in planning, 40%
that they improvise activities and 40% that they do not even apply activities, also 50% that apathy is due to intrinsic
demotivation. , 30% in the lack of knowledge of planning, while 20% think that all the indicated indicators, also 100% that
all the indicators in what the teacher's attitude should be. The Curricular Design of the Bolivarian Educational System
states that the Teacher Profile is very broad, and specifies 22 attitudes and/or skills that must be possessed to train the new
republican, among them he must be a comprehensive, social, supportive, critical, human being. Proactive, Planner,
Flexible, Creative and self-taught.
Consequently, an educator must have love and affection for his work where and how he must carry out his work,
not as a daily and routine activity, but as a continuous renewing experience, otherwise it becomes a “torment” for anyone,
where far from enriching and making people grow, it impoverishes them and directs them towards the only reward they
have left: monetary satisfaction.

Table No.12 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on the motivation used in the school
Forms of motivation N % Actions carried out to N % Problems caused by lack of N %
used on campus increase motivation motivation
Verbal recognition. Meetings between all actors Prevents constructive dialogue.
Written recognition Permanent talks. It affects the harmony of the
Affectivity Coexistence activities groups. Interferes with work
Delegation of function Shared projects 1 10 performance
All of the above 10 100 All of the above 3 30 Decreases interest in activities.
None of the above None of the above 6 60 All of the above. 10 100
None of the above

Total 10 100 10 100 10 100

Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
Analyzing the table, it can be deduced that 100% of the staff agree that all forms of staff motivation are used, while
10% indicated that coexistence activities are used, 30% shared projects and 60% indicated that all indicated actions, 100%
also indicated that all indicators generate demotivation problems.
In the theoretical framework, Delgado (2010) is cited, who points out that work motivation is the force that acts on
the worker, and causes him to behave in a certain way to achieve the goals combined with his personal efforts.
As a conclusion to what was stated above, it follows that because the motives for carrying out work by employees
influence productivity, educational managers must motivate the teacher towards achieving the goals of the educational
process through personal incentive. .
Table No.13 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on the evaluation used on campus

Instruments used to evaluate N % Purpose of evaluating N % Responsible for evaluating N %

planning planning and achievements the planning process
Observation Guide. Compare purposes. Director.
Checklist. Analyze results. Teacher.
Task analysis. Determine the faults. Parents and Representatives.
All of the above 10 100 Adjust the methodology used. Students.
All of the above All of the above 10 100
10 100
Total 10 100 10 100 10 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
Given the data collected, 100% of the Directors indicated that they use all the instruments indicated in the survey,
they also establish that all the indicators encompass the purpose of the evaluation, and that all the indicators are responsible
for the evaluation of planning.

In the Organic Law of Education, article 44, indicates evaluation as part of the educational process, in which it must
be appreciated and recorded permanently, through procedures of appropriation and construction of learning.

From the previous approaches it can be deduced that the Management staff is aware of the purposes of the
evaluation and who should be responsible for said process, as well as the appropriate use of the different instruments to be
used according to the applied technique, strength this that must be used within the institution

Table No.14 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on the supervision used on the

Nature with which N % Objective of supervising N % Techniques used to monitor N %

supervision is applied activities the planning process
Of control. Efficient development of Observation.
Like a personalized job. planning. Interview.
To evaluate Proper execution of Visit to the classroom. 5 50
As guidance. projects. Meeting with teachers
All of the above Participation of all actors. All of the above. 5 50
10 100 Improve the quality of None of the above
planning. 10 100
All of the above
Total 10 100 10 100 10 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015

As reflected in the table, 100% of the Managers agree in selecting that all the indicators indicated in the survey
regarding the application of supervision and its objective, in terms of the technique used, 50% indicates the classroom
visits and the other 50% that all the indicated techniques.
In the Organic Law of Education, article 43, the supervision and direction of educational institutions will be an
integral part of democratic and participatory management, marked by pedagogical support.

Education must be on par with the advances of each society, with the advisory service being necessary during the
teaching and learning process, so that the needs and aspirations of the student and the community are attended to more
efficiently, supported by the objectives established in the educational system

Table No.15 . Absolute and percentage distribution of management personnel on the expectation they have with the

Forms of Participation to N % Actions that need to be taken N % Who should join project N %
optimize planning to improve planning planning
Orientation of activities. Exchange of knowledge. Classroom teachers – specialist
With review of plans. Professionals in the area. teachers. 3 30
With analysis of Planning supervision. Students.
achievements. All of the above. Parents and representatives.
All of the above. 10 100 None of the above 10 100 Sports and health committee. 70
None of the above All of the above. 7
None of the above.
Total 10 100 10 100 10 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
Describing the recorded data, it is detailed that 100% of the respondents agree in pointing out all the indicators
referring to the forms of participation and the actions that must be undertaken to improve planning, while 30% indicate that
classroom teachers- specialists should be integrated into the planning while 70% indicate that everyone.
In Chapter II, Blázquez (1993) states that the effectiveness and efficiency of Physical Education, sports and
recreation, depends on the educational quality provided by the teacher, on the direct relationship between all the areas that

include the curriculum of the educational system, of the schools and educational institutions and, obviously, of the
seriousness of the teacher and the consistency in their processes in the Area. This is what is expected of the specialist
teacher in the area of physical education, sports and recreation and of their pedagogical planning, that they do not continue
with their improvisations, that they see this area as a directed recreation and as another class with its own objectives within
the curriculum. national and very necessary in the comprehensive training of the student.

Table No.16 . Absolute and percentage distribution about the academic and professional aspects of the teacher

Undergraduate N % Postgraduat N % Condition of N % Workshops N %

degree e degree Office Conducted
Lcdo/University 45 69 Specialist 12 18 Ordinary (holder) 36 55 PEIC Planning 12 19
Higher Technical Master 5 8 Hired 18 28 PA Planning 37 48
Professor 14 22 Doctor Acting Substitute 11 17 Physical education
Teaching Bachelor 4 6 none 48 74 In charge(*) planning
DNG 2 3 Daily class plan. 3 4
All of the above
19 29
Total 65 100 65 100 65 100 65 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015

According to what is reflected in the table, 69% of the staff is a graduate or professor, 22% is a senior technician,
6% is a teaching bachelor's degree while 3% is an ungraduated teacher, 18% being a specialist and 8% master's degree and
74% do not have a postgraduate degree, likewise, only 55% are tenured in their position, 28% are hired and 17% are
substitutes. While only 29% of staff have completed all planning workshops, 19% of PEIC, 48% of PA and 4% of Physical
Education, Sport and Recreation Planning.

The CRBV, in its article 104 and the LO.E. In article 37, they mention that education must be provided by people
with recognized academic training in university institutions that meet the required profile at the different levels and
modalities of the educational system.
It can be concluded, according to what has been observed, that the vast majority of teachers present the required
profile because they are university professionals, even though few have a postgraduate degree and only half of them are
tenured in their position, as well as only the minority has done the different planning workshops.

Table No.17 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the teacher's cognitive aspect regarding the planning of physical
education, sports and recreation

Bases that support N % Planning Knowledge N % Way to acquire knowledge N %

Philosophical. Types of planning. 35 54 Academic training. Teaching 25 38
Sociological. Planning principles. Update Conferences. 15 23
Psychological. Stages of planning Importance of Teaching action circles.
Pedagogical 54 83 planning. Personal research. 12 19
All of the above Doesn't know 21 32 All of the above.
11 17 9 14 13 20
Total 65 100 65 100 65 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015

In the data collected, it was recorded that 83% of the teachers believe that the pedagogical bases underlie the area
while 17% indicated that all the bases, while 54% stated that they know the different types of planning, 32% the
importance of the same and 14% stated that they did not know, in line with the data, 39% acquired knowledge through
their training, 23% in refresher sessions, 19% in teaching action circles and 20% all the indicated forms .

In the Organic Law of Education, article 38, emphasizes the importance that must be given to the permanent
training of teaching staff to update them and improve the level of knowledge with the objective of having the necessary
tools that guarantee the strengthening of a society and social transformation that the country demands.
It is confirmed, as the LOE points out, the importance of teaching updating, conferences and teaching action
committees to know everything related to the different areas covered within the educational process.

Table No.18 . Absolute and percentage distribution of teachers on the execution of physical education, sports and
recreation planning

Planning Forms N % Organization N % Those who N % Purpose of N %

participate organizing
Learning projects. Work groups. Educational Avoid
Integral plan. 65 100 For related 25 38 committee. 22 34 improvisations
Participatory areas. All teachers. Unify criteria.
Classes. By Degrees. Teacher alone. 43 66 Define goals and
All of the above. They are not Teaching staff- strategies.
None of these organized Students. Choose the right
40 62 Specialist – plan.
Student. All of the above 65 100
All of the above
None of these
Total 65 100 65 100 65 100 65 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015

It can be seen in the data table that 100% of the teachers carry out physical education through PAs and 38% say
they organize in groups and 62% say that they do not organize, 34% think that all teachers participate. and 66% affirm that
the teacher alone, regarding the purpose, 100% indicated that all the items indicated.

In the Organic Law of Education, article 38, it states that lifelong learning is a continuous comprehensive process
that, through policies, plans, programs and projects, updates and improves the level of knowledge and performance of
those responsible for the development and social transformation that it requires. the country.
For this, it is necessary that educational authorities worry about guiding and training teachers through study circles
in the construction of knowledge, emphasizing the organization in work groups according to work productivity and the
needs of the community. planning.

Table No.19 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the teacher on the strategies in planning physical education,
sports and recreation

Type of strategies N % Important strategies to N % Elements that favor the practice N %

used reinforce of strategies
Pedagogical. Natural games. Teamwork.
Sports. 45 69 Games with rules. Shared vision.
Recreational. Modified games Information processes.
Social. Motor action circuits. All of the above.
All of the above 20 31 All of the above 65 100 None of the above 65 100
Total 65 100 65 100 65 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015

According to the data collected, 69% of the teachers stated that they apply sports strategies in the area and 20% said
that all strategies were indicated, while 100% agreed that they indicated all the items in reference to the important
strategies to reinforce and in the elements that favor the practice,

As was pointed out in the theoretical bases in chapter II, the pedagogical strategies that can be applied in Physical
Education, sports and recreation are innumerable according to the purpose of the area in the Bolivarian Primary Education
Subsystem, varied can be developed within the sports, pedagogical, recreational and social strategies.
In conclusion, it is deduced that it is regrettable that specialists in the area only focus on sports and pre-sports
strategies, unequivocally ignoring all those that have to do with recreational and social strategies, which can be taken
advantage of by those students who do not have an affinity. for sports activities.

Table No.20 . Absolute and percentage distribution of teaching staff on effective communication within the
Way of communicating N % Activities that allow effective N % Function of classroom teacher N %
work communication communication - specialist
Periodic meetings. 19 29 Dialogues. Facilitate strategies.
Meeting in the hallways. Coexistences. Exchange information.
Written orders. Socio-sports events. Facilitate teamwork.
Oral information. All of the above. 65 100 Favor activities.
All of the above 16 25 None of the above All of the above. 65 100
30 46 None of the above
Total 10 100 65 100 65 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
In the data collected, it can be seen that 29% of teachers indicate that communication is carried out through periodic
meetings, 25% through oral information and 46% that all of the indicated are applied, while 100% indicate that all The
items indicated allow effective communication; likewise, the same percentage knows what the function of classroom-
specialist teacher communication is.
Mendoza (1998), cited in the theoretical bases, points out that a leader is required who integrates the various
activities, who combines communication between all members of the educational organization, capable of making
decisions, monitoring the process and establishing practical skills. to optimize the progress of the educational organization.
By analyzing the above, teachers know which activities allow effective work communication and what its function is, but it
is not applied as it should within the institution; It is vital that there is fluid communication between the members of the
educational community if they want to achieve the objectives, much more so between the Teacher and the Specialist who
must necessarily work as a team in the development of a learning project, therefore they must remain in contact. constant

Table No.21 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the teaching staff on the attitude that the specialist teacher
assumes towards planning
Attitude assumed by the N % Reasons for apathy regarding the N % Teacher's N %
specialist teacher towards planning of activities and their attitude
planning respective evaluation
Extremely interested. 29 45 Non-specialist in the area Proactive.
Little interested in planning. Intrinsic demotivation Creative.
Improvise the activities. 15 23 Lack of supervision in the area 28 43 Planner.
He simply doesn't even apply 21 32 Lack of planning Flexible.
strategies. All of the above 12 19 All of the
25 38 above 65 100
Total 65 100 65 100 65 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
The data shows that 45% of the teachers think that the attitude of the specialists towards their planning is extremely
interested, 23% little interested and 32% that they improvise the activities, likewise 43% of the teachers think that the
reasons of apathy is due to lack of supervision, 19% due to lack of knowledge of the area and 38% due to all the items
mentioned, while all 100% agree that the attitude should be all the items raised.

Escudero (2009), cited in chapter II, motivation influences the attitude that teachers adopt, the way in which they
carry out the activities, as well as the level of effort they require to fulfill their tasks. Analyzing the data and what was
pointed out by the cited author, it can be said that all teachers know what the teacher's attitude should be, but supervision is
necessary in the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation, as well as updating the planning. to improve the
specialist's attitude towards his planning.

Table No.22 . Absolute and percentage distribution of teaching staff on motivation

Forms of motivation used N % Actions carried out to increase N % Problems caused by lack of N %
on campus motivation motivation
Verbal recognition. 15 23 Meetings between all actors. Prevents constructive dialogue.
Written recognition. 8 12 Permanent talks. Coexistence 18 28 It affects the harmony of the
Affectivity. activities. Shared projects. All groups.
Delegation of function. of the above. None of the 8 12 Interferes with work performance
All of the above. None of 19 29 above 13 20 Decreases interest in tasks.
the above 23 36 All of the above. 65 100
26 40 None of the above.
Total 65 100 65 100 65 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
According to the data obtained, 23% of teachers indicate that they are motivated by verbal recognition, 12% by
written recognition, 29% through all the items raised in the survey and 36% believe that in no way, in tune With the data,
28% said that the actions to increase motivation are meetings between everyone, 12% that coexistence activities, 20%
leaned towards shared projects and 40% that they do not carry out any action, and in All of them believed that a lack of
motivation generated all the problems indicated in the survey.

Amorós 2007, cited in chapter II, infers that work motivation is the force that acts on the worker, and causes him to
behave in a certain way, directed towards goals, conditioned by the capacity of the effort to satisfy some individual need. .
It can be deduced that the lack of motivation constitutes one of the problems within institutions, one of the tasks of
educational managers is to motivate their staff towards the achievement of planned goals, with the vision of a quality
educational process.

Table No.23 . Absolute and percentage distribution of teaching staff on the evaluation

Instruments used to N % Purpose of evaluating planning and N % Responsible for N %

evaluate planning achievements evaluating the planning
Observation Guide. Compare purposes. Director.
Checklist. 21 32 Analyze results. Teacher.
Task analysis. Determine the faults. Parents and
All of the above 44 68 Adjust the methodology used. Representatives.
All of the above 65 100 Students. 65 100
All of the above
Total 65 100 65 100 65 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
It can be read in the table that 32% of the audience stated that they use the checklist and 68% inferred that all the
indicated instruments, but 100% of the audience assured that all the indicated indicators were the purpose of evaluating
planning and that everyone was responsible for evaluating the process.
Blázquez (1993) maintains that evaluation in Physical Education should not only be directed at the student, all
aspects that intervene and influence educational success are also the object of study of the evaluation. Likewise, the
National Educational System indicates that it must be appreciate and permanently record student performance, the process

of appropriation and construction of learning, taking into account individual differences, and assess the teacher's
performance. It is inferred that the majority of teachers use evaluation techniques in a traditional way, likewise, it focuses
on the little use of instruments to record the evaluation action; The same situation occurs with activities.

Table no.24 . Absolute and percentage distribution of teaching staff on supervision

Nature with which N % Objective of supervising activities N % Techniques used to monitor N %

supervision is applied the planning process
Of control. 43 66 Efficient development of planning. Observation.
Like a personalized job. Proper execution of projects. 43 66 Interview.
To evaluate Participation of all actors. Visit to the classroom. 12 18
As guidance. Improve the quality of planning. Meeting with teachers
All of the above All of the above All of the above.
22 34 22 34 None of the above 53 82
Total 65 100 65 100 65 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
In the recorded data, it can be seen that 66% believe that supervision is carried out to control and 34% believe that
in the nature of all the items indicated, as well as the objective of supervising for the efficient development of planning and
34% and 34% said that all the indicators mentioned, and 18% reported that the technique used is classroom visits and 82%
favored no technique.
In the theoretical bases in chapter II, an inference is made that supervision, as one of the important actions that must
be carried out in the educational process, must be oriented towards strengthening pedagogical practice.

It is concluded with the aforementioned, that the management team as the main and immediate supervisor, must
provide the necessary conditions for supervision in the approach of counselor and motivator to the teacher, to ensure and
guarantee the effective development of the pedagogical process in physical education. and other areas in the educational

Forms of Participation to N % Actions that need to be N % Who should join project N %

optimize planning taken to improve planning
Orientation of activities. Exchange of knowledge. Classroom teachers – specialist
With review of plans. 12 19 Professionals in the area. teachers. 32 49
With analysis of Planning supervision. Students.
achievements. All of the above. Parents and representatives.
All of the above. 53 81 None of the above 65 100 Sports and health committee.
None of the above All of the above. 33 51
None of the above.
Total 65 100 65 100 65 100
Table No.25 . Absolute and percentage distribution of teaching staff regarding the expectations they have with the
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
In the data collected, it is observed that 19% of teachers think that to optimize planning, activities should be
oriented and 81% favor all the indicators indicated in the survey, as well as the actions necessary to improve planning. ,
100% think that all the items mentioned, while 49% say that the classroom teacher should participate with the specialist
and the rest of the audience that everyone involved should participate.

The CRBV, outlined in chapter V, collects and incorporates, with the highest normative rank, what is related to the
practice of sport and recreation, in this sense, it establishes that all people have the right to sport and recreation as activities
that They benefit the individual and collective quality of life.
In accordance with the results obtained, it can be inferred that the majority of teachers are willing to carry out
activities aimed at improving the planning process of Physical Education, sports and recreation.

Table No.26 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the cognitive aspect of the students

Aspects you know about N % Planning Knowledge N % Way to acquire N %

physical education, sports knowledge
and recreation
School sports games. It is important for the Teacher's explanation 19 20
Traditional games 71 76 development of the class Personal research.
Development of motor 12 13 Avoid improvisations Exchange with
skills. Allows the participation of colleagues.
Excursions and walks. all students. 18 19 All of the above.
Does not know 10 11 All of the above Does not know the 74 80
Does not know 75 81 reference
Total 93 100 93 100 93 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
According to the data collected, 765 of the students only know the school sports games among the aspects of
physical education, sports and recreation, while 135 know the traditional games and 11% do not fit, while regarding
planning 81% indicated that they do not know, 195 said that they allow everyone to participate, when asked how they
acquired knowledge about the area, 20% commented that it was due to information from the teacher and 80% stated that
they do not know everything about the area.
Escudero (2009) -, cited in chapter II, points out that the area of Physical Education can teach countless aspects
such as natural games, games with rules, motor action circuits, modified games and alternative activities such as excursions
and cultural activities.
The results reflect that despite the different aspects of the area, only sports are taken, there are many activities that
can be planned and developed in physical education, sports and recreation, according to the need, capacity and ability of
students taking into account the objectives they want to achieve

Table No.27 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the teacher on the planning of physical education, sports and

Planning Forms N % Those who participate N % Purpose of organizing N %

Learning projects. The educational committee. Avoid improvisations 13 14

Integral plan. 32 34 All teaching staff – students. Unify criteria.
Participatory Classes. Specialist – Student. Define goals and
Does not know Teacher only. strategies.
61 66 All of the above. 93 100 Choose the right plan.
All of the above 80 86
Total 93 100 93 100 93 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015

According to what is reflected in the table, 34% of the audience stated that the way to plan physical education in the
institution is through the PA and 66% said they did not know, while 100% of those who participated in the planning agreed
that only the teacher.

The Bolivarian National Curriculum indicates that planning must be open, flexible, based on the experiences lived
by the student according to the social-affective context in which they develop, favoring the leading participation of the
actors involved in the educational process.
Knowledge about planning promotes the active participation of the student, giving the opportunity to interact with
his teacher and classmates that will allow him to build his own knowledge, thus achieving comprehensive and quality
training with the integration of the family within that process, that is why it is important to involve them in the planning of
the activities of their constituents.

Table No.28 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the student on physical education, sports and recreation

Type of strategies N % Important strategies to N % Elements that favor the N %

used reinforce practice of strategies
Pedagogical. Natural games. Teamwork. 22 24
Sports. 13 14 Games with rules. Shared vision.
Recreational. Modified games Information processes.
Social. Motor action circuits. All of the above.
Does not know 80 86 All of the above 93 100 Does not know 71 76
Total 93 100 93 100 93 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
In the previous table it can be seen that 19% of the students only know the sports strategies while 86% do not know
the types of strategies but 100% agree that all the strategies proposed are important to reinforce the teachings in the area,
24% stated that teamwork favors the practice of strategies and 76% stated that they did not know.

Blázquez (1993), cited in chapter II, states that the ability to prepare a stimulating and valid program constitutes one
of the fundamental aspects of a physical education professional, and its application is the culminating point of the process
of planning the objectives that they want to get.

The teaching-learning activities and motor tasks constitute the means from which the different teaching contents are
worked on and allow the achievement of the proposed didactic objectives.

Table No.29 . Absolute and percentage distribution of student motivation

Way to motivate in N % Actions carried out to N % Problems caused by lack of N %

the educational increase motivation motivation
Recognitions Talks about Prevents learning
Affectivity. 29 31 participation It affects harmony among students.
Orientation. 49 53 Coexistence activities. Interferes with participation.
Incentives Teacher incentive. Interest in the activity decreases.
All of the above 15 16 Does not know All of the above.
Does not know 63 68
93 100 30 32
Total 93 100 93 100 93 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
In the data collected it can be seen that 31% of the audience stated that they were motivated through affectivity,
53% with orientation and 16% were inclined towards all the indicators proposed, 100% stated that they do not know what

actions executed in the institution to increase motivation and 32% also stated that they did not know what problems
generated the lack of motivation while 68% assured that all the indicators raised.
Escudero (2009), cited in the theoretical bases, pointed out that motivation is basic to attract students to the practice
of physical activities and other planned activities in the teaching and learning process.
The teacher must plan motivating activities for the students, to encourage participation and interest in their learning
and their desire to carry them out successfully, promoting the quality education that the nation requires, and in the area of
sports and recreation education, perhaps encourage them to engage in high-quality sports. performance.

Table No.30 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the student on the evaluation

Instruments used to N % Forms of evaluation N % Activities used in physical N %

evaluate in learning education to evaluate
Observation Guide. Keep going. Individual activities.
Checklist. End of the period. 93 100 Group activities. 29 31
Task analysis. Does not evaluate. . Personalized activities.
Does not know 93 100 Does not know. All of the above
Does not know 64 69
Total 93 100 93 100 93 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
According to the data obtained, 100% of the audience stated that they were unaware of the instruments used to
evaluate and stated that they only evaluate at the end of the period, while 31% indicated that they carry out group activities
to evaluate and 69% said they did not know.

The LOE In its Article 44, it points out that student performance, the process of appropriation and construction of
learning, taking into account socio-historical factors, individual differences, must be appreciated and recorded permanently
and continuously, through scientific, technical and humanistic procedures. and in general, all the elements that constitute
said process.
Analyzing the above described, it is observed that there is malpractice in the evaluative aspect of the teaching-
learning process of the students, given that they are completely unaware of the instruments that the teachers use or the
evaluation activities that they use, likewise all of them assured that they are evaluated only at the end of the period when
the evaluation must also be continuous and permanent.

Table No.31 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the student's expectation with the proposal

The teacher must be updated in N % Actions that need to be N % Who should be included N %
the area of physical education, taken to improve in the planning
sports and recreation planning
To improve activity in the area. 93 100 Exchange of knowledge. 32 Classroom teachers –
Avoid improvisations in class. Professionals in the area. specialist teachers.
Enrich learning Planning supervision Students. 3 3
Encourage greater participation. All of the above. Parents and representatives.
All of the above Does not know Sports and health committee.
Does not know 68 All of the above.
Does not know 90 97
Total 93 100 93 100 93 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
In the table it can be seen that 100% of the students state that the teacher should be updated in the area of physical
education, sports and recreation to improve activity in the area, 32% said that exchanges of knowledge should be carried

out to improve planning, and 68% do not know what actions, in line with this data, 3% of the audience stated that they
should integrate students in planning and 97% do not know who should be incorporated.
Uribe ( 2013), in the theoretical bases, points out that Physical Education is a discipline, which takes motor
behaviors as its object of study, whose purpose is to train the student in relation to the perception and awareness of their
own body and of it with the means, giving rise to a clear end, which is to form a free and autonomous man.
Pedagogical planning is necessary for the development of a pedagogy of motor skills that involves the development
of human potential in all its dimensions: cognitive, affective, social, biological, aesthetic, maturational, playful, erotic,
ethical, moral, communicative, spiritual , and of course, motor.

Table No.32 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the personal and academic aspects of parents and

Age N % Sex N % Applied studies N % work you do N %

20 to 25 years 25 27 Female 74 80 Primary 47 51 Housewife 32 35
25 to 30 years 19 21 Male 18 20 Secondary 30 33 Domestic 12 13
30 to 35 years 15 16 University 15 16 Businessman 9 10
35 to 40 years 28 31 None Civil servant 17 18
Others 5 5 Private company 22 24
Total 92 100 92 100 92 100 92 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
In the table of the data collected, it can be seen that 27% of the audience are between 20-25 years old, 21% between
25-30, 16% 30-35, 31% between 35-40 and 5% others. ages, 80% of them female, 35% are housewives, 13% work as
domestic workers and 10% as merchants, 18% are public officials and 24% work in private companies.

As established by the Ministry of Popular Power for Education (2007), as well as the legal bases, the family has a
fundamental role in the teaching and learning process of their children, in the support that the mother and father provide
them in The whole thing depends on how successful they are in school. The common goal should be to obtain the best
education for their sons and daughters.
As can be seen in the data collected, there is a variety of ages and occupations among parents and guardians, and
there are very few who have been trained in university careers. The school is aware that there is a diversity of problems,
characteristics, and cultures. , academic level that parents and representatives have, it is for this reason that it is vital to
diagnose the reality that exists in the different classrooms with the objective of taking the pertinent measures to integrate
them into the educational system.

Table No.33 . Absolute and percentage distribution of the cognitive aspect of parents and representatives regarding
physical education planning.

Aspects you know about N % Planning Knowledge N % Way to acquire N %

physical education, sports knowledge
and recreation
School sports games. 85 92 Types of planning. Teacher explanation.
Traditional games 7 8 Planning principles. Personal research.
Development of motor skills. Importance of planning. Exchange with colleagues.
Excursions and walks. Doesn't know All of the above.
Does not know 35 38 Does not know the 13 14
57 62 reference 79 86
Total 92 100 92 100 92 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
The data collected showed that 92% of the audience only knows sports games and 8% traditional games within the
aspects of physical education, sports and recreation, likewise, 38% of them have knowledge about the importance of
planning while 62% do not know everything about it. In line with what was described, 14% stated that they had acquired
knowledge through all the indicators but 86% stated that they did not know what was related.
The CRBV in its article 102, points out that the State, with the participation of families and society, will promote
the process of citizen education in accordance with the principles contained in this Constitution and in the law.
To comply with what is established in the Magna Carta, it is necessary for the family to get involved in the
academic training of those they represent; likewise, the institution must provide them with the opportunity to learn
everything related to the teaching and learning process and in this way integrate all those responsible and co-responsible
for the education of students.

Table No.34 . Absolute and percentage distribution of parents and representatives regarding effective

How to communicate N % Activities that allow the N % Function of specialist teacher N %

between teachers and practice of effective communication – parent and/or
parents and/or communication representative
Periodic meetings. Dialogues. 25 27 Know the child's aptitude and skill.
Coexistences. Coexistences. Report student performance. 79 86
Report lapse. 21 23 Socio-sports events. Facilitate activity planning.
Oral information. All of the above 67 73 All of the above 13 14
All of the above 71 77
Total 92 100 92 100 92 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
In the table you can see that 23% of the audience stated that the only way to communicate with their institution is through
regular meetings, while 77% said that through all indicators, in the same way. , 27% stated that dialogue allows effective

communication and 73% pointed out that all indicators, 86% of the audience stated that the function of communicating
with the specialist teacher is to find out about the student's performance and 14% He believed that for all the items of the
proposed indicators.
In the theoretical bases, Mendoza 1998, points out that institutions require a well-versed, creative, innovative leader
who integrates the various activities, who combines communication between all members of the educational organization,
capable of making decisions, monitoring the process. and establish practical skills to optimize the progress of the
educational organization.
It is seen that the audience differs in their opinions, but what is clear is that effective communication is necessary
between members of the educational institution and parents and/or representatives to combine efforts in favor of ideal
development in the teaching process - student learning.

Table No.35 . Absolute and percentage distribution of parents and representatives on the attitude that the specialist
teacher assumes towards planning

Attitude assumed by the N % Reasons for apathy regarding the N % Teacher's attitude N %
specialist teacher towards planning of activities and their
planning respective evaluation
Extremely interested. Non-specialist in the area Proactive.
Little interested in planning. Intrinsic demotivation Creative.
Improvise the activities. Lack of supervision in the area 28 43 Planner.
He simply doesn't even 29 45 Lack of planning Flexible.
apply strategies. All of the above 12 19 All of the above
36 55 Does not know 25 38 Does not know 65 100
Total 65 100 65 100 65 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015

It can be seen in the table that 45% of those surveyed stated that they observe that the attitude of specialists is to
improvise activities by not planning, 23% say that specialists simply do not apply strategies, 43% think that apathy is due
to the lack of supervision in the area, 19% say for all the reasons stated and 38% say they do not know.
The Sports Law (2011), article 57, establishes that physical education must be taught by professionals and
technicians graduated in the specialty, graduates of university education institutions, in its Article 70 it states that
educational supervision has the purpose of guiding, accompany, plan, coordinate, execute, evaluate the different activities
at all levels and modalities of the Bolivarian Educational System.
When observing the data, it is observed that parents and representatives have realized the apathy of the specialist
teacher to plan and that it is necessary, in addition to him being a specialist in the area, due supervision is necessary.
Table No.36 . Absolute and percentage distribution of parents and representatives on motivation

Way to motivate in the N % Actions carried out to N % Problems caused by lack of N %

institution increase motivation motivation
Recognitions Talks about participation 8 9 Prevents constructive dialogue.
Affectivity. 68 74 Coexistence activities. 12 13 Affects group harmony
Orientation. 14 15 Incentive by the teacher. Interest in the area decreases.
Incentives All of the above. All of the above. 49 53
All of the above Does not know. Does not know. 43 47
None of the above 10 11 72 78
Total 92 100 92 100 92 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
In the table it can be seen that 74% of the referring audience in the form of motivation in the institution leaned
towards affectivity, 15% towards orientation and 11% indicated that in no way, in terms of the actions carried out. To

increase motivation, 9% point out that talks about participation, 13% coexistence activities and 78% do not know, 53% say
that all indicators generate problems and 47% do not know what problems a lack of motivation can generate. .
Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in its Article 102 details that the State, with the participation
of families and society, will promote the process of citizen education in accordance with the principles contained in this
Constitution and in the law.
When analyzing the opinion of the respondents, it is evident that they do not participate on their own in the
educational process nor does the institution provide them with motivation to integrate into the education process and
comply with what is stated in the constitution, much less fulfill their role. as parents and representatives in the
comprehensive education of their children or those they represent.

Table No.37 . Absolute and percentage distribution of parents and representatives on the evaluation

Instruments used to N % Purpose of the evaluation in N % Aspects that the teacher N %

evaluate your represented evaluates his client
Oral and written Verify the student's achievement Relationship with teaching
questionnaires of the contents content
Evidence Check the scope of learning Participation in activities.
Descriptive report Record school performance Sports performance.
All of the above Does not evaluate Aptitudes and abilities
Does not know 92 100 92 100 Does not know
92 100
Total 92 100 92 100 92 100
Survey source applied by Quijada 2015

The table shows that 100% of the respondents do not know what instruments they use to evaluate the area of
physical education, sports and recreation, also 100% indicate that the specialist does not evaluate the activities and they do
not know the aspects that the teacher evaluates. to his client.
The National Bolivarian Curriculum (2007) states that the evaluation occurs under a dynamic, reflective and
cooperative process, in which all the actors responsible for the educational process participate, with the purpose of
consolidating knowledge and putting it into practice in its daily life.
It is observed that parents and representatives are unaware of everything related to the evaluation of the area of
physical education, sports and recreation, or that the teacher simply does not carry out any evaluation activity, which is a
weakness in the institutions of the Marcano municipality, since the Evaluation has the purpose of contributing to the
improvement of the quality of the teaching and learning processes, therefore, to determine the progress and difficulties of
the learners, this aspect is very important to measure the achievements obtained during the process.

Table No.38 . Absolute and percentage distribution of parents and representatives of their expectations about the
The teacher must be updated in N % Actions that need to be taken to N % Who should join project N %
the area of physical education, improve planning planning
sports and recreation
To improve activities Constant supervision of the area Classroom teachers –
Avoid improvisations during Specialist professionals in the area. specialist teachers. 13 14
class. Orientation of activities Students.
Enrich learning Knowledge exchange Parents and representatives.
Encourage greater All of the above Sports and health committee.
participation. 92 100 Does not know 92 100 All of the above.
All of the above Does not know 79 86
Total 92 100 92 100 92 100

Survey source applied by Quijada 2015
It can be seen in the table that 100% of the audience agrees with all the indicators of why the teacher should be
updated in the area of physical education, sports and recreation, as well as with all the actions that need to be undertaken to
improve planning, while 14% suggest that classroom teachers – specialist teachers should be integrated into planning and
86% say they do not know.
The pedagogical current of Carl Rogers maintains that the purpose of education is personal formation with notes of
uniqueness, autonomy, openness, freedom, responsibility; Teacher-student relationships are one of empathy, of mutual
appreciation of the role that corresponds to each one.
The physical education teacher must change his or her activities and reconsider the relevant importance of physical
education, sports and recreation, since from a practical profile it contributes to the development of the subjects from both a
physical and psychological point of view.


The variables of a research are the factors that intervene in a problem, as well as
the characteristics or quality of the reality or phenomenon that is being investigated,
the variables can be correlated between them and the respective influences on the
optimization of pedagogical planning. in the area of physical education, sports and

The academic and professional aspects in which the training, training and
updating of the management and teaching staff and the respective undergraduate and
graduate degrees achieved are reflected, are directly related to the knowledge that
students have about pedagogical planning, the types of planning. that is carried out,
its importance and who participates in it.

For the pedagogical planning of physical education, sports and recreation in the
school institutions of the Marcano municipality, it is necessary for the teacher to
adopt a constructive, reflective, positive attitude, for this he must consider
pedagogical strategies according to the needs and faculties of the students. Effective
communication between specialists and classroom teachers, specialists-students,
specialists-parents and representatives are highly necessary both for the exchange of
ideas, knowledge and the activities required by the area.

The physical education, sports and recreation specialist and other co-protagonists
in the teaching-learning process of the students must reflect on the attitude they are
assuming in the planning of their teaching area, the reason for the apathy and apply
corrective measures to improve. Therefore, motivation is necessary. The motivational
variable influences the execution or not of actions that lead to the optimization of
planning by teachers and the participation of students in the activities proposed by the
specialist. That is why the intervention of educational managers and other supervisory
entities is necessary to infer the existing problems and apply the necessary corrective
measures, which motivate their teachers to carry out their duties effectively. .

Evaluation is an element that the teacher must consider in order to observe and
participate in the qualities, potentials and strengths that the boy or girl has for the
execution of the proposed activities. This variable is combined with all the exposed
variables and with the expectations of all those involved in the comprehensive
training of students, who hope with the optimization of the planning of physical
education, sports and recreation that in the development of the class no improvise
more, so that the objectives are achieved as set forth by the Bolivarian Educational
System of Venezuela.


According to the results obtained in the investigation, the following is

Courses or workshops carried out on the planning of Learning Projects

10% of the Managers and 19% of the Teachers have completed only a
comprehensive Community Educational Project Planning workshop, 30% of the
Managerial staff and 48% of the teachers stated that the Workshop and Learning
Project Planning courses, 10 % of Managers and 4% of Teachers stated that they had
done physical education, sports and recreation planning workshops, likewise, 50% of
Managerial staff and 29% of Teachers stated that they had done all the indicated
planning workshops.

Knowledge about the planning and importance of Physical Education, sports

and recreation

40% of the Management Staff and 54% of the Teachers know the types of
planning for physical education, sports and recreation, while 40% of the Managers,
14% of the teachers and 35% of the Parents and Representatives They know the
importance of the area for students. 20% of Directors, 14% of Teachers and 62% of
parent representatives do not have knowledge about planning physical education,
sports and recreation.

Teacher planning in the area of Physical Education

Regarding the forms of planning used in the area of Physical Education, 100%
of the management staff and teachers and 34% of the students reported that learning
projects, while 66% of the students indicated that They do not know.

Pedagogical strategies that plan for teaching in the area of Physical Education
12% of teachers said that pedagogical strategies are used, 30% of management
staff, 57% of teachers and 14% of students say that sports strategies are used, while
14% of teachers say recreational strategies. , 70% of the Management staff and 17%
of the teachers indicate that all the indicated strategies. 86% of students say they do
not know . Likewise, 100% of both the Management Staff, the Teaching Staff and the
students stated that all the indicated strategies are important in the planning of
Physical Education, such as natural or recreational games , games with rules ,
modified games (pre-sports) , motor action circuits, excursions among others.

Communication present in the teacher-specialist labor relations for the planning

of the Physical Education area
100% of the directors and 46% of the Teachers indicated that all the indicated
forms of communication are used, 29% of the Teachers indicate that through periodic
meetings and 25% indicate that through oral information. In this order of ideas, 100%
of the Director, Teachers and Parent-Representatives are clear that all the indicated

activities allow the practice of effective communication such as: Dialogues, Social
gatherings, Social-sports events

Participants in the development of planning

40 % of the Director and 34% of the Teachers state that all staff participate in
planning, while 60% of the Director, 66% of Teachers and 100% of the students
reported that the teacher plans only.

Motivation or recognition that you have received based on your performance in

physical education

The motivation in the educational institutions of Marcano has been based on the
affection and affection of their teachers, 53% of the students and 74% of the parents-
representatives agree that they are motivated with affection, likewise, 10% of the
students indicated that they were motivated through recognition, 21% of the students
and 15% of the parents and representatives indicated that orientation, while 16% of
the students and 11% of the parents-representatives stated that through of all the
indicators proposed

Evaluative activities that are applied among students to appreciate participation

in the area of Physical Education

31% of the students stated that the activities used to evaluate the area of
physical education are group activities, while 69% of the students said they did not
know which activities are used to evaluate

Aspect in the Physical Education area that must be supervised for the student's
26% of students and 21% of parents-representatives stated that planning to
improve the activity in the area, likewise, 74% of students and 73% of parents and

representatives agreed that for all the indicated indicators such as strategies,
evaluation and academic training of specialists.

Perspective regarding the strengthening of activity planning in the area of

Physical Education

11% of students and 15% of parents and representatives think that they expect
greater participation, while 100% of Directors and Teachers, 55% of students and
61% of parents and representatives agree that They expect everything indicated, in
turn, 34% of the students and 24% of parents and representatives indicated that they
knew what to expect.


This chapter corresponds to the general proposal for the solution to the
problem, the justification, the general and specific objectives, the specific ideas of
operation, the content and impact of the proposal and the action plan.


The area of Physical Education, sports and recreation in the Venezuelan
educational system, is a Pedagogical discipline that significantly favors the formation
of personality, development and strengthening of learning in the student, through the
development of their natural motor skills and the enrichment of their acquired
movements. However, during the conduct of this study, the absence of pedagogical
strategies for the teaching and development of this discipline was evident, apathy has
been observed regarding the good development of the chair, they do not give it the
importance that it requires in comprehensive training. of the students, and this is
specifically reflected in the lack of planning of the strategies and activities that they
must develop in said area.
For the pedagogical planning of physical education, sports and recreation in
the school institutions of the Marcano municipality, it is necessary for the teacher to
adopt a constructive, reflective, positive attitude; for this, he must consider the proper
planning of strategies and their corresponding pedagogical activities accordingly. to
the needs and faculties of the learners. To solve the problem detected in the different
institutions of the Marcano municipality, the researcher presents a proposal to
strengthen pedagogical planning in the area of physical education, sports and
recreation in its various Educational Units of the municipality, in which proposal they
will be organized and carried out. workshops, conferences and/or educational events
that allow optimizing pedagogical planning in the area of education, physics, sports
and recreation in a thorough manner.
The area of Physical Education, sports and recreation must ensure the
acquisition of learning and the development of those abilities that perfect and increase
the movement possibilities of students, improve their level of motor skill, facilitate
knowledge and understanding of motor behavior. as a functional and significant
organization of human behavior, and allow us to assume values, attitudes and norms
in relation to the body and movement. This should serve to improve the possibilities
of action and reflection on the purpose, meaning and effects of the driving aspects of
human activity.
The diversity of thought of teachers must be ensured through pedagogical
planning through the integration of approaches; This fact implies the recognition of
functions and principles, in which teachers can be represented, but unfortunately,
there is a proven weakness with the application of the instruments, in terms of
planning, in the area of physical education, sports and recreation, which has diverted
its fundamental purpose in the integral development of personality, the formation of
conscious, critical, participatory, creative citizens capable of producing
transformations that contribute to the development of society.
The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela of 1999 includes
and incorporates, with the highest normative rank, what is related to the practice of
sports and recreation. In this sense, article 111 establishes that all people have the
right to sport and recreation as activities that benefit the individual and collective
quality of life. The State will assume sports and recreation as an education and public
health policy and will guarantee resources for their promotion. Physical education
and sports play a fundamental role in the comprehensive education of children and
adolescents. Its teaching is mandatory at all levels of public and private education up
to the diversified cycle, with the exceptions established by law.
100% of both students and parents and representatives believe that specialist
teachers of physical education, sports and recreation are apathetic to plan because
they are not specialists in the area, or because they are recent graduates, or they
present intrinsic demotivation, lack of supervision in the area and lack of knowledge
of planning.
It is essential that the actors involved in the educational event have sufficient
information and assertively regarding the benefits and advantages that pedagogical
planning generates, being necessary the permanent training of each of those involved
in order to provide them with the cognitive and offer better instructional quality.
The educational process is designed so that there is comprehensive training
and updating at each level and in each role played by those involved in the teaching-
learning process. For this reason, it is important that the teacher maintains the
individual purpose and institutional motivation to expand his knowledge, his interest
in the role he plays and thus enrich the educational process. The proposal is justified
because it seeks to improve the planning of physical education, sports and recreation
as one more subject, as one more area established by the national educational system
and regulated in the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in the
Organic Law of Education, in the. Organic Law for the protection of children and
adolescents and the Sports Law; with their own objectives and goals to achieve for
the comprehensive training of students.
According to the above, it is unavoidable that the specialist teachers of
physical education, sports and recreation of the Marcano Municipality, whether
graduated or not, are trained in the pedagogical planning of the activities and that the
immediate supervisors are guarantors of this so that these teachers stop improvise in
the area.


5.3.1.- General Objective

Develop knowledge about the pedagogical planning of physical education,
sports and recreation in specialist teachers who work in the educational institutions of
the Marcano municipality.

5.3.2.- Specific Objectives

 Raise awareness among specialist teachers about the importance of planning
physical education, sports and recreation
 Improve the performance of teachers in the administration of educational
experiences in the area of physical education, sports and recreation
 Optimize the planning of evaluative activities of physical education, sports
and recreation through workshops
 Promote supervision of the area of physical education, sports and recreation
 Promote the participation of members of the educational institution through
social-sports activities.


5.4.1.- Concrete Ideas of the Operation of the Proposal

To explain the operation of this research proposal, the phases that allow us to
have a general vision of the situation presented and also give solidity to the work are
presented below;

First Phase: Motivation

 Go voluntarily to the management of the different educational institutions to
inform them of the perceived purpose of the proposal.
 Request the necessary permission from the School Municipality to carry out
the sessions.
 Formally deliver program content to management.
 Establish meetings with the actors involved in the development of the
 Encourage Teacher Training Coordinators to promote physical education
pedagogical planning in groups. sport and recreation
 Promote a friendly atmosphere that allows everyone to participate in the
planned activities.
 Develop the programmatic content reflected in the workshops.

Second Phase: Development

 Manage the corresponding logistics for the training sessions.

 Request the human and material resources required for the planned activities.
 Request the collaboration of specialists in the area to facilitate the workshops.
 Coordinate with the facilitators the contents to be developed.
 Provide support material in planned workshops.
 Implement the workshops already scheduled, taking into consideration the
time, space and necessary resources.
 Develop group discussions with participants.

Third Phase: Evaluation

 The evaluation of the activities planned within the proposal and the delivery
of certification of attendance to such activities to the actors of the educational
system are established.
 Develop strategies that allow you to achieve the established objectives.
 Make records of each of the participants.
 Design a schedule of the activities to be developed.
 Exchange experiences with participants.
 Present the most relevant conclusions and recommendations about the
workshops carried out.


The impact to be developed in the proposed proposal is of great importance,
since it is intended to provide improvements in the planning of the area of physical
education, sports and recreation in the schools of the Marcano Municipality in favor
of the achievements of the objectives required in the chair to the development of
learning and training of students.

Academic impact

 Encourage research by the audience regarding improvements in pedagogical

 Provides tools to participants that promote educational quality.
 Optimizes pedagogical practice.

Pedagogical Impact

Promotes pedagogical planning and evaluation of physical education, sports and


 Stimulates the development of sports, recreational and socio-cultural activities

in students.
 It favors the learning process and increases student performance.
 Involve all authors in planning
Social impact

 It contributes to the formation of a creative, analytical and innovative citizen.
 Allows the active participation of parents and/or representatives in planned

Institutional Impact

 It promotes renewal in terms of planning in a creative way, supported by new

educational paradigms.
 Promotes teacher training and updating groups
 It contributes to the formation of a comprehensive individual.
 It allows the projection of the institution in the community and other


The proposal is contained in the planning and execution of teaching update
workshops on pedagogical planning and evaluation of physical education, sports and
Workshop 1
“Pedagogical planning of physical education, sports and recreation”
Directed: Managers and Teachers No. of Participants: 30 for each day.
Location: UENB Auditorium “Rafael Valery Maza”
Date: March 2016 Duration: 6 hours
Facilitator: Lic. Yulmer Gomez.
Objective : Know the aspects of planning physical education, sports and recreation.

Importance, Discern the importance of Recognize the importance

planning physical education, of planning physical
Goals, sports and recreation, its education, sports and
objectives and its recreation
Programmatic content
programmatic content.
Analytical reflection of
Planning stages
Interaction with the Analysis of the stages of the planning stages and
different areas in the pedagogical planning and the their interaction with the
projects. way of interacting with other other areas and their
areas. contents within the

Workshop 2
“Evaluation of activities in physical education, sports and recreation”
Directed: Managers and Teachers No. of Participants: 30 for each day
Location: UENB Auditorium “Juana Méndez Penoth.”
Date: May 2016 Duration: 6 hours
Facilitator: Prof. Msc. Manuel Antonio Silva.
Objective : Raise awareness about the need to plan evaluation activities for physical
education, sports and recreation.


Importance of Raise awareness about the Reflection on the

evaluation importance of physical importance of the
education evaluation. evaluation of physical
Types and forms of education.
evaluation Analyze the types, forms and
evaluation instruments of Understand the types, forms
Evaluation instruments. physical education, sports and evaluation instruments
and recreation and evaluative of physical education,
Evaluative activities.
activities. sports and recreation and
evaluative activities.

Sport activity

“With sports and recreation, all united for better training”

Location: UEN “Dr. “Francisco Antonio Risquez.” The Millanes.
Date: May 2016 Duration: 6 hours
Responsible: The researcher
Objective: Develop physical, recreational and sports activities with the purpose of
motivating the teacher in planning them.
 Present planning to management staff and other teachers.
 Form work teams.
 Promote the event among the educational community.
 Encourage the participation of all students of the institution and their teachers.
 Play traditional recreational games with initial and first stage education
 Present gymnastics magazine.
 Volleyball exchange between the II stage courses

This action plan will be proposed, through an operational schedule that will be designed for the application of this

General Objective : Organize educational workshops that allow teachers who work in the educational institutions of the
Marcano Municipality to acquire knowledge about pedagogical planning for physical education, sports and recreation.

Special Goals Activities Resources Ans. Lapse Impact

Objective No. 1
Raise awareness It is hoped that  Carry out teacher Humans: Jose January 2016 .Academic.
among 99% of training groups. Quijada
specialist managers and  Discern the importance Pedagogical.
teachers about teachers of planning physical Teachers.
the importance recognize the education, sports and Facilitator. Psychosocial
of planning importance of recreation, its
physical planning objectives and its Materials:
education, physical programmatic content. White sheets. Assessment
sports and education, Pencils.
recreation sports and - Through observation.
recreation. -Interviews.

Special Goals Activities Resources Ans. Lapse Impact
Objective No.
Improve the It is hoped that  Conduct an update Humans: Jose January Academic.
performance of 96% of workshop on planning Quijada
Managers. 2016 Pedagogical.
teachers in the managers and in the area of physical
management of teachers have education, sports and Teachers. Psychosocial
educational knowledge recreation. Facilitator.
practices in the about planning  Analysis of the stages of Assessment
area of physical physical pedagogical planning Materials: - Through observation.
education, education, sports and the way of White sheets. -Interviews.
sports and and recreation. interacting with other .Pencils. - Stake.
recreation areas. Computer

Special Goals Activities Resources Ans. Lapse Impact

Objective No.
Optimize the It is hoped that  Conversation about the Humans: Jose February Academic.
planning of 96% of managers importance of physical Quijada
Managers. 2016 Pedagogical.
evaluative and teachers have education evaluation.
activities of knowledge about  Analyze the types, Teachers. Psychosocial

physical planning physical forms and evaluation Facilitator. Assessment
education, education, sports instruments of physical Materials:
- Through observation.
sports and and recreation. education, sports and White sheets.
recreation recreation and evaluative Pencils.
- Stake.
through activities. Computer
workshops videobeam
Special Goals Activities Resources Ans. Lapse Impact
No. 4
Promote It is hoped that  Conversation on the need to Humans: Jose April Academic.
supervision 100% of supervise the physical Quijada
Managers. 2016 Pedagogical.
of the area of management education area
physical staff understand  Explain to management staff Teachers. Psychosocial
education, the need for the relevance of physical Facilitator.
sports and supervision in education, sports and recreation
recreation the area of as an academic area. Materials: - Through
physical  Present proposal To strengthen White sheets. observation.
education, sports pedagogical planning in the Pencils. -Interviews.
and recreation. area of physical education, Computer
sports and recreation. Printed

Special Goals Activities Resources Ans. Lapse Impact

Objective No.

Promote the It is hoped  Appoint work committees. Humans: Jose May Academic.
participation of that 100%  Request collaboration from Quijada
Managers. 2016
members of of the government entities and non- Pedagogical.
the educational managemen governmental organizations Teachers.
institution t staff and  Select spaces to carry out Facilitator. Psychosocial
through socio- teachers physical, sports and recreational
sports participate activities. Materials:
activities in social-  Experience with managers, White sheets. Assessment
sports teachers and students the Pencils.
activities. implementation of socio-sports Computer - Through observation.
Printed material. -Interviews.
Sports and - Stake.


This chapter establishes the scheme to evaluate, criteria for evaluation, project
background, general conclusions, final recommendations, bibliography consulted.


Graph 2.- Scheme to evaluate the proposal

What is evaluated?

The act of evaluating constitutes a very important element in the teaching and
learning process; the objectives and goals set are evaluated with respect to the
planning of the area of physical education, sports and recreation.

Who evaluates?

In teaching physical education, sports and recreation, specialists in the area

are required, but the main role in this study is assumed by the researcher; who has had
the willingness to learn and then teach.

What is it evaluated with?

In the evaluation process, techniques, activities and instruments must

converge. Regarding these, the researcher designed a survey-type questionnaire with
open questions to meet this requirement.

Why is it evaluated?

Evaluation represents a process of data assessment, which leads to decision-

making, because through this action the scope and impacts generated by the
pedagogical proposal can be visualized and verified.

What is it evaluated for?

The evaluation is carried out with the purpose of observing the strengths and
potential that both teachers and managers have in the practice of proper planning in
the area of physical education, sports and recreation for the benefit of students.


Recognition by CONICIT (1991)
Authorized by the CNU: (1991)
Official Gazette No. 34678

Instrument aimed at management and teaching staff

Dear Colleague:

I am writing to you to request your collaboration in responding to the

following instrument that will allow the development of a pedagogical proposal with
the purpose of strengthening pedagogical planning in the area of physical education,
sports and recreation in the educational units of the Marcano municipality, Nueva
Esparta State.

I thank you for your valuable collaboration, since its success depends on your
response and reliability in this work. In this sense, your honest, clear and precise
response is necessary.


Prof. Jose Gregorio Quijada

CI: 13,425,043

(Participant of the CIPPSV Master's Program – Maturín)

 Read each question posed very carefully.
 Respond honestly and objectively.
 If in doubt, consult the interviewer.

Objective No. 1. Raise awareness among specialist teachers about the importance of
planning physical education, sports and recreation.
1.- How do specialist teachers of physical education, sports and recreation plan?
2. How have specialist teachers been encouraged about the importance of planning
physical education, sports and recreation?

3.- How has the support of the management team been regarding the planning of
physical education, sports and recreation?
4.- What has been the motivation to develop the potential and skills of the actors
immersed in the educational event?

5.- What elements impede the relevance of planning physical education, sports and

6.- Does the Institution incorporate school sports and recreational activities into its
special activities?

Objective No. 2. Propose workshops for updating and personal and professional
improvement of teachers in pedagogical planning.
7.- How has the updating and improvement of the personnel who work in the
institution been promoted?
8.- How has the teachers participated in the pedagogical conferences and workshops?
9.- What has been the participation of the management staff in the pedagogical update
10.- How can the improvement of personnel contribute to the planning of physical
education, sports and recreation?

11.- What benefits do refresher workshops provide to teachers in pedagogical



12.- How has the receptiveness of teachers been to receive information related to the
planning of physical education, sports and recreation?

Objective No. 3.- Optimize the planning of evaluative activities of physical

education, sports and recreation through workshops
13.- In what way has the updating of teachers contributed to the evaluation activities
of physical education, sports and recreation?
14.- How can the teacher training groups in the institution optimize the evaluation of
physical education, sports and recreation?
15.- How do you think the planning of evaluation activities would improve the
academic performance of students?
16.- How would the integration of classroom teachers – specialist teachers optimize
the planning of evaluation activities?

17.- Do you consider that it is necessary to have knowledge about the adequate
planning of evaluation activities in the area?
18.- Do you think that adequate training is necessary to evaluate students?

Objective No. 4.- Promote supervision of the area of physical education, sports and
19.- Do you carry out accompanying visits in the area of physical education, sports
and recreation?
20.- What actions have you implemented to promote the optimization of physical
education, sports and recreation planning?
21.- Do you consider that adequate supervision in the area is necessary?
22.- How does supervision influence the optimal planning of physical education,
sports and recreation?

23.- How is the specialist teacher's receptivity to supervision?

24.- What do you think is the reason for the apathy of specialist teachers to plan their

Objective No. 5. Promote the participation of members of the educational institution

through social-sports activities.
25.- How has the school's participation been in achieving effective integration in the
sports and recreational area?
26.- How has the participation of parents and representatives in pedagogical activities
been strengthened?
27.- How do you promote participation of members of the educational institution
through socio-sports activities?
28.- What social-sports activities are carried out regularly at the institution?
29.- How does optimal planning of physical, sports, and recreational activities
influence the mass participation of members of the educational institution?
30.- How has the acceptance of the members of the educational institution been with
respect to these proposals?

Academic impact
31.- How has pedagogical practice been optimized with planning?

32.- How has interest in the planning of physical education, sports and recreation
Pedagogical Impact
33.- How has the development of physical activity in students been stimulated?

34.- How has the potential surrounding the planning of pedagogical and sports
activities been made known?

Social impact

35.- How has the participation of members of the educational institution been
36.- How has the integration of the family in sporting events been motivated?

Institutional Impact
37.- How has the renewal been in the students' learning with respect to planning in
the institution?
38.- How has the projection of the institution been through the optimization of
physical education, sports and recreation planning?


To date, not all the objectives set have been achieved, due to the fact that the
proposal is in the preparation phase, preparation of materials and organization for its
future implementation, but the management staff, teachers, students and parents and
representatives have been informed about the proposal.


To keep up with the constant changes generated by the growth of a society,
education plays a leading role, since it mainly involves promoting creative attitudes,
energizing individual and group potential, favoring originality, inventiveness,
curiosity about problems and receptivity to new ideas, which is why research and
ongoing training is necessary that leads to improvements for students, the main
protagonists of educational events.

In the state of Nueva Esparta there are some works, studies and research
related to the proposed topic, among them the following stand out:

In 2009, Aurea Prieto developed at the Psychiatric, Psychological, and

Sexological Research Center of Venezuela a “Proposal to guide teachers on the
importance of recreational games in the Preschool Education Stage of the “La
Asunción” Initial Education Center. .

While in 2010, Marily Rodríguez, in her master's thesis at CIPPSV, proposed

a “Proposal to enable and strengthen recreational spaces in the Rafael Valery Maza
Bolivarian National Educational Unit, located in the town of Pedregales, Marcano
municipality, Nueva state. Sparta, to achieve more significant learning through them
in learning projects.


The theoretical, philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical,
andragogical and legal foundations that support Margarita folkloric music as a
learning strategy were analyzed.

It was verified that the teachers consulted, for the most part, have the
academic and professional profile provided for in the current educational model.

It was observed that it is necessary to promote actions that allow teaching

staff to attend refresher and ongoing training courses and workshops on the planning
of Learning Projects.

It was detected that it is necessary to provide the necessary spaces that allow
educators, especially specialists in the area, to stay updated with respect to the

importance of the development of physical activities in the training of students and
the planning of physical education, sports and recreation.

It was found that it is necessary to optimize the forms of planning in the area
of Physical Education, sports and recreation, which allows their link in the learning
projects with the other areas of knowledge with the appropriate and necessary
strategies for better learning, so it is It is important to suggest to the Governing Body
and/or competent authorities that professionals in the area of Physical Education,
sports and recreation are specialist teachers in the area.

It was confirmed that the level of communication in the teacher-specialist

labor relations, necessary in linking the area of Physical Education, sports and
recreation in the planning of the activities of the learning projects, is very deficient,
they do not meet or communicate the learning needs of the students.

Apathy was observed in the attitude of the Physical Education, Sports and
Recreation specialist teacher towards the planning of activities, they assume the area
as something insignificant or just an unimportant recreational activity; They do not
link physical education, sports and recreation in learning projects with other areas of
knowledge in an organized and supervised manner.

It was detected that it is necessary to constantly encourage the motivation of

specialist personnel in terms of planning activities and their integration in learning
projects with respect to their planning of physical education, sports and recreation,
based on their performance and what they emanate. by the National Educational

In the area of Physical Education, the need for an effective evaluation plan
was verified to assess and appreciate the abilities and skills that children can develop
in and with physical activities and their participation in them.

It was contacted that it is necessary to define supervision actions and guided
review of planning in the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation in learning
projects in the institution, as well as compliance with due activities.

The willingness of teachers to optimize the planning of physical activities was

evident. It is appropriate that teachers show initiative and willingness regarding
physical education, sports and recreation planning that promote student participation.
Likewise, parents and representatives, as well as students, hope that with the
application of this proposal it will be possible to strengthen planning in the area,
which will allow it to raise the educational quality and the comprehensive
development of the students in the educational units of the municipality. Marcano.


This research should be made known as a contribution that allows the

optimization of the teaching and learning process in the area of physical education,
sports and recreation.

Teachers must be provided with actions that allow them to attend refresher
and ongoing training courses and workshops on the planning of Learning Projects.

Workshops for updating and personal and professional improvement of

teachers in pedagogical planning should be proposed.

It must be proposed to the Governing Body and/or competent authorities that

professionals in the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation are specialist
teachers in the area.

A program of actions should be organized aimed at the management and

teaching staff who work in the institution, with the purpose of strengthening planning
in the area of Physical Education, sports and recreation, which allows them to raise

the educational quality and the comprehensive development of the students. and the
students in the educational units of the Marcano municipality

A favorable communication environment must be created that allows the

exchange of knowledge between the classroom teacher and the specialist necessary in
the planning of activities in learning projects, through training groups, likewise,
allowing students to enjoy the physical activity in an organized, controlled, planned
and supervised manner as a priority requirement in the comprehensive education of
the child.

The need to assume a favorable attitude towards the importance generated by

the planning of activities and their respective evaluation in the development of
physical activities must be encouraged in the specialist teacher of Physical Education,
sports and recreation, through pedagogical guidance.

It should be proposed to the management staff and the pedagogical promoter

that in the teaching action circles, specialist staff are motivated and stimulated in
terms of planning physical activities and their integration into learning projects.

The need for an effective evaluation plan to assess and appreciate the abilities
and skills that children can develop in and with physical activities and their
participation in them must be explained through pedagogical support in the area of
Physical Education.

The importance of efficiently supervising or accompanying all aspects in the

area of Physical Education must be expressed through talks and conversations with
the school management.

Pedagogical actions should be organized to exchange ideas about planning in

the area of physical education, sports and recreation, as a way to raise the level of
expectation and achieve the enthusiasm and commitment of specialists in the area.


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Recognition by CONICIT (1991)
Authorized by the CNU: (1991)
Official Gazette No. 34678



Dear colleague:

I am writing to you to request your collaboration in responding to the following

instrument that will allow the elaboration of a pedagogical proposal with the purpose
of strengthening pedagogical planning in the area of physical education, sports and
recreation in the educational units of the Marcano municipality in the State of Nueva

I thank you for your valuable collaboration, since its success depends on your
response and reliability in this work. In this sense, your honest, clear and precise
response is necessary.


José Gregorio Quijada
CI: 13,425,043
Tel.: 0412-353.90.29


1. Read each of the questions carefully and mark with an x (x) the answer that best
fits your reality.
2. Take the time necessary to answer each of the questions.
3. Select only one alternative.
4. Use a black pen when answering.
5. If you have any questions, consult the researcher.


1. What undergraduate degree do you have?
a. Licdo./Professor ( )
b. TSU ( )
c. Non-Teaching Professional. ( )
d. DNG ( )

2. Do you have a Post Graduate degree?

a. Specialization. ( )
b. Master. ( )
c. Doctorate. ( )
d. None. ( )

3. What is the condition of your position? ?

a. Ordinary (Titular). ( )

b. Interim (Hired)
c. Interim (Substitute). ( )

4. What workshops have you done?

a. Comprehensive Community Educational Project Planning ( )
b. Learning Project Planning
c. Physical education, sport and recreation planning
d. Daily class plan
e. All of the above


5. On what bases do teachers base the planning of physical education, sports and
a. Philosophical. ( )
b. Logical partners. ( )
c. Psychological. ( )
d. Pedagogical. ( )

6. Do you have knowledge about planning physical education, sports and

a. Types of planning. ( )
b. Planning principles. ( )
c. Planning stages ( )
d. Importance of planning.
e. Does not know ( )

7. How did you gain knowledge about planning physical education, sports and
a. Academic training. ( )
b. Teaching Update Conferences. ( )
c. Teaching action circles. ( )
d. Personal research. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

8. What are the Planning Forms to develop physical education, sports and
a. Learning projects. ( )
b. Integral plan. ( )
c. Participatory Classes. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )
e. None of these. ( )
9. How are they organized for planning?
a. In work groups. ( )
b. For related areas. ( )
c. By Degrees. ( )
d. They are not organized. ( )

10. Who participates in planning?

a. The educational committee ( )
b. All teaching staff ( )
c. Teacher alone ( )
d. Teaching staff-Students ( )
e. Specialist – Student
f. All of the above ( )
g. None of these. ( )

11. What is the purpose of organizing for planning?

a. Avoid improvisations ( )
b. Unify criteria. ( )
c. Define goals and strategies. ( )
d. Choose the right plan. ( )
e. All of the above


12. What type of strategies do you use to develop plans?
a. Pedagogical. ( )
b. Sports. ( )
c. Recreational. ( )
d. Social. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

13. What strategies do you consider important to reinforce the planning of

physical education, sports and recreation?
a. Natural games. ( )
b. Games with rules. ( )
c. Modified games (pre-sports). ( )
d. Motor action circuits. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

14. What elements favor the practice of planning strategies?

a. Teamwork. ( )
b. Shared vision. ( )
c. Information processes. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )
e. None of the above. ( )

15. What are the ways of communicating between the director and the teacher?
a. Periodic meetings. ( )
b. Meeting in the hallways. ( )
c. Written orders. ( )
d. Oral information. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

16. What activities allow the practice of effective work communication?

a. Dialogues. ( )
b. Coexistences. ( )
c. Socio-sports events. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )
e. None of the above. ( )

17. What is the function of classroom teacher - specialist communication in the

planning process?
a. Facilitate strategies. ( )
b. Exchange information. ( )
c. Facilitate teamwork. ( )
d. Favor activities. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )
f. None of the above. ( )

18. What is the attitude that the specialist teacher assumes towards planning?
a. Extremely interested. ( )
b. Little interested in planning. ( )
c. Improvise the activities. ( )
d. He simply doesn't even apply strategies. ( )

19. What do you think are the reasons for apathy regarding the planning of
activities and their respective evaluation?
a. Non-specialist in the area
b. Intrinsic demotivation
c. Lack of supervision in the area
d. Lack of planning
e. All of the above.
20. What should the teacher's attitude be?
a. Proactive. ( )
b. Creative. ( )
c. Planner. ( )
d. Flexible. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

21. What are the forms of motivation used on campus?
a. Verbal recognition. ( )
b. Written recognition. ( )
c. Affectivity. ( )
d. Delegation of function. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )
f. None of the above. ( )

22. What are the actions carried out to increase motivation

a. Meetings between all actors. ( )
b. Permanent talks. ( )
c. Coexistence activities. ( )
d. Shared projects. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )
f. None of the above. ( )

23. What problems do you think a lack of motivation generates?

a. Prevents constructive dialogue. ( )
b. It affects the harmony of the groups. ( )
c. Interferes with work performance ( )
d. Decreases interest in tasks. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )
f.None of the above. ( )

24. What instruments do you use to evaluate planning?
a. Observation Guide. ( )
b. Checklist. ( )
c. Task analysis. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )

25. For what purpose are planning and achievements evaluated?

a. Compare purposes. ( )
b. Analyze results. ( )
c. Determine the faults. ( )
d. Adjust the methodology used. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

26. Who is responsible for evaluating the planning process?

a. Director. ( )
b. Teacher. ( )
c. Parents and Representatives. ( )
d. Students. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

27. How is supervision applied?
a. Of control. ( )
b. Like a personalized job. ( )
c. To evaluate. ( )
d. As guidance. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

28. What is the Objective of supervising activities?

a. Efficient development of planning. ( )
b. Proper execution of projects. ( )
c. Participation of all actors. ( )
d. Improve the quality of planning. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

29. What techniques are used to supervise the planning process?
a. Observation ( )
b. Interview. ( )
c. Visit to the classroom. ( )
d. Meeting with teachers. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )
f. None of the above. ( )


30. What are the forms of Participation to optimize planning?

a. Orientation of activities. ( )
b. With review of plans. ( )
c. With analysis of achievements. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )
e. None of the above( )

31. What do you think are the actions that need to be taken to improve planning?

a. Exchange of knowledge. ( )
b. Professionals in the area. ( )
c. Planning supervision. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )
e. None of the above. ( )

32. Who should join project planning?

a. Classroom teachers – specialist teachers. ( )

b. Students. ( )
c. Parents and representatives. ( )

d. Sports and health committee. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )
f.Does not know ( )

Recognition by CONICIT (1991)
Authorized by the CNU: (1991)
Official Gazette No. 34678



Dear Student :

I am writing to you to request your collaboration in responding to the following

instrument that will allow the elaboration of a pedagogical proposal with the purpose
of strengthening pedagogical planning in the area of physical education, sports and
recreation in the educational units of the Marcano municipality in the State of Nueva

I thank you for your valuable collaboration, since its success depends on your
response and reliability in this work. In this sense, your honest, clear and precise
response is necessary.


José Gregorio Quijada

CI: 13,425,043
Tel.: 0412-353.90.29


1. Read each of the questions carefully and mark with an x (x) the answer that
best fits your reality.
2. Take the time necessary to answer each of the questions.
3. Select only one alternative.
4. Use a black pen when answering.
5. If you have any questions, consult the researcher.


1. What aspects do you know about physical education, sports and recreation?
a. School sports games. ( )
b. Traditional games ( )
c. Development of motor skills. ( )
d. Excursions and walks. ( )
e. Does not know. ( )

2. What do you know about planning physical education, sports and recreation?
a. It is important for the development of the class ()
b. Avoid improvisations
c. Allows the participation of all students. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )
e. Does not know

3. How did you acquire knowledge about planning?

a. Teacher explanation. ( )
b. Personal research. ( )
c. Exchange with colleagues. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )
e. Does not know the reference ( )


4. What are the forms of Planning to develop physical education, sports and
a. Learning projects. ( )
b. Integral plan. ( )
c. Participatory Classes. ( )
d. Does not know. ( )

5. Who participates in planning the activities?

a. The educational committee. ( )
b. All teaching staff – students. ( )
c. Specialist – Student. ( )
d. Teacher only. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

6. What do you think is the purpose of organizing for school planning?

a. Avoid improvisations ( )
b. Unify criteria. ( )
c. Define goals and strategies. ( )
d. Choose the right plan. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )


7. What type of strategies does the teacher use to develop the class?
a. Pedagogical. ( )
b. Sports. ( )
c. Recreational. ( )
d. Social. ( )
e. Does not know ( )

8. What strategy, do you think, is important to reinforce physical education, sports

and recreation?
a. Natural games ( )
b. Games with rules ( )
c. Modified games (pre-sports) ( )
d. Motor action circuits ( )
e. All of the above ( )

9. What elements, do you think, favor the practice of planning strategies?

a. Teamwork ( )
b. Shared vision ( )
c. Information processes ( )
d. All of the above. ( )
e. Does not know ( )

10. How do they motivate you at the educational institution?
a. Recognitions. ( )
b. Affectivity. ( )
c. Orientation. ( )
d. Incentives. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

11. What are the actions carried out to increase your motivation?
a. Talks about participation ( )
b. Coexistence activities. ( )
c. Teacher incentive. ( )
d. Does not know. ( )

12. What problems do you think are caused by a lack of motivation?

a. Prevents learning ( )
b. It affects the harmony between students. ( )
c. Interferes with participation. ( )
d. Interest in the activity decreases. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )
f. Does not know


13. What instruments does the teacher apply to evaluate the activity?
a. Observation Guide. ( )
b. Checklist ( )
c. Task analysis. ( )
d. Does not know. ( )

14. What forms of evaluation does the teacher apply to evaluate learning?
a. Keep going. ( )
b. End of the period. ( )
c. Does not evaluate. . ( )
d. Does not know. . ( )

15. What activities do physical education, sports and recreation, use to evaluate?
a. Individual activities. ( )
b. Group activities. ( )
c. Personalized activities. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )
e. Does not know


16. Why would you like the teacher to update himself in the area of physical
education, sports and recreation?
to. To improve activity in the area. ( )
b. Avoid improvisations during class. ( )
c. Enrich learning ( )
d. Encourage greater participation. ( )
and. All of the above. ( )
f. Does not know

17. Point out the actions that need to be taken to improve the physical education,
sports and recreation class:
a. Exchange of knowledge. ( )
b. Exchanges of physical and sports activities ( )
c. Graduate teachers in the area. ( )
d. Diagnosis of aptitudes and skills. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )
f. Does not know

18. Who should be incorporated into the planning of the area of physical education,
sports and recreation?
a. Classroom teachers – specialists. ( )
b. Students - specialists. ( )
c. Sports and health committee. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )
e. Does not know. ( )

Recognition by CONICIT (1991)
Authorized by the CNU: (1991)
Official Gazette No. 34678



Dear Parent and/or Representative

I am writing to you to request your collaboration in responding to the following

instrument that will allow the elaboration of a pedagogical proposal with the purpose
of strengthening pedagogical planning in the area of physical education, sports and
recreation in the educational units of the Marcano municipality in the State of Nueva

I thank you for your valuable collaboration, since its success depends on your
response and reliability in this work. In this sense, your honest, clear and precise
response is necessary.


José Gregorio Quijada
CI: 13,425,043
Tel.: 0412-353.90.29


1. Read each of the questions carefully and mark with an x (x) the answer that
best fits your reality.
2. Take the time necessary to answer each of the questions.
3. Select only one alternative.
4. Use a black pen when answering.
5. If you have any questions, consult the researcher.


1. How old are you?

a. 20 to 25 years ( )
b. 25 to 30 years ( )
c. 30 to 35 years ( )
d. 35 to 40 years ( )
e. Others ( )

2. What is your sex?

a. Female ( )
b. Male ( )

3. What are your studies carried out?

a. Primary ( )
b. Secondary ( )
c. University ( )
d. None ( )

4. What do you work on?

a. Housewife ( )
b. Domestic ( )
c. Businessman ( )
d. Public Official ( )
e. Private company ( )
f. None ( )


5. What aspects do you know about physical education, sports and recreation?
a. School sports games. ( )
b. Traditional games. ( )
c. Development of motor skills. ( )
d. Excursions and walks. ( )
e. Does not know. ( )

6. What do you know about planning physical education, sports and recreation?
a. Types of planning. ( )
b. Planning principles. ( )
c. Importance of planning. ( )
d. Doesn't know ( )

7. How did you acquire knowledge about school planning?

a. Teacher explanation. ( )
b. Personal research. ( )
c. Exchange with other people. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )
e. Does not know the reference ( )


8. How does the teacher communicate with parents and/or representatives?

a. Periodic meetings. ( )
b. Coexistences. ( )
c. Report lapse. ( )
d. Oral information. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

9. What activities allow the practice of effective communication?

a. Dialogues. ( )
b. Coexistences. ( )
c. Socio-sports events. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )

10. What is the function of the communication of the specialist teacher – parent
and/or representative in planning?
a. Know the child's aptitude and skill. ( )
b. Report student performance. ( )
c. Facilitate activity planning. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )


11. What attitude does the specialist teacher observe and assume towards the
planning of the area?
a. Extremely interested. ( )
b. Little interested. ( )
c. Improvise the activities. ( )
d. He simply doesn't even apply strategies. ( )
e. Lack of knowledge in the area. ( )

12. What do you think is the reason for the teacher's apathy towards the planning
of physical activities and their respective evaluation?
a. He is not a specialist in the area
b. Intrinsic demotivation
c. Lack of supervision in the area
d. Lack of planning
e. All of the above.
f. Does not know

13. What should the teacher's attitude be like?

a. Proactive
b. Creative
c. Planner
d. Flexible
e. All of the above.
f. Does not know


14. How are your clients motivated in the area of physical education, sports and

a. Recognitions. ( )
b. Affectivity. ( )
c. Orientation. ( )
d. Incentives. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )
f. None of the above

15. What are the actions that must be carried out to motivate your client?
a. Talks about participation ( )
b. Coexistence activities. ( )
c. Incentive by the teacher. ( )
d. All of the above. ( )
e. Does not know. ( )

16. What problems do you consider can cause a lack of motivation in students?
a. Prevents constructive dialogue. ( )
b. Affects group harmony. ( )
c. Interest in the area decreases. ( )
d. Does not know. ( )


17. What evaluation instrument does the teacher use?

a. Oral and written questionnaires ( )
b. Evidence ( )

c. Descriptive report ( )
d. All of the above ( )
e. Does not know ( )

18. For what purpose does the education teacher carry out the evaluation?
a. Verify the student's achievement of the content ( )
b. Check the scope of learning ( )
c. Record school performance ( )
d. Does not evaluate. ( )

19. What are the aspects that the teacher evaluates in his/her representation?
a. Relationship with teaching content
b. Participation in activities.
c. Sports performance. ( )
d. Aptitudes and abilities
e. Does not know. ( )


20. Why do you think teachers should update themselves in the area?
a. To improve activity in the area. ( )
b. Avoid improvisations during class. ( )
c. Enrich learning ( )
d. Encourage greater participation. ( )
e. All of the above. ( )

21. What actions need to be taken to improve physical education, sport and recreation
a. Constant supervision of the area
b. Specialist professionals in the area.
c. Orientation of activities
d. Exchange of knowledge in the area
e. All of the above
f. Does not know. ( )

22. What do you expect in the area of physical education, sports and recreation, to
achieve improvements in your representation?
a. Knowledge exchange
b. Sports exchange
c. Professionals in the area
d. Planning supervision
e. Does not know. ( )


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