With Jimmy in Paracas Bryce

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With Jimmy, in Paracas

Alfredo Bryce Echenique

I'm watching; It's really like I'm seeing it; There he stayed waiting for him outside, in the car, and I
is sitting, in the large summer dining room, with began to fear that we would arrive much later
his back to that sea where there were rays, than we had estimated.
maybe sharks. I was sitting in front of him, at the
Once on the road, my worries were
same table, and yet, it seems to me that I was
different. My father drove, as always, very slowly;
watching him from the door of that dining room,
slower than Mom had asked him to drive. One
from where everyone had already left, there was
after another, the cars left us behind, and I didn't
only him and I left, we had arrived the last, We
look at my father so he wouldn't realize that this
had barely made it to lunch. This time he had
bothered me a little, in fact it made me quite
brought me; They had sent him only for the
ashamed. But there was nothing to do, and the
weekend. Paracas was not that far: I would be
old Pontiac, the poor thing already very old,
back in time for school, on Monday. My mother
moved forward very slowly, very wide, black and
had not been able to come; That's why he
immense, rocking like a boat on the newly paved
brought me. She always took me on her trips
when she couldn't accompany him, and when she
could return in time for school. I listened when he About halfway there, my father decided to
told mom that it was a shame that he couldn't turn on the radio. I don't know what happened to
come, the company paid for his stay, paid for a him; Well, the same thing always happened, but
luxury hotel for two people. "I'll take him," he he only tried one station, it was playing a
said, referring to me. I think he liked me for those guaracha, and he turned it off immediately
trips. without making any comment. I would have liked
to hear some music, but I didn't say anything. I
And I, how I loved those trips! This time it
think that's why he liked to take me on his trips; I
was to Paracas. I didn't know Paracas, and when
was not a questioning little boy; I liked to be
my father started packing the suitcase on Friday
docile; I was aware of my docility. But yes, he was
night, I already knew that I wouldn't sleep very
very observant.
well that night, and that I would wake up before
the alarm went off. And that's why I looked at him out of the
corner of my eye, and now I'm watching him
We left very early that Saturday, but we
drive. I see him pull his pants a little from his
had to waste a lot of time in the office before
knees, revealing his impeccable white socks,
hitting the road south. It seems that my father
better than mine, because I'm still a child; white
still had things to do there, perhaps receiving the
and impeccable because we are going to Paracas,
last instructions from his boss. I don't know; I
a luxury hotel, a summer resort, a lot of money But all this is now that I'm seeing it, not
and all those things. His jacket is the same as then when I was looking at it while we arrived in
every trip outside of Lima, grey, very light, sporty; Paracas in the Pontiac. I had forgotten a little
He is American and will last a lifetime. The pants about the Pontiac, but the white walls of the
are gray, a little darker than the jacket, and the hotel made me see it black, the poor thing was
shirt is the newest old shirt in the world; A shirt already very old, and so wide. "Where is this big
will never last as long for me as it does for my thing going to fit," I asked myself, and I'm sure my
father. father was scared to death when he saw those
big cars, I'm not saying this because of their size,
And the beret; the beret is Basque; He
but because of their appearance. If I gave them a
says she is pure Basque. It's for travel; for the air,
bump, then we would have to see whose car it
for baldness. Because my father is bald, very bald,
was, because my father was a very gentleman,
and now that I'm looking at him he's no longer a
and then the owner would appear, spending the
tall man. I already learned that my father is not a
summer in Paracas with his friends, and perhaps
tall man, but rather a short one. He is short and
he knew my father's bosses, he had heard about
very skinny. Short, bald and skinny, but maybe I
"nothing has happened to him, Juanito" (that's
didn't see him that way then, now I know that he
his name, my father's name), and they were
is just the nicest man on earth, docile like me, in
going to pat him on the back, then the appetizers
reality he is scared to death of his bosses; those
would come, and they weren't going to greet me,
bosses who love him so much because he hasn't
but I would act accordingly. to the circumstances
been late or sick or missed the office in seven
and in such a way that my father would not
million years; those bosses that I have seen pat
realize that they had not greeted me. It was
him on the back and spend their lives
better that my mother had not come.
congratulating him at the church door on
Sundays; but until now they don't greet me, and But nothing happened. We found a very
my father spends his life telling my mother, at the wide spot for the black Pontiac, and when we got
church door on Sundays, that their bosses' wives out, I did see it very old. We were already at the
are distracted or haven't seen her, because they hotel in Paracas, luxury hotel and everything else.
haven't seen my mother either. They greet him, A boy came to the car for the suitcase. He was
although they did not forget to send him, my the first person we greeted. He took us to the
father, their greetings and congratulations when reception and there my father signed the
he turned a million years older without getting regulation papers, and then asked if we could still
sick or being late to the office, the time he "have something for lunch" (I remember he said
brought those photos in which, I am sure, a boss that). The man at the reception, very
had just patted him on the back, and another was distinguished, much taller than my father,
about to pat him; and that other photo in which responded affirmatively: "Of course, sir. The boy
the bosses had already left the cocktail, but they will accompany you to your "bungalow" so that
had attended, my father told you, and he showed you can wash your hands, if you wish. You have
you the first photo again. time, sir; "The dining room closes in a few
minutes, and your 'bungalow' is not far away." I
don't know if it was my dad, but I understood all
that 'bungalow' stuff very well, because I study at responded to our greeting, who had gone to
an English school and I shouldn't forget that in my bring the menu (my father asked for the menu
life and every time my dad explodes, every and he said he was going for the menu) and that
thousand years, he then invites us to the according to dad he should We had changed the
movies. , shouts that for seven million years he tablecloth, but it was better not to say anything
has been working sick and without arriving late to because, even though this was a luxury hotel, we
give his children the best, as well as the children had arrived just in time for lunch. I almost
of his bosses. greeted the waiter again when he returned and
gave the menu to my father who got into
The boy who took us to the "bungalow"
difficulties and finally ordered sea bass a la I don't
didn't smile much when my father gave him the
know how many, because the waiter had already
tip, but I already knew that when you travel with
been waiting for hours. He left with the order and
company money you can't be wasting, otherwise,
my father, smiling at me, put the menu on the
poor bosses, they would never earn a cent and
table, so that I could read the names of some
the company would go bankrupt in the respectful
dishes, a lot of French names actually, and then I
mind of my father, who was washing his hands
thought, with relief, that something terrible could
while I opened the suitcase and haphazardly took
have happened. happen, like that time in that
out my swimwear. It was then that I found out,
modern restaurant, with a menu that seemed for
he told me, that I shouldn't go near the sea,
Americans, when my father handed me the menu
which was full of rays, there were even sharks. I
so that I could order, and he began to tell the
ran to wash my hands, because they will close the
waiter that he didn't know English, but that his
dining room in a few minutes, and I left my
son did. He was educating his other children in an
swimwear thrown on the bed. We closed the
English school as well, no matter what the cost,
door of the "bungalow" and moved towards the
and the boy didn't pay any attention to him, and
dining room. My father too, although less so, I
he moved his leg because he already wanted to
think he was observant; He pointed to the pool,
maybe because of the swimwear. Paracas was
beautiful; It had a desert, an oasis, a spa; sand, It was then that my father was truly
palm trees, flowers, sidewalks and paths where triumphant. While the waiter came with the
girls that I did not dare to look at, few of them corvinas to I don't know how many, my father
anymore, the last, the most backward, went lazily began to talk about giving us a luxury, that the
to take that nap of someone who has already environment demanded it, and that the company
gotten used to the luxury hotel. Shy and curious, was not going to go bankrupt if he asked for a
my father and I entered the dining room. little bottle of white wine to accompany those
croakers. He said that that night at seven was the
And it is there, sitting with my back to the
meeting with those farmers, and that they would
sea, the rays and the sharks, it is there that I am
buy the tractors that they had asked him to sell;
seeing it, as if I were at the door of the dining
he had never failed the company. That was when
room, and in reality I am also seeing myself sitting
the waiter appeared, making his life difficult to
there, in the same table, face to face with my
carry the dishes in the most difficult way, it
father and waiting for that waiter, who barely
seemed like a circus, and my father looked at him
as if he were going to applaud, but thank God he He smiled at me from the dining room
reacted and took a rather forced, although door, and I greeted him, then looking at my
dignified, attitude. , when the waiter played to father to explain who he was, that he was in my
almost throw the plates over our faces, in reality class, etc.; but my father, upon hearing his last
it was because he was putting them elegantly on name, turned to look at him smiling, told me to
the table and we were not used to so much. "A call him, and as he crossed the dining room, he
white man, I don't know how many," said my knew his father, a friend of his bosses, one of the
father. I almost hugged him because of that directors of the company, many lands in that
French word he had just pronounced, that brand region ...
of wine, I hadn't even asked for the menu to
—Jimmy, dad. —And they shook hands.
consult, no, none of that; He had asked for it just
like that, triumphant, knowing, and the waiter "Sit down, boy," my father said, and now
had no choice but to take note and go looking. he just greeted me.

Everything was going perfect. They had It was very beautiful; Jimmy was
brought us the wine and now I remember that extraordinarily beautiful: blonde, hair in gold
moment of happy balance: my father sitting with rings, slanted blue eyes, and that tanned skin,
his back to the sea, it was not that the dining tanned all year round, winter and summer,
room was on the edge of the sea, but the wall perhaps because he always came to Paracas. As
that supported those windows prevented me soon as he had sat down, I noticed something
from seeing the pool and the beach, and Now that seemed strange to me: the same waiter who
what I'm seeing is my father's head, his face, his hated my father and me, now approached,
shoulders, the sea back there, blue on that sunny smiling, helpful, humble, and greeted Jimmy with
day, the palm trees here and there, my father's all respect; but he barely answered him with a
thin, fine hand on the cool bottle. of wine, grimace. And the waiter didn't leave, he was still
pouring me half a glass, filling his glass, "drink there, standing, waiting for orders, looking for
slowly, son", already somewhat burned by the them, I almost asked Jimmy to tell him to kill
sun, ready to agree, missing my mother, great, himself. Of the four of us there, Jimmy was the
and I was there, almost dripping with the juice only calm one.
that bathed the croaker , until I saw Jimmy. I
squirted when I saw it. I will never know why I And that's where the thing started. I'm
was afraid to see him. I soon found out. watching my father offer Jimmy a little wine in a
glass. That's where my terror began.

"No, thanks," Jimmy said. I had wine with

lunch. —And without looking at the waiter, he
asked him for a whiskey.

I looked at my father: his eyes were fixed

on the plate, he was smiling and choking on a
mouthful of sea bass that could have had millions
of bones. My father didn't stop Jimmy from
ordering that whiskey, and here the waiter came And I was scared to death, thinking about
almost dancing with the glass on a silver tray, you the Pontiac; Maybe Jimmy was going to find out
had to see the son of a bitch smile. And then that that was my father's, maybe he was going to
Jimmy took out a pack of Chesterfield, put it on make fun of him, he was going to see him older,
the table, lit one, and blew all the smoke on my broader, uglier than me. "What did we come here
father's bald head, of course he didn't do it out of for?" I was remembering the purchase of the
malice, he did it simply, and then he continued Pontiac, my father convincing Mom, "a small
looking beautiful, smiling, looking at towards the sacrifice," and then also the Saturday afternoons,
sea, but neither my father nor I wanted desserts when we would wash it, a family affair, all the
anymore. brothers with cans of water, my father with the
hose , my mother on the balcony, us crazy to
-Since when do you smoke? —My father
climb up, to take the helm, and my authoritarian
asked him, with a trembling voice.
father: "When they grow up, when they have a

-I don't know; "I don't remember," said permit", and then, sentimental: "It has cost me

Jimmy, offering me a cigarette. years of effort."

—No, no, Jimmy; No... —Do you have a license, Jimmy?

—Smoke no more, son; Don't despise your -No; It doesn't matter; everyone here

friend. knows me.

I'm watching my father say those words, And then my father asked him how old he

and then pick up a napkin that he hadn't was and he pretended to believe him when he

dropped, almost picking up the foot of the waiter said sixteen, and I did too, I almost told him he

who was still standing there. Jimmy and I were was a liar, but why, everyone knew that Jimmy

smoking, while my father told us that he had was in my class and that I wasn't. He was still

never been interested in smoking, and after a fourteen years old.

bronchial condition that he had I don't know

"Manolo is going with me," said Jimmy;
when, but Jimmy started talking about cars, while
We're going for a ride in my sister's car.
I looked at the clothes he was wearing. When it
was worn, it looked like it was all silk, and my And my father relented once again, smiled
father's shirt began to age pitifully; not even his again, and asked Jimmy to greet his father.
American jacket was going to last him a lifetime.
"It's almost four o'clock," he said, "I'm
—Do you drive, Jimmy? —my father going to rest a little, because at seven I have a
asked. business meeting." —He said goodbye to Jimmy,
and left without telling me what time he should
-Long time. Now I'm in my sister's car; The
return, I almost told him not to worry, that we
other day I crashed my car, but another one is
weren't going to crash.
coming to my dad. On the farm we have several
cars. Jimmy didn't ask me what my car was. I
didn't have to tell him that that black Pontiac, the
only one there, was my father's car. Now I would very elegant in that dining room full of lights and
tell him and then, when he laughed sarcastically, I the laughter of very pretty women, big, red men
would spit in his face, even though all those who slid their hands over Jimmy's gold rings as
waiters who had greeted him while we were they passed towards their tables. It was then that
leaving, all those who didn't pay attention to me, I thought I heard the end of the joke my father
would come at me to kill me for having dirty that had been telling, I made a face at him, and I sort
wonderful face like a little gold coin, those hands of locked him in his living room with those crude
of a first lover that were opening the door of my farmers who came to buy their first tractor. Then,
father's boss's car. this is strange, I slid very far into the sea, and
from there I began to see myself sailing in a party
At a million kilometers per hour, we were
dining room, while a waiter kneeling served me a
in Pisco, and there Jimmy almost ran over a
glass of champagne, under Jimmy's slanted, blue
woman in the Plaza de Armas; At I don't know
how many million kilometers per hour, with a
special fourth gear, we were at one of his I didn't understand him very well at first; I
ranches, and there Jimmy drank a Coca-Cola, didn't really know what he was talking about, or
pinched a cousin's buttock and didn't introduce what he meant by all that underwear stuff. I was
me to his sisters; At I don't know how many still watching him sign the bill; scribble his name
billion kilometers per hour, we were on the way on a monstrous figure and then invite me for a
to Ica, and there Jimmy showed me the place walk on the beach. "Come on," he had said, and I
where he had crashed his car, that shitty car, he was following him along the dark boardwalk, not
said, was useless. really understanding the whole underwear thing.
But Jimmy insisted, asking me again what
It was nine at night when we returned to
underwear I was wearing, and adding that his
Paracas. I don't know how, but Jimmy took me to
were like this and like that until we sat on those
a little room where my father was drinking with a
stairs that overlooked the sand and the sea. The
bunch of men. There he sat, his face satisfied, I
waves were breaking very close and Jimmy was
already knew he would do his job very well. All of
now talking about genitals, male genitals only,
those men knew Jimmy; They were farmers from
and I was sitting next to him, listening to him
there, and they had just bought the company's
without knowing what to answer, trying to see
tractors. Some were touching Jimmy's hair and
the rays and the sharks that my father was talking
others were dedicated to the whiskey that my
about, and suddenly running towards them
father was treating on behalf of the company. At
because Jimmy had just put a hand on my leg.
that moment my father started to tell a joke, but
"How are you doing, Manolo?" He said, and I
Jimmy interrupted him to tell him that he was
inviting me to eat. "Well, well," said my father.
Just go." I'm watching Jimmy walk away calmly;
return towards the light of the dining room and
And that night I drank the first whiskeys of
disappear after a few moments. From the edge of
my life, the first full glass of wine in my life, at an
the sea, with wet feet, I looked towards the hotel
impeccable table, with a waiter who danced
full of lights and towards the row of "bungalows",
smiling and constant around us. Everyone was
among which was mine. I thought about running me, and we were ready for bed. My bathing
back, but then I convinced myself that it was clothes were still there, and my father told me
stupid, that nothing would happen that night. The that tomorrow morning I could take a bath. Then
terrible thing would be if Jimmy continued there he asked me if I had had a good day, if Jimmy was
the next day, but for the moment, nothing; just my friend at school, and if I was going to see him
come back and go to bed. tomorrow; and I said everything: "Yes, dad, yes,
dad," until he turned off the light and got into
I was approaching the "bungalow" and
bed, while I, already lying down, was looking for a
heard a strange laugh. My father was with
stomach ache so I could stay in bed tomorrow,
someone. A huge, blond man shook my father's
and I thought he had already fallen asleep. . But
arm, congratulated him, said something efficient,
not. My father told me, in the dark, that the
and bam! He patted him on the shoulder. "Good
company's name had turned out very well, that
night, Juanito," he said. "Good evening, Don
he had done a good job, my father was happy.
Jaime," and at that moment he saw me.
Later he spoke to me again; He told me that Don

—Look at it; there is. Where is Jimmy, Jaime had been very kind in accompanying him to

Manolo? the door of the "bungalow" and that he was a

real gentleman. And about two hours later, he
—He left a while ago, dad. asked me: "Manolo, what does 'bungalow' mean
in Spanish?"
—Say hello to Jimmy's father.

-How are you boy? So Jimmy left a while

ago; well, it will appear. I was congratulating your
father; I hope you come out to him. I have
accompanied him to his "bungalow".

—Don Jaime is very kind.

—Well, Juanito, good night. —And he left,


We closed the door of the "bungalow"

behind us. We had both drunk, him more than

Alfredo Bryce Echenique
( Lima , February 19 , 1939 ) is a Peruvian writer , famous for novels such as A World for Julius ,
The Exaggerated Life of Martín Romaña and Don't Wait for Me in April .

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