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The diagram shows rainwater is collected for the use of drinking water in an Australian town.

Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. (Đề thi ngày
The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.
The given illustration shows how to create drinking water from rainwater collected in an Australian town. There are
five main steps involved in the collection of rainwater for drinking water purposes for the Australian people.
The rainwater collecting process commences when the rainwater flows into the drain which is part of a pipeline
system after which it is transferred to a water filter where impurities are filtered out from the water. Once this step is
completed the purified water proceeds to a large tank for storage.
The remaining steps involve the water treatment process. The water moves through the pipe to a second tank, where
it is mixed with chemicals to remove harmful substances. Eventually, the cleaning water is delivered to the
households for the use of Australians.
Sample 1:

 Depict (v): miêu tả

 Harvest (v): thu hoạch
 For the purpose of: cho mục đích
 There are five key stages: có năm giai đoạn chính
 The capture of water: việc lấy nước
 The gutters, where it then flows …: các máng xối, nơi nước sau đó chảy
 Drainage pipes attached to the side of the houses: ống thoát nước gắn liền với các bên của ngôi nhà
 From where the water is then run through: từ đó nước chảy qua
 Once + S + V: Một khi …
 The taps inside people’s homes: các vòi bên trong nhà của mọi người

Sample 2:
Sample 3:
The diagram demonstrates the rainwater collection process in an Australian town used for drinking.
Overall, there are around four steps that are needed in order for the water to be ready for consumption, starting
with filtration and ending with chemical treatment.
Initially, rainwater that slides off the rooftops runs down a pipe in the side of the building, which in turns is
funneled into a drain.This stream of water is then run through underground pipes, leading to a water filter in
order to remove any sediments or impurities. This filtered water is stored within a large tank, subsequently being
transferred to a water treatment processor via pipes. Chemicals are used to ensure that the water is safe from
bacteria or germs, and is suitable for consumption. Finally, when the water is ready to be used, it runs from
underneath the ground to people’s houses, ready to be drunk from the tap.
Sample 4:
Several steps needed to extract potable water from rainwater are shown in the given diagram.
It is evident that the procedure consists of five primary phases, beginning with the gathering of contaminated water
from residences and concluding with the delivery of clean water to those same residences.
The first step in the procedure is to use drains to collect rainwater from rooftops. These kind of drains are installed
in every home in the neighborhood. After that, the water filter is used to filter the water that has been gathered from
every residence. Most of the pollutants are eliminated by the filter. After filtering, the water is gathered in a sizable
holding tank.
A pipe then directs the water from the storage tank to the water treatment tank. To make the filtered water safe to
drink, chemicals are added to the water treatment tank. After that, pipelines are used to deliver the drinkable water
to homes so that it can be used for residential purposes.

Sample 5:
Potable: có thể uống được
Drainage: hệ thống thoát nước
Suitability: sự phù hợp
Contaminants: chất ô nhiễm
Purification: sự làm sạch, sự tinh chế
Eliminate: loại bỏ
Disinfection: sự khử trùng, sự tiệt trùng
Impurities: tạp chất

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