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table of Contents

Claiming 1 (1)
Claiming 2 (1)
Claiming 3 (1)
Claiming 4 (1)
Claiming 5 (1)
Claiming 6 (1)
Claiming 7 (1)
Claiming 8 (1)
Claiming 9 (1)
Claiming 10 (1)
Claiming 11 (1)
Claiming 12 (1)
Claiming 13 (1)
Claiming 14 (1)
Claiming 15 (1)
Claiming 16

Claiming 19
Claiming 18
Claiming 20
Claiming 21
Claiming 22
Claiming 23
Claiming 24
Claiming 25
Claiming 26
Claiming 27
Claiming 28
Claiming 29
Claiming 30
Claiming 31-35
Claiming 36-40
Claiming 41-45
Claiming 46-50
Claiming 51-55
Claiming 56-60
Claiming 61-65
Claiming 66-70

Claiming 71-72 FINAL

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Romance claiming his tempting partner, Chapter 1
Romance Claiming Your Tempting Mate by Raina Lori: Categories: Werewolf,
Read the novel Claiming Your Tempting Mate, Chapter 1
Shyla's point of view
I gathered the flowers in my arm and walked towards my backpack. Today is a
special day, for my partner and also for me. Alpha wanted to organize the
Throne ceremony a month ago, but the master priest could not find a good day
to complete it, so it was delayed for many days. But a week ago the master
priest said that today is the best day, today there will be a pink moon night
which is luck.
Smiling widely, I walk towards the door. Everyone in the pack is busy decorating
to celebrate the ceremony. From man to woman, including even children. I
couldn't express how happy I am today. After my partner officially earns the title
of alpha, he will choose his Moon to rule the pack at his side, and as his
partner, I have to prepare for that. It's been two years since I found my mate,
but not everyone in the pack knows it yet. Because? Because my partner
wanted this to be kept a secret so he could surprise everyone on the day of the
throne ceremony. It's sad that I can't tell anyone about this. I have to watch it
silently from a distance in front of everyone, but all my waiting will come to an
end today. Because today he will tell the whole world that we are companions.
A laugh reached my ears and I turned to look at the group of girls standing on
the stairs. One of them was the most skilled woman in the pack who loves to
tease me in every way possible.
“Shyla? Where you come from? Ah… so you went looking for those bells again?
She laughed. There was a mockery shining in his eyes as he smiled happily.
"Come on, Tina, don't you know she wants to impress the young alpha with
Said another girl who was standing on the side.
“Yes, yes,” Tina smiled, “but you should know that the young Alpha is not one to
be impressed by those little bells. You should think of a bigger plan if you plan
on jumping into his bed.”
Again there was another round of laughter. It's not strange to me because they
are always like that. Mocking me to death, leaving no chance to slip.
“Come on Tina, don't bother the poor girl. You know that even if he plans to
seduce the young alpha, he won't succeed. The age of change has already
passed and he hasn't even been able to wake up his wolf, a poor girl, how can
our Alpha love her?
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My fingers around the flowers clenched tightly. So what if I couldn't change? I
do not have a heart?
I don't look good? Just because I haven't been able to awaken the wolf inside
me doesn't mean I'm worse off. I still belong to the wolf family. But I never had
the courage to respond. All I could do was curse inside, but my voice never
came out to stop them from defending me.
They laughed as if they were telling some joke. They were about to say it again
when another voice interrupted them, “What are you doing there?”
I looked up and saw Ben, the young beta of the pack, chiming in "go and do
your job instead of playing", his cold voice shut all those mouths before they
backed away.
"Are you OK?" He asked as he walked towards me.
I smiled “I'm fine, don't worry. Anyway, it's nothing unusual."
He frowned “you should have complained about this to the alpha or the young
alpha so they would stop abusing you like this. “This is going too far” he shook
his head.
Ben knows the truth, that's why he always shows up to help me. I always found
his demeanor so warm and protective. In addition to my partner's parents and
my family, Ben also knows that Avan, the young alpha, is my partner.
“Don't worry, after the ceremony no one will be able to make fun of me again.
He said he’ll tell everyone about us tonight,” I replied.
"He did?" Ben looked surprised.
I nodded "yeah, ah, I have to decorate these flowers for tonight, so I have to
go." Suddenly I remembered my flowers.
He looked at the flowers and smiled. "Did you go to the valley to pluck those
bells again?"
I laughed "it's his favorite." I rubbed the flowers gently. The bells they are
referring to are the lily of the valley flowers that grow beautifully by the river in
our Bright Shine pack. It is also the symbol of our pack. When people saw these
flowers, they knew it was our flock.
"Okay, then I'll see you tonight." He nodded and ran away.
I looked up and found that the sun was about to set. Then I ran towards the
packing house. The ceremony will begin soon. And before that I needed to
clean and then prepare. I can't help but smile like an idiot. After tonight I will be
able to call you my partner before anyone else, without hesitation. I was passing
through the rooms when suddenly I heard someone moan. It makes a lot of
noise, which made me stop on the track. Yo
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He frowned and looked around. In the corner was a room where the door was
slightly open. And the sound came from there.
I gathered the flowers with my fingers and walked towards them. The sounds
began to become louder and wilder. Then I can hear the slapping sounds on the
skin that made my face turn completely red.
You should not be doing this. But I don't know why my heart compels me to go
see him. To calm myself, I slowly approached the door and, tilting my head,
looked inside.
The bed inside the room shook violently as two people huddled together,
completely naked. The man on top thrust so hard that the girl moaned loudly.
Shaking my head, I turned to leave. Why did I come here to see this? I wanted
to slap myself for that. Wow, cursing, I was about to leave when I heard the girl
shout a familiar name.
"Ah... oh God Avan, I'm coming... ah..."
My heartbeat stopped for a second and I stayed there rooted to the ground. A
"Yes, baby, come for me...come for your Alpha," then the man's voice echoed in
my ear.
No… how can this be? Why... I couldn't help but enter the room, stopping the
couple's movement.
They turned around and their eyes widened in shock.
“Shyla...?” Avan stood up and immediately wrapped a towel around his waist.
"Because you are here?" He asked him. But my eyes were not on him, but on
the woman who was covering her body with the sheet.
"Because?" This was the only thing I could say. Looking at the two people in
front of me, my eyes filled with tears…
Why is it like this? One is my partner and the other is my sister?
“Look, that's not what it looks like,” Avan tried to explain.
It's not what it seems? If not, then what is it?
"Shyla, please don't misunderstand, it's just..." Reese, who was in bed, pulled
out a shirt and quickly put it on and I think it was Avan's shirt he was wearing.
"What happened?" The door behind me opened suddenly and I didn't have to
look back to see who they were.
"Avan, you..." I heard Alpha Deven's voice behind me.
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“Father, please listen to me first. Please close the door,” Avan replied calmly.
Everyone is calm in this room except me, who burns with pain and betrayal.
"What's happening here?" Alpha asked again.
"Avan, did you sleep with Reese?" I heard Luna gasp.
“Mom, please listen to me first, I can explain” Avan walks towards me “Shyla,
I'm sorry, I was distracted and couldn't think clearly about the seduction, but
there is nothing to worry about that.”
I looked at him closely, my heart burns, but he says there is nothing to worry
about? He said it so casually that he was talking about a normal topic, as if he
didn't feel any guilt for deceiving me behind my back.
“Shyla, I'm sorry, but please don't be angry with Avan. "We were a little
distracted at the time, but it's not our fault because we love each other."
Reese's voice sounded in my ear, but it only added fuel to the fire burning
inside me.
"Love?" I looked at her pitiful, tearful face and then at Avan, who still looked so
calm. “Do you love her?”
Avan looked at her, who was crying silently, and then said to me, “Shyla, please
try to understand the situation, it is true that I love her. And what happened was
our will, but you...
"So you kept it a secret from me because you're with her?" My voice cracked,
"but she's not your partner," I almost screamed.
He seemed sad. "I know. I also know that you are my destined companion and
of course I will take care of you as a companion does.”
Careful? Should I feel happy after hearing this? Careful? Are you kidding?
“Avan, are you sane? What are you talking about?" Alpha asked his son “you
are the next alpha of our pack, even if you mix with other women, you cannot
neglect your partner.
You must know that only your true partner can give you strength and power.”
Is he scolding his son or reminding him of me? For him, a partner is just a
source of strength and power and she no longer means anything? So.
“Shyla…” I turned to my mother, who looked worried.
“Why do you have an affair with my partner even after knowing the truth, mom?
As my sister, she should support me, but look at how she is betraying someone
else’s partner.” I pointed to Resse, who was crying.
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“Shyla, calm down, honey. After all, she is your sister. Have a little open mind,”
Mom said and looked at Reese.
My mouth dropped open as I looked at her. Is she my real mother? Be open
Does having an open mind mean that I should accept my partner having sex
with another woman, especially if that woman is my sister?
“Mom, I am your daughter too, how can you be so partial to me? I obeyed
everything you said all these years, but yet she's the only one you can see? I
could not believe it. What is happening around me? I feel like they're not even
my family. They seem strange to me now.
“Shyla, how could you talk to your mother like that?” Dad stepped forward
angrily "for raising you all these years, are you giving us that attitude?"
Suddenly, a loud slap hit my cheek and I fell to the ground.
I held my cheek and looked at him with tears in my eyes "dad..."
"Do not call me that way. We've been raising you all these years, giving you
everything you need, but you're still not satisfied? Dad scolded him angrily.
“Was I wrong, Dad? I was just asking for justice for myself. Reese had...
"Be quiet. What qualifications do you have to accuse Reese? If we hadn't
picked you up and brought you back here, you would have died a long time
ago," my father yelled at me. His dark eyes show how angry he is. he is .
"Honey, stop, what are you talking about?" Mom took him by the arm.
Did he catch me? Am I not... your daughter? Was I adopted? So I can finally
understand why they are so biased, even if it were true, are they supporting
their own daughter and who am I? An adopted one?
“Shyla dear, don't take your father's word seriously. “He’s just angry and worried
about his sister,” the mother said immediately. Oh no, my adoptive mother,
Am I just an orphan? So what right do I have to intervene? They are showing
me my worth and my right here.
"Dad, please don't scold her" Reese took a step forward and crouched in front
of me "she is my sister after all" then he leaned towards me "do you think a man
like him will ever take a woman like you like you?" buddy? You must know your
place and not make more mistakes. Also, let me tell you the truth… you never
had his heart, not as a woman… not as a partner” he whispered in my ear and
then walked away.
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“Dad, please don't be angry, today is our fault. “She is just a victim here.” Reese
stood up and cried again.
"This matter is serious, but Avan, although you love Reese, Shyla is your
partner," Alpha said again.
Friend? I wanted to laugh so hard until my stomach hurt. I'm just a companion
he needed to fulfill his bond. I turned to look at my partner.
"Did you know I was adopted?" Asked.
“Shyla, I'm sorry, but you also know that as an alpha, I need a partner who can
rule by my side. Take responsibility for the entire gang. But you have already
passed the era of change and will not be able to help me in the future. But even
though you are weak, you are still my partner and we have a special bond
between us that cannot be broken. So I hope you also understand my problem
and cooperate with me. I promise to give you everything you need in your life
and make you happy. But I can't give you the title of Luna.
“Reese will help me rule and since you two are sisters, I think you will get
along,” Avan said. He didn't answer my question, but he avoided using other
words. So he knew all along. It's not?
What did he say to get us along? Do you think I want to live my entire life in the
shadows while I watch them have a good life? Can you give me everything I
need? Instead, he has already taken everything from me.
“Shyla dear, I know you are hurt. Take some time and think about it. After
tonight, Reese will be declared Luna, but only by name, because you are
Avan's true partner. So I think it will be good too, plus we all agree on this point.
“This will make everyone’s lives easier.” I heard Alpha make a decision.
Am I a tool for them to decide everything about my life? I am weak because I
couldn't change.
Should I keep an open mind because my half-sister and my partner love each
other? Should I help you because I am your partner and it is my responsibility?
Suddenly my chest started to burn as if something was rising inside me, but I
don't know what?
"Avan, we shouldn't have done that" Reese walked up to Avan and grabbed his
“Don't worry, Shyla is mature. “She will understand the situation and help us.”
Avan gently patted him on the shoulder.
A partner is supposed to make you feel warm and protected, but I couldn't feel
anything but EMPTY inside me. Looking at the person in front of me holding
another woman who was accidentally my stepsister? If this is called a pair bond,
then I refuse to accept such a pair bond. I would rather die without company
than be a shadow in the darkness.
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I get up from the ground placing my hand on my chest. They have no feelings or
concerns for me, they just wanted to use me as a tool for their benefits. But I am
also a living being who wants to be free.
“Is that what you want me to do?” I asked Avan. He looked at me and smiled.
“I know you will understand me clearly. Nobody knows me better than you.
Shyla, I know you love me and I am very happy. “I promise I will do everything
for you.”
Live as a substitute for my partner? This was not what I expected or what I ever
He wanted her to bond with him while he enjoyed the warmth of another woman
in his arms. Is this what we call companion? If so, then I refuse to have such a
“I never agreed with you,” I responded with a deadpan face.
The smile on Avan’s face froze “What are you saying, Shyla? If you don't agree,
what will you do?
Who will take care of you? Think again. I promised you, I will give you
everything you need. Even after Reese becomes my Luna, you won't miss
anything, you'll also enjoy a lunar life in the backyard, that's all.”
I looked at Reese. "Have you ever thought about what would happen when you
one day meet your real partner?" Reese looked surprised.
“Shyla, what are you talking about? Say yes to young Alpha,” I heard my
adoptive father say. But now I'm careless. I don't even care what he thinks or
says. I am not related to him but all these years helping me I wanted to thank
him but with the slap he gave me I returned all the kindness.
“You are my partner, but you are never satisfied with me, but you stayed with
my stepsister because she can change? And furthermore, do you want me to
accept your proposal and become a shadow of your strength?

I asked.

“Shyla, it's not like that, you…” Avan began.

"I do not need this. "Keep it to yourself"
“Shyla, it's not like that. After all, Reese is your sister. You can get along and we
will make peace with our pack.” Mom smiled.
I looked at her and then looked at Avan. “I am not qualified enough to be your
partner. It will be better if you find someone qualified for you.”
I wanted him to be mine, he's my mate anyway, but he never wanted me to be
his mate just because I couldn't transform. It's my fault?
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“Look, Shyla, even though I love you, I will never abandon you. You are my
partner and of course you are fine with me. I will take your responsibility and
you don't have to worry about it.” Avan smiled, still trying to show how
reasonable his argument is.
Responsibility? If I hadn't known him better, I would have believed his words. I
shook my head.
I lost everything today. Everything comes to a head now. I am a stranger who
has no rights, who is weak and pathetic.
But if I have to choose between me and my partner, then I will choose myself.
Even if I am weak, I won't let them ruin my life and decide my destiny.
“I wanted your love, but you never felt anything for me. And now I don't want
anything from you, not even the bond. I gritted my teeth. He cheated on me
behind my back, but he is not guilty in any way.
"Shyla, what are you-"
Since you don't love me, I won't bother you anymore. I looked at him closely
and my heart only felt pain. There is no more love than coldness.
“I refuse to live under the same roof as an unfaithful partner. And that is why I,
Shyla Clarke, reject you, Avan Lowe, as my forever companion. Our bond ends
from now on.”
I heard sighs behind. Reese's eyes widened in shock.
"Shyla, what are you-"
I didn't hear what they said as I gathered my will and fled from there. I want to
go so far away from this place.
I didn't look back as I ran. I could hear their voices calling my name.

But now I don't really care about anything. No more.

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Romance claiming his tempting partner, Chapter 2

Shyla's POV Is this what we get from having companions? Pain, pain,
loneliness, anguish, coldness and emptiness? I never knew who created this
bond of companionship. I want to ask you, why? because? Is my fate sealed
like this? Why do I have to go through such a painful time when real adulterers
rejoice behind my back? The partner is your other half.
That's what I've heard since I was a kid, but now what? Do these words have
any proof? Does someone who is your other half leave you because you can't
change into your wolf form? Is that what a partner does?
Suddenly I felt a pain in my chest. I grabbed him as he ran. I don't want to be
here anymore. I never want to go back to this package again. Because my mind
wasn't in the right place, I felt like my body hit something. I backed away
“Shyla? What happened?" I heard a familiar voice "why are you so..."
Look up. His eyes widened as he looked at my face. A surprised expression
crossed his face "Shyla, you..."
"Back away," I almost growled. I don't know where I got such a strong voice, but
today my voice was a little rough.
Ben stepped back, still looking at me.
“Go ask your young alpha who is there fucking my so-called stepsister. If you go
now, maybe you can see their beautiful moments or even have fun,” I spat
On normal days I never swear. Bad words don't even form in my mouth, but
today I really don't know what's happening to me.
"Shyla, you... you... you are..."
“Shut up,” I shouted, “don't mention my name. “This kind of dirty place should
not exist.”
The pain in my chest began to increase as it slowly spread throughout my body.
I felt like I was burning inside. Is it because of rejection? I can not understand
Without thinking much, I turned around and started running towards the pack
entrance door.
"Shyla, stop, where are you going?" I heard Ben shout behind me.
My head leaned back as I looked at him. "I dare you to follow me" was all I said
before finally leaving Bright Shine Pack.
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The herd area is located next to a valley and on the left side there is a dense
forest. He says no one from the gang went there. From the starting point, the
forest falls into another area, which may belong to a powerful pack and Bright
Shine never dares to cross the border and offend them, even if they have never
officially met. If I want to escape the pack's territory, I need to go to the forest.
The moment I enter the forest I will become a bandit, with no home, no family
and no related pack. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
I have lived in the Bright Shine Pack for many years, but there has not been a
day where I have received any respect from the members of the pack, other
than Ben, there has not been a single soul who respects me. My existence in
the pack was invisible. Because is what?
Why am I the only one in the pack who couldn't change into wolf form? Most
werewolves change by age 16, but that didn't happen in my case. Then they
have a great reason to mock.
And I tolerated everything, I swallowed my pride thinking that once I became
Luna, maybe they would accept me, but today I discovered that I was just
daydreaming about myself.
Because? Because reality is much more different than imagination. And in the
blink of an eye all my hope, my dream, my love was shattered; Like a piece of
glass that slipped out of my hand.
The pain in my body began to increase more. My body started to go numb. I
painfully dragged my body towards the forest. As soon as I come in, everything
will be done. I will no longer be recognized as a member of the Bright Shine
Pack. And now that's what I really want. To cut all ties, I actually have no real
ties to them since they are not related by blood to me. After all these years of
humiliation, I gave them enough face and now I have paid for it all.
I can see the dark forest. There was no sound, it feels like I'm entering a deathly
silent world where no one will be able to find me no matter how hard they try.
And I know, they will surely try to find me, look for me everywhere. To them, I'm
still useful, so they won't let me get away so easily. If the situation wasn't
shocking enough, they wouldn't let me escape like this. And I don't want to see
their faces. Not now, not never.
The sun was already setting and it started to get dark. When I entered the
forest, darkness surrounded me.
There was a faint light falling from the branches of the trees. My breathing
started to quicken as I can barely drag my body now. I felt like my bones were
breaking and I couldn't stand upright. I let out a sigh as I leaned against the
This kind of feeling is something I have never felt before. Why is this happening
so suddenly?
“Ah…” I almost screamed when I felt a sharp pain in my body. I felt my body slip
from the support and fall to the ground.
I rolled on the floor in pain, but there is no one who can hear me. Why do I feel
so much pain? I'm going to die? Good like this?
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My body went numb and my mind started to stop working. I closed my eyes
tiredly. I can't think of anything right now. The bones of my body become numb
from the intense pain. If I die here like this, it's not worth it. I don't want to die
here. My senses began to wander into the darkness. Then there are some
painting sounds. Although I want to look, I don't have the strength to open my
The sound of footsteps stepping on dry leaves on the ground faintly reached my
ears. I can smell an unknown odor. I don't know when my olfactory strength
improved to be able to identify it from the familiar to the unknown.
There seems to be more than one person. They are talking to each other and of
course they can see me.
“It's not our territory,” said one of them. It was a rough voice that whispered
“Maybe some scoundrel is passing by,” responded another.
“But in such a position? “I find it hard to believe,” the first one said again.
“This is something strange. Is this your first time?
What the hell are they talking about? What is my first time and what is my
position now? Although I desperately want to know, I have no choice but to lie
down on the ground. I can't move my body no matter how hard I try. And now,
slowly, I felt my senses sinking into darkness.
“We can't leave her here.”
“Let's take her with us. Maybe Alfa can help.”
They whispered and then I felt myself being lifted up. I don't know where they
are taking me, but I took the opportunity to play with my own life; I'll see where
my destiny takes me this time.

A month later….

In Bright Shine package

Avan's point of view

Where is she?" I looked at the members standing in front of me with their

heads bowed.
Automatically translated by Google “It's been a month since she left and you
can't even find a girl who doesn't have wolf powers? What useless members.” I
growled and hit the table so hard it broke.
“Young Alpha, we tried, but she is nowhere in the territory. Besides, no one saw
her leave the border,” responded one of them.
I closed my eyes “go away, I don't want to see her face until you find her and
bring her back.”
It's been a month since Shyla left the pack. At first I thought she was angry and
was going to cry a lot. Then when she calms down, I will persuade her again.
But I didn't expect her to leave the pack like this. I knew my relationship with
Reese would affect her, but until that moment, it wasn't something I expected.
Although our relationship was not very intimate, we shared the bond of a couple
and a wolf, especially one who is about to ascend to the title of Alpha; Losing
your partner will be a big blow. Reese is sexy and attractive and knew how to
capture my heart, but she is not my partner in reality, where Shyla was my
destiny and her presence always gave me support and strength.
That night, after she rejected me, I felt a pain in my chest and would almost
burn if the father did not give me the healing pill at the right time. I never thought
that Shyla would reject the offer and even reject me as her partner. After all
these issues, I never wanted to lose my partner. Without your true partner you
will not achieve the title of Alpha. But why did he leave? Didn't I tell you to be
responsible for her? I wanted to give her all the rights that Luna has, except the
title of Luna.
But she refused.
“Still no news about her?”
I turned around and saw Reese standing in the doorway with a worried
expression. I shook my head. She gave me a small smile before walking
towards me.
“If it weren't for me, she would still be here. “I think I really think too much about
our relationship.”
I grimaced. “You don't need to say that. "She's just angry, so maybe that's why
she's hiding."
“But she rejected you” I closed my eyes tightly. That's something I don't want to
“You should go now. “I have work to do,” I told him.
His face turned pale. “Avan, I know you're worried about Shyla. She's been
missing for a month and I'm worried about her too. After all, she is my sister.
Although we are not related by blood, all these years we have grown together
and that is something we cannot change. Whatever happened, we all had a part
in it.”
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I looked at her. Her beautiful face is now pale and white. As tears run down your
cheeks, it's pitiful. I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me.
“Don't worry about her. Apart from us, she doesn't know anyone. So it doesn't
matter what she can't hide for long. “He has to come back here.” I tried to
confront her, but I'm not sure for myself.
Although I claimed her as my mate, I still wasn't as close to her as I am to
Resse. I only know that she was my partner and I have some responsibility
towards her and other than that I never get close to her or be intimate with her.
So now, comforting Reese, I don't know how true my own words are either.
Reese lifted her head from his chest. “Really?”
I shook my head trying to reassure her. We both knew this day would come and
we even discussed it. We will work together to resolve the situation and make
Shyla understand her, but what I never expected was that Shyla would be so
difficult to deal with. He was about to say more when there was a knock on the
"Alpha is calling you to the Astrology room," it was Ben who put on a poker
face. Since Shyla left he hasn't spoken to me.
I nodded, "I'll go right away."
He turned around and left without saying a word.
“Why does Alpha suddenly call the Astrology room?” -Reese asked.
“Maybe because of Father Trivan. It was said it would arrive in a few days. Dad
was anxious and invited him. I think it arrived so dad is asking to see the results
of the stars”
I answered.
“Will there be any complications?”
"Don't know. We can only find out after we go there. Let's go". I took her to the
Astrology room.
When we arrived, Dad, Mom, and Reese's parents were already waiting for us.
Father Trivan is a well-known astrologer and his advice was never wrong. But
he doesn't stay in one place and wander around the world. Dad worked hard to
invite you.
“Come in Avan, we were waiting for you,” the father said shaking his head
before looking at Father Trivan. I have met Father Trivan several times before
this, so I know his appearance very well.
We sat on nearby sofas, where Father Trivan was sitting in the center.
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“The pack is not doing well these days. I don't know what is the main reason
behind this.
One after another, problems continually come. Please help us give some
guidance,” asked the father.
Father Trivan closed his eyes and threw some cowrie shells on the green cloth
placed on the table. He sang some words that were whispered just to be heard
by him.
As soon as he finished, he opened his eyes and looked at the cowrie shells
scattered at an angle on the table.
"There is something wrong with this group," Priest Trivan said, but before
anyone could ask anything, he continued, "Who has Scorpio as their star
constellation in this group?"
We look at each other. When a child is born, the first thing we do is identify his
or her birth star. There are many stars that can bring good and evil. That is why
it is important to identify it. But having a Scorpio star is rare.
“We don't have anyone with this star-born priest,” the father responded.
Father Trivan shook his head “no, there is. The calamity in this group is already
predestined, but due to the lucky star, it has been suppressed, so everyone will
live in peace for years, but…”
He frowned as he looked back at the cowrie shells "that... luck ran out."
“What is your lucky star, priest Trivan?” I couldn't help but ask.
His head turned towards me, still frowning, "Your Pegasus star is very faint, but
you are lucky to be in a relationship with a lucky star who has the ability to turn
misfortune into fortune, but why?" why did you lose that lucky star? "
His sudden question intrigued me. What is he trying to say? Lucky star? I
couldn't understand it.
“What does this mean, Father Trivan?” asked the father.
Father Trivan looked at him. “It was heaven who united the lucky star with this
flock, but suddenly heaven's wish went awry and the newly formed bond was
broken. And now there is no chance to fix it. The lucky star of your pack went to
the destined place.”
"What does it mean…." Dad started.
Father Trivan seemed calm: “This means that the fortune that heaven bestowed
on this group has been left to the calamity. This place was lucky to have the
lucky star, but alas! That star is now destined for another place.”
“What is the solution to this?” Dad asked again. His expression shows that he is
really anxious.
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“There is no other solution than to face the calamity. Start your pack, choose
yourself, now no one can stop you. My detour ends here, I said a lot and now I
can't say anything more” then Father Trivan got up and slowly left the room
leaving us behind.
I walk towards the father “father, what did father Trivan mean? I can not
Dad looked at me. His eyes are red. I thought he was angry, but I knew in
advance that a heavy slap fell on my face. The force was strong enough to turn
my head the other way. Mom gasped next to him. Reese said my name.
“Don't you know, you're so naive? Couldn't you understand this simple
How could you become so stupid? Could you not understand who the lucky star
that Father Trivan was referring to? Reflect and try to find out who abandoned
the pack,” he shouted, then turned around and left abruptly.
Mom looked at me before following Dad.
I held my cheek as my mind pondered this topic.
"Avan, are you okay?" Reese was immediately at my side.
Reflect and try to discover who left the pack? My father's voice echoes in my
mind. Who left the gang? The more I think... Suddenly something appeared.
The only one who left the pack was Shyla.
That means she was Bright Shine's lucky star because her calamity is being
averted, but now that she's gone, everything is falling apart.
My eyes widened in shock. I don't mind Reese's worried tone. My mind is filled
with shock and understanding.
The lucky start of the pack, Shyla the lucky star of Bright Shine, but…..
Unfortunately I already lost it, and now...

The calamity has already begun.

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Romance claiming his tempting partner, Chapter 3
Shyla's point of view
Pain…. Everything is painful…
I wanted to moan, but I couldn't open my mouth. My body is sore and stiff. I tried
to move my body, but I couldn't, it felt like something had suddenly become too
heavy for me to lift. I can't even open my eyes, but I can still hear some voices
in the background that certainly don't sound familiar to me.
"She woke up?"
“No, I'm already looking at it.”
“Mom is anxious. “She is praying a lot about this.”
“I am also very excited. I never thought this day would come."
“Me neither, but I'm happy too”
Who are these people? And what are they saying? I clearly remembered that I
left the pack at night. Did they find me and bring me back? Just thinking about it
made my heart sink. I don't want to see your faces in this life. All my miseries
are due to them and I will never forget them even after my death.
“Oh look, she's opening her eyes” I heard the voice again.
I struggled a lot to open my eyelids. I can't stay here long and I have to see who
these people are who brought me here. When I finally managed to open my
eyes fully, the first thing that greeted me was a white ceiling with gold patterns.
The color itself looks luxurious, not to mention the golden pattern drawn on the
ceiling. Even my ex-pack's Alpha room wasn't that unique. I turned my head to
the side and saw the face of a beautiful woman. She was all smiles. Its natural
beauty is enough to surprise anyone.
"Are you OK? Do you feel pain anywhere?" he asked with his sweet and
melodious voice.
"I..." I tried to respond, but my voice got caught in my throat. I rubbed it slowly
trying to calm it down.
“Oh, your throat must be dry. “Let me get you some water, it will help you relax,”
he said before getting up. After a few seconds, he returned and handed me a
glass of water.
“Here, take this first and relax. “We can talk slowly.”
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I took the glass and drank the water. After the water soaked my sore throat, I
suddenly felt good. God, I don't know how long it's been since I could say a
word properly.
"You want more?"
I shook my head. He took the glass from my hand and placed it on the side
“You have been sleeping for a long time, so your body must be stiff and sore.
Since you woke up, you need to eat and nourish yourself to stay healthy.”
I looked at her "how long... how long... I -"
"Oh, you've been sleeping for a month."
My eyes almost popped out. One month? I was unconscious for a whole
month? How did I end up like this?
Did it really hurt to be unconscious for a month?
"How did you find me?" I asked.
The woman smiled “our two pack guards saw you lying on the ground in the
“They were patrolling the area, so we can say it was a happy coincidence for
both sides.”
So the voice I heard last time was that of those guards. She is right. I was very
lucky that the former member didn't find me. Or I don't know what I would have
done after waking up.
"Thank you for saving me"
She smiled “no need. It was lucky that they found you and we are lucky to have
found you. After all these years of searching, it was finally worth it.”
I grimaced at his words. What is she saying? Years of research? What are you
actually looking for?
Before I could ask him and get an answer, the door opened and few people ran
Among them was an elderly woman the same age as my former adoptive
mother. But she is more elegant and beautiful. If you don't look at it closely, it is
impossible to predict whether it is really old. He had tears in his eyes as he
looked at me. Behind her were two men looking at me. One of them was an
older man and the other was young and promising, but both seemed strong and
still. But the most surprising thing was his eyes. It is the most beautiful and rare
type of orb I have ever seen. How gorgeous! They are purple. I once heard that
in the wolf tribes there are some who have black eyes, but none of them saw
one, so the rumors remained in history. But now, seeing it with my own eyes, I
really wanted to scream that I actually witnessed it with the naked eye.
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How are you darling?" The old woman's sweet voice broke my trance.
"I...I'm fine," I replied. Her voice filled my heart with warmth and her gaze was
as gentle as a mother looking at her daughter. I've seen that kind of look when
my ex-mother looked at Reese, but she never looked at me like that. I always
wondered until that night when everything was revealed to me.
"I'm so grateful you're okay," she suddenly sobbed. The old man stepped
forward and put his arm on her shoulder.
“Why are you crying now? She's already here, but are you still crying?
The woman nodded and wiped away her tears before looking at me again. She
smiled before slowly moving and sitting on the bed next to me. A feeling of
warm breeze suddenly called to me.
She took my hand gently.
“I'm sorry for everything, dear. Because of our lack of attention you suffered a
lot. “I still curse myself for it.”
I frowned at his words "What are you saying auntie?"
Her smile froze on her face for a few seconds, then she shook her head “no,
dear, she's not an aunt. Our relationship is much stronger and closer than that.”
I couldn't understand what he meant. I tried to calculate it in every possible way
but still couldn't find any answer. These people, what are they saying?
I looked at the person in front of me. I never saw her. She doesn't look familiar
to me, but she doesn't feel like a stranger either. This is something I couldn't
understand why?
"What does that mean?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Do you know who you are?" she asked instead.
" name is Shyla and I lived in the Bright Shine Pack," I replied.
But she just smiled warmly and said, "dear Shyla, that's not your real name."
My eyes widened in shock. What do you mean by that? Isn't Shyla my real
But how do you know this? Was my identity fake and I have been living so
much for so many years? How did everything start to change after leaving the
pack? I looked at the woman again.
His eyes shine and that clearly indicates that what he says is true. And that was
when I began to understand that everything will change in my life along with my
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“If… I'm not Shyla, then who am I?” I asked her. Since my fake parents have
already faked everything and made fun of me in this world, then I need to know
who I really am.
“You…” The woman smiled again, “you are my daughter and your name is
My heart raced when I heard the confession. His daughter? As? Why did I
suddenly become his daughter?
"How is this possible? I lived in Bright Shine Pack. But none of you have visited
me before."
How could I believe those words? I asked her.
"What a joke!" The young man exclaimed “in the first place, you were never
related to them, nor could you be one of them. “What they told you is a lie, a big
lie about your origin.”
My heart started to hurt. What is all this? In a second my name changed and
now even my identity changed. I was an orphan, but am I not really one?
“We never visited you because we didn't know you lived in that small group,” the
old man responded.
“If we had known, I would have gotten you out of there. “You don’t deserve to
live in such a small place with so many barriers.”
What is happening here? I really can't understand anything.
"I do not know. “I can understand anything.” I shook my head. After I wake up,
how much shock will I receive?
“Honey, don't stress,” the older lady said worriedly, “years ago, when you were
six years old, there was a sudden fire in our backpack. On that tragic night,
many of our pack members lost their lives in that fire and that was also the night
you disappeared.
Your father, your brother and I are busy rescuing people and although we kept
you away from the fire under protection, when we returned you were already
We tried to look everywhere for him, but we couldn't locate him. I know it's our
fault, but we never thought that someone would take advantage of the situation
and rob us. After that, we kept looking for you all these years, but we still
couldn't find any trace until a month ago when our guards found you in the
“We didn't know it was you. But we're glad our guards brought you back. We
are all happy and nervous too. But we were confident in our prediction, but we
still had to wait until you woke up. And as expected, we got it right,” said the old
"But after all these years, how can you be so sure it was me?" I asked them. It's
not like they can accept any girl as their daughter for no reason.
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The woman smiled "our clan is different from the others and we also have
something that differentiates us from the others"
"As?" I asked again.
"The reason you were unconscious is because you surpassed your average
level and awakened your wolf," she replied.
My heart skipped a beat. My wolf? Do I also have my wolf? Back to the pack,
everyone already transformed, except me. That's why they never respected me
because I was weak.
"Wolf? But I never transformed before when I reached my age."
“Other common wolves transform when they reach 16 years old, but our clan is
different. We do not transform until we are 18 years old. It is our blood
connection and transforming at 18 gives us more energy and makes us stronger
than normal wolves,” the old man explained.
Transformed at 18 and awake wolf? Is that why I couldn't transform inside?
“But there are also two things that are strange and only happen after our first
transformation. Our Luna pack has a brand that makes us special. The first
thing is that after the transformation we will have a pattern of marks on our back
and the second thing is black eyes. In the entire wolf tribe, only our blood
people have purple eyes.”
Purple eyes? I noticed that both men have purple orbs. This is similar, but when
did I buy one?
“Here,” the young woman handed me a mirror. I hesitated and picked up the
mirror. When I looked in the mirror I almost fainted when I saw myself. When I
pass that? My eyes... are they purple?
Shock ran like blood through my veins. My eyes are purple. Does that mean
what they said is true? Have I really found my true identity and my own family?
I looked up and looked at them. They smiled warmly at me. A kind of feeling I
had never felt before.
My decision to leave that pack is the best thing I could have done and have
done in my life.
“I am your mother and my name is Astrea,” the old woman said, “and this is
your father Micah and your older brother Devak and she is your sister-in-law
and partner of your brother Tanea.”
I looked at them one by one. Although it has been a few minutes since I met
them, my heart does not feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, he was filled with a
warmth he had never felt before. This is the feeling people have when they
Automatically translated by Google time with family? I don't know what to call it,
but I am happy and my heart is at peace.
They all said in unison “Welcome to the Snow Moon Pack, dear Savannah.”
And this time I felt welcomed from the bottom of my heart.
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Romance claiming his tempting partner, Chapter 4

Savannah Viewpoint

Two days later….

“Have this, our special healing soup,” the mother said, smiling and placing the
bowl on the table.
, so

His smile is so warm and kind that it suffocates me every time he is with me. I
never felt what a mother's love would be like, but now that I'm experiencing it, I
can't help but feel so grateful for my decision to leave.
“Savannah, what happened? Why are you crying, dear? Mom stroked my head
lovingly. He has a worried expression on his face.
I shook my head “nothing, I was just happy I decided to leave the previous
group. “If it weren’t for that, I would still be stuck there.”
Mom smiled as she took my hand and shook it tightly. “You know that even if
you stayed there, it wouldn't be the same as before. Before you change, your
body will be similar to that of an ordinary human being, but once you change,
your body will experience the change gradually. Your hearing will increase, your
eyes will sharpen, and your bones will become stronger.
And the mark on your back will highlight you and your wolf 2 times in each
I was stunned. Do things like this really happen? I had never heard of things like
that before. Although there are some myths in the books, who will believe these
words written without any evidence? But now that Mom said those words, I
couldn't help but truly believe it.
“Twice as good?”
Mom nodded. “I know it's hard to believe. You will understand these things
when you experience them personally. The mark on your back is still blurry, so
in the next eclipse it will bloom and we will know what kind of mark you have.”
"Mom, what kind of brands do dad and brother have?"
Mom laughed "your dad has a snake mark on his back and on his brother..."
She sighed "I don't know how that kid got Eagle?"
Seriously Eagle? I really wanted to see those beautiful wings spread with a
penetrating gaze. Isn't it amazing?
"Mom, are you playing behind my back?"
Mom and I turned to look at my brother's angry face. He carried a bouquet in his
hand and walked in slowly, still looking irritated.
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Mom gave him a bored look “who has free time to talk about you? Do you think I
don't have other things to do?
I pressed my lips into a thin line trying not to laugh out loud. Mom really scoffs,
knowing Devak is irritated. My brother didn't bother to continue arguing as he
turned to me and gave me a warm smile.
“Here I have all the fresh flowers from our garden. It will definitely brighten your
day,” he handed me the bouquet.
I can smell the freshness of the flowers. After the shift I can even smell things
that are very far away.
“Thank you” I picked up the flower and smelled it again. My entire body instantly
“Do we have a garden too?” I asked.
Devak nodded “of course yes. When you feel better, Tanea will take you for a
walk so you can see the herd. Furthermore, Dad also planned to declare to the
pack about your arrival.”
My arrival? Yes, I was lost for years and came back a stranger to everyone. If I
had not been separated from my family that night, my life would be better and I
would not have faced those insults over and over again. At that moment I
thought there was no one who would stand by me and raise their voice for me.
Besides Ben, no one respected me, not even my so-called partner, who always
pretended not to know me in public. Just thinking about it, I can't help but feel a
burning inside.
I heard my mother ask.
“Savannah, are you okay? "
I nodded "I'm fine, I just remembered some past moments"
"You should try not to think about it," Devak said, "If you feel angry, let me
know, I will invade their territory and make everyone pay for it."
His voice sounds like a joke, but looking at his face I realized that no, he's not
joking. His fluid purple eyes looked like they were ready to kill anyone. And
instead of being afraid, I feel warmth in my heart. That's what a brother should
be like, right? Protector for your sister.
“Devak, don't scare your sister like that,” her mother scolded her.
Devak rolled his eyes. “Mom, we, the Snow Moon Pack, are not cowards. Even
the five-year-olds in our pack can fight tigers in the forest. Let the Sav brand
grow fully and everyone will see how powerful it is.”
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Mom shook her head and turned to me “don't listen to your brother. This man
only knows how to kill and torture people. “I always wonder how Tanea can deal
with him.”

“I have ways to make her listen to me,

Devak replied shamelessly.
His mother’s head turned towards him again “brat, you dared to say those
things in front of your sister. You have become very bold, Devak, do you want
me to personally put you in your place? “You want to ruin my daughter.”
My brother pursed his lips but did not respond. So he really fears his mother. I
“Mom, she's not a girl anymore. Also, he will meet his partner soon,” Devak
Hearing this, the smile on my face suddenly disappeared. It is said that a
werewolf only meets his mate once in his life. And I have already rejected the
bonus. May the moon goddess be angry for rejecting me, but I couldn't live with
a cheater like that in this life. But the pain of rejection will always hurt no matter
how hard I try.
"I don't think so," I said slowly.
"That?" Devak frowned.

Look up
“I already found a partner when I lived in the previous pack, but in the end I
rejected him.”
"That?" Devak looked surprised.
"Savannah's" mother gasped, "have you found a partner yet?"
I shook my head.
"Why did you reject it?" Devak asked.
“I rejected him the day I left the pack. That night was supposed to be great
because it was the throne ceremony. But unfortunately I discovered that my
partner was cheating on my supposed sister. They asked me to make
concessions and live in the shadows. “I didn’t agree, so I turned it down and
left,” I explained.
“That bastard,” Devak clenched his fist, “how dare he betray you like that? Are
you asking for a death? A little wolf like him is no match for me. I can even
strangle his neck without moving.”
“Devak, calm down. Don't rush things. Those villains first stole my daughter
from me and now they wanted her to be their replacement. They dared to do
such a thing, your father and I.
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We will discuss this in detail, but before that you will not be allowed to take any
action. You understand? -Mom asked.
“Okay,” Devak agreed.
“Mom, it's okay, you don't have to do anything. I don't even want to hear their
Whatever they did, I want to do it myself.” I held his hand and thought it was a
little hot.
"Are you sure?" Mom asked in her soft voice.
I nodded "yes"
“Since you have decided, I will not stand in your way. But your father still needs
to know about this matter,” the mother replied.
I nodded again "ok"
“You need to rest well and heal your body completely. Since you woke up your
wolf, it will take a month for him to finally regain consciousness after sleeping
for so long. And in the next eclipse you will have all your power."
“When will the next eclipse be?” I asked.
Mom smiled “2 years later. Until then, you should take good care of your body
to prepare yourself to face the change.”
I nodded "okay"
I never thought the process would be so long, but it's worth the wait because
this time the wait wouldn't hurt me and I can find ways to learn everything in the
“Rest well, I'll prepare lunch,” the mother said and stood up.
“I will send Tanea” Devak smiled and followed his mother out of the room.
I lay down on the head of the bed and closed my eyes. My life finally changed
after all these struggles.

2 years later….
"Are you ready?" Tanea looked into the room.
I pulled the dress over my thighs and sighed. 2 days ago, Dad told me about a
pack unity party that happens every 3 years. Where the entire Pack will come
together. It is a kind of agreement to meet people from other packs and also to
find your partner. I'm not
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I was worried about finding a partner because the last betrayal was enough to
teach me a good lesson.
So it no longer matters if I have a partner or not. Additionally, I found my family
who treats me like a treasure and a pack that showed me what respect is.
2 years ago, when my father announced about me in front of the pack
members, I almost had the thought of being rejected.
But to my surprise, all the members clapped saying my name and welcomed
me so warmly that I almost cried. Then after a month, as my mother said, I also
found my wolf. She's been sleeping so long that I heard her yawn lazily.
When I heard your mind calling me, I felt very happy. I always thought that I am
someone without an inner world, but reality is very different from the imagination
that we imagine in our minds.
Because you won't know when nature will act and change every perspective.
And now looking in the mirror I felt complete.
“I think so,” I replied, still looking at myself in the mirror.
“I said this dress looks good on you. But unfortunately you didn't believe me.”
Tanea, my brother's partner and also my sweet sister-in-law, smiled as she
Tanea almost dragged me shopping from one store to another. And finally, after
a good deal of torture dressing me, he pointed to the dress I'm currently
The purple gold dress is too beautiful to resist. It has bare shoulders and a split
cut from the thigh to the end of the dress. What stands out the most is the
golden design of the silk dress. My purple eyes combined very well with the
dress and it fit like a second skin showing my perfectly curved body. After the
change, my body structure was also transformed and there was no sign of my
past reflected in my current self.
"Hmm...I loved the dress." I shook my head.
Tanea laughed “of course I do. I already knew that. Your eyes lit up when you
saw this.”
“Your observation is very good.” “Am I not good? That's why that arrogant
brother of yours is madly in love with me."
Tanea laughed.
I rolled my eyes "uh... Na... na... no, honey now"
"Why are you jealous?" She smiled.
“What happens if I say yes?” I raised my eyebrows.
In fact, I'm jealous of her and my brother. They are so in love that for a single
person like me I would burn myself alive to live. Inside my heart I wanted to be
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What a companion too, but it's not like everyone is dating to have a happy
ending like those romantic stories.
“Oh… You-” Tanea couldn't finish when the door opened again and her mother
“You girls are still talking here. Your father and your brother are waiting outside
and, oh my God...
“My dear girl, you look so beautiful.”
I smiled "thank you mom"
“And Tanea, you better take care of your partner. Don't let him get jealous at the
party. You know about last time…” Mom warned.
Tanea smiled “don't worry mom. I understood"
"Let's go then. "These men are too impatient to wait another minute," the
mother said and we laughed.
It didn't take long to reach the place. It is two kilometers from our pack house.
The place was located in the huge mansion that was built in the time of our
The mansion is decorated in old style, but still looks elegant and beautiful. This
is the first time in 2
I've been going to a party for years. Even in my earlier days, although I heard
about it, I never got to see it in person.
When we entered the room, it was full. Many alphas and their families joined the
group. He says that in another family of wolves there are only three packs that
acquired the first three positions and managed to remain stable. Pack number
one is the mysterious Dark Forest Pack. The second is our Snow Moon bundle
and the third is the Bright Shine bundle, which is also my former bundle.
“This is full of people,” Tanea commented, looking around.
“You better stay by my side, woman,” I heard Devak warn.
I rolled my eyes. Where will he leave it, anyway? This man seems arrogant, but
he is very possessive of her.
"Come on Dev, it's not like I'm running away or anything" Tanea almost
“I will tie you to the bed if you dare to think that,” Devak whispered. But I
To hell with my keen hearing powers. I really don't want to listen to their dirty
talks and ruin my mood.
I approached the mother and took her arms. The announcer suddenly
announced our arrival.
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“Here comes the Snow Moon Package”
I followed my mother's example and entered the main hall. Everyone's heads
turned toward us, but I didn't feel shy or uncomfortable. I have already changed
from my previous temperament. I smiled a little and looked at everyone with
But when I moved my gaze from one face to another, my gaze met a certain
person who immediately boiled my blood to the highest peak.
The familiar face of my ex.
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Romance claiming his tempting partner, Chapter 5

Avan's point of view “You have to attend the event tonight. Even if there was no
stable formation, we couldn't miss this opportunity either,” said the father in his
serious tone.
“I don't know what thankless things we have done and found ourselves in a
situation like this,” I heard my mother say. He could not hide the regret in his
tone "my son lost his true partner after the rejection and now although he has
taken the throne, the position is not the right one."

Dad shook his head “there is nothing that can be done. The only thing we can
do to avoid misfortunes is to get along with other packs and build a solid
relationship. We have faced numerous attacks in recent years and this has
weakened our power and is now affecting our position on the list. “We can’t
keep up with the position, so this will only mean that our clan will face demise
Mom gasped “alpha, how can you say that? There are also many groups that
never achieved positions, right? But they are still alive. So how will our clan face
such a calamity?
“Mom, what Dad said is right,” I told her. “We have maintained our position in a
powerful pack list and in this way we have acquired many enemies who want to
eliminate us and take our position. So if we unfortunately lose the position, they
will not leave us any chance to attack.”
"But but..." Mom couldn't get the words out because she seemed so surprised.
In these two years, the herd issue has become more difficult to address. After
obtaining the Alpha title, I did everything I could to stabilize it, but my own power
is not complete to take full control of everything.
This kind of tragic thing had never happened before. And this all started after
Shyla left the pack. Thinking about her, I couldn't help but feel my heart become
bitter. She used to be a sweet and kind girl who would do anything I asked her
without hesitation. She is my partner, although our bond was broken after
rejection. But only if I can find her, there will still be a chance to fix everything
between us and rebuild our bond. But the problem is that even after two years
we still haven't been able to find any trace of it.
I still remember the way he looked at me two years ago. Those eyes fill with
tears from so much accusation. He always followed me every night I went to
bed. I just couldn't forget it, no matter how hard I tried. I thought I could tell you
about Reese little by little and make you understand the situation. And I think
she would have agreed if she hadn't walked in on us having sex that night.
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He really wanted to find her and bring her back to the pack and explain the
situation to her, but before he could take a step forward, she ran away. It's been
two years now.
“I'll make the arrangements,” I informed him before leaving my parents and
walking towards my room.
Tonight there will be many packages joining the event. Due to pack work, it is
probably not possible to meet Alphas from other packs very often. But tonight I
have every chance to interact with them. Even the Dark Forest pack and the
Snow Moon pack will be there. These two packs are the most mysterious in the
werewolf world. I hope to have the opportunity to have some conversations with
I stood in front of the mirror and prepared for the event. I was wearing my jacket
when the door to my room opened. I looked in the mirror and saw Reese
standing there in her sparkly black dress.
"Are you ready?" I asked.
She smiled sweetly before approaching seductively: “Luna said that it is a big
event and that I should take a lot of time to prepare and make you wait. So I
chose my simple dress. How am I?"
"Good," I nodded.
He pouted "you're not romantic anymore", put his hand on my chest and smiled
“Avan, why are you so distant from me? We were so good before this, what
happened to us all of a sudden?
I took his hand away. “Reese, this is not the time for this. “We need to attend
the event and represent our pack at the event and it won’t be good to be late.”
"Very well, for the sake of our pack's reputation, I will listen to you."
I shook my head and grabbed my car keys before leaving. As the event is large,
few members of the pack attend to show power and unity. It didn't take any
more time to reach the place. The luxurious mansion looks extraordinary and is
also decorated especially for this night.
“Wow, this place is so beautiful. “This is the first time I have participated in such
an exclusive event”
Tina exclaimed looking around.
“Let's go inside,” I said before entering with Reese. And the rest of the members
followed us.
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In these two years as an Alpha, I met other leaders and got along well with
them. So in the crowd there are few familiar faces that I can identify. After
getting along with my other friends the announcer announced the arrival of the
Snow Moon Pack.
“Isn't it the second best pack?” Reese said looking at the entrance. My gaze
followed her. I was also looking forward to the meeting. But all my excitement
diminished when a very familiar face appeared. A face that haunted me all
these years.
When he suddenly looked up and our eyes collided, my breathing stopped for a
moment. His eyes, those purple orbs staring straight into my soul and I could
feel my heartbeat stop instantly. His face, his skin, his clothes, and even his
aura changed. I felt like I was looking at a stranger and some kind of new
“Isn't that Shyla?” Reese gasped "how did he... get into the Snow Moon Pack?"
The members of the Snow Moon Pack moved forward and mixed with the
others. Shyla looked away and then didn't look back. As if she didn't know us.
“How did the color of his eyes change? Have I never known a trick like this?
Tina said.
"Tina, don't talk too much," Ben hissed at her.
“I never thought Shyla would run away and get involved with the Snow Moon
Pack. If she does something wrong, won't the other pack blame us? Reese said
with concern.
That's what haunts me now. Sweet nerdy girl, why did she get involved with the
Snow Moon Pack?
“I think I should talk to her. After all, Mom and Dad are worried about her,”
Reese said again.
I shook my head. She and Tina walk towards Shyla, who was with another
woman. I didn't follow it, but I can still hear them. When Reese was close to her,
she screamed.
“Shyla? Is it really you? “Oh my God, I’m so happy to see you, sister,” Reese
Shyla's eyes turned to her. Her beautiful purple orbs look very seductive.
"Who is your sister?" His voice is harsh and there is no trace of his sweet voice.
"Shyla, why are you acting like this?" Reese asked in a choked tone, “We've
been trying to find you all these years. "You don't remember us anymore."
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“How could I forget the powerful memories you all gave me, Reese Clarke? You
couldn't wait any longer to remind me, could you? Shyla said with her hard
My hand clenched into a fist. Even her personality has changed now and there
is no sign of that sweet and charming girl anymore. How has so much changed
in these two years?
What kind of things did I miss?
“Shyla, I know you're still mad at me. But please contact us. We've been looking
for you everywhere all these years. Mom and dad were also worried about his
safety. Don't you think it's time to go home? -Neesha asked.
Shyla laughed “at home? Is this place my true home? Even after this year, you
and your elegant performance have not changed in the slightest. I should
congratulate you for that. You have already achieved your goal. Now tell me,
are you satisfied?
"Shyla, what are you talking about?" Reese sobbed. Few people turned to look
at them.
This is getting more serious than a normal conversation.
“Drop your act. “I'm not interested in having fun with this,” Shyla said seriously.
“Shyla, how can you be so cruel to humiliate your own sister like this? What was
her fault for being worried about you? You are rubbish for not knowing this. “It
was you who cowardly ran away from the pack and embarrassed everyone-”
before Tina could finish as the sound of a slap echoed through the hallway.
It happened so fast that I couldn't even see clearly past the sound that was still
ringing in my ear.
Tina fell to the ground with a thud. His cheeks are swollen with redness. My
eyes fell on Shyla, whose hand was still suspended in the air after I slapped
her. I couldn't help but be surprised. Shyla has never changed into her wolf form
and her power is limited like that of an ordinary human. But isn't this kind of slap
something an ordinary human could give to a werewolf? How did he become so

Savannah Viewpoint
I looked at the woman on the ground. He had a dazed expression as he cupped
his cheeks.
Not only her, but Reese was also surprised.
“You better first learn how to use your words and when to use them before you
open your pretty mouth.
Otherwise, I can’t guarantee if this will end in a slap,” I hissed before looking at
my so-called sister.
“And you, stop forming any kind of relationship with me when we both know the
truth. It will be better if you refrain from poking your nose into my affairs.”
Reese looked at me with a surprised look. Suddenly, another person joined him.
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“Shyla, what happened to you? Why have you gone so wild? You're not like
I smiled looking at Avan "It's very funny to hear something like that from you,
He opened his mouth to say more, but suddenly another voice interrupted him
halfway: "What's going on here?"
I heard Devak's voice from behind. He immediately stood next to me and looked
at Avan.
"Mr. Lowe, I would like to know what kind of thing you have with my sister, that
members of your pack are insulting her?"
Avan was shocked but recovered instantly. "I didn't know Shyla was your sister,
“You don't need to know me, Mr. Lowe. And it will be better if you stay away
from my sister. And don't give them false names either.”
"But it's not her fake name, she's Shyla and she's a member of our pack," Avan
“Since when is Bright Shine qualified enough to claim my sister as a member of
his pack?”
Devak scoffed.
Avan's expression changed instantly. The color of his eyes changed, but it didn't
affect Devak in the slightest.
“Don't forget it's a big event, Mr. Lowe. If you want to have a good fight, invite
me whenever you want. You should know the right place before you decide”
Devak said before taking my hand “come on, dad is looking for you to introduce
you to some friends”
I shook my head and looked at Avan, who was still furious. I smiled before
leaving with Devak and Tanea. I never thought that leaving my mother's side
would lead me to meet these people. If I had known, I would have gone to her
and listened to the lady's gossip. At least it will be better than arguing with them.
Later, my father introduced me to many of his friends. I never knew he had such
a large circle of connections in werewolf society. Even my mother's friends were
so numerous that it almost gave me a headache. After a while, I excused myself
from the crowd and headed towards the bar for a few drinks. I wanted to invite
Tanea but my brother's possessiveness didn't let her leave his side. I rolled my
eyes at them and shook my head. Just as I was taking a few sips of my drink,
the announcer again announced the arrival of a new Pack.
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I looked up and found some people dressed in black. They have fur coats and
look very different from the others. I haven't heard clearly about the name of the
group, but the members seem quite mysterious. I shrugged and continued
enjoying my drink.
I turned to look at my family again. Dad and mom are busy chatting with their
friends. Devak was also talking to his friends, but I can see him holding Tanea
close to him. In these two years I have witnessed so many moments of his that
in some way it made me very envious. I sighed and was about to order another
glass when I suddenly felt a burning sensation in my chest. I have never felt this
before in these two years, except when I first moved. So….
Mom's words come to mind. My birthmark. She didn't say this would happen
during the eclipse. But are there eclipses today? The burning sensation
increased as I began to breathe deeply. I wanted to call my brother, my mother,
or my father, but I couldn't make a sound.
Controlling myself, I slowly walked away from the crowd. Once I got out, I felt
my breathing improve a little, but the burning was still there. I rubbed my chest
trying to calm him down, but I couldn't.
My body swayed as I walked and after a few seconds I felt my body fall. I have
no control over my actions. I almost thought my body would crush against the
cold tile floor. But before that happened, my body was suspended in the air.
An arm slid around my waist. And my forehead collided with a hard chest. A
strong, masculine smell reached my nostrils. I opened my eyes only to see a
dark silhouette.
“Hmm…..Purple girl” the person uttered with his dark and rough voice.
He wanted to say something, but his voice felt stuck in his throat. I saw him with
blurred vision, he leaned in and whispered.
"You can't wait to fall into my arms..."
My vision blurred and my head fell back. Before I lost consciousness, I heard
him whisper again.

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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 6

Savannah Viewpoint
I look around only to see darkness. Where I am? In the middle of the silence I
can only hear whistles.
I craned my neck to see the source, but darkness consumed my vision and
apart from the sound, I couldn't hear anything.
"Mom Dad... Devak..." I screamed his name, but the silence was the only thing
that hit me.
Where are they? I wasn't with them at the party, how did I end up in this
darkness? Where am I exactly? I force my body to move, but it feels like a
barrier forcing me to fall. What kind of force is this? So strong that I had never
felt it before.
My mind became a mess and I felt a headache on my forehead. Where I am? I
questioned myself. But this darkness doesn't let me see anything. Even though
my eyes are wide open, all I see is black. I feel like I have fallen into the hell of
darkness and there is no way to get up. I need to find them, I need to find my
"Mother…." I screamed again. I never want to lose them. I suffered almost all
my growing up years, but now the thought of being separated gave me
goosebumps. "Dad, where are you? Devak, Tanea, can you hear me? Where
are everybody? Please help"
Suddenly my voice choked as I disappeared into the darkness. The hissing has
increased, but I don't know what it is. If I could find any source of light, I would
find a way out of this place. Yes, light, that's what I needed.
I need light. My head started to get hot and then the heat spread throughout my
body. What's going on? I felt like I was shining... Then… suddenly the sound of
a knock echoed in my ear. A beam of light fell before me and began to spread
widely at the speed of light. My eyes focused on the light and then my eyes
wandered upward. My heart stopped beating and a chill ran down my spine. Is
The large red and orange wings spread widely in the air as its majestic body
glowed with light. I really can't believe what I see. It is real? I was about to get
up when its wings flapped and the light around its body blinded my eyes.
“Savannah, wake up honey.”
I opened my eyes and through blurry vision I saw my mother's familiar face
looking back at me.
"Mom," I cried anxiously.
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"I'm here, honey," he patted my head.
"Are you OK?" I shook my head. I can feel the sweat on my forehead. So this
was all a dream?
But that bird looks so real.
"Where I am?" I asked.
"In your bedroom. We were very worried when we couldn't find you inside the
When we finally found you, you were sleeping outside in the garden area.
I frowned “when will you be back? I mean, is the party over?
Did Mom organize a “party”? “Honey, it’s been two days with this matter.”
That? Has it been two days? What does it mean…. I looked at her with wide
eyes. She laughed again and was about to say when the bedroom door opened
and Tanea's figure appeared.
"Hey, you're awake," he gave her a warm smile. She was holding a tray of food
and placed it on my side table. "I'm glad you finally decided to wake up or your
senior brother would have beaten the doctors," he said this and laughed.
I couldn't help but smile. Devak was always serious and possessive with me
and Tanea. I rolled my eyes. When will he be able to change his possessive
"That man!" Mom sighed “leave him alone. It seems like he wouldn't be able to
digest his food if he didn't hit anyone a day.”
We all laughed again. Even in small matters, Devak always caused quite a stir.
No matter how much we try to comfort him, he won't listen until he is satisfied
with your question.
“Look, I brought breakfast here. Sav, you've been sleeping for two days and
now that you've woken up, aren't you hungry?
I shook my head. I don't even know when I last ate it. 2 days ago? I shook my
Now that Tanea has brought up the topic of food, I can't control myself as my
stomach suddenly growls. Tanea and my mother laughed while I rolled my
“Come on, I made chicken and mushroom noodle soup. And I also have
pancakes. Let's take advantage
Then Tanea served the food on a plate and then handed it to us before taking
hers. As soon as I looked at the food, my mouth watered and I immediately ate
The soup was so delicious that I moaned deliciously. Tanea is a great cook and
Devak always eats everything she makes. He even praised her to death and he
couldn't deny that. Just eating this makes me feel like I'm in heaven.
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Avan's point of view “This is such an unexpected change. Have you researched
this clearly? Dad asked me.
“I tried, but the Snow Moon Pack's territory is difficult to invade. They reside in
the middle of the forest and the forest is also a labyrinth. “Anyone who doesn’t
know the right direction won’t be able to get through the jungle.”
Dad shook his head, “that's no good. I never expected that the naive-looking girl
would be related to the Snow Moon Pack. Did you examine it correctly?
I nodded again. “I saw her father and she is not so naive in the past. She has
changed a lot.
Your personality and even your strength. Can you believe he slapped Tina so
hard that Tina's face is still swollen? The doctor said it needs 2 months to
completely heal.”
Dad looked seriously: “The Snow Moon Pack is the second best in the entire
werewolf world.
Do you think it is easy to maintain this position year after year? Furthermore, the
pack members are stronger than ours. Their only member can defeat our three
strong people. “They are blessed because they received the legendary sign.”
I frowned “legendary sign? What does that mean, dad?
“Did you not realize that? Do all Alpha bloods have black eyes?
Then I realized that yes. I saw the Alpha and the young alpha had dark purple
eyes. Even Shyla has the same purple eyes.
I looked at the father "Does this mean that Shyla is not involved with them, but
she is Alpha's real daughter?"
Dad nodded. The princess of the Snow Moon Pack. She was my companion
before our bond was broken. I closed my eyes and shook my head. I shouldn't
have waited to give the escort position. I shouldn't have cheated on her. If this
incident had never happened, Shyla would still be living here with me. A wave
of regret hit my heart.
“You were lucky, but now everything is lost. Even Father Trivan recommended it
to him,” the father sighed.
“Dad, that doesn't work. Can't we just try to mend ties?
"What the hell are you talking about?"
“I want to say that Shyla is my partner. Even if the bond is broken, our destiny
cannot be changed. What we have to do now is make Shyla understand that I
am her partner and
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She couldn't really break ties with me. “Once she agreed, her family will
gradually accept the agreement due to her daughter’s happiness.”
Dad frowned “are you sure? She already broke ties with you two years ago.
Besides, even if you two stay together because of the bonds, there won't be as
much connection as before.”
“It doesn't matter if it means she will be here with me as my Luna. Reese may
be a strong woman, but we are not really bound by any bond or bond. It's just a
kind of sexual attraction that attracted me to her. But Shyla is different.
Furthermore, now that he has solid training and skills, the pack members will
not raise their voices about it.
We need to talk to the Snow Moon Pack Alpha. He is an Alpha himself and will
certainly understand this matter better.” Smile.
“And Shyla? Do you think she'll be willing to stay with you after what you did to
her? Dad asked.
I smiled at her “although she has changed, she is still a woman who loved me
very much two years ago.
Although she shows a strong appearance, I believe that in her heart she still
cannot forget me. Once we convince Alpha and Luna, I will woo her and do
everything she ever dreamed of. I just needed to make fun of her past a little
and then she would accept me wholeheartedly. Although right now she may be
angry, but I can make her love me again,” I assured her.
"It's hard. Although I have never interfered in your affairs in the past, I have not
been blind either. But since you're so confident, okay, let's try this your way,"
the father responded.
I smiled at him “thank you dad. “This time I won’t let you down.”
I never thought that after two years she would become so beautiful. Those
purple eyes are so seductive that I almost get so hard down there. Just thinking
about my body makes it difficult, very difficult. I need to free myself.
I left my father's study and walked towards my room. Just as I was about to
open the door, I heard Reese's voice.
I smiled. Before she could say it, I grabbed her and pulled her into my room.
Closing the door I kissed her hard and tore her clothes. Then, without warning, I
pushed myself towards her.
I closed my eyes feeling the heat. Damn, Shyla's face flashed through my mind.
I'll have you in my bed soon, Shyla. Like now, I can't wait to feel inside you.
Much soon.
Savannah Viewpoint
After the good meal, Mom and Tanea accompanied me. Suddenly, a thought
crossed my mind. I looked at mom and asked “mom, why did I suddenly
become unconscious?” It first happened when I moved, but it happened again.
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Mom smiled "Did you forget what I said about your birthmark?"
I shook my head.

"You finally got your powers, my love."

My eyes widened. Somehow this turned me on to death. Do I have my
birthmark? I remember when my mother told me about this. But it took a long
time, so I almost forgot the date.

But what kind of grade did I get? "

My eyes landed on my mother again.

What type of brand do I have?

Mom smiled before caressing my cheek “you are so blessed, baby. How
strange…” His eyes are watery. Oh, he's getting emotional.
"Mother .."
"I'm fine," he laughed. "I'm so happy for you, honey," he shook his head.
I smiled looking at her.
“You and Devak are somewhat similar when it comes to birthmarks. He has an
eagle and you, my dear, have Huma.”
Hmm? What's that?
"Hum?" I grimaced.
"Sav, don't you know?" Tanea looked surprised.
I shook my head. I have no idea about Huma.
“Huma is a bird similar to the Phoenix. “They are like fire,” Tanea explained.
"Actually?" My eyes widened.
Mom patted my hand “they say someone has seen this kind of rare bird and it is
only mentioned in legends.
But he also said that having this bird means fortune.”
I still couldn't believe what I was hearing. Oh really? Just hearing that made me
very emotional.
Then… Something crossed my mind. That dream… I saw a huge bird flapping
its wings and shining brightly. Is this Huma? Did it appear in the dream? If it was
real, then I saw it with my own eyes. This was so beautiful beyond words.
Finally, after waiting for so long, I finally got my strength and power.
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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 7

Savannah Viewpoint
The next few days were peaceful. Apart from practicing with the pack members
at the training ground and enjoying good food, I really have nothing to do.
Sometimes I liked to read books in the library, which my grandfather founded at
that time.
The library has a good collection of books and I can find many varieties, from
biographies to beautiful novels. I really wonder how my grandfather managed to
collect such large collections. But I must appreciate your efforts and also your
way of thinking.
The children of the pack can practice their studies in the library and there are
also some people who manage the library and also give book lessons to the
children to improve their skills.
This kind of life is something anyone would want. I suffered in the years before,
holding back and letting people bully me however they wanted. I thought that
even if others don't see me as a human being, at least I have a family and a
partner. But in the end I discovered that they are the real reason for my
suffering. A family that stole my real parents from me and a couple that never
considered me as such. It made me feel bad at the thought of mating. If I had
never seen them having sex behind my back and never caught them with my
right hand, I would still be living there.
"Miss Savannah, you are early today." I heard a familiar voice as I entered the
I smiled at the old woman sitting behind the glass table. He has curly brown hair
and a pair of blue eyes. She is the administrator of this library. I went forward
and placed the freshly cut lilies on the table.
“Good morning Martha, I was bored in the room. So I thought I could spend
some time here.
Do you have something special today?
Martha smiled warmly, “you've read almost all of these books. But I think Raw 7
will still have something to keep you interested,” then he nodded slightly.
"Ah... raw 7 it is," I nodded happily. Reading books is fun. And the collection of
these super romantic grandpa novels is a line that will never end.
“See you then, Martha,” I greeted and entered the room where the shelves are
Grandpa really thought hard before continuing his work in this library. It has 20
shelves and they are full of antiques, modern, war, poetry, romance,
biographies, medicine and much more that I forget to mention. Shaking my
head, I headed towards the seventh row. This shelf is an old collection. I
grimaced as I parted my lips.
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Martha said this raw material will keep me interested, but these are all ancient
history books.
Scanning my eyes through the books, something caught me.
'The story behind the wolves'
The title of the book is interesting. I smiled and took the book from the shelf.
The hardcover has a wolf design with a dark silhouette. And the ink used to
write the letters is bold and dark and the title was written in italics. That's why
Martha said this raw material will keep me interested. And now that I have the
book in my hand, I'm quite interested in it.
I walk to the table and sit down. Curiously, I opened the cover of the book. The
same title was also written on the first page. But on it was a drawing of a river. I
turned the page again. The first chapter was the description of the evolution of
wolf culture. Without getting any interest, I turned a few pages and suddenly a
drawing of a black wolf appeared. My eyes were glued to the ink drawing on the
page. It was beautiful.
The fur and the silver-black color make him so attractive that for a second I
couldn't take my eyes off him. I lowered my eyes and read the word written
below the drawing.
Onyx? Is this some kind of wolf?
~Wow, that's cool~ my wolf suddenly purred.
"Shut up" I rolled my eyes.
~I'm admiring things, what does this have to do with you?~ He barked in my
Oh really? I chose not to pay attention to it as I looked at the page again. In fact,
it is beautiful.
~You finally admitted it~ Red said again.
"Stop it," I replied while shaking my head. I wanted to read about this Onyx wolf.
As I prepared to turn the page, a voice stopped me in the middle. I looked up
and found Ginia standing by the door. I grimaced.

"What happened? "

Ginia was a 13-year-old girl and also my beautiful student. I have been teaching
her fighting techniques and she is a curious little girl who always tries her best
to learn every move.
“Sister Annah, Luna asked me to call you at the mansion,” he said while
breathing heavily.
"Mother?" I said confused. Mom never calls me that. I looked at Ginia seriously.
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Because is what?" I closed the book and looked at her.
“I don't know, I swear, on the way I heard some people say that there were
visitors and that they were in the mansion.”
I was about to enjoy my free time, but does it have to be right now? Feeling
frustrated, I left the book on the shelf before heading towards the door. Who
could it be? Visitors?
But even if there is a mother, she won't call me that. Why do I feel there is
something strange about this matter?
Forget it, I'll know when it arrives. Besides, since my mother called me, there
must be something.
“You don't have to come with me. Go play with the others” I told Ginia, who
nodded happily before running away.
I walk towards the pack mansion. When I get to the front door I hear noises
from inside.
Frowning, I entered.
Mother “Savannah’s” voice rings in my ear. I looked up and was about to say
when I heard another female voice.
My head turned to the side where I saw familiar faces. Instantly my body began
to shake with rage. These people, what the hell do they want now? They really
have the courage to visit here.
I walked next to my mother and looked at them blankly.
“Shyla, dear, then it really is you,” Salina sobbed. “When Reese told me about
you at first I didn't believe it, but when I saw you I finally realized that it is not a
dream, but a reality.”
What an act! Why have I never encountered such a truth before? I always
thought those tears were real, but today I can clearly see how fake they are.
Farid patted him on the shoulder before looking at me.
“I'm glad we finally found you. You left so suddenly you scared us all.
We've been trying to find you all these years, but we never expected you to be
here. But now that you are here, we are happy to see you.”
What a shame~ Red groaned inwardly, ~seeing their faces only increased my
desire to drink blood~
“This is not the time,” I muttered inside my head without giving any outward
“Shyla, I know you're disappointed in us, but as your mother, I will never want
you to leave like this,” Salina sobbed again.
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"Foster" I said making her look surprised "I think you missed that foster mom
part" "Shyla, what kind of tone are you using with your mother?" Suddenly,
Farid raised his voice loudly.
“And who gave you the right to raise your voice against my sister?” Devak
jumped up looking furious. If it weren't for Tanea stopping him, I'm afraid he
would have jumped on Farid and started fighting with him.
"Mr. Farid, it is better that you know where you stand before doing something
that will make you regret it later. Additionally, you should also know who you are
talking to. A lot of things have happened in the past, and for the sake of the
community and peace, we are not publicizing it, but if you keep forgetting, in the
end we will not be guilty.” Dad's cold voice sounded in the living room.
Farid seemed surprised by this as he sat silently. How can I think of him as my
father? Who can't even defend his point of view, much less protect his
“Shyla, we know you're angry, but don't act like you don't know us. We raised
you all these years and treated you like our own daughter. Why are you
insulting us like that now? Don't you have any feelings inside you? Salina
"Insulting?" I laughed out loud. "Oh really? How come I didn't know you treated
me like your own daughter? Really, I think that in these 2 years you forgot how
you treated me as if I were your own daughter... since that is the case, let me
remind you...
“You treated me like your own daughter, which is why you scolded me every
time Reese accused me of something I never did.”
"You treated me like your own daughter, that's why you always wanted me to
stay back and not argue with others, including my supposed best sister, when
they laugh at me, looking for my self-esteem."
"You treated me like your own daughter, that's why you wanted Reese to
replace me as Avan's partner."
"You treated me like your own daughter, that's why you wanted me to get
engaged to Reese while she was sleeping with Avan behind my back."
"You treated me like your own daughter, so you beat me for not agreeing to
your disgusting plan."
"You treated me like your own daughter, that's why you look at me like I'm a
slave you bought for your own use."
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With each line my voice rose. My anger grew and Red began to growl inside.
Although she slept while I suffered, she still has a clear conscience on this
And nothing went unnoticed. I felt my mother wrap her hand around my arm.
“That's enough…” Mom suddenly responded, stopping Salina. “I've heard
enough about this.
“It is better that this matter ends here.”
"But Shyla is out..." Salina didn't seem to notice the situation as she insisted.
“I dare you to say that word,” the mother challenged. “She is mine, it was not
you who suffered the pain of bringing her into this world. You weren't the one
who cried a lot when she was robbed that night. It wasn't you who suffered
immense pain thinking about her all these years. All of this wouldn't have
happened if you hadn't stolen my daughter that night. She suffered because of
you and now you still have the courage to show your face in our territory and
you even dared to scold my daughter.
Who do you think you are? Mom suddenly growled.
I was also surprised because in these 2 years she never showed such a fierce
attitude even when someone made a mistake in the pack. But now, looking at
her, my eyes suddenly filled with tears. She was holding my hands tightly, as if
protecting me from some evil creatures.
Dad immediately stood up and in a second he was at Mom's side.
“Don't be mad about it, honey, it's not good for your health,” he told her softly.
Mom looked sternly at Salina and Farid, who had a dazed expression before
turning her head towards me.
"This place is not for you to stay there," he then turned to his father. "Dear, be
sure to change all the furniture in this room later and ask Priest to chant the
House Cleaning Mantra to clean the air."

Dad nodded firmly.

"Come on baby, we should go" Mom pulled my arms and took me with her. But
before we left he turned his head and looked at the couple again “you better not
show yourself in front of me after today or this will be the last day of your
So we left the room without looking twice.
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Romance claiming his tempting partner, Chapter 8
Avan's point of view
We all sat in the meeting room, facing each other. The situation inside the room
was dark and full of silence. Originally, we planned to bring Shyla back into the
pack. For this reason, we worked hard to find the exact location of the Snow
Moon Pack and sent Farid and Salina to persuade the Alpha and express our
point of view. But we didn't expect Farid and Salina to ruin everything.
“It was already difficult to track his location in that forest maze. This was our
chance to make everything right and all you had to do was soften the tongue
and persuade them to let Shyla return. But what did you two do? Can't even
complete a single task? Dad looked at Salina and Farid.
“Alpha, we try, but the Alpha of the Snowmoon pack doesn't want to hear any of
our words. AND
It is difficult to make them understand the situation. And Luna suddenly became
irritated when Salina tried to persuade Shyla,” Farid replied.
“What did you say to Luna?” Dad roared, “Do you have any idea how their pack
works? And who is more important there? Dad groaned loudly: “The Snow
Moon Pack is not something that belongs to ordinary people. His band was said
to have been around for so long that it had almost become legendary. And the
most important person in the pack is not Alpha, but Luna, whom you have
already offended.
The Alpha of Snow Moon pack gave equal rights to your Moon, so going
against her means you're going against the entire pack. It is better that,
fortunately, the discussion took place inside, otherwise I don't think you will be
able to return safely.”
Salina gasped loudly. Even the mother's eyes widened. I was also surprised to
hear this before. The story of the Snow Moon Pack is something unique. It's not
like our pack or any other pack that exists in this werewolf world. They have
different types of traditions that are completely opposite to ours.
"Are they that dangerous?" Mom asked.
Dad looked at her “How do you think they stay in the second best position over
the centuries? Do you think it is an easy task to maintain?
“Alpha, although Alpha and Luna of the Snow Moon Pack are aggressive, Shyla
has been with us for many years.
That girl even changed so much that I didn't recognize her,” Salina said after a
Hearing her say that, certain purple orbs flashed through my mind. He couldn't
forget this beauty no matter what he did.
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“I investigated this matter,” the father responded, “we all considered Shyla
human when she was here, but that was not true. Snow Moon's blood does not
transform until they turn 18. Before the age of 18, their body and personality are
still like those of an ordinary human being, but as soon as they awaken their
work and change, they change. Not only with body shape, but also with
personality. “It’s like a growth in them to become stronger and sharper.”
“But she is still our adopted daughter, even if only in name,” Salina insisted.
I frowned looking at her. How did she become so stupid? Even Shyla wasn't this
stupid when she was still in her normal form.
"Do you still have reason to argue?" Dad narrowed his eyes “Snow Moon Pack
already knows what you did years ago. You stole their baby and if it was a
normal baby then I don't think there would be much fuss about this, but currently
it isn't. Although you stole her and raised her, once she has changed, she will
find out herself, even without you telling her the truth. Also, you can't claim
Shyla as your adoptive because Shyla has already reached adulthood and has
already proven herself, right?
Salina didn't respond, but bit her lip.
"Alpha, how did you prove that?" Reese asked suddenly.
Dad looked at her. And from his expression I can tell that he is not happy with
her. The situation has changed and is no longer what it was 2 years ago. I
sighed inwardly.
“The Snow Moon Pack generation has a unique personality and proof of this is
its purple eyes.
In the entire werewolf tribe, they were the only ones who received the purple
orbs,” I explained.
Reese looked at me and then nodded. His face was pale and there was no
shine like before.

Now, looking at her, she somehow seems normal to me.

"Alpha, what are we going to do now?" Farid asked.

Dad looked at him “what should we do? Did you two leave us any other options
moving forward?
Farid lowered his head and then said nothing more. Salina narrowed her eyes
and said suddenly.
“Alpha, Shyla doesn't belong in our pack anyway, so why should we chase her
like this? Besides, Reese is the strongest in our pack and Alpha Avan has
already pledged his life, why don't we bless them?
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This woman! I shook my head. I thought I was smart, but I was wrong. Wrong,
thinking of this idiot as an intelligent person and even choosing her...
“Farid, you really did a great job with your partner. “It is very grateful,” said the
father, looking at him, but what is heard is the mocking tone behind the phrase.
Farid turned and looked at Salina while Reese grabbed her arm. “Mom, stop
being like that.”
“All of you are leaving except Avan. “I want to talk to him privately,” the father
said, using his contemptuous tone. Then everyone left the room leaving us
"Father .."
"Avan, do you know where your mistake is?" He asked before I could say
“Yes, dad,” I said, shaking my head.
“It's not just your fault, it's ours too. We fail to see the truth behind the curtain
and we cause this harm to our own pack. And the fact that Shyla...
"Dad, her name isn't Shyla, this is Savannah," I reminded him.
"Yes, whatever it is, she already rejected you with extreme anger, but it's a good
thing that you two are destined to mate and intend to be together forever"
“But dad, she doesn't want to meet me. How can we get closer? Besides, now
that your identity has changed, it will be more difficult.”
Dad frowned. “Since when did you become such a coward?” I didn't raise you to
be like that.
Our first persuasion plan failed, but there is still a chance. Since the plan with
her parents is not going to work, then we have to work on Shy, I mean
My heart trembled with excitement "how?"
“After a month, there will be a hunting event. It happens every 5 years and now
this will be your chance to win her heart back. The entire young generation will
be present, even those who have companions.
And she will definitely be there too. So take advantage of this opportunity and
don't let me or your pack down.”
I nodded enthusiastically “yes dad, don’t worry. This time I will really take care
of her.”
A smile remained on my face. Soon Savannah, you will be mine again.
Savannah Viewpoint
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“You don't have to think about them. After what happened, they won't dare
bother us anymore,” Tanea said, placing the freshly brewed coffee on the table.
“I never expected them to be so shameless” I shook my head “back then, when
I lived there, they never cared, really, but I always encouraged myself that it
was nothing and they love me with all their hearts. It was too late when I began
to realize the truth.”
Tanea patted the back of my hand "don't think about those losers, if they don't
exist how will smart people like us live?" She laughed out loud.
I couldn't help but laugh. She is really amazing, she always knows how to tell a
joke at the right moment and maybe that's why my brother loves her so much.
She is not only your companion, but she is also a girlfriend that everyone
adores. We couldn't continue talking because suddenly my brother's voice
called her name.
Tanea looked in his direction and smiled "it seems that the Eagle will not rest
without me"
I rolled my eyes “leave before he comes here. I really don’t want to listen to your
sermons and ruin my peace.”
Tanea laughed out loud before nodding her head "see you later" and then ran
I saw them hug each other and be so affectionate. My chest tightened at the
sight and I shifted my gaze to the open field where the pack members were
training. I am currently sitting in the shade resting on the training ground.
“Sister Annah,” a sweet, childish voice called my name. I turned to look at Ginia,
who was winking at me.
"What happened to you?" I asked grabbing his arm lightly.
“Sister Annah, you are sitting alone here, so I thought I would accompany you.
And it won't bother you anymore,” he replied.
I raised my eyebrows and laughed at his performance. She is so pretty. I
couldn't help but pinch her chubby cheeks. She screamed in surprise.
"Sister Annah, don't do that," he pouted.
"Because?" I yell.
She leaned forward "because mom said I'm a big girl now."
I laughed again. What a girl she is! He was about to say when there was a
sudden roar.
My head turned towards the field. Some of the pack members were watching
Automatically translated by Google the forest. I turned to Ginia, who was also
looking at the field. I patted him on the shoulder, drawing his attention to me.
“Your training is over for today. Go home,” I ordered. She looked at me towards
the field before nodding. She fled towards the freight house.
I changed my gaze to the field and ran towards it "what happened?" I asked.
“Miss, there was a sudden roar in the forest. Looks like there are some beasts
out there,” one of them reported.
“If they are close to the group, they could attack us and it won't be safe,” said
"We need to distract them, but not hurt them in any way unless it's an
emergency, do you understand?" I asked.
“But the young alpha just left,” said a man with curly black hair.
I shook my head “for such a trivial matter, there is no need for me to bother.
“Gather some men, we will go to the forest.”
“Miss, you can't take the initiative,” they shook their heads.
I frowned, “Why not? Do you think I'm not capable enough to lead a team?
"Of course not. Please don't misunderstand us. It's just that Alpha and young
Alpha won't be happy if you do this in person. Let's analyze this matter," they
responded in unison.
I rolled my eyes. Oh really? I am not weak and I can fight two wolves at the
same time. But they still refuse? I gave him an irritating look.
“Who is the leader here? Are you challenging my words? Besides, it's not
something important to fear. Just a wild beast. Now stop wasting my time and
finish our work.” I shook my head and walked towards the forest.
Their faces are like they are about to cry, but they still follow my example. I
laughed at his expression before entering the forest. The forest was deep and
the sun's rays peeked through the leaves of the trees.
"Which direction?" I asked, looking around.

“It looks like it comes from the South,” one of them responded.
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“We cannot identify it this way. “We need to disperse,” I told them.
“But miss-” “There are no discussions, we have to finish quickly so we can
return sooner,” I said in a stern tone.
They didn't say anything else but they accepted my request. On the way north,
there are some flowering plants besides those huge trees. Although I
memorized the map of this forest, my father still said that there are some parts
where it is forbidden to enter. I don't know why, but Dad said it was out of our
territory. Maybe that part belongs to some other gang. But the most important
thing is that I forgot to ask which part of the forest is prohibited. I shake my
head. How could I be so stupid? Oh really? I forgot.
I looked ahead and the plants and trees began to become shallow. I grimaced
and walked for a few minutes. Why are these places superficial? I looked
around the area. I can see the sun's rays falling to the ground illuminating the
entire area and its brightness. He looks charming and then... my eyes landed on
something and my eyes immediately widened.
Is it... is it... Blue Tiger? OMG, I saw the photo in the library, but I never
expected to see it in person. It is so beautiful. He was resting in the shade of
small flowers, but suddenly his eyes opened and looked directly at me.
So captivating…. My heart stopped for a moment. I wanted to look closer and
when I was about to take a step I felt a cold hand cover my mouth and another
hand sneak around my waist and without any effort he lifted my body from the
ground. I smelled a strange smell and my vision became blurry. The last thing I
saw was the tiger getting up and starting to walk towards me while wagging its
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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 9

Devak’s point of view “Why are you calling me that? You don’t even let me talk
to Sav,” Tanea complained and tried to free her hands from my grasp.
“Why were you so busy with other people besides me? Woman, do you
remember that you also have a partner? I grimaced.
She raised her left eyebrow. "Ah, so you mean that just because you're my
partner I should stay with you like a little monkey?"
"Okay," I nodded.
His eyes widened “you… you…. So…."
"I know I'm beautiful. What is there to remind them? I said jokingly with her.
"Devak Lang, what do you think of yourself?" Suddenly she screamed. His face
turned red with anger.
Her lush cheeks are tinted red and, my god, she feels so hot right now. I felt my
body suddenly stiffen at the thought.
“Your partner,” I raised my eyebrows.
“You are a despicable pervert. Do you always think about this? Tanea looked at
"You know me so well" I smiled before advancing towards her. She was already
angry because I separated her from Sav. I never knew what these two women
always talk about, but every time they get closer they secretly whisper to each
other and when I ask them they throw me out of the conversation.
“You…don't you dare think about that,” he warned, taking a step back.
“Why are you coming back, darling? As your partner, I have all rights over you”
my smile widened as I approached her.
“Take a step back,” but before she could walk away, I grabbed her wrist and
pulled her towards me.
Her forehead collided with my hard chest and she gasped.
"Pervert, let me go," he struggled. I wrapped my arms around her slim waist,
holding her tight.
“Are you resisting? But deep down you love it, don't you? I smiled.
~ Damn, his wolf is purring with joy. I can feel it~ Gian, my wolf moaned inside.
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Tanea's eyes widened when she felt her wolf. He closed his eyes as he shook
his head.
Seeing her blushing face turned me on even more. God, I can look at her all
“Devak, you're acting like a perverted wolf now,” Tanea said, pouting.

I laughed, throwing my head back before kissing his red cheeks, dear wolf, I'm
one now.
pervert." I was about to kiss her when the commotion outside stopped my
"What's going on?" I grimaced.
"We should check it first," Tanea said, looking toward the door.
I nodded "let's go", I took his hand and we walked out of the break room.
“What's going on out there?” I asked when I saw some members of the pack
running back and forth with anxious expressions.
"Dev" Jion, the pack's head trainer, walked towards me.
"Jion, what's going on there?" Asked. Jion and I are the same age. We are the
best friends of the pack.
“I just arrived and heard some news.”
"What news?" I grimaced.
“It's something… but we have no other option” his words intrigued me. What are
you talking about?
"That? Are you going to tell me or not?"
“When I arrived, members of the pack said they heard a roar coming from the
forest. The members thought that it might be some wild beast. “So they went to
check inside the forest.”
“Savannah was the one who led the team and she's not back yet. The other
members who accompanied her searched for her, but could not find her in the
"That?" My eyes were almost out of their sockets.
“Why did you lead the team there? That girl” I clenched my fist. “What the hell
were they doing back then to let her do those things? She doesn't know every
part of the forest.
What if something happens? I screamed at the top of my lung.
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The members who gathered on the field lowered their heads.
“Young Alpha, we asked her to stay here and let us check, but she assumed
authority and threatened us,” responded some men standing to the side.
“You should have informed me about this instead of obeying his words. Do you
know how dangerous it is? I looked at him.
“Young Alpha, we said that, but you didn't agree. She said that these are trivial
matters, so there is no need to inform them.”
I closed my eyes in frustration. What am I going to do now? Mom will kill me
with her own hands. He said this strictly to take care of my sister. If he finds out,
he will be very angry and, along with his father, he will be angry with me. I
closed my eyes and shook my head. I really wanted to tear all the hair out of my
head. I felt Tanea grab my arm with her free hand.
"Don't worry. Nothing will happen to him. Besides, it's not your fault either.
Instead of talking, it would be better for us to look for her. Maybe it was lost
somehow. "We shouldn't waste any more time standing here." ".
I shook my head. Good. It will be better to look for it than to waste time talking
and thinking about other things. I need to find her before something bad really
Although I know that she is not weak or someone who will give up easily, but as
her brother, my heart still feels anxious and I am very worried about her.
“Keep everyone here on alert and organize 4 groups to hunt throughout the
forest. We need to find her no matter what,” I ordered and Jion, who was
standing to the side, nodded immediately.
“Bring me with you,” Tanea said.
“No, the forest is not very safe.” I shake my head.
"Devak Lang, do you want me to die of anxiety here?" She looked "we were
both distracted and this wouldn't have happened if we stayed alert."
I rolled my eyes “who would have known something like this would happen.
That girl is also crazy and stubborn. Do you think I can control it? I argued.
Tanea rolled her eyes “shut up and let’s go” she said and dragged me with her.

Savannah Viewpoint

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I can't see clearly. Where I am? This place is full of darkness and there is a soft
aroma floating in the air. It was sweet and comforting. But I guess I'm not in the
forest because that kind of smell wasn't there. I rubbed my eyes trying to
remove the stain. I remembered seeing the Blue Tiger, but suddenly someone
covered my mouth and then I felt a strange smell...
Oh shit……
I was kidnapped?
My body suddenly shuddered. The softness beneath me made me frown.
Where I am?
What kind of place is this? I looked down and ran my hand over the surface
where I was sitting. It's furry and very soft when I run my fingers over it.
Is it a bed? Frowning, I looked around again. This place is still dark and I can't
see clearly. Who brought me here? The kidnapper? But why would anyone
want to kidnap me unless they were courting death for themselves? There is no
one who does not know my identity.
Is it Avan? But do you have the courage to do this? Really I do not think so.
Although he is a bastard, you

The father doesn't allow him to think like that. This person loves his pack very
much. I shake my head. Right now I can't think of any reason why they
kidnapped him like that.
The sound of the door opening made me turn my head and look to the side,
where I could finally see some light.
The door opened slightly and a small figure entered. The figure moved its body
and suddenly the entire room was illuminated with lights that once again
clouded my vision. I covered my eyes with my arms.
“Oh… that's a shame, I'm sorry miss, I don't know if you're awake yet. I
shouldn’t have turned on the light like that,” a female voice said with a sigh.
I removed my arm and looked forward. There was a girl literally younger than
me, dressed in a maid's uniform. Her black dress with white lace gives her extra
charm. And I must say that the girl is really beautiful. Her hair was tied up in two
buns with a white lace ribbon.
"Who are you?" I asked while frowning slightly.
The girl smiled warmly as she stepped forward appropriately. I wonder what
kind of discipline he learned.
“Miss, I am Luina and I am your maid. Please accept my respect,” he said and
bowed to me.
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I was stunned. I had never seen her before in my life and how did she become
my servant so suddenly? I looked around the room. It was luxurious. All the
furniture in the room is black, but the color is vibrant and looks unique. There
was a huge mirror attached to a black painted wall and a crystal chandelier
hanging above my head. I was in a forest. How did I end up in a place like this?
I moved my gaze towards the girl named Luina again. She did not lift her head,
still in a hunched position.
“Luina, please get up” I said and only then did she straighten up and smile.
“Miss, are you hungry? Do you want me to bring you something to eat?
I waved my hand “no need. Do you know me?"
"I've known you since you got here, miss."
What a direct answer!
"How did I get here?" I asked her.
"Master brought you here, miss, and he will see you when you wake up," Luina
Teacher? Who is this now? I felt my frustrations growing inside me.
“And who is your teacher?” I forced a tight smile as I asked again.
"He is……. Oh Master” Luina bowed suddenly.
I frowned at his action and was about to say something when I saw a tall figure
appear in the doorway.
My eyes locked on the figure and my eyes widened.
He is so hot.
Tall, masculine, handsome and that black fur cape made him even more
handsome. The air in my lungs was trapped there, refusing to come out, and I
suddenly began to feel suffocated. His eyes moved towards me as a smile
spread across his kissable lips. My heartbeat accelerated with each step and a
sudden smell of patchouli reached my nostrils.
It was earthy, woody, sweet and musky. Such a strong and spicy aroma is truly
~Aww…….~Red purred happily.
“Get out,” that single word snapped me out of my trance. I saw Luina bow and
leave the room.
He walked slowly towards me and smiled "did I sleep well?" He asked in his
hoarse tone.
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I swallowed the saliva that was forming in my mouth. To calm my racing heart, I
looked into his eyes.
" brought me here?"
He smiled "Isn't love obvious?"
My eyes widened. So direct. I've never met anyone like him. Is love?
“You…” I pointed my index finger as I looked at him. Fuck your masculinity.
How dare you kidnap me?
“How dare you kidnap me?”
“Ah, I dare anything. In any case, it is not a sin to take what is mine,” he
responded as if it were nothing more than an everyday conversation. This man.
What the hell does he think of himself?
After a minute I get up in bed still pointing my finger at him "who do you think
you are?"
He looked at my finger pointing at him and smiled. Without saying a word, he
grabbed my finger and pulled me towards him. My forehead hit his hard chest.
“Oh,” I shuddered. What is he? A stone or something?
"Do you really want to know who I am?" He looked at me. His eyes sparkled
with amusement.
"Do you think I will be afraid of your identity?" I hissed at him. This didn't make
him angry, but his smile grew wider. Its patchouli scent filled my nose as it
spread through my nerves. God, being around him is messing with my head.
"Since you want to know... then..." he leaned in and whispered in my ear. His
next words surprised me deeply.
“Welcome home mate”
How does a toxic person like him become my partner?
How could this be possible, anyway?
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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 10
Savannah Viewpoint
I looked at the man with wide eyes. Did I just hear the word “mate” from him or
was it just my imagination?
I couldn't understand what this man wants from me, but I also don't know why
I'm attracted to him. After rejecting Avan, in these two years I never had any
kind of fantasy about other wolf brands. Snow Moon also has many beautiful
marks that have not yet found their match, but this kind of feeling has never
been felt before.
How did this man become exceptional to me?
I shook my head, no, that can't be true. I have never heard of any wolf having
two mates in the same life. How could the Moon Goddess play with my destiny
like this? And indeed, this man in front of me seems dangerous. Even the air
around him feels tense, making me choke.
Placing my hand on his hard chest, I pushed him away. It would be better to
stay miles away from him.
Its intoxicating aroma left my body numb and my mind stopped working. This
man is clearly toxic to my health.
"Who is your partner?" I looked at him.
Instead of getting angry, he simply smiled “you can deny it all you want. But you
can’t do this for long.”
What does that mean? Do you consider me a fool?
"Where I am? "And what am I doing here?" I asked, ignoring his comment. I
need to leave this place soon. Mom and dad must be anxious after hearing that
I left suddenly. But looking around, all I could see was the luxurious furniture
around the room. I really wonder how much it would cost to decorate this room
"Do you like what you see?" I heard him ask. My head immediately turned
towards him. He still had that annoying smile on his face. But he will do it, he is
very sexy with that attitude.

~He's very hot~ Red purred suddenly.

“Shut up” I cursed inside my head.
~But he's sexy~
I didn't bother to respond and blocked her immediately. What have I gotten
myself into? If I hadn't decided to go to the forest, I would still be in the pack.
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"Where I am? “I want to go home,” I demanded, blocking out all my thoughts.
"Home? “This is your home from now on,” he replied casually.
“Let me remind you that I was kidnapped here. “You kidnapped me,” I snapped.
"Oh, is that so?" He turned and took off his black fur cloak.
At first I couldn't understand it, but then my jaw almost dropped to the floor
when I saw him take off his shirt.
Damn* That was the first thing that came to mind. Tight muscles, broad
shoulders and a straight back. Suddenly, I felt my body getting hot. How does
your body warm me? Since when did my sexual control lose like this?
I bit my lip and avoided looking at her delicious body.
"What do you think you're doing?" Asked.
"You can not see? “I’m taking off my clothes,” he responded directly.
“You…” I turned my head, but my eyes were fixed on those talented muscles of
his. He is now facing me, which clearly gives me a good view of his front.
Suddenly my throat went dry and my chest tightened. A feeling of desire grew
inside me.
I have never been affected by any male species like this. Not even when he
was Avan's partner.
Although we had some intimate connection, I have seen him half-naked many
times. I always thought her body was good, but she never encouraged me to
think about anything dirty.
Even that night when he was having sex with Resse. He was more angry than
drooling over her naked body.
But this man in front of me, even his half-naked position, made me think of
those kinds of things that I could only have in my fantasy.

And the reason for this, I don't even know.

"Do you like what you see?" His dark voice brought me back to my senses. I
was so absorbed that I didn't even see him advance towards me.
"What are you doing?" I yelled as I backed away, at least away from him.
"That? I'm helping you see it well"
"I wasn't looking at you," I lied.
~Lier~ Red rolled his eyes. And I pretended not to notice her.
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"You were practically drooling" he smiled "are you still trying to lie?" His eyes
sparkled with amusement.
“I want to go home” I don't know what to say and I blurted out everything that
came into my mouth.
"Home?" He suddenly laughed “this is your house. And I won't do that again.” I
can feel the coldness in the depth of your voice.
An unknown chill ran down my spine. I bit my lips.
He closed his eyes and shook his head before looking at me with those
dominant brown eyes.
He came closer and when I was about to move, he grabbed my ankle and
dragged me towards him. A surprised scream left my mouth as I felt trapped in
the soft mattress.
"Watch my words in that pretty little head of yours, YOU'RE NOT GOING
ANYWHERE," he forced each word, emphasizing it clearly.
My heartbeat accelerated when I looked into those domineering eyes. I can
clearly feel that he is not joking. My hands feel cold thinking about it. This man
seems very dangerous, but how did I get involved with him without rhyme or
Before I knew it, he backed away, but I couldn't control my body. I stood there
"Take a shower, you smell like bamboo."
Bamboo? Do I smell like bamboo? That? I get out of bed only to find that he's
gone. I looked in every corner of the room, but there is not a single trace of him.
A few seconds later the closed door opened again revealing Luina's face.
"Where is?" I got out of bed as I asked him.
She looked surprised “uh…Master just left. “He asked me to give you a bath.”
Damn it. Who is he thinking of for giving me orders like that? Bamboo? Is this
really a joke?
“Miss, let me show you the bathroom first. “You need to clean yourself.”
I frowned at her and then looked at my body. My dress has some diets. I shook
my head. I completely forgot about that. I don't know how long it's been, but I
really need a good shower. Without saying a word, I followed Luina's lead
towards the bathroom.
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The internal bathroom has a glass wall. When I walked in, all I could see was
my reflection. I saw that Luina was preparing the bathtub. She threw rose petals
into the water and smiled at me.
“Miss, the bathtub is ready and all the necessary things are placed next to it. Do
you want me to rub your back?
", I can do it myself."
"Okay, then I'll prepare your dress," he nodded before leaving.
I felt a headache starting to form. This is too much to handle. First they
kidnapped me and then imprisoned me somewhere I don't know yet. These
people treat me like something so special. Because? Because? Because? I
couldn't understand it. But now I can't control my urge to dive into the water.
I walked to the bathtub and got into the water.
The cold liquid cools my body immediately. I couldn't help but feel relaxed. The
sweet smell of the flowers calmed my mind and began to cleanse my body.
When I came out of the bathroom I saw that Luina was already there holding a
“Miss, are you finished? Here, please change your clothes,” he said with a
smile. I must say that this girl smiles a lot.
“All this for me?” I asked as I looked at the fabric of the bed. The dress was a
knee-length black cocktail dress with a pair of matching underwear.
"Yes, Master gave the order to choose this," Luina nodded.
This Master again. How did that man know my size to choose a dress and
panties? I grimaced slightly.
"Uh...yeah" I nodded before picking up the dress. After 30 minutes, I finish
getting dressed.
I looked in the mirror and discovered that the black dress looked great on me.
“This dress really suits you, miss. It really looks beautiful on you,” Luina praised.
I turned to her "where am I?"
"He's in our pack mansion, miss," she replied.
Package? So this is another package?
"Package? What package?
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“Black Forest Package”
I looked at her with wide eyes. Black Forest? Isn't that what daddy once said?
The most fearsome of the wolf tribe? And I'm here in your territory?
“That… Person, I mean you called Master-”
“He is our Alpha”
I choked on my own saliva. Alpha? Suddenly I felt like all the air had gone out of
my lungs.
Really Alpha? That's why he looked so imposing and the air around him
screamed dangerously. So he was the Alpha of the Black Forest Pack. How did
I end up in this clutch? And the worst thing is that his partner calls me. How
could I have two companions in my only life? What kind of game is the Moon
Goddess playing with me now?
I thought I was done with this couple thing, but she has to pressure someone
else again?
"Miss, are you okay?" Luina looked worried as she patted my back.
I nodded "I have to go"
Damn, I want to leave this place as soon as possible. I can't stay here long after
knowing the truth.
I need to get away from here no matter what.
“Miss, this is impossible.” Luina shook her head.
I frowned “why is that? Is that your pack's kind of rule?
“I didn't mean that, miss. But you cannot leave the pack without the Master's
permission. And now he is waiting for you downstairs.”
What kind of situation am I in? I can't leave, but I have to face that man again?
What sin have I committed to face this current situation? If I knew where I was, I
would have escaped a long time ago, but damn, I don't know my location or the
way home. Not feeling anything, I had to follow Luina out of the room. The
scene outside the room was beautiful.
This house is very well done. Even the only vase left next to him looked
I followed Luina down the stairs. Few male figures appear. Their heads turned
towards me and their eyes widened.
“Master” Luina shouted.
I turned my head to look at the man sitting in the dining room. He was sitting at
the other end of the table. His lips curled as he smiled. His eyes roamed over
my body.
I bit my lip trying to avoid his gaze. That dominant look of his made me feel
naked, even with my clothes on.
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"Come here," he said suddenly.
I walk towards him trying to stay calm. Calm down. Don't show your panic on
your face.
"Hm... you look beautiful."
Hmph. I didn't look at it.
"You must be hungry. "Let's go eat something" he said again, ignoring my
"I'm not hungry-"
Before I could finish, my stomach growled. I closed my eyes tightly in shame.
Does this have to happen now? My cheeks feel hot from the blush. This is not
I heard him laugh. Damn, even his little laugh is sexy.
"Are you still going to deny it?" He asked me “now sit down.”
I didn't respond when I sat down. I have never been so embarrassed before.
What a shame, Sav. I mentally shook my head. Why do I have to suffer like
"What do you want to eat?"
"Anything edible is fine," I replied dryly.
"Bring it," he ordered. Aren't you irritated by my attitude? He was angry before,
but now he acts like nothing happened. I really can't understand this man.
Soon two maids brought food. One of them placed a freshly prepared pancake
in front of me.
There are strawberry slices and syrup spread on the pancakes. Mom used to do
this for me. She knew I love pancakes.
"You do not like? Take another-"
"It's not all right." I cut it in half before grabbing the knife and fork to dig in. The
sweet flavor filled my mouth with the first bite.
I couldn't help but moan lightly, closing my eyes. It tastes so good. From the
corner of my eye I saw his dominant brown eyes instantly darken.
I immediately stopped my action and began to eat silently. I don't know why, but
looking into those dark eyes my body reacted in a way it shouldn't have.
“I want to go home,” I said when I finished my meal. He was drinking coffee
while looking at me.
“This is your home from now on”
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"No, it is not. “You kidnapped me here,” I argued.

“This is where you should be”

I do not know what to say right now. What is this man thinking? I want to meet
my family. I shook my head.
“They must be looking for me anxiously. Even if I have to stay here, I want to
meet them so that they are free of worries,” I said, trying to reason. Right now,
this is what I can say.
He didn't respond for some time. I almost thought he would say no, but to my
surprise, he suddenly nodded.
My eyes widened "really?" A smile began to form on my face.
He looked at me with those brown eyes and smiled "yes"
"I want to go now," I said excitedly. But my enthusiasm diminished with his next

"Of course, I'll let you personally" What the hell is that?
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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 11

Savannah Viewpoint
No one can predict what fate will bring. Like me, I never thought that I would fall
into a situation where I couldn't find a way to escape. I'm trapped between my
past and my future. I turned my head to look at the scene outside. We are
currently heading home. I'm getting anxious thinking about my family. My
sudden disappearance might have scared them. And now, going back there, my
biggest problem is the MAN sitting next to me and driving.
I couldn't stop him from coming with me. The first thing is that I don't know
where I am and the second is that this man does not agree to leave me alone.
When he led me out of the mansion, my jaw almost dropped when I looked
back. The huge mansion looked so beautiful. I wouldn't believe it existed if I
hadn't witnessed it in person. My mind was overwhelmed by these sudden
changes and I couldn't control myself to think properly.
Suddenly, I felt something brush my cheek. I turned my head toward the man
sitting next to me, but he was still focused on the road. Or should I say, just his
eyes, because his hand is on me.
"What are you thinking about so much?" He asked as he caressed my cheek.
My skin tingles every time your fingers touch it. I sighed and calmed down. I
shouldn't feel this way about my kidnapper. I mentally shook my head. Before I
could think more, I screamed.
I heard him laugh. His hand grabbed my thigh tightly and I looked at him in
"What are you doing?" I asked.
“When I ask you something, you must answer,” his harsh voice reached my
heart. My heart was pounding as I looked towards where his hand rested.
Damn, the dress I'm wearing doesn't help either.
“I… was thinking about my family,” I responded.
"You're about to meet them," he said.
I sighed "can you please remove your hand?"
“I don't want to have any kind of accident before I meet my family.” I gritted my
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He glanced lightly before refocusing his eyes on the road “honey, you won't die
so quickly. Don't worry"
"Don't call me that-" I hissed as his grip on my thigh tightened.
“I can call you whatever I want, honey, it's not up to you to decide” his tone
became harsher.
He rubbed my skin with his thumb and my body tingled again. I bit my lip and
looked at him.
His well-built body surpassed the perfection that that jacket he was wearing
could not hide. Her black hair was a little longer than usual and flowed in the
wind. He looked so beautiful that I couldn't help but feel something inside him. I
turned my head the other way. He is toxic. If I look at it anymore, sooner or later
I will die. I want to divert my attention, but his hand touching my thigh doesn't
help. I want to take his hand away, but I can see the look he gives me every
time I try to do so. I huffed in annoyance and focused my eyes on the road.
I don't know how he got the location of my backpack. Because he didn't even
ask me where I live. This confused me. Does he know about my pack? But
these last two years I never had any kind of interaction with him and I never saw
him. Then how? How could he possibly know me? As I thought, I didn't even
know when the car stopped.
“We're here, baby,” his voice brought me back to reality. I turned to look at him
in shock.
"Are we there?"
He smiled and pointed with his eyes behind me. I quickly turned my head only
to find my backpack at home, which is not that far away. Suddenly my eyes
began to water. I'm finally here again.
“Come” I looked at the hand extended before me. He was already outside
waiting for me. Hesitantly, I put my hand in his and he squeezed it tightly before
helping me out of the car.
“Thank you,” I said.
"Come on baby," he said as he dragged me with him. I mentally shook my head
at their nicknames, but I don't know why I really liked them.
~because he's our partner~ Red said.
I mentally rolled my eyes "how could that be possible?" I asked her.
~I can feel it and he has claimed us as his mate~ he responded.
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I shook my head at his words. I can't believe this theory. How could a werewolf
have two companions? How can this be possible? Did I have a partner when I
was in normal shape, but after changing I got another one? This seems so
"Are you OK?"
"Hey?" I looked up only to find him staring at me with a frown.
"Yes... yes" I nodded as we walked forward. When we reached the entrance to
our freight house, the two guards guiding us looked scared.
"Lose?" one of them asked.
"Hi Eduardo." I smiled back.
“Miss, you are finally here. “Alpha and Luna are worried,” he replied, but he still
seemed worried, especially when he looked at the person next to me.
I do not blame them. Because the man next to me is tall, muscular, and more
attractive than any man I've ever seen. And because of my short height I
seemed taller than normal.
"Okay, I'll find them." I smiled at them and they nodded before opening the
As we approached the packing house, I heard noises that were almost like
arguing. I sighed internally. I knew something like this would happen.
“Hmm… it seems like they are very anxious.”
I looked at him “this is all because of you.” He didn't answer, he just smiled at
me. I almost rolled my eyes and walked forward.
“What do you mean you couldn't find her? Did you research well? I heard the
father's voice.
“Dad, I'm still trying. But the forest is very extensive and there is a part that is
forbidden to us.”

Then I heard Devak's voice respond.

"Brat. “It’s all because of your negligence,” the father scolded.

“Dad, don’t accuse me like that, I was just a little distracted.”
“Distracted by what?” Dad asked.
“That… I…” Devak stammered.
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"You you…."
I held my forehead, massaging it lightly. Are they trying to find me or competing
in a war of words?
"Your pack is quite lively," I heard him say again.
"Can you stop teasing?" I hissed as I looked at him.
He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and walked into the house with him. The first
thing I saw was my father hitting Devak on the back of the head while scolding
"Brat, you're not taking me seriously."
“Sav” it was Tanea who saw me first. Then all eyes fell on me.
“Savannah, my baby,” Mom gasped and quickly took a step forward before
hugging me tight. Suddenly, a warm feeling enveloped me and I sighed in
"Are you OK? "I was very worried," she shouted as she checked my body,
suspecting an injury.
"I'm fine, Mom," I smile at her.
"Oh my god, you're finally here" Tanea hugged me. I laughed at his reaction.
"Savannah, where were you?" Mom's words stopped when Dad suddenly
“Alpha Hardwick?” Dad said as he looked at him with wide eyes. My head
turned to the person standing right behind me. He seemed confident and there
was no fear or anxiety on his face. However, the aura around him screams
dangerously. I almost forgot he's here too.
“Hello, Alpha Micah,” he responded, nodding.
Hardwick. I whispered his name and the way it rolled off my tongue made me
feel good. I was so engrossed in leaving that I didn't even bother to know his
"Micah, do you know him?" Mom looked at dad.
Dad nodded slowly "he is the Alpha of the Dark Forest"
Mom gasped as she looked at Hardwick. Then he looked at me "Savannah,
how do you know Alpha Hardwick?"
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I bit my lips. I don't know what my family's reaction will be when I tell them that
he was the same person who kidnapped me. I sighed "that-"
“I put it in my backpack.” Hardwick's voice fell before me.
My jaw dropped as I turned to look at him. He looked at me with a mischievous
smile. I couldn't believe I had just admitted that.
"That?" It was Devak who suddenly roared: “So it was you who kidnapped my
sister? How dare you? I don't care if you're an Alpha or not, but you're going to
pay for this” he moved forward only to be stopped by his father.
Hardwick simply raised an eyebrow as he looked at Devak. This kind of look is
like come if you can.
"What do you think you're doing?" Dad asked Devak.
“Dad, he kidnapped my sister. How can you be so calm? Devak argued. Dad
didn't answer, but looked at Hardwick.
"Alpha Hardwick, why did you kidnap her?"
“I didn't kidnap her. I just took her where she belongs,” Hardwick replied lazily.
My heart skipped a beat in my chest when I heard it. Don't tell me he's going to
say that.
Everyone in the room looked at him confused.
"Because she is my mate and should live with me in my pack."
I closed my eyes tightly as I bit my lips. Semen. He actually said that. I didn't
really press this issue, but this man said this in front of everyone.
"Friend?" Dad frowned. "Is Savannah your partner?"
“Yes,” Hardwick replied without hesitation.
"But…." Mom gasped as she looked at me "is it true Savannah?"
“I… I don't know” I looked down.
“Alpha Hardwick, is there some confusion or something? Savannah, you can't...
Before his father could finish, a loud growl echoed through the room. I jumped a
little when I felt a hand wrap around my waist and pull me towards a hard chest.
"She is mine. Don't talk about that nonsense," Hardwick said in his unbearably
cold tone.
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I heard dad sigh "but she had a partner before-" "I don't care about that. What I
do know is that she is my partner and can only be mine,” he growled.
I looked up and saw him clenching his jaw. His grip tightened around my waist
and I shivered slightly. He looked at me and his domineering eyes softened in
an instant. I had never seen such a dominant look until today. Someone to
claim me as their own. I don't know why, but suddenly a feeling of warmth ran
through my body like I had never felt before. Is this how others feel about their
“Now that it is clear, it is best to leave this matter aside,” the mother interrupted,
smiling warmly at Hardwick. “The trip must be exhausting. How about we eat
something first and then talk?
"Sounds good," Hardwick agreed. I sighed with relief. Mom is always the smart
one. And God bless her, she interrupted at just the right moment. Out of the
corner of my eye I can see Devak still looking at Hardwick. I shook my head as I
followed my mother to the cafeteria.
living room.

"Wow, this looks delicious," I exclaimed, looking at the food. Mom really cooks
Spaghetti, meat stew and also mache, beet and orange salad placed on the
Mom smiled at me. The maids served us food as soon as we settled into our
Hardwick sat next to me while Devak looked at him.
“Alpha Hardwick, I hope our food is to your liking,” said the mother.
“Please call me Hardwick,” Hardwick responded.
Mom smiled warmer at him.
“Take this” Suddenly, a hand placed some salad on my plate. I looked up just to
see him.
Under the gaze of my family, I couldn't help but blush. I'm not used to this
affection he gives me.
"What happened that day?" Tanea asked me.
I looked at her “I missed that day. “I couldn’t find my way back home.”
"Did you enter the forbidden area?" Mom asked.
I shrugged, “I don't know. I don't know this place and…” Suddenly I felt a hand
on my thigh. My eyes opened and I could feel his smile. He continued eating
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"And then?" Tanea waited for my response.
"Oh..." I tried to calm down, but his hand ran down my thigh, making my body
shake. My heartbeat increased and I gasped for air.
“Sav?” Tanea raised her eyebrows.
“So I don't remember. “I fainted,” I responded quickly, trying to forget the matter.
The hand on my skin is already driving me crazy.
"Hardwick, why do you eat with your left hand?" Mom asked.
“I'm left-handed,” he responded. My head turned towards him with a furious
look. Left handed?
What a joke! I saw him using his right hand during breakfast. This man is totally
Irritated, I spooned a spoonful of beef stew into my mouth. How could he be so
calm and torture me like this?
I couldn't help but be angry. But before I could take another bite, his hand crept
up the inside of my thigh. I choked on my food and suddenly coughed hard.
"Savannah, what happened?" Mom said eagerly and handed me a glass of
water. I felt his hand rubbing my back. After drinking water I felt better.
"Are you OK?" I heard him ask. I shot him a look. His face was worried, but a
playful smile appeared on his lips.
Damn. He did it intentionally.
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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 12

Savannah Viewpoint "Mmm…. “It looks cozy,” he said, looking around my room.
After the meal, his mother insisted on showing him around. Even though I didn't
want to, my mother looked at me, which made me change my mind.
"Why did you do that?" Asked. What he did during the meal was really
embarrassing. Thinking about this, I couldn't help but feel my cheeks heat up
He turned around and smiled "do what?"
I gritted my teeth. He knew what he did, but he still plays innocent. Before him,
no one was capable of making me so angry. But this man really had the nerve
to irritate me to death.
"You know what I'm talking about. Or do you know what I mean?"
He shook his head slightly before sitting on my bed. He leaned back, supporting
his body with his arms, “no, not me.”
I looked at him without understanding. This man! How do the people in your
pack support you?
“Do you want me to explain?”
He nodded "oh please, I'm looking forward to it"
It is real? Because I've never seen a man behave like that. If others look at him,
they will get a strong domineering aura, but at the moment there is nothing but
provocation in his eyes.
"Forget it. "There's no point in arguing with you." I looked at him before turning
around and walking towards my closet.
I looked at the clothes hanging inside. I can feel his gaze boring into my back. I
don't know why, but his look is always intimidating. Even Avan's penetrating
gaze will be the biggest failure.
Shaking my head, I grabbed one of my dresses, but gasped when I felt him hug
me from behind. My eyes widened when I felt his warm breath on my ear.
"What...what do you think you're doing?" I stuttered as I tried to force my
question out.
"You smell so good you have no idea what this is doing to me," he didn't
respond, but buried his head in my neck. The hairs on my body stood up
immediately. AND
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Something inside my stomach began to move. I have never been summoned
like this before and I don't know what is happening to me.
"Let me... let me go, you..." Before I could finish, I felt his lips on my neck.
“Shh… You talk too much. Now shut up and enjoy” he whispered in my ear and
bit my lobe. I closed my eyes tightly. His hand ran over my belly. Even though
I'm wearing a dress, I can feel the way it touches my skin. My breathing
quickened as I leaned further into his chest.
"You're delicious," he whispered again as his tongue licked the skin of my neck.
"Oh..." a moan escaped my lips and I felt myself drowning in his seduction.
“Moan my name,” he said again.
"YO…." I couldn't even form words. His hand rose, ran over my body, and
suddenly cupped my breast. My breathing hitched as I felt heat.
"I said moan my name Savannah" this time his voice sounds like a command
and he squeezed my chest hard.
"Ah... Hardwick..." I grabbed his hand that was holding my chest.
“It's… painful…” I uttered with a trembling voice. No one has ever made me feel
this way. And your rough hand squeezing my weak point is adding fuel to the
"It's going to be OK..." He kissed my cheek and then lowered his lips to my
neck. His hand was still massaging my breast.
"Oh…Hardwick" I moaned again when he bit my neck.
"You taste so good, baby," he said huskily and licked the area where he had
just bitten. I closed my eyes and leaned on his shoulder. God, he's torturing my
body however he wants and I can't even do anything.

~It's so good~ Red purred in joy.

"Excited, baby?" He asked followed by a laugh. I bit my lip trying to control my
How did my Wolf feel?
He grabbed my chin and slowly turned my head to look at him. His face was so
closed that I could feel his warm breath on my cheek.
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“I want to taste those lips,” he whispered and was about to capture my lips
when the door to my room opened.
I came out of the trance immediately. What was that?
"What are you doing with my sister?" Devak growled.
And then my eyes widened. I pushed him away from me. Oh my god, I just… I
looked at Hardwick and he had an irritated expression. Did I just make out with
him? Oh God... I never let any man dominate me, but how did I fall for his
"Answer me. What are you trying to do to him?" Devak looked very angry as he
walked towards us.
"What are you doing?" Tanea appeared behind him and grabbed his arm.
"Let me go. Today I will teach this man a good lesson." Devak tried to free her
“Devak, are you angry? He’s Savannah’s partner.” Tanea frowned.
“Fuck with friend. How dare he touch her?
Tanea rolled her eyes and looked at me before smiling "Sorry to interrupt."
I turned around, hiding my blush. God, I'm so embarrassed today. Before during
the meal and now again in my room. And all this happens because of this
“I can do whatever I want with it. She is mine." Hardwick's cold voice reached
my ear and I felt myself being drawn back in. He held my waist firmly and
looked at Devak who was fighting with Tanea.
"You bastard, first you kidnapped her and now you're forcing her?" He growled.
"Strength?" Hardwick looked at me "Did I?" He smiled.
My cheeks began to heat up again and I stared at him. How dare you ask me
something like that?
"Look, her blush is the result of my action," he replied, kissing my cheek.

I looked at him in disbelief. What is he thinking about?

"You... you..." Devak looked at him.
“We need to leave. We are going now." Tanea pushed him toward the door.
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“I will kill him today,” Devak shouted.
"No, you will not. Dad is going to be very angry with you,” Tanea responded, but
she still managed to drag him with her. Devak glared at him before Tanea
dragged him out of my room.
I turned and looked at him again. Angrily I pushed him away. "What do you think
you were doing?"
He raised an eyebrow "what?"
"Don't act like you're innocent because you're not."
"What did I do? "It was you who moaned my name," he smiled.
I blushed again and looked away. I felt him pulling me again. I put my hand on
his chest trying to push him away, but this time he didn't even move. I grimaced.
"You're not allowed to hide that blush from me," he growled in my ear.
“You are mine and only mine. I have every right to make you blush and... He
moved closer. Your lips touched the shell of my ear “I make you scream my
My heart was beating inside my chest like a drum. Oh God, I don't know how it
got such a reaction in my body. Even his whisper makes me clench my thigh. I
couldn't control myself and pushed him away before running out of the room.
Just a few hours ago he was a stranger to me and I didn't believe his words that
I am his partner. But now I'm attracted to him. Those sinful lips are like magic on
my skin and their bad words are making me wet. This is all new to me. It's like
I'm being dragged into a new world for an exciting adventure.

“Hunting event?” I grimaced.

Tanea nodded "yes, that will happen on the scheduled date in a few years"
“Each pack sends some of its members to participate in this event.”
I took a sip of coffee "have you been there yet?"
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“Yes,” Tanea shook her head, “it was after a year of joining Snow Moon. Devak
took me there with other members of the pack.”
“What is this event really for?” "It just shows how strong you and your pack are,"
Tanea shrugged. "Last time there was animal hunting, fighting, and some other
"Who won?" I asked excitedly.
Tanea laughed, "do you really want to know?"
I shook my head.
“It's a package from the Dark Forest. These members are strong and yes, they
are really skilled.
“They hit anyone who crosses their path.”
I grimaced. It's not Dark Forest... I leaned toward her across the table.
"Did you see Hardwick last time?"
“No, he didn't come. “They are just some of the members of his pack.”
“Alpha not participating?”
Tanea laughed “no, it's not like that. But that depends on the Alpha. If they want
to come, they can do so. But each year it was the members of the pack who
accepted the challenge and performed.”
"Strange" I finished my drink and placed it on the table "when is the next
"In a month"
"That?" I stood up looking at her with wide eyes "in a month?"
"Yes," she nodded.
A smile began to form on my lips. Excellent. It's kind of exciting to be involved in
something like, "This time I'm going in."
Tanea raised her eyebrows "do you want it?"
"Of course. It's not exciting?"
Tanea smiled “yes, but be careful with your possessive partner,” she laughed. I
rolled my eyes. It is not possessive. Is he?
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“Miss Savannah” I turned to look at the maid “Alpha is waiting for you in the
meeting room” Meeting room? I looked at Tanea who was also confused.
"Okay," I nodded. The maid nodded before leaving.
"Do you have any idea?" I asked her.
We walk towards the meeting room. When the door to the meeting room
opened, everyone was already there.
I frowned when I saw that Hardwick was there too.
"Come on honey," the mother smiled as she waved her hand. I walked towards
her and stood next to her while Devak dragged Tanea with him.
"What is the problem?" I asked.
Dad sighed "Alpha Hardwick wants to go and you will go with him too."
My eyes widened and I looked at Hardwick who was already looking at me.
“But I don't want to leave.” When my words come out, his face hardens. Oh no,
now he's getting angry. But I don't want to leave so soon. He stood up suddenly
and his gaze pierced me in my seat.
“There are no arguments. We're leaving and that's final,” then he left the room.
I watched his figure disappear before turning his head towards my father.
“Dad, I don't want to leave.”
“My dear, Hardwick is your companion and no matter what you need to follow
him. Besides, I see he's too desperate to take you. The mother smiled sadly.
“Savannah, your mother is right. It is difficult to find a second chance bond. His
first chance was worse, but although Hardwick is tough and dangerous, he is
not a bad man. I interacted with him and I can clearly see the longing in his
eyes. I looked down listening to them.
"Sheet?" Mom called. But instead of answering, I ran out of the room ignoring
his calls.
I was standing on the porch near my room. Your straight back posture gives
you a good appearance. He looked so strong and intimidating. I walked towards
him in silence.
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“If you are here to beg, you can forget about it. There’s no way I’m leaving you
here,” he said without turning around.
“But…” He quickly turned around and pinned me against the nearest wall.
“Don't you dare refuse because it won't work. You're going with me, whether
you like it or not” he looked at me with those dominant brown eyes. He's sexy
when he's angry.
Get out of this. What the hell am I thinking? I mentally shook my head. I
swallowed hard before opening my mouth.
"I wasn't rejecting you."
He raised an eyebrow "oh that's right"
"I... I didn't want to refuse before."
"You still refuse," he looked at me.
I closed my eyes. I sighed and looked at him again. He had me so close to him.
And your perfume filling my nostrils, intoxicating them.
"I just wanted to stay here until the hunting event," I finally said.
“Hunting event?” He frowned.
I nodded "yes, do you want to join?"
"You can still do this after you leave."
I nodded "I want to participate as a member of the Snow Moon Pack."
“What is the difference between being a member of Snow Moon or a member of
the Dark Forest?”
“It's because your gang is winning big time. That's why I want to participate and
win,” I yelled. Then I closed my mouth with my hand when I realized what I had
He seemed surprised by my sudden snap as he stared at me for a while. Oh
God, what did I just say? I am challenging his pack in front of him. I thought he
would be mad at me, but instead he laughed. I looked at him with confusion.
“Are you really interested in participating?” He asked him.
I shook my head.
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My eyes widened. I just heard right? Did he say it right?
"That?" I asked because I couldn't believe his words.
"Very well, you can stay here until the hunting event"
A smile appeared on my face and I excitedly jumped into his arms hugging him
tightly “thank you, thank you” and kissed his cheek. But then I realized what I
did and tried to break the hug but he hugged me tight and wouldn't let me.
"Damn, if I had known I would receive such a reward, I would have said yes
sooner," kissing my cheek. And I blushed again.
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Romance Claiming His Tempting Mate Chapter 13
Reese's POV
“Go to hell” I threw the vase on the table towards the vanity mirror in anger. In a
second, the mirror shattered and fell to the tiled floor. I looked at the pieces as I
felt my heart race.
“Reese? Oh my god, what are you doing? Mom gasped as she hurriedly walked
towards me.
"You're crazy?" He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the broken glass
on the floor.
"What were you doing? "You could get hurt."
I took my arm out of her bag and looked at her “I'm hurt mom, I'm already hurt” I
“I can't stand the way Avan ignores me. When that bitch was here, she clung to
me like her life depended on it. He used to be so sweet and loving. But now he
avoids me every time I go to see him.”
I grabbed my hair and screamed.

“Reese, dear Avan is now Alpha. He has a lot of work to do, he smiles.
Mom said, handing me one.
“No, he is not a busy mom. He's just making this up as an excuse to avoid me. I
know that.
When that bitch was here, she used to find a way to get close to me. He always
did what he wanted, even if he had a lot of work. But now, even though he
doesn't have a job, he still makes excuses when I tell him to spend time with
"Is this true? Is Avan really doing this?” Mom gasped.
I shook my head. “I can't let this happen, Mom. I can't let him ignore me like
this. What if he gets involved with other women, including that whore Shyla? I
gritted my teeth.
"Why do you think like that? Who is prettier than you in this pack? Men are
always vigorous.
It doesn't matter if they have companions or not. The prettier the girl is, the
more attractive men find her,” the mother responded.
"You're right. He couldn't like Shyla because she wasn't pretty or attractive in
his eyes. But he turned his head towards me. And now I won't let him go back
to her again."
No matter what"
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“I know, my daughter is beautiful and intelligent. “She could never fail.” I smiled
at my mother.
"Thanks Mom"
“Don't worry, after a few days the hunting event will begin and you are the best
wolf in the pack, so Avan couldn't leave you behind. Use this as an opportunity
and don't let it slip away.”
she smiled. I smiled back because I could clearly understand what he meant.
I nodded again "don't worry mom."
After my mother left, I walked to my closet. I selected the sexiest lingerie. I
smiled when I looked at him. I used it quickly. The lingerie has an almost
transparent design, as it only covers a small part of my breasts and my
femininity. Avan will never be able to ignore this. Since he won't waste any time,
I'll seduce him until he gives in. Taking a silk robe and putting it on, I left the
When I knocked on his study room, I heard him tell me to come in. I smiled and
adjusted my robe, untying the knot and exposing my chest a little, then walked
inside. I saw him sitting in his black leather office chair.
I bit my lip as I walked towards him moving my hips sensually. Hearing the
sound of my heels, he looked up and his gaze stopped on my chest. I can feel
him getting excited and I smile. I knew I couldn't ignore my body no matter what.
"Because you are here?" He asked as he tossed the file he was holding onto
the side table.
I smiled seductively. “I heard the hunting event is starting again?”
He nodded "yes." He took a deep breath as I approached him and smiled.
"Will you take me with you?" I asked with a hoarse voice and leaning my body
towards him.
Her eyes landed on my chest and stuck to it. I raised my hand and placed it on
his chest. “Avan, it's been so long. I missed you so much” I whispered in his ear.
"Reese e-" before he could say, I kissed him hard.
“Don't ruin this moment, Avan. I know you missed me as much as I did” I
whispered between kisses. I felt his arm go around my waist and I sat on his
He untied the knot and in a second he landed on his feet.
"God, you look so fucking sexy," he said huskily, looking down at my body. The
lingerie I wear clings to my body like a second skin.
"Ah..." I moaned when he grabbed my breast and squeezed hard.
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"Oh... Avan..." I moaned out loud. He took off my bra and placed his mouth on
my nipple, biting it hard while his other hand squeezed mine. My head fell back
in pleasure as he sucked on my nipple.

“Oh… God… that easy.

I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling at it. He moaned loudly.
"That's nice" he left my nipple and ran his tongue along my neck "hmmm... it
smells so good"
"Oh God, Avan, please don't stop." I moaned with pleasure.
His hand ran over my stomach, then down and slipped into my panties. His
finger touched my wet fold and I moaned loudly.
"So wet...for me?" He asked in a hoarse voice.
"Yeah .."
"I can't wait," he lifted my hips and removed my panties, leaving me completely
exposed to his eyes. He pulled down his pants and positioned me.
"Oh God..." I almost screamed when I felt his hard cock push inside me.
“Ah… That's good” Avan moaned in pleasure, closing his eyes. I looked at the
satisfaction on his face and smiled.
Finally, I knew that only I could satisfy him like this. We both moaned as we
endured the pleasure of our needs.

Savannah Viewpoint
I took a deep breath. Finally returning to the pack is a blessing. In these few
days, so many things happened that I couldn't even imagine. I never thought I
would have a second chance to find a partner. I thought Avan was the last one,
but no, I was totally wrong. If it were the latter, he would never find Hardwick.
"What happened? Did you seem tense? Tanea stood next to me looking at the
view "the garden always looks beautiful no matter how many times I look at it"

“Mmm…” I responded.

“Save what happened? Are you OK?"

“Yes,” I nodded, “it's not about me. “It’s about Hardwick.”

“Hardwick? Is he? She seemed confused.

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I sighed. “I still can't understand this about the second partner. I mean, I'd never
heard of that before.
A werewolf with two destined companions? I finally grimaced.
“That's confusing,” Tanea shrugged, “but it's not false either. The werewolf has
a strong sense and will not make mistakes when finding his partner. It never
goes wrong. Since Alpha Hardwick already said that you are his partner, then it
can't be a lie. A man like Hardwick doesn't seem like the type to joke. And you
already rejected the first bonus too”
I nodded "maybe..." I shrugged.
"How do you find it?" His sudden question surprised me.
"How do you find it? I mean, compared to your ex? Tanea asked again.
I turned my gaze towards the flowers blooming in the garden. Is no different?
Very, very different from the first officer's call. Hardwick makes me feel things
I've never experienced before. It made me feel hot, blush, and also feel warm.
His touch made me want more, while Avan could do no such thing. He never
cared about what I felt, the only thing I thought about was him and only him.
Thinking of this, I sighed deeply.
“It's like heaven and hell. “Avan was a bastard who could only think about
himself, but Hardwick made me feel something I don't know how to describe.”
"Brilliant. Your partner should make you feel loved and cared for. That is why
the Moon Goddess adapts perfectly to everything. Now, thinking about your
position, I think Avan was never your destined partner in the first place. And
you're more damned with Hardwick"
I looked at Tanea. She was always that sweet and cheerful girl who could help
anyone who needed it. She never neglects and always tries to help others, no
matter what. And sometimes Devak gets angry because of this.
But she will always be my girlfriend.

"Do you believe?" I asked as I felt my cheeks heat up from blushing.
She smiled “aww… look at that blush. “This is the first time I’ve seen you blush
like a red tomato for a man.”
“Shut up,” I hit his arm playfully.
"What a man?" Devak suddenly appeared before us out of nowhere.
Tanea and I were surprised.
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"What the hell? Why do you always appear like this? Do you want us to die
prematurely?" Tanea shouted. I shook my head.
Devak frowned. “What are you two talking about?”
“We're talking about Alpha Hardwick,” Tanea responded, still looking at him.
Devak narrowed his eyes "why are they talking about him?"
“Because he's Sav's partner,” Tanea said again.
“He's already gone,” Devak replied in an irritated tone.
I rolled my eyes “he’ll be back. Mom invited him to dinner.”
“Fuck,” Devak cursed.
"Why are you so against him?" I asked him “even his mother likes him a lot.”
“He kidnapped you,” he responded simply.
“Are you going to hold a grudge about this?” I felt a pain in my head and
massaged my forehead.
"I can not forget that. Because of him you were out of our sight and we were
dying to find you or know your whereabouts. Do you know what I felt when I
found out that you were suddenly gone? He looked at me with a pained
expression. Even Tanea looked at him with tender eyes.
It was my fault for leaving without telling him. He is always worried about me
and always possessive.
But I have never been irritated by his behavior because I know that he loves me
as much as I do. I got up from the bench and hugged him.
“I'm sorry Dev, I knew it was my fault that I got so excited to lead the team, but I
never thought something like this would happen. If I had known, I wouldn't have
taken that step and worried you so much. “I’m sorry, please forgive me” I
murmured against his chest. His arms surrounded me and hugged me tightly.
After a while I felt him sigh.
“You are my sister Sav and I love you. Just thinking about getting hurt makes
my heart bleed. You are very pretty.
“I lost you for so many years and I couldn’t afford to lose you again.” His words
made me cry. My vision became blurry and I felt my cheeks get wet.

"I love you too, Dev," I replied.

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After a while we walked away “you are a crybaby”, he wiped the tears from his
I laughed and shook my head.
"Oh so sweet. "I felt like crying," Tanea said with a sweet smile. "Now I miss my
brother. "I think you should visit him."
As soon as Tanea stopped, we heard a loud growl. And before I could
understand, I saw Tanea being held by Devak. Their faces are so closed that…
“I dare you to say it again, darling,” Devak hissed.
Tanea pressed her lips into a thin line, refusing to let any words escape. And I
know why.
Devak is very possessive and couldn't tolerate her being away from him. Also
the second reason is that Tanea's pack is far from Snow Moon. It takes almost
a day to arrive. I really wonder how they managed to meet each other.
"What happened? You're not going to answer?" Devak's low voice reached my
ear again.
"I was just kidding. Why do you take this seriously? "Tanea frowned.
“I don't like that kind of jokes and you know it,” Devak replied “now prepare for
punishment” and then he leaned down and kissed her. Tanea moaned slightly.
I turned around not wanting to witness the scene. “God, you two, find a room
and spare me this scene.”
But they weren't listening to me because they were already busy kissing. I
shook my head and decided to leave the place, giving them some privacy. It is
best to stay away from them if they are fighting or arguing because they will end
up kissing in the end. I headed towards the pack mansion. I can rest a little and
As soon as I opened the door to my room, two arms wrapped around my waist
and pulled me close to a hard chest. I almost screamed if the familiar smell
didn't reach my nostrils. My eyes widened in shock.

You are here already?" I asked.

"Hmm..." He leaned down and inhaled my scent.

"But why are you here so early?"

"You are not happy?"

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"I didn't mean that." I closed my eyes when I felt him kiss my neck. "I thought
you would come over for dinner."
"I don't like being separated from you," his hoarse voice reached my ear. God, I
don't know when I started to fall into this state of mind. It's so sexy and
attractive. And sometimes I felt very seductive.
"Fuck, you smell so good" he turned me around abruptly before I could react.
Those dominant brown eyes pierced me, making me unable to move my gaze.
"I missed you a lot. Being away from you is torture," he almost hissed. His
brown eyes shone with something I couldn't understand. And before I could say
anything in response, I felt him being pressed against him as he dominantly
claimed my lips.

Damn, I'm getting addicted to his dominant kisses.

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Romance Claiming His Tempting Mate Chapter 14
Avan's point of view
I groaned as I opened my eyes. I looked around and found the familiar
decoration of my study room. Sunlight tries to peek through the gray window
curtains. I sighed and turned my head towards Reese's sleeping face. My eyes
widened as I immediately prepared myself. oh
The quilt covered half of her body while the entire volume of her breasts
appeared before my view.
Semen. I slept with her again. I held my head and the image from last night
played in my head like a video. Because of the way she dressed, she looked
like a whore and used seduction to get me into bed. I shook my head trying to
erase the image. I never intended to sleep with her, but I must say she looked
seductive in that naked lingerie. I loved the way she always managed to seduce
me. She is very good at making me hard and making me want to fuck her over
and over again.
I felt an arm wrap around my waist and warm lips pressed against my back.
“Good morning,” his somewhat sleepy voice reached my ear. If it had been
before I would have fucked her again until she was moaning my name, but
today is different. I felt like his touch was burning my skin. I pushed his hand
away and got out of bed. My office always has an extra bed. And this is not the
first time we have slept here. I grabbed my boxers and put them on.
"Avan, what happened?" I heard her ask.
I turned and looked at her "you did that on purpose, didn't you?"
She looked at me confused at first, but then her expression changed. She
grabbed the duvet and covered her naked body “so what? “Don’t act like you
don’t like what happened last night.”
I was irritated by his malicious tone. "Are you really enjoying bothering me so
much?" "What are you talking about? I missed you so much, Avan. "It's been
more than half a month that you've been avoiding me."
Do you know how much it hurts? I always think that maybe you are working too
much so I never stop, but how can you be so selfish that you only think about
yourself? She accused me.
"Am I selfish now?"
"Yes you are. It was you who always found time for me and wooed me like I
was the only one special to you. We used to make love often and I still
remember how you told me how much you loved me. And what?" happened
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suddenly? “You’re avoiding me like you don’t even know me.” Tears wet her
face as she looked at me with sad eyes.
Suddenly, I felt guilt coursing through my body. What she said was true. Before
I found her attractive, she still seemed attractive, but I couldn't focus my
attention just on her.
But the way he looks at me, I can't help but feel sad. I sighed and went to bed
before wiping away my tears.
"Do not Cry. Look at the situation before and now it has changed a lot. I was
just a young alpha back then, but now I'm the Alpha of this pack and I have a lot
of things to deal with and I haven't been able to have time for you.
And the free time I have is for resting, so I didn't want anything to bother me.
But if this made you feel abandoned, then I'm sorry," he told her.
"Isn't this about Shyla?"
“No, she was among us when she was here, so how can she be among us
now? You are thinking too much because of your insecurity.”

Reese looked at me unconvinced.

You're not avoiding me because you don't want to
He saw me?
I shook my head "no, like I said, you're thinking too much."
“But it's been 2 years since you became Alpha, but you still haven't chosen your
Avan, you promised that once you got the title, you would make me the Moon of
the pack. What happened to that?" he asked.
I was surprised. I didn't expect that he would suddenly raise this question. I
sighed: “It will take time.
First the connection. You know you're not my real partner. So even if I declare
you my Moon and the pack accepts you, it will raise doubts among the tribe
because this is not a common thing. But if Shyla was here, it would be another
matter. You have to understand me"
She looked at me for a while before nodding.
I stood up and picked up my shirt from the ground “now get ready for the hunt.
Make sure you pick a few more and perform well in the event,” I said before
leaving the study room. All the kind expressions I had suddenly vanished into
thin air as a serious expression formed on my face.
Damn, I had to persuade her to believe me. It was hard to look at his sad face
and at this point I don't want to spoil anything before the hunting events are
over. Although I have always been physically attracted to Reese, she is not my
true partner. And this time I will bring my partner back no matter what. She
belongs here, in my arms and this is where she will live her entire life.
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With me.
Savannah Viewpoint
"Sheet?" I turned around and saw my father coming towards me. At his age he
still managed to look so handsome and added his purple orbs. Sometimes I feel
very lucky that I have black eyes, because I inherited them too.
“Dad” I smiled at him.
"Because you are alone?" He asked as he sat down next to me.
I shook my head. “I just finished my training. “Tanea and Devak are busy as
always, so I thought I could book a few times for myself.”
“That brat,” his voice sounds like a reprimand, “are you happy, Savannah?”
Your question scared me. I looked at him confused “why do you ask like that
dad? Of course I'm happy. I am very glad I chose to leave this group. If not,
then I wouldn’t be able to get my freedom.”
Just thinking about those heartless people made my heart sink until it hurt like
hell. Although years have passed, the pain and humiliation I suffered back then
is something I will never forget in this life.
"I know. But what I'm asking is not about us, but about you."
“What do you think of Hardwick?”
I was silent. What should I say? Although I know that he is my partner and that
he is good, he is not better than Avan in every way. He is beautiful, strong and
the way he treats me is something that made me feel attracted to him. She
couldn't deny the bond of friendship she felt for him. As time passes, it becomes
even stronger than before. My wolf dances with excitement every time he gets
closer. She encouraged me to lunge at our partner, but each time I held back.
Although this second opportunity is precious and has been
Not like before, but the wound in my heart is deep and there are always fears of
what if.
I sighed, “Dad, it's complicated. I don't know what to say. First, this second
chance is something I still can't believe in and the second is that last time I got
hurt badly and this fear is holding me back.”
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“Savannah, not everyone is lucky enough to have a second chance at life. But
since you found your partner again, you should not let that opportunity pass you
by. Additionally, the Dark Forest Pack is the most dominant and powerful.
Hardwick may seem cold and domineering, but every wolf has a soft spot for his
companions. And from the way he behaves with you, I think he is the best
option for you.”
I gave the father a surprised look “father, are you saying that? You -"
“I know that at first I wanted to object because I thought this second chance was
unacceptable, but after thinking about it carefully, I decided to leave it at that.
Choosing a partner is not in our hands. It was already predestined and no
matter what we do we cannot change it, so the only way in our hands is to
accept it and go with the flow. “After observing him these days, I cannot find any
falsehood in his character and he is certainly a good person.”
"Dad" I bit my lip as my eyes began to water.
"Take a chance, you'll never know the truth if you don't," Dad smiled. A
reassuring smile that immediately flattered my heart.
I couldn't say anything, so I shook my head and looked at the training ground
where our pack members train.
“The scheduled date for the event is close. Are you ready?"
"Yes" I nodded and a sudden wave of excitement ran through my body. I
couldn't wait for this event to start. I don't know why but I feel like this event will
be a great adventure of my life.
“Where is Hardwick?” Dad asked.
“He left early in the morning. It’s been back and forth,” I responded.
Dad laughed. “I find it hard to believe he agreed to let you stay. But now I
I turned my head to look at him "do you understand what?" Dad shook his head

"you'll know soon" "Father-"

“Sav,” a cheerful voice called my name. Then the familiar figure of Tanea
appeared before my eyes “look what I brought you”
I looked at the package in my hand and raised my eyebrows. Dad stood up
suddenly. “I'll go look for my partner. You like it,” then he left.
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"What's that?" I asked her.
“See for yourself,” Tanea smiled.
I frowned, took the package and opened it. Instantly, my nostrils were filled with
a delicious, familiar aroma. My eyes widened. These are my favorite spicy
chicken wings from Nashville, my mouth watered when I saw them. Smoked
chicken wings with hot pepper sauce.
Spicy, smoky, with a touch of sweetness from the brown sugar.
“Devak brought this” before I could ask, Tanea said. I looked up smiling widely.
“You know me best,” so I wet my fingers and pulled out a piece of chicken
before putting it in my mouth. I moaned as the sweet and spicy taste melted in
my mouth. "It is too good"
"Tasty?" Tanea smiled.
I nodded instead of answering as I enjoyed my favorite wings.
“Where is Alfa Hardwick? “I haven’t seen him since morning.”
“He had some work to do, so he left early,” I replied and popped another piece
into my mouth.

“Poor boy, he's been running around these last few days making me say Tanea,
sigh. Dad said it too and now she says it too. Now I feel bad for him. After all,
he is an Alpha and his pack needs him. But am I ready to join your pack? My
hunting past is….
"Are you OK?" Tanea asked as she looked at me with a worried expression.
I nodded "yes, I'm fine"
“I know you're thinking about him. It's not? She smiled.
I rolled my eyes “shut up. “He has work to do.”
"Uh...uh...I really don't think so..." His eyes look behind me. I looked at her and
"Look it up yourself," he shrugged. I turned my head and my eyes almost
popped out of their sockets when I saw Hardwick walking towards us. When I
come back? He left a few hours ago.
“I will,” I heard Tanea say, but I was too careless to pay attention to her.
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"When you return?" I asked him when he was next to me.
"A few minutes ago" he responded and crouched in front of me "wings?" He
looked at the package in my hand and then his eyes traveled over my face
"here are some sauces."
He reached out and gently wiped the corner of my lips with the tip of his thumb
before licking it "hmm... it tastes good."
"That…?" I choke. Did he really lick his thumb? No one had ever done anything
like this before, but to see him do such a thing...
flattered my heart. Wow, how can it be so…?
“Get up, I'll take you somewhere.”
"Where?" I grimaced.
"For dinner," he shrugged.
“But it's still late”
“We have to drive a lot, so when we get there it will be time for dinner.”
“Where exactly are you planning to take me?” I was confused. Why did he
suddenly think about dinner?
“You'll know when we get there. Now get up and get ready.”
"How really now?" I asked.
He nodded "yes"
I sighed and got up. "How long does it last?"
"3 hours"
"What do we really need to go there?" I can not believe. 3 fucking hours of
Where exactly are you taking me?
“Instead of talking nonsense, it would be better if you did what I told you,” he did
not respond, but interrupted with another statement.
"Okay," I huffed and we walked towards the pack mansion.
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I chose a blue bodycon dress with spaghetti straps that ends just above the
knee and paired it with a light blue bolero jacket. I was wearing high heels and I
was letting my hair down. I looked at myself in the vanity mirror before grabbing
my bag and leaving the room. It took me almost 30 minutes to prepare. I didn't
apply any makeup because I'm not a big fan of it.
When I came downstairs, I saw him sitting in the hallway, checking his phone.
“I'm ready,” I said, announcing my presence. He looked up and ran his gaze
over my body.
His heated gaze made me shift uncomfortably.
"That? "Do I look bad?" I asked him as he looked at me.
"Fuck," he cursed and stood up before walking towards me "you look so fucking
sexy," he murmured before wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me
closer to his body. I gasped loudly.
"You-" I stopped instantly when I felt him grab my butt and squeeze it hard.
"Ah..." I shuddered.
“Do you know how sexy you are now? Tell me, did you do this deliberately to
seduce me? He whispered in my ear and then took a light bite.
"What are you doing?" I put my hand on his shoulder to push him away, but he
pulled me even closer to his body.
"You're driving me crazy" he buried his head in the crook of my neck inhaling
my scent "how fucking good"
His curse made my body tremble with an unknown pleasure I never knew I had.
I have never hinted at this before, but these new emotions are starting to break
all the boundaries I have created in my heart with slow steps. What is
happening to me? All I could feel was heat building in my core. My breathing
quickened as I said, panting slightly.
"Have lunch?"
His movements stopped instantly, then I heard him curse "damn hell", then he
walked away, but his eyes are dark and full of lust.
“We will continue later, I
He said, then took my hand. Just as she was about to drag him with her, Mom
walked into the hallway.
"Oh, are you two going somewhere?" She smiled.
"I'll take you to dinner, we're going to be late," he replied before I could say
I looked at him with wide eyes.
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“Okay, enjoy your day,” Mom smiled and waved her hand.
I frowned at him. She didn't even ask where she was taking me, but instead
waved us off.
Mom, what are you doing?
Before I could say anything, I felt him drag me with him. I looked at Mom as she
smiled and waved her hand.
"Have fun," he yelled at us.
Since when did my mother join him?
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Romance Claiming His Tempting Mate Chapter 15
Savannah Viewpoint
“Where exactly are you taking me?” This is the seventh time I've asked this. But
this man next to me didn't pay attention to my question and kept driving, which
is driving me crazy. Scoffing, I turned my head to look to the side. It is better to
ignore this man. I must say that his temptation is unbearable, but somehow his
arrogance really bothers me.
I closed my eyes, inhaling the cold air that filled my nostrils. The car we're in
doesn't have a roof, so I can see the blue sky above. The seat was very
comfortable when I leaned further into it. I agree that driving the McLaren Elva
is an incredible experience. After all, who would ever get the chance to drive
this exclusive sports car? I think I'm lucky. Just as I was about to step into the
land of my dreams, I felt something warm touch my thigh. I opened my eyes
only to see a giant hand holding my thigh and rubbing it slowly. The thin layer of
material in between doesn't help either.
"What are you doing?" I looked at him.
He didn't look at me but I can clearly see his smile forming on his lips "What?"
I rolled my eyes. Are you trying to look innocent? Because he could be anything
but innocent. Anger bubbled up inside me. First he caught his mother's
attention, then he didn't answer my question and now he acts like an innocent
being. The nerve of this man.
~She looked sexy~ Red's voice rang in my mind.
~Shut up. Can't you see he's ignoring my question? ~ I barked in my head.
~you're too loud~ Red rolled his eyes. My eyes widened. Is it my wolf or yours?
Because at that moment I felt that my own wolf is the first enemy. I blocked her
immediately, not wanting to hear any more nonsense.
Then I heard laughter next to me "frustrated?"
“Shut up,” I snapped.
"What did I do? "It's your own wolf."
My eyes widened in an instant. How did you know that? I looked at him in
He looked to the side before laughing again.
“I can feel your excitement. “She has a more open mind than you.”
"What you say?" How do you dare.
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"It's not? At least he tells the truth when his human form doesn't want to accept
it.” His words touched the weak spot in my heart. I pursed my lips and refrained
from answering anything. Red is always excited when Hardwick is with us.
Although I always give up in the end, I still have some restrictions for myself.
The betrayal of the past always haunts me every time I try to open up.
His hand slowly ran down my thigh. I don't want to admit it, but he will admit it. It
feels very good when he touches me. I felt as if every cell in my body had
awakened again.
I looked at his hand that was almost covering my skinny thigh. How big is it? He
can grab my thigh with one hand. Shaking my head, I pushed his hand away.
Suddenly I felt cold on my skin.
"If you really want to play, then play yours," I snapped.
“I'm already touching what's mine” was his response before reaching back.
And I thought it would stop? Fuck me, no matter how much I hate to admit it, but
I liked the way he touched me. Wonderful, now my own body is the traitor. For
the rest of the trip I didn't speak, nor did he say anything. It was almost six in
the afternoon when the car finally stopped.
"Are we there?" I looked around but couldn't find anything. Why did it suddenly
stop in the middle?
He didn't respond, but he turned off the engine and got out of the car before
walking towards me.
He opened the door and held out his hand. I looked at his hand and put mine in
it. When I get up, I can hear the sound of the waves. And immediately my eyes
Sea? Oh my god, damn beach? The emotion runs through every cell in my
body. Did he take me to the fucking beach? I looked at him and found him
always staring at those dominant brown orbs.
"Enthusiastic?" He smiled as if sensing the change in my body's reaction.
"It is a beach?" Seriously, I know, but what the hell, I want confirmation.
"I thought you'd like this," he pulled my body towards him and wrapped his arm
around my waist. His masculine patchouli scent filled my nostrils. God, your
woody, earthy aromas drove me crazy until I lost all senses. I took a deep
breath to calm my heart.
Calm down Calm down. I recited these words internally.
"Prepare?" I heard him ask again. I shook my head and sighed.
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He took me to the side and as I walked I could see the little glow of light a little
in the distance.
As we got closer, the light grew wider and I gasped. I could not believe it. There
is a small path full of lights on each side and in the middle there was a tent. He
took me to the store and the decorated table appeared inside the store.
On the table are plates, napkins and glasses beautifully decorated with aromatic
candles and a bouquet of pink flowers in the center.
"That…." I was speechless. This kind of arrangement was something I never
Especially not from the man next to me.
"You like this?" He asked, smiling at me.
I looked at him in amazement: “I…” Biting my lip, I shook my head “I loved it. It's
so beautiful” and that's true.
A damn truth that flattered my heart.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that," he pulled out a chair for me. Thanking him, I sat
"You did this? All this?" I asked.
He nodded as he sat down in front of me. I looked at her pretty face. This was
not what he had wanted for so long. Go out with my partner and he becomes
my prince charming. But all these wishes have never come true until today. I
longed for this when I was Avan's partner. But he always kept busy or said that
it's inappropriate for us to go out when others don't know we're friends.
But now I neither expected nor had any fantasies of a date night. However, it
still comes true like a dream come true. Did I ever expect something like this to
The answer will always be a resounding no. But now it seemed that everything
had changed. Maybe forever.
Clearing my throat, I blinked a few times. “Why did you go to such lengths just
for this date?”
“For you,” was his response. There are no doubts or rushes. They were just two
small words, but they somehow managed to penetrate deep into my heart.
For me?
He looked at me “why not? You are mine and it is my responsibility to make you
Although our interactions will only be for a short period of time, I will do
whatever makes you smile.”
A strange feeling began to take over my heart "did you just do that to make me
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“Your happiness is important to me. No matter how difficult or how much effort it
takes, I will do it in the blink of an eye.”
~And you thought it was boring~ comes Red's mockery in my head. ~ he is our
partner and is doing everything he can to make us happy. Go kiss him~
I pushed her away not wanting to cause any disturbance. Then a smile
suddenly formed on my lips “thank you. AND
beautiful, but I never expected it.” I felt the blush hit my face.
He smiled "should we order?"
I shook my head. At that moment a young-looking man wearing a waiter's
uniform entered. I was surprised. I didn't see anyone before entering the store,
but now, where did it come out of nowhere?
"Should we serve the master?" He asked, lowering his head.
Hardwick nodded "do it."
The waiters nodded and then made hand gestures and a few more waiters
followed them holding trays. I watched as they started serving the food before
leaving the store. As soon as they were out of sight, I heard Hardwick's voice
"Should we get started?"
"Hey?" I turned my head to look at him.
“Will the food get cold if you look at me like that?” He smiled. I lowered my head
and looked at the food.
"All your favorites," he replied before I could ask.
"How do you know all this?" I asked surprised. This man never ceased to
amaze me. I looked at the food again. That's what I love the most. Especially
the shrimp one.
"Luna told me," he shrugged.
"Mother? "

I frowned. “She didn't say anything like that.” “I asked her.” “Did he ask her?”
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He nodded. “I wanted to know what you like to eat and she is the only one who
can help me.”
I hated it. I hated to admit that I'm really moved. Not only did you plan this
beautiful decoration starting with choosing the location, but you also got to know
my tastes in advance? What girl will stay still if she witnesses something like
that? A gesture so romantic that it could flatter anyone without much effort.
"You didn't have to work so hard for me," I said slowly.
“You're my partner, and that's nothing. The only thing that matters to me is
YOU. And those efforts are worth it every time you smile when you look at it.”
Please no. Don't do such a thing. Because I couldn't stand it and in the end I will
end up falling in love with him. My heart had never moved like this. That's what
having a partner is like, right? To be loved and cared for and, most importantly,
to be treated that way.
We didn't talk much after that, but we started to like the food. I must say that
these dishes are so delicious that I couldn't stop eating until I was satisfied. He
was so kind that he even peeled the shrimp for me. Can tonight be more
pleasant than tonight?
After eating we sat on the sand enjoying the view of the waves crashing around
us. This peaceful environment is something that calms the heart and mind.
"Thank you for tonight," I whisper, but I know he can hear me. My heart skipped
a beat when he approached me.
“If you want to thank me, why don't you do it properly? “This verbal thanks is not
acceptable,” he said hoarsely. We're so close I can feel his breath fanning my
"So how do you want me to thank you?" I said, but my voice sounds more like a
“Hmmm… like this” he then claimed my lips for a heated kiss. He nipped my
lower lips and then licked them before taking them into his mouth. It wasn't
gentle, but his kiss made me curl my toe in excitement. My whole body burns
with desire.
"Hmm..." I moaned as he pushed his hot tongue into my mouth. My tongue
dueled with him in a close fight, but in the end he was the more dominant and I
couldn't help but give in.
He left my lips leaving me gasping but he didn't stop but continued kissing my
neck, nibbling on my skin along the way.
"Oh..." I closed my eyes as the pleasure hit me. I held his shoulder for support
and he pushed me towards the sand, still kissing my neck hungrily.
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"That's good," he said hoarsely between kisses. “I have been waiting for you for
so many years. And now that you are here, I will not let you go, no matter what
happens” with those words he bit my neck making me moan loudly.
"Yes, baby... moan for me, moan for my name," he murmured in my ear.
"Hardwick..." I moaned when I felt him cupping my chest in my clothes. His
hand firmly kneaded my weak spot, squeezing it.
“Yes, that simple. Do you know how sexy you are now? “Everyone moaning
now at my mercy,” he said again.
Damn your hoarse tone. I felt like I was exploding. His kisses and hands are
creating so much pressure that I feel heat pooling in my core.
"I'm going to make you feel so happy today" He bit my earlobe, then ran his
hand down my chest to my belly and down. I gasped when he slid his hand
under my dress and up my inner thigh.
"That..." I closed my eyes as he kissed me again.
"Shhh...just enjoy," he murmured again.
“Oh…” I closed mine as his hand slipped inside my panties, touching the most
intimate part.
The fire lit inside me and I felt myself getting wet down there.
"Hmm…. It’s already so wet,” he chuckled in my ear, which instantly made me
God, I'm ashamed. I turned my head the other way and closed my eyes tightly.
"No," he almost roared before grabbing my chin and turning me to look at him.
His domineering, fiery orbs looked down "you can't hide that blush." It's a
pleasure to see that I am the reason behind this. And you will show me this,”
saying this, he inserted his only finger inside me.
"Ah..." I arched my back, gasping.
"Can you feel it? Look how wet you are for me. Just for me," he added another
finger and I shuddered. I felt burning. I don't think I can handle that much
“Shit… you can… there's so much more I want to do to you. “Get ready,” he
leaned in and kissed me again.
His finger caressed me like there was no tomorrow. Sliding out and in again
gives me all the pleasure and leaves me moaning.
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“You feel so good, baby,” he said between kisses. I felt my walls around his
fingers begin to tighten.
"Oh God..." I moaned, feeling the tension.
“Yes, that simple. Squeeze as hard as you can. Let me know how much that
light pussy of yours likes it,” he murmured in my ear as he quickened his pace.
"Hardwick..." I moaned loudly as pressure began to build in my core.
"Yes honey, come for me, come for your partner"
And then I exploded. The warm liquid covered his fingers as he began to rub my
clit. I lay on the sand, panting, trying to catch my breath. What was that? I had
never felt this kind of feeling before.
"You like me?" He smiled as he pulled out his fingers that glistened with my
release. Before I knew it, he put his fingers in his mouth and closed his eyes as
he tasted it “hmm… as good and as sweet as I expected,” he moaned.
I looked at him with wide eyes. He really doesn't…
He chuckled when he saw my expression before leaning in "you've had your
first orgasm baby and I'm going to give you more."
"What-" before I could say, he sealed my lips again for another heated kiss.
I never thought this quiet date night would turn into something wild like this.
Very hot and having my first release. My body was burning with pleasure from
his kisses and I brought him even closer making him moan.
"All MINE" he growled between kisses making me tremble with joy.
Savannah Viewpoint
"What happened last night? "I heard Hardwick asked you out on a date."
Tanea's excited voice filled my ears.

"Shut up" I pushed her away from me.

“Come on, don't be too shy. “It’s just a date and you’re still hiding it from me,” he
nudged me.
"That?" I narrowed my eyes at her.
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"Tell me everything. What did you do last night? "She seemed excited as she
asked me, focusing all her attention on my face.
I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch before taking a book in my hand. Tanea
sat next to me smiling from ear to ear. I can see that she is much more excited
than I am.
Since the morning he has bothered me like a little girl asking for her favorite
“Sav, you can't be so arrogant,” Tanea accused with wide eyes. I raised my
eyebrows at him.
"Well then. Your brother is an idiot when it comes to dating. He only knows how
to show his possessiveness. Although I'm not complaining, but thinking about
Alpha Hardwick, I can clearly say that it is a bit romantic” she moved her
eyebrows “isn't it?”
“You really won't leave me until I paste the details on your face. You are?"
She smiled sheepishly before waving her hand. "I'm just curious about that cold
Alpha face."
"Okay," I rolled my eyes, "he went to the beach last night."
“Oh, and I thought… WHAT?” Tanea jumped on the couch screaming at the
end. I closed my ears and looked at her.
“Do you want me to go deaf?”
"Me seriously? Did he take you to the beach? "
I shook my head again. It seems that she didn't expect that information either.
But I can't blame her. I was in the same situation last night.
“I can't believe it” he got up and started walking in front of me. Then he stopped
and looked at me again “as far as I remember, there is no beach. You're not
kidding, are you?
"Not here. "He's out of town." I shrugged before getting up, I walk towards the
window where some pots are kept, taking the plastic spray bottle I start to water
the flowering plants.
“Damn, this is so ROMANTIC…” I listened to Tanea sing the lyrics for longer
than necessary.
“Going to the beach for dinner, my God, I still can't believe it.”
“I wasn't even expecting that,” I told him. That was true. Who would have
thought that this stone-faced man would make such a romantic preparation?
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"As I said, Hardwick, although he seems cold on the outside, he is actually a
romantic person."
Tanea jumped and fell onto the couch.
Romantic, right? My mind ran through the scenes from last night. The way his
mouth kissed me and the way his hands roamed my skin. Just thinking about it
made me shudder. It was not a date, but a wild encounter that will remain in my
mind forever. I can feel my lips still tingling from your kisses. God, what the hell
am I thinking again?
“Do you hear me, Sav? Hello?" I suddenly felt my body trembling. I turned
around and found Tanea frowning.
"That?" I put the spray bottle on the table.
"What were you thinking? “Here I’m so excited and yet you’re standing like a
statue,” she rolled her eyes.
“I was thinking about the hunting event,” I lied. Hell, I can't really tell her what
was going through my mind or this woman will mock me to death.
“Come on, tell me now. How is the date going? She seemed very excited.
“Fantastic,” I smiled, “there was already a tent set up and the path was
decorated with lights. It was beautiful” the scene from last night flashed through
my mind. This was the perfect date I could have imagined.
“Oh, I can see the dreamy eyes,” Tanea joked. “For a cold-faced man like
Hardwick to take you on a long trip and plan a big dinner on the beach, no one
will believe it even if I announce it publicly.”
I couldn't help but agree. He has always stood firm and there is not much
emotion on his face.
But he is a gentleman in front of my parents and cold in front of others. But with
me he was something I couldn't understand. He was warm but passionate.
Even from the way he held me while he kissed me, I couldn't help but feel like I
was burning with desire and need.
I never knew Hardwick had those effects on me. No matter how much I try not
to respond to your touch, my traitor body doesn't listen. And my wolf is happy
and leans closer into his hug.
"I never thought he'd go this far for me," I said slowly.
Tanea took my hand and caressed it lightly “he is your companion and I am
very happy to see how much you shine with happiness. This is what spouses do
to keep their partners happy and content. “I’m so happy for you, Sav,” he
hugged me.
“I'm still trying to adapt to everything Tanea is going through. But sometimes
those memories of the past...
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“Whatever happens, has already happened. And we both know we can't change
that, no matter how much we want to. But the past is not worth living with. The
past is the past and what you need is the present. AND
“I can tell you are happy now,” he smiled at me.
I shook my head. I do it and I am very happy. Hardwick is giving me everything I
didn't expect. I stopped dreaming about my partner after rejecting Avan and
almost thought I would have to spend my entire life alone. But then the most
unexpected thing happened and before I knew it I was already linked to my
second partner.
"I guess I should say I don't regret being kidnapped that day," I joked. Tanea
“Don't tell me” he held his stomach laughing “that day you should have seen
Devak's face. Even though I was worried about you, the look on your face was
"Was he very worried about me?" I grimaced.
She shook her head and laughed "more like she was worried about being
scolded by her mother."
I rolled my eyes, but smiled anyway. I know Mom told him to take care of me
every time we left the house. He even gives her a warning look. Although Devak
behaves arrogantly towards others, in front of his mother he is like a lost puppy.
And I can really imagine your expression.
"What are you two laughing about?" Devak's voice interrupted us. Tanea and I
looked at each other before bursting into laughter again. Devak frowned before
entering the room.
"That?" He asked again.
Tanea wiped the corner while controlling her laughter, "nothing, we're just
He picked her up before wrapping his arms around her waist. “Oh, really? So I
would like to know too,” he leaned in as he spoke.
I immediately stood up and raised my arms “ok, no PDA in my room please. “Go
find a room”

Tanea pushed him, but Devak did not let her go, but instead pulled her closer to
Or should I say almost hit him?
"Where were you last night?" He asked him.
"Hardwick took her on a date," it was Tanea who responded before he had a
chance to open his mouth.
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Data? Did you date that man?” Devak almost shouted.
"What do you have?" Tanea patted him on the arm “look how romantic Alpha
Hardwick is.
And now look at yourself. Have you ever asked me out on a date? She looked
at him.
“We had a date. Have you forgotten?" Devak raised his eyebrows.
"Yes, how can I forget your friend's birthday party?" Tanea made a face and I
laughed out loud. So Devak's supposed date was a birthday party? I could not
stop laughing. Devak's face turned pink as he cleared his throat.
"Mom's calling, event time is coming up, so pack your bags," he said, turning his
attention to me.
"Let's go hunting?" I was surprised. "Hasn't it been a week yet?"
He shrugged “the time is set early.”
"Oh, everything's fine. I’m going to pack my bags,” I said, feeling excited inside.
Back in the Bright Shine group, Alpha never said anything about this event, so I
never knew something like this existed. But now that I think about it, I saw Avan
away from the pack for days. And even Reese was also absent. So they visited
the event together, but they never informed me about it.
~They thought you would be useless since you don't have me~ Red said in my
~ I found out about that. I was an idiot for thinking they were working on the
pack when they enjoyed fucking~ I replied.
~You're not stupid.~ It's just that you were too innocent to see the truth~ Red
I almost laughed at their action~ yes, they made good use of it~
These bitter memories invaded my mind, flooding it. I don't want to remember
this, but every time I think about it I can't control myself. I suffered everything
and there was no one to come and help me. I had to endure everything alone.
“Sav” I heard my name. "Are you OK?"
Devak looked at me with a frown. I cleared my throat coughing lightly before
nodding "yeah, I'm fine."
“Pack your bags and then come to the hallway.”
“Okay,” then I saw him drag Tanea with him, who was struggling in his arms.
Shaking my head, I walk to my closet to pack my clothes for the event.
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“This year the planned schedule is much earlier than usual but that does not
mean that there will be changes in the rules. So take your time and take care of
yourself at the event,” the father said during breakfast.
“The distance between Tiwan Forest and Snow Moon is not very far. It's only a
2 hour trip. AND
It is better that you leave early today so that you can arrive before it gets dark,”
said the mother, smiling.
“Tiwan Forest? The location where the hunting event takes place? I grimaced. I
had never heard of this before.
“Yes, that was where the ancient tribe lived. In addition to this hunting, it is also
a fun game that the ancient tribe used to play. But then it became a hunting
event to maintain the tradition,” the father reported.
“I still wonder what kind of power this ancient tribe used to have for their game
to become something like this,” Tanea exclaimed.
“The ancient tribe is the first generation of wolves. They chose Tiwan as their
home and resided there for many years. There are many more things related to
them. I'll tell you another day” Dad smiled.
“Now stop talking and eat more. Remember that the event food will be served
by the organizers, so be careful before eating anything. Although they took care
of everything, the other gang that was there couldn't be trusted. It is better to be
alert,” the mother warned.
“Don't worry mom, I'll take care of it,” Devak replied proudly.
Mom narrowed her eyes at him "yeah I saw your powers" she scoffed.
Tanea and I laughed while Devak let out a moan.
"Mom, you still want to tease me about this matter," he shook his head.
“Do you think I have that much free time?” Mom said, then ignored him
completely. Devak looked at his father, who lowered his head and drank his
coffee without saying a word. I wanted to laugh. Devak was clearly looking for
his father to help him, but his father clearly knows that he will be in trouble if he
sides with Devak.
After all, he loves his mother more for taking Devak's side.
After breakfast, as planned, we packed up and left. Mom and Dad were already
there waiting for us, including some other members of the pack. We are only 5
people who will participate in this event presenting the Snow Moon pack. Me,
Devak, Tanea, Jion and Shiny, who is Jion's sister and also a good fighter.
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“If you feel uncomfortable there, just come back. You don’t need to think about
anything,” Dad said, looking at me.
I smiled “thank you dad” and then hugged him.
"Take care, dear". Mom hugged me tight.
“What, all hugs and love for her? And me, mom? Davak groaned.
"You're grown up now, what do you want?" Mom scolded him “go hug your
Tanea's eyes widened before she blushed and looked away as Devak looked at
her and smiled. I rolled my eyes. Actually. My parents are something. They
even tease like hell.
"Okay, bye, mom, dad." I waved at them as we got into the car.
"Have fun, honey," Mom said as Dad pulled her close to him and put his arm
around her shoulder. I smiled and turned my head towards the others.
“I'm already excited. Are there any games at the event? Shiny exclaimed
happily. Your eyes shine like stars.
"There is, but it's not as easy as you think," Jion replied.
“Easy games are very boring. I'm glad I'm not bored to death in there. Shiny
rolled his eyes.
“Just don't make trouble there and keep your horses under control,” Jion said in
a warning tone.
"Come on, bro" Shiny pouted before turning his head.
Devak started the car and drove away from the group. I checked my phone, but
there is no call from him.
After dropping me off last night, he left in a hurry saying he had work. And then
on this sudden trip, I can't even find it before I leave. I wanted to call him, but
what if he's at work? Won't my calls bother you? Thinking about that, I stopped
I put the phone in my pocket and looked out of the car.
This hunt is going to be fun, right? But the answer is who knows.
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Romance claiming her tempting companion chapter 16
Savannah Viewpoint
"What happened last night? "I heard Hardwick asked you out on a date."
Tanea's excited voice filled my ears.
"Shut up" I pushed her away from me.
“Come on, don't be too shy. “It’s just a date and you’re still hiding it from me,” he
nudged me.
"That?" I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Tell me everything. What did you do last night? "She seemed excited as she
asked me, focusing all her attention on my face.
I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch before taking a book in my hand. Tanea
sat next to me smiling from ear to ear. I can see that she is much more excited
than I am.
Since the morning he has bothered me like a little girl asking for her favorite
“Sav, you can't be so arrogant,” Tanea accused with wide eyes. I raised my
eyebrows at him.
"Well then. Your brother is an idiot when it comes to dating. He only knows how
to show his possessiveness.
Although I'm not complaining, but thinking about Alpha Hardwick, I can clearly
say that it is somewhat romantic” she moved her eyebrows “isn't it?”
“You really won't leave me until I paste the details on your face. You are?"
She smiled sheepishly before waving her hand. "I'm just curious about that cold
Alpha face."
"Okay," I rolled my eyes, "he went to the beach last night."
“Oh, and I thought… WHAT?” Tanea jumped on the couch screaming at the
end. I closed my ears and looked at her.

“Do you want me to go deaf?”

"Me seriously? Did he take you to the beach? "I shook my head again. It seems
that she didn't expect that information either. But I can't blame her. I was in the
same situation last night.
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“I can't believe it” he got up and started walking in front of me. Then he stopped
and looked at me again “as far as I remember, there is no beach. You're not
kidding, are you?
"Not here. "He's out of town." I shrugged before getting up, I walk towards the
window where some pots are kept, taking the plastic spray bottle I start to water
the flowering plants.
“Damn, this is so ROMANTIC…” I listened to Tanea sing the lyrics for longer
than necessary.
“Going to the beach for dinner, my God, I still can't believe it.”
“I wasn't even expecting that,” I told him. That was true. Who would have
thought that this stone-faced man would make such a romantic preparation?
“As I said, Hardwick, although he seems cold on the outside, he is actually a
romantic person.” Tanea jumped and fell on the sofa.
Romantic, right? My mind ran through the scenes from last night. The way his
mouth kissed me and the way his hands roamed my skin. Just thinking about it
made me shudder. It was not a date, but a wild encounter that will remain in my
mind forever. I can feel my lips still tingling from your kisses. God, what the hell
am I thinking again?
“Do you hear me, Sav? Hello?" Suddenly I felt my body tremble. I turned around
and found Tanea frowning.
"That?" I put the spray bottle on the table.
"What were you thinking? “Here I’m so excited and yet you’re standing like a
statue,” she rolled her eyes.
“I was thinking about the hunting event,” I lied. Hell, I can't really tell her what
was going through my mind or this woman will mock me to death.
“Come on, tell me now. How is the date going? She seemed very excited.
“Fantastic,” I smiled, “there was already a tent set up and the path was
decorated with lights. It was beautiful” the scene from last night flashed through
my mind. This was the perfect date I could have imagined.
“Oh, I can see the dreamy eyes,” Tanea joked. “For a cold-faced man like
Hardwick to take you on a long trip and plan a big dinner on the beach, no one
will believe it even if I announce it publicly.”
I couldn't help but agree. He has always stood firm and there is not much
emotion on his face.
But he is a gentleman in front of my parents and cold in front of others. But with
me he was something I couldn't understand. He was warm but passionate.
Even from the way he held me while he kissed me, I couldn't help but feel like I
was burning with desire and need.
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I never knew Hardwick had those effects on me. No matter how much I try not
to respond to your touch, my traitor body doesn't listen. And my wolf is happy
and leans closer into his hug.
"I never thought he'd go this far for me," I said slowly.
Tanea took my hand and caressed it lightly “he is your companion and I am
very happy to see how much you shine with happiness. This is what spouses do
to keep their partners happy and content.
“I’m so happy for you, Sav,” he hugged me.
“I'm still trying to adapt to everything Tanea is going through. But sometimes
those memories of the past...
“Whatever happens, has already happened. And we both know we can't change
that, no matter how much we want to. But the past is not worth living with. The
past is the past and what you need is the present. AND
“I can tell you are happy now,” he smiled at me.
I shook my head. I do it and I am very happy. Hardwick is giving me everything I
didn't expect. I stopped dreaming about my partner after rejecting Avan and
almost thought I would have to spend my entire life alone. But then the most
unexpected thing happened and before I knew it I was already linked to my
second partner.
"I guess I should say I don't regret being kidnapped that day," I joked. Tanea
“Don't tell me” he held his stomach laughing “that day you should have seen
Devak's face. Even though I was worried about you, the look on your face was
"Was he very worried about me?" I grimaced.
She shook her head and laughed "more like she was worried about being
scolded by her mother."
I rolled my eyes, but smiled anyway. I know Mom told him to take care of me
every time we left the house. He even gives her a warning look. Although Devak
behaves arrogantly towards others, in front of his mother he is like a lost puppy.
And I can really imagine your expression.
"What are you two laughing about?" Devak's voice interrupted us. Tanea and I
looked at each other before bursting into laughter again. Devak frowned before
entering the room.
"That?" He asked again.
Tanea wiped the corner while controlling her laughter, "nothing, we're just
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He picked her up before wrapping his arms around her waist. “Oh, really? So I
would like to know too,” he leaned in as he spoke.
I immediately stood up and raised my arms “ok, no PDA in my room please. “Go
find a room”
Tanea pushed him, but Devak did not let her go, but instead pulled her closer to
Or should I say almost hit him?
"Where were you last night?" He asked him.
"Hardwick took her on a date," it was Tanea who responded before he had a
chance to open his mouth.
"Data? Did you date that man?” Devak almost shouted.
"What do you have?" Tanea patted him on the arm “look how romantic Alpha
Hardwick is.
And now look at yourself. Have you ever asked me out on a date? She looked
at him.
“We had a date. Have you forgotten?" Devak raised his eyebrows.
"Yes, how can I forget your friend's birthday party?" Tanea made a face and I
laughed out loud. So Devak's supposed date was a birthday party? I couldn't
help but laugh. Devak's face turned pink as he cleared his throat.
"Mom's calling, event time is coming up, so pack your bags," he said, turning his
attention to me.
"Let's go hunting?" I was surprised. "Hasn't it been a week yet?"
He shrugged his shoulders. “The appointment is scheduled earlier.”
"Oh, everything's fine. I’m going to pack my bags,” I said, feeling excited inside.
Back in the Bright Shine group, Alpha never said anything about this event, so I
never knew something like this existed. But now that I think about it, I saw Avan
away from the pack for days. And even Reese was also absent. So they visited
the event together, but they never informed me about it.
~They thought you would be useless since you don't have me~ Red said in my
~ I found out about that. I was an idiot for thinking they were working on the
pack when they enjoyed fucking~ I replied.
~You're not stupid.~ It's just that you were too innocent to see the truth~ Red
I almost laughed at their action~ yes, they made good use of it~
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These bitter memories invaded my mind, flooding it. I don't want to remember
this, but every time I think about it I can't control myself. I suffered everything
and there was no one to come and help me. I had to endure everything alone.
“Sav” I heard my name. "Are you OK?"
Devak looked at me with a frown. I cleared my throat coughing lightly before
nodding "yeah, I'm fine."
“Pack your bags and then come to the hallway.”
“Okay,” then I saw him drag Tanea with him, who was struggling in his arms.
Shaking my head, I walk to my closet to pack my clothes for the event.

“This year the planned schedule is much earlier than usual but that does not
mean that there will be changes to the rules. So take your time and take care of
yourself at the event,” the father said during breakfast.
“The distance between Tiwan Forest and Snow Moon is not very far. It's only a
2 hour trip. AND
It is better that you leave early today so that you can arrive before it gets dark,”
said the mother, smiling.
“Tiwan Forest? The location where the hunting event takes place? I grimaced. I
had never heard of this before.
“Yes, that was where the ancient tribe lived. In addition to this hunting, it is also
a fun game that the ancient tribe used to play. But then it became a hunting
event to maintain the tradition,” the father reported.
“I still wonder what kind of power this ancient tribe used to have for their game
to become something like this,” Tanea exclaimed.
“The ancient tribe is the first generation of wolves. They chose Tiwan as their
home and resided there for many years. There are many more things related to
them. I'll tell you another day” Dad smiled.
“Now stop talking and eat more. Remember that the event food will be served
by the organizers, so be careful before eating anything. Although they took care
of everything, the other gang that was there couldn't be trusted. It is better to be
alert,” the mother warned.
“Don't worry mom, I'll take care of it,” Devak replied proudly.
Mom narrowed her eyes at him "yeah I saw your powers" she scoffed.
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Tanea and I laughed while Devak let out a moan.
"Mom, you still want to tease me about this matter," he shook his head.
“Do you think I have that much free time?” Mom said, then ignored him
completely. Devak looked at his father, who lowered his head and drank his
coffee without saying a word. I wanted to laugh. Devak was clearly looking for
his father to help him, but his father clearly knows that he will be in trouble if he
sides with Devak.
After all, he loves his mother more for taking Devak's side.
After breakfast, as planned, we packed up and left. Mom and Dad were already
there waiting for us, including some other members of the pack. We are only 5
people who will participate in this event presenting the Snow Moon pack. Me,
Devak, Tanea, Jion and Shiny, who is Jion's sister and also a good fighter.
“If you feel uncomfortable there, just come back. You don’t need to think about
anything,” Dad said, looking at me.
I smiled “thank you dad” and then hugged him.
"Take care, dear". Mom hugged me tight.
“What, all hugs and love for her? And me, mom? Davak groaned.
"You're grown up now, what do you want?" Mom scolded him “go hug your
Tanea's eyes widened before she blushed and looked away as Devak looked at
her and smiled. I rolled my eyes. Actually. My parents are something. They
even tease like hell.
"Okay, bye, mom, dad." I waved at them as we got into the car.
"Have fun, honey," Mom said as Dad pulled her close to him and put his arm
around her shoulder. I smiled and turned my head towards the others.
“I'm already excited. Are there any games at the event? Shiny exclaimed
happily. Your eyes shine like stars.
"There is, but it's not as easy as you think," Jion replied.
“Easy games are very boring. I'm glad I'm not bored to death in there. Shiny
rolled his eyes.
“Just don't make trouble there and keep your horses under control,” Jion said in
a warning tone.
"Come on, bro" Shiny pouted before turning his head.
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Devak started the car and drove away from the group. I checked my phone, but
there is no call from him. After dropping me off last night, he left in a hurry
saying he had work. And then on this sudden trip, I can't even find it before I
leave. I wanted to call him, but what if he's at work? Won't my calls bother you?
Thinking about that, I stopped calling. I put the phone in my pocket and looked
out of the car.
This house is going to be fun, right? But the answer is what he knows.
Claiming his novel Tempting Mate chapter 17
Savannah's POV
Our journey stopped once the entrance of Tiwan Forest appeared. The place
was all green. But the entrance was beautifully designed with Emerald Green
Arborvitae trees on either side as fences. At the end of the fences was an
entrance pergola. The pergola was made of wood and some plants were
already growing on it. Although it looks simple, it is beautiful.
“We need to walk in,” Devak said once he stopped the engine. We get out of the
car and take out our suitcases. We can see that there are also some cars that
have just arrived.
“Wow, the entrance looks good.” Shiny looked around as she exclaimed
“Really” I nodded my head. This place looks scheduled but it's quiet and
matches my tastes.
“Let's go,” Devak said as he walked forward dragging Tanea with him. One
hand held the backpack while the other held Tanea's wrist. We followed him to
the Tiwan forest.
I almost thought that Tiwan Forest was just a jungle thing, but after seeing the
place for myself I finally came to the conclusion that no, it is not just a part of the
forest but it has a large open space where there are already many tents built for
guests. When we reached inside, a middle-aged man walked towards us. He
had a long beard and wore clothes like a monk. But I don't think he has dealings
with saints.
"It's good to see you, Devak Lang," he said in a welcoming tone.
“It's been a long time since Liang,” Devak replied, nodding slightly.
“These years the event schedule is earlier than usual. I hope it hasn't created
any problems” “Of course not” Devak shook his head “we are more excited
about that”
That man named Liang laughed, “I'm glad to hear that. Your team is quite…” his
gaze fell on me “Is she?”
Devak's side looked at me "she's my sister Savannah"
“Oh well, welcome to Tiwan Forest. Your tent has been pitched on the north
Liang pointed towards the white shop on the corner.
“Thank you,” then we left Liang and headed towards our tent.
I looked around and discovered that the stores are all different. I frowned, I had
never seen such arrangements before. “Why are there so many colorful tents?”
"Those colors represent which pack you belong to," Tanea responded. "Our
pack is Snow Moon, so they set the target for us."
“And about that black guy?” I asked, pointing to the side.
Tanea smiled, "don't you know?"
I shook my head "of course not"
"That is…. For Dark Forest Pack,” he laughed. I pursed my lips as I looked at
her. What a shame I don't know what color my partner's pack represents. If she
hadn't said it then I wouldn't have known either.
"Why so dark?" I asked again.
She shrugged “who knows? It would be better if you asked Hardwick yourself,”
he smiled.
"What happened?" Devak decided to join our conversation.
“Nothing, I'm going to my tent,” I said, leaving the couple there and heading
towards my tent. The store wasn't too big but it wasn't considered small either.
It's good enough for two people to live inside. With a small bed, a support for
hanging fabrics and a small table and chair in the corner. I dropped my bed to
the floor and then fell back onto the bed. The two hour trip was quite
"Aw...what are you doing, pervert?" Tanea's laugh reached my ear and I shook
my head, rolling my eyes. But suddenly, his voice made my heart feel
I couldn't meet him before I left the pack. It made me so sad that I felt like
crying. I never thought that their few days together would make me miss them
so much.
Tanea said she does not attend these types of events. I wonder if he's coming
for me. Feeling bored I decided to go out and walk around the area. Maybe it
will help me a little.
When I came out I saw Shiny looking here and there. This girl is only a year
younger than me but she is too stubborn and curious.
"Bored?" I asked as I approached her.
“Sort of” he smiled at me “I like this area. I’m glad this isn’t a boring place to
deal with.”
I laughed “it's a hunting event. Of course, it can't be something that's boring or
the other group won't be here to compete either.”
"It's true that-" before he could finish, another voice interrupted in the middle.
“Oh, look who's here,” then a laugh followed the statement.
It didn't take long to recognize the tone. I turned to look at the person and my
gaze collided with familiar faces.
“Isn't she the little princess of Snow Moon Pack? I didn't expect you to be here”
Tina's mocking gaze fell on us as she looked at Shiny and then at me.
"Tina, what are you doing?" Reese tugged on her hand almost looking in her
direction. But Tina didn't pay attention to him.
“What happened Shyla? Oops, I forgot your name. Isn't it Savannah? She
laughed as if he had made the funniest joke in the world.
My gaze fell on his face and then the corner of my lips twitched. "Looks like you
didn't learn your lesson last time even though the footprints are still there."
Tina's body stopped as her eyes widened. She thought the marks on her cheek
could be hidden with a layer of makeup. But too bad his imagination didn't
match reality as he expected.
“Do you want me to give you another one so you can remember it well?” I
smiled, tilting my head and looking at her with provocative eyes.
I can clearly see her clenching her fist and giving a hard look. But as if I cared
about his look. I rolled my eyes and was about to walk away from them when I
felt a tug on my arm.
“Savannah, are you still mad at me? I know that what happened between us is
my fault too.
I should have told you that Avan and I were in love with each other. But you
also know we had problems back then. But I never wanted to hurt you like that,”
Reese said in a choked tone.
If it were the past he would have fallen into his false worry and drama. But that
girl the others used to play with is no longer there. I turned around and removed
his hand from my arm. His face was a little pale as he looked at me with a sad
face. I shook my head inwardly. She is such a perfect actress that I could never
give any credit to.
How come I could never find this before and let her control me? I was so stupid.
"You're done? If you are here to give your so-called explanation, then you can
leave it because I am not interested in your drama and I would like to have
some peace of mind.”
I made fun of her.
“Savannah, please don't say that. After all, we’ve been sisters for years,”
Reese’s voice pleaded. I frowned at him. According to her personality, she is
not the kind of person who begs like this. But now she's kind of strange. Before
I could respond I heard another voice.
"Savannah, can you be a little nice while you talk to the others?" My heart
skipped a beat when I heard the voice. I clenched my fist and looked at Tease
who had his head lowered but I could clearly see the corner of his lips rising.
Fuck. She did it intentionally. She just couldn't wait to make me feel like I was
on the wrong side.
I quickly turned around and looked at the man who was once my companion.
Avan was standing there with an arrogant expression while he had his hands
stuffed in his pants pocket. His gaze was sharp as if he was trying to pierce my
soul. My heart clenched and memories of betrayal flooded my mind.
~This bastard. Even after betraying he still had the nerve to remain like this? ~
Red groaned inwardly. ~Just looking at him makes my blood boil until it burns
My lips came together in a smile. I was already hurt enough and now I won't let
it ruin my mind or my heart. I'll show you what you were missing all these years.
“Oh, Alfa Avan, I'm glad to see you here too,” I said mockingly.
Avan frowned "Reese is your sister, you should be a little nice to her"
I raised my eyebrows. “I think Alpha Avan is misunderstanding this. I have no
relationship with this woman behind me. So please, it will be better if everyone
refrains from putting a forced relationship on my back.”
“You have become more arrogant,” he replied. "You're even pretending"
I laughed "like you know me so well Alpha Avan" I walked closer as my face
turned serious "I must thank you for teaching me a great lesson in my life. I
have learned a lot from it”
Did his gaze shift and cloud with something resembling guilt? But I don't have
feelings for him.
Everything I had for him was shattered by him and now what I feel is regret.
I regret not knowing his true face, regret for not understanding his intention and
regret for wasting my time dedicating myself to a person like him.
“Get away from her,” a loud growl echoed through the air. I turned my head to
see my brother marching towards us. His eyes were red as he looked at Avan.
Once he was close to us, he tugged on my wrist and pulled me behind him.
“You better stay away from her if you know what's good for you, Avan,” Devak
"She's my mate," Avan replied with a growl. His couple? I scoffed inwardly. It
seems like he's imagining things now, living under a fantasy where anything
could happen according to his wish.
"She's not your damn mate," Devak retorted, "if you forgot, she REJECTED
Devak traced the word rejected tightly.
Few people around the area looked at us. Avan clenched his jaw as he looked
at Devak.
Reese walked towards her and took his arm. "Avan, we should go," he said in
his persuasive tone.
Avan looked around before fixing his gaze on us again. "This isn't the end," he
said before removing Reese's hand and walking away from us. Reese looked at
him while biting his lip but followed him anyway. My gaze fell on Tina, who was
looking at me. I raised my eyebrows, making her clench her fist and run away.
Devak turned to me “are you okay?”
"I'm fine," I nodded.
“Don't go near them next time. The entire Bright Shine package is totally
wasteful,” he cursed. I pursed my lips and refrained from uttering any words.
Devak is totally a demon when it comes to cursing. But what he said is quite
Wasteful, right?
The sun has set and it is already dark. Liang came to dinner and told us to go to
sleep early. The foods they prepared are all simple. Most of them are
vegetarian dishes.
What mom said was true, these dishes will never make anyone hungry. If
someone has an appetite, after trying the food, they will go miles away.
"Do you always eat such simple dishes?" I stared at the plate spread out on the
“I guess the ancient tribes don't like meat,” Tanea laughed.
“Is this even soup?” Shiny rolled his eyes as he looked at the bowl. “Even the
package cleaner eats Bistec Encebollado and enjoys the flavors.”
We laugh at his words. When it comes to food, Shiny is picky enough to cause
a headache for others.
“You're the one who was excited to be here. Now enjoy your consequences”
Jion smiled at him.
"Fuck you" Shiny cursed looking at him. Jion raised his eyebrows mockingly,
making her angrier. She snorted and turned her head the other way.
Devak coughed a little trying not to laugh too much “these foods are getting
cold. Better not waste time. Since we really have no choice, it is better to eat
rather than starve.”
I filled my plate with fried rice and salad and then added the soup. “I'll go for it,” I
shrugged and started eating. Although the food is simple, the taste is not too
bad, which is considered fortunate. Shiny threw tantrums at first, but he couldn't
stand his stomach growling and began to follow our lead and eventually ate his
food. Dinner was served in Devak's tent, so after finishing I bid them good night
before leaving the tent. I was about to enter my tent when a hand covered my
mouth and dragged me away.
I struggled in the hold but the person behind me was quite strong. Once we
were away from the tent area, the person turned me around and pressed my
back against the tree. His hand was still in my mouth and the other hand was
holding my wrist tightly.
"What the hell you want?" I screamed when he removed his hand.
“Shh…. “You are too loud,” he said in a cold tone. High? He had the fucking
nerve to pull such a trick on me.
“What do you want, Avan?” I looked at him. Even if it was dark I can clearly
identify the person in front of me.
“Don't you know what I want?” He bowed a little “to you, it's you I want. You ran
away from me. I knew you were angry but why do you have to leave like that?
“You are my partner” he growled slowly.
I felt anger rising inside me "mate?" I laughed "have you ever worried about
your partner?" I gritted my teeth.
“You know I cared about you. "You can't judge me that way."
“Yes, you cared about your partner, which is why you kept fucking Reese and
claimed to be in love with her. Now what happened? Does Reese not satisfy
you enough?
"She is your sister. I admit that I liked it...
"No, you don't like her, you love her and you went to cheat on her behind my
back," I hissed at her. I tried to free my hand from his grip but failed. Although I
am strong enough, Alpha blood is different. Alphas are naturally stronger than
other wolves.
“It was just sex. Why do you have to make this a big deal? He growled again.
“But you are my partner. Our bond is different and you know it. We could have
lived happily if you hadn't run away that night. I could have explained everything
to you.
If you would only listen...
"Explain?" I interrupted him before he could finish. Can this man be more
shameless than this? I felt disgust in my chest. He's still trying to be reasonable.
After all those damn tricks he pulled on me?
“Do you still have your sanity? Even after cheating behind my back and fucking
Reese making me look like a fool, you still have the nerve to give a fucking
explanation? I clenched my teeth until it hurt.
How could I fall in love with a person like that? Being shameless to this point.
Was I too blind to see the truth?
"Avan Lowe, you are the most immodest person I have ever met in my life."
Using all my strength I pushed him. I was about to walk away when he grabbed
my wrist tightly.
Turning around and glaring at him, "let me go," I forced every word.
“You ran away from me before and now I will never let you do that again.
Whether you like it or not, you are mine,” he said using his cold tone. Has this
man gone crazy or something? I clenched my fist.
“I said Leave. Me. GRAM-"
“Get your damn claws off HER,” my heart jumped in shock as a roar erupted
behind me. My heart raced as the familiar scent of patchouli filled my nostrils.
He is here?
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Romance Claiming His Tempting Companion, chapter 18
Hardwick View Bridge
“Que bom que você is here” Ryan entered with a smile, which is not considered
a real smile, but more like a mischievous smile. "I thought I wouldn't be able to
see you again," he added as he sat in the chair across from me.
"What happened to you? Is there something you can't digest? So you're here to
I focused my gaze on the open file on the table.
“Oh, believe me, I have a very good digestive system. But what is happening
out there is overwhelming,” he laughs.
I looked at him with a frown. "What's going on?"
"You can not see?" He laughed. His lips curled “it's YOU, this is happening out
there. At first you were stuck inside your study room, but nowadays you are
running from one place to another. What's going on? Have you met any girls?
I rolled my eyes "fuck you"
“Come on, friend,” he threw his arms in the air, “we grew up together and we
shared all the secrets. But why do I feel like there's something I don't know yet?
I looked at him. Ryan, my beta package. He is strong and skilled and also my
best friend. We grew up together, almost like brothers. We learned everything
together, from change to struggle. There is nothing we haven't shared. But the
most annoying thing about his character is that he is very persistent. He won't
stop until he knows all the details.
"I found my match," I said briefly.
"Oh, that's-" he stopped, "you found what?"
"Back again?" He shook his head. I shot him a look. Although I expected that
expression, I'm too lazy to give an explanation.
"Fuck this"
"Listen well? Have you found your partner? When and how was I not aware of
I raised my eyebrows "were you free to fuck those women at the club?"
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He smiled “why? You're jealous?"
“You are so full of yourself. Even imagine things that could not happen in
He rolled his eyes “done. Okay” he leaned forward placing his hands on the
table “Are you serious? Have you found your partner?
I shook my head. It seems that he still couldn't believe my words.
“Damn, that's interesting. Where did you find it? What pack does he belong to?
He barked with questions.
“Snow Moon,” I responded briefly.
"Snow Moon," he touched his chin, "that forest maze?"
I shook my head again.
"Who is she? The pack member? "I mean, you're the Alpha, but your partner is
just normal."
"She's Alpha Micah's daughter," I said, interrupting her nonsense.
"That? Since when does Alpha Micah have a daughter? Don't you only have
one son?" He frowned.
"You're drowning in your own world around those women and you have no
sense of information," I scoffed.
“Damn, I really missed so many things” he cursed and then looked up with a
kind of strange expression “is she beautiful?” I heard that the Snow Moon
generation has unique purple eyes.
Does yours have this?
Upon hearing the word purple, a beautiful pair of purple orbs flashed through
my mind. My lips came together.
Damn, those pretty purple eyes always get me in trouble. I can still feel her
warmth when I held her for the first time that night. That confused expression of
hers in the dark made me want to claim her right then and there, but I couldn't. I
had to wait a moment longer. Damn, only I know how I tolerated going with her
and bringing her here to have her all to myself.
"Are you listening, buddy?" I saw a silhouette waving before my eyes. I pushed
him away before giving Ryan an irritating look.
"That?" I grabbed it.
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“Don't tell me you're dreaming about your partner right now? You can think
about her later, but tell me first: does she have the uniqueness of her genes?
"Yes, he has a beautiful pair of purple eyes." I smiled as I thought of her
blushing when I made her cum. That pink stain almost made me explode. I
never knew I had such a strong sexual desire.
"Where is she? Here? "I'm going to meet her." Ryan seemed excited. He stood
up and was about to walk towards the door. I stopped him.
"Don't get too excited, she's not here."
He turned to look at me "didn't you bring her here?"
"She asked me to let her stay in Snow Moon until the hunting event."
“Hunting event? "
Ryan rolled his eyes. “Is there anything funny?”
"She seemed excited about it and I couldn't deny it."
"Oh, you two will be apart for a while, huh?" He smiled and walked back before
sitting back down. “The hunting event, your partner is there and you are here…”
I narrowed my eyes at him “just say it.”
He laughed: “Aren't you afraid that the other single males will try to flirt with her?
Are you sure you want to leave her alone for other hungry beasts to watch?
A low growl erupted inside me. I looked at him “you are very attentive, go clean
the bathrooms.”
Ryan smiled "I can already smell the jealousy."
"I will cut off the heads of those men who dared to look at her longer than
I growled. Just thinking about her being with another man made me clench my
“Calm down man, you are very aggressive. "I was joking"
"I didn't think it was funny," I replied as I stood up.
"Where are you going?" He asked, following my movements with his eyes.
I turned to look at him and said, “I'm going to see my partner. I already miss her
and you will put an end to these pending reports.” I walk towards the door.
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"Damn, man, you're not serious about this," he moaned behind me.
I smiled “and I patrolled the border area too.”
“Fuck you,” Ryan cursed as I left and closed the door.
Provoking, right? Now enjoy the workload. I smiled before leaving the packing
house. After last night I couldn't control myself around her. Damn, that sexy
body of yours always drives me crazy.
I still wonder how I managed to live all these years without her in my life. Driving
to Snow Moon is quite long. Now that I want to get there faster, the roads seem
longer than usual. I almost jumped out of the car when I reached the Snow
Moon gang.
When I entered the house I saw that Alpha and Luna were sitting drinking tea in
the living room.
“Hardwick,” Luna exclaimed with a smile, “you're here.”
I smiled at him. She is a warm and kind woman. In the last few days of
interacting with her, I found her more appropriate and honest.
“I just finished my work,” I reached into my pants pockets.
She smiled “you must be tired. “That girl” he shook his head slightly “because of
her you travel from one place to another”
"It's okay as long as she's happy." I shrugged. The only thing that matters to me
is your happiness.
"Hardwick, sit down first and have tea with us," Alpha Micah said.
"Thank you, but I would like to meet my partner first." I was about to walk
towards his room when Alpha Micah's voice stopped me.
“Savannah is not here.”
I turned around and frowned. Not here? What does that mean?
“I mean, she left to join the hunting event. The date was set before so she
already left,” he added.
My hand in my pocket tightened. She left. She left, but at least she didn't bother
to inform me.
That woman, what does she think? As soon as I have her in my hands, this time
I will teach her a good lesson. I gritted my teeth before leaving the baler.
Just wait and see, dear. Look how I treat you when I put you in my arms.

Savannah Viewpoint
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I looked at the man who was a few meters away from me. His deep brown eyes
dominating my soul as he moved forward in slow motion made my heart skip a
beat in my chest.
Avan still held my wrist tightly.
“Did you not hear what I said? Get your damn claws out,” Hardwick growled as
he stood in front of us.
"Who are you?" -Ava asked.
Hardwick didn't answer, but looked at the hand holding the mind. Before I knew
it, I was dragged by a strong force and felt like I was falling onto a strong chest.
My breasts collide with a hard chest making me gasp.
"What the hell, who the hell are you?" Avan replied.
I looked at Hardwick's face as he looked at Avan. I felt like everything around
me disappeared, leaving only him and me. I think Hardwick could feel my gaze
when he suddenly looked down and looked at me with those intoxicating brown
eyes that always managed to catch my attention. How does he always manage
to surprise me?
“I'll deal with you later,” he said quietly before focusing his gaze on Avan.
"You are not qualified enough to know me," Hardwick said in a cold tone.
"Savannah, who is he and why are you with him?" I heard Avan ask and
Hardwick growled in response.
Damn, it's fucking sexy. I cursed inside.
“Don't say his name with your mouth. It will be better... I felt his body move, but I
held him in place.
“Fuck,” he swore, “if I see you trying to get close to her, I'm going to cut your
head off,” he warned Avan. Before Avan could respond, Hardwick took me with
him towards my tent. He didn't look back and we walked straight into the store.
As soon as we entered, Hardwick pulled down the curtain and turned to look at
"You," his penetrating gaze pinned me in place, "look like you need a good
My eyes widened and my heart shook. Punishment?
"That? What are you talking about?" I took a step back as he began to advance.
"That? Are you scared yet?" he smiled. I should be scared, but your pretty face
is distracting me.
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"You left without warning and now you were with another man" he growled "you
needed to be punished now"
“That was not my choice. “It was a sudden plan,” I tried to explain, “and I never
intended to have anything to do with it. He was the one who forced me to go
there,” maybe he could understand it.
“Oh no, honey, your explanation won't get you anywhere. I allowed you to stay
in the pack, but you went out and interacted with the man, that bastard” he
growled “I want to cut off his hands”
I jumped in shock looking at him. He looked at me and smiled.
“First let me teach him a lesson, then I'll see what I can do with him” his face
suddenly became devilish. I've never seen that side. Even though he is my
partner, I now feel fear starting to rise in my chest.
"So where was I?" He smiled. I can clearly tell that he is enjoying my
"Hardw-" before I could finish writing his name, he reached out and pulled me
towards him. With me in his arms he sat on the bed and turned my body and
made me lie face down on his lap.
"What are you doing?" I couldn't help but scream in surprise.
"I will give you a punishment that you will remember longer than usual," he
replied and I felt my dress being lifted and the cold air hit my ass. My eyes
widened as I realized what was about to happen. But before I could protest, I
felt a sting on my cheek.
"Ah..." I winced in pain as a sharp slap hit my soft skin. It is painful.
“You better remember to inform me in the future,” he slurred before slapping my
butt again.
“Ahm…” I bit my lip trying not to give in. But his rough hand slapped her on the
bottom again.
"Ah..." I yell.
"That hurts?" I heard him ask “will this make you remember everything I said
today?”, he called again.
“Please stop…” I almost screamed.

"Do you know your mistake?" He asked, knocking again.

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“Ahh…yeah…” I said hurriedly. I think my butt is going to hurt after this. No one
has done this to me and it is very painful.
"Are you admitting this?" He slapped again.
"Yes Yes..." I nodded, closing my eyes.
"Then tell me what is your mistake?" I felt him rubbing my sensitive spot.
“I….left without telling you,” I said.
"Do you think it's good?" He asked, still rubbing.
"Ah..." I screamed when it hit hard again...
"Not…." I winced in pain.
"So what should I do?"
“I should… I should inform you first” this time I responded immediately.
"Good. Are you going to repeat your mistake?" he asked.
I closed my eyes as I felt the cold air brush against my skin.
“Answer me,” he growled, knocking again.
"Not…." I screamed as pain coursed through my body.
"Good girl," he said and caressed my ass. I bit my lip, not wanting to flinch when
his rough hand touched my sensitive spot.
I never felt this way before. Everything is new to me. I thought Hardwick was
dominating, but I never saw it coming.
"You're learning fast, sweetheart," he said before gently turning my body. I can
feel the tears in my eyes. Mine, but the slap already hurts.
"Don't cry, just thinking about that bastard touching you made my blood boil," he
said and then brought his dominant orbs together with mine.
"You're fucking mine," he then broke her lips into a possessive kiss.
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Romance claiming her tempting companion chapter 19
Savannah Viewpoint
That's all I can feel right now. My body warmed and shivered with need as I felt
my core grow moist. His hand ran over the soft skin of my butt, which was still
burning from the strong heat.
All the pain he felt now turned into pleasure and desire. I never thought that
being spanked would make my body shake with need.
"Hmm…." I moaned as his tongue entered my mouth and dominated me. It's
like trying to eat me whole, leaving nothing but pleasure. His fingers slid
between my ass and then found their way to my wet folds.
“Already wet, love” he whispered as soon as he left my lips. His dark irises
swirled with lust. "You seem to like that spanked little friend," his breath perked
my ear.
"YO…." I couldn't find words to say. First, my body's reaction is already causing
me great embarrassment and second, your hand touches my most intimate part
This situation is more than a shame.
"So sexy," he growled, then lowered his head and sucked on my neck. I closed
my eyes as the sudden pleasure worked on my nerves. I can not deny it. I can
never deny that your caress drives me crazy and I scream with pleasure. Red
shuddered inwardly as he shuddered with joy.
"You're so fucking sexy when you blush, baby," he said huskily, but this time I
felt his tone change.
It was hoarse, harsh and used with a stronger accent. I couldn't help but frown.
“Hardwick?” I called.
"It's Onyx, honey," he replied. My heart skipped a beat inside. Onyx? That is…
He moved his head to look at me. This time I didn't find the brown eyes
dominant, but they were dark. The black orbs look at me as if they are watching
my soul ready to devour it.
~Mate~ Red suddenly purred.
"What..." I was surprised. I just looked at the Black Orbs. There is a certain
attraction and connection that made me want to look at him without moving an
inch. Is this even real?
The rare black orbs that were not found anywhere. It's dark but captivating.
Dominant, but manipulative. How many things will I discover with it?
"Say my name, love," he said again.
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“Onyx,” the words left my lips before I could understand them. I saw him smile
and it was really sexy and seductive. No woman could resist no matter what.
But at the same time, I don't want any other women to see this.
“Yes, my partner” he leaned in and captured my lips. “You're very hot, darling. “I
want to eat you tonight.”
"Hmm…." I moaned again. His voice sounds more dominant than Hardwick's. I
don't know how Onyx suddenly took control of Hardwick, but it doesn't matter if
they're both my friends. Kissing Onyx or kissing Hardwick makes a difference.
His finger sank into my wet fold, making me jump into his arms. His other hand
held my body firmly, without much effort. I wonder if I'm weightless because he
treated me like a feather.
"So, wet love, you liked that little punishment, didn't you?" He asked, but didn't
let me answer as he closed my lips with his. All I could do was roll my eyes and
close them to feel the pleasure he was giving me. He poked his fingers into my
folds teasingly.
But soon another digit joined in and the journey became difficult.
"Umm..." I moaned loudly into the kiss and my breathing quickened. My chest
rose and fell heavily as his pace became faster.
"Ah..." I screamed as I felt him join his fingers inside my core. His fingers are
already big, but adding three at once made me stretch even further for him. It
was painful for my virgin pussy.
"Shhh... everything is going to be okay" he murmured in my ear "you have to
get used to this love, because next time it will be my cock that fills that tight
pussy" his dirty words soaked my core even more.
"Ah... you like it, don't you?" He laughed. "You're covering my fingers, baby."
"Oh... God..." I moaned as the pain I felt was suddenly replaced by pleasure.
The sound of my juices coating his fingers as he pumped into me filled my ear.
My cheeks heat up with shame.
"So sexy and adorable," he whispered in my ear.
"Moan baby, I want to hear my name from that sexual mouth of yours, call your
Alpha" he murmured again biting my earlobe.
"Ohh... Onyx..." I obeyed his words without hesitation. The pleasure he was
giving me is enough to lose all my senses and take me to another world where I
can only find him.
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"I'm... cumming..." I whispered as I felt the walls of my pussy tighten around his
fingers squeezing them tightly.
“Cum baby, cum for me. Cover my fingers with your sweetness,” he encouraged
me with a low growl that seductively filled my ear. My body tensed and then….
"Ahh... Onyx..." And then I screamed as I came hard. I had never felt so good
before and the person who gave me this satisfaction was my partner. I rested
my head on his chest panting.
I felt tired of my release. Finally a pleasant walk ended.
“So fucking good,” he licked his fingers as his dark orbs met mine.
I blushed seeing his actions.
“You are so sweet love,” he kissed my cheek. “But I'm not done yet.”
My eyes widened. I was already very tired, but before I could refuse, he pushed
me onto the bed. I screamed as my back hit the bed. He approached me and
“You liked love, now it's my turn” and before I realized what I was doing I saw
him put his head between my legs. His hand spread my thighs. My core was
already wet with my cum and before I could have a chance to protest, I felt him
remove my panties and attach his tongue to my soft but wet folds, like a hungry
beast devouring its meal.
"Oh... God..." I groaned, closing my eyes and my hands reached down to hold
his head.
Your silky hair comes into contact. He sucked my pussy hard making me grab
his hair tightly. He moaned, then used his tongue and pushed it into my folds.
"Onyx..." I screamed when I felt him fucking me with his tongue. The pleasure I
felt before was nothing compared to this. And all I could do was moan his name
until I came a second time.
I groaned as I felt something running across my skin. I tried to push him away,
but he came back after a few seconds. Annoyed, I moaned out loud. Then I
heard laughter.
to laugh
Okay, it's just a laugh.
To laugh?
My eyes widened immediately. What was that?
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My head turned to the side only to be met with dominant brown eyes. He was
smiling at me. I looked at him in shock. That…
"Did you sleep well?" He asked him.
I bit my lip "last night..."
“It was true love” I closed my eyes. God, I almost thought I was dreaming, but...
I wasn't. All this happened in reality.
He laughed again “My wolf is very happy. Last night he tasted your sinful
sweetness” he said and leaned down until his lips brushed my ear “and we both
want to taste it again and again…”
She followed him seductively.
My heart was pounding and my cheeks felt hot. I pushed him a little while
looking at “you…
you…. pervert"
He laughed “only with you my love. I can still taste its sweetness on my tongue.”
This man, mmm. Saying those bad words early in the morning. And there is no
shame on your face. How did he suddenly become so shameless?
He smiled “What? Are you wet again?
Made. Angry, I pushed him, making him fall to the ground. He groaned, but I
didn't care. How dare you provoke me like this?
"As if I'd let you do that again," I glared at him.
He stood up, but instead of getting angry he smiled “as if you could stop me
from having you”, it was a clear challenge. I gritted my teeth in anger. It was
always him. Damn you for being an expert at seducing me. I don't know why I
always gave in in the end.
I got out of bed. "I need to change now, come out," I pointed to the door.
He glanced at the door before fixing his gaze on me. His eyes roamed over my
body making me shudder and then he smiled “you are still a shy baby. “I saw it
all,” he uttered lazily.
I fought the urge to roll my eyes. I turned my head the other way. Is this really
some kind of excuse?
How did I find this man out of nowhere? Do you know any feeling of shame in

“We are in the forest of Tiwan I forced my words.

He raised an eyebrow "so what?"

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"Shouldn't you behave normally?" I gritted my teeth.
"Do you think I'm behaving abnormally?" He smiled again “in that case I think I
need to show you” he approached making me step back a little “how an
abnormal person behaves” he approached me. My eyes widened in an instant.
Semen. It was better not to talk to him about any sense or morality because this
man has none.
"It's okay, you don't have to do that." I raised my arms in defeat before he could
take advantage of the situation. He crossed his arms around his chest giving
me a victorious smile. I rolled my eyes and walked towards my bag.
Treat him like someone invisible. I sang these words before unpacking my
When I left the store I saw that there were already some people there. My eyes
went to the side where the black tents were located.
There are two women and a man standing as they talk. They don't even bother
to look around. Are they so arrogant? I shook my head.
“There you are” I heard Tanea's voice. She smiled as she walked towards me.
"Wow, you seem to bloom."
I rolled my eyes. “Are you seriously blooming?”
She laughed "yeah, you seem more energetic from time to time..." He stopped
immediately when his eyes landed behind me. Tanea jumped in shock.
"He...he..." She pointed behind me.
I sighed when I felt an arm wrap around my waist. A familiar smell of patchouli
filled my nostrils.
“Alpha Hardwick?” Tanea exclaimed in surprise.
“Hello,” Hardwick responded briefly.
Tanea looked at me and made a gesture with her eyes. I shook my head
slightly at her.
Tanea smiled and shook her head. She was about to open her mouth to say
when another voice sounded behind her.
“You” Devak's angry voice filled our ears. He walked towards us and stood next
to Tanea, but his eyes were fixed on the person next to me.

"What are you doing here?" “Why can't I be here?” Hardwick asked instead.
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"You...why are you with my sister again?" "She is my partner". I felt Hardwick
bring me closer to him. I turned my head to look at him. He was looking at
Devak without any feeling of fear or hesitation. I used to think that Devak might
be the most arrogant and stubborn, but I was wrong. Because it is much more
difficult to deal with this person by my side.

“You… “Stop it, Devak,” Tanea interjected before Devak could say more, “why
are you against Alpha Hardwick every time you see him? Don't forget that he is
Sav's partner," he warned.
Devak groaned in frustration "do you have to remind me of that every time?"
“Yes, I do,” Tanea nodded, “because you always go in to fight with him. “Dad
will be angry if you cause trouble for this,” he frowned.
Devak rolled his eyes and turned his head. Tanea smiled as she looked at us.
"Please forgive the rudeness, Alpha Hardwick," he said politely.
“Okay,” Hardwick said, but I can feel him smiling as he says it. I rolled my eyes.
He was clearly enjoying it. He does not?
"Since you're here, why don't you join us for breakfast?"
"Sounds good," Hardwick replied, nodding his head at Tanea.
“Ah, great then. Let’s go towards our tent,” he said and dragged Devak with
him, who still had displeasure on his face.
I sighed as I watched them disappear into the store. I turned to look at him "you
were enjoying it, weren't you?"
He smiled "What did I do?"
"Don't make that face," I hissed.
He shrugged, “It’s not my fault, honey. “Your brother is always against me.”
"That's because you kidnapped me," I reminded him.

"Oh, I just took you where you belong."

I groaned “no one is talking to you,” I huffed. It is completely useless to argue
with him.
He laughed “you already did that.”
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I shook my head and was about to take a step forward when a voice called from
the other side.
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Romance claiming her tempting companion chapter 20
Savannah Viewpoint
I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at the source of the voice. As soon as
my head turned to the side, my gaze fell on the silhouette of three people
approaching us. They were two women and a man. The two women were quite
tall and had dark skin.
One of them had brown hair and the other black hair. From the side, the man
has a muscular body with dark brown hair.
"Master, are you here?" The brown haired woman asked. There was a
surprised expression on his face. But it was strange that they didn't call
Hardwick Alpha, but instead referred to him as master. Is this some kind of
tradition in Dark Forest Pack? At that moment I couldn't understand it.
“Master, you didn't say anything about your arrival,” said the black-haired
“Do I need to inform you whenever?” I heard Hardwick's harsh voice come
down. Both women lowered their heads, not meeting his eyes. I was surprised,
although Hardwick didn't say it too harshly, but I could see their bodies tense.
"Master, please do not listen to your words," said the man next to two women.
“It was surprising that the teacher was here this year too,” he added, quickly
changing the subject.
“I am here because my presence is necessary here,” Hardwick began. I felt my
palm start to sweat.
I heard from Tanea that he never bothered to visit this hunting event. But this
year he's with me and he's wreaking havoc on his own pack. I think they have
no idea about our mating.
The three people did not say anything, but looked at him silently. They are
waiting for it to continue.
Hardwick cleared his throat "since I haven't made this official to the pack, let me
introduce you" he put his hand on my shoulder pushing me forward slightly
"meet my partner Savannah and her Luna"
This is an official meeting with your pack members. I felt my body tense a little.
Three of them were stunned when their eyes landed on me. It seems like they
still couldn't believe that their Alpha had a partner now. But why are they so
"Do I need to remind you of our tradition?" -Hardwick questioned-. I felt his jaw
clench tightly.
“Forgive us, Master,” they apologized before turning to me, “welcome, Lady,”
they said in unison.
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I don't know what to tell you. They don't look familiar to me and I don't even
know their names, so I just gave them a small smile while shaking my head.
"I'm Cora Mistress," the brown-haired woman smiled. "This is Daisy and this is
Mark," his voice is warm and friendly. This made my heart race.
I smiled at her "I'm Savannah."
“Welcome to the Lady of the Dark Forest,” Mark said with a smile.
“Thank you,” I replied.
“Now that you know, you can go,” Hardwick told them.
"Yes," they nodded before turning around and heading towards their tents. But
suddenly Daisy turned her head and looked at me. Like the other two, his eyes
did not show any warmth, but were instead filled with coldness. I frowned at
him. Why was he looking at me like that?
As if he felt some kind of hatred towards me. But I had never met her before, so
why did I suddenly offend her?
"What are you looking at?" Hardwick whispered in my ear.
“It was rude of you to tell them to leave like that,” I chided him.
He rolled his eyes “it’s about controlling love. If the Alpha couldn't control his
own pack, it would be a shame to keep the title. Also..." he leaned a little "I don't
like third wheels between us."
"It was the first time I met your pack members." I looked at him.
“You can find them later. Now your priority should be us and me,” he replied
I raised my eyebrows “what us”? We both belong to different packs. Since you
are here, you should go and hope that your pack members do well in the
game.” I gave him a tight smile.
"Honey, they don't need my joy to do anything" he smiled "it's a test of their own
abilities and it has nothing to do with me"
I couldn't help but feel surprised. Is this man really your Alpha? Their own pack
is stepping up to compete, but the Alpha of their pack doesn't even care about
"Are you really his Alpha?" I asked.
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He smiled “Do you need proof, dear? I can give you some if you want” his eyes
danced with an evil smile.
I raised my hands in a position of surrender “it's not necessary. “I am happy to
be unknown about this matter.” Saying this I turned around and walked towards
my brother's tent. But I can hear your footsteps behind me. AND
Of course he's following me. Shaking my head, I walked in only to gasp loudly.
There was no one in the store except my brother and his partner. Jion and
Shiny haven't arrived yet. But what made me sigh was that I had to witness my
brother kissing his partner in broad daylight. They were both so lost in the kiss
that they didn't hear my sigh.
"I told you you should..." Hardwick's voice stopped halfway behind me. "Oh, I
didn't know your brother was so active and couldn't wait to perform."
I turned my head and stared at him. Can this man be the least bit rational? Why
do you always pick on my brother?
"Can you stop teasing?"
He put his arm around my waist "it's not me but your brother who's doing this"
he whispered "we can do better"
My eyes immediately widened before I slapped his arm angrily, "Behave."
He shrugged before looking at the couple again with a smile. I turned my
attention back to Devak and Tanea before clearing my not-so-affected throat.
Tanea, who had her eyes closed, suddenly opened them and immediately
widened when she saw us. She pushed Devak away from herself, making him
"What the hell is that?" Devak moaned loudly.
“If you two need privacy, it would be best if you let us know. Then we can delay
our time to get here” I commented before he could say anything else. His head
turned towards us and he rolled his eyes.

"Fuck," he cursed under his breath as Tanea gave him a hard look.
Hardwick and I walked towards the table where breakfast was already served. I
sighed when I saw the plates.
I really don't like this food. Although the taste is somewhat adjustable, it is not
tolerable to eat it occasionally.
"That?" Hardwick asked, frowning at me.
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“Nothing” I shrugged and placed my chin in the palm of my hand looking at the
plates scattered on the table.
His eyes followed mine and then back to me.
"You do not like?"
“It's very clear,” I responded.
“Today they will start the game. After breakfast, we have to go to the field for a
small meeting with the elders,” Devak said.
"Seniors?" I grimaced.
He nodded "they are like judges"
“I didn't see anyone other than that old man Lian.”
“He is the guardian of this forest area and also the one who organizes
everything here”
Devak replied.
"Awesome, so the elders only appear during the game?" I asked again
"Yes," he agreed.
“A bunch of traditional idiots,” I heard Hardwick whisper to himself. I turned to
look at him as he flashed me his annoying but sexy smile. Is this man cursing
those judges? I wonder what those older people will think if they hear him say
Just then Jion and Shiny entered, but stopped when their gaze fell on Hardwick.
Jion frowned as Shiny looked at him in a daze. I rolled my eyes. Hardwick had
an extraordinary appearance. No woman could resist his charm, even if he does
“That…” Jion began, but Tanea responded before he could finish his words.
“I don't think you two have met him. Let me introduce you, this is Alpha
Hardwick, Sav's partner.”
"Hey? Savannah's partner?" Jion turned to look at me as I smiled at him in
"I never thought you'd have such an attractive companion," Shiny commented
as he sat next to Jion.
“No comment,” I said and she laughed. His gaze fell on Hardwick and he
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“Alpha Hardwick, I'm Shiny, the sister of the Snow Moon Pack beta. If you ever
get bored, I can keep you company.”
Is he flirting? I glanced at Hardwick from the corner of my eye and saw that his
expression hadn't changed in the slightest. I bit the inside of my cheek trying not
to laugh. I know Shiny is playful and flirts a lot with cute boys. But flirting like
that with Hardwick…. Soon Hardwick opened his mouth to respond.
"You can come to the Dark Forest any time, I don't mind introducing you to
some virile bachelor to play with."
My eyes widened in an instant. Did he really say that? With some virile single? I
looked at Shiny, who was now completely red with embarrassment.
Although I know Hardwick is direct and domineering, I never thought I would
embarrass her like this.
On the side, Devak laughed silently as Tanea looked at him. I lowered my head,
not wanting her to see the smile on my lips as Hardwick calmly drank the juice
he had on the table.
After a long silence, Jion cleared his throat, “Alpha Hardwick, please forgive my
sister for being so undisciplined. "Sometimes he behaves childishly."
Hardwick didn't respond, just nodded slightly. Then we started eating without

“I thank you all for participating in this hunting event. For some reasons, we had
to organize this earlier than the usual date. I hope everyone here today will
accept our sincerest apologies and help us make this event joyful and
adventurous at the same time,” said an old man dressed in white, looking at us.
A small stage was made where the four elders remained balanced.
"They are the oldest?" I muttered to myself.
"Just some people who have nothing to do." Hardwick's mocking voice reached
my ears. I looked at him.
"Can you be a little rational?"
“Do you think I'm not?” He asked, looking at me.
"You've already embarrassed Shiny to no end by refusing to leave now."
“Was this my fault? What can I do in this matter when she wanted to get it
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I rolled my eyes. I can't even argue with him right now. Shiny is the first to take
the blame. Although some men in the pack were really upset with her, they
never tried to embarrass her. But what Hardwick did was beyond imagination.
It's like she's dug her own grave.
“I'm not talking to you” I focused my attention on the stage where the adults
were still talking.
"Why don't you admit defeat directly?" He laughed.
I gritted my teeth but refrained from making any further comments. It's better
that way.
Who would have free time to argue with him? It's like hitting your head against
the wall for no reason.
“Like every year, this year we organize some games that will test your strength
and also your sharpness. I hope everyone who attends enjoys it,” the old man
who spoke earlier said again. Their appearance was quite ancient and they
looked like monks who had just come out of long years of meditation. I really
wonder if they really are saints or love to dress like one.
Finding no interest in his speech, I looked around the floor. Suddenly, I felt a
piercing gaze boring into me. I turned in that direction only to see a woman
dressed in red looking at me with her piercing gaze. I frowned, I don't know why
he's looking at me like that. As if he had committed some unforgivable sin.
She's the same one who looked at me when Hardwick introduced me as his
partner. Does this woman have any enmity with me?
Daisy looked away instantly when I felt an arm wrap around my waist. “What
are you looking at?” Hardwick's warm breath brushed the skin of my ear.
“Do your pack members always have a cold appearance? Or is it just to scare
others? I murmured.
"What happened?" He turned me around and made me look at him. His
domineering brown orbs looked at me seriously.
"Did someone misbehave with you?"
His voice is harsh and his face is hard. It's like he's about to explode the
moment he says yes. I shook my head. I don't know about Daisy and why she's
staring at me. But this is not the time to ask that.
“No, it's just that they always look serious, so I thought they did it to scare
others.” I shrugged.
He frowned but didn't ask anything else, which I'm glad for. It's hard to deal with
Hardwick when he's angry and that's something I've learned perfectly well. This
man does not know any rules nor accept any, so it is best to keep him away
from this minor matter. And about Daisy, I will find out myself in the future.
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“The event will start tomorrow, and please, whoever participates in the first
game, be prepared.”
The elder's voice lowered and the crowd applauded loudly. So finally the game
“Today's meeting has concluded” saying that those elders came down from the
"Come on" Hardwick dragged me with him.
"Aren't you tired of all this under your son's rule?"
I rolled my eyes "no."
“So I'm tired and you're coming with me.”
I look at the palm from the inside. Is this man really serious? Why do you
always use your domain in every action?
"You are the Alpha, but are you tired yet?" I smiled.
He turned around and gave me an evil smile “oh, I don't like them. If you just
want to see how strong an Alpha can be, I can certainly help you in this matter”
he learned to match my level “Do you want to try it, love?”
"What are you talking about? "I have no intention of fighting with you." I
He smiled "who is talking about fighting here, I can see you exactly in bed too"
My face burned with embarrassment as heat began to rise to my cheeks. Does
this man always think about "that" thing? I looked at him trying to hide my blush
before turning his face away from me.
"You're a sassy"
“Let me show you how shameless I can be, darling” before I knew it, he had
lifted me into his arms, making me scream. Few people turned to look at us,
which made me blush even more.
God, this is embarrassing. I wanted to hide my face so badly right now. But
Hardwick didn't care about those mocking glances as he began walking towards
our tent that now became "ours."
But before entering the store I saw Avan looking in my direction. His face was
hard and his jaw was clenched tightly. I rolled my eyes as the tent curtain fell,
blocking the view of the outside, leaving me alone with my companion.
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Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 21
Savannah Viewpoint
"Why did you do that?" I asked as soon as he put me down.
"What did?" He looked at me giving his innocent look.
“Why do you have to create such a big drama in front of everyone? What would
they be thinking now?
He frowned slightly. “Why would I care what they think? That matters?"
I blinked several times. Are you really serious? What he did in front of everyone
was really embarrassing. Okay, I understand he's my partner, but still the PDA
was too much to handle.
"Do you have to show PDA all the time?" I crossed my arms around my chest.
Hardwick followed my action and his gaze fell on my chest and his eyes stayed
there. I frowned at him as he looked down only to find my breasts raised, giving
him a good view. I bit my lip and shook my head internally. Damn, I forgot about
that. This man is too horny to make a single move. Before I could remove my
hand, I found myself enveloped by a pair of strong arms.
My entire body trapped in his strong, muscular arms as he lifted his lips giving
me a sexy smile "if you think you can seduce me like this then you are
absolutely right" he said as he lowered his head and whispered in my ears "I, I
am very excited, baby ”.
My eyes widened. When did I seduce him? And how come I never knew?
"What are you trying to do?"
“Baby, you are the one who was seducing me so much. Now what do you think
I'm doing? He laughed and then placed wet kisses on my neck. My body
immediately shuddered with every touch. No matter how much I try to control
myself, his caresses always drive me crazy.
“No, wait…” I stammered my words, but in the end it came out as a whimper. I
gasped as his teeth bit the base of my neck.
"Hardwick..." I groaned. My hands moved and grabbed his shoulder for support.
"I'm so turned on, baby," Hardwick whispered against my skin, "so hard it hurts."
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"Oh... God, please stop," I moaned loudly.
“Shh…. Keep your voice down, love. Others will hear your scream, although I
have no problem with that,” he laughed jokingly.
God, this man will be the death of me. He still has the nerve to make fun of me
like that. But I couldn't control my body or its reaction. It's like everything
happens alone, without my constant.
"You..." I bit my lip trying to stop my moans.
"Touch me," he ordered suddenly. My eyes widened as his words reached my
"What what?"
He smiled and then moved a little "touch me" he said again.
At first I couldn't understand what he meant, but when he squeezed me tightly
and his erection pressed against my belly, my heart skipped a beat. He really…
Before I could come to any conclusions, he took my hand and placed it directly
on his erect bulge.
I gasped loudly. My eyes traveled to her, my hands touched his erection.
The jeans he was wearing could not contain his huge bulge as it was clearly
visible. My heart skipped a beat when my hand came into contact with her
private spot. But my surprise turned into her pleasure when she let out a sexy
“Fuck, feel love to me. Look how crazy you are driving me” He pressed my hand
on his erection harder.
“You are responsible for this baby and now you will take care of him,” he said
"Kneel down"
I looked at him "What?"
He smiled: “I said to kneel. You will take care of it. Now kneel” this time it is not
just a statement but rather an order.
I hate being dominated, but when it comes to him, it seems like my body wants
to accept whatever he wants. To give in to everything he asks. Before I knew it,
I was already kneeling in front of him. My face moved closer to his bulge and I
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"Open up baby, look what you're doing to me," he said softly.
With shaking hands, I reached for his belt and unbuckled it, then unzipped his
His hand reached down and took off his pants, leaving him standing in front of
me in just his tight boxers.
"Come on, honey, feel me," he said again. I don't know what I'm doing or how
I'm going to do it. But along with nervousness my heart is somehow excited. I
had never been so intimate with any man, but the person in front of me was
none other than my own companion, my better half. The destined person who
was only made for me. Trembling, I reached out and pulled down his boxers
and immediately his erection sprang up in front of me.
I gasped again when I saw its size. It was just huge. How will this fit?
I heard him laugh “don't worry honey, I'll take care of you when the time comes.
“Now suck it and tell me how much you wanted it.”
I bit my lip as I did as he asked. His cock was already hard as iron. I hold it
slowly in my hands and my fingers around it feel smaller. Its tip was shining and
I don't know why, but I suddenly wanted to kiss it. Then I learned to put the tip in
my mouth. He hissed.
“Ah…yes, baby, suck me like that. “It feels so good,” he moaned.
I licked the tip and ran my tongue over its size, making him moan. I felt him grab
my hair with his hand as he let out a moan.
"Yes, baby... do it... just like that..." He moaned and pushed his cock into my
mouth, almost choking me. I gasped, but he didn't stop. He pulled it out and hit
it again while his hand grabbed my hair.
“It's so… good, honey. Your mouth adapts very well to my cock. Yes, take it
baby, take all of me,” he continued talking dirty fucking my mouth with his cock.
My hands grabbed his ball, massaging it slowly as his cock entered my mouth.
"Ah, fuck..." Hardwick cursed again as he thrust harder, making me choke
I'm sure my mouth will hurt after this.
"Yes...I'm cumming, love," he moaned loudly before I felt his sticky cum release
into my mouth.
“So fucking good,” he moaned before pulling out his cock. The tip of his cock
was glistening with his cum. I was about to spit, but suddenly he knelt in front of
me and grabbed my chin.
“No, honey, you're not going to spit that out. You will swallow it to savor it, to
remember it.”
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Do you want me to eat your semen? I looked at him with wide eyes. My mouth
already hurt because of its enormous size and now that he was holding my chin
I couldn't help but do what he said. With difficulty I forced myself to swallow his
cum because I know he wouldn't let me spit it out. Even though it looked so
dirty, my body was excited inside.
What kind of cheating body do I have?
He smiled when he saw me swallow "sweet girl." “You are so sexy swallowing
my cum like this”
Before I could say anything, he leaned down and claimed my lips, which still
had his cum on them.

I yawned as I stretched my arms. I looked around and found myself alone in my

No sign of Hardwick. I grimaced, but yesterday's scenes flashed through my
My cheeks heated up again. Did you force me to do this? I shook my head, oh
my god.
I'm really going crazy. This man is making me do things I've never done before.
I didn't even imagine it in my dream. Pushing these thoughts away, I got out of
bed and grabbed my new clothes to get ready.
When I left the tent I saw that the floor was already full. I remember that
yesterday the elders declared that the game would start today. Turning my
head, I saw Shiny, who I didn't see after the breakfast incident. I walked
towards him and lightly touched his shoulder. She jumped before turning
around. He sighed when he saw me.
I raised my eyebrows "what happened?"
“Uh… nothing,” she shook her head.
I sighed "are you still thinking about yesterday?"
She looked up “it was my fault. “I shouldn't have done that,” she shook her

“It's okay, Hardwick too…” I don't know how to describe it.

"No. I know he is the Alpha and I shouldn't have said such foolish words in front
of him. "I was totally embarrassed, plus Jion lectured me much later," she
I laughed out loud “Hardwick is arrogant too” I shook my head “you are excited
about the game. “Today is the official opening, I think.”
She nodded “yes, I am. “I’m looking forward to the game and its rules.” Shiny
looked around

Before I get close to my ear, I

and don't forget to let me know when your companion is nearby.
“I really don’t want to see it,” he whispered at the end.
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I raised my eyebrows before laughing. It's funny to see her like this. It seems
that Hardwick's threats have really affected her so much that she wants to hide
from him.
"Because? Are you afraid?" I asked, suppressing my laughter.
Shiny pursed his lips “your partner is very scary. Last time, it seemed like he
would really do what he said. “I would have died of a heart attack if that had
really happened.”
I shrugged "who knows?"
But I know clearly that what he said he would do without hesitation. For a
person like Hardwick, he will do whatever you say because he doesn't waste
"I'm going to-" Shiny stopped immediately when his eyes fell behind me. I
frowned at him.
What happened to him suddenly?
“See you soon,” then he quickly turned around and almost ran away from me
while I stood there confused. This girl, what happened to her just now? It was
as if he had seen a ghost. My question was answered when the smell of
patchouli hit me strongly.
My body relaxed when I knew who this smell belonged to.
“I thought you were still sleeping,” his voice reached my ear.
I turned around and looked at him “you left me alone.”
He smiled “you were sleeping so soundly. “I couldn’t find the courage to disturb
your beautiful dream.”
“So you thought about leaving?”
"I exchanged a few words with my pack members."
"Giving instructions, huh?"
He shook his head "more like a warning."
I frowned “why do you always talk so serious? I mean, you even consider
pranks a serious matter.”
"Jokes?" He laughed “I don't make jokes, love. In addition, being too hot causes
It is better to let everyone know their own limits and also make them understand
the consequences of crossing the line.”
His tone is quite harsh and strict. It seemed that Hardwick had good control
over his pack members. Looking at his features, he doesn't seem like a good-
hearted person, but rather a demon who will cut his throat if anyone tries to
cross his path. Suddenly
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I felt a chill run down my spine. I don't know what it would be like to live in the
Black Forest.
"What happened? "You seem from another world." Hardwick ran his finger
across my forehead, making me moan.
“It's painful,” I looked at him.
"What were you thinking? When I’m here, your attention should be focused
solely on me.”
"Yeah, I can't see anyone but you," I scoffed.
"Good," he nodded, making my jaw drop. Oh really? This man. He really took
my words to heart. Yes, he doesn't play. I rolled my eyes at the thought.
“Let's…” Hardwick was about to say, but stopped when his phone started
“Wait a minute,” he gestured before walking away.
I turned to look at the stage. But there is no one. I haven't even seen my brother
and Tanea since I woke up. Where did they go?
I turned my head to find a familiar figure. Avan stood there looking at me. Not
wanting to deal with him, I tried to leave, but he was in front of me in an instant.
"We need to talk"
I raised my head and gave him a hard look, "there's nothing to say."
"There," his voice became harsh, "don't you think you should explain about the
man you're with?"
Hey, who the hell are you thinking of questioning me like that? I narrowed my
eyes at him.
“What does this have to do with you?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.
“Besides, I don't think my private matters should worry you.”
I saw his jaw clenched as he looked at me harshly. “Don't use that tone with
me, Savannah. I have every right to know about you.”
“No, you don't. You lost everything when you thought of cheating behind me.
You know, Avan, you never really had any rights over me because you never
thought of me as your partner. It was me, who was too blind to see the truth at
that time and wasted my
Automatically translated by Google precious efforts on you. And I'm glad I
rejected you or my life would still be so miserable to look at. I gritted my teeth as
I spat out each word. My blood boils every time I think about my past. Even if he
tried, he couldn't forget it no matter what.
"Are you bringing up this topic again?" Avan looked frustrated. “Reese and I
were attracted to each other at the time, so we lost each other for a while. But
that doesn't mean I never cared about you.
Do you know it well? Did I do everything you wanted, but you're still not
I looked at him. Are you still trying to point out that it's reasonable? Is this man
real? I still can't believe that I was blindly in love with this man who was so
narrow minded that not even a little bit of sanity could get in there. Did you do
everything I asked? Are you playing with yourself?
I laughed “really? You did everything I asked of you. If that's true, then tell me
why you didn't show up for the date night we planned together? I waited for you
for 5 hours sitting alone and tolerating the mocking looks of others. Because?
And when I came home I found you having dinner with your family and Reese.”

His eyes moved. He looked guilty while

I'm sorry about that day. reese
He suddenly sighed and organized a family dinner so that I couldn't leave like
Hearing his reason, I couldn't help but laugh "yes, it was food" I shook my head
before fixing my gaze on him "you really know how to butter anyone, Avan. I
was a fool to believe every word you said. Now I realize that this is all false.
Reese suddenly organized a family dinner, but you can't leave, but couldn't you
call me to let me know?
So that I can also participate in the dinner. Everyone knew that I was your
partner, but you couldn't tell that I was waiting for you, but you chose to hide it
and enjoy your time with them.”
I snorted, "If you forgot I was still a family member and didn't bother to tell me
but made some lame excuse to prove your point?" Wow, isn't that so amazing?
I applauded. A sudden feeling of disgust arose in my heart.
“You know what, Avan? "You are not just a cheater, but a selfish being who only
thinks about himself."
Avan's expression changed slightly. I never cursed him like that, but I didn't use
to years ago. I gritted my teeth in anger as I looked him straight in the eyes.
Then I said something that little by little changed his entire expression.
"And I refused to have such a self-centered bastard as my partner."
Claiming his novel Tempting Mate chapter 22
Savannah's POV
Avan's face changed several times. If it had been in the past I would have felt
bad for saying harsh words or would have been scared seeing his expression.
But everything has changed now. He never wanted me as a woman but as a
companion to maintain their bond to increase his own power and rule the pack.
All he could think about was himself. After the harsh betrayal I have realized
that what I had was not real but a moment of surrealism that blinded me to such
an extent that I forgot about myself and forgot how to preserve my own respect.
"What did you say?" Avan asked as his eyes danced with rage. He was looking
at me so hard I felt like I was about to explode. But she was no longer that weak
Shyla who would give in to him. Now I'm Savannah, who will crush every dirty
bastard like him.
I smiled “why? Didn't you hear what I said just now? Do you want me to repeat
it? My eyes glanced sideways and I found a few people turning their heads and
looking at us, which made my smile turn into a smile.
“I must say, after staying away from the pack, you have some courage,
Don’t forget that you still had some connections with Bright Shine and you
should know that I, the Alpha of the pack, will not tolerate your bad behavior”
Avan spat angrily. His eyes turned blue. Normally he has light blue eyes, but
when they turn a dark shade of blue, it means his wolf is taking over his body.
But looking at it right now, I don't have an ounce of fear in me. I looked at him
Crossing my arms around my chest I bravely looked into his dark blue eyes.
"I think you're wrong. Show your Alpha power to your pack. I'm sure they will
greatly appreciate your power. But please refrain from doing such a thing in
front of me because I am neither a member of your pack nor related to you. For
an Alpha trying to show off his power to intimidate members of another pack,
don't you think he's overreacting? I said in a mocking tone.
Although I spent many years of my life in the Bright Shine pack, in the end the
truth must be told and there was no damn connection between us. Farid and
Selina took me away from my own parents and raised me there as their
daughter, without any care or love. Although I treated them with respect and
loyalty, in the end I was returned with betrayal and accusations. Now, looking at
him, I felt like he had forgotten about this matter and was still trying to unite with
his so-called pack.
“You can deny Savannah all you want, but don't forget that your adoptive
parents raised you for so many years. But once you have your real parents, you
forget about them. It is this
How are you repaying their efforts to raise you? Avan blatantly accused of
changing the point. His eyes held the challenge asking me to respond.
I saw that some people around us began to whisper to each other. Avan was
doing it intentionally. Make them think that I have no morals and that I neglect
the elders because of my own selfish needs. I clenched my fist. Bastard, all the
shameless things were done by him and his shameless pack members and now
he's blaming it on me?
“Oh,” I tilted my head. “Efforts do you mean letting your pack members make
fun of me because I couldn't change at a certain age? Or are you referring to
the fact that I didn't agree to be your partner when you were cheating on me
behind my back? Do you mean all these efforts? I asked.
Suddenly, all the defiant gleam in his eyes disappeared. But before he could
say, I continued again.
“The parents you indicate were the ones who took me away from my own
Because? Who told them to steal another baby taking advantage of the
situation? Is this act called morality? The parents you indicate are the same
couple that cornered me just to make me the substitute for their daughter who
was drowning in greed to become your Moon even though she was not your
partner. The parents you are indicating were the same person who asked me to
adapt to the situation and go blind to you and my supposed big sister fucking
each other. Is this what you call MORALITY? I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Since he wanted everyone to know, so I will tell you the whole truth about them,
about what they put me through all these years.
The audience around me gasped at my sudden outburst. I felt anger rising
inside me and my chest tightened. My palms began to sweat as I looked at the
person in front of me, stunned. How dare you pour dirty water on me as if I were
the most innocent being in this world? The idiot of a man who couldn't control
his cock and found my so-called sister's pussy to play with. My body began to
burn with anger. I can feel my eyes starting to change color. Red is taking over
my body. When she is in power, my eyes instantly change to dark violet orbs.
Even if my powers are not enough to kill an Alpha but enough to seriously injure
~ Today I will eat your fucking meat. This bastard, he dared to insult us like
this~ I heard her moan loudly.
I was about to take a step towards Avan when I felt a strong force pushing me
back. My back collided with a hard chest and a pair of arms wrapped around
~ Mate ~ Red purred sweetly, inhaling the earthy scent of patchouli that hit my
nostrils, filling it with sweetness and relaxing my body immediately. I leaned
closer feeling the comfort in his arms.
I heard a growl and turned my head only to see Avan looking at me but more
like looking at the person who was hugging me.
"Who the fuck are you?" Avan growled pointing his finger.
“Do you think you are qualified enough to know my identity? Since when did a
tiny being like you have so much guts to question me? Hardwick replied
If I say Avan is a proud bastard, then Hardwick is an arrogant dominant. His
words will be enough to shake you with anger if you can't control them. As
expected, when Avan heard these words, he exploded. Because a proud
person like him will never endure such an insult.
Then, before anyone could think, he charged at Hardwick using his Alpha
Others around us gasped as they witnessed the scene. Not only them, I even
gasped at their action. But Hardwick pushed me behind him, making me
stumble. I raised my head and looked at them.
Avan's veins almost popped out as he swung his punch hard at Hardwick. But
before it could land on Hardwick, it moved, causing Avan to punch the air.
Hardwick bowed his head and slammed his fist into Avan's stomach. That force
was so strong that Avan fell to the ground while spitting blood from his mouth.
My eyes widened in shock. Although I know that Hardwick is strong enough to
take on Avan, I didn't expect him to be so strong. Although Avan was a bastard,
he is still an Alpha and Alpha blood runs through his body, which is somewhat
different from other male wolves. But now, looking at the scene, it seemed that
Avan was nothing more than a weak child when facing Hardwick.
"What's happening?" I heard my brother's voice. I turned to see him running
towards us as Tanea followed in a panic.
Devak frowned as he looked at Avan who was wiping the blood from his mouth
"how did this happen?" He turned to me and asked.
“Nothing, some people don't know how to control themselves,” I shrugged.
"It is?" Devak glanced at Avan.
“Next time you better know who you're dealing with. If I ever see you near my
Savannah again, I'll make sure you don't exist the next day. Hardwick's harsh
voice landed, making my heart skip a beat.
Did your Savannah just call me? A certain warm feeling spread within me.
"Heh, your Savannah?" Avan asked as he stood up from the ground.
Hardwick walked over to me and took me into his arms again before turning to
look at Avan “Why? Do I need your permission now to claim my own partner as
Avan's eyes widened immediately. I mentally smiled at him. It seems like he
never expected to hear something like this. Hardwick dragged me with him as
he looked at me.
“Come on, I don't want you to stay in such polluted air.”

"Are you OK?" Tanea asked as she handed me a glass of water.

I nodded before drinking it. Because of those screams, my throat suddenly felt
dry. I just wanted to have some peace but it seems like Avan won't let me have
some peace. Thinking about it gives me a headache. When I was clinging to
him he didn't look at me and now that I wanted to go away he chases me. Don't
you get tired of all those dramas you're creating?
“What exactly happened there?” Devak asked as he sat in front of me. We are
currently in Devak's store. Since he and Tanea were not present at the incident,
they don't really know.
I sighed. “Avan just couldn't wait to bother me. “Today he accused me of being
rebellious towards the so-called adoptive parents.”
“That bastard,” Devak clenched his fist, “still has the nerve to accuse you like
that. Are you looking for your own death because you are too bored in your life?
If he really wants it, I will honor his wish.”
I rolled my eyes. Devak is always aggressive and always thinks of killing if he is
Tanea patted his arms.
"What are you thinking? Always killing and killing? Do you know other things
besides this?
Devak looked at her “What do you mean? He is bullying my sister to this point
and you are stopping me. Did you forget that you are my partner? “Sav is like a
sister to you too, woman.”
This time I rolled my eyes twice. Now there's another headache. I rested my
head on Hardwick's shoulder. His arms slid around my waist supporting my
“Now I felt that my decision to come here was totally wrong. Damn, there is no
peace at all” I muttered as I looked towards the couple who were arguing with
each other.
Hardwick chuckled "your brother and his partner are too active"
“Stop making fun of them.” I grabbed his arm, adjusting my head on his
"Tired?" The whisper.
“Hmmm…” I nodded, closing my eyes, “where were you? “It took you so long to
talk on the phone.”
"Sorry, I had some important things to handle."
"Who called you anyway?"
“Jealous love?” A slow giggle reached my ear.
"Do not change the subject"
"Ryan," he responded shortly.
"Hey? WHO?"
“My beta. I gave him some work. “I was frustrated by that,” he chuckled.
“You sure know how to annoy people.”
“It is his work. "He likes to make mistakes so he was also the one who had to
face the consequences."
I raised my head and looked at him "but you trust him, right?"
He smiled “he's like a brother to me. “His father used to be the Dark Forest beta
and he worked with my father for many years and dedicated all his loyalty to the

I smiled "So you've known Ryan since childhood?" “We grew up together,” he


We smile at each other. Suddenly he leaned forward, bringing his head closer to
mine. Our noses were almost touching when he tilted his head and almost
captured my lips...
"What did you say?"
I jumped in shock and turned my head to look at Tanea, who was looking at
Devak. I almost forgot, they are here too.
"Come again. What did you just say?" Tanea asked again.
"That? Is not true? Devak raised an eyebrow.
I really don't know what they were arguing about. I was lost in my own world
and couldn't even understand his points.
"Devak Lang, how dare you?" Tanea looked so angry that it surprised me. I've
never seen her get like this.
"That?" Devak asked, putting on an innocent face.
“You…” Tanea gritted her teeth and then sneered “well, since you are so
arrogant, so be it.
Sleep outside the tent tonight,” he said and walked out of the tent leaving us in
shock, mainly Devak whose jaw was already on the floor.
I looked at Tanea's disappearing figure and then my eyes fell on Devak, whose
mouth was still wide open. I pursed my lips trying to suppress my laughter.
“Well…ahem…What's up with the game? Who will be joining today's event?
He turned to me and his friends. “Shiny and Jion are participating today,” then
his eyes darted towards the door again.
I watched his reaction and rested my chin on my palm. “Don't you think you
should follow her? I mean, if you want to enjoy your night counting the stars,
then it's your choice, you know?
“Fuck” before I knew it, Devak's figure disappeared from the room. I frowned
and turned to look at Hardwick, who was already smiling.
"What was that?"

"That? Did your brother disappear into thin air?

I rolled my eyes "wow, what an explanation!" "Oh, since the crowd cleared
then..." He moved and then pulled me towards him.
"What are you doing?" I frowned.
"Don't you think there's still something unfinished, darling?"
Hey? Unfinished?
“Unfinished what?” I couldn't understand what he meant.
“Something we started earlier,” he leaned in and whispered. His face was close
to mine. So close I can feel his warm breath fanning my cheeks.
Did it start before? Then... oh my god, I realized it. We were about to... But
before I could think about it, Hardwick captured my lips in a bone-curling kiss.
Damn, this man is an expert at dominating. But damn, I like it a lot.
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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 23

Avan's point of view

I agreed inside my tent angrily. Anger peaked as I inhaled deeply.
How could this happen? How come I never knew Savannah had another
partner? So early?
How did you get your second chance so soon after the rejection? I can't contain
my temper and I hit the table with my fist, breaking it.
Who is that man? Why is it so strong? His blow was so strong that I didn't have
time to dodge it. He was fast and very strong. I thought he was just a man trying
to seduce Savannah, but after fighting with him, no, he's not an ordinary man. I
need to check his background. But him and Savannah being together is
something he couldn't stand. Where is that sweet, loving girl who always found
ways to stick to me like glue? Who is always willing to do anything I ask of him.
As? How could she change like this?
I'm not going to let that man steal Savannah from me. Even if she rejects me, I
won't accept it. She has to stay with me whether she likes it or not. I have to
bring her back to my pack. To do this, even if I need to use dirty tricks, I will do
it. Suddenly, a sinister smile appeared on my lips. I heard my phone ring and it
was my dad.
“Avan, how are things going there? "
“He is not a good father”
"What happened? Don't you know Savannah yet?"
“No, I already met her. It's just that…” I continued as I wiped the blood stains
from my mouth with the back of my hand, “she got another partner.”
"THAT?" Dad roared “What the hell did you just say? Does Savannah have
another partner?
"Yeah. I found out about this matter today. We had a fight and this person is not
your average wolf parent. There's something strange about him." I grimaced.
"Avan, are you sure of your information?" Dad asked.
“I have no reason to lie. I thought that although her brother was persistent and
arrogant, as long as Savannah accepted me there would be no problem. But
things are not as simple as we planned. “There is someone else who claims
Savannah as his mate,” I said through clenched teeth. Just thinking about the
previous incident made my blood boil.
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“Don't lose your cool, son, we must think carefully about this matter before
taking any action. And remember that your anger will not be able to conquer his
heart. You need to be soft and gentle. All women like this temperament. You
made mistakes in the past, so learn from them and don't repeat them again and
ruin your own future,” my father said elsewhere.
I closed my eyes trying to calm my anger. This topic is sensitive now and what
dad said is true. I can't show my anger in front of Savannah. I already ruined my
impression of chasing her. Now I need to show him my soft side and win his
heart. If she believes in me again, no matter who this guy is, she will be mine.
Although I know this will take time, I am willing to wait like she has waited for
me to be with her in the past.
"It's okay, dad, I know what to do."
“Well, get a grip. I will investigate this man.”
“Okay,” I responded and he hung up.
I let out a sigh and looked at the broken prices on the table. My body still hurt
from that blow. I thought I was well trained in the fighting field, but I was wrong.
Semen. I need to keep reviewing my own practice. Because next time I can't let
him win against Savannah. Today I was restless and made a mistake, but next
time there won't be one.
"Avan," a sweet voice called from behind. I turned to find Reese standing
behind me, worried.
"Are you OK? “I heard you got into a fight,” he said softly as he approached me.
That fight again. I clenched my fist. It will definitely stay in my mind until I get
revenge on that man. Hell, I won't stop until I die next time.
“Avan, say something. You’re scaring me right now.” Reese grabs my arm and
shakes it lightly. I looked at his gentle expression. She looked at me with love
and affection. And there is a trace of longing in his eyes.

"I'm fine" I shook my head.

"Thank God. "I was scared when I heard you were hurt." She made a sad face.
God, women were supposed to be like this. Sweet, gentle and adorable.
"Are you worried about me?"
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“I love you Avan, of course I will be worried about you. How can you doubt my
affection for you?
He asked in his soft voice.
"I need you" I leaned in and whispered in her ear, making her shiver.
"Avan, I'm all yours," she responded with a deep sigh. I smiled. Damn, since I
can't have Savannah right now, I'm going to fuck her.
"You're so good for your Alpha," I said huskily before leaning down and biting
his neck.
She moaned loudly, clinging to me.
"That's great, baby," I said again as I placed kisses on her skin and my hand
ran down her back and unzipped her dress. Instantly the dress hit the floor and
she stood there naked, completely exposed for my eyes to see. Damn, she's
still beautiful. I instantly became rock hard and my cock twitched in my pants.
"You're making me so hard," I said and immediately took off my pants and
boxers before picking her up. Her legs crossed around my waist and her arms
went around my neck.
I bent down and spread her buttocks to feel her wetness.
"Fuck baby, you're so wet" I cursed and pushed my cock into her wet core. We
both moaned loudly with pleasure.
“My God, Avan…”
“Fuck, that feels so good, baby. You’re still so tight after fucking you so many
times,” I said and felt her covering my cock with her juices. She is getting even
wetter. I hit her hard and slapped her butt.
"Oh God..." Reese groaned, closing his eyes.
"Tell me I like you? Are you a little whore?
"Yes, Alpha, I really like it," she replied.
"Good girl" I slapped her ass and increased my pace.
"Ask me to fuck you hard, baby, ask me," I growled again.
“Oh…please, Alpha. “Please fuck me,” she said as she moved her hips.
"How greedy" I laughed and walked over to the bed and pulled it while I was still
on it.
Her back touched the bed but I grabbed her hips and lifted her up a little while I
fucked her like there was no tomorrow.
"Tell me who you are," I hit her hard.
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“Oh… God…” She moaned “I'm your fucking Alpha. “I’m your cock whore,” she
said, moaning louder. She knows how to please me.
“Fuck,” I increased my pace and reached out to squeeze her breasts.
“Yes, you are my whore. This pussy is for me to enjoy. I hit her hard.
"Ah...please fuck me harder, Alpha"
“Take it, slut, take me all the way,” I rocked her with one hard thrust. Fuck, this
feels so good I'm about to explode.
"I'm cumming... ah... Avan..." Reese yelled.
“Fuck,” I slapped her pussy as I gave her my final thrust.
"Fuck... “Savannah,” I murmured as I released my cum into her pussy. This is
totally paradise.

Savannah Viewpoint
The next day came quietly, without any disturbance. When I woke up in the
morning, I found myself in a cage.
Hardwick held me in his arms and didn't let me leave until his mood was good
enough. It was very difficult to deal with, but deep in my heart I love him.
Enjoying every beat of his dominant nature.
"God, I'm definitely going to die if I keep eating this food" Shiny grimaced as he
looked at the plate spread on the table. I sighed inwardly, it wasn't just her, but I
am also included.
Well, no criticism against the food. Although the flavor is simple, it is still
adjustable. But the main thing is that
“Adjustable” could not refer to daily meals with the same dishes.
Tanea entered the beautiful store. She was wearing jeans and a crop top, while
her hair was up in a bun. He sat in front of me with a bad mood.
Today our breakfast was served in my tent so that everyone is present here.
"What happened?" I asked her.
“Don't ask me about that. “Ask your idiot brother.”
Shiny, who was drinking water, suddenly spit out upon hearing it. He coughed a
little before patting his chest. I laughed at her reaction as I focused my attention
on Tanea.
"Did you sleep outside last night?" I asked, smiling.
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Tanea rolled her eyes. “Do you think that arrogant king of your brother is going
to let that happen? Also, the fucking door to the store didn't help,” he swore.
I laughed and wiped the corners of my eyes. Wow, my eyes are filled with tears
and I laugh a lot. I never understood how Tanea handles Devak's arrogance like
this. Come to think of it, my brother is very arrogant. He couldn't wait to tease
Tanea until she had had enough and then chase her again. It's like a natural
circle that rotates.
"Do you need me to do something with the door?" I asked her.
Tanea put on a poker face: "Will this stop that bull?"
"Bull? Ha ha..." I held my stomach as I almost rolled on the ground.
“Who is the bull?” Then suddenly, Devak's voice echoed in the room. Tanea
snorted and turned her head, not looking at him.
He frowned before walking over to the table and sitting next to Tanea, who was
still avoiding him.
I suppressed my laughter as I looked at him “well, you should ask your partner
that. “She knows better than anyone who she is.” I shook my head.
Devak turned to look at her "you know?"
“Humph,” Tanea snorted, but didn't even look at him. I really have no idea why
they are arguing. But looking at them, I think it's a little bigger this time.
“I asked you something,” Devak frowned.
“Where is Alfa Hardwick?” Tanea asked, completely ignoring him. I know she
does this to annoy him because Devak goes crazy when others don't answer
his questions.
I shrugged my shoulders in response “no, after he woke up he left.”
I felt it was strange. Hardwick hurriedly left after the phone call. Who was that?
What made you so restless to be in such a hurry? I grimaced, but couldn't find
any answers to my own questions.
Why are you interested in his partner?" Devak asked again.
Tanea quickly turned her head to look at him "what does this have to do with
"Baby, everything you do is my business."
“To hell with your worry,” Tanea snapped.
“Okay, stop you two. What's going on here?" I asked them.
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Tanea rolled her eyes but didn't speak. While Devak frowned. They don't seem
to answer me at all. I gave them a poker face before shaking my head. I'd better
focus on something else.
"Did you participate in the gaming event yesterday?" I asked Shiny who was
poking the food on the plate with a fork.
"How is that?" I asked curiously.
"Tedious. I thought they were putting up some challenges to test skills, but in
the end they are all weak. The first round is hunting white deer in the forest."
Shiny rolled his eyes "Is that really called game? Seriously, hunt a white deer.”
“Stupid deer?” His voice lowered with a mocking tone criticizing everything.
“Maybe they'll make the next level a challenge,” I told him.
"I'm not going. Jion said he'll go today. If tomorrow is exciting, then I'm ready for
“Good luck then,” I smiled. Although I planned to join the game, for now I really
don't want to see Avan's face. Every time I saw him, I felt disgust. First of all, I
never found the logic to fall in love with a person like that. I was so blind that I
couldn't see his true face, but I pursued him as if he were the treasure of my
life. I rolled my eyes at the thought. At that moment an aroma filled my nostrils
and my mouth immediately watered.
It's the smell of my favorite bolognese pasta. But who brought this here? I can
smell it later.
Just as he was thinking, Hardwick walked over with an order in his hand.
"Where were you?" I asked him as he sat next to me. Shiny, on the other hand,
lowered his head focusing on the plate.
“To bring this” He pointed to the package in his hand.
"That?" I grimaced.
Hardwick did not respond, but unpacked the package before removing a locked
plastic container. My eyes are glued to it because I can smell the aroma. Is that
what I'm thinking?
Could be? Hardwick slowly opened the lid and my eyes widened.
It's really pasta bolognese. My mouth instantly watered and my hands itched to
pick up the fork and eat. After coming here I didn't eat well because of the taste
of the food, but suddenly seeing my favorite food on the table, my stomach
growled softly.
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“Looks like someone's hungry, huh” I heard Hardwick's joke, but now I don't
care, but my attention is on the shiny plastic container with my favorite food.
“You are this…” I turned to look at him.
"You didn't like the food, so I ordered it for you."
"How did you know it's my favorite?"
"Luna told me," he shrugged.
Mom, she told him everything, but I didn't know anything about him.
"Did you do this for me?" My heart was flattered.
He smiled "you are precious to me"
And that was enough for her to jump into his arms. He brought my favorite food
because I didn't like the taste.
He even worries about such small details, how could I stand still without any
reaction? And for the first time I felt that my second chance was the best thing
that could happen to me.
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Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 24
Savannah Viewpoint “I think today's event will be exciting,” Shiny exclaimed
next to me, looking at the prefabricated stage.
"Why are you so excited?" I asked in my bored tone.
She turned to look at me "isn't that right?" His eyebrows furrowed.
I shrugged. “I thought this event would be fun, so I wanted to participate, but
after coming here, I found it beyond boring.”
She laughed, "I must say that you are more interested in spending time with
your partner," she wiggled her eyebrows provocatively.
“Do you want me to call him?” I smiled.
"Damn, you're no fun." She turned her head as I laughed.
After that incident, he's been avoiding Hardwick like the plague. No matter what
she didn't look at him. And I really think that's fun. I never thought I would scare
a woman so much. Speaking of my partner, I haven't seen him since the
When I woke up, he was alone and there was no sign of him except the little
note he left saying he had some work in his backpack and would take a look.
~ah, you're already missing him~ Red whispered in my mind.
I rolled my eyes ~ do you really need to intervene? ~
~ I am your wolf. Where do you think I can go?~
~Sleep well~ I suggested.
Red rolled his eyes ~ Yeah, do I look like a sleeping beauty to you? ~
I smiled~ weren't you sleeping the whole time before?

~Are you making fun of me?~ What does this have to do with me? You were
underage to change ~
she barked.

Good! I cursed under my breath.

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~ look ~ Red smiled this time ~ the cat bit his tongue ~ he joked.
~shut up~ I rolled my eyes.
~Humph, it's better to deal with Onyx.~ At least he knows how to make me
happy with delight~ he purred.
~ you like him a lot, I understand, but please don't come in like that all the time
~ I rolled my eyes. I never could understand when my wolf got horny?
~ he is our partner. Of course I will love it. And please don't talk like you don't
like his touch~ he snorted.
~remind me to confess your unending love for him~ I shake my head.
~ I really want to see what it is like. His name is already cool ~
She's not the only one, but so am I. I want to see my partner turn into a wolf.
This will be the most beautiful sight to see and thinking about it, I can't wait for
it. My hands are eager to touch his fur and enjoy the softness and lean into him,
into his warmth.
“Thank you for meeting us again. I hope those who participated yesterday
enjoyed the play” suddenly the familiar voice reached my ear. I came back to
reality and discovered that an old man was on stage giving his speech.
“Today we are going to do a labyrinthine race. “To seek the final objective and
place their flag as a sign of victory,” the oldest said again.
~wow, running in the maze is interesting~ Red said to himself.
“This is going to be interesting” Shiny shouted next to me. I looked at his excited
expression and shook my head. He is too happy to control himself. Maze
running? Oh really?
What is there to enjoy?
"Are you cute?" I asked her.
She nodded vigorously “of course. Isn't that exciting? I mean, come one. oh
The first game was very boring, but this one is good. At least they added some
difficulties along the way to make it adventurous and plus we can put up our
flags too”
“Yeah, some clowns jumping around,” I muttered under my breath.
"Come on," Shiny playfully slapped my arms. "Don't be such a sissy now."
“I'm leaving here” I raised my hands in the air in a position of surrender.
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“Wow, go away” Shiny laughed and joked with the crowd where they were
supposed to join the game. I groaned before turning around and finding Tanea
walking towards me.
"What happened to you now?" I frowned at her when I saw her in a bad mood.
"Your brother happened to me," he spat. "I really don't understand why the
moon goddess couldn't be a little merciful to me before mating with your
brother," he snorted.
I laughed "can you turn that down?"
She looked at me as I smiled. Although I know that my brother is a complete
idiot when it comes to courting, but as his partner, Tanea also has no
alternatives. And I know she loves him too much to stay mad for long. This is
what I am witnessing in the last two years after joining the pack. While it is
sometimes frustrating to listen to their arguments, it is also wonderful to see
how strong their bond can be.
“That ma-” Tanea was about to speak when Devak’s voice appeared in our
Tanea closed her eyes and made a crying face. I pursed my lips not wanting to
“Wait woman” and instantly he is in my brother’s cage “where do you think you
are going?”
“Screw it,” Tanea spat angrily, giving him a hard look.
"Damn, I need to teach you a lesson about this," Devak cursed before lifting her
into his arms.
“Demon, put me down on this one” Tanea shouted loudly. I narrowed my eyes
at my brother. Does this man know that PDA is embarrassing for a woman,
especially with an arrogant man like him?
"I'll let them know what a demon I am" He didn't even look at the others and
walked straight towards his tent, leaving me alone there with my eyes wide
This... this man really has no shame when it comes to control. I shook my head
and massaged my head, which now started to hurt. Thinking of this, Hardwick's
face suddenly appeared in my mind and a small smile appeared on my lips. He
was another person who felt no shame. And I witnessed so many things… my
cheeks began to burn. Hell, even the slightest thought about him makes me
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This man really has great effects on me. I never thought a man could affect me
like this.
Wait a minute, speaking of my partner, where is he? He left a long time ago, but
he hasn't returned yet.
Where is?

Reese's POV
“Everything is fine mom, you don't have to worry” I smiled while talking to my
Images from yesterday flashed through my mind.
"How is Avan?"
"He's a little upset and it's all because of that bitch" I gritted my teeth "I couldn't
believe she was still trying to play hard to get to be with him"
“I knew that woman would never abandon Avan, no matter how superficial she
acted,” the mother responded angrily.
“Avan even got beaten up because of him. Do you believe that, mother?
"That? Was Avan hit? Mom gasped.
“Yes, I don't know the details and Avan is not willing to share them. Tina told me
about this” I clenched my fist “Mom, that bitch still wants to seduce him. "I can't
let this happen."
"Do not worry dear. You are more beautiful than her. Just don't show your anger
in front of him.
Remember that men always look for gentle, sweet and submissive women who
submit to their will. Also, since Avan was beaten by that bitch, he must be
angry. Take advantage of this situation and make the most of it”
I frowned "how?"
“Reese, do I still need to teach you everything verbally? Aren't you my
daughter? Why have you become such an idiot now?

Mom scolded him.

“Mom, because of that bitch my mind is a mess. I couldn't think of anything right
now. You have to help me"
"How is your behavior after the incident?"
“He was angry, but then he behaved kindly and even made love to me. “I can
see that he is attracted to me and couldn't wait to sleep with me.” I felt a blush
creep up my cheeks as I thought about it.
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I thought about seducing him before but when I entered the store I didn't have to
do anything because he was already enjoying the benefits. The way he fucked
me shows that he still has feelings for me.
“Well, since that is the case, you might as well take advantage of this situation.
Look, don't be mad when I meet that bitch. Let them get together and try to
make the situation worse so that Avan sees that bitch as a bitch and despises
her even more.
When he is angry, take advantage and seduce him. For a man like Avan, he
really couldn't resist you and then… a smile appeared on my lips when I heard
my mother.
"You understand?"
“Yes mom, I understand everything,” he smiles as he responds.
“Well, I know that my daughter will never lack for anything. You must hold on to
this point to achieve your goal.
Don’t forget that once you get the title and position, it will be yours and no
matter what, you can’t miss this opportunity or that bitch will definitely take
advantage of it.”
“Don't worry mom, I know what to do.”
“Okay, I'll be waiting for your good news. "Don't make me wait too long."
"Yeah." I nodded, even though I knew she couldn't see, so I hung up the call.
No matter what happens this time, I will never let Savannah interfere in my
matter. Two years ago, just because she was his partner, I had to use seduction
to attract Avan to me and I succeeded. But this time she is already out, but
Avan is still reluctant to make me his Luna and still leaves the position empty. I
will never let him have this and use me at the same time. Since he is not willing
to give, then I will snatch him away to make him mine.
I left the store to look for Avan, but instead found Tina, who was running out of
her store. I called out to her, making her stop.

Why are you in such a hurry? And have you seen Avan?
“Alpha decided to join the game today and asked me to accompany him. “The
game was about to start,” Tina responded hurriedly.
My eyes sank. He didn't invite me, but he told Tina to join him? How could he do
"Did he say something about me?" I asked her.
She nodded. “Alpha said not to bother you. “He said you were tired, so let
yourself rest.”
I started to blush. So he didn't want me to get tired. Avan really cares about me.
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"I need to go now. I'll see you after the game," so he hurriedly ran away.
I watched her join the crowd and sighed. Last night, Avan was very tough. He
was big, but he showed no mercy as he fucked me as hard as an animal. I still
feel deep pain from your torture. But my heart was happy that he still cared
about me. I know that only I can drive you crazy and turn you into an animal in
bed. We slept countless times and each time he was kind, but last night was
amazing. But I liked it.
But by seducing him, will I finally be able to achieve my goals? I turned my head
and saw that bitch walking towards her store. I couldn't help but scoff as I
looked at her.
Just because she looks a little pretty, he thinks, may keep me from Avan, but I
won't let her win.
Seeing her disappear, I turned around but stopped abruptly when a smell of
month hit me and my eyes immediately widened.
No no no... It just can't be.
I looked up and found a figure standing a few feet away from me. He was
looking at me and suddenly my wolf growled.
My heartbeat stopped in an instant as I stared at the person without moving an
inch. He came closer, but didn't take his eyes off me.
"Mine," he growled slowly.
He looked handsome. He is tall and has a well-built body. He stood in front of
me and said in a low voice.
"My partner"
For a moment I couldn't say anything. I knew that Avan was not my partner and
that one day I will find my partner, but I am happy to see my real partner. I was
devoted to Avan a long time ago and wanted to become his Moon, although we
didn't have that bond, but we were attracted to each other.

What's your name?" He asked again.

— You are... — I began.
He smiled. "I'm John, beta of the Silver Shine package," he introduced before I
could finish my words.
Beta? My fist clenched. Is it just a beta? Why does it have to be beta? If I
accept it, I will have to live under the repression of a Moon in the pack. Also, it
was just a beta version of some common package. I mentally shook my head.
Avan was the Alpha pack of Bright Shine, while my true companion is the beta
version of some pack. Although it looks good,
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The position he holds is not something I want in my life. Besides, I already gave
my virginity to Avan and I'm not going back after all the effort I made to achieve
my goal. Damn, I want to curse my fate and the moon goddess for mating me
with a beta. Why did he have to give me a beta as a partner? Can't choose
between the thousands of candidates on your hands?
No. I can never accept that. I can't live my life becoming partners with a beta. I
shook my head quickly. John looked at me with a frown because he couldn't
"Not…." I said as I backed away as he reached out to touch me "that couldn't be
"What are you talking about?" —John asked.
"Not…." I said again and turned around before running towards my tent.
“Wait… you didn't say your name. Where are you going?" John called me, but I
was careless to look at him. Who wants to share a name with a beta?
I will never accept a beta as a partner when I have Avan and my future ready.
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Romance claiming her tempting companion chapter 25
Savannah Viewpoint
“So you're finally free” I smiled when I saw Tanea walking towards me. It was
already night and Jion and Shiny suggested that we make a fire near our tent.
The weather at night has cooled down a bit, so using a campfire is a very good
method. I didn't see her after Devak forcibly took her to the shop and what
happened between them was something I don't care to know.
Tanea sat next to me, but I can see faint spots of blush forming on her cheeks.
I laughed and took a sip of my coffee. All thanks to Jion who had the idea to buy
this Starbucks coffee for us to enjoy. I was really hoping for that.
"What happened?" Shiny asked with interest. His eyes sparkled as he looked at
“Nothing… I just thought she was busy because I didn’t see her.” I shrugged.
“Speaking of which, today's match was exciting. I mean, they really put a lot of
effort into creating that hellish maze system. I almost thought I was at the end
point, but then the path changed and left me confused,” Shiny said smiling.
“You got lost twice,” Jion rolled his eyes.
“Who told you to meddle? I can find the way alone. “I didn’t ask for your help.”
Shiny barked at him angrily.
"Oh, is that so?" Jion suddenly smiled "if they really left you behind, it would be
another task for us to find you instead of completing the game"
We laughed upon hearing this as Shiny pursed his lips and turned his head

“Who won in the end?” —I asked Jion.

“The Dark Forest, I must say that they are very good at solving puzzles. “They
were quick enough to find paths and head towards the end,” he replied.
The Dark Forest again. I repeated the name in my mind. Hardwick said he did
some work on the herd, but it's getting dark and there's no sign of him. Here
your team is making good progress, is it because you are giving them some
secret instructions? But when I asked him, he slowly refused without hesitation.
"What happened?" Jion clapped his hands getting my attention.
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"Uh...nothing" I shook my head.
“The Black Forest is always like this. They really have good skills and
strengths,” said Shiny, explaining further.
“I even heard that they never practice in public, everything they do is secret. I
wonder what kind of methods they use to train?
"Who knows?" Jion shrugged, “But that doesn't mean we're lost either. We got
second place anyway”
“It doesn't matter who wins or loses this game. What matters is that you are
participating and demonstrating your skills. Furthermore, the games were
played by the elders from an early age, so they only serve to maintain the
tradition,” Tenea said after a while.
I didn't bother to join the conversation as I sipped my coffee enjoying its flavors.
On this cold night hot coffee and a warm fire was all I could ask for. It wasn't
long before my brother joined us. He seemed calm and collected this time. It
seems that his anger disappeared after forcing himself on Tanea.
"Where were you?" Jion asked, frowning at him.
“Busy,” Devak replied just before sitting next to Tanea and hugging her. I rolled
my eyes at his action. Is she the kind of territory where he always publicly
displays his dominance?
"Were you busy too?" Jion raised his eyebrows and looked at Tanea before
shaking his head. Between Shiny and him, he's smarter. I guess you already
know what kind of "busy" they mean.
Laughing, I looked around. There were few people left outside the tent and they
also lit a fire like us. But what caught my attention was a person who seemed
anxious. Under the shadow of the trees there are two fingers facing each other.
But what was surprising was that they seemed to be arguing about something. I
frowned as I narrowed my eyes at them. The girl was none other than my so-
called sister who couldn't wait to kill me. But the man next to him didn't look
familiar. He wasn't Avan, who was he then?
I saw him holding his arms, but Reese shook off angrily and said some things
The man frowned before answering something. I couldn't hear them because
they were a little far away from me, but their sudden arguing really caught my
attention. I really want to know who that man was. Because I've never seen
Reese flirt with any other man besides Avan. Although she is a bit of a bitch,
she has never cheated on Avan. I think she has real feelings for him, even
though he's not her real partner.
Wait a second. Friend? My eyes followed the arguing couple again. Reese said
something before turning around and leaving the boy just staring at her. There
was some kind of expression on his face. My mind moved and something hit it
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Is this man your partner? True companion? I bit my lip as I pondered this. If he
is her true partner, will Reese leave Avan? But thinking about the kind of
personality Reese has, I couldn't believe it. Reese is always greedy for power
and reputation. She could do anything for this. But will he really sacrifice his
partner for this? Would it be possible?
And the answer will always be YES.
I shook my head and, about to turn it, I felt a pair of arms wrap me in a warm
hug. oh
The familiar smell of patchouli hit me and I knew who it was. He left early in the
morning without much explanation and I didn't get to see him all day, which
somehow made me sad, but now thinking about him again made my heart skip
a beat. Soon his rough voice filled my ears as his warm breath tickled my skin.
"What are you thinking? Do you miss me already?"

Hardwick's point of view

I groaned as my phone's annoying ringtone rang, interrupting my sleep. I
opened my eyes and the first thing that appeared was the beautiful face of my
companion who was sleeping soundly. His face was calm and he leaned
against my arm, using my shoulder as a pillow.
~She is so beautiful~ Onyx screamed in my mind~I can't wait to have her all to
~you're not the only friend~ I replied as my eyes glued to our beautiful face~
I'm dying inside just to feel it inside her~
Onyx moaned loudly ~ fuck, I'm hard now ~
I laughed shaking my head ~ you're spanked ~ ~Fuck yes~ Onyx agreed
without hesitation.
The constant touches did not allow me to focus all my attention on my partner. I
rolled my eyes in frustration and moved my other arm to grab my phone. When I
saw the name flashing on the screen I almost groaned again. Semen.
"This must be something important or I'm going to cut your head off right now," I
hissed as soon as I answered the call.
"Damn man, what's got you so hard?" Ryan's voice reached my ear.
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"Give it to me" I gritted my teeth.
“You have to come back here to the pack” “Right now?”
"What happened there?" I grimaced.
“Border problem, I had to go around twice before finding the holes”
"What did you get?"
"That's why you need to get here" I rolled my eyes.
"Alright, you better make this important or else-"
“Damn, that's it. I don't have free time to call you. “I’d rather have a good fuck
than talk to you,” Ryan spat angrily.
I rolled my eyes and hung up the call. All he knows is fucking and that's what
happens when a single male goes crazy because he can't find his real partner.
It's strange that Ryan remains single while having sex with countless women. I
shook my head and turned my attention back to my sleeping beauty. It's a good
thing my partner is sleeping soundly, so I hope she wasn't interrupted while I
was on the call. I ran my fingers along her soft arm. He moved a little, but didn't
wake up. He sleeps very deeply. I laughed and slowly removed his head and
placed it on a pillow. After admiring her for a while I kissed her on the forehead
and got out of bed. I don't like a lot of clothes in bed so I only slept in my
underwear and it was nice to have my partner without anything separating us,
not even those thin layers of fabric.
Grabbing my shirt, I pulled it on and put on my pants and shoes before grabbing
the car keys. Before I left, I made sure to write a little note to let him know after
he woke up.
The trip back to the pack area was quite long. It would probably be 3 hours and
that makes me very uneasy because I don't want to leave my partner there
alone. But I also couldn't help but return to work in the pack. It's frustrating
waiting until this damn event is over and I can finally have her to myself. When I
finally got to the group, Ryan was already waiting in the office.
"Finally, you're pretty fast," he smiled when he saw me enter.
"Fuck it, get to the point"
“Very rude,” he groaned, “I don't have free time to call you. If the matter wasn’t
serious enough, I would be enjoying my time instead of staring at you.”
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"What happened?" I sat in my chair giving him my full attention.
Ryan wrung his hand. “I received some news at the border. A few days ago,
some bandits were arrested and placed in a dark cell for investigation. “I was
about to inform you of this matter, but I found out first.”
I frowned at him "rogues?"
He nodded again.
"You saw them?"
"Actually, I did, but how serious is the person behind this bandit movement?"
Ryan looked at me before sighing, "It's Messiah Olson."
I clenched my fist and hit the table hard. Fuck that bastard. He couldn't wait to
cause trouble and invade my life again.
"And now?" Ryan asked again.
I shook my head "not now." I just found my partner and I can't get involved in
such dirty matters so soon. Not until I'm sure of her safety first.
“As the invaders have already been captured, punishment is being carried out”
“Which one do you want to use?” Ryan asked lazily, tapping the table.
I looked at him and smiled "I don't think I need to tell you that" I get up from the
chair "you really enjoyed playing with your whores, why don't you invite some of
your men to play with the new ones?" Toys in the cell?
“You…” Ryan looked surprised and then shook his head.
“Bring me the audio soon,” then I left the office.
“Fuck, this is hell,” I heard Ryan curse behind me.
I went to my room and took a shower to relax my body. But I couldn't forget
Ryan's words.
Messiah Olson, the biggest thorn in my life that pierced me so deeply that I
could not heal my wound. This name has been etched in my mind and heart
and has haunted me all these years.
~There will always be time for revenge~ Onyx said in my mind.
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~I'm looking forward to that day when his head will be in my hand and his body
will roll on the ground like a bastard like him~ I reached out and rubbed my hair
as it soaked with the water. The cold water cooled my body, but failed to cool
the raging fire inside my chest.
~It's not time yet~
~I know~ I closed my eyes and suddenly a pair of beautiful purple eyes
~ I miss her already. I couldn't wait too long to book it. Letting him go unmarked
is not adjustable~ Onyx shook his head~ we have to put our mark on him~
~ we will do it ~ I nodded ~ it's time to claim what is ours and wait no longer ~
After calming down, I turned off the shower and grabbed a towel before
wrapping it around my waist. Walking into the room, I picked up my black shirt
and jeans. Once I was done, I grabbed my car keys and my phone before
leaving the room.
I saw that Luina was waiting outside my room with her head bowed "Master."
“I buy a new wardrobe and pack all the things my partner needs for daily use. I
need you to check everything in person. “I accept no blame in this matter,” I
“Yes Master, please trust this maid. You will never complain about this
"Good. Make sure you check back,” he nodded.
"Yes sir"
I need to organize everything before I bring her here. I don't want her to have
less. She will be the mistress of my pack. My Moon that will rule the entire Dark
Forest by my side. But first I need to do some things so that she doesn't feel
uncomfortable after living here with me. With this thought, I left the house and
walked directly to my car to return to Tiwan Forest. I really don't know what
sparked her interest in that dramatic event, but since she liked it, I'll be there.
My only concern is my company there and with others.
Just screw them.
When I entered the Tiwan area it was already night and I saw other people
enjoying the bonfire in front of their tents.
My eyes scanned the crowd and landed on the small figure sitting in front of the
fire. My lips curled as a smile began to form on its own. I walk towards my
companion and am then hit by her musky amber scent. My body immediately
relaxed. The person next to him was saying something, but my
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His companion was in deep thought. I couldn't wait any longer as I held her
small body in my arms and whispered in her ear.
"What are you thinking? Do you miss me already?"
She gasped, but relaxed her body and leaned against my chest. I buried my
head in her neck inhaling her sweet musky scent that always drives me crazy
and wants me to tie her to the bed and fuck her hard until she forgets everything
but my name.
"Where were you?" She asked after a while.
“I needed to go back. “Some pack work”
"This is urgent?"
I smiled “why? Can't you be without me now?
"Can you be a little serious?" I can feel her rolling her eyes.
I laughed "I can't help it when my partner is driving me crazy."
“Hardwick” gasped again “shh… There are people around here. “Don’t be so
shameless,” he scolded.
“Honey, there is no room for shame while I dominate my own partner. Just fuck
everyone else,” I responded as I kissed his neck.
She took a deep breath as I smiled. She is very receptive and her body always
reacts when I play with it. I love how your breathing quickens every time I kiss
you. I just love it.
“Oh my god… you're really impossible,” he let out an irritated groan.
"Fuck, don't do that, baby, or I won't be able to control it." I growled softly in his
"Hardwick, please," his voice almost begs. But it was like music in my ear. And I
want to hear more.

“Fuck,” I cursed and pulled her with me. She gave me a confused look.


"Come with me" "Where?"

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I smiled and pointed to the store with my eyes. He looked at the store and then
at me with wide eyes.
"No no…"
"Ah yes yes". I didn't let her protest any further as I picked her up in my arms
and walked towards the store.
After such a tiring day, I can finally feel the sweet taste of my companion.
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Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 26
Hardwick's point of view
I lowered the heavy curtain of the tent and walked towards the bed before laying
her down on the soft mattress. As soon as her back hit the bed, she looked at
me with wide eyes, full of surprise and also embarrassment because her blonde
cheeks were now tinted pink.
Oh, how I love seeing that face of yours. It's enough to make me hard, thinking
that all these effects on your body were just my fault.
"How can you do that?" He asked while his eyes were still wide open.
I smiled "why can't I baby?"
“Hardwick, everyone there looking at us. It was really embarrassing,” he pouted
as his voice sounded like a reprimand.
I hovered over her and smiled at her blushing face “Do I need other people's
opinions to have you, dear? You are mine and if others have a problem with
that simple fact, then they can go fuck themselves.”
Savannah rolled her eyes and rested her head on the bed. She sighed and
murmured “you're impossible. Talking to you is like banging your head aimlessly
against the wall.”
His words reached my ear and made me laugh out loud. It was fun, but also
sexy, to find her giving in to my every need. It fits me perfectly and is made for
me. My partner, my other half and my destiny.
"Do you know how beautiful you look now?" I whispered, getting closer to his
His breathing quickens as I can hear his heartbeat speeding up inside his chest.
Your body is reacting and responding to my action, which is the best part. I
walked over and placed my hand on his soft chest, squeezing it lightly.
Savannah let out a moan and closed her eyes.
“You have such a receptive body, darling. “I can’t wait to devour it completely.” I
used my husky tone in his ear before leaning down and kissing his neck. My
hand cupped her breast, which fit perfectly in my palm, and I used a little
pressure to massage them.
"Hardwick," he moaned, arching his back.
“Do you like this, honey? Do you feel my hand on your weak spot and how I
play with that?
"Oh... God…” he moaned loudly as he bit her neck. I sucked on her soft skin,
nibbling on it a little forcefully. When I raised my head, I smiled as the red mark
formed on his skin.
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~Fuck, she looks beautiful~ I can hear Onyx's low growl in my head~ I want to
bite her nipples~ he demanded.
I pushed him away and looked at my partner again. Grabbing her chin I made
her look at me before crushing my lips against hers. The sweet taste of her lips
drove me crazy with need. I sucked on his lips, savoring him like he was my
favorite candy before sticking my tongue into his mouth. Like a good girl she let
me in and I devoured all her sweetness inside her mouth. This soft, tender
sensation of her lips made me hard and I felt my little friend squirm in my pants.
I ran my hand over his body. She was wearing a knee-length dress, so it was
even easier to slide my hand into her dress. As I devoured her sweet mouth, I
ran my fingers up her thigh, lifted her dress, and then slid them inside her.
My hand found her weak spot down there, wrapped in her thin layer of panties.
I ran my fingers over her silk panties and rubbed her sweet spot over the fabric.
Damn, her sweet juices couldn't be hidden and already wet her panties.
"So wet baby, you're driving me crazy," I said as I came out of his mouth. "You
want me to be down there, don't you?" A mischievous smile appeared on my
lips as his face blushed even more.
"Are you wet for me?" I held her wetness as I asked her.
"Hardwick..." he moaned, but that wasn't what he wanted to hear. I wanted her
to respond to me, so I used my fingers to pinch her wet pussy lips.
"Ah..." Savannah moaned in pain and pleasure, arching her back.
“Answer me,” I demanded, pinching a little harder.
"Yes," he sighed.
"Whether that?"
"Yes, I'm wet for you," she finally responded.
I smiled "good girl." You like it when I play with that slutty pussy of yours, don't
“Yes,” she replied.
I slid the thin fabric of her panties to the side and touched her wet pussy lips.
This is fucking good. God, she's wet, she's just asking me to slide inside her
and fuck her.
"You're so wet, baby," I said as I pinched her clit and then used my middle
finger to slide it inside her wet pussy. But I stayed still and didn't move.
"Oh God..." Savannah moaned again.
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I used the tip of my thumb to slowly trace her clit while I added another finger
into her pussy “can you feel it baby?” Feel how tight you are that even my
fingers couldn't relax a little.
You're making me very horny, honey. I leaned down and bit his shoulder.
"Hardwick…please," she moaned again.
"Please, what, darling?"
"I I…."
"Yes, tell me baby, tell me what do you want?" I encouraged her.
“It… it hurts, please….
Savannah's face turned even redder, if possible.
"Do you want me to move in, honey?" I smiled "tell me, do you want me to touch
your sweet pussy, baby?"
"Yes please"
That was the sweetest thing I've ever heard. This woman beneath me looks so
seductive that I can barely control myself. I never knew how I went all these
years without even knowing of his existence in this world. I removed my fingers
before pushing it into her, making her body jump a little.
"Ahm..." Savannah moaned, biting her lip.
"Feel me baby, feel my finger invading your sweet pussy, claiming its place to
mark you as mine," I whispered as I pounded her pussy with my fingers. She
holds my shoulder with her hand, moaning.
As I increased the pace, she held onto me like her life depended on it. I looked
at his flushed face as he lay beneath me, a moaning mess. It wasn't long before
I felt her walls tighten around my fingers.
"Ah... Hardwick..." With a loud moan, she released her juices all over my
fingers, coating them.
"Fuck, that was sexy, baby." I kissed her, taking away all her sweetness. I
circled her clit with my thumb and again slapped her pussy. She moaned again,
but it stayed in my mouth when I kissed her hard. No matter how much I wanted
to, I couldn't stop making her cum again and again, covering my fingers with her
cum to show me how greedy she is and all that greed belongs to me.
And I just.
Reese's POV
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I walked in and found Avan talking on the phone. He was only wearing his
boxers and had his back to me.
Seeing his hard body and muscles I blushed. No matter how much I saw him
naked, his naked form still managed to make me blush. I was wearing my thin
black evening dress that only reached the thigh to give a good look to my legs. I
walked slowly towards him.
"Yes of course. "There won't be any problem," he said by phone.
I sighed and hugged him from behind. I love this man so much that the mere
thought of him being away from me scares me. I will never let you go, no matter
what. Avan turned around and disconnected the call.
“Avan” I looked up with my seductive eyes.
"Because you are here?" He asked him.
“Can’t I come meet you?” I looked at him and smiled. “My store is cold, I don't
like it.
Can I sleep here tonight?
Avan frowned "cold?"
I nodded “yes, you know I don’t like the cold.” I put my hand on his chest and
ran it over his hard muscles.
Avan grabbed my wrist “it’s okay, you can stay here. But I have work to do, so
I’m going out,” he said and pushed me a little before grabbing his pants and
I frowned at him. What happened to him suddenly? Last night he was very
romantic and even fucked me until dawn, but today he deliberately avoids me
even though I am trying to seduce him. I went towards him.
“Avan, you're working too hard. You are not tired? I touched his shoulder as he
sat on the bed in his pants.
“It's important,” he responded briefly. I clenched my fist, but smiled at him.
“You are always very busy. Assuming all the work and fulfilling all the
responsibility. I'm just worried that it will wear you out. Why don't you rest with
me tonight so you can relax your body?
He looked at me and stared at me for a while before putting on his shirt "thank
you for your concern Reese, but you should know that I am an Alpha now and
there are some pack matters that need my attention and no matter what I do, I
just do it." ". I couldn't ignore it” he stood up.
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"You should rest early" and then without saying another word he left the store
leaving me alone.
I looked at his back before clenching my jaw so hard it hurt. Now he is ignorant
again. Because? Last night he felt like a beast tormenting me in every way
possible, but now he was just avoiding me like it was some kind of sin. What
mom said was right, she couldn't let this happen over and over again. I can't let
him think about me a second time and then abandon me when he gets bored.
He couldn't let that happen. Avan is mine and has to remain mine, whether we
like it or not. I need to continue with my plan before it's too late to take any
I left the store and was about to go towards mine when suddenly a hand pulled
me. They dragged me to the side corner. As soon as I saw who it was, my
blood boiled with rage.
“Why were you at Alpha's store so late?” John frowned as he looked at me. I
pushed his hand away angrily.
“I already told you, what I do is my business and has nothing to do with you.”
“You are my partner. Have you already forgotten?
I gritted my teeth, “partner or not, I don't care.”
His face darkened as he looked at me "what the hell are you talking about?"
Then he looked at my body "you went to Alpha late tonight in a fucking
revealing evening dress"
I rolled my eyes “what I wear is my business. Who are you to lecture me about
"It's you, man," he almost growled, "I need to remind you every time."
I laughed “mate? A beta?
"Because? What does this have to do with me being the beta?”
“I don't want to be a fellow beta. “I don’t want to become your partner and live
my life under Luna’s pressure,” I responded through gritted teeth.
John frowned first, then his eyes roamed over my body again. His eyes widened
as he looked at me in disbelief. “You, you went to his store to seduce him?” I
didn't answer, but I looked at him.
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He shook his head before running his fingers through his hair “did you really
want to seduce your Alpha because you want to become his Moon? “Fuck,
you’re not even his partner,” he replied.
“There is no need for you to interfere in my matter. What I want or will do has
nothing to do with you” I almost yelled at him.
His eyes shone with a dark glow as he looked at me. John is tall compared to
My maximum height reached his shoulder, so he looked at me. There is no
warmth or tenderness in those eyes like before. Suddenly, my heart sank hard.
“I thought I had found my partner, I was happy with the idea, but I never
expected my partner to be someone like you. Undisciplined and shameless,” he
spat angrily.
I felt something piercing my heart. Whether I liked it or not, he was my partner.
The person who was meant for me. But the position I held was not something I
wanted. Since I was little I was told that whoever has great power can only be
happy in life and it was at that moment that I decided to grab the power. And
John doesn't have that thing. But Avan does, he is the Alpha and once my plan
succeeds, what I want will be within my reach. Thinking about all this, I
tightened my eyes and heart.
“You,” John shook his head, “I couldn't believe I took you as my partner. Damn,
he punched the tree near him in anger. She turned around and looked at me
with eyes full of rage “because a woman who can get into the bed of another
person who is not even her partner just to get some title is nothing more than a
greedy bitch. You can never be someone's companion, do you know why?
Because you're worse than a slut who uses her body to climb stairs in search of
power. His greed is so great that ordinary people could not achieve it.
Damn, I regret the day I met you. Meeting someone like you is a waste of time
and effort.”
Suddenly my eyes filled with tears. No one had ever cursed me like that. No
one has ever used these languages to speak to me. But the one who does this
is my partner. I couldn't force out any words as I just stared at him.
“It was my bad luck to be paired with you. He would never accept as a partner a
slut who couldn't wait to fuck another man. “Damn,” John swore, shaking his
head. He turned around and walked for a while, thinking about what to do next. I
blinked back the tears that threatened to fall.
That will be the best, right? I already gave my virginity and my heart to Avan
and I have nothing to give my partner.
“We could have been happy together. We were meant to be, but you ruined it
all. “It’s all your fault” he accused again, but there is a pain in his eyes that
lingered for a moment.
“Since you are so addicted to sleeping with your Alpha, then it will be better to
stay with him as your whore.
I will free myself from this bond. The bond with you is nothing but a curse to me
and now I will free you from that bond so that you can pursue your greedy
need,” he clenched his jaw as he looked at me with his dark eyes.
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My chest tightened as my heart began to beat faster. I knew what would come
after that.
This will all end after this.
John looked at me for a moment as something flashed in his eyes before he
closed them and shook his head.

head. He opened his eyes and there was nothing but emptiness John Smith, I
reject you Reese as my SELF,
A sudden, strong wave invaded my chest and began to burn. I held my chest
trying to ease the pain. This is the pain of rejection. My wolf moaned in pain. My
knees became weak and I couldn't help but fall to the ground. John shook his
head as a pained expression crossed his face before he turned and left the
scene. As I sat there, clutching my chest as the burning began to increase
“This is all for you Avan, all for you” I murmured as I closed my eyes trying to
bear the pain.

“It's all because I couldn't complete the line because my vision became blurry
and my mind went black. I felt my body fall backwards.
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Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 27
Savannah Viewpoint
I woke up alone again. I turned my head to the side only to find the seat empty.
I groaned as I sat on the bed. Morning departures from Hardwick are becoming
more frequent. I really need to talk to that man. Last night he didn't let me think
for a second before playing with me with his cruel hands making me cum again.
He was so passionate that I couldn't help but give in to his need and desire.
~He gives us life~ Red said in my mind.
~Definitely~ I couldn't deny it either.
He is our companion, the man of our life. Naturally, he has every right to
dominate us and claim us as his own and I must say that Hardwick is
demonstrating this very clearly. Each of your movements leaves me breathless
and burning with desire. He never stopped showing us how much he needed
us, how much he missed us.
“That man left me alone, today I will definitely talk to him about this matter” I
determined before getting out of bed and looking for clean clothes to change
Once I was done, I walked out of the store and frowned when I saw some
people milling around the corner. What happened suddenly? They were
whispering while looking at something. Curiosity hit me so hard that before I
could stop myself, my body moved towards the crowd. I pulled away and what I
saw made my eyes widen. What the hell is that?
Reese was lying on the floor in her somewhat revealing evening dress. The
dress was too short to cover her body as the hem rose, almost showing her
inner thigh. As far as I know, she's not someone who sleeps on the floor like
that and barely wears anything. This thought is very scandalous, but the scene
before me forces me to believe in reality.
"What's going on?" Suddenly, a harsh voice echoed through the crowd, making
me smile. Sure enough, Avan's frown appeared in the crowd, but that frown
immediately turned into shock.
"What the hell?" He took a step forward before reaching down and grabbing
Reese's arm.
“Reese?” He shook his body. But the person on the ground did not move.
She is dead? No... I shook my head. Because his kind of person won't die so
“Reese” Avan slapped her while saying her name. Reese's eyelashes glowed
as she moaned and opened her eyes.
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“Avan… ahhh…” He shouted when he saw the crowd. She shook her body and
lowered the not-so-long fabric, trying to cover her bare thighs. "What's going
on?" "What's going on?" Avan gritted his teeth: "What the hell are you doing
here lying on the floor in that kind of dress?"
Reese seemed surprised as she looked around the crowd. "I…. I don't know.
Last night something happened and I... I do not remember anything"
I crossed my arms and watched his drama. You do not remember? It was
definitely the fastest lie he could come up with at the moment. Trying to appear
completely innocent and becoming a victim of the situation to gain the sympathy
of others. This kind of scene is nothing new to me. In the past she used to use
this trick and put all the blame on my head to make me suffer.
"Does not know?" Avan’s anger could be heard in his voice “Are you saying that
someone put you here like this? Are you trying to make a fool of yourself?
You’re…” Avan shook his head, stood up, and dragged her with him. “We'll talk
later,” so he dragged her with him. The crowd disappeared when the drama
finally ended. I sighed and was about to turn around when a pair of arms
wrapped around my waist.
“Did I look enough?” Hot breath fanned my cheeks. I turned abruptly and
frowned at the person who looked so fresh and smelled like heaven.
"You" I put my index finger in the middle of his chest "I have some negotiations
with you, sir"
He looked at my fingers and smiled "oh, how do you want to deal with me,
love?" He tilted his head slightly, "should I undress in front of you so you can
deal with me without any problems?"
My eyes widened at his words. This man. Do you know that the word shame
also exists in the world?
I turned his head “no, don’t try to change the subject. “You and I are going to
talk about something serious today.”
"Serious?" Hardwick frowned. "What happened?"
"Leaving me alone in bed is becoming your habit, sir, you should look into this
matter before I finally decide to keep you at arm's length," I threatened.
“Was this the serious matter you were suggesting?” Hardwick raised an
I nodded "of course"
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He threw his head back before laughing out loud. What happened? He meant it,
but is he taking it as a joke? Do I seem like a wild card to you? This shameless
man. I struggled to move away, but he hugged me tighter and even pulled me
closer to his body.
I looked at him “how dare you laugh like that? Do you think I was joking?
"But I didn't want to wake you up when you were sleeping like a baby, looking
so beautiful and innocent and almost giving me enough strength to control
I felt my cheeks burning. Damn this man and his words. I always manage to
melt the anger I strive to awaken in my chest. Without saying anything I turned
my head to the other side.
"Or... do you want me to break your ass early in the morning so we can both
enjoy the pleasure of the morning light?"
I slapped him hard on the arm, “shut up. “Don’t be a pervert.”
He smiled “since I met you you have already taken me to the maximum point of
"Oh my god, talking to you is useless, humph" I pursed my lips.
He laughed again “today is the last day of the event.”
"That?" My jaw hit the floor. Last day? It came so fast before I realized it.
Did I feel like I arrived yesterday and today is the end of the game?
"You seem disappointed"
I looked at him “I haven't participated yet.”
“You can do it today if you want,” he assured. I shook my head.
“Maybe you can't leave without trying a game”
"All these games are childish, why are you so interested in this?" He
I rolled my eyes “you can’t say that. Your team is already trying to win.”
"They're addicted to winning, so it's their problem," he shrugged.
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Are you trying to draw a complete line between
yourself and your own pack?”
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"It is so obvious?" He asked, smiling. I rolled my eyes again. Really like? Do
you really think you can do this? What Alpha separates himself from his own
pack like that?
“Anyway, today I'm going to join the game, but first I need to fill my belly,” he
said, rubbing his belly.
"Come on," he grabbed my hand and almost dragged me with him.
"Didn't you say you are hungry?"
"But this…." Thinking about these foods, I sighed inwardly.
"Do you like waffles and burritos?" He asked suddenly, making my eyes widen.
“Did you buy them?” My voice was filled with emotion.
He smiled "only if you're willing to share the last bite."
Without thinking I threw myself into his arms. This man, oh my God. He is really

An hour later the match of the last day was decided. Since today is the final
move, the elders wanted to make it memorable and also a little dangerous.
Shiny wanted to join in, but I pushed her out of the way before saying my name
while Shiny sulked like a child.
“Are you sure you want to participate? “Today's game is a bit dangerous.”
Devak frowned.
"Why not? Plus, danger is always a challenge." I shrugged.
"I was just worried about you," Devak groaned.
“Come on, why are you trying to stop her? “A wolf will never be strong if it does
not accept challenges and fight against dangers.” Tanea intervened.

"I know, but she is..."

"Do you want us to prove that Snow Moon couldn't accept the challenge
because it's dangerous?"
Tanea frowned. “Father will scold you to death.”
I rolled my eyes. Tanea is truly amazing. She knows exactly where to hit.
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Devak looked at me and then at her before sighing “that's not what I meant. “It's
okay,” he turned to me. “I wasn't stopping you, I was just worried about your
I smiled at him. My brother is always very protective, but this is something that
sparked my emotions and warmed my heart. This is why I love him so much.
“I'll be fine, okay? Also, it's just a game, not a life or death situation. “Nothing
will happen to me,” I said softly.
He nodded "ok, call me if you feel anything dangerous"
"Okay," I smiled.
"You look so happy" Tanea smiled at me.
“Yes,” I nodded. “I still can't believe that today is the last day and we are about
to abandon this hunting event.”
“This year was much faster than the previous one. I mean, it started earlier and
it will end soon.

also. The last time I went was very long.

Tanea shrugged.
"Is that?" I frowned, "did they change the schedule and rules?"
“Not everything,” he laughed.
"Because you laugh a lot?" Devak asked, causing Tanea to roll her eyes.
"Now I can't even laugh?"
“Hey, that's not what I mean. What made you laugh like that?
“Your sister made me laugh. Happy? Tanea forced a forced smile.
"Okay, stop you two," I interrupted each other, "don't start your arguments here
because I need some quiet."
“I'm going to check something” saying that he left us. Tanea looked at his back
before sighing loudly.
"Are you two still arguing?"
"Yes," she nodded.
"What happened? You two are not like that." I grimaced.
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“It's not like that,” Tanea shook her head. “Your brother is a bit argh… he's so
arrogant that sometimes he thinks so highly of himself and doesn't want to listen
to my words.”
I laughed "but you two still haven't managed to avoid being together?"
Tanea rolled her eyes "tell that to your brother who couldn't keep his hands to
himself" she hissed at the end.
I smiled "Are you complaining, dear?"
Tanea suddenly blushed, which made me laugh. Oh God, she definitely couldn't
help herself in this matter.
I mean, she is his mate and no matter how angry the human form gets, she
can't deny her wolf's emotions when her mate is around her. It's not possible.
Tanea was about to say when an arm went around my waist “it's time.”
I looked up and found Hardwick looking at me “already?”
He nodded "they're already there" and pointed to the side.
"Wait, who am I going to challenge?"
“Dark forest,” he answered briefly.
My eyes widened. "Because they?"
"That? Don't you want this?"
"It's not that. "It's just that I didn't expect my first opponent to be your gang."
“Our pack,” he corrected, “you are my companion, so there is no mine or yours,
everything related to us will be ours. Grasp?"
I nodded "yes"
“Well, now come on, the game is about to start and you have to be there with
everyone” saying and he pulled me towards the playing field.
"I'm nervous," I muttered under my breath.
“Don't stay, if you don't want to jump”
I shook my head. “I can't give up now. “I have already reached this point and I
am not going to give up until the game is over.”
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"So stubborn," he leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Since you are so
interested, go ahead. I'll be there watching you."
I smiled at him. This man knows how to warm my heart, even without doing
Soon the elders appeared and gave their speech about the last day's game.
The match was scheduled to be played between two selected teams that would
face each other.
The game involves throwing a dagger at your opponent without causing any
damage and piercing the target behind him. There is only one chance for this
and if you miss it, you will lose face in front of your pack. The elders explained
this clearly and also pressed not to harm their opponent.
Excited, I stood a few meters from the target and prepared for the game. To my
surprise, it was Daisy who will be my opponent today. I don't know why, but this
girl is very strange. She doesn't have any nice aura around her, but it's more
like a dark and cold aura, like she's trying to scare anyone who comes near her.
The older ones opted to toss coins to see who had the first chance, after the
toss I had the first chance to shoot. One of the elders gifted a dagger which has
sharp edges and some floral designs on the bottom giving it a good look. I took
a deep breath and aimed at the target.
Daisy looked at me with a cold look. I frowned at him, but didn't let my attention
stray from my goal.
As soon as the signal came, I threw the dagger at the target. In an instant, the
dagger flew past Daisy and pierced the target in the middle. The people around
me cheered loudly.
Tanea raised her hands giving me the thumbs up sign. I smiled, shaking my
head. When my time is up, it won't be Daisy's turn to perform. Like me, she also
received a dagger. I stood in front of the lens looking at her. Daisy lazily took the
dagger and pointed it at me. There was something in his eyes that suddenly
flashed before the corner of his lips lifted and he smiled at me. I frowned at her
and before I knew it she threw the dagger at me. But the tip of the dagger was
not pointing at the target behind me, but at me. My eyes widened in shock and I
quickly moved my body as the dagger pierced my chest, almost grazing it. My
heartbeat accelerated when I saw the dagger fall to the ground. I can hear
heavy breathing in the background.
What was that? I turned my head to look at Daisy, who was clenching her fist
and looking at the dagger.
I felt an arm around my waist and my body was pulled into a warm embrace.
"Are you OK?" Hardwick's worried voice filled my ears.
"Yes," I nodded, sighing.
“Save” Devak and Tanea ran towards me followed by Jion and Shiny.
"Are you OK?" Devak asked, looking over my body. I shook my head.
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“What's wrong with that girl? Is he trying to kill you? Shiny barked, turning his
head and looking at Daisy.
"Looks like I didn't get the okay last time," Hardwick whispered as he looked at
“Take her to the store, I'll clean up the mess here,” he said again.
Immediately Devak took my hand and took me towards my tent. I turned my
head to look at Hardwick, who was walking towards Daisy with heavy steps.
The aura around him changed to cold and dark.
What is really happening? And why does Daisy want to kill me? Why does he
hate me so much?
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Romance claiming her tempting companion chapter 28
Hardwick's point of view
I walked towards Daisy, who was alone with her head down. I couldn't help but
feel anger rising in my chest. It was a game, but how dare he pull such a trick
against my partner? Do you have any idea what would have happened if
Savannah hadn't avoided the dagger in time?
"Follow me," I ordered using my Alpha tone. I gritted my teeth and walked
towards the tent made for the Dark Forest Pack. I can feel Daisy's trembling
footsteps behind me as I enter the store. Silence reigned inside the store.
“Did you know what sin you committed today?” I asked her.
“Master, that was unintentional,” Daisy replied softly. I turned and looked at her.
"Involuntary? Do you consider me a fool? Or do you think I can't see your
plans?" I growled.
The thought of my partner getting hurt is unbearable. However, he still has the
courage to lie. No matter how much she tried to act in front of me, I knew her
better than anyone.
“Master” Cora and Mark ran inside and looked at us. Their eyes widened when
they saw Daisy trembling.
"I asked you something?" I growled, ignoring them. My only focus now is Daisy
and I don't really care about the others.
"Master this... this..." Daisy stuttered as she bit her lip. Like he was trying hard
to avoid talking, which irritated me even more.
"That what?" I yelled, making her grimace. “Didn't I warn you before? However,
you still dared to act shamelessly?
Daisy looked up with teary eyes. “Master, I couldn't see that. I couldn't stand it.
She may be your partner, but she... she's taking Delaney's place. I can not see
“It should be Delaney, not Savannah,” he almost shouted.
"Daisy," Cora gasped as she desired his mouth.
My anger exploded like lava when I heard her scream. In a second, her neck
was within my reach and I threw her to the ground. My wolf roared in rage as
we watched her. Daisy gasped as she tried to free herself from my grasp.
~Kill her~ Onyx growled angrily. He's as angry as I am.
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"What did you say? You actually had the nerve to say that name. Looks like my
last warning fell on deaf ears, doesn't it? I laughed out loud "who do you think
you are to compare a whore to my partner?" ?You even dared to pronounce
your Moon's name without showing any respect. I pressed even harder.
Breaking his neck is no big deal. It won't take me a second to take his life.
Daisy gasped for air and her skin turned slightly purple. But she couldn't utter a
single word. His struggle stopped and he grabbed my wrist trying to free his
"If it weren't for your father, who was committed to the pack and loyal for years,
I would have killed you the moment you thought about hurting my mate." I
gritted my teeth.
I really underestimated this girl's instincts and gave her many opportunities to
correct her actions, but she will never learn until she receives her punishment.
“Master,” Mark shouted, “she is confused and can't think of anything right now.
Please forgive her this time.”
"Shut up" I turned around and looked at him. “Where were you two when she
had this idea and proposed it in today's game? You two have been with her for
a long time and you still don't find her action suspicious?
Cora and Mark lowered their heads.
"You two are guilty like her, I will deal with you two after I return to the pack."
I turned my attention to Daisy, who was almost dead. “I underestimated you, but
from today you will see what fear feels like.” I loosened my grip and stood up.
“Take her back to the pack and send her to the East Side,” I ordered.
"East Side?" Cora looked surprised and couldn't hide her sigh either. It seems
like they never expected this to happen.
“Master it-”
“Do I need your opinion to make my decision?” I looked at Marcos. “Do not
forget your duty while you get involved in the emotional pond”
“I'm sorry, master,” he lowered his head and didn't say a word.
“Today your actions have already caused damage and ruined the reputation of
our pack. The pack that others considered supreme lost its prestige because of
a mere pack member.
Furthermore, he tried to harm Luna because of her personal matters. This is
enough to prove his guilt. My patience is running out, it will be better if you work
faster than questioning my decision.”
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Cora and Mark picked up Daisy and left the store. I looked at their disappearing
backs and clenched my fist.
Delaney? Oh really?
How can that slut have qualifications to be compared to my beautiful
classmate? Daisy's action today will certainly raise suspicion in Savannah's
heart. My pack members are trying to hurt their own Luna without rhyme or
~ We need to prepare everything before taking our packmate. This kind of thing
shouldn't happen again~ Onyx growled.
~I loosened my grip for a while, which caused big problems~ I replied.
~The Delaney issue should not be addressed in the future. I don't want our
partner to hate us.

~you're right~ I sighed.

Delaney is the most sensitive topic that has ever happened to me. I really don't
want my partner to know about her. If she hates us for this, how will I live?
Whatever happens, Delaney's problem should go away. And this is the right
thing to do. I grabbed my phone and dialed Ryan's number.
It was almost at the end of the ring that he heard "what?" He groaned.
"That…?" because I realized I heard a voice in the background.
"Oh my God... ah..."
I rolled my eyes. This man couldn't help but have sex with women.
"Fuck" Ryan let out a painful moan.
"You can stop your actions, I have some important matters to talk about," I said
on the line.
"Right now?" He asked him.
"Right now"
"Fuck, man," Ryan cursed, then I heard a rustling in the background, like he
was getting out of bed.
"What happened?"
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“Cora and Mark will take Daisy back to the pack. “I need you to take care of her
and send her to the East Side.”
"That? East side? Are you serious?" Ryan barked.
“Do you think I have free time to play?”
“But what did she do?”
“She tried to kill my partner. It's enough?" I gritted my teeth.
“Damn, is your head full of junk? How did he suddenly come up with this
ridiculous idea?
“Ask him yourself when he gets there. Make sure it goes to the East Side. “Mark
and Cora are close to her and I don't want any emotional drama between them.”
"Consider it done. "I will personally take care of this matter," Ryan said.
"Good. Do it before I come back.”
“Will you bring Luna back?”
"Well, I can finally see what your partner is like," his tone was full of excitement.
I rolled my eyes "don't have too high expectations or I'll kick you out of the
"Come on man, you can't be so cruel to me."
At that moment a high-pitched voice shouted in the background: "Come on
baby, come back to me."
“Shut up” so I ended the call not wanting to tolerate it anymore.
I don't want any disturbance between me and my partner, no matter what.
Avan's point of view
"Avan, you're hurting me" Reese grimaced as I dragged her towards the
packing house. When we entered, mom, dad and parents

Reese were already in the hallway.

I threw it to the ground in anger.
“Reese” Salina shouted as she ran towards her daughter.
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“Avan, what are you doing? Is the game over so soon? Dad frowned.
"About?" I laughed out loud "ask this woman what the reason for our early
departure is" I pointed at Reese.
"What happened again?" Dad asked.
Reese was sobbing into Salina's arm. Today her tears didn't make me feel
sympathy, but they did make me feel disgust.
“Reese, what happened? You went to the event happy, but why return in this
state? Salina asked her daughter.
“Mom…mom…” Reese sobbed again.
"What happened? Are you going to explain to me or not?" Dad asked
“What will she say? "
I gritted my teeth in anger. "I'll tell you everything", this was the biggest
humiliation of my pack that I could ever tolerate. After the morning incident I
couldn't continue in the test and had to take Reese back to the peloton.
“This woman has ruined our pack's entire reputation. No matter what I do from
today, the other pack will see us as a joke” I said while looking at Reese.
"That?" Dad was surprised.
"How could this happen?" Salina barked, “Reese has been well-mannered since
she was a child.
How can he ruin the pack's reputation? “Alpha, there must be some
"Misunderstood?" I laughed angrily “do you still say it like that? Ask your
beloved daughter what she was doing sleeping on the floor outside the tent,
with almost nothing.
Salina's eyes widened "what?" She turned her head to look at her daughter.
"Reese, is what Alpha says true?"
“Mom, it was a mistake. "I really didn't know anything." Reese shook his head. I
rolled my eyes at him. Is he still playing an innocent role?
“Alpha, you have known Reese for a long time, there must be some
Besides, Reese would never do something like that to ruin...
“She has already ruined everything. The other pack was ridiculing us and
enjoying the spectacle their beloved daughter was putting on for everyone to
see.” I looked at Salina.
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"Avan, please believe me, I didn't do anything. You have to trust me. I really
don't know what happened. After you left, I got bored and wanted to go to my
store, but suddenly everything became blurry and when I woke up it was
already the next day.”
Reese sobbed.
I can clearly see that it is a lie. Reese is a strong wolf and giving that
explanation is like she's putting herself in the position of an ordinary girl to make
herself look pitiful. While it is true that she has never done anything to cause
harm to the pack, past actions cannot count in the present and there is no
guarantee that she will not do so in the future. Taking her to the event was the
biggest mistake I made. My goal of going to the event is already ruined but in
addition to causing such a big drama I had to leave the event before it ended.
After that incident I couldn't find a good opportunity to talk to Savannah and it
was all because of this woman. Now the members of the other pack who
witnessed the scene will make fun of us. Such humiliation is something I have
never been able to digest. I have been trying to contact and maintain good
friendships with other packs but after this matter will they take me seriously?
“We cannot change this matter. Since this has already happened, there is no
way to change it” my father's voice was heard, breaking my trance. I
suppressed my anger and snorted before turning my head. A feeling of disgust
rose in my chest again.
“Salina, walk Reese to his room,” Mom said after Dad.
"Avan" Reese screamed my name before Salina forcibly took her away.
"I'm sorry, Alpha, my daughter caused a lot this time" Farid looked guilty as he
said as soon as the other two women left the room.
“Don't leave Reese out of the group. Make sure he stays inside the room,” Dad
ordered forcefully.
“Yes,” then Farid left.
"Avan's in the office now," Dad said as he walked into the office. I sighed and
followed him knowing what awaited me.
"How could this kind of thing happen?" Dad barked angrily as soon as I closed
the office door.
"I don't know, Dad." I shook my head.
“You don't know, no,” he hit the table and looked at me. “You are the Alpha, but
you know how a mere member of your own pack caused such destruction. Our
pack is already losing connection and adding more to this issue will weaken
what we have now. Do you want us to drop from third position too?
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I sighed inwardly. He knew what he feared. After Savannah left the pack, one
after another, problems arose from time to time. A pack without any support is
like a lone rogue wandering around. If this continues, there will be no chance for
us to regain our position in the future.
“Did you talk to Savannah?” He asked again.
I shook my head “no, after that incident she stayed in the store most of the time.
She never participated in any games. And even if she is, there will always be
someone with her, especially that man.”
Dad sat in the chair with a thud "do you know who that man is?"
“No” because of other matters I did not have time to investigate that man. But
my blood boils every time I see them together so intimately.
"Do you know dad?" Asked. Didn't you say you would investigate that man?
“He is the Alpha,” replied the father, “Alpha of the Black Forest Pack.”
I sucked in cold air when I heard it. Dark Forest Pack Alpha? The first rank
holder in the tribe. He says that Alpha of Dark Forest Pack never showed much
of itself, let alone participated in small gaming events. But the main question is
how did Savannah meet him? And how do they become companions?
"How is that possible?" I asked the father. “How did Savannah suddenly
become your partner?
How is it possible for a wolf to have two mates at the same time when I'm still
Throughout its life, a wolf could only have one companion. But if for some
reason the first officer died, maybe there is a possibility of a second officer. But
my case is different. Although he rejected the relationship, he could not find
another partner. How did these things happen?
"That's a mystery," Dad said, making me look at him. I didn't say anything as he
“So many things happened in these two years that were beyond our
imagination. And how he got together with another partner is something we
cannot understand. Maybe someone can tell us.”
I frowned “anyone? WHO?"
“There is someone named Beau, I heard he can understand this kind of
mystery. “Then maybe he can help us find out.”
"Where does he live?" I asked.
“In the forest of Tiwan. When this event is over, we will take a trip there.”
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I shook my head. I couldn't tolerate it. Savannah shouldn't be with that man, no
matter what.
She should be with me, here in my pack, living with me. No matter what, even if
there is someone, I will snatch her and bring her back to where she belongs.
And this is my oath.
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Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 29
Savannah Viewpoint
“You're finally here,” Mom said as I entered the packing house. I smiled at her
and hugged her. To be honest, I really missed her a lot. I missed gossiping with
her, preparing food, trying new recipes and making fun of Devak.
And I missed your warm hug.
“There you are, my little flower,” dad came smiling and hugged mom and me.
He is big, not only him, but all the males in our pack are big, tall and masculine.
Dad, in his 40s, still has that "any girl could be crazy" look. He said he met his
mother when he was in his early 20s, after moving. The age of the father and
mother is not that different. Mom just turned 40 years old.
“Welcome home, dear,” Dad sighed.
"What is all this?" A voice growled behind us. Devak frowned as he looked at us
"where is my house?"
"Who are you? "I don't know you" Mom replied making me laugh, Tanea
laughed next to Dev who looked at her.
“Why can't I get my hug? When she got hers,” he pointed out to me. I smiled as
I moved closer to Mom's hug.
"Are you big enough and still want hugs?" Dad joked.
"Go hug yourself, man," his mother waved her hand, making him groan.
Devak snorted and rolled his eyes in annoyance. I laughed as I pulled away
from mom’s hug and walked towards him “ah… is big brother mad? “Then let
me hug you” I murmured and was about to hug him when a pair of arms pulled
me back. My back pressed against the hard surface and I tilted my head to look
"Enough with the hugs," Hardwick said, looking at me. I rolled my eyes. This
man, don't tell me that he is also jealous of my brother.
"He's my brother," I sighed, shaking my head.
"It doesn't matter who it is," he whispered.
"What are you doing in front of everyone?" Devak growled again. I rolled my
eyes twice.
Why is it so difficult to live my life with these two stubborn men?
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"Young man, why are you shouting like that?" Mom scolded him fiercely. Devak
pursed his lips into a thin line and turned his head to the side.
"Hardwick, are you there too?" Mom asked.
“Yes, Luna,” he replied.
"Oh, drop that formality."
Mom laughed. “I told you, we are families. You don't need to address me so
formally. “Call me mom if you don’t mind.”
"I... That's fine thanks". I turned to look at him. Did he really agree? A warm
feeling stirred in my heart. He really respects my parents too much to ignore
their words.
“Since everyone is here, let's eat. “It's lunch time,” the father suggested, smiling.
“Yes, I'm starving,” Tanea agreed immediately.
Mom laughed when she saw her react, “what happened? Isn't the food good
"Come on mom, you know," Devak rolled his eyes, "they're too good to try."
"Shiny almost went crazy after eating the first bite," Tanea laughed.
“Let's go to the dining room,” said the mother and we all agreed. The food there
was very simple.
But I'm glad Hardwick was there. He was very kind to order food from outside. I
really don't know how he managed to do it, but damn, I melted like ice cream
when he brought out all my favorite dishes. Soon we all settled in the dining
room and the maids began to serve us food.
“Ummm… this is divine, I missed eating this” Tanea moaned as she ate it.
Devak turned to look at her. I can see the darkness shining in his eyes as he
watched his companion enjoy her meal without acknowledging her gaze. I drank
a glass of water before pretending to cough.

Devak turned his head and returned to his food.

"So, how's the event going, honey?" Dad asked as he dug into his coffee.
“Boring, I thought since they are playing they would give them some challenging
tasks to demonstrate skills. But the first day I got bored.” I shrugged and
stabbed my fork into the Delmonico Steak.
“They are ancient tribes, in that time when the old generation was alive, they
played life or death and the games of that time would be much more dangerous
than those of today. But this type of game could not be used for entertainment
because no one would play it at risk of their own life. Then the next generation
changed the style and made the game in a fun way so that others could enjoy
it,” the father explained.
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"Who won this time?" Mom asked, all smiles.
“We won,” Devak replied.
"That?" Dad and mom looked surprised.
“What happened this year? Isn't it the Dark Forest that wins every year? Dad
“Maybe,” Devak replied as he looked at Hardwick, who was calmly sipping
coffee next to me. He acted as if the argument had nothing to do with him.
“But at the end of the event, the Dark Forest members go too far. They were so
arrogant that they would even take someone's life as a joke and go around
hurting other people in broad daylight.”
I shook my head when I heard Devak's explanation. What are you really trying
to do? Do you want Mom and Dad to think Hardwick is evil?
"Don't exaggerate, Dev, you know the truth too." I looked at him.
"That?" He shrugged. “I was telling the truth.”
I rolled my eyes and looked at the father “don't pay attention to him, father. You
are exaggerating the matter. At the end of the event, I participated in the game
and faced a member of the Dark Forest as an opponent. It was target shooting
with a dagger. I hit the target, but when she threw the dagger at me, she waved
it at me by mistake, but I moved away at the right time, so there was no
Dad frowned and was about to say something when Hardwick said “it was my
We all look at it. I was surprised when I heard him apologize. Even though he
knew it wasn't his fault, did he really apologize to my parents?
He placed the cup on the table and looked directly into his father's eyes. "I'm
sorry, I couldn't teach my limbs to behave properly, which almost hurt my own
companion." His eyes moved and looked at me. "I've always been proud." of
your abilities but it seems that they are so skilled that they can't handle it” he
then turned to look at his father again “last time it was a mistake, but I will never
let something like that happen again. “I can guarantee the safety of my partner
as long as he lives.”
My eyes blurred with tears, but I blinked them away. I'm not going to cry here,
but your words are very moving. He could show his arrogance and treat the
matter as simple, but he didn't. He didn't take the matter lightly and even
apologized to my parents for it, taking the blame. No one has ever told me
anything like that. My heart couldn't help but be flattered as the warm feeling
enveloped it once again.
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How did I get so lucky to have you as my partner? Without knowing it, he
achieved everything he wanted. He didn't let dad think otherwise and exposed
his true intentions.
As expected, the father's eyes softened and he nodded slightly. "To say
something like that, you have my trust."
Mom smiled “don't worry, after all this is a game, so mistakes happen. You don’t
need to apologize for that, Hardwick.”
Hardwick shook his head. “I have to do this, especially when the issues are
related to my partner.
There is nothing I can't do for her, no matter how difficult it may be,” he smiled
at the end.
“Savannah is lucky to have such an understanding person,” Mom praised, then
looked at me teasingly. I shook my head, but smiled anyway.
Next door, Devak coughed and drank a glass of water. Mom looked at him
angrily. “You, how dare you raise this matter incorrectly?”
"That? "I didn't do anything." Devak shrugged.
“Train 6 hours a week,” Dad said, his eyes wide as a frying pan.
Tanea laughed beside him.
"That?" Devak almost screamed.
“Don't raise your voice against me, young man,” the father said sternly.
“But Dad, I didn't do anything,” he protested.
"7 hours"
"But-" “8”

"Fuck" Dev cursed under his breath and didn't say anything. I laughed looking at
Well done. He always picks on Hardwick. I really don't know why you want to
insult him so much?
After the meal I went to my room, but of course, followed by my partner. He took
my bag from me and placed it near my closet before turning to look at me.
“You really don't need to apologize. “It was a mistake and it’s not your fault,” I
said slowly.
"I shouldn't have allowed him to come in the first place," he muttered.
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I grimaced. Although I didn't tell anyone about Daisy, I really felt like that girl
was trying to bother me. She always showed her cold look, as if she wanted to
cut me into pieces or do anything to hurt me. But why? As far as I remember, it
was the first time I met her.
We are not enemies, but then why did he treat me as such?
"Where are you lost?" Hardwick tapped me on the forehead, scaring me.
I rubbed my forehead and looked at him "it's painful, why did you do that?"
“I was already talking to you, are you lost in another world?”
"I was thinking"
"About what?"
I looked at him “why do I feel like that Daisy girl hates me so much? “She was
always playing with me, whether by appearance or actions.”
He looked at me for a while and said, “Don't think about her so much. "She's a
psychopath and would do anything a normal person wouldn't do."
I rolled my eyes “who are you comforting? A five year old boy?
"Is working?" He smiled.
I slapped him on the chest “you are amazing. Your pack member is about to kill
me and you're not willing to talk about it?
He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, “no one is going to take you
away from me. I won't let that happen.
You are mine"
"Why don't you tell me about this?" I murmured as I rested my head on his

"You know why, right?"

"I already told you"

"No, you were just trying to comfort yourself."

"I'm sorry," he replied.
I sighed. I don't know why he wanted to hide it from me. But I know there really
is something, something so big that he doesn't want me to interfere or he
doesn't want to drag me into it. But how long could he hide this from me?
Since there is someone who has already become my enemy in the pack, I think
there will be more.
"I want to take the package to you," he said suddenly.
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I searched for "so soon?" "Your time is up, darling," he smiled. "I couldn't run
around all the time."
Yes I know. I asked him at the end of the event. Now that it's done, it's time for it
to live. Although I trust him and also feel excited, I couldn't help but feel nervous
as well. When I leave, it will be a whole new world.
“You don't have to worry, the pack will love you,” he assured me, smiling. I
sighed. Now or later, someday it will have to be done anyway. Even if I wanted
to, I couldn't live here for the rest of my life, since I've already been given
another partner to bond with.
"Okay," I nodded slowly.
"Two days"
"Hey?" I grimaced.
“I will give you two more days so you can meet the people you want. I have
some work in the pack.
After two days I will pick you up.”
"Are you leaving?" I felt sad.
"Because? Can't you go without me?" He smiled.
"Don't make fun of me like that." I pushed him.
"I need to go, but..."
"But what?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I need this" before I could say anything. His lips collapsed. That sweet familiar
taste filled me. No matter how much we kiss, we always remain unsatisfied.
As if he wanted another kiss, then another and another. And I don't think I can
ever get enough of it.
At night I sat in the garden with Tanea. Hardwick left after the meal and I told
Mom and Dad to leave the pack. They are sad, but they also accepted it. Since
we are now united, we could not live apart. He only opposed Devak, but deep
down he also knew the truth that I have to go.
"You seem tense," Taran said while smiling.
I nodded. “Dark Forest is a completely new world for me. When I left Bright
Shine with grief, I never thought I would have the opportunity to meet my family.
But luckily I met my real parents, my brothers, but it never occurred to me that
there would be another couple.
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Union I thought I would live here forever, but it seems fate had another plan for
I sighed.
"It's always like that. Why do we call life unpredictable? It's because so many
things happen that we never expected in the first place" said Tanea "at first I
also thought about living in my pack, but I met your brother who didn't let me
live there for long" she laughed "one day you have to take your decision and I
think it's your time to decide."
I nodded “maybe. I will be sad. There will be no one we know, but new faces
with personality.”
“It will get better with time,” Tanea patted his hand, “don't worry about it. I can
see in Hardwick's eyes how much he misses you. This man even comes and
goes for you without worrying about himself. I have always heard that the Alpha
of the Dark Forest is a cold-hearted bastard, but now seeing him in person, I
feel that the rumors are not always correct. It can only be used for gossip, but
not in reality.”
“Do you think I will be happy?” I asked while looking at the sky.
“It's not something I can decide, but it's something you have to figure out. All I
could see is that Hardwick will really treat him with respect and love. And
Hardwick is not Avan to let the past affect his present.”
I bit my lip as I let Tanea's words sink into my heart. She was right.
Hardwick is not Avan and the way he treats me is something Avan has never
done. I will never be able to compare myself because my past will never be my
present again. I changed, the people around me changed and so did the future.
And it was at that moment that I made a decision. No matter what happens, I
will fight for myself and my loved ones.
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Romance claiming her tempting companion chapter 30

Reese's POV *CRASH*

I looked at the floor that was covered in clowns in the room. But my anger has
not diminished, but rather it seems that it is increasing with every second that
passes. My chest burned like fire and was about to explode like lava.
“Fuck Avan,” I screamed and pulled my hair hard.
Mom's cry of “Reese” echoed through the room and I felt her footsteps behind
"What is all this? What do you think you're doing?" She gasped.
I quickly turned around “what do you want me to do mom? Do I have any
options? “Avan doesn’t want to believe me, but he was looking at me with
“How many times do I have to remind you that no, you can't use violence to
achieve anything” he frowned “did you eat everything I taught you since you
were little?”
“Mom, this time the situation is different. I saw the way he looked at me.
Previously, although the matter was big, he never looked at me that way. He
was looking at me like… like he was disgusted with me, like he regretted
everything that happened between us” I shook my head violently “no, I will
never be able to accept the fact that Avan hates me. If he starts feeling like that,
then that bitch is going to take him away from me.”
“Nothing will happen like this,” Mom patted me on the shoulder, “you're thinking
too much. Maybe now Avan is angry and maybe a little disappointed, but there's
no way he's going to hate you. And even if something goes wrong, don't you
have your last card to use?
I looked at her. I almost forgot about this. But even if I have that, the thought of
Avan avoiding me hurts. To him, just to be with him, I gave my partner bond. I
had to sacrifice my real partner just to be with Avan. Suddenly, John's smiling
face flashed through my mind. He was handsome and strong, but I've already
given up, so there's no point in thinking about him. I shook my head.

Mom "Reese." She shook me making me look at her.

"That?" Yo

“I've been talking to you. Where are you so lost? She frowned.

"Nothing," I shook my head. "What were you saying?"

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“I was asking you, where were you lying in the camp? You are not someone
who would do such a thing. Avan was accusing you, so there must be some
I pursed my lips. No one knew, but I also know that Mom won't give up unless I
tell her everything. Also, I need to tell you the real reason so you can help me. I
sighed and sat on the bed.
“I met my partner at the event,” I responded slowly.
"Have you found your match?" Mom seemed confused at first, then her eyes
widened "you...
That? Your true companion? She gasped loudly.
I shook my head.
"Why do not you tell me before?" She ran and sat next to me “what happened?
Who is he?"
“His name was John and he was a beta. “He was handsome and also strong.”
"You….. Is your partner a beta?
"Yeah". I couldn't help but think of John. That day he seemed very hurt when he
rejected me. I knew it was the best for us. I did not keep my virginity for my
partner, but dedicated myself to another man.
Furthermore, even if I went with him, I couldn't live happily with him. From the
beginning I have always admired Avan and wanted to be with him, although I
know he is not my partner.
"What did you do?" Mom asked again.
"Our bond is broken, Mom," I sighed. Even if I didn't want it, he was my partner,
the real one.
"You... Reese, does that mean you went through the pain of rejection that
Mom held my hand as she asked me.
It still felt very painful. I couldn't say a word, I just shook my head.
"Oh, my poor girl," she hugged me. "I know it hurts. But honey, if you want...
“No,” I interrupted her, before she could finish speaking. “I've already decided,
mom, I can't turn back now,” I broke the hug and stood up. “Since I was little, I
have dreamed of myself sitting in Luna's position. I can never give up after
working so hard.”
"Are you sure?" Mom asked.
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“Yes, besides, if I went with John, he would still live as a beta and that is a fact
that will never change no matter what. “I can’t get away from my goal after
coming this far.”
I clenched my fist. No matter how much it hurts, I won't give up what I have
now. First I need to clear up the misunderstanding between Avan and me. I can
not wait.
"I want to meet Avan" I muttered "I have to see him now" I said and turned to
walk towards the door.
“Reese, you can't leave now. “It’s not appropriate now,” the mother protested.
“I won't stay here. You have to listen to me. I can’t take any more chances” I
barked and was about to walk away when I saw my father enter the room. He
looked at the mess and then at me.
"Where are you going?" He asked him.
“I'm going to meet Avan.”
"You're not going anywhere," he shook his head.
"Because?" I frowned “why can't I meet him? “I have to go to him so we can
clear up the misunderstanding between us.” I took a step forward only to be
blocked by my father.
“Did you not hear what I said?”
“Dad, please. “I need to meet Avan,” I almost begged.
“No, you're not going anywhere,” he said through clenched teeth. “You're going
to stay here, in your room like an obedient little girl. And I don't want
I clenched my fist, “no, I have to meet him.”
"He is not here"
I grimaced. Not here? So where is he?
"Where was he? I have to talk with him". I tried to push my father away and
walk towards the door, but before I could reach him, my father grabbed my arm
and pushed me back.
"I said you're not going anywhere."
I jumped in shock when my father suddenly roared. He was always kind and
never raised his voice. But today he yelled at me, for the first time.
"Farid, what are you doing?" Mom asked from behind.
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“Shut up,” Dad looked at her, turning around, “it's all thanks to your guide who
has become undisciplined. “That girl was more obedient than her.”
My eyes widened. Did you just compare me to Savannah? I've never done this
before. Then why?
Dad turned to me and pushed me hard towards mom “you two will stay here. If
you dare to leave this room, then you will face my wrath” and then he left,
closing the door with a thud.
I felt my head spin as my vision suddenly became blurry. What's going on?
Before I felt my body fall, my mother's anxious voice reached my ear.
Savannah Viewpoint
“Is your package ready?” Mom asked as she entered my room. I smiled when I
saw her.
“Yes, he told me I don’t need to bring clothes.”
"Maybe he already arranged that for you" she smiled and walked towards me
"I'm happy that you had the opportunity to have a partner, but I'm also sad that
our meeting is too short" her voice trailed off when she arrived. emotional.
“As a mother, I really don't want you to leave us. Even his father is sad about
this. Although he seemed fine on the surface, I can see the pain in his eyes.”
“Mom,” my eyes filled with tears as I hugged her, “I don't know what to say.
Since I was little I never knew what it was like to have a real family because the
person who adopted me never showed it. I was happy to get out of that place
and meet everyone. But now I don't know how to describe my feelings. Because
this time my leaving is causing me pain,” then I sobbed.
Mom caressed my back gently, “dear, it's destiny. If you were a normal woman,
one day you would get married and leave your family to start your own and right
now in our tribe, you have to leave and start your own family with your partner,”
she slowly broke the hug.

Although there was pain in his eyes, his face was filled with a smile.
“I'm very glad you have Hardwick as a partner. He is strong and possessive but
knows how to deal with things and is also in love with you. I can be sure that it
will keep you happy for the rest of your life.”
“Listen to me first” he smiled “I know that living in a completely strange place is
not easy.
But with time you will be able to face all situations. But whatdo you need
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What I understand is that life is not a bed of roses and one little thing can
destroy everything you have” he reached out and caressed my cheeks “dear,
you need to believe in yourself and trust your partner. No matter what happens,
never let your doubts bleed and ruin your sanity. Doubts always create
misunderstandings that lead to the destruction of any relationship. I want you to
clear your doubts before they lead you down the wrong path.”
I shook my head. I know why you are advising me. But I'm willing to listen to
anything you have to say. I never knew this kind of feeling, but today I
understood why mothers are their daughters' first best friends.
“Hardwick is an Alpha, so when you join the pack, you will be Luna, the lady of
the pack. As Luna, it is your responsibility to help your partner rule the pack.
You are the source of his strength and you always try to be like that. Sometimes
things can be confusing, but never doubt your spouse with rumors or gossip.
If you want to know, ask him in person. He is your partner so he won't lie to you
or if he does give him time and respect his choice. He will never do anything to
hurt you. Just try to understand it, also from your own point of view.
Communication, trust, understanding, respect and forgiveness are the basis of
a relationship. When you're at it, you'll have to give it your all to maintain the
bond. It’s hard work, but that’s how you have to navigate your own journey.”
I smiled at him. She told me so many things I never knew. But after listening to
her, I realized how much I needed that advice. I have seen how my parents
remained so loving all the time. It was because they have the understanding,
communication and respect they need.
“And also, love is important for the bond of a relationship, but other things also
play an equal role. At some point love will have to be tested, but if you
understand your bond and your partner, nothing can break it.”
I nodded again “thanks mom, I really needed that. I learned so many things that
I didn't even know existed.”
She laughed “as long as you understand it, dear. But don’t forget, if things don’t
go well, Snow Moon will always be there waiting for you.”
"Thanks Mom. For telling me so many things” I hugged her.
"Wow, how excited." Tanea's voice reached my ear and I looked up only to find
her standing on the door steps.
“I came to invite you to tea, but who would have thought I would be the one who
would get excited,” she added, entering.
The “drama queen” mother shook her head smiling.
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“Come on, let's have some tea, Sav will be leaving soon and I don't know when
I'll be able to see her again. “This man is very possessive, he didn’t even let Sav
hug Dev.”
Tanea laughed. I felt a blush rise to my face.
“Don't make fun of her like that,” the mother said, but she had a mocking
expression on her face.
Mom, are you on my side?
Tanea dragged us outside, where she set up a small tea table in the garden.
We settled outside and served ourselves tea.
“I ordered this popular Yorkshire tea, just for today” Tanea raised her cup of tea
“You really worked hard on this planning,” the mother responded.
Tanea nodded “I had to do it, I'm bored here. And now that Sav is going with his
partner, I will be alone here,” she pouted.
“You forgot that you have a partner here, woman.”
Tanea rolled her eyes and I laughed out loud. Mom smiled as she took a sip of
Soon Devak appeared looking completely upset.
"What did you say now?" He asked, looking at Tanea.
“Can't I have some tea quietly for a while?” Tanea answered him.
“Woman, don't test my patience here.” Devak frowned.
“Ah, do you still have patience? I thought you didn't know the meaning of that
word” Tanea mocked.
“This tea is delicious,” Mom said, placing the teacup on the table.
I laughed again and took a sip.
"Why are you drinking tea here?" Dev asked.
"Sav is leaving soon so I thought I'd give the girls a break and ordered this
Yorkshire tea for him," Tanea said pointing to the tea.
Something flashed in his eyes before he looked away. He said nothing, but
walked away in silence. I looked at his back and suddenly felt bitterness rise to
my heart.
Joking with him is the best thing I do when I'm bored, but he never complained
about it. After I'm gone, won't I miss him, get angry, or make fun of him?
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Mom sighed "he's very sad" and looked at the path where Dev disappeared.
“He even argued with Micah to not let you go.”
I gasped "did he?" I could not believe it. Did Dev really do this?
Mom laughed “your dad scolded him a lot.”
Tanea smiled “he was in a bad mood all night”
I shook my head, but suddenly my eyes filled with tears. Oh God, I'm really
going to leave the pack. Every time it happens, my heart races with
nervousness and also excitement. I do not know what I'm going to do. On the
one hand it is painful to see the sadness of my family and on the other hand
that of my partner, of my destiny waiting for me with open arms.
I looked at the sky and cursed. Damn, being a girl is very difficult to live with,
especially when it comes to choosing.
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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 31
Avan's point of view
"Is everything ready?" Dad asked. I shook my head and drove the car toward
the familiar door.
As before, the door was not crowded, but it seems quieter. Since the event was
already over, Dad suggested visiting the mysterious person named Beau. I
don't know if our trip will be satisfactory or not, but the only thing I could do was
hope. I hope to achieve something to achieve my goal.
“Dad, do you really think it will work? I mean, you just heard some rumors about
this person and you've never met them in person. Is he really trustworthy? I
couldn't help but frown.
Although I want it to work, I still have doubts in my heart.
“There is no loss in trying. We will never know if we don't even try. Also, do you
have any other options?
Dad responded.
I stayed silent because I had no other option. How did Savannah find another
How did you learn the fate of two companions? Why was he so lucky to avoid
any calamity? All these things confuse me, but I couldn't find any answers.
“We're here,” my father's voice brought me back to reality. I parked the car near
the closed gate.
There was no one at the entrance. Before we had a chance to knock on the
door, it suddenly opened, revealing a man dressed in a monk's robe.
"How can I help it?" He asked politely.
“This gentleman, we are here to meet Beau,” the father responded.
“Oh, are you here to meet Monk Beau? For what reasons? He does not meet
anyone without a proper reason,” the monk said again.
“Eh, we have faced some problems in recent years and we suffered one after
the calamity. We had no choice but to look for Monk Beau when we heard about
him. “If this man is a little generous and helps us solve our problems, we will be
happy,” his father told him. Well, it wasn't fake either. We already face so many
problems in our lives that now it is becoming difficult to survive.
The monk looked at us with narrowed eyes. After inspecting for a few more
minutes, he finally nodded "since this is the case, I first need to inform Monk
Beau to leave him with you now."
"Of course, we're ready to wait," Dad smiled. I smiled as I let out an inward sigh
of relief. At least we finally had the chance to meet this person.
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The monk came out showing us the living room. Tiwan forest is a silent place
with all the greenery around it. When the event ended, all the tents have already
been cleaned and the ground seems even more expanded than before.
“Don't hesitate to ask anything when you meet him. Remember that it is your
only chance and for a person like him, I don't think we will have another chance
after this,” the father said with a serious face.
I nodded “I understand dad. They have deeply guarded the identity of this
person and had no intention of letting us know. “It seems that this person
named Beau is really a rare figure in Tiwan Forest.”
“There are many mysteries that we do not know. But when we have an
opportunity, we should not abandon it, no matter what. “We need to understand
it as much as we can.”
I shook my head again. What he said is correct. It's not like we'll get another
chance like this. Soon the monk returned and informed us about Beau and said
we could meet him now. He took us to the small cabin built a little away from the
other house in the forest. There were two lanterns hanging outside and the
monk opened the door before looking at us.
“You can come in, he's waiting for you,” he said before leaving quietly.
Dad and I looked at each other before entering the cabin. The space was small,
but there were few flashlights to illuminate it. There was a small table and a
white glass globe placed on the table. An old man covered in wrinkles looked at
“Come, sit down,” he pointed to the two chairs placed in front of the table.
“Monk Beau, we’re…” Dad began, but was cut off midway.
“I know why you two are here. You don’t need to explain that,” Monk Beau
“Please give us some solution,” the father pleaded.
Monk Beau looked at the glass globe and then his eyes landed on us “solution?
there are none"

he shook his head.

I was surprised when I heard this. There is no solution?
"But how can this be? Monk Beau, there must be something. "There must be
some way." I shook my head, not wanting to believe it.
“You can't change heaven's wish, son. You had your chance, but you ruined it
Now do you want to find solutions? He laughed.
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“Monk Beau, it was our fault for letting the diamond escape without knowing its
importance. But now it's not just about us, it's about our entire pack. We need to
find solutions for all the people who live in our pack, you have to help us,” the
father said in a worried voice.
Hearing this, Monk Beau looked at the crystal globe again. He chanted
something and then looked at us “there is something, what you want someone
else has grabbed. A woman destined to have two destinies is rare, since you
lost the opportunity, the other grabbed her, grabbed her strong and with
determination to never give up.”
“Why did someone have two fortunes?” Dad asked.
“It is not a choice made by us, but a choice made by heaven. You can't change
that, it's just that you were blind to the truth. That woman was born at a
fortunate time. That's why he has good luck. But now he is where he belongs.”
I clenched my fist. No, Savannah is mine and I cannot allow her to become
someone else's property.
She has to be mine.
"Don't you have anything?" Asked.
“There is,” Monk Beau nodded, but his face was serious, “the only way to
change your destiny is to end the other destiny, but…”
"But what?" I grimaced.
“But… it seems that it is also impossible,” he laughed out loud. Your laugh is
like a mocking arrow that pierces my heart.
So the only way is to kill Hardwick. I confronted him and he seems stronger
than me.
But everyone has their own weaknesses, and when I succeed, I will finally be
able to change my own destiny and bring Savannah back to the Bright Shine
After that, we left Tiwan Forest. Although meeting Beau didn't bring us the
benefits we thought, it was good that we learned some things. Now I need to
find a way to bring that Alpha to his knees.
“I know what you're thinking, but I suggest you think rationally instead of
rushing,” my father said as he parked the car in front of the store.
“Don't worry dad. This time I won't rush things.”
“Okay, now think about how to deal with Reese. She's already caused us big
problems. And if so then…”
He turned to look at me, "you know what I mean."
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"Yes" I nodded.
We walked in and saw mom running towards us. She seemed anxious and
"What happened?" Dad frowned.
The mother “Alpha, Avan” shouted “something happened”
"Mom, what happened?" I asked her.
She looked at me and said something that almost made the ground fall out from
under me.
“Reese is pregnant.”
Savannah Viewpoint
The day has finally come when I will have to say goodbye to my family. I felt like
I was leaving them forever. In the morning, mom prepared all my favorite dishes
for me. Shortly after breakfast, Hardwick arrived looking handsome and
“You really don't need all these bags,” he said as he looked at them.
“Why can't I bring my own clothes? Do you want me to walk naked? I looked at
He smiled “but it's a good idea. I don’t really care, but it’s limited to just me.”
I rolled my eyes "you're amazing"
“I was waiting for this moment. To bring you back to where you truly belong.”
I looked at him "Are you that desperate?" I raised my eyebrows at him.
"Why not? Who would wait this long to bring their mate back to their pack?
I looked down “you saw it and you know about me. But I have no idea about
your pack and neither about you. “I’m nervous that your pack won’t like me in
the end.”
He got out of bed and walked towards me "you are wrong" he shook his head
"you are my mate and my Luna, the lover of the Dark Forest,
"Who would dare to disobey you?"
I shook my head “it’s not about disobeying. I know they won't do anything
because of you. But what I want is for them to accept me from the heart, not out
of fear or other things.”
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Hardwick smiled “they will, you don't have to worry about that. When you get
there and interact with them, they will know how sincere and good you are.”
I smiled when I heard it. This man never stopped encouraging me. He just
knows how to intensify my emotions with just a few words.
"Okay," I nodded.
“I still think you shouldn't label all those bags. It’s unnecessary” he frowned,
looking at those bags next to my bed.
I rolled my eyes "why?"
“Because I already asked Luina to put everything back in the backpack.
Everything you need will be there, so what's the point of carrying those things
with you?
"Hardwick, there are so many things a girl needs."
He pulled me towards him “you don’t have to worry about that, honey. “Luina
will take care of everything”
Are you serious about this? I looked at it closely. This man. At that moment
there was a knock on the door followed by a cough. I turned around only to see
Tanea standing there with a smile.
“Everyone is waiting outside.”
I shook my head and sighed. The time has finally come.
We left hand in hand. Dad, mom and Dev are already waiting for us. Mom
smiled when she saw us.
"Is everything done, dear?"
I shook my head.
He turned to look at Hardwick "please take care of her, Hardwick."
"I can assure you. "I'll keep you happy and won't let you hear any complaints,"
he replied.
Mom smiled, then turned to me and hugged me, "I'm going to miss you so
much, honey."
My eyes filled with tears and I hugged her back: "I'll miss you, Mom," I sobbed.
“Remember your promise,” I heard my father say to Hardwick. "If anything
happens to her, I will take her back and never let you see her again."
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“I will never let that happen,” Hardwick replied calmly.
Dad nodded and turned to me with a smile. “I will miss you, princess. Whatever
happens, remember that your father is still here.”
“Thank you dad” I hugged him and cried. I can't stop crying. It is very painful to
leave them behind.
"Are you really going to go?" Dev took a step forward. His face was pale and
I shook my head weakly.
She let out a sigh before looking at Hardwick “you better keep your promise or
I'll come after you if you make her cry.” “I won’t even care if you’re an alpha or
"You can rest assured on this point," Hardwick replied calmly.
“Call me if you need anything, okay,” Dev said, focusing his attention on me and
clearly ignoring Hardwick. "You know I'll always be by your side, right?"
“I know you will,” I hugged him. My brother is possessive and arrogant, but he is
still that charming and loving brother I could ever want.
“Let me hug you too. “You can’t get all the attention by leaving me here.” Tanea
said pushing Dev away.
“I will miss you, Sav. It hurts so much” Tanea almost cried. We are like best
friends and we spend a lot of time together. They gathered together to tease
Dev and have a lot of fun. After I'm gone, will I be able to have these memories
“Okay, there's a lot of crying now. She will build her own world and we must
cheer her up with a happy face,” the mother said, interrupting our moment of
“Yes, of course” Tanea broke the hug and wiped the corners of her eyes. We
got out and Hardwick took the bags out with him and placed them in the car
before looking at me.
“He's waiting for you, darling. I can see the excitement in your eyes” mom
smiled at me “like I said, we will always be there for you when you need us. All
you have to do is remember these words” he held my face lovingly “go, your
future is waiting for you”
“Thank you, Mom,” I whispered, then shifted my eyes to those people who were
my family and loved ones. And today I have to leave them to live with my
partner. But that doesn't mean our bond will weaken. Distance does not weaken
the ties, but they become stronger every time. I blew them kisses before turning
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As soon as I felt comfortable inside the car, I turned to look at my family again. I
smiled and greeted them. They stood there looking at me with a smile, but with
moist eyes. Even though I made a decision and decided to stay strong, I
couldn't hold back the tears.
Hardwick started the engine and I heard his weak voice.
"This is the last time I let you cry like this."
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 32
Reese's POV
I felt a headache when I opened my eyes. What happened? I looked around
and found myself in my room. The previous incident flashed through my mind.
Dad said Avan's not here.
Where did he go? I tried to sit up, but my body hurt and I hissed.
“Don't move,” the mother entered, smiling.
“Mom, what happened? Why do I feel pain all over my body?
“The pain will pass, don't worry. “You just need to take good care of yourself.”
I frowned at her “What are you saying mom? Do you look so strange today?
Mom smiled happily “you know what happened, Reese. “We can finally control
Avan stronger than before.”
He held my hand “because the doctors confirmed that you are pregnant.”
My eyes widened in shock. Pregnant? I'm pregnant? Oh my god, I really can't
believe this. Finally, after a lot of work, I can achieve my goal and unite Avan
with me using this unbreakable bond. I get teary-eyed thinking about a scenario
where Avan is holding our baby and playing in the yard.
"Mom, is it true?" I asked to confirm again.
Mom nodded again. "I checked everything and it was confirmed by the pack's
own doctor, so there's nothing wrong."
I smiled "Is Avan back mom?"
“I don't know, I just went out to call the doctor.”
My smile disappeared. Hasn't he returned yet? Why does it take you so long to
get back here?
I couldn't wait for him to know about our baby. My heart flattered with happiness
Automatically translated by Google again. It's our baby, Avan's baby. Now that
the symbol of love has blossomed in my womb, we can finally have our happily
ever after.
"Now that the baby is on the way, Avan couldn't avoid you like he has all these
“But mom, will he do what we think?” I asked.
She frowned “why not? Either way, it's his son. Plus, he became Alpha two
years ago and still doesn't have Luna by his side. It will be shameful for an
Alpha to rule alone, without any companion or Luna. And in this situation you
are giving it spring and allowing it to get stronger. How could an intelligent
person like him not understand such a fact? Don't worry, this time your
pregnancy is the biggest taboo and even if I wanted to avoid it I couldn't. And he
still has his father.”
I nodded, “I just hope this situation goes well. In this case, I still feel like Avan is
trying to make up with that bitch.”
“Don't think about that bitch now. All you need to do is take care of yourself and
nurture the child within you. Even if you are not his partner, he will have no
choice but to accept you.”
"Our baby will be sure to stay with me forever," I smiled and rubbed my flat
“You two were made for each other. Just don't let this opportunity pass you by.
This is our last chance and you must be careful with this. You understand?"
“Yes” I looked at my belly and said smiling “I will do everything I can to keep you
with this baby. I waited so many years and now I don't want to wait any longer.
After all this waiting period, the time has finally come to make a decision.”
Mom was about to say when the door opened and Avan walked in, looking
upset. The mess in the room had already been resolved, but seeing him looking
at me, my heart suddenly skipped a beat.
He is here.
“I'll leave you to talk,” the mother said before leaving the room.
"What's that?" Avan asked as soon as the door closed.
“What are you talking about Avan? “You didn’t even come to see me.” I
“Just answer my questions,” he said with a cold tone.
"Avan, what happened to you?"
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Avan rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Fuck, how did you get pregnant all of a
My eyes widened “What do you mean by that Avan? Are you questioning this?
your son? His own blood and flesh. How could you ask me that?
"Your timing is very precise, Reese, tell me, how did you get pregnant all of a
sudden?" Ava laughed. But this was not something funny, but angry.
I swallowed in fear, but my mind was already determined “Avan, what kind of
question was that? We have been together for many years and we have had a
lot of sex.
And we've been doing that recently, making love most of the time. How can you
ask me these questions?
Avan narrowed his eyes “aren't you the one who always tried to seduce me?
You’ve been getting clingy lately…yeah…” he paused “it was your plan, right?”
My heartbeat suddenly accelerated. I know he's smart and he'll figure it out, but
no, I won't let him think of me that way.
"Are you accusing me now?" I shouted, “I was the only one doing this. You are
in this too.
Remember, Avan, I can't have sex and I end up getting pregnant. Lately you've
been trying to take out all your anger and frustration on me using my body. I
didn't say anything because I love you very much and I want to leave your pain
to help you. Is it my fault that during this I got pregnant? Is it possible to get
pregnant alone? I yelled.
Avan clenched his fist tightly. His eyes were red when he looked at me. I know,
what I told him was true and no matter what happened, he just couldn't deny
that fact. When I saw him remain silent, I took the opportunity to continue.
“What was my fault that you accused me like that?” I cried, the tears flowed, but
I didn't stop. “I've been waiting for you all these years and I did everything you
said. Just because I love you so much I am willing to sacrifice everything I have
to be with you. It's my fault? I knew I wasn't his real partner, so our bond
wouldn't be as strong as Savannah's. But I'm still willing to take risks and stay
by your side. I waited all these years without questions just for you. But now that
there is a baby in my belly, do you accuse me like this? Avan, this is your son,
your own flesh and blood. One day when he grows up and asks you, will you be
able to answer? I gave myself completely to you, but you still refuse to trust me
even a little and even try to accuse me of planning to have a child? I coveted
my face and cried hard.
“Fuck,” I heard him curse, then a crashing sound followed. When I looked up, I
saw him walking away and kicked the door before leaving me behind. I couldn't
help but look in his direction.
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Is he angry now but still refuses to trust me with this baby? I clenched my fist
and gritted my teeth in anger. I even rejected my own partner just because of
him, but is he accusing me like that? This time I wouldn't let him do whatever he
wanted. He has to accept that this is his son no matter what. And for that I will
take all the risks.
Savannah Viewpoint
"Welcome home, honey," Hardwick whispered as he helped me out of the car. I
stood there next to him looking at the huge mansion that looked like a castle.
When he got into the car there were four guards at the front door. The
surrounding scenery is so beautiful and I couldn't help but look around in awe.
“This is so beautiful,” I murmured.
"I'm glad you liked it," he smiled.
“Is this where you live?” I asked. Although I had already been inside when he
kidnapped me, I resisted looking around out of anger and rushing out of the
place. But now, looking at it, I couldn't help but admire it.
“Wrong, this is where we are going to live.”
I held back my smile when he threatened to leave. This man clearly knows how
to flatter my heart with his words. A sweet-tongued boy.
“Come on, let's go in. There is more you can see” he took my hand and led me
towards the mansion. oh
The exterior design of the mansion was built with glass, but it was not
transparent at all. The glass wall seemed shiny and reflected the view outside,
capturing it, making it seem like there was another background inside the
The large glass door opened revealing a huge hall. A crystal chandelier shone
above everything, and there were aquariums on either side of the door. As if
they were positioned to welcome guests with their beautiful colors.
“Wow” surprised me. The avalanche of tiles was incredible, you can see their
reflections if you look closely. "You really know how to decorate, huh"
He laughed “it's not me, but my designer. But I should thank you anyway.”
“It must have cost a fortune just to build this room,” I grimaced.
He suddenly laughed “you don't have to worry about that, love. This mansion is
unique and has been built since the beginning of our generation. It is up to the
descendants to redecorate if they wish.”
"Renew? You too? I asked him surprised.
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"Not really. "I'm not interested in that," he smiled.
“So you didn't do anything?” I bowed my head.
"I did"
"Really? What did you do?"
"So excited to find out?" He raised his eyebrows.
I rolled my eyes "you're not funny." What will it take for you to respond directly?
“You have to pay for everything, honey. And I think you know it very well,” he
"You want money?" I grimaced. “But you already have a fortune.”
He smiled “who needs money baby? What I need is something that only you
can give.”
"What do you want?" I felt something was wrong.
“This” before I could understand it, I felt suspended in the air.
I screamed loudly.
"Hardwick, what are you doing?" I was surprised. Oh my god, this man. Do you
consider me a sack of potatoes?
"Quiet," he whispered.
“No, put me down,” I punched him in the back. How could he just throw me over
his shoulder?
I don't have any weight on my body?
“I said calm down” he slapped my hand.
“Hardwick,” I gasped, but he just laughed.
"You're crazy? What if others see us like this? What will they think?"
“Tame yourself”
I rolled my eyes "do you have answers to all the questions?" I crossed my arms
feeling irritated.
He walked towards the stairs while I was still hanging on his shoulder. This man
is very crazy. No one will be able to predict what he will do next.
"It's been a long time," he said suddenly.
"Want to?" I grimaced. What are you talking about now?
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“To have your sweet taste,” he replied hoarsely.
My heart skipped a beat hearing his tone. God, I almost forgot that this man is
the god of perverts.
Now that we are here in place…. I mentally confront myself. Wow, I gave myself
over to the lion who is now dragging me to his den.
~ you're already in the room ~ Red laughed.
~shut up, whose side are you on? ~ I barked in my head.
~yours, of course~

I rolled my eyes ~ yes, I can see clearly ~

"Talking to your wolf is no good when your mate is still here dear," his voice
“You really know well about me. It's my own wolf, what does that have to do
with you?
"You two are mine," he replied as he walked towards the door.
The room was dark when we entered, but when he turned on the light I was
surprised. The room was neither very masculine nor very feminine. It was
adjusted between the two levels. Starting with the color of the furniture set or
even the choice of curtains and other small decorations that were made.
"Our room," Hardwick replied before I could ask.
"Our room," I muttered as I looked around. The lime colored wall with the black
master bed in the middle.
Violet curtain hanging covering the sunlight.
"You like me?" He asked him.
“Okay” I smiled and forgot about the fact that I'm still hanging on his shoulder.
"Are you letting me down or are you planning to keep me like this?" I sighed. I
can never beat this man. I started to feel stomach pain now.
He didn't respond, but gently placed me on the bed before smiling at me.
"That?" I grimaced as I supported my body by placing my hands on either side.
“Later Luina will come and show you her preparations.”
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"Later? Why not now?"
"Because now I want you all to myself," he smiled.
I raised my eyebrows "amn't I here already?"
“Of course, that's why I want to devour you.”
My eyes widened "you..." I pushed him “What are you thinking? What would
your pack member say if they saw this? They’ll think I’m too clingy.”
The corner of his lips raised “oh, believe me. “I want you to be sticky all the
"You... you..." I pointed my index finger at him "you're a pervert"
"Oh honey, it's just for you."
With a push, I fell onto the bed and he quickly hovered over me. He smiled as
he leaned in. "I missed you so much."
I wanted to respond but this pervert didn't let me have that chance because I
felt his lips already devouring me.
All the strangeness suddenly disappeared and I felt at home, with him, in his
Romance claiming his tempting partner, Chapter 33
Savannah Viewpoint
“Hardwick,” I moaned, closing my eyes. His mouth closed over my neck as he
sucked hard, making my body burn with desire. I don't know how, but this man
always makes me submit to him. Their touches cause waves of destruction,
leaving me so helpless, until I lose all sanity.
“Your heartbeat is racing, baby,” he said and I felt him smile against my skin.
"But that's what I want you to feel." "Ah... please stop..."

"There's nothing I can stop, honey," he refused. "I've been waiting for this and
since you're already here, how can I avoid having you?"
"Oh God..." I moaned again as he massaged my soft breasts with his hand.
“How soft,” he whispered against my skin again, “and all mine.”
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“I can't stand this torture,” I said breathlessly. It's hard to stay normal when he
plays with my body like this.
He laughed “oh, there's more to come, darling. “You can’t just expect this to be
the end.”
I opened my eyes and looked at him "what do you mean?"
He smiled "we still have to complete our mating dear"
My eyes widened. There is still a mating ceremony. I almost forgot about that.
Although I know, now I have to face it personally. What am I going to do now?
Unintentionally, my eyes landed on her bottom. I had seen it before and it was
so big I almost drowned. Will it fit me?
“Did you finish paying?” He asked, raising his eyebrows.
I blushed a lot. Hell, he caught me looking at his member. I want to die of
“I wasn't checking.”
"Oh," he raised his eyebrows.
"Yes, you were thinking too much" I pursed my lips and turned my head to the
He leaned down and kissed my cheek "you know I'm all yours." You don't need
to feel embarrassed thinking about it. Also… you'll see this frequently from now
on. So you better get rid of your shyness.”
I gasped "how can you say that so casually?"
“Oh, why can't I? You are my partner, that is why your heart, your mind and
your body are all mine.”
I felt the blush rise to my cheeks again. Damn this man and his sweet tongue.

No matter how hard I try, I can't get the words out of him.
“You're so big and it's my first time. How can you speak so normally? I looked
He grabbed my chin and tilted my head so our eyes could meet. “I know it's
your first time, I can tell by your smell, so pure and innocent. And I'm very happy
to have you.
“You were made for me just like I was made for you” he lowered his head and
whispered in my ear.
“Don't worry, I'll take care of you. As soon as I’m done with you, you’ll be
begging me for more.”
He bit my ear, scaring me.
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"You..." He didn't let me finish when I felt his hand slide up my dress, reaching
for my panties. I gasped as his cold hand cupped my hot spot.
“Fuck, you’re so wet, baby. “It’s making my cock really hard,” he said and then
slid his two fingers into my wet folds.
"Hardwick" I moaned loudly.
"Sit down, baby," he whispered as he pulled out and then back in. “You have to
get used to this, baby, think of my fingers like my cock, ravaging your sweet
pussy mercilessly.
Oh God, you fucking dirty mouth. He ignited my desire even more when I
covered his fingers with my juices.
“You like to talk dirty, baby, you're milking my fingers. How cute,” he laughed
and increased his thrust. It was strong and made my body jump.
"Oh my God…." I clutched the quilt tightly.
"Come on, baby, come for me. “I want you to milk my fingers like a good girl,”
he whispered and put his mouth back on my neck. His fingers push quite hard
and with a loud moan I let him go. A sudden wave of relief washed over me.
Lying in bed, I tried to catch my breath.
"Mm... that's nice" I looked up only to find him licking his fingers. His eyes were
fixed on me as his tongue licked his finger slowly. I swallowed hard watching his
action. I felt my core tighten again.
He smiled, "Do you want more, baby?"
Biting my lip I turned my head the other way “you're thinking too much” damn. I
can't even control my hormones around him. This man is totally ruining me, he
is even capable of messing with my inner self.
"You know, all you have to do is say yes and I'll give you what you want."
I turned around and glared at him.
He laughed “it seems like you want it too.” Hmm..."

"You..." I was about to push him away, but he caught me in his arms.

“You will meet with the pack tomorrow. For now, let's sleep.”

"Tomorrow?" I grimaced. Why does it have to be so fast?

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“They are excited for you, love. You will know when you meet them,” he
I was nervous "will they like me?" Thinking about this, my last memories flashed
through my mind. In the Bright Shine group, there was no one who showed me
an ounce of respect. Rather, it was mockery and ridicule. Will this new package
be the same?
“Don't worry, I already told you”
"You did it?" I was surprised. Have you already announced it previously? In fact,
I never expected him to do that.
"Why not? They need to know about you. "It's better that they have some idea
about your existence rather than dying of surprise."
I rolled my eyes. He even has the nerve to joke about it.
"Are you making fun of me?"
"Of course not, I don't dare to make fun of you."
"Yes, of course," I agreed.
"Go to sleep. "You're tired and you need to get some rest."
“It was all your fault,” I accused him.
He laughed “you can't say that, honey. It was something we both enjoyed,
especially you. It's not?
My eyes widened as I blushed again. This man has the nerve to provoke me
like this. I gritted my teeth.
"You shut up"
"Sleep love"
The next morning came so quickly before I realized it. The first thing I saw when
I woke up was Luina, standing next to the bed looking at me with a smile.
“Good morning ma’am,” he greeted.
"Tomorrow…." I looked around. It wasn't the same room I stayed in last time,
but it was different. She was alone in bed while there was no sign of him. He left
me alone in bed again.

“Where is Hardwick?” I grimaced.

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“Master left early. He left a message saying that he has important work to do
and ordered me to wait for you in the room until you woke up.
"He did?" Suddenly, a smile formed on my lips. He really knows how to
persuade a woman.
By doing these things, my heart was immediately flattered and all the
disappointment I felt went out the window. How can I avoid falling in love with a
man like that?
"When will he be back?"
“That I don't know my lover. Master said that he will accompany you later and in
the meantime you should prepare,” Luina replied.
I sighed. I almost forgot, he said: I will find his pack members. Although I'm still
nervous inside because he'll be there with me, I'm happy about it. Also, I really
need to try not to think about the past event again. The past was not the
present. It is different with a difference between heaven and earth.
“Everything is different,” I muttered to myself. Very different. Hardwick is not
Avan, Dark Forest is not Bright Shine and I am not the past either. I changed
and along with me everything changed too.
The voice of “Señora” Luina brought me out of my trance. She was looking at
me with a frown.
"Sorry, I was thinking about something else." I held my head and massaged my
"You feel good? Should I call the pack doctor to check on you?
"Hey? Ah... no... no... I'm fine" I ran.
"Okay, would you like to take a shower?"
"Yes, please," I nodded. This will help me release my tension and relax my
“I'll go prepare the water,” he said before walking towards the side door.
I sighed when I saw her disappear inside. It's been two years, but those
memories still haunt me. Although I have told myself thousands of times that it
was just a past and that I needed to move on, every time something happens,
the past runs towards me to hunt me down and take me back to those
nightmare days. I wouldn't be able to think clearly if I kept remembering the
past. I need to live in the present with what I have, not with the memories of
what I had. Luina called me again saying the water is ready. I sighed and got
out of bed. I'm glad I didn't take off my dress or I would have felt very
embarrassed in front of Luina. I walked slowly towards the door where Luina
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A sigh escaped my lips when I saw the bathroom. The white tiled wall and floor
look bright. I felt like I had just entered the clouds. All the time, from the ceiling
to the floor.
There was a sink set with a mirror surrounded by the side. Next to it was a wall
cabinet where the sets of towels were beautifully arranged. In the middle it was
divided by a sliding glass door. To the left hung a white curtain. The curtain was
drawn and the door slid aside before Luina's face appeared inside.
“Madam, the water is ready. Do you need me to help you with the shower?
“Uh, no thanks for asking, but I can do it myself. “I want to shower alone”
She nodded "then I'll pack your clothes."
“Yes, please, thank you,” I smiled.
She nodded before leaving. She was treating me like royalty. I sighed, I really
wonder how Hardwick trains these people. Very polite in everything. Shaking
my head, I walk towards the door. I opened the curtain and saw a huge ceramic
jacuzzi where 4 people can bathe together comfortably. The bathtub was full of
bubbles. I smiled and took off my clothes before entering. My body immediately
relaxed as the warm water touched my body. It was so good I almost didn't want
to leave. I showered taking a shower. Wash my hair and rub my body slowly. I
don't know how much time passed, but I left when I was completely satisfied
with the shower. When I got out of the bathtub, I saw a white silk robe hanging
on the fabric near the closet. Maybe Luina fixed this. I put it on and left the
"Madam, are you finished?" Luina smiled “I packed your clothes. Do you want to
choose what you want to wear today?
“Um…where is the cloth I brought?” I asked.
“I put it in your closet.”
I nodded "ok, where is the closet?"
"It's there," he pointed to the door near the other side of the bed.
"Over there?" I grimaced.
“Let me show you the
Luina nodded and led me to the door. As soon as he opened the door for you,
my jaw immediately hit the floor. Is it real? I just couldn't believe it. How could
they call it a closet when it's a huge walk-in closet? Are you kidding me? It's like
I've entered a completely different world. It was full of clothes from different
brands with accessories and types of footwear. All this is very expensive.
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"That…?" I sighed.
Luina turned around and smiled “this is your closet lover. Before you arrived,
Master ordered this maid to take care of your daily needs. What you need is
stored here.”
"Is this all for me?" I asked him, totally surprised.
She nodded “yes, the teacher wanted you to feel comfortable and not have
tension about anything. I just accomplished what the master ordered.”
I covered my mouth with the palm of my hand. I still couldn't believe it. Hardwick
has done so many things you could never imagine. I still remember that in the
previous pack, Avan and I had a meeting. When we were walking outside, I saw
an earring with a purple jewel. I liked it so much that I almost begged Avan to
buy it, but he refused, saying it was cheap and wouldn't fit me. Instead, he
bought me a pink dress. I was disappointed but I didn't say anything to him,
thinking that maybe he wouldn't like it. But I never imagined seeing the same
earring on Reese after a week. When I asked her about it, she said she had
bought it herself. But now, thinking back on that event, it was Avan who bought
it for him and he initially turned me down because he was determined to give it
to Reese. I was a fool to believe him. And now, seeing those expensive
collections, I couldn't help but feel very lucky. It's not about clothes or anything
else, it's just that Hardwick tried so hard to make me happy.
"What do you want to wear, ma'am?" —Luina asked.
“I want a simple dress. “Help me choose”
She nodded and searched the racks. After a few minutes she took off a long
cream-colored dress. It was off the shoulder but had small flower prints on the
silk. It was simple but looked beautiful. The silk material was the best.
"How is this lady?" She showed me the dress.
"That's fine thanks". I shook my head.
I was even more surprised when there is also a huge collection of lingerie.
Luina really tried hard for this, even filling her closet with things she needed on
a monthly basis. I really wonder how much it would cost to prepare all this?
As soon as I finished getting ready, I looked in the mirror. Luina swept my hair
to the side and used a small pearl clip to secure it. The style totally matched my
dress, leaving me satisfied with the result.
“It fits so well,” I murmured. “How did you know my size?” I grimaced.
“The Master told me”
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I turned to look at her surprised. Did Hardwick do it? But how did you know my
size? This dress and lingerie fit me perfectly. How did you manage to organize
all this in such a short time? This thought surprised me.
"You look so beautiful, ma'am," Luina smiled happily.
"Thank you." I smiled and came out of the closet. As soon as I opened the door,
I saw Hardwick turn around and look at me. He smiled when he saw me.
"As expected, you look really lovely, love."
I blushed but asked in a stern voice "Did you leave me alone again?"
He laughed “sorry, but me too. Before you met the pack, I needed to make
some preparations.”
I sighed and walked towards him "is everything done?"
He smiled “don't worry, everyone is waiting for you.”
I took a deep breath. The time has come.
“You don't need to be nervous. “I am here with you,” he assured.
I shook my head.
He extended his hand "ready?"
I put my hand in his and smiled "yes."
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 34
Savannah Viewpoint
We left the pack mansion together. He led me towards the narrow path on the
left. There are many flower pots on each side of the path. When we reached the
end of the path there was a gate. I let out a sigh. Hardwick turned to me and
"Are you still so nervous?"
"I can't help it," I whispered back.
He held my hand tightly. “I told you, you don't need to think too much about it.
“You are putting endless pressure on yourself.”
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"I'm trying, it's just..." my voice trailed off. What can I tell you? It also comes
from my old experience that I couldn't open up and motivate myself to adapt to
the new situation.
“You don't have to worry, nothing is the same as before” his words made me
look at him surprised. What does that mean? Do you know my fear? But how
did you find out?
He smiled “they are waiting. We shouldn't let them wait too long, you know?
I smiled and shook my head. We passed through the gate and saw that it was
an open field. Double the size of Snow Moon's training ground. I gasped when I
saw a large crowd standing in front of us.
“Here today I wanted to personally introduce you to someone special.”
Hardwick's voice rang out loudly. I can defend myself against the prying eyes of
pack members.
“As I already announced, today I will introduce the person. Here…"
Hardwick pushed me forward a little and grabbed my shoulder. “Meet my
companion, Savannah Lang, the princess of the Snowmoon Pack and her Moon
of the Dark Forest.”
Suddenly, all the members fell to their knees and shouted loudly, “Welcome to
the Amante gang.”
I stood there, speechless, stunned. Although I thought that because of Hardwick
they would not disrespect me, I never expected them to do such a thing.
Receiving me like this is something so surprising.
It felt like they were welcoming a queen.
“I hope everyone pays tribute to their Moon forever. Think about your actions
before taking this into consideration, going against her means going against me.
And I will not tolerate any criticism against him. Was I clear? Hardwick's harsh
voice fell with a crash. I looked at him, he was almost threatening his own pack
There was no trace of softness in his eyes and all his emotions were covered by
a thick fog of coldness.
“Yes, Master,” everyone responded without any objection. I don't know the
customs of the Black Forest, but looking at the scene before me I can guess
that it was definitely different from the other packs.
After the introduction, he took me to a beautiful viewing platform built next to it.
The pack members were training in the field. I looked at the large crowd before
turning my head to look at my companion.
"You know, you shouldn't have threatened like that."
“That's nothing darling, that's how I talk to them.”
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“Isn't that a little rude?” I grimaced.
"Rude?" He laughed “there is no such thing, darling. This is how the dark forest
Also, do you think that with a simple and emotional mind, Dark Forest can win
all these years without any weakness?
He is correct. Dad also said that the Dark Forest is based on strict rules, but
that's the reason they stay on top. It was difficult to maintain the position year
after year. Pack members must work hard enough to stay in that position. I was
thinking when I heard a pop. Hardwick snapped his fingers trying to get my
"What happened? "I was talking to you, but you're lost somewhere else."
I shook my head "it's nothing, I was just thinking about something else."
"Thinking about?" He raised an eyebrow.
I sighed "over your pack"
“Are you still putting pressure on yourself thinking about it?” He laughed “you
don't need to feel sorry or anything like that. That's how a strong pack works,
honey. If someone wants to get to the top, they must be hard on themselves
and follow the same rules with the group. If the challenge is to stay at the top,
then rulers and members must be hard on themselves.”
“Very well, I will not go into your formalities. “Keep them to yourself.” I rolled my
It is better to focus on my things than to think about his way of governing.
"Of course," he smiled, clearly enjoying my annoyance.
"What are you laughing at?" I asked, getting irritated.
“You were so nervous before. How do you feel now?"
"YO…." Was he still worried about this? "I'm fine"
“Well, I already told you not to put so much pressure on yourself,” he nodded.
In fact, I didn't expect the introduction to be so simple. The members did not
show any type of lack of respect, neither in their behavior nor in their gestures.
And I'm happy with that. They are strangers to me and it will take time for them
and me to accept it. But I'm happier with Hardwick's words, which helped me a
lot. I wonder if Avan saw these things, wouldn't he go crazy? The curious.
"Do you like your new wardrobe?" He asked him.
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This reminded me again.
“What were you thinking when you were thinking about packing your clothes?”
He frowned. “What happened? You do not like. I will ask Luina to rearrange
I rolled my eyes. Are you serious? Reorganizing everything means changing
everything. How can he say that so casually? I checked these things out, they
are very expensive. And you're talking about reorganizing it?
“I liked it, there is no need to bother that poor thing.”
"Why do you say that?"
“Are you serious, Hardwick? I was wondering what you were thinking when you
ordered such a large cabinet. I mean, I couldn’t finish using them all.” I raised
my arms in the air and shook my head slightly.
"That's too small," he replied, "you have the rest of your life to use each part."
"You're really crazy, you know that?" I shook my head. Who can beat this man
in an argument? Come out and I will reward you.
"My sanity disappeared the moment I held you in my arms that night, darling."
I blushed "that night?"
He nodded, "You're transforming, aren't you?"
"That? It was you?" I almost pointed the finger at him.
"Amazed!" He smiled.
I still remember that night. After that, I got my birthmark, but it was so faint that I
realized someone hugged me and said something too, but I couldn't remember
exactly. So it was him after all?

“I had no idea about that” I shook my head. What a coincidence! "You looked so

beautiful that night, totally ready to fuck."

I covered his mouth “shut up, what are you saying?”

He took my hand and smiled. “He was telling the truth, my love. If the situation
had been correct, there would have been...
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I covered his mouth tightly. Does this man have any shame? How can he just
talk like that? That too in this open courtyard?
"What are you doing?" I looked at him.
He pushed my hand away and was about to say something when someone
interrupted “wow, am I dreaming?”
I turned to look to the side and found a young man, about Hardwick's age. He
looked handsome and smiled looking at us. Who is this now? I grimaced.
“Wow, wow, the cold-hearted man finally got his match, huh” that man stepped
forward with amazement in his eyes.
Hardwick took my hand away. “Did you just get here now?”
"It was my fault? “Obviously it was you who gave me so much work,” the man
responded, making an irritated face.
I was surprised to see him behave like that. Previously, all the members did not
dare to look Hardwick in the eyes. But this man is clearly arguing with him
carelessly, while Hardwick doesn't seem to care at all.
“It was his duty,” Hardwick replied.
“Forget it, talking to you is worse” that man turned to me and gave me a
charming smile.
“It is better to talk to your partner. I must say that purple is very attractive,” he
“Look at her funny and her eyes will be on your hands,” Hardwick threatens.
"Fuck, why are you playing with my impression?" That man cursed.
I turned my head the other way and pursed my lips tightly. What they are? 5?
"Oh, do you still have any impressions of yourself?" Hardwick asked.
I coughed lightly trying not to laugh. Oh really. Who is that man? Are you
arguing and the next moment you're making fun of each other?
"Don't you know that girls would die for this?" That man waved his hand.
"That's because those girls are bouncing clones looking for superficial charm,"
Hardwick joked.
“You're worse,” that man barked before saying again, “Hello Luna, I'm Ryan, the
charmer of the pack.”
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Ryan? I turned to look at him surprised. Isn't that the one Hardwick was talking
The beta version of the package? I turned to look at Hardwick, who nodded as if
he understood my unasked question.
“Ryan?” I smiled.
“Yes, one and only,” he winked playfully.
“You also forgot to add the word 'playboy.' And it seems like your eyes can't
control themselves.
Will I have the honor of digging it up? Hardwick raised an eyebrow with a
serious expression.
"What happened to you?" Ryan frowned. "Why are you searching my eyes
"I was just suggesting controlling it, since it's getting out of your control," he
“Damn” Rutan cursed and looked at me again “See you later Luna or this man
will have eyes to play with. See you soon” he ran away waving his hand without
looking back.
"What's that?" I asked Hardwick.
He smiled “what! A scared monkey running away?
I rolled my eyes "you really know how to irritate anyone"
“I was winking at you,” he said.
"So you're going to gouge out his eyes?"
“That was just a warning to him. "He knows his limits."
"You said Ryan is a playboy?" I grimaced.
"Because? "I mean, what would your partner think if you slept like that?"
"That's the point, dear."
"What point?" I'm confused now.
Hardwick smiled “Ryan is still single. He hasn't found his partner yet.
"That? Haven't you found your partner?" I sighed. Hardwick pulled me towards
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“He is still single and trying to locate his real partner. But he still couldn't do it,
so he's taking out his frustration on another woman.”
“But is it right to do this?”
“Don't worry, he's not a bad guy and he knows what he's doing. Although he
has had sex often, he has not broken anyone's heart so far.”
Now I really feel bad for Ryan. He's almost past his prime, but he still can't find
his partner. I really wonder who his partner will be. But the most important thing
is what she will say when she finds out that he is sleeping with someone.
"What are you thinking?" Hardwick hit me on the forehead.
"Why did you do that?" I grimaced.
“You weren't paying attention to me.”
"I was thinking about something" I reached out and rubbed my forehead.
"Thinking what?" Hardwick frowned.
“Nothing” I shook my head.
"You can't think of anything but me when I'm with you, darling."
I looked at him: "Is this a threat?"
He smiled "I don't dare threaten you"
"Wow, and I discovered this today?" I forced a smile.
He laughed "annoyed?"
I turned my head the other way, without looking at him. This man is a demon
who loves to mock others until they drive them crazy. Now I'm so upset I want
to curse him.
"You know, you're so fucking beautiful when you're angry," he murmured in my

I pushed him away from me, “sweet tongue, I know you well.”
“Since you know me so well,” something flashed in his eyes and my senses
immediately alerted me.
Ah, there is no danger.
"You can read my mind?" He smiled.
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I moved my body back as I narrowed my eyes at him “what are you talking
“Don’t you dare do anything funny here,” I warned him. But this warning did not
affect him at all. Worse yet, it made him smile more.
"Are you defiant, darling?" He seemed excited.
"Who has free time to challenge you?"
He grabbed my wrist and hugged me "damn, you look so fucking adorable right
I bit my lip and shook my head. He really knows how to make me blush even in
this situation.
In the field, your pack members are training hard and look at their Alpha who is
flirting with me.
“You should focus on getting your limbs to train a lot for you.”
“They need to be strong to stay in the group, that's why they train alone. How
does your training have anything to do with me? He made an innocent face
when he asked.
But in reality it is anything but innocent.
"You're not even worried about your limbs" I rolled my eyes.
“That's another thing. Now your attention should be focused only on me, not on
"What do you want?" I grimaced.
"I love you," he leaned in. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. He was already
trapping me in his arms, giving me a disadvantage.
He was about to kiss when someone cleared their throat. “Master, lunch is
I almost laughed out loud when I saw his face. It was really fun to see him
After all, he made me very angry, so every time he gets angry I will be happy
and enjoy his pain.
"You really know when it's time, Luina," he growled. The poor maid simply
lowered her head and did not look up.
“What is his fault? "I frowned," she was just doing her job. You don't need to
scold her."
He turned to me "protecting, dear?"
I rolled my eyes. “I was just telling the truth.”
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“We'll see about this later,” saying this he let me go. I sighed inwardly and
thanked Luina for coming to rescue me from this man or she would have
planned to embarrass me in front of everyone in her pack. I think I'm lucky
He stood up and dragged me with him "let's enjoy the food first and then we'll
talk about it."
"Is there still something to talk about?" I grimaced.
“Do you think it's over?” He raised an eyebrow.
"It's not?"
He flashed his killer smile: “You enjoy your lunch, darling, so…” He lowered his
head and whispered in my ear.
“I'm going to enjoy my dessert.”
Romance claiming her tempting companion chapter 35
Avan's point of view
“What are all these avanos?” Dad yelled as he looked at me harshly. “I thought
you were capable enough to handle the situation, but you really embarrassed
me with your action.”
"Dad, I don't know how this happened?" I answered..
"You do not know?" He growled “is that what you are going to give me as a
reason? You do not know?
I could not answer. I don't even know when Reese made fun of me and
suddenly got pregnant.
She really played tricks on me all the time, seducing me and wearing revealing
clothes to attract me. Thinking of this, I clenched my fist tightly.
“She already got pregnant and the baby is yours, right?” Dad asked again.
“Yes”, even if I really wanted to deny it, how could I? I know he's my son, but
thinking about Reese's pregnancy didn't make me happy. Instead, he felt like he
was carrying an enormous burden on his shoulders.
“How could you, Avan?” Dad roared, "You know what kind of situation we're in
but you still tried to fuck her and get her pregnant?"
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I shook my head “no, not the father, he had no idea how she got pregnant.
Although I accept that we had sex frequently, I was careful enough. I will never
knowingly let her get pregnant, Dad.
"You know me"
Dad narrowed his eyes at me before turning around and sighing “What do you
think? In this kind of situation, if she has a child, that will only lead the entire
gang down the path of destruction. “She is not his partner and now that she is
pregnant, knowing Salina's personality, he will definitely try to use the
opportunity to force her to accept Reese and take responsibility for the child.”
"Dad, do you think they..."
"It doesn't matter. Even if they planned this in advance, they already achieved it,
right? "This is not the time to think about how this happened, but we should try
to figure out how to deal with it," the father said and his gaze turned cold. "Now
you are the Alpha and sometimes for the good will of the pack you need to
make difficult decisions"
"What are you trying to say, Dad?" I asked because I couldn't understand his
Dad looked at me for a moment and said, “Avan, I know you have your own
mind to make decisions. But I am your father and I will always think of your good
will. I have lived my life for a long time and have more experience than you,
whether it be ruling the pack or making life decisions. I have seen many things
that you have not seen yet.
Being Alpha is not an easy task. Sometimes you need to turn your heart into
stone and decide for a future that can also be related to your personal life. And
since you got the title and the position, you better understand it now.”
“Dad, you don't have to worry about that. Since I inherited the position, my first
priority has been to protect my pack and nothing else. And if I had to make a
difficult decision, then I am willing to do it no matter what,” I responded, showing
my determination.
He narrowed his eyes at me, "at the expense of your own son?"
“Yes, at my expense…” I stopped in the middle when I understood the sentence
he was about to say.
At the expense of my son? I looked at the father stunned. Do you want me to...?
“Avan, I know you are in a difficult situation right now, but you need to clear your
mind and heart to make decisions. I can understand your feelings and as your
father I am not willing to see you sad or desperate. So I'll leave that choice to
you. Think clearly and then choose wisely,” the father said and left the office.
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I stood there, speechless, stunned. I know that being an Alpha is not an easy
task to face. I saw my father how he ruled the pack all his life. There were also
times when he was confused to make decisions and I saw him with a serious
face and he made his decision even if it was against his will. AND
Now the same situation is happening to me. I couldn't help but sigh.
I knew Reese was trying to seduce me, but I thought it was because she was
bored or because I wasn't paying much attention to her, but I never thought she
would do that to get me pregnant. It was his plan to force me to marry him and
give him the title of Luna. If it were before I wouldn't have thought about it much,
but now there is no time to think. But what my father said surprised me. At the
expense of my own son? I can do this? Even if I don't feel happy with this child,
he is still my own flood and flesh. How could I just abandon him?
If Savannah was here, it wouldn't be a problem. She was my partner and would
have enjoyed the benefits as my partner without any problem, all she had to do
was accept me and stay behind. I wouldn't have abandoned her no matter what.
If she were here, I sighed at the thought.
I already have a lot of problems to deal with and now that Reese is pregnant, it's
already giving me more. I really need to talk to her.
With that in mind, I went to Reese's room.
When I came in, I saw her silently drinking porridge. He looked up when he
heard my footsteps.
"You came?" He asked and placed the bowl on the table. The porridge was still
half finished in the bowl.
“You should eat more in this situation” I said as I walked towards her.
"Do you really care about me?" Reese asked, looking at me. His face was full of
"How do you feel?" I ignored his question and sat on the bed.
“Why do you pretend so much when you don't even care about me?”
I sighed “you don't know anything about the situation I'm in.”
“Avan, I never interfered in your affairs and always took care of mine. But this
time it's different. “You are raising questions against this child and I could never
accept that.”
She almost screamed.
My temper flared instantly. I was trying to be nice to her, but she was just trying
to make me angry. I got up from the bed and looked at her angrily.
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"What do you want me to do? The only thing you know is how to use seduction,
but haven't you managed to rack your brain and try to understand the situation I
find myself in? "I thought you were smart, but you're worse." what an idiot."
She gasped “how can you say that, Avan? All these years I have obeyed what
you said, but now that I am pregnant, are you accusing me of not understanding
"It's not?" a bitter smile appeared on my face “don't tell me that everything that
happened was just an accident. “You planned this in advance so you would
have a chance to use it against me.”
His body stiffened and my anger bubbled up inside. I was right. He was right
that this was all his plan to drag me down the aisle. How could I just surrender
to the seduction of a whore? I thought she was smart enough to handle the
situation, but she is the dumbest woman I have ever met in my life.
“Avan, you can't just accuse me like that,” she suddenly sobbed, “I loved you for
so many years and was waiting for you patiently. I know I'm not your partner,
but I'm still willing to stay by your side, all because I love you so much. I did all
the things you asked of me without hesitation. And this time, after Savannah ran
away, you became indifferent and started neglecting me. I was afraid that you
would leave me behind and my heart would bleed every time I thought about
that scene in my mind” her sobs get louder “and this…”
“Do you think using a child will give you an advantage?” I gritted my teeth.
Although I felt bad for her, thinking about her plans behind my back only makes
me want to curse her.
"No, don't say it like that," he shook his head, "you know I would never do that."
“You already did this. What's the point of denying it now?
"Avan, please, I was just scared and I didn't want to lose you," Reese sobbed
again. If it had been before I would have been sad to see her cry like that, but
now what I felt inside me was anger. If she had been a little considerate, she
wouldn't have done such a foolish thing.
“Don't use your drama every time you feel guilty,” I said through clenched teeth.
“I tolerated all your tantrums thinking that you are a little disturbed by the
situation, but you went beyond my imagination and planned all this behind my
back. . I used to think that you are an intelligent woman who can handle things
maturely, but I was wrong.
With such an act, like, could you put yourself in Luna's place? You will simply
disgrace the title.
“It was a big mistake to think that you are eligible to be my Luna, but thanks to
you, you opened my eyes in time.” I turned away because I didn't want to spend
any time with her.
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“Avan, what are you saying? Please don’t leave,” Reese pleaded from behind.
His voice was filled with anxiety, but I didn't back down.
“You better rest well in your room and behave. After what you did, the only thing
that connects me to you is the child you carry in your womb. “If something
happens to him, you will take responsibility for our breakup,” I warned him
before leaving the room. I could still hear her screaming my name.
But who cares about her when she was the reason that pushed me into such a
difficult situation?
Savannah Viewpoint
“I'm fine mom,” I laughed, “you're asking the same question for the third time.”
I shook my head in disbelief. My mother is always like that.
"I can't help it," Mom sounded on the other end of the line. "You were outside
and it seemed like a long time ago."
"Mom" I bit my lips. I don't know what to say. Leaving them was the hardest
thing I have ever faced. But this time I know it's not about regret or pain, but
about being too emotional and losing control. The last time I left the pack it was
in anger, but this time I was filled with so much emotion and memories that my
eyes burned and were wet again.
"I'm fine, I'm fine," Mom laughed. “Your father is scolding me for being too
emotional. Although he seemed strong and calm from the surface, I know he
misses you a lot too. “After all this time, it’s not a vacation or anything.”
“Tell dad I miss him too. “It is very difficult to leave, but I have no other option.”
“I know, honey, you have nothing to worry about. “It is just a matter of a few
days and then we will adapt to the situation.”
"How's everything going there?" I wiped the corners of my eyes.
"It's good. Although it's a bit of a sad moment, other than that, everything is fine
here. Does Hardwick treat you well?”
“Of course mom” I smiled thinking of my partner. “He didn't let me complain
about anything. You know, Mom, he even has a closet. I laughed.
"He did?" Mom gasped “that's good, honey. I know he is a hard-working and
very understanding guy. It really surpasses you in first priority”
"I think so..." I blushed.
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“Did I hear closet?” I heard Tanea's voice in the background.
“Mommy, let me talk to Sav. “I want to ask you about that,” he insisted.
“What is there to say about that?” Mom scolded her, “You girls are really crazy
about clothes.
No matter how much you have on hand, it is not always enough.”
“Mom, you can't accuse me like that,” Tanea responded.
“I'm not going to stand here to argue with you. Okay, take this,” Mom sighed,
then I heard some noises before Tanea’s voice finally came through on the
other end of the line.
"Hi how are things?"
"I'm good"
“Did you just say that Hardwick bought you a new closet?”
"Um, yeah..."
“Oh my God,” Tanea cried out loud.
"For. Are you trying to make me deaf? I scolded her.
“Come someone who can stay calm in such a situation. I mean, did your partner
put you in the closet?
“Why do I feel like this is hard for you to believe?” I frowned, “wait, let me give
you some proof,” I said and immediately sent him some pictures that I clicked
“Oh my God,” Tanea cried, “this is so beautiful. I loved that"
"What you say?" Suddenly I heard my brother's voice.
“Who did you fall in love with?” He asked again.
Tanea let out a groan. “Do you always have to butt into our conversation?”
“Answer me first,” Dev demanded.
I laughed out loud. Oh my, it looks like Tanea is in trouble now.
“You have this for yourself,” I laughed.
Automatically translated by Google “Forget it,” Tanea whispered, but the next
second I heard her scream loudly. I moved the phone away from my ear.
Damn, this woman really knows how to hurt others' ears with her scream. But
thinking about the scenery there, I couldn't help but laugh.
"What are you laughing at?" I jumped when a voice reached my ear.
"Do you always have to scare me like this?" I looked at him.
"What happened? "You seemed so happy while you were talking on the phone
that I didn't realize I was coming."
“I was talking to Tanea.”
He raised his eyebrows.
"That?" I put on an innocent face.
"What were you two talking about that made you laugh like that?"
"Ah, that... she was impressed with the closet you organized."
"Is it so popular?" Hardwick frowned.
I laughed “more or less.” Girls like clothes more,” like Reese, she used to show
off her dresses and talk about her closet. I wonder if he saw my new collection
of clothes, wouldn't he die of rage? I really wonder if Avan is rich enough to
have such a big closet.
"Ah, shouldn't you give some reward for hard work, dear?"
"That?" I looked at him with a frown.
He smiled "reward for fixing that closet."
“Wasn't it Luina who did the hard work?” I smiled and got up from the couch
"you're right, I really should reward you." I was about to walk when I suddenly
felt suspended in the air.
“Oh no darling, I was the one who ordered and paid for everything so the
reward should only belong to me” he started walking towards the bed.
"Hardwick, what are you doing in broad daylight?" My eyes widened, but my
heart beat erotically.
“Reaping my rewards, darling.”
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Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 36
Savannah Viewpoint
The next morning I woke up and found myself alone in bed again. I sighed,
shaking my head. Looks like I need to get used to it. Hardwick left me alone in
bed, under the warm blanket. Although the bed is very comfortable and I
enjoyed sleeping here, being left alone is something I cannot tolerate. I wanted
to see him lying next to me when I woke up in the morning, but unfortunately
that day it never happened, not yet. He could play with me all he wanted, but
couldn't he accompany me to bed, at least until I woke up? The image of last
night flashed through my mind. I couldn't help but blush again.
It's like I want to get rid of it, but I can't.
What a cheeky companion I have!
"Do you ever think about 'this'?" I couldn't help but ask him. I don't know how I
ended up back in bed when, just a few minutes ago, I was talking to Tanea.
"Because? Don't tell me you don't like it, darling. As far as I know, in the end
you're the one moaning my name," he smiled.
"That's not what I was talking about." I sighed and lay down on the soft bed. I
can help?
Naturally I can't.
Hardwick took off his shirt and hovered over me. His muscular body almost
covered my small body. I have to say, she has a drool-worthy body that I can't
help but stare at shamelessly. The way his muscles contracted with every
movement made my mouth water with the desire to lick every inch of him.
~How horny~ Red suddenly sneered in my mind. I rolled my eyes.
~Shut up, go away~ I yelled at him.
~ Where do you want me to go? I am your wolf, a part of you~ she replied.

~You're too loud~

~And you're horny. Look how you look at him without blinking~
~Is this my fault?~ Who told you to build your body like this?
~Well, ask her that yourself~ then she disappeared.
"What are you thinking again?" Hardwick hit me on the forehead.
“Ow… that hurts” I grimaced, rubbing the spot.
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He tilted his head to the side before lowering it a little “your attention should only
be on me, darling. “I won’t let you think about other things when we are alone.”
"It was Red, my wolf," I replied.
"It doesn't matter, when I'm here, all your attention should be on me alone."
I smiled, "Are you getting jealous of my own wolf?"
"Do I need to use vocal power to show this?" He raised his eyebrows.
I was surprised by his confession. Did he really admit that he became jealous of
his own partner?
Is this man really real? I couldn't help but shake my head.
"Hardwick, you are..." I stopped. I do not know what to tell you. Every time he
shows me another side of him.
"It's me?" He asked him.
"I don't know," I sighed.
He laughed, "Confused mind, isn't it?"
He clearly knows what he was doing, but it still bothers me to tell him.
"You were-" he silenced me by giving me a quick kiss.
“Shhh… enough talking, we wasted time talking and now it's time to act”
I felt hot. Damn, even your simple words are enough to make me burn. I never
knew my desires were so high until I met this man above me. I bit my lip as I
looked at him intently.
His eyes darkened and he leaned in “you are so beautiful” he whispered using
his husky tone and claimed my lips.
Our lips collided and played with each other in a familiar rhythm, our tongues
dancing passionately and filled with desire. I
He bit my bottom lip and then sucked hard, making me shudder.
"You taste so sweet baby, those lips are mine to devour" Hardwick whispered
I arched my back pushing my body up only to be pressed down by his chest. My
chest brushed against his bare chest and he moaned.
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“Fuck, you want me to cum right here, baby. “I haven’t even begun to enjoy your
sweet pussy.”
God, your dirty words made me wet. I felt heat pulling at my core slowly,
seeking release. His words are like a strong push to get me wet again.
"How cute, I like that blush when you get so wet with my words," he said and bit
my earlobe, "you love talking dirty, don't you, baby?" Tell me, does this make
you release your milk, preparing it to claim you?
"Oh God…." I moaned loudly as he reached down, slid his fingers into my
panties and touched my already wet fold. He rubbed the area with his fingers in
slow motion.
"So wet, honey, you're really enjoying it, aren't you?" He let out a sexy laugh.
His other hand grabbed my breast against the fabric and squeezed it tightly.
"Hardwick," I moaned loudly, closing my eyes. Your hands are like evil claws
that torture me to reach my final point.
"I can kiss you all day baby," he sucked on my neck hard. Its sharp teeth
pinched my skin and pulled a little. I hissed in pain, but the pleasure that
coursed through my body made me unable to complain.
“Relax darling, enjoy the moment. You just need to relax your body.” Hardwick
traced my clit before pinching it.
"Oh... my god..." I moaned again. I almost felt like I was exploding as my body
"I like that?" I can feel your smile against my neck.
"I'm about to exploit your evil." I cursed him, but instead of getting angry he
“Not so fast,” he uttered and before I could understand, he removed his hand
and, in a quick moment, turned me around. He was now lying face down. His
sudden action surprised me and I tilted my head to look at him over my
“Don't worry, I'm not going to fuck you, baby. It's not time to claim your sweet
pussy yet. But that doesn't mean I won't play with that beautiful body of yours.
Let’s try something different today,” he smiled.
"What are you trying to do?" I couldn't help but ask. I'm not afraid though
because I know he won't hurt me no matter what. But the way he used to
please me is something that shakes my body with excitement and nervousness
at the same time. I have never been intimate like this with anyone, much less
had I had experience in this field.
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"Re scared?" Hardwick said after a while. He leaned his body on my bed until
he was almost lying on top of me. He leaned close to my ear and said in a
hoarse voice, “You don't have to worry about that, honey. All you have to do is
enjoy the pleasure I am about to give you.”
As soon as he finished, he kissed my back and reached out, tearing the dress. I
gasped as I heard the sound of soft material tearing.
"Why do you have to break it?" I asked.
He laughed. “I don’t have that much patience.”
I almost rolled my eyes, but before I could, I felt his fingers on my back. He ran
his fingers down my back slowly. I shivered at his touch and buried my face in
the pillow.
"So pretty…." Hardwick whispered, "I have a birthmark, darling."
I didn't say anything, but the next second I felt him kiss my back gently. Then he
ran his tongue over the pattern of my mark. I arched my back, but he held me in
place and continued licking my back.
"Hardwick" I moaned in pleasure.
“You are such a beautiful baby, inside and out. Everything about you is so
beautiful. “My companion, my beautiful companion” he said sensually against
my skin.
“You're torturing me,” I told him. He pulled his hand away just as I was about to
explode and that frustrated me a lot.
He chuckled "Are you crazy, honey?"
I rolled my eyes and didn't respond.
"Since you want me so much, I'll give you what you want," he said again before
I felt his hand against my wet core. He spread the folds of my pussy and
inserted his two fingers inside it. My body jerked forward and I gasped.
"Fuck, baby, are you still so tense after that whole orgasm?" He hissed as he
pushed his fingers inside me.
The pleasure this time was a little different. He touches me from behind and
each thrust makes my body advance. His fingers are so strong that I couldn't
help but close my eyes. It didn't take me long to free myself due to his strong
After a few more thrusts from his fingers, I cum on his hands.
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"Hardwick," I moaned loudly as I released myself. I gasped as I closed my eyes.
"That's great, you're riding my fingers like a sexy fucking goddess, baby,"
Hardwick said from behind and suddenly slapped my ass.
My eyes widened but he just laughed "I can't help it."
He slowly turned me around and smiled "did you like it a lot?"
I shook my head slowly. I couldn't find my voice to speak and all I could do was
shake my head. After the torture of pleasure, I was so tired that my eyes felt
"How adorable," I heard Hardwick whisper. He kissed my forehead and said
again “sleep well, darling.”
I came back to reality when I heard the voice. I turned to look to the side and
found that Luina was holding a towel.
"Good morning ma'am. Do you want to take a shower first? She asked.
I felt a blush spread across my face, warming everything. Hell, I was just
daydreaming in the morning. Last night's action remained in my mind like a
recorded video. I shook my head, trying to get rid of the blush.
“I would like that,” I responded to Luina who was already waiting for my
She nodded "I'll prepare the water."

“Master will be here after a while. “He said you can have breakfast if you’re

Luina said as soon as I sat down in the dining room.

“I'll wait for him,” he smiles.

"Am I late?" A woman in her 40s walked in with a smile.

“Lady, this is Marga, the head of the pack maidens. She is also responsible for
the kitchen,” Luina reported.
“Welcome to the pack, ma’am.” Marga smiled warmly. "I was on leave, so I
didn't talk about your arrival."
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"Okay," I smiled.

"What would you like to eat?"

“What does Hardwick eat every day?” I asked her.

She seemed quite surprised, but smiled again. “Master usually drinks coffee in
the morning. “He rarely eats breakfast.”
“Do you skip breakfast?” I grimaced. It is not good to skip the first meal of the
day. He always disappears in the morning saying he has work. But even though
I had a job, I couldn't neglect my health. I shook my head.
“I'll wait for him, today I want to eat with him,” I told him.
"Okay," Marga agreed.
“Where is he, anyway? Why does it always disappear in the morning? I frowned
at Luina.
Luina had a helpless expression as she smiled “I don't know, ma'am. The
Master does not inform us of his whereabouts or his works.”
I sighed "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you." I shouldn't have asked like
that. Of course, it won't be important for you to inform the maids about him.
Next time I think I'll have to do it in person.
After almost 15 minutes of waiting, Hardwick finally decided to grace us with his
presence. He smiled when he saw me and then kissed my temple.
"You're waiting for me?"
I shook my head and looked at him sitting in the main chair. Marga returned to
us with a smile.
"What would you like for breakfast?" She asked.
Hardwick asked me, "What do you want to eat?"
"It's all good, I'm not picky," I shrugged.
He nodded and then turned to look at Marga, “bring something hot and
Marga nodded and was about to leave when I called her "Marga, please make
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Marga smiled and left. Hardwick turned to me and smiled, "Did you sleep well?"
There was a mischievous smile in his eyes.
I know what he was talking about. I will never let him know that I daydreamed
about our erotic action. I shook my head.
"I heard you skip breakfast all the time" I said focusing on the topic.
“I have less appetite,” he smiled.
I rolled my eyes “you're not a robot or something. Although I know that you are
strong and have more power, you still need to eat to stay healthy.”
He chuckled "Are you that worried?" He leaned towards me while his eyes fixed
on me with dominance "if I'm not mistaken I would think that you fell in love with
I was surprised by your statement. In love with him? Am I really? I found the
tragedy most painful because I fell in love with the wrong person in the past. But
now the present is more promising and more different from the past. Although I
am linked to Hardwick because of the pair bond, and seriously, I care about him
a lot and there is some kind of strong attraction towards him, but can these
feelings be called "love"?
A love that ruined me in the past?
For some time I could not answer him. I trust Hardwick more than myself and I
also want to obey everything he says. But every time I want to broach the topic
of love, I don't know why, but there is still some insecurity growing inside my
“You don't need to fight,” I heard him say. I looked up and found him looking at
me playfully.
“You don't need to go through inner turmoil. You are my partner, and as long as
you know that you are mine, that is enough. Anything else doesn't matter
Suddenly, guilt stabbed my heart. He is very loving and understanding. He
knows my thoughts and never tries to judge them. My eyes filled with tears
instantly. How did I doubt the affection and love that shines in your eyes?
"I am yours"
I blurted out before I could stop myself. It's like my mind and thoughts are
working together to force the words out before my heart can allow them.
Hardwick gave me his beautiful smile.
“Yes, you are mine.”
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We looked deeply into each other's eyes. Forgetting our surroundings. I felt like
I was drowning inside their domineering orbs that always managed to draw me
in with invisible manacles.
“Master, madam, breakfast is served” Marga's voice suddenly brought us out of
our own trance.
I looked away and stared at the empty plate on the table as Hardwick simply
cleared his throat and picked up the cup of coffee to drink. Marga served
pancakes on my plate and then added the delicious syrup.
“Serve me breakfast too, Marga,” Hardwick said suddenly and I looked at him.
“Uh…” Marga was surprised, but still served the pancake on her plate before
turning around and smiling at me.
I greeted him with a smile before picking up the spoon and fork to start eating.
The morning in the Black Forest is as sweet as the pancake on my plate.
Romance claiming his tempting partner, Chapter 37
Savannah Viewpoint
“This is the lady from the library.” Luina pushed the door and took me inside. I
gasped as I looked around. It was huge, with 7 tall shelves circulating
throughout the room. And every shelf was full of books.
“Why does it seem like this place hasn't been in use for a long time?” I asked,
looking around.
“You are right, ma'am. Most pack members are interested in practicing in the
area. Few come here to read,” Luina reported.
I shook my head and looked at the books. This library is larger than the one I
had in the Snow Moon Pack.
It seems that the ancestors of the Black Forest were interested in collecting.
I walk towards the huge shelves. There was also a ladder and steps leading to
the upper shelves. Everything in this room looks good. After breakfast,
Hardwick left again, leaving me alone. I have nothing to do. Although he said he
would be back early, what will I do in the meantime? So I asked Luina to show
me the gang. And after visiting some other room he led me to this room and I
am very happy that it is a library.
“I like this room,” I said satisfied and turned around, “but this room still needs
“You can ask for whatever you want, ma'am,” Luina said.
I nodded "that sounds good, get a table, a chair, some writing equipment and
yes, a couch please."
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"Anything else, ma'am?" “No, these are fine” I smiled and walked towards the
shelves to choose a book.
Although this place is huge, there are no places where anyone can sit and read.
Maybe because this is rarely used and no one cares.
Luina soon went to organize while I looked at the books in front of me. My eyes
fell on the green-covered book in the corner. I walked over to him and took him
“Under The Lone Star” I pronounced like the title of the book. And I lowered my
eyes when I saw the author’s name “Kenny Sujan”, I muttered.
I have never read a novel. What interested me were historical events, that's why
I preferred to read in that category. AND
This is the first time I have been interested in such a romantic book. There was
a silhouette of a couple on the cover and the fonts were written in cursive. I
flipped through the cover and turned the pages. I started reading the first
chapter of the novel.
*It seems that life wants to test me until I have used up all the energy I have left.
My mother was right, living is hard and death is peaceful. In the end she proved
this quote and decided to die. I wanted to do the same, I want it to end but
unfortunately I can't. I would like to be able to-*
The sound of the door opening made me stop reading and I turned to look at
the door. I was surprised when I saw a familiar face that had just entered. She
stopped suddenly and looked at me with the same expression as me.
Isn't she the girl next to Daisy? Looking at her reminded me that since I came to
the pack, I hadn't seen them.
Neither Daisy nor the other two who were with her. And now seeing Cora in the
library surprised me quite a bit.
“Ma'am” Cora smiled “I'm here to deliver the things you asked for” “Uh… thank
you” I nodded and closed the book.
"It is my duty," she added before instructing the men behind her.
Soon the library was set up the way I wanted and now it looks more like an
office than a library.
Luina worked quickly. Although I expected her to work quickly, I never thought
she would do it right away.
"Do you need anything else, ma'am?" Cora asked after checking it out.
"No, these are fine," I smiled.
“Then I will leave now. If you want something, please tell us” his voice was
respectful and seemed sincere. She smiled and was about to leave but I
stopped her again.
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“Cora?” "Yeah?" She turned around.
“Where are Daisy and Mark? “I mean, I haven’t seen you since I got here.”
She looked at me for a while and then responded “uh…Mark left the group to
work on the border.”
“And Margaret?” I asked again. She only talked about Mark, but not Daisy.
Cora sighed. “Madam, it is better not to talk about her.”
"Because?" I grimaced.
"Mrs. Daisy made a mistake and was punished."
I gasped "what?"
"Yes," she nodded.
That's why I haven't seen her in all this time. She went to punishment.
"Where is she? I mean, he's not in a pack but somewhere else?"
Cora smiled bitterly, “it's the rule, ma'am. Furthermore, it was the teacher who
gave the punishment, so whether he liked it or not, he had to accept it.”
Did Hardwick do this?
~ Of course I would. After all he is our partner ~ Red said in my mind. ~How
could he forgive that woman who tried to kill us?~
“Where did you send her?”
“East side,” Cora replied.
"What's that?"
“I can't say anything else, ma'am. “I have work to finish,” and before I could ask,
he hurried out of the room. I stood there looking at her, closing the door.
What just happened? Did she leave as if a ghost was chasing her? Better to
ask Hardwick in person. The rules of the Dark Forest are much more active
than those of our pack.
Shaking my head, I walk over to the couch and lie down before opening the
book again and starting to read.
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“Wake up, sleepyhead” I felt something touching my cheeks and then it was like
a soft feather touched my lips.
I groaned and pushed the thing away, but I heard laughter ringing in my ear.
Wait, what is this? I opened my eyes only to greet my companion's beautiful
"You're awake," he smiled.
"Yours…." I rubbed my eyes and looked around. So then I fallen in reason. Oh
God, I'm in the library. The book slipped out of my hand and fell to the carpet.
"Were you reading a romance novel?" Hardwick looked at the title of the book
and then at me.
"When did you come?" I asked, sitting on the couch.
"Half an hour ago"
"Why didn't you wake me up?"
“You were so cute when you slept. How could I wake you up? He asked him.
Nice? Hardwick knows how to use words to flatter me. I shook my head before
"You finished your work?"
"It's just normal pack business," he replied.
I nodded and was about to say but I heard him say again "are you hungry?"
"No, I ate it all in the morning."
“It's been hours since you had breakfast. Are you still not hungry? He frowned.
“I have less appetite” I imitated his words.
Hardwick laughed. “Are you copying me, darling?” Then he raised his eyebrows
I shrugged. "I really can't help it."
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He suddenly hovered over me keeping his arms on the couch “you know that
copying is a bad habit, right? “It is an act of naughty girls and naughty girls must
be punished.”
My heart instantly skipped a beat at the proximity. I looked him in the eyes and
gave him a small smile.
Batting my eyelashes seductively, I wrapped my arms around his neck and
pulled him towards me.
"Do you think I'm naughty?" I asked.
Hardwick was surprised at first and suddenly revealed his evil smile. He leaned
closer and only stopped when our faces were inches apart.
"No, and you?" He asked in a hoarse voice.
“I don't agree, Master…” I said seductively.
Instantly Hardwick's eyes darkened and he looked at me with his domineering
"Fuck," he cursed and kissed me. He bit my bottom lip and sucked hard.
“Do you know how seductive you look now? Like a sex goddess trying to
seduce me.
He said hoarsely and bit my lips again.
“Ummm…” I tried to walk away, but he wouldn’t let me.
"You are seductive, darling," he whispered and again claimed my lips for a hot,
passionate kiss.
I don't know how long we've been kissing, but after a while I couldn't breathe.
Hardwick didn't seem to plan on letting me go, so I used my hand and patted
him on the back.
After a few seconds, he finally released me from his kiss.
“You taste so fucking good,” he licked his lips as he looked at me with lust
shining in his eyes. I gasped trying to catch my breath.
I almost thought I was suffocating. Tilting my head, I looked at the man in front
of me.
“What do you think you were doing?” I barked angrily.
He smiled “What? “You are the one who seduced me, darling.”
I looked at him but remained silent. Damn, I never thought he'd be so
aggressive. I just wanted to make fun of him, but he changed my plan and in
return hurt my lips. I definitely won't use that act again. It's better to be safe than
cry later.
"Come on let's go. “You need food,” he laughed.
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"I'm not hungry," I hissed.
"Are you angry, dear?" He smiled.
“How could I dare to do that?” I rolled my eyes.
He laughed again “Sorry. I got a little excited. Now comes one you need to eat.
“You had breakfast hours ago” he grabbed my wrist and tried to lift me up.
“Wait,” I stopped him.
"That?" Should I ask or not, but I wanted to know and he's the only one.
"I wanted to ask something," I said nervously. I don't know if I'm someone who
can tell me about that.
"What is it?" He asked, frowning at me.
"What's the east side?"
Hardwick's playful expression disappeared in a second, while his expression
now turned serious. I was nervous inside, but I didn't let it show on my face. He
is my partner and as his partner I have the right to know it.
"What you say?" He asked, but this time his tone is quite harsh.
“I heard you sent Daisy to the East Side. I want to know what kind of
punishment you gave him? I tried to explain.
"Who told you that?"
"That matters?"
"Savannah, I asked you who told you that." He used his Alpha tone. My heart
skipped a beat. He had never used such a harsh tone before. And it seems that
this matter is more serious than I thought. But I won't let this happen.
“Cora. I asked him about Daisy and he told me hesitantly.
"What else did he say?"
“She didn't say anything else.”
"Good," he
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"Hardwick, why are you hiding this from me?"
“Hide what?”
I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Is he treating me like a child or is he playing an
innocent game again?
“Daisy tried to hurt me at the hunting event and now she has been sent to the
East Side to be punished. Because is what?"
I asked.
“Because she deserves it. Since he tried to hurt you, she also needs to suffer
punishment,” he replied.
"Okay, I understand, but I still can't understand why you don't want to talk about
this topic."
“Why don't you calm down first and then we can talk about this?”
I frowned. “Are you doing this again?” I sighed.
"Doing what, honey?" He asked him.
“You are trying to avoid this topic again. Because? Why can't you just tell me
about it?
I shook my head. What's wrong with this Daisy girl? Why doesn't Hardwick tell
me about her? What are you trying to hide?
“There's nothing to talk about,” he said and pulled me towards him. “She is just
a simple wolf who committed bad deeds and is now receiving her punishment. It
was his choice to end like this. It's the rule of our pack, darling, and no one can
change it.
“Very well, since you don't want to talk about her, then tell me something else.
What kind of place is the East Side? I looked at him.
“This place was built for or for those who commit sin. Those who went there will
be punished because of them,” he responded.
"Is that?" I grimaced.
Because? Did you want to hear something else?" He raised his eyebrows.
“No,” because I feel like something is missing. Like a part Hardwick didn't want
to reveal. Furthermore, the expression on Cora's face was somewhat strange.
He seemed to be in pain when he talked about the East Side. I couldn't help but
"Why are you frowning?" Hardwick asked.
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I shook my head "aren't you hiding anything?"
"No," he smiled. “Now one comes. It's already past lunch time,” he picked me
"I'm not hungry yet".
He laughed “so I'm hungry and you're going to come with me.”
This time I didn't protest and let him lead me out of the room. I'm not familiar
with the path yet, so it better be here. But he couldn't rest because he still felt
like something was missing from Daisy and the East Side.
But what?
Romance claiming her tempting companion chapter 38
Savannah Viewpoint
"Do you think it's a good idea?" I asked Hardwick again. I don't know what came
into his head that made him suggest walking with the herd in the morning.
Although it is a chance to meet the pack members, I am still quite nervous
inside. I've been living in the Black Forest for a week, but I've never had the
chance to leave.
Almost every day I spent my time in the library or with him.
“You are Luna, although the title has not been made official, but all the
members have already considered you as such. You need to go out and meet
them. Once you get familiar with it, you’ll feel good,” he said as he put on his
shirt in front of the mirror.
I sighed. He is true to his point. I can't live my entire life inside the pack
mansion. I have seen the mother accompanying the father whenever he goes
and how the members of the pack show their respect.
I always thought mom was special because she knows how to deal with difficult
things and situations.
"Are you ready?" Hardwick walked towards me and held out his hand, “just let
your anxious feelings go. This will make you more nervous.”
I couldn't help but smile. This man, how did he know my feelings? It's like he
can see right through me.
~ Because he is our partner. He can feel our feelings~ Red answered in my
~Yes, I'm the only one who can't understand it~ I mocked myself.
~you're lazy, that's why~
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I mentally rolled my eyes. I don't know why, but my own wolf is making fun of
me. Excellent.
Hardwick led me to the door. He opened the door and I saw that Luina was
already outside.
“Everything is ready, master,” he informed him.
Hardwick nodded "okay" and then turned to look at me "let's go."
We left the pack mansion and walked around the area. Hardwick took my hand
as we walked.
The entire area was covered with forests and high mountains. I can see the
culmination of this. We passed many houses and some members of the pack
greeted us when they saw us walking.
“Why are there only a few people? How many people really live here? I asked,
looking around. Starter homes look beautiful on the sides. Dark Forest is
rumored to be secretive and rich. I never believed that gossip, but now that I'm
here, I think it's true.
“Most of the young people are in training on the ground. So only the older ones
are here,” Hardwick responded. He pushed me towards the area where the
houses started to get deeper.
Although the population of the Black Forest is quite large, I must say that the
entire flock is clean and orderly. Because of the way it was situated and
decorated, the people who lived there must have worked hard to keep it that
"How many members does the Dark Forest pack have?" I couldn't help but ask.
“More than 3,000 families”
I gasped "what?"
Hardwick looked at me funny “what? Incredible?
"Wait, are you saying that the Dark Forest has more than 3,000 families?"
"It's not accurate because not everyone lives here," he explained. “Our
ancestors separated the herd. Although most of the members' residences are
located in this part of the woods, there are some who live on the East Side.”
East Side? Isn't it the place where Cora said? Daisy was also sent there.
According to him, the Eastern zone is also part of the group. But why did they
split it up in the first place?
This is the first time I've heard of a package being split this way.
"East side?" I frowned "since the pack has two difficult locations, is that also
under your control?"
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"Partly because the east side still has elders who supervised his father during
his rule."
I sighed, "It seems that the Dark Forest is really dark with its mysteries."
He laughed, “don't worry. You’ll get used to it soon.”
"You-" I was about to say when something hit me. Frowning, I looked down only
to see beautiful blue eyes staring back at me. There was a cute little girl
wearing a headband with wolf ears and chubby cheeks.
“Alisa, don't run-” a voice stopped in the middle and followed by an apologetic
tone “I'm sorry Master, Madam, my daughter is a little naughty.”
I looked up and saw a slightly older woman looking down.
"It's okay" I smiled, then reached down and pinched the girl's cheek "Is your
name Alisa?"
Alisa nodded fiercely, but as she did so, the wolf ear headband suddenly
slipped off her head and landed on her cute little nose. I laughed and made her
wear the headband correctly.
"Why are you running so fast?" I asked softly.
“I wanted to show off my ears,” she said, pointing to the headband.
"Wow, you have such beautiful ears" I added making her blush. His chubby
cheeks turned red as he looked down shyly. I couldn't help but have fun. She is
very small and the way she blushes makes her more adorable.
“Alisa, thank you Luna, honey,” her mother said.
Alisa looked up and smiled "thank you Luna."
I laughed and ruffled his hair. "You're welcome, honey."
“Madam, I hope you don't mind. “My daughter is a little naughty and always
runs around.”
Alisa's mother said as I stood up.
"How can I care about such a cute little thing?" I smiled. Alisa ran to her mother
and smiled.
"Thank you, he's normally well behaved, but today he got his new headband
and he can't control himself."
I laughed "it's okay, children are angels"
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“Thank you, master, master,” then he took his daughter away.
"How adorable," I whispered, still staring at Alisa's bouncing figure.
"We should? My love?" Hardwick's voice snapped me out of my trance. I almost
forgot he's here too.
“Yes,” I smiled. We linked our hands before leading me to walk further.
Reese's POV
"How do you feel?" Mom asked as she placed the tray on the table.
“I'm bored,” I replied, “Mom, why can't I go out? I get really bored sitting here all
the time. "I can't control it anymore."
“Reese, don't talk like that. We have to control ourselves because the current
situation is not in our hands,” the mother said firmly.
I rolled my eyes “What do you want me to do mom? Die here? What kind of sin
did I commit that they wouldn't let me leave this room? Are they trying to confine
me here until I give birth? I felt anger rising inside me. It's been a week and I'm
still stuck here. Furthermore, Avan also refused to meet with me.
"My dear, why are you so angry?" The mother said, sitting on the bed, “how
many times do I have to tell you this, the greatest weapon a woman can have is
her kindness and tranquility.
If you behave like this, how will Avan feel anything about you?
“Mom, he already knows. He knows that this pregnancy is a planned action.
Now he doesn't even want to look at me or listen to me. What should I do?"
“You have to use this baby as a weapon,” the mother suddenly smiled.
"What do you mean?" I frowned at him.
“Although Avan knows that we planned this action, you are already pregnant
and he is still single. So no matter how angry he was at you, he couldn't hurt
Because you are pregnant with your only child. This baby will be the heir to
Bright Shine. Since that bitch already crossed the line, the only person standing
by her is you and now you're pregnant. This is the great advantage you have in
your hands. You need to take advantage of this situation to get Avan back.”
“But he doesn't want to see me.”
“Then make me see you. How can a man completely ignore the woman carrying
his baby? Mom suggested.
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Do you think it will work?" I asked, still unsure.
“I heard that Avan is quite busy these days taking care of pack affairs and
staying up late at night working. You should confront him and tell him how much
you care about him. No man can resist a woman in such a situation. Although
he may be angry at first, he will definitely calm down. All you have to do is use
your charm.” Mom smiled.
Although the suggestion is quite tempting, Avan is currently ignoring me. He
didn't even visit me here, but he also refused to let me leave the room. How can
I use seduction right now?
“Mom, are you serious? Do you want me to seduce you right now? Even if he
doesn't hurt me, what if he gets angrier and the plan doesn't go according to our
wishes? "I don't want to risk anything."
Mom frowned. “What are you saying? I worked hard to get you this position.
Reese, are you doubting me?
“Mom,” I sighed, “I'm not saying that.” I shook my head: “I think it's not right to
act this time. Can't we wait a few days?
“You need to work on time, honey. If you just want to wait, you will only delay
your time.
Currently the situation in the peloton is not favorable for us. Avan is angry as
are Alpha and Luna. Not even your father talks to me. And if you fail to secure
your position, it will be too late to maintain it.”
"Why doesn't daddy talk to you?" I grimaced.
Mom sighed deeply, “he's accusing me of being irresponsible. “Alpha is mad at
him for her pregnancy, so his dad is a little upset.”
"Is he blaming you?"
“It is,” the mother agreed, “but that's not the concern. As long as Avan accepts
you, everything will be fine.”
“But I can't leave now. If I run away, he will get angrier.” I shook my head. I
know Avan more than anyone. He is aggressive and temperamental. Things are
not going his way, so he will be more aggressive with anything. Although I know
that my mother only wanted to reconcile our bond, I also need to think about
this clearly. If it had been before I wouldn't have given it much thought, but now
I'm pregnant and if something happens during our conversation the only person
who will get hurt is me. And I don't want to take any risks with this baby. This
baby is the only hope I have left and I will never do anything to put his life at
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“Reese, I just want you two to behave like you used to. I don’t want you to end
up like me,” Mom suddenly sobbed.
“Mom, please don't cry. We've come this far and you're still crying like this? I
take his hand, I promise I'll use it.

my pregnancy to make peace with Avan but I also need time ok, I know him
well. If I try to upset him, he will doubt me and I won't be able to explain myself.
Just give me some time before I convince you again.”
Mom nodded “okay, whatever. I brought your favorite dessert. Do you want to
try some? He opened the lid of the bowl.
“It looks delicious” my mouth watered instantly.
“Here you have this” Mom handed me the bowl.
“Thank you mom” I said thank you before happily eating my dessert.
Later, Avan visited me. At first I was surprised, but I immediately calmed down.
He was ignoring me all these days, but finally he decided to show himself again.
"How's it going?" He asked as he entered.
"I'm fine. "This pregnancy makes me tired all the time," I smile at her.
He nodded, "Are you resting properly?"
"Of course. "I need to take care of the baby properly."
"It's good"
I looked at him. He looked exhausted, but still looked very handsome.
“Were you busy these days? I mean, you haven’t visited yet, so…” “Packing
“Avan doesn't get exhausted that much. I know you have work to do and many
problems to face. But you should also worry about your health.
Don't forget that this time it's not just me or the pack that needs you, but also
our baby” I said softly, trying to put more sweetness into my words.
He looked at me for a moment before finally nodding his head “don't worry. I
know what I'm doing"
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“I understand your problems,” I smile. “I'm just worried about you. You look so
tired right now,” I said as I reached out to take his hand. But before I could
touch it, it suddenly moved a little, avoiding my touch.
“I have so many responsibilities to take care of. You just need to nourish
yourself and the baby so that you are both healthy and you don't have to think
about other things.”
I bit my lip but shook my head. It's best not to argue with him now. Our
relationship is not what it used to be. Any mistake will take you further away
from me.
“It's okay, you take care of yourself.”
He nodded: "I will visit you again" and left the room.
I looked at his retreating figure and clenched my fist tightly. My nails dig into my
skin, hurting it, but I don't care. At this point the pain seems more comfortable.
He is still so indifferent, but the day will come when he will be able to
understand my value and at that time I will see how he remains indifferent like
Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 39
Savannah Viewpoint
The next few days passed well. Nowadays I meet Alisa often and spend time
with the girl.
At first she was shy but then she started getting comfortable with me and
started chatting happily or should I say she is a chatty guy who never stops
when she opens her mouth. Your mother Elsa is a wonderful woman. After
spending time with her, I learned many things.
He was talking about how he met his partner and came to the Dark Forest to
settle down.
"How old is Alice?"
Elsa smiled “this year she turns 5, but that girl is more naughty than other
children her age.”

“I haven't seen many children here. The first one I saw was Alisa” “It's because
most parents sent their children to watch the training sessions”
"At such a young age?" I raised my eyebrows. While I know Dark Forest is
different and has some rules, it's kind of surprising that kids are seeing practice
at the age they should be playing and having fun.
“Don't you think like others?” I asked Elsa, “I mean, Alisa is here while others
are at the training ground. Don't you want to send it too?
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Elsa laughed “I thought about it. And I talked to Hunter about it too, but he said
it's not necessary.
“She wants her daughter to enjoy life, besides exhausting herself thinking about
I nodded. “I think Hunter planned it well. I also agree that children should be
disciplined from an early age, but 5 years old is not something that subjects
them to strict rules.”
“Alpha made no such rules,” Elsa stated, “in fact, he never said that children
should participate in training.
“What happens is that the reputation of the pack has grown over time and the
mentality has changed.”
“I think so,” he smiles. Hardwick is a strict ruler, but I also didn't think he would
be too cruel to impose heavy burdens on innocent children. And I think he was
"I'm glad you're finally here, Luna."
I looked at Elsa's smiling face.
“After so many years we can finally see Alpha behave normally”
"Usually?" I frowned. “What do you mean by that?”
“I shouldn't say this, but looking at you I can't help it. As you know, our
backpack is considered strong compared to other backpacks. And that only
happened because Alpha is very strict. From training to battle, everything must
be perfect in his eyes.
Why do you think parents send their children to the field to watch training
sessions? It's because they want their children to understand it and get used to
it. We were all worried that Alpha was alone and even after so many years he
couldn't find Luna.
There are also rumors that the East Side Elders wanted to select Luna for
Alpha, since the rules say that an Alpha cannot rule the pack without Luna,”
Elsa explained.
My eyes widened “what? Do you intend to select a random girl like Luna even if
she is not linked?

Elsa nodded "it seems so."

I could not believe it. How can they just hit any random girl like Hardwick's
Luna, even though she wasn't his real partner? What did the adults think before
reaching such a cheap conclusion? I wanted to clench my teeth until it hurt. I
looked at Elsa who was looking at me silently.
"Do you know who these old men are?" I asked.
She shook her head “in fact, most of the pack members haven't seen any of
Only a few nearby saw these Elders. Hunter came to the East Side once and
told me about it. Although he did not have the opportunity to meet them in
person, he heard many things about them.”
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"What kind of things?"
“It says that these elders are three elders who once worked as advisors during
Alpha's grandfather's government. Alpha Hudson, Alpha's grandfather, lived on
the east side.
From that moment on he dominated the entire pack. Later, when Alpha's father
was born and took the title, he settled here in the forest. Since then, the east
side has become the territory of the elders.”
There are many things. I thought to myself. Dark Forest is more intriguing than
a mystery novel.
But even after hearing this, why do I feel like there are more things I still don't
"That's all?" I asked.
"I don't know how true that is, but that's all Hunter heard from the East Side."
I nodded “okay, whether it is true or not, there will be a chance to know. I think
you should go now. The sun is already setting” I got up from the couch.
“Alisa really likes you, Luna. “She kept bothering you when you didn’t visit her.”
I laughed “I will definitely visit her in my free time.”
“Thank you for coming and spending time with us. Normally Luna doesn't
personally visit the pack unless it's a serious or important matter.”
"I guess I'm different then," I smiled as she laughed.
"Of course you are"

I left Elsa's house with Luina. Luina is always with me when I go. But I'm also
glad he's here because the pack's path is still unknown in some parts, so he
better be here to guide.

Is Hardwick free from his job?”

“I don't know, ma'am. The Master has no fixed time for this, in the past.
Luina said of
“Maybe it can wait. It usually ends when it gets dark” I said and was about to
take a step forward when I collided with something.
"Oh, that's my-" my apology stopped halfway when I saw the person's face.
Deeply surprised, I took a step back.
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"Daisy flower?" I murmured the name. She's here? Didn't they say she was sent
to the East Side to be punished? But is he back today?
Daisy looked at me darkly. His face was pale and devoid of any emotion. The
pale skin makes her look like a ghostly figure. I don't know what's wrong with
this girl. She always looks at me coldly and her eyes are full of hatred.
"You're back?" I said again.
Suddenly she laughed “why? Were you not satisfied? His mocking tone pierced
my heart like a knife. What kind of feeling is this?
"What are you talking about?"
"Please, Lua. Are you pretending to be innocent now? " She asked: “Are you
not satisfied with the punishment the teacher gave me? Do you want to add
“Behave before the Lady,” Luina said in a warning tone from behind.
Daisy looked at her and smiled before looking at me “oh, I almost forgot about
How can I disrespect you? She is Master's favorite, right? But let me tell you,
whether she's the match or not, she can never compare to Delaney.”
Delaney? I grimaced. Who is that? And why does he talk like that? From the
side I saw Cora running towards us with an anxious expression. When she
heard Delaney's name, her expression instantly changed and she turned pale.
He grabbed Daisy's arm tightly.
"Daisy, what the hell are you talking about?" She screamed.
“What did I say wrong?” Daisy almost screamed. He shook off Cora's hand and
stared at her.
"That is not true? She is taking her place and how can I stay silent and watch all
Daisy pointed her finger at me.
Anger began to boil inside me. Although I think this girl is somehow dissatisfied
with me, she has no right to point her finger at me as if I am somehow inferior to
her. I thought she didn't like me, which is why she's always rude, but the more I
worry about her behavior, the more she thinks she can say something about
"Be quiet. Have you already forgotten your punishment? Do you want to make
Master angrier?"
Cora hissed.
Daisy paid him no attention as she turned around and glared at me “it's all
thanks to you. If you weren't there, Delaney would be here taking her rightful
place, but no, you have to come and ruin everything. Thanks to you, Master
punished me and all events are thanks to you. I will never forgive you for that.
you and that
Automatically translated by Google your family only knows how to act and
attract…” before I could finish, my hand flew up and slapped her hard across
the face. The force of the slap was so strong that Daisy fell to the ground.
Cora's eyes nearly bugged out as she looked at Daisy and then at me.
“You better watch your words before you open your mouth. I've been putting up
with your nonsense because I thought you didn't like me. But that doesn't mean
you can say whatever you want, including dragging my family into your curse.
You must know your position before pointing fingers. You have no right to judge
people with your narrow-mindedness. Let me clear up your confusion, I don't
know who Delaney is nor am I related to her. If you are so dissatisfied, then
complain to your teacher. “If I saw you behaving like a rebellious brat in front of
me, I would forget that you are a member of this pack and I will not wait for your
master to judge you.” I hissed at him before walking away.
Dealing with a brat like that isn't difficult. I just don't want to force myself to look
bad when I just arrived. But that doesn't mean I'll always hold back.
Luina didn't say anything when I entered my room.
“I want to be alone,” I said and closed the door.
What's wrong with this package? One tries to kill me and the other refuses to
tell me anything. How am I going to understand something if he doesn't want to
talk about it? How will I fix this problem if I don't know the root cause? At first I
thought it was just a misunderstanding. But looking at Daisy and how she
behaved today I can clearly say that there is more I don't know. But the most
important thing is who is Delaney? And why was Daisy saying it should be
Delaney instead of me?
What kind of relationship do Hardwick and Delaney have? If there was nothing,
Daisy wouldn't be so angry. That girl even went ahead and killed me. Is it all
because of that girl named Delaney? But why? I never know who Delaney is,
but is Daisy putting all the blame on me like I kidnapped someone's partner? My
eyes widened.
Wait...mate? Are you Delaney Hardwick's partner? Could this be possible?
Because I also have two companions and if I put things into possibilities, I think
it can also be done.
"What are you thinking?" I jumped in shock when I heard the voice behind me. I
turned around and saw Hardwick standing behind me.
"Do you want me to die of shock?" I rubbed my chest trying to calm my racing
"What happened? Did you seem irritated today?" He frowned.
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I gave him a hard look "shouldn't I?" Forcing a smile, I said again: "I found such
a good omen that I couldn't help but get angry."
"Bode well?" Hardwick looked at me confused.
“The good omen is called Daisy.”
"That?" He looked surprised, then something flashed in his eyes. "What did she
"You didn't know she was here?" I grimaced.
"Tell me what she did?"
“Oh, she was delighted to see me. His enthusiasm could be seen in the curses
he threw at me.
It seems like she wasn’t satisfied with cursing me alone, so she decided to drag
my family in too.”
I can see Hardwick's eyes darken as he listens to me.
“I don't know what kind of enmity he has with me, but I will not tolerate anyone
insulting my family.
I respect the pack members and can also ignore some of their mistakes, but
there are some things that cannot be ignored. So I slapped her today. I tell you
this because I want you to know everything. “I can handle anything except
insults when it awakens my self-esteem and the respect of my family.”
“I didn't know she was here. It feels like I put in a group of idiots who can't even
inform me about serious matters in time. I need to handle it properly so that
there is no mistake next time,” Hardwick said through clenched teeth.
"Are you against her?"
“I don't want anyone to hurt my partner. “She did something so unforgivable.”
I looked into his eyes and could see the sincerity in them. His dominant brown
eyes always charmed me and managed to drag me into some fantasy.
Whatever Daisy said ran through my mind again. There are so many points of
doubt in my mind these days that I don't know how to address them. But
suddenly my mother's advice rang in my ears.
No, doubting him can only lead to dissatisfaction and then lead to
misunderstandings. I really don't want our relationship to develop like this. I
sighed, shaking my head.
“Daisy also said something else. I don't know if I should believe him or not. But
things have become like this, so I have to interfere, even if you don’t like it.”
"What are you trying to say?" He asked him.
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I looked him into his eyes. I want you to know how determined I am so that you
can't back out of my question.
“At first I thought it was a misunderstanding, but today she behaved as if my
presence was a great sin for her and she wanted to kill me immediately. I would
have ignored her, but even if I wanted to, I couldn't. Because he said something
that could be related to you.”
"What did she say?" Hardwick's voice became hard and cold.
“Forget what he said. I want to ask you something"
He didn't say anything, but his eyes responded to everything.
I didn't take a step back before looking at him and asking him what he wanted
to know.
“Who is Delaney?”
Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 40
Savannah Viewpoint
“Who is Delaney?”
Hardwick looked at me seriously. His face was cold and emotionless. I couldn't
understand what he is thinking now. I wish I could invade your mind and know
your thoughts.
"Who told you that?" He asked after a while.
I sighed "who do you think?"
"That bitch" Hardwick clenched his fingers into a fist. His eyes darkened as
anger flashed in his eyes. “I should have killed her instead of sparing her life
and firing her.
It seems like it was my biggest mistake.”
Oh God, he's getting angry now. What I can do? Anger always ruins things and
if he gets angry I will never be able to get the answers I want. I have to do
something to calm him down. I took his hand which was a little warm.
“Hardwick, you don't need to be angry now. Last time you backed away from
my question. I let it go because I thought it would just be a trivial topic, so I
didn't think much about it. But today things have been exaggerated and I can't
face things if I don't know anything about them,” I tried to explain.
"Agreement? You don't need to do anything. This time I won't let you do it next
time" he almost roared and was about to leave, but I held his arm tightly,
refusing to let go.
Automatically translated by Google go. Because I know that with this anger I
would definitely do something that could create problems later.
Even though Daisy is a member of the pack and Alpha has the right to punish
her, he can't punish her like that and especially when he's angry.
"Where do you think you are going?" I asked, eyes wide, "you can't leave like
“Are you stopping me? Why do you forgive her? His eyes narrowed in my
"Of course not. How am I supposed to forgive someone who tried to hurt me?
But not forgiving doesn't mean I'm just going to kill him. "Hardwick, that's not
"Irrational? He tried to hurt you and that reason is enough. Nobody, I tell you,
nobody has the right to intimidate you in any way.”
I looked at him seriously, but inside I was very surprised. The way she puts me
in this position makes my heart flutter inside her.
"You can't make a decision based on that Hardwick." I shake my head.
"I am your Alpha and I can," he hissed.
"No, You can not. “I won’t let you do something like that,” I continued insisting. "I
will never allow others to accuse my mate of being partial to his pack because
of his mate."
I can see your jaw clench "who would dare do that?"
“You still don't understand? Daisy accuses me of taking Delaney's place.
Because is what?
Who is Delaney that suddenly appeared out of nowhere? Why the question that
she completely united you and me? I asked.
Hardwick gave me a stern look: “Delaney is a nobody. You don't need to worry
about that.

Leave this matter to me.”

I shook my head. “Are you trying to avoid this topic again? Trying to keep me in
the dark?
How long will you hide this from me?
“Daisy is no good, and so is Delaney. It's better if you don't think about them.
They will only create problems for me and you. So it’s better to get this over with
before this matter takes us somewhere we’ll regret.”
Hardwick said and freed his arm from my bag before walking towards the door.
I can't believe he's still reluctant to tell me. Why are you trying to hide it? If it had
been before I wouldn't have thought about it much, but now there is another
woman who may have something to do with my partner. Like Resse and Avan?
Just thinking about them made me shudder with disgust. What if Hardwick and
Delaney have the same situation? I saw it open
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The door and my heart skipped a beat. No, I need to know about this matter. I
cannot allow the past to repeat itself again in my present.
“Do you want me to stay in the dark so they can accuse me more?” I yelled,
making him stop abruptly.
"What you say?" He turned around and frowned.
“Didn't you hear? Do you want me to not be aware of the things that bother me
right now? How long can you hide this from me? I looked at him "okay since you
don't want to then I will find my own way" I said and walked towards him.
Ignoring his presence, I walked past him and, about to open the door, he
grabbed my wrist.
"Where are you going?"
“I'm going to meet Daisy and ask her. “I think she’ll be more than willing to tell
you anything you don’t want.” I spat angrily. Now I'm tired of persuading you to
tell me the truth. If he doesn't want to tell me himself, I would find a way to do it.
"You're not leaving," Hardwick growled angrily and in a second he picked me up
and threw me over his shoulder.
I shouted loudly "What are you doing Hardwick?"
“I'm doing what I was supposed to do before.”
"What-" before I could finish my words, he threw me onto the bed.
I looked at him with wide eyes as he began to take off his shirt. Instantly, his
muscular abdomen appeared before my vision. I swallowed hard as my eyes
roamed over his upper body. I wanted to hit myself to get me out of that
What the fuck am I thinking? I scolded myself internally. Putting all erotic
thoughts aside, I looked at the beautiful specimen in front of me.
"What do you think you're doing? You're not going to tell me when I ask you and
now that there's someone who can answer me, are you stopping me from going
to her too?"
Hardwick didn't even pay attention to my words as he started to climb onto the
bed. Oh God, I really need to stop it or I don't know how long I can keep my
calm posture. I sat up, but couldn't even sit up straight when suddenly a large
hand pushed me down again. And this time I couldn't move because he was
lying on top of me.
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“There's no way I'm going to let you see her again. She’s done enough damage
and I’m not taking any chances,” he roared in my ear.
I closed my eyes. Why is he angry now? You really don't want me to know
about Delaney?
But why? Why is the topic of Delaney so sensitive to him that he doesn't want to
talk about it? What kind of relationship did you share before? The more he
refuses, the more determined my mind becomes to find out who Delaney is.
"It's my fault? Your pack member wants my life for this, but you refuse to talk
about it? "Daisy has already included me in this mess, so I have a right to
“Don't use that bitch's name,” he warned.
I sighed. Did he really curse again? Although I know he is not innocent, I never
thought he would curse his own pack member like this. Hardwick really hated
Daisy. So much so that I couldn't wait to destroy it.
"You alone-"
“You are so beautiful” he cut me in half.
"That?" I looked at him with confusion. What happened to him suddenly?
His dominant brown eyes held my consciousness and I forgot to form words.
What is happening to me? I felt him drag his lips to my neck. I shivered when
his lips touched my skin. I can feel Hardwick smile suddenly.
"After today you won't be able to leave my side."
Before I could finish, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I felt his fangs piercing my
skin hard. The pain hit my body like a wave and I couldn't help but scream.

Reese's POV
I looked at the steaming bowl and smiled. I heard that Avan is busy and couldn't
eat well, so I took the opportunity and made his favorite hot chicken soup. I
added extra flavors. He always likes it that way. I need to persuade him again.
My pregnancy had a huge effect on our relationship and made it more distant.
But today I will win her heart again. I can't let him avoid me or our son. Once
you fully accept reality, everything will be fine. Thinking of this, I couldn't help
but smile.
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I can imagine Avan's happy face as he walked with me and our son in his arms.
Yes, it should be a boy.
I walk towards Avan's office with a smile on my face. Today you will definitely be
happy to see your favorite soup. It's been a long time since I made this soup.
Even when Savannah cooked for him, he always tried my soup first and praised
it so much that Savannah's face turned pale. It was quite a sight worth seeing.
All these memories always reminded me how much he spoiled me and loved
“Avan you have to give me back old Avan” I murmured and smiled when I saw
the door to his office.
I took a deep breath and grew stronger again. I raised my hand to touch the
hard surface of the door. The voice inside the room stopped me abruptly.
“You will always be someone willing to help us. “Just find that particular person.”
Avan said.
“It is difficult to search for Alpha, especially when the opponent is very powerful.
Besides, invading the Dark Forest is not easy at all,” Ben replied.
Black Forest? I grimaced. Why are they talking about Dark Forest?
“Nothing is impossible, Ben. We need to control it no matter what. The more
secret and powerful it seems, the more history it contains. Although Dark Forest
is powerful, there will always be weaknesses. Besides Savannah being there
too, I heard that the Alpha took his partner a few days ago.”
Avan said again.
My eyes widened in shock. Is Savannah in the Black Forest? And does she
have a partner?
I can't believe what I'm hearing. How did Savannah get a new partner? And was
this guy the Alpha of the Dark Forest? I clenched my jaw and gritted my teeth in

How did all these things happen and I never found out?
Savannah got a partner, which means there's no chance of her coming back
here. I think he already moved in with his partner. He really left Avan for good
and never planned to come back here. A wave of relief washed over me. Since
this is the case, I really don't need to worry about her now. Mine and Avan's
path is clear without her getting in the way. But I can't help but be envious of
your good luck. He was given a second chance, but luckily this person was the
Alpha of a powerful pack like Dark Forest? I gritted my teeth in anger. Why does
she have to have all the luck when I'm still fighting to secure my position and
also need to use her this way?
“That's right, Dark Forest Alpha took his mate back to the pack. There is no one
who doesn't know” I heard Ben say again.
“What an exhibitionist,” Avan mocked in an irritated tone. I stayed at the door
listening to their conversation. I wanted to know more about this. What is Avan
planning by asking?
Automatically translated by Google about that woman again. She already left
him and went to live with her partner, but he's still here collecting information
about that bitch.
"Try harder. I want you to find any weaknesses that can help us. “I want the
Dark Forest to be on the brink of ruin,” Avan said through clenched teeth.
I clenched my fist. I still couldn't believe it. He is still behind her. Even after all
this happened, he is still trying to get her back. Looks like that bitch won't leave
me alone unless I die.
“I'll try” Ben's words are heard again followed by some noises. I stepped aside
and after a few seconds the door opened and Ben left without looking back in a
hurry. I looked at Ben's disappearing figure and calmed myself before knocking.
"Come in," Avan's voice came instantly.
I put on a smile, pushed the door and walked in.
"Because you are here?" Avan asked as soon as he saw me.
“I made your favorite soup,” I replied, smiling. I walked towards him and stood in
front of him. He was sitting in the chair and the only thing separating us was his
study table.
"Soup?" He looked at the steaming bowl before looking at me “you shouldn't
have gotten tired in this condition. You have to take care of yourself "
Smile more “I'm not tired, but worried”
"About what?" He frowned.
“Avan, I heard that you got stuck in this studio because of heavy work. While I
understand your position and your job, working too much will affect your health.
“So I thought of making your favorite soup to relax your body,” I said with
"I'm not tired. It's just a little work, you don't have to worry about it." “How can I
not worry? You're working hard and I can't imagine you exhausting yourself like
that. “So I made you this soup,” I said, opening the lid of the container.
“I don't feel like eating anything right now. Leave it here and I’ll eat it later,”
Avan said without looking and turning his head towards the pile of files on the
table and started searching for something.
I looked at him and then at the bowl "you've never refused before, why do you
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“Reese, don't make trouble. I'm not in the mood for an argument right now. I
said I would eat later and that you should relax your body and not have to cook
for me. “There are maids to do this work,” Avan said, still searching for
My eyes filled with tears as I looked at him. Did you just compare me to a maid?
How could he do this?
"In your opinion, am I just a servant now?"
He looked at me, narrowing his eyes, "What are you talking about now?"
“Am I saying what you just mentioned? Tell me, Avan, is this the only value left
for me in your eyes?
Avan took a deep breath “You should go out and rest. Your mind is not right
right now.”
“I'm totally fine. “You are the one trying to avoid this problem.” I gritted my teeth.
I knew. He's still after that bitch.
Avan suddenly stood up from his chair. “I said go and rest. Don't make me
make you, Reese.
I flinched at his tone but didn't back away, “no, I won't leave until you give me a
proper explanation. You are trying to avoid me even when I am pregnant with
your child. Instead of taking care of me, you're more interested in that bitch who
left you alone. I was there to hold you, to share your burden, but now that I'm
pregnant with your child, you're not interested in me, but in that whore? Do you
plan to bring her back even though she already has a partner? Because? Has
she become more beautiful in your eyes or are you tired of me after fucking me
all these years and now my body is useless because I'm pregnant? I screamed
at the top of my lung.
Avan's eyes darkened and he walked towards me with heavy steps. My heart
skipped a beat, but I looked at him bravely, holding back tears. Today I need to
know the answers and I will not leave until I know them.
"What you say?" He asked through clenched teeth. He clenched his jaw, which
was a clear sign of his anger. But today I'm not going to give up just out of fear.
I need to secure my position and that of my son in his heart.
“Didn't you hear?” I hissed, “I said you are trying to persuade a whore to satisfy
your ego instead of taking care of me, who is pregnant with your heir. If I hadn't
been here, you would have been without a partner and without children for your
I couldn't complete my words because I felt a sharp pain in my cheeks. My eyes
widened in shock as he cupped my cheek. Immediately tears began to fall from
my eyes and my vision became blurry. My cheek burned with pain and heat
from the hard slap. Yo
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I think it would definitely leave marks on my skin. But the most shocking thing
was that he never raised his hand to me. But today he went beyond his
personality and showed me something that almost changed my opinion of him.
It really hit me and it's all because of that bitch.
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Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 41
Reese's POV "You...slapped me?" I looked at him with wide eyes. Did he really
raise his hand to that bitch? This is the first time Avan has hit me. In the past,
no matter how much I made that bitch suffer or angry, he always ignored it. But
today he slapped me?
“Or what are you waiting for?” Avan roared. There was still no guilt or pain in his
eyes, they were filled with anger and disgust.
“I thought you were an intelligent woman and that you could understand the
situation without me telling you. But now I realize how wrong I was with you. I
have never seen such a stupid person before. "We wouldn't be in this situation if
you hadn't planned for the baby."
"Do you still blame me for this?" I yelled. Now I'm so angry that I want to scream
until I lose all ability to scream. "How did you do that? Avan, don't forget that the
child I carry is also yours. So whatever happens, we are both responsible for it."
Also, don't act like you're innocent or anything, because we both know you're
When that bitch was here you always used me to deal with her, you used my
body, my heart and also my mind. I did everything I could. You didn't have any
problems then, but now that I'm pregnant, do you blame me?
“You have never been pregnant in all these years, but you chose the right time
to get pregnant.
Isn't it planned? You want the Luna seat for yourself, right? Even if you have to
do something for it? Avan scoffed.
My anger increased when I looked at him. I'm usually always calm when dealing
with him. But today, due to pregnancy hormones and fear, I couldn't help but
feel angry and desperate.
"What do you mean by that? I told you that this baby is the result of our own
behavior. "You can't just blame me for this."
"Ah yes" Avan laughed "of course it's a result of our own behavior because you
planned it to happen and you know, congratulations on winning the game" his
eyes mocking me along with his tone. I can't help but feel a pang in my heart.
My eyes clouded with shadowless tears as I looked at him. Is this the same
sweet boy I fell in love with? Even though everything I did was bad, I know it. It
would affect our lives, but from the way he talks, it seems like the child I'm
carrying is just my mistake and he has nothing to do with it.
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"How can you say that, Avan?" I roared, ignoring the pain in my belly that was
beginning to form.
"How can you say that? Are you blaming me because I seduced you and got
pregnant? But what about you? Have you ever considered your own actions
before blaming me? I couldn't control my anger. It felt like my heart and chest
were burning with an uncontrollable fire.
I pointed my finger while staring at him “Do you think you are the Alpha so no
one will say a word about your actions? You blame me for seducing you, but
have you forgotten who was the first to confess to having deep feelings for me?
And you…. You weren't happy with Savannah because she couldn't transform.
So you chose me, used my body to satisfy your lust and needs, and then used
me again to suppress them. When your plan to keep her as a replacement
failed, you started blaming me for it, right? How can you say I tricked you when
you're the first one who approached me with your own plan? Do you think I
don't know your intentions? Guess what I knew in the first place, but I never
said anything because I liked you so much that I decided to ignore all that and
wanted to stay by your side. You ignored me all the time, which increased my
insecurities and I had to take those measures just to keep you with me. Now
you put all the blame on me while you stay clean? Wow, what a great idea you
have to hide your own mistakes,” I clapped in front of him.
“How dare you talk to me like that?” He roared, but now I am very careless
about it. I'm not afraid anymore. Neither him nor his anger.
I laughed “why? You can blame others, but when others shed light on your own
actions, can't you tolerate it? I looked at him mockingly.
“Shut up, you piece of shit. “I thought you were smart, but no, you’re the biggest
idiot in the world.”
"Of course I'm an idiot" I shook my head smiling "I was a big idiot, that's why I
kept thinking about you all the time, even after I found my own partner and
rejected him for being his bastard"
I yelled.
Your eyes widened in shock “what? What you say?"
"Because? Can't believe what you heard? It's not funny? I was a fool to leave
my fated partner and choose you. "If I chose you, I could at least live a better
life than suffer here with you." I said as my voice began to fade. The pain in my
abdomen began to increase. I rubbed my belly trying to ease the pain. Is it
because I was so angry and even yelled at the top of my lung?
Avan was stunned. He looked at me with wide eyes. He was so devoted to him
that he couldn't see the situation and couldn't decide things clearly.
Even if I wanted to get back with John, I know there's no way it would work. I
am pregnant by another man and he already rejected me. Maybe he could find
a better woman for him.
And here I have no other option.
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“Ahm…” I groaned as my belly began to burn.
"What happened?" Avan ran to me and hugged me.
"What's going on? Call the doctor," he roared.
"Ahh..." I screamed as the pain hit me again and then I felt something warm
pulling on my lower half. My eyes widened as I looked down. My breath caught
when I saw the color red staining my clothes.
Savannah Viewpoint
I moaned as I tried to move my body. My body ached and there was a burning
sensation in my neck. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked around. The familiar
decor blurred my eyes for a moment. I'm in my bedroom. I looked around and
found no one.
Shaking my head, I got up and sat down. I touched my neck and felt like there
was something like a bruise.
What was that? I frowned, questioning myself.
"You're awake, ma'am." Luina's warm voice reached my ear. The door opened
and Luina walked in holding a glass. Inside was a yellow liquid.
“I'm glad you're awake. “I was a little worried when you slept for so long.”
A long time? What are you talking about now?
"What are you saying? "How long did I sleep?" I rubbed a certain area of my
“You have been sleeping for 1 day, ma’am,” Luina replied.
My eyes almost popped out of their sockets. That? One day? Then suddenly, a
scene flashed through my mind. I was arguing with Hardwick earlier and our
argument got heated before he tried to leave the room. But unfortunately he
didn't. He even threw me on the bed and bit me so hard that I was unconscious
and didn't remember anything. That man. How could he bite me almost to
death? I wanted to curse him so bad now.
I held back the string of bad words that were about to come out of my mouth.
Even though I'm so angry now, I can't disrespect him in front of Luina. After all,
he is the Alpha and has a lot of respect in the pack.
So I forced a tight smile "where's Alpha?" Although I tried to sound warm, the
coldness could not be hidden in the tone.
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“Master said he will be back soon. There was someone who came from far
away to meet him, so he went out to meet him,” Luina responded.
Someone who came from far away? I frowned at the thought. Who could it be?
Although I live in the Dark Forest, I am still unaware of many things. Like
Delaney, Daisy and the connection between them.
I want to know about this. I want to know why Daisy was so hostile to me when
we first met. Why did you accuse me of being between Delaney and Hardwick?
And why does Hardwick refuse to talk about it? What made you so angry last
time that it turned our simple conversation into such a heated argument?
“Madam, please drink this.” Luina handed me the glass of yellow liquid.
I looked at the glass and then looked at her "what is that?"
“This is a medicinal juice. “Master left a strict order to give you this when you
wake up.”
"Why is that? "I don't remember if I'm sick or something?"
"That, I don't know. I just know that I need to give you this as requested.” Luina
looked worried.
“Did he say anything else about it?” I pointed to the glass.
"Master said that this will help you rest well and relieve your pain."
I looked at the glass for a few minutes. Did I need this because of the pain it left
in me? I was very angry last time. But now, after waking up, he ordered you to
give me this medicinal juice to help me relax my body? I wanted to focus my
point on the anger part, but looking at the glass I couldn't help but feel flattered.
What's going on? I can't even be mad at him?
“Madam, please drink this. If Master finds out that you didn’t do this, he will
scold me.”
Luina almost begged.
I sighed. Even though he may throw tantrums, he will never leave Luina if she
can't follow his orders. Feeling helpless, I picked up the glass and drank the
liquid without stopping. As soon as the glass was empty, I wiped my mouth with
the back of my hand.
The sweet and sour taste melted on my tongue giving a strange taste. But to my
surprise, after drinking it I felt refreshed and excited. It seems that the drink
really works.
"Would you like to take a shower?"
I nodded "yes please, that would be good"
“I'm going to prepare the water” then he entered the bathroom.
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Why did Hardwick suddenly become so aggressive and bite me so hard? I don't
know what happened after that. It was very painful and my body went numb at
that moment. I couldn't understand the point.
At this moment, Luina's voice came from the bathroom. I sighed and got out of
bed before walking towards the bathroom. Okay, it would be better to relax my
tense body instead of thinking about so many things together.

“Hi mom,” I smiled as I picked up the phone.

"How are you darling?"
"I'm fine. What about you and dad?
"We're fine, except Dev is causing trouble," Mom laughed.
"Oh, what has he done now?" I asked as I walked towards the balcony.
"Do not ask me. You better call him and ask him in person. His father punished
him with hard labor.”
"He is..." I shook my head. I miss him now.
"What happened dear?" Mom asked on the other end of the line.
“I miss him, mom, you, dad, Tanea and all the memories I shared in the pack,” I
“Don't be sad, dear. When one memory remains in our mind, we create another
in the current situation. All you need to do is relax and calm your mind. “You
cannot think properly if your mind is disturbed.”
"Thanks mom, I really needed your advice."
"Is something wrong, honey?"
I sighed “there is something I wanted to know, but the current situation is not
right” “Then give it a little time,” the mother replied.

“Mom, I'm very curious. And every time it involves me” “So you have to trust
yourself,” said the mother, “if things don't go according to your choice, try to
take a break. Maybe what you wanted to know is more serious than you think.
Don't think only from your point of view; When you are paired, you need to think
with two minds and emotions. Confidence is what you need. Time will give you
the answers you want.”
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I sighed again. What the mother said was true. I can't really force Hardwick to
tell me the truth about Delaney if he's not ready to talk. He is my partner and we
all have our own past. I really can't judge myself by his past. Since he is
reluctant to tell me, all I can do is wait. Wait until the time is right, wait until he
decides to reveal the truth without me forcing him. Trust is key to a relationship
and I have to maintain it between my spouse and me.
“Thank you mom, I was too curious to think rationally.”
Mom laughed “it happens, honey. But I hope you now understand what you
must do.”
Hearing her, a smile appeared on my lips. Mom knows me very well. If it weren't
for her, I would have done something I would later regret. I shook my head at
that thought.
"Sheet?" My mother's voice reached my ears.
"Yes mom. "I know what I should do"
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 42
Avan's point of view
"What happened?" Dad walked in with a heavy expression. His face was
serious and devoid of any emotion. The room filled with screams making it
louder than necessary.
“Alpha, look at my poor daughter. She is pale and unconscious,” Salina shouted
as she looked at her father. Her face was covered in tears, making her look so
pitiful that anyone's heart could bleed. But I know her well. Salina could react
faster than the nervous signals sent to her mind.
My gaze fell on the woman lying on the bed with her eyes closed. I don't know
why, but my chest tightens every time I look at her. The scene of our argument
flashed through my mind again. I don't know why she was there. I thought that if
she could rest in her room everything would be peaceful, but who would have
thought that this woman would suddenly appear in my office with soup.
"Alpha, you have to give Reese justice." Salina's voice sounded in my ear
again. She wiped away her tears and spoke again: “my poor baby is pregnant.
She was carrying the heir of Bright Shine in her arms, now seeing her like this, if
something goes wrong, how will she live her life? She put all her efforts into
serving this pack, even carrying the heir.
“Alpha, you have to do justice to my daughter.”
Dad looked hard at Salina before turning his attention to me: “What's all this
about Avan? Can't you even handle a simple matter like this? So how will you
address the pack's other problems?
I didn't expect you to be like this. You leave me disappointed again and again.”
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“Dad, it was an accident,” I said, trying to clear up the misunderstanding I had in
mind. “Reese was supposed to be resting in his room and was not allowed to
leave it. But today he suddenly appeared in my office with soup. I was worried
that her condition was not good and that it would make her tired and asked her
to go and rest. But she refused and started arguing with me, bringing up past
events and pointing out irrational things. I tried to stop, but she became so
violent that she started screaming loudly and suddenly it caused pain and
bleeding. I had to call the pack doctor to examine her.”
“Who allowed you to leave the room?” Dad roared as he looked at Salina.
Salina gasped as her eyes widened. There was a sudden guilt in her eyes as
she covered them with tears. He knew it was all his plan. They couldn't wait to
investigate the situation, even after all this drama. These two women are really
greedy sluts who couldn't wait to do anything to achieve their goal.
“Alpha, Reese is pregnant and felt suffocated in the room. The doctor also told
him to breathe deeply so he could relax his mind and body. It was suggested
that it was also good for the baby. But I never thought I would make soup and
take her to study. “My daughter is always worried about Alpha Avan so she can
help herself.”
Dad didn't say anything, but looked at Farid. “I told you to keep an eye on these
two. You couldn't even do such a simple task? Farid, where is all your mind
swimming because you didn't realize they were running away?
Farid, who was standing to the side, lowered his head, “Please forgive me, Alfa.
Because of the family bond, I couldn’t act too rigidly and let this incident
“What will your apology do now?” Dad looked at him. “When you are serving the
pack you need to dedicate yourself and take responsibility for your position and
put it above all else.
But you are still tied to your partner's bond and cannot perform even a small
task well. Since this is how you decided to serve the pack, it's fine, the pack
doesn't need a security chief like you.” Dad gritted his teeth “you are free from
the position and now you can do whatever you want.”
Farid seemed surprised as Salina stopped crying and looked at her father with
wide eyes.
It seems like they never expected something like this to happen. They don't
know why they have kept Farid as head of security all these years. It was their
father's plan because they are useful to the pack.
But looking at the situation now it seems that they are not important at all. They
are creating problems one after another, whether for the daughter, the mother
or the father himself.
“Alpha…” Farid managed to call. He stumbled back as he looked at his father.
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“Alpha, please don't do this…” Salina shouted “it wasn't his fault. “Reese
suddenly escaped and Farid didn’t know everything,” he tried to explain.
“Whether he knows or not is not my problem. What I know is that he could not
fulfill his task and needed to be punished,” the father responded.
“Alpha, my husband has served you and this pack all these years without
You have been praising him all the time for his contribution. Only this time he
made a mistake. Please don't punish him so harshly. Please consider the fact
that he has served all these years by your side.” Salina sobbed as she said.
While Farid stood there like a statue.
"Now will you teach me how to rule the pack?" Dad laughed: “Farid, you really
know how to choose a woman for yourself. Now your wife will teach me the
rules and regulations of the pack.”
Salina trembled as she listened to her father. She wiped away her tears and
was about to say when Farid grabbed her arm and pulled her aside: “Shut up.
Are you not satisfied enough to drag me so hard?
Salina looked at Farid in shock "baby, I wanted to-"
“I don't need you to decide for me. Whatever you and that daughter of yours did
is enough for me to suffer. I don't need you to speak for me. Farid clenched his
fist as he hissed at his wife.
This time Salina chose to remain silent. She lowered her head and said nothing.
Only then did the pack doctor emerge from the other room. He took a sample of
Reese's blood for analysis after checking his body.
"Adam, what happened?" Dad asked.
“Alpha, Reese's health is bad. And because she screamed in anger, her blood
pressure increased and affected the fetus. “I am very sorry to say that the child
is dead.”
My heartbeat stopped instantly. Is the baby gone? My eyes landed on Reese's
still flat stomach. Are my blood and my flesh that grew inside your womb dead?
I felt a sudden urge to kill. I told her to take care of herself, but no, she had to
make trouble and kill the child. I clenched my fist and clenched my jaw. The
anger boiling inside my chest is about to explode.
"What you say?" Salina gasped "is the baby gone?" He fell to the ground and
held his head while screaming “no… no… this can't happen. How could the
baby die like that? This couldn't happen…no…”
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"How is your body?" Dad asked, ignoring the screams of the woman on the
Adam shook his head “Sorry, Alpha. Today's incident created a lot of problems
and affected the body too much. I’m afraid she won’t be able to have children in
the future.”
Couldn't you have children in the future? I looked at the unconscious woman
with such intensity that if looks worked, she would have died a long time ago.
Not only did it affect the child, but now it also damaged his own body. So what if
she maintains Luna's position? Will Luna be able to rule the pack if she can't
give her an heir?
“My poor girl” Salina shook her head vigorously as she screamed.
"Make her conscious again and send her back to her room," I said before
storming out of the room.
All this because of this undisciplined woman. If it weren't for her. Nothing would
happen like that. Since the baby left. We have nothing to do now. The last hope
that united us has disappeared.
Savannah Viewpoint
I looked in the mirror and traced the bite mark on my neck. It was longer and
more forceful than hickeys. It was red and the wound is much deeper than
normal. Although I knew he would do it one day, the most unexpected thing was
that he did it so early, before I could prepare myself. I shook my head at that
thought. I heard about tagging from Tanea and she also said that after tagging,
teammates can hear our thoughts and understand us better. I sighed looking at
the bruise mark on my neck. I don't know if this will go away with time, but the
bruise it gave me is very deep and still hurts sometimes.
"What are you doing?" I jumped in shock when the voice reached my ear. I
turned around and looked at the person in front of me.
"Why do you always do this?" I hissed angrily.
"What did I do?" He asked, sounding like an innocent child.
"You do not know." I rolled my eyes and turned to look at myself in the mirror
He hugged me from behind and looked at me in the mirror. "What happened?
Do you look so angry?
"Should not?" I said through clenched teeth. How dare you ask me as if nothing
had happened?
Yesterday he tortured me and now the next morning he is playing innocent
games with me?
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“You are in a bad mood today.” Hardwick ignored my gaze and looked at my
neck where he left his masterpiece.
Suddenly, his eyes brightened and a smile appeared on his face.
"This one looks good"
My temper flared immediately. I struggled to free myself from his grasp and
turned away from me. “What do you mean it feels good?” You bit me so hard
now tell me what should I do with this mark?
"What are you thinking of doing?" He frowned. “And I didn't bite you, but marked
you, which should have been done a long time ago.”
"You were aggressive," I said calmly. Wrapping my arms around my chest I
looked him in the eyes “you marked me because you wanted to avoid my
He walked towards the bed and sat down before looking at me “it has nothing to
do with your questions.”
I raised my eyebrows "ah, since that's the case, then why don't you enlighten
me with the answers"
“Do you want answers?” He raised his hand and gave me a "come here"
I looked at him and shot him a glance before slowly walking towards him. As
soon as I approached him, he suddenly pulled me towards him and made me sit
on his lap.
"What are you doing?" I yell.
“Shhh…” He stopped me, placing his index finger on my lips. "You talk too
Aren't you afraid your jaw will hurt?
I rolled my eyes but wrapped my arms around his neck for support “who are you
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
"Which question?" He intended. But I know he's deliberately trying to avoid it
“If you are so reluctant, tell me. You don't have to pretend like this” I hissed
angrily and tried to get up from his lap “talking to you is nothing but a waste of
time. “I better read some books.”
"Where do you think you are going?" He tightened his grip, refusing to let me
"Let me go," I said angrily.
He smiled “never, once chosen there is no point in arguing. You have to live
with me until death do us part.”
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“And also that…” He drew the line longer than necessary, “whether you want to
or not is up to you. But you are mine and this is the universal truth.”
My jaw almost dropped when I heard it. Are you threatening me? How do you
"Are you threatening me?" I asked through clenched teeth.
"It's up to you too, darling, if you understand it, then it is," he shrugged.
His response made me so angry that I wanted to hit him so hard until he
begged for mercy. I can imagine the scene in my mind. I bit the inside of my
cheek trying not to smile at the thought. The scene itself was quite funny, him
falling to his knees and begging for mercy and me looking at him arrogantly.
"What are you laughing at?" Hardwick's voice rang in my ear. I was so absorbed
in my own thoughts that I didn't realize he was looking deeply into me.
"Nothing," I pursed my lips, "my questions are still unanswered."
"What do you ask?"
I sighed, “Hardwick, I know you are doing this deliberately. But how long did you
plan to hide the truth from me? If not today, maybe tomorrow, but there will
always be a day when you will have to tell me the truth. So why not today? I
tried to persuade him.
Hardwick looked at me and said “there's nothing. "You're thinking too much."
I sighed again. “Okay, since you are trying to hide it, I won't force you. tell me

If you're ready, but I need to tell you something, tell me the truth before
everyone else does. Looking at your still impassive face, I decided to give up. I
won't force you to tell me and I will give you time to reconsider your decision.
But I really want you to tell me the truth. I got up from his lap and walked
towards the door. I looked at him one more time before leaving the room and
closing the door behind me.
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 43
Reese's POV



And pain...
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I opened my eyes, but my vision is blurry. I blinked several times to get rid of
the blurry image. What happened to me? I frowned as I looked around. Where I
I turned my head and found mom sitting next to me. His face was stained with
tears, but he gave me a small smile.
"I'm glad you woke up."
"Mom, where am I?" I asked her. The last time I remembered I was in the study
room, so how come I ended up here in a different room?
“You are in hell,” the mother responded as she wiped away her tears.
"Inference?" I frowned "why am I indifferent?"
Mom took my hand and tried to smile “don't think about it too much. “Right now
you have to take care of yourself”
"Mom, tell me what happened?" Suddenly, I felt a pang in my heart.
"Nothing happened. Why do you ask like that?"
I shook my head “no, something happened. Mom, you can't hide this from me.
“Please tell me what happened.”
“Reese…” Mom bit her lip. “You have to stay strong and listen to me, okay?”
"Reese, you argued with Avan and your anger is affecting your body."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked her.

mom started

Dear you….. Your anger has affected your body and damaged the baby inside

you cries.”

My breathing stopped for a moment again. Did it hurt my baby? No... how could
something like that happen? The baby was the only one who for me touched
Avan's heart and soul and if something happened to him then there was nothing
left for me. No... nothing can happen to my baby. I can't let anything happen to
my baby.
I looked at mom and gave her a hard look “what the hell are you talking about
mom? How can you say something like that about my baby? I yelled.
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“Reese, I'm telling the truth,” the mother sobbed.
“Shut up” I yelled at him, but suddenly I felt a slight pain in my abdomen. I
closed my eyes, grabbed the area, and breathed deeply.
"Reese, are you okay?" My mother's voice reached my ears and my temper
flared again.
She reached out to take my hand, but I pushed her away forcefully.
"Do not touch me. Are you cursing my baby and blaming me for this? How can
you say that yourself? “You are my mother, but you really have a heart of stone
to curse your own grandson,” I hissed angrily.
"Not…." Mom shook her head "it's not like that-"
“It's definitely like that. You're cursing my baby. You know that this child is the
only hope I have left in life. So how can you say that, mother? How can you do
this to me?
"Reese's" mother gasped. Her face was full of tears and she sobbed, "I know it
will hurt you, but what I say is true."
“NO…YOU LIE TO ME” I shouted again. “I never thought you could do this to
me, mom. Why do you lie to me like that?
Mom's lips trembled as she was about to speak again, the door to the infirmary
opened and Doctor Adam walked in holding a paper. A light of hope filled my
heart as I looked at the man walking towards me.
“Doctor Adam, I'm glad you're here,” the mother said as she turned around.
Adam nodded and looked at me.
"How do you feel now?" He asked him.
“I'm fine,” I tried to smile. “I feel a little discomfort in my abdomen but it's
He nodded and looked at the paper he was holding, “all your test reports are
here. Everything seems fine. Other than some minor effects, you are totally
I nodded "thank you"
“Since everything is normal, you can go. “After such a serious accident,
complete rest and good care are needed.”
"What do you mean by accident, Dr. Adam?" I grimaced.
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Adam looked at his mother, who shook her head. Adam sighed and looked at
me again "you don't know?" He frowned.
I shook my head. What are you talking about? How did you know something
had happened? There is something they want to say or they may be trying to
hide from me.
"What happened?" I looked at them one after another. What are they trying to
“Miss Reese, you should prepare yourself for the truth. “I know it may hurt at
first, but sometimes we need to face difficult situations and move forward.”
Adam started to say.
"What are you trying to say?" I asked, but my voice was filled with fear. I
suddenly felt my chest tighten and a sudden need for a choking sensation
began to build up inside me.
Adam gave a long sigh before opening his mouth again, “Miss Reese, I know
you are very happy with your pregnancy, but some things are out of our hands.
And depending on the situation we have to move forward”
“I don't need your lecture. Just tell me the truth instead of creating riddles,” I
hissed at him. Now all my patience is running out. Adam seemed helpless in the
face of my sudden anger.
But he was not angry, instead he responded calmly.
“Miss Reese, I'm sorry, I thought I could help you survive, but I couldn't. I tried
my best, but I failed. "I'm sorry to say, but I couldn't keep the fetus safe."
A moment of silence covered the entire room. My mind exploded with the news
and my heartbeat stopped. Is my baby gone? Not…. How could something like
this happen? Is my last hope and the strongest connection between Avan and
me gone? How can I believe this? My baby can't leave me alone. No, I can't let
that happen.
No... My heart trembles and my body trembles. He couldn't open his mouth to
say anything. All my pain and painful screams were contained in my throat. My
How can you leave me like this? My eyes filled with tears and my own breathing
felt suffocating.
“Reese, oh my daughter” I heard the mother scream and the next moment I felt
her hugging me tightly in her arms.
“You have to stay strong, dear. We can't change some things. “I know how
painful this is for you,” he shouted.
My blood boiled at his words. Instead of feeling comfort, I am disgusted by his
words. All this is happening thanks to her. It's all his plan for me and he said
everything will be fine if I follow his words.
But what happened? I lost my son, I lost Avan's affection and I even rejected
my own partner. I'm greedy. Everything broken in my life
Automatically translated by Google and now I have not been able to contain
anything nor can I fix anything. Everything that had disappeared, disappearing
from my bag.
“No…” I pushed her with my strength.
Mom stumbled back as her eyes widened. "Reese?"
"Everything is your fault. If you hadn't been there, nothing would have
happened," I yelled. My body shook with anger as I pointed my finger at her,
“it’s all your fault.
“You are the reason my baby died, you are the reason I suffer.”
Mom gasped as she looked so surprised “Reese, what are you saying? I am
your mother.
Why would I want your harm?
I laughed out loud. The pain echoing in my heart. She's my mother? Yes, that is
why I am in this position today.
"Did you know? I'm sorry, I regret the day I decided to follow your example. It
was my biggest mistake to drown in the sea of greed and today no one can
save me from here" my eyes filled with tears as I closed my eyes tightly. My
whole life is ruined. All my dreams have been destroyed.
"Go out"
“I said get out of here,” I yelled at him again. “I never want to see your face
again in my life. “Never” I shout as loud as I can. She tried to say something,
but that only increased my anger, so I forcefully pushed her out of danger.
“Miss Reese. You should not hurt yourself with your anger. Your body condition
is not good,” I heard Adam say from behind.
“Thank you for your concern, doctor, but I want to be alone. Please,” I said,
walked to the bed and stayed there.

“Rest well” I heard the door open and close again.

I closed my eyes as I let the tears fall. Today I lost everything.

Savannah Viewpoint
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"This is new, would you like to try it, ma'am?" Jenny smiled and placed the cup
of hot tea on the table. I looked at the beautiful color of the liquid where some
dry petals were floating.
"New?" I raised my eyebrows.
“Yes,” he nodded, “I just received the new package last night. The delivery of
the new items was delayed for some reasons, but I am happy that it was finally
I picked up the glass and took a sip. The amazing flavor of the tea melted in my
mouth, but the freshness lasted longer than usual.
“Umm… you're right, that's really good. Completely perfect”
“I told you so” Jenny looked happy “I knew you would like it.”
I smiled looking at his happy face. I'm happy to be able to make friends with
such an amazing girl.
Jenny, the chef's daughter. She helped her father in the kitchen and was always
dedicated to her work. While other members were fighting and training, she was
in the kitchen taking care of the food and sometimes also helping her father in
the kitchen.
"Are you still going to be in the kitchen today?" I asked as I took another sip of
“Um…this is my work lover. The chef needs me in the kitchen. Every day there
is a new delivery of goods and I really need to check them.”
"I told you, you can call me by my name."
She smiled “I can't. “Master doesn’t like it when someone breaks the rules and
especially when others don’t respect you.”
I sighed. This man is always controlling everything. Sometimes I wonder how he
manages to do all these things.
"Wow, what a great surprise" I turned my head to see Ryan standing there with
a mischievous smile.
“Hello Luna, I didn't expect you to be in the kitchen,” he said as he approached.
I raised my eyebrows "ah, so being a lover means I couldn't come here"
He laughed “of course not. The whole house is yours, Luna. “Alpha has already
said it amply,” he smiled.
“I’m going to see if the kitchen owner needs help.” Jenny hurriedly left.
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I frowned at his behavior. I was calm a few seconds ago. So how did she
become so restless instantly? Shaking my head, I turned to Ryan and was
about to ask, but stopped when I saw him looking at Jenny's back, who almost
ran into the kitchen. I raised my eyebrows.
“Do you need anything, Ryan? "
I asked, resting my chin on my palm.
Ryan turned to look at me. A smile playing on his lips.
"I mean, from the kitchen?" I added.
He shook his head "no, I was just here to get water," he replied and grabbed
one of the water bottles that was placed on the wooden shelf on the wall.
"Do you know where Hardwick is?" Asked. It's been two days since we last
spoke. After that, I wasn't lucky enough to see him. Or maybe he's angry after
saying he wants to avoid me?
"Because? Do you miss him?" Ryan smiled again, a devilish gleam shining in
his eyes.
You're kidding me, right?
I tilted my head and smiled at him "no, I want to kiss him now, can you tell me
where he is?"
Ryan, who was drinking water, suddenly choked and coughed while holding his
chest. I ignored him and focused on enjoying the tea Jenny made me.
“Um… I… ahem… Alpha was quite busy, so he stayed in his office taking care
of some matters. “I think he will be free today.”

I nodded "you should drink carefully, Ryan" and smiled at him.

Ryan wiped his mouth with the back of his hand "you'll remember Luna" I stood
up and smiled before leaving the dining room. I know that today's action may
have suffocated me to the point of causing pain.
Because I can see that his face turned a little pale after coughing, but making
fun of me at the wrong time is not appropriate. But what worried me was what
kind of problem was Hardwick having not being able to see me for two days? Is
there some kind of danger over the herd?
I sighed and walked towards the bedroom. I want to see him, but I really don't
want to bother him with his work. When I opened the bedroom door I saw a
bouquet of flowers resting
Automatically translated by Google on the glass table with a white note. I
grimaced and walked towards him. Taking the note, I opened the newspaper.
I grimaced as I read the line. Is it from Hardwick? But looking at the line, I really
don't think I'd write something like that. If this is not yours, who sent it?
And for whom?
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 44
Hardwick's point of view
The files were spread out on the table as he looked at them. These are the
reports that come back from the border informing every movement that occurs
there. Nowadays there are possibilities for criminals to enter, so security is
tripled to provide greater protection. The jobs were getting busy and that's why I
couldn't even leave the office and find my partner.
"Fuck," I moaned loudly as I ran my fingers through my hair.
"Fuck," another curse echoed behind the mind followed by the sound of the
door opening. Ryan walked in with a grim expression.
"What happened to you now?" I asked bored.
"I shouldn't have tried that," he said again before plopping down in his chair.
"Try what?" I asked as I picked up the paper on my desk.
"To make fun"
I looked up, frowning. Ryan was still in a bad mood as his face was gloomy. I
pushed the paper away and focused my attention on it.

"What did you do today?"

“I went to the dining room to look for water, but there I found Luna. I was
drinking tea. She asked me about you and I thought it was really funny, so I
thought I'd tease her a little, I never thought…” He paused.
"That you thought?" I raised an eyebrow.
“That in return they will suffocate me”
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I started to laugh. It was fun to think about Ryan being defeated by my partner.
Wow, this is really interesting.
"Does she suffocate you?" I asked again.
"Do not laugh at me. I was almost scared. Your partner is a truly dangerous
woman. What she will say or do is unpredictable. Looking at her it doesn't seem
like she's capable of drowning, but when she opens her mouth it's... Damn, it's
better to stay away from her in the future. "I don't want to be suffocated again,"
he cursed.
"Well, that's your own karma." I smiled at your misery. Ryan is best known for
joking and so far no one has dared to teach him a lesson. For me, I was too
careless to deal with him, but I never expected my darling to do the job. I put my
arms on the table and leaned forward.
“What did she really do?” I wanted to know more.
"Do you still want to know about this?" Ryan stopped his eyebrows.
"Why not? I think it's more interesting" I smiled.
"She asked me where you are, so I teased her if she missed you."
"That's all?" I grimaced when I found it unfinished.
"No, she said she wanted to kiss you so badly, that's why she was looking for
Ryan gritted his teeth.
I was stunned for a moment. What did she say? Since when did my partner
become so bold?
I mean, I can understand if it were me, but by saying something like that to
Ryan, I can finally understand why Ryan was in a bad mood. For a bold person
like him to hear those words from a woman without hesitation is something...
unexpected. Because this time it's not just him, but also me who is surprised.
"That... Heh, I never expected Luna to say something like that so bravely.
Damn, it was unexpected and so smooth without any sign of hesitation." Ryan
suddenly hit the table and stood up from the chair. "Fuck you man, you really
know how to find that partner, so interesting and daring."
My face darkened. "Think of something funny about her and I'll have your eyes
to play with."
He put his eyes white. “I said interesting but I'm not able to deal with such a
bold woman, that's not my type” he waved his hand in the air.
"Okay then" I nodded and stood up.
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"Has your work finished?" He frowned.
"No, but it's not like only you can see it."
He rolled his eyes. "Who's stopping you, man?" "You better not barge in with an
excuse or I'll rip your head off your body and hang it over the edge."
"Fuck, you can't threaten me like that," she glared at him.
"Try it" I smiled.
He looked at me for a while “nah, I don't have free time for that.”
"You're lucky," I walked past him.
“Wait, you didn't talk to her? I mean, since you already marked her, you two can
connect mentally, you know?
“I blocked the connection to work. If I talk to her, I’ll get distracted,” I responded
as I walked towards the door.
“Ah, I just remembered. There are three files, finish it before I come back”
"Damn, you can throw things like that," he yelled, but I closed the door, ignoring
him. I laughed thinking of his sullen face. Shaking my head, I walked towards
my room. Finally, after two days, I get to meet my girl. It was hard for me to be
away from her and after the morning incident with Ryan I became even more
desperate to see her.
Damn, she must have looked so beautiful when she said she wanted to make
out with Ryan. I felt my body get hard. Damn, just thinking about her makes my
body come alive.
~I want to eat her alive~ Onyx said in my mind.
~feelings are mutual, friend~ I replied.
~ your beautiful face is winking. I can't wait to eat her out and taste those sweet
lips of hers.

I laughed ~ desperate, right? ~

~heck, I am~
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A smile crossed my lips when I saw the door to our room. Most of the time he
stays there or in the library. But this time I think she should be there. Excitedly, I
walked faster. As soon as I got there, I felt my hands suddenly itch. She's
inside. I grabbed the door handle and opened it. The first thing I saw was my
partner sitting on the couch holding a white piece of paper. Smiling, I walked
towards her. Before she could understand anything, I grabbed her small form,
lifted her up, and pulled her into a rough, passionate kiss.
When the sweet taste of her lips flowed, my heart melted and suddenly the
racing heart became cold. I bit her lower lips making her moan. I stuck my
tongue into his mouth to capture all the sweetness. I can taste the tea he drank
because the faint taste still lingered in his mouth. God, I was looking forward to
I never get tired of your sweet lips no matter what.
Savannah moaned as he kissed her harder. After two days without knowing her,
my body has become rigid and now that I have her in my arms, I am reluctant to
let her go so easily.
"Mmmmm..." Savannah put her hand on my shoulder.
I didn't let her continue and kissed her again, silencing all the words she was
about to say.
My tongue massaged the walls of her mouth, then I captured her tongue
between my teeth and gave it a tug, making her moan. She squeezed his hand
while moaning.
After the satisfied kiss I finally let her go. He was panting, trying to catch his
It seems like I almost forgot to let her breathe. But what can I do? I missed her a
lot and if it weren't for an important job I wouldn't miss her for two days.

"Are you OK?" I asked patting him on the back.

She looked at me, "Do I look good?"

I laughed "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it."
"So you thought about kissing me to death?" She scoffed.
I brought her close to my chest "I missed you" I hugged her tightly.
“Don't hug me like that. Are you planning to suffocate me today no matter what?
She murmured as her face was pressed against my chest.
I laughed and loosened my grip a little “What happened? Were you so lost in
thought that you didn't know he was coming?"
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Normally Savannah is clear. Her hearing power is impressive, but today she
didn't feel my presence until I pulled her in for a kiss. It seems like he was
thinking too much about something that he lost concentration on.
"I was thinking about something," she replied slowly.
"And what is this? Did it make you lose your mind?" I frowned.
She sighed "before that, tell me first where have you been the last two days?"

“Some jobs involved me.

I smiled apologetically.
"You should have at least informed me so I wouldn't be left wondering about
your whereabouts."
she shook her head.
"I'm sorry. "It happened so suddenly and I got caught up and wasted my time."
She looked at me and sighed "it's okay."
I smiled "you really slapped Ryan hard, he was still in a bad mood when I left
the office."
She laughed "he asked for it" and then frowned "Is there something between
Jenny and Ryan?"
“Jenny? No, I don't think so” I shrugged “Why do you ask that?”
“Nothing, I just thought of something.”
"Okay, tell me now, what were you thinking so much about before?"
“Ah, that” he turned and looked for a while. I frowned at his actions.
He picked up a white paper that was on the floor before turning to me. I walked
into the room and saw a When I Bouquet and This Later on the table. I asked
the maids, but they didn't know. Is it strange who put these things up without
anyone knowing?
That too in your room,” he handed me the paper. I grimaced and opened it.
Reading the lines, I couldn't help but clench my fist. Foolishness!
“At first I thought it was yours. But from the way these lines are written, I can
assume that it is not yours.” Savannah said slowly.
"So how did you know it's not mine?" I asked her.
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“Because these lines seem very illusory. There is also no indication of who and
to whom it was sent, but one thing I am clear about is that it is not yours, it is too
excessive for your taste.”
I smiled at him. But the white paper fell apart in my hands when I closed it.
Damn, I never thought this would happen again. It looks like I wanted to hide in
the dark trying to get out of it. But hell will freeze over before I allow that to
“Hardwick, I don't know why, but I feel strange when I think about it. Do you
know who sent it? He asked, looking at me questioningly.
“It's strange, actually. But don’t worry, I will take care of this matter.” I shook my
Savannah looked at me for a few seconds before shaking her head. I pulled her
towards me and she gasped as her chest collided with me. I smiled as I felt his
weak spot pressing against my hard spot.
"That?" I asked.
"What do you think you're doing?" She glared at him.
"I missed you" I leaned in and about to capture her lips again, she turned her
head and my lips landed on her cheek.
"Lose? Humph" struggled to get away from me, but I didn't let her escape,
instead I tightened my arms around her.
"If you missed me, you wouldn't have disappeared for two days without telling
I smiled "I told you I'm sorry"
“Your excuse is not acceptable, sir.”
I laughed "since that is the case, then tell me what should I do to make you
forgive me?"
She raised her eyebrows.
“Is dinner okay?” I asked, tilting my head. His purple eyes stare at me, leaving
me unable to control myself.
I captured his lips for a heated kiss. She tried to push me away, but I kissed her
deeper, sucking on her sweet lips, licking and nibbling. She moaned and
wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her.
"I missed you so much" I murmured between kisses. "So much shit, baby"
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"Liar," she murmured, making him laugh.
"How sweet" I suck hard and force my tongue into her mouth, wanting to taste
everything about her, wanting to conquer her limits. She tried to fight with her
tongue, but my strength was too passionate and too deep to let her win.
I pulled her by the waist and now we are pressed against each other without
any space between our bodies.
"Hmm…. Hardwick...
"You taste so sweet." I cut her in half and kissed her again.

"What happened to you again?" Ryan asked, frowning. I walked over to the
chair and sat down.
“You went to meet her, right? Why did you come back so quickly?
“We need to check out the East Side,” I responded.
"East Side?" Ryan frowned again "why?"
I threw him the crumpled paper that was almost torn. It latched perfectly before
opening it.
"What the hell is that!" Ryan jumped, eyes wide. He looked at me again “that…
Where did you get that?”
“He sent it to my partner with a bouquet.”
"Does Luna know?"
I shook my head "not yet, but I think she suspects it." There are already so
many things that I can't let the past affect my present” I rubbed my temple.
“Don't worry, I will check this matter. But I never thought it would be..."
"No matter what happens, I don't have time to wait."
“I think you should tell Luna about this. I mean, if something happens, she can
understand it.”

I looked at him “How? “I don’t want her to despise me.”

Ryan pursed his lips.

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“I'll take you to dinner tomorrow. "I don't want anything to bother us."
“I will check this matter again,” he nodded.
My eyes darkened as I thought about it. Damn, I'll kill anyone who tries to
separate my partner from me. I have been trying to secure our position so that
she always stays with me. But if she knows my past, will she be willing?
Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 45
Savannah Viewpoint
"You look beautiful, ma'am," Luina praised as she placed the clip in my hair.
The clip has a white gem, which gently matches the color of my dress. I was
quite surprised to see how this dress fit me perfectly and without any problems.
“Master really knows how to choose a dress. Look lady, the color and design go
well together and combining it makes it more beautiful to tell.”
I smiled. There was a gleam of surprise in his eyes. I even wonder how
Hardwick found this dress. Nothing was missing in custom size, on the contrary,
it stuck to my body like a second skin. After showering I found Luina coming in
with a dress in her hand.
When the dinner date was set, I thought Luina would choose a dress to wear,
but I didn't expect it to be a gift from my partner.
I looked in the mirror again. Quite satisfied with my clothes. It's not like we were
going on a date for the first time, but my heart was still racing and I felt very
~ Are you ready for my love? ~ I heard Hardwick's voice in my mind. He is
activating the mind.
~yes~ I answered nervously. It says that once your partner marks you, the bond
between us will be stronger and we will be able to talk telepathically. At first I
didn't believe it, but when it really happened I was surprised, but even more
~Come down, I'm waiting for you~ he said again.
I sighed and controlled myself again. When I was satisfied, I greeted Luina, who
was waiting for me patiently.
“I will accompany you, ma'am,” he smiled and led me towards the door.
Going down the stairs I saw him waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He was
dressed casually but still managed to look very handsome. Sometimes I really
think that
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Hardwick looks so good, even better than the girls. Wherever he goes, he never
fails to attract a lot of attention, especially from women.
He looked up and smiled at me. As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs,
he extended his hand to me. I smiled and took his hand shyly. Tugging on my
wrist, he pulled me towards him and smiled.
"You look beautiful, love," he whispered in my ear.
"Thank you" I blushed "you look beautiful too"
He laughed. “I really need to match my partner, right? Or my pack members will
say that their Alpha is inferior to their mate.”
I rolled my eyes at him. “Since when did you start caring about what other
people think?”
He laughed "you forgot honey, I still need to maintain my prestige"
I shook my head, but didn't try to argue with him. Talking to him is like aimlessly
banging your head against the wall. What's the point when he'll give you a
hundred reasons to shut up before you can find any excuses?
"That? "Not arguing?" he smiled clearly, taking advantage of my frustrations.
"No, it's more like saving energy." I gave him a tight smile.
"Come on, we can't be late," he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.
"Wait, where are we really going?" I asked as we settled into the car.
“I'll take you to town. I think it will be better to dine near humans.”
My eyes widened. Since I was born I have always been on the border. First in
the Bright Shine Pack and then in the Snow Moon Pack. The opportunity to
socialize with common people was rare, simply because my parents thought
werewolves and humans had a fine line between them. Just as they could not
come and mix with us, we too are equal. But today Hardwick is taking me out to
dinner in the city like normal human couples do on their dates.
Thinking about this, a smile began to appear on my lips.
"You look happy?" Hardwick said looking at me out of the corner of his eye.
“This is the first time I will meet these people. I have always wondered how
much difference it will make in our lives. But I never had the chance.”
“So I think my decision was right?”
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“Of course, thank you very much” without thinking I jumped on top of him
kissing his cheek.
"Fuck," he cursed as he held me by one arm and stabilized the car with the
"Damn woman, are you trying to get us out of this car before we can reach it?"
I contain my happiness and smile at him, “I'm sorry, I got too excited.”
“You certainly know how to seduce at a time like this, darling. I swear if I wasn't
driving right now I would have fucked you playing in the back seat.
I choked on his words “how can you be so shameless? How can you say
something like that so openly?
"Oh, I can't?" He smiled “you are my companion, and besides these things are
nothing to be ashamed of, dear. Soon we will be practicing in practically all
positions…” Before he could continue, I covered his mouth with my hand.
"Pervert, focus on driving instead of thinking about dirty things." I looked at him.
He smiled “you like my dirty talk, baby. It's not?
"That ?" I grimaced.
He leaned in a little enough for his lips to brush against my ear "tell me, aren't
you wet already, love?" The way you squeeze your thigh is a clear sign of how
much you want me to play with that naughty pussy of yours.
My eyes widened in shock as my face heated up. I can feel my face turning red
with embarrassment. It is so obvious? Did you even notice that small action?
“I can see and feel everything you do, honey. And I also know how wet you are
right now.”
"Stop it, please" I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt him pinch my earlobe. The
car suddenly stopped making me look at it.
He simply smiled “since you are so desperate for me, how can I let you suffer
like this?
As your partner, it is my responsibility to attend to your needs.”
"Hardwick-" I gasped as he picked me up and placed me on his lap.
"Shhh..." He put his index finger on my lips. "You look so beautiful when you
blush, I can barely control myself."
"But... we're halfway there," I tried to remind him.
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He laughed “scared, darling? Don't worry. This path is clear and there is no one
to hear your moan.
Also, my car has special windows and no one can see us from outside.

Your body is only mine to see, no one else has the right to look at you.” "Oh..." I

moaned as he squeezed my breast and then massaged it slowly. "Hardwick" I

arched my back approaching him.

"You're so soft, baby," he whispered as he kissed my neck. He licked his mark

making me shudder. I put my hand on his shoulder for support, but I couldn't
help but moan.
"So wet," he lifted the dress to my waist and rubbed my sensitive spot over my
"I told you, you like my dirty words, don't you, darling?" He chuckled and
pressed his finger to my sore center. His performance made me even wetter.
"Please …"
"Please that ?" He whispered as he pinched my ear.
"I I…." I couldn't form words because I felt my pussy tighten.
“Fuck, do you love me that much, baby? Your sweet pussy, trying to squeeze
my finger”

"Hardwick," I moaned loudly and threw my head back, arching. "So wet," he
pushed the thin fabric aside and inserted his finger into my hot spot.
"Oh God," I moaned out loud. My forehead began to release beads of sweat.
“You're so ready for me, baby. Look how much your sweet pussy hurts feeling
me inside.
His dirty talk made my pussy clench between his fingers. He left and I shivered
with dissatisfaction.
He laughed "disappointed, dear?"
Before I could respond, he forcefully removed his fingers.
"Ah..." I bit my lip as the feeling of fullness filled me.
I moaned as he continued to pleasure me with his fingers. His thumb reached
out and rubbed my already sensitive clit as he continued to finger fuck me.
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My body couldn't contain the pleasure as my walls began to squeeze his
"Yes, tighten your sweet pussy around my finger, baby, let me feel how much
you need me to make you cum hard," he whispered as he began to pump
"Ahhh… Hardwick…" I screamed as I came hard. I felt my juices cover his
Hardwick didn't stop, he pinched my clit and made me cum again.

"So good
he said hoarsely as he removed his hand. I gasped, closing my eyes. It was like
a difficult but wonderful journey. The whole trip was so sensitive that it made me
tremble with joy.
"Hmm... you taste so fucking good, baby."
I opened my eyes only to see him licking his fingers while his gaze was locked
on mine.
My cheeks turned red as I turned my head, not wanting to witness the dirty
deed he was doing in front of me.
He laughed again before taking out a tissue and starting to clean me up.
“I hope my companion is satisfied with her needs,” he whispered as he placed
me back in the seat. I couldn't say anything because I was completely
embarrassed. I heard Hardwick laugh before he started driving the car again.

"It's nice." I looked around the hallway. The decor and setting were good and
the lighting was not harsh but completely perfect for the candlelight dinner.
"I'm glad you liked it," he said, smiling at me.
“Hello sir, madam,” a young waiter greeted us. “Do you have the reservation,

“Under Lion” Hardwick nodded.

“Yes, this way, sir,” he responded politely before leading us to the corner table.
"Please take a seat. I will bring you the order menu shortly. Would you like
something to drink?"
The waiter asked.
"No, the menu will do," Hardwick replied.
"Okay," the waiter left.
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“How did you find this place?” I asked, smiling.
"How about? “I have a lot more connection to deal with everything,” he replied
I rolled my eyes. “Are you always so arrogant?”
"It's my nature," he leaned back in his seat.
Seeing his proud look, I couldn't help but roll my eyes again. Soon the waiter
returned with the menu and we ordered our food.

The food was good and the taste was wonderful. The people around us seemed
happy as they chatted happily with their partners.
"Dinner was good," I said as we walked to our car.
"You like me?"
I nodded “thank you for the meeting. I will never forget"
He smiled and bowed a little. “I'll make sure you never have a chance to forget
My cheeks burned as a familiar blush began to arise again. Hardwick shifted
and laughed when he saw my face.
"I-" he said, but stopped and started looking for something.
I frowned "What happened?"
“Looks like I left my car keys on the table. "Wait here, I'll get it back."
I nodded "ok, come quickly"
“Don't worry, wait a moment,” saying this, he entered the building again.
I waited for him and leaned against the car. It was very late and there was no
one in the parking lot.
"Hey, beautiful, what are you doing here alone?"
My head turned towards the source of the voice. There were two men smiling.
“Weren't you the one dining inside? Where is your partner? I leave you?
one of them asked.
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Why would such a beautiful girl be left alone?” Another added.
"If you don't mind, we can take you home," they looked at me with an evil look.
Bastards! If she were a normal girl, she would have been very scared. Because
there's no one there and Hardwick was still inside the building. So it was a great
opportunity to be sexually abused by some unidentified bastards. But I'm afraid?
“Disappear if you wish to return home safely,” I hissed, nodding warmly.
They laughed “how can we leave you alone like this? For a beautiful woman like
you, our hearts will ache if you are left behind. So you better come with us. Or
maybe we can do something better that will make you feel even better” lust
flashed in his eyes.
~ you bastards, what the hell do you think of yourselves? ~Red roared inside~I
will taste your limbs~
"What happened? We are friendly here, you better come with us willingly" one
of them stepped forward and grabbed my arms tightly.
My blood began to boil as Red was furious inside, trying to take control and rip
their heads off their bodies.
"Do not touch me." I frowned angrily and grabbed his hand which I used to grab
my arm before twisting it.
He screamed in pain "whore, what did you do to my hand?"

“Something that will teach you how to control your chest by making it fly. I
hissed and punched him away.
The other man who seemed surprised looked at me with wide eyes. I smiled at
him. Being a werewolf means you have more power and more strength.
"Where were you? I better go with you..."
"Just stay away from me, witch," she nearly stumbled as she began to run
I watched his back retreat and wiped my hand. Ordinary girls aren't safe late at
night. By these bastards who just couldn't keep their fucking cocks to
"What happened?" I turned around and saw Hardwick coming towards me.
Automatically translated by Google I smiled “nothing, it's just that there are a lot
of unwanted flies here” “Flies?” He frowned, looking confused.
I laughed "how long do you plan to make me stay here sir?" "Come on," he

unlocked the lock and opened the door for me. I smiled as I sat inside. He

walked to the driver's seat and started the engine.

"I enjoyed tonight, thanks for dinner." I leaned on his shoulder, holding his arm.
"I'm glad you did." I felt him kiss my temple. His hand led while the other rested
on my thigh, sometimes rubbing and teasing my skin. I sighed with satisfaction.
Everything was perfect, the date and my partner.
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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 46

Savannah Viewpoint “Oh… God” I groaned as I felt a tingle on my skin. I

couldn't bear this torture.
"So responsive, baby," Hardwick whispered in my ear before biting down hard
on the skin. I must say that this man really seems gentle while flirting, but when
it comes to 'doing that' he is like a wild beast ready to devour his prey. He
knows how to torture me until I give up all my power of resistance.
"Oh God, please..." I bit my lip trying to deal with the pleasure coursing through
my body.
Hardwick's lips grabbed my hard nipple, sucking on it while his other hand
played with my other nipple. He pinched my hard bud and then rolled it between
his thumb and forefinger, sending pleasure through my hot core.
How did I end up in this position? Lying half naked beneath my partner as he
tortured my body like a hungry beast. I thought that after the good dinner I could
rest, but I never thought that my companion would change his mind. Then, as
we entered the house, he threw me over his shoulder before walking towards
our bedroom.
"You're so sensitive," he sucked on my nipple, curling his tongue around the
hard bud and then releasing it with a pop. His other hand left my breast as he
moved down and then rested on my sensitive part, which was already soaked
from his action.
"You're so wet for me, baby," he said as he took my wife's share. Before I could
say it, he ripped off my panties and rubbed my wet folds slowly.
“Why do you always tear my clothes?” I held back my moan as it tried to escape
my mouth.
He laughed "I don't like waiting, honey."
"That's not a good reason, you know?"
“You don't need a good reason my love, I love you and that's the truth” he said
before he stopped acting making me almost cry with frustration.
"Anxious for me?" He smiled, then, with an evil gleam in his eyes, he bowed
and lowered his head. I saw him lean in and be about to ask, but all my
questions flew out the window when his evil tongue latched onto my hotspot.
"Oh my God …." I moaned as I felt him lick my clit before his lips sucked on it.
His tongue rolled around my wet core and he used his hand to part the wet lips
and then pushed his tongue inside me.
Automatically translated by Google "Ah..." I grabbed his head, running my
fingers through his silky locks. “Hardwick”
I moaned with each thrust that brought me to the peak of pleasure. He rubbed
my clit in circular motions as he fucked me with his tongue, lifting my body to
enjoy the extreme pleasure I had ever experienced in my life.
"Oh... God, Hardwick, I'm... so close..." I moaned loudly. My body couldn't
handle the extreme pleasure he was giving me and I wonder how he is so
skilled. by taking me to the path of heaven.
“Fuck, baby, I want you to cum in my mouth. “You are so sweet and I want you
to milk my mouth with your sweetness,” he said as he pushed his tongue into
my wet core again.
I felt my pussy tighten around his tongue and my toe curl as I screamed as I
climaxed. My core dripped hot juices and I entered his mouth. Hardwick didn't
stop but continued to suck my pussy hard.
"Oh..." He gave my wet core one last lick before lifting his head with a
mischievous smile.
"You know, how beautiful you look when you scream my name when I fuck that
sweet pussy of yours?"
I blushed and turned my head the other way. God, this position is so
Me lying under him, completely naked for his eyes to see. His sensual gaze
made my body feel hot again.
“No,” he growled and grabbed my chin and made me look at him, “you can't
hide that blush, baby. It's mine to see and it makes you even more beautiful. “I
love it when those purple orbs of yours are covered in lust and happiness.”
“I can't wait any longer, baby,” he pressed his forehead against mine, “it's so
hard to control myself every damn day.
You are so beautiful and you are all mine. I need to claim that sweet pussy of
yours, claim it, fill it.
My heartbeat accelerated at his words. God, I knew I would have to face this
one day, but so soon? But again, what's the problem? He is my companion, the
only moon goddess made for me to live for eternity. Besides, he has already
claimed me as his.
“No, don't say anything. I need you now. Now kissing is no longer enough. I
want to feel your sweet pussy. “I am dying of need and Onyx wants to claim
you, claim your partner.”
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Now I couldn't answer. He wasn't the only one who wanted this. Red was
excited when he learned that Onyx wanted to claim him as her own. He is my
partner and making love will only strengthen our bond.
He got up and took off his clothes. When he took off his boxers, I gasped loudly.
Oh my god, it's so big. His hard shaft freed itself from the edge and remained
Hard, thick and long enough to make anyone scream in fear. Although I
prepared myself for its size, I never expected it to be so gigantic.
He laughed as his eyes landed on my expression "scared?"
I swallowed hard as I slowly shook my head. “Do you think it looks good on
me?” I bit my lips.
“Don't worry, it's made for you. And it will definitely do,” he replied calmly, as if
there was nothing to worry about.
Okay, I'm scared. And why shouldn't it be? I am a virgin and I have never slept
with anyone. So my power is lacking here in this matter. Hardwick climbed into
bed with a smile.
“I'm not going to tell lies, it will hurt you since you are a virgin. But it won't last
long. When you get used to my size you will like it like this,” he smiled.
My eyes widened. This man is shameless.
"Now spread those sexy legs of yours," he ordered. Oh God, this is really
I slowly spread my legs, opening them to my partner.
Hardwick moaned as he grabbed my legs and spread them apart. He lowered
his hips and positioned himself, he was about to enter but stopped when his
phone rang just then. We look at his phone. I bit my lip trying not to laugh out
“Forget it,” he said, then rubbed his cock at the entrance to my pussy but all the
fire went out again when his phone rang for the second time. Hardwick growled
“I think you should take it. What if it's something important to call right now? I
tried to convince him.
"Fuck," he cursed, getting out of bed naked and walking over to the table. My
eyes followed his action. I gasped when I saw his thick shaft standing there
"This damn thing had to be important or I'm going to cut your head off," he
growled as he grabbed the phone. Then he was silent for a moment. When he
hangs up, his face goes hard.
I frowned “What happened? "
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He walked towards me and kissed me on the forehead. "Sorry baby, I have to
Something important came up that needed my presence.”
"Right now? "Really now?" I asked in disbelief.
He nodded and smiled sarcastically. “Yeah, but I promise once I figure it out.
Nothing can stop me from claiming you.”
I sighed “okay, go. Since it's important, I won't stop you. Just finish your
business first.”
“Okay, wait for me” he said and gave her a warm kiss before walking towards
the bathroom, but I can still hear his little bad words that he was saying under
his breath. I laughed lightly as I grabbed the duvet and covered my naked body.
What a night!
The next morning I woke up alone. I stretched my arms and yawned again. I
looked over to where Hardwick was sleeping and sighed. To be honest, I miss
it. Last night's action flashed through my mind and only made me blush again.
We would have made love if there wasn't a connection involved. And I really
miss his warmth that flattered my heart. He said he had an important job and
then left. I don't even know when he'll be back. Shaking my head, I wanted to
slap myself. Mom said this before, when your partner is the Alpha then you
need to control your emotions and stay strong to deal with the situation. And
she was right, before he became my partner, he was the Alpha of the Dark
Forest and had many responsibilities to deal with. He couldn't really be with me
all the time.
Sigh, being Luna is hard work too.
"Hi Jenny," I greeted as I entered the kitchen.
"Hello, ma'am," he smiled.
“Do you look happy today?” I sat in the chair "what's the problem?"

“Nothing, yesterday I was trying to make a new recipe and guess what worked.
I looked very happy, Jenny.
that almost slips when jumping.
“Careful,” I grabbed his arm and almost laughed when I saw his face.
"Are you OK?"
She nodded “thank you ma’am” she laughed nervously “I almost slipped with
“Hmm… I guess so” I laughed.
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"Wait, I'll get you the coffee."
"Um...what did you do yesterday?"
“Rusty” Jenny smiled.
She nodded again. “I tried. I found the recipe online a few days ago and wanted
to try it, but I couldn't find enough ingredients. But due to the new delivery of
food reserves, yesterday I finally got the necessary ingredients and tried to
prepare them.”
"Wow, you're very creative." I nodded. At that moment a maid came and served
me breakfast.
“I don't have much work to do and I'm not going to train so after taking care of
my work I cook to kill time”
“Tell me more about your dish” I took a sip of coffee.
"You are interested?" She seemed happy.
I nodded "you worked hard on this"
“La Rustida is an Italian dish. I saw the recipe online and was quite fascinated.
It looks delicious too.
It is usually made with a combination of pork loin, pork heart and lungs,
crumbled chorizo, butter, onion, tomato, broth, salt and pepper.
Even though it was my first time making this recipe, I never thought it would
work. “It’s kind of a miracle.”
“Hard work always pays off”
“You’re right,” Jenny laughed, “would you like to try it?”
"Of course, I'm somehow hungry after hearing your recipe."
“Okay,” Jenny laughed, “I’ll make you try it.”
It wasn't long before she returned with the food. Rustida looks good on the
The texture seems right and my mouth watered when I tried it. With the fork and
knife I cut the little piece before putting it in my mouth.
"Did you use wine?" I asked.
She nodded “yes, although it is an unusual combination for the recipe, but I
have seen many comments from those who have tried it.”
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"Tastes good. "I can feel the flavors melting inside my mouth the moment I take
a bite."
I smiled at him before eating another piece. This is my first time trying Italian
cuisine, but my first experience is not bad. I must say that Jenny is a good cook.
Later you can use your culinary skills to win anyone's heart.
"Did you really like it, ma'am?" Jenny was quite surprised and I can tell by her
I nodded “why not? Plus, it's the first Italian dish I've tried. I think you should
focus on cooking and not count the delivered products.”
Jenny laughed: “I can always try new recipes in my free time. It's not a problem”
saying this he blushed.
"Then I'll be your taster," I laughed.
"Actually?" His eyes lit up immediately.
“Of course” I smiled and began to enjoy my Italian dish.

After finishing my breakfast, which was quite heavy, I thought I would go for a
walk. Luina was next to me telling me more about the pack and I'm glad she's
here. Luina is very attentive and never neglects the little things related to me.
Hardwick really knows how to choose people because choosing Luina as my
personal maid was excellent.
“The children go to school in the city. When they become the average move
away, they come back to pack their bags and live here,” Luina said.
"Middle Ages? Don't you go back to studying more?"
“It's up to them, ma'am. Few return and few stay. But whatever they decide, the
Master makes sure to follow through. He never forces anyone to do anything. In
all aspects, the Master is fair and sets his rules accordingly. But if someone
breaks the rules, they will have to face wrath.”
I sighed “handling a backpack is difficult. Also, it's not like everything is fair and
peaceful all the time. There were times when Alfa had to face difficulties”
I saw dad and Devak. How they treat the pack is important. Although I have
never interfered in their business, it's not that I don't know what they are doing
or what kind of problems they face.
Even the mother is also involved in some matters and I have witnessed all the
ups and downs of the ruling method in the pack.
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“But it's not the Master's fault, Lady. Master never makes false accusations or
punishes others for no reason. Everything he does has a great cause behind it.”
I shook my head. What she said is true. I can never doubt Hardwick's decision,
as far as I know him.
"I can never doubt him..." I couldn't complete my words when I collided with
“Ah…” The other person shuddered.
"I apologize, it's my fault." I turned around only to see a beautiful woman
standing there rubbing her shoulder.
"Ma'am, are you okay?" Luina held my hand as she asked me.
“I'm fine,” I looked at the woman again.
“You must be careful when walking,” Luina hissed in a cold tone. I looked at her
surprised. He had never seen Luina use that tone. She was always warm and
“I…” The woman stammered, “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you. I was in
a hurry and didn't see you coming. Please forgive me"
"It's okay, it's my fault too," I smile at him. The woman seemed charming. But I
hadn't seen her before. Is it new or something?
“You should take care of yourself in the future. If something happens to our
Lady Master, she will be furious,” Luina added again.
The woman who seemed kind looked at us with a surprised expression.
"Ma'am?" She blinked before her gaze landed on me.
I frowned at his actions. Why was she so surprised?
"I... it won't happen again," he said again, then turned around and walked away.
"Who is she?" I asked, watching her leave.
"I don't know, ma'am," Luina replied in her kind tone.
“It doesn't matter, let's go” I turned around and was about to take a step when a
sudden voice stopped me in my tracks and left me stunned for a moment.
“Delaney,” the shout echoed behind me.
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I quickly turned around as I looked at the scene behind me. Daisy was hugging
the woman who had just bumped into me. And she called her Delaney?
Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 47
Savannah Viewpoint
Two days later….
I snorted as I looked at the screen. It's been two days since my partner left and
he doesn't need it. He could have at least called me once in these two days, but
no, this man is really an idiot. He didn't even say anything about his job, he just
left like that.
“Where are you Hardwick? “You're already making me worry,” I murmured. I
know you have jobs and responsibilities, but I'm also your partner and I'm not
included in your damn liability agreement?
“Breakfast is ready, madam,” Luina entered while informing me.
I'm losing my appetite here. First, my partner was gone and second, this
woman, Delaney, appeared out of nowhere. I don't know why, but that woman
worries me. Looking at her does not provoke any kind of assertive feeling in my
heart. I put the laptop away and looked at Luina.
"Luina, do you know who Delaney is?" I asked. Although I decided not to
interfere in this matter until Hardwick tells me everything first, but now that
Delaney is here, I'm more curious.
“I really don't know that, ma'am. Since I started working here, there hasn't been
anyone named Delaney. I don't know if he's a member of this gang,” Luina
responded, smiling apologetically.
Hmm… it seems that the Delaney matter is a bit delicate and more secret than I
thought. Is that why Hardwick refused to talk about her or were there more
things that made him quickly avoid the topic of her?
"Do you know anyone who might know something about this Delaney girl?"
"That…." Luina thought for a moment, hesitating.
“Luina, I am your lover. If you are hesitating because of your Alfa, it is not
necessary. I will take care of him, but this matter is very important. “I need to
know about Delaney,” I convinced her.

Screw the wait, I'll try to find out about this Delaney girl.
Automatically translated by Google as much as I could. I don't like the uneasy
feeling that fills my chest every time I hear his name. I hate this feeling.
“Madam, it's not that I don't want to help. It is my duty to fulfill your request. The
Master has ordered you to do whatever you say or wish. But the point is that the
Delaney case is a past event and can only be known by those who were
present at the time. Most of the elders of the past live on the east side, so it is
very difficult to obtain information about past events. Furthermore, it is also the
rule of the pack not to reveal anything that happened in the past.”
I shook my head "it's ridiculous you know." I got out of bed and walked to the
window. In the field, my gaze fell on the two figures prowling happily.
“Sometimes it is necessary to reveal the secrets of the past to save the present
and the future, because past events are very dark. It also affects the present
and the future. If someone does not know anything about the past, how could
he face the current problem?
“It’s important to know who this Delaney is.” I placed my palm on the glass
window as my gaze fell on the two figures.
“Madam, maybe my aunt can help,” Luina said. I moved my body and turned to
look at her.
"Your aunt?" I grimaced.
"Yes," he agreed. “My aunt was a maid who worked during the time of the late
Alpha Master. So maybe she can help.”
I smiled "okay, let's go, then I need to meet her right away."
It took 15 minutes of walking to reach Luina's aunt's house. It was a little further
away in the package area. A middle-aged woman opened the door and gasped
as she looked at us.

“Luina?” The woman screamed.

“Aunt Rosis” Luina smiled “My boss wanted to meet you so I brought her here.”
“Madam,” Aunt Rosis’s eyes widened. “Oh, please forgive my ignorance,
"Okay," I waved my hand, "how are you, Aunt Rosis?"
“I'm a good lover, oh, what a shame, please come in” Rosis let out a nervous
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We entered and settled in the small room. Rosis made tea and served it. He
seemed to be doing well even though he had reached middle age. Her silver
hair was tied up in a bun, but there were no signs of wrinkles on her skin.
“I never thought this would happen and that you would visit me here, ma'am.
How can I help you?" Rose asked.
I smiled "Luina told me you worked as a maid in the pack?"
“Yes, I worked for longer periods. I watched Little Master grow and become the
Alpha. Those golden days are such vivid memories that I will never be able to
forget,” Rosis smiled.
I shook my head. Since she worked for so long, I think she might know about
Delaney too. So, without wasting much time, I asked him.
"Aunt Rosis, do you know who Delaney is?"
Rosis's eyes widened "Miss...Ma'am?"
And I really hope for such a reaction.
“Please don't hesitate, Aunt Rosis. You really don't need to be afraid. I just
wanted to know about her. "I don't want to do any harm."
Rosis sighed “Madam, it is difficult. The Delaney issue is quite important and
that is why there are many changes in the squad. Although I don’t know much
about it, everything I know is also forbidden to say.”
“Aunt Rosis, I can understand your feelings, but I need to know about her
because it's not about me, it includes Hardwick and the entire pack as well. If
you choose to be silent today, no matter what happens next, won't you regret it?
"Madam, what are you talking about?"
“Delaney is here.”
Rosis gasped “what? She's here?"
“Yes, that's why I'm asking you for help. Please tell me everything you know
about her.
Even if it is a small thing I need to know” I tried to persuade further.
Rosis still seemed hesitant.
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I sighed “it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. I will not force you. But
remember one thing, Delaney caused a lot of trouble in the past and now
history can repeat itself.” I got up from the couch and walked towards the door.
He was about to open the door when Rosis shouted "Madam, please wait."
I turned and looked at her waiting for her to continue.
Rosis stood up and took a deep breath. “I will tell you everything I know.”
Jenny's point of view.
"You finished?" I looked up and found my father taking off his chef's suit.
“Uh…yeah, it's just simple math, dad. Nothing is difficult". I smiled.
Dad sighed. “Bridge will take the shift tonight. "I'm taking a break."

Are you okay, dad? I mean, you never took a break, so…” “I’m fine,” Dad
laughed. "Don't worry. “Bridge wanted to take the job tonight and he almost
begged me not to say no.”
I laughed "are you really interested in cooking?"
"I think so. It's been with me for a year. Almost like he was holding on,” Dad
“Okay then. You are already old. So you also need to get some rest for your

I said closing the account book. “Jenny” “Yes?

"You are happy?"

I frowned “what kind of question is that dad? "

"Only me…"
“Dad, is something wrong? I mean, you seem worried today. What happened? -
I asked while touching his shoulder.
He shook his head “no, it’s nothing” he smiled at me “I couldn’t give you a good
life. After your mother died, we were stuck here in the cargo kitchen. Also, since
my partner is dead
Automatically translated by Google, my wolf is weak and cannot transform
anymore” he sighed. There was sadness shining in his eyes “and you are born
in poor health. Your wolf is not as strong as the others and that's why you
couldn't train normally. I feel like you are suffering here because of me.”
My eyes watered and I shook my head “Dad, what are you talking about? You
are thinking unnecessary things. Please don't think like that and charge your
heart. I am happy. Plus, I love cooking and it's good to live like that. And as for
training, then, it is difficult. They are competing with each other as enemies and
I don't like that. “I feel safer living here and trying new recipes”
Dad looked at me with a small smile, “how lucky I am to have you as a
I laughed "because I'm cute"
Dad laughed and patted me on the head. “You naughty girl, you always take
things in a funny way.
When will you grow up?
“When the time comes, I will grow up. But now I just want to live like your little
daughter,” I screamed and hugged him.
The “silly girl’s” father laughed.
After talking to him, I entered the kitchen. It's already night, so I wanted to have
a coffee. I have a habit of drinking coffee in the morning and at night, so when
the sun sets my heart longs for it. I saw Bridge inside the kitchen.
“Hello uncle” I smiled when I entered.
"Hello Jenny"
“You're early,” I said as I drank a cup of coffee.
“I thought about preparing the dinner menu. Do you want coffee?"
“Yes, wishes, you know.”
He laughed “fine. I saw an Italian dish in the fridge. Who brought this?
I stopped serving milk when I heard it. I turned my head to look at him "uh...did
you try that?"

He nodded “it tastes good. I'm impressed. "I wanted to know who asked for

I felt a blush on my cheeks "um...I did it."

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"Oh, that's right, what?" Bridge looked surprised "Did you?"
“Yes, I had free time, so I saw it online and tried it,” I replied sheepishly. I really
didn't expect him to try.
“Well, well,” he laughed. “I never thought you were so good at cooking.”
"It was a first test, man, please don't joke."
"I'm not. It was really good. You should practice more, you know?"
I smiled "thanks for the app man"
"Okay, I have to get ready for dinner," he rubbed his hand and looked at the
vegetables on the table.
“What is the main menu?” I asked while stirring my coffee with a spoon.
“I will go with meat”
"Oh, that's great. "I'm leaving, man," I said, walked out of the kitchen and sat in
the dining room.
Now I can enjoy my drink slowly and calmly. I thought and took a sip. It's good.
Very supportive. I closed my eyes enjoying the sensation.
“Yes, that's right, I'll answer it and then-”
My eyes widen at the voice. As expected, the person continued to hold the
phone to his ear, but his eyes remained fixed on me.
“I'll inform you” saying this he cut the call. He slowly walked forward.
"I was here to grab some drinks, but I never thought you'd be waiting for me,"
he said as a mischievous smile appeared on his lips.

I got up and put the cup on the table. “I'm just drinking my coffee.” “Oh,” he

came closer, “so you didn't miss me?”

"What are you doing?" I took a step back as he approached.

"You do not know?" He asked as his eyes hardened.

I pushed myself back, but stopped when my back hit the tile wall. I bit my lips as
I cursed in my heart.
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"I'm going to see where you can run now," he walked over and placed his hand
on either side of me.
I hissed.
"You're crazy? "
"Crazy?" He laughed “I went crazy the moment I saw you. Tell me, who is to
blame for keeping me in the middle?
I bit my lip angrily as I glared at him "go fuck your friends who will be happy to
warm your bed instead of bothering me here" I snapped.
He smiled “why? Jealous, darling?
I looked at him "don't call me that"
“I can call you whatever I want. What are you gonna do about it? The challenge.
“Ryan Wolf, you are a fucking man. You go around playing with other women all
you want and now here you are flirting with me. You should be a little ashamed
of your act.” I defended myself and pushed him away.
Looking furious, I passed him, but before he could
After a few steps, I felt my body retreat towards a hard chest.
“Do you think I care about these women? They're fucking gold diggers just
trying to make money. But it's not entirely my fault because you didn't stop me.
You stood there watching me go out with those women and you didn't say
anything, why? Now you're mad because I slept with them? Are you blaming
me now?
I moved "let me go"
“No, I won't stop today. “I’ve had enough of this,” he growled.
"Be quiet. What do you think you're doing?" I tried to free myself from his arm.
“Not so fast, honey. There's no way you can run away from me now. “You are
mine,” he said before kissing my cheek.
"You bastard, how dare you kiss me with that dirty mouth of yours?" -I snapped
He laughed “dirty? You like it, darling. And for your good information, I have no
problem if that scares you.
"Who wants to have anything to do with you?" I hissed.
“You'll have it all with me, darling. Of course your wolf purrs with joy, but you're
trying to refuse, huh?
I snorted, “I'm not interested in arguing with you. Let me go"
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“No, I was already waiting for it. And you've been ignoring me for two whole
months. Now I won’t let you leave my arm at all.” Ryan said as he squeezed her
“Go back to your bitches,” I hissed again.
“Shh…. Curses don't suit your mouth, darling. The only thing that suits your
sweet mouth is my name” he said and pressed his lips against my ear
“especially when you moan.”
My eyes widened at his brazen act, “you… how dare you?”
“I dare anything. “You’re my fucking partner,” he growled and picked me up
bridal style.
"What are you doing?" I gasped and grabbed his shoulder for support.
"I'm claiming my partner, what's wrong with that?" He asked as he started to
leave the dining room.
“Ryan, are you crazy? What will others say?
He frowned "why the hell would I care about others?"
I couldn't think of any excuse when my heart started beating faster. "I don't want
others to ridicule me by saying that I'm a playboy's partner."
He looked down and laughed "don't worry honey, before they can tell you I'll rip
out their tongue and play with it."
I was speechless when I heard it. I know he is too strong and arrogant to deal
with. I also know his playboy ways, but in the end he is still my partner. I've
been ignoring him since I found out about this. I hated his playboy ways and
since I rejected him, he plays in front of me to make me jealous. And to be
honest, I am. Ryan took me to his room and placed me on his bed.
He smiled charmingly "I've been dreaming about this night for so long." He was
about to kiss me, but I stopped him.
"Wait, I don't want to sleep in this bed."
He frowned "why?"
"I don't want to share the bed you shared with another woman," I snapped.
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He laughed, “I've never brought any woman into this bed, darling. It was all
there with a card from a one night stand. And damn, none of them could control
me or were able to satisfy me. Before reaching the end, run away without
looking back.”
I rolled my eyes “more.”
“It's true” he kissed my lips “You are my partner and my wolf will only be happy
with you.
No one can satisfy my needs and those of my wolf apart from you” he placed
his forehead against mine.
"It's my first time," I said shyly.
“I know it and I am very proud”
"You can't look at another woman after today."
He laughed "I never get tired of you darling, much less looking at others."
"Shut up." I pushed him, but he didn't even move.
"I love you," he said before lowering his head and sealing my lips.
Romance claiming its tempting companion Chapter 48
Savannah Viewpoint
I looked at the sky and sighed. Rosis's words run through my mind over and
over again. I don't know how to react to this matter nor do I know how true the
story is, but one thing is for sure: the event really happened. Was that why
Hardwick hesitated to tell me the truth? Why was he so involved in this matter?
But I am his partner and he can't hide it from me forever, especially when the
past beats strongly trying to invade our present life. I don't know how long it will
take for him to come back, but I really want him here with me. I want to ask you
about it to confirm and know to what extent it is a true story.
I was brought back to earth when Luina's voice sounded in my ear "what?"
“This is your dress.
— She placed the violet silk dress on the bed. Only then did I realize that I was
still in my bathrobe.
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“Thank you Luina” I said before picking him up.
"It's my pleasure, ma'am."
After getting dressed, I head to the dining room to have my coffee. As soon as I
walked in, I saw Jenny. I was about to greet her, but something caught my
“Hi Jenny,” I greeted as I walked towards her.
She turned and smiled "good morning ma'am." He placed the new vase of
flowers on the table.
"You look beautiful," I said as I sat down.
“I… I'll bring you coffee” he almost escapes. I laughed as I watched her run. It
seems like something really happened. I pounded the table while waiting for her
to return.
“Here ma’am” Jenny placed the coffee cup on the table. The cup was still hot
and I could see the steam.
“You look so happy today. What happened?"
"Um nothing"
I looked her up and down and smiled "that shirt fits you well, but don't you think
it's too big?"
Jenny gasped "uh...that..." She looked at her body and suddenly a blush
appeared on her cheek staining her skin with a pink light.
I raised my eyebrows as I looked at her closely. Of course, the shirt she was
wearing is a man's. But looking at his posture, it looks like he had a nice, warm
He also has a bite mark on his neck. But who is he?
Ryan's smiling face flashed through my mind. I shook my head. Hardwick said
they have no connections. Is it really true or does he not know it either?
“There you are, why did you get out of bed leaving me alone-” the male voice
stopped in the middle.
I looked up and smiled "Morning, I didn't expect you to be here in the pack,
“Ah…. Luna, are you here too? Ryan walked in with an awkward smile.
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"Uh... I'm here for breakfast," I replied as I took a sip of my coffee. "Well, I have
to say you really made a good decision, Ryan."
“Choose over what?” He frowned.
"Shirt," I smiled, "especially the one Jenny is wearing now."
Ryan's eyes turned to Jenny, who was standing to the side, blushing from head
to toe.
"Are you two friends?" I asked.
"Um...yeah" Ryan ruffled his hair.
“And I suppose Hardwick has no idea about that either?”
"That..." Ryan looked at Jenny.
"It's okey leave it like that. Tell me why are you two hiding this from everyone?
They both looked at me. Ryan sat in the chair across from me as he dragged
Jenny with him. Jenny looked nervous while Ryan looked careless.
"Good?" I started looking at them waiting for answers.
"I wanted to tell everyone when I found out she's my partner" Ryan smiled and
took Jenny's hand "but I think my way of playing got between us"
"Jenny rejected you?" I asked.
“What… no, no…” He shook his head, “that's not what I mean. I wanted to
announce it publicly, but Jenny started avoiding me when she found me as her
partner,” he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Oh, when did you discover the link?" I asked again.
"3 months ago. "Jenny's wolf is quite weak compared to the others in the pack,
so it took a while for them to form the bond and recognize each other as
companions," Ryan responded.
I shook my head. "So you two were avoiding each other for a long time, so what
happened last night?"
Jenny blushed again, making me laugh inside. I still couldn't believe that this
shy girl really had a way with her partner. But of course I'm happy for her.
"I've had enough of the distance" Ryan laughed and looked at Jenny. There
was hidden adoration shining in his eyes.
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Finally, the eternal playboy finally met his partner. In fact, he already seemed in
"Since you got your partner, I think you should stop wasting your time."
“Haha…” Ryan laughed “don't worry Luna. That's not gonna happen. It was all
one night. “After all,” he put his arm around Jenny, who looked at him.
These two. I shook my head.
"Anyway, where's Hardwick?" I asked Ryan.
"He's busy," he smiled.
"I know. "I just want to know when he'll be back."
"I do not know exactly. “I was here with the pack to get some files and I need to
return in the afternoon.”
“What kind of problem do you have that keeps you so busy that it prevents you
from calling or texting?” I asked, getting irritated.
“Don't worry Luna, this will pass soon. If the matter wasn't serious then Alpha
wouldn't be working hard to solve it. This time all of Ryan's joy disappeared and
his face became serious. It's like he's trying to convince me not to read
Hardwick incorrectly because of his absence.
I sighed “I'm doubting him. I just couldn't see it, so I'm worried.”
Hearing me say this, Ryan smiled “like I said, Alpha will come back after the
matter is resolved. “He will come back for you soon.”
I nodded, "I'll be waiting."
The rest of the afternoon passed quickly and I spent time in the library with
Without Hardwick it's really boring. I miss your naughty hands that couldn't stay
still and your naughty mouth that couldn't help but talk dirty in my ear. I miss him
so much it hurts. But I don't have any other option either. All I can do is hope
that he
He comes back so I can throw myself at him and tell him how much I missed
Shaking my head, I closed the book in my hands. Luina, who was sitting on the
chair, stood up, "are you done, ma'am?"
I shook my head.
"Do you want another? I can search again”
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I laughed “no, it's okay. “I can read a lot of books in a day.”
“What would you like to do then?”
“I want to go out and take a walk. Sitting here all day makes my body stiff.”
"Okay," he nodded and placed the book on the table before leaving the library

"It feels good" I smiled to myself as the cold air hit my skin. The library room
was comfortable and could make you sleepy while reading. I've been reading a
novel all afternoon and now my body has started to feel numb. But it's a great
way to pass the time, besides sitting alone in a room and looking at that
“The gardeners will plant new flowers, madam. Would you like to add some of
your choice? Luina asked as she followed me with slow steps.
“The garden is already full. Why are you planning news posts?
“In other words, it's a kind of collection. To get all kinds of flowers”
“Since that is the case,” I pondered for a moment. “So I think the orchid types
will be fine.”
"Okay, I will inform the gardener about this"
We walked for a while enjoying the weather and the cool breeze. My mind is
clear now and I hope he returns soon.
"Um... Lady". I turned around only to find the woman who was irritating me
behind me. She was wearing a yellow dress and was standing there, looking

"Can I chat with you?" She asked.

I looked at her from head to toe “you say whatever you want.”
Delaney looked to my side, where Luina was. He seemed to be hesitating about
“She is my personal maid. She won't leak anything you're going to say.
—I assured him. I really want to see what she wants to tell me.
"It's very personal. I hope you can understand me,” Delaney insisted, smiling
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I looked at Luina, who nodded and walked away from us. Delaney looked at her
before looking at me. Although she looks beautiful with those innocent eyes, I
know clearly that she is not what she seems on the outside. He sighed a few
times before opening his mouth.
“I know you are his partner. But before you came, I was in his life. And we share
so many things that you can't even imagine” there was a small smile playing on
his lips. It's like he's trying to remember everything that happened in the past.
"What are you trying to say?" I asked him seriously.
She smiled gently “My name is Delaney. You may not know me, but Hardwick
and this pack know me well. We almost grew up together and have a deep
connection with each other. It is unfortunate that we are not united by destiny,
but no matter what happens we can deny whatever we have between us. That's
why I want to say, please, let's be together."
I frowned. "What do you mean, let them be together?"
“I know you can't understand it now. That's why I try to tell you the truth.
Although Hardwick and I are not friends, we make it clear to each other that we
do not neglect the connection. Besides…” He suddenly blushed.
“Besides, he already made me his.”
I raised my eyebrows at his "his?"
“Yes” he nodded shyly “I know it could hurt you, since you are his partner, but I
want to clarify everything with you, so I have to tell you the truth. “Hardwick and
I have had sex before.”
My heart skipped a beat when he said that. I clenched my fist as I looked at her
coldly. In fact, he has the courage to tell me his past to my face. It seems like
she really wants me to attack or leave my partner forever.
"So?" I asked as if it were a small thing. I avoided getting angry, controlling my
emotions with all my might.
Delaney looked surprised for a moment before composing her expression “so…
you are his partner and I can't really ask you to leave him because it will hurt
him. But at least I can hope that you will be a little generous in allowing me to
stay by your side. I promise I won't come between you two.
As long as he marries me, I will be happy and you can take Luna's place. "I just
want to be by his side all my life."
“What if he refuses to do it?”
"Decline?" She smiled “that won't happen because I know how much Hardwick
likes me. He always took care of me and there were no misunderstandings
between us.
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“Then we could have been a happy couple or maybe you would have never had
the chance to be here.”
I looked at Delaney carefully. This woman seems kind and charming, but all I
could see was her pretense. How can someone be so shameless? So far I have
seen three people who are shameless beyond imagination. One is Avan, then
Reese and the next is Delaney. They all have the same goal, mind and
personality that could never change.
“Are you done Delaney? It seems that your purpose has been fulfilled,” I said
after a while.
"What do you mean?" She frowned. "I am asking you because you are his
partner. All you need to do is have a little open mind to accept me."
"I'm sorry, I don't have the ability to open my mind beyond its limits."
"Don't be so jealous," he hissed suddenly. “Hardwick and I are childhood
companions and we had more experience than you. "I know you are his partner,
that's why I'm begging you, because I don't want to hurt you and make him hate
I smiled “I never heard him talk about you. Are you sure what you want to say?
“This is all because of his anger for avoiding my topic, but I know he still cares
about me. If not, then he won't send the car to pick me up” she blushed again
“there is a slight misunderstanding between us, but I trust that I will clear it up
when he is here. So I wanted to clarify everything for you for the future.”
I sighed “Are you done? "I'm tired and I want to rest a little."
Delaney's smile froze. "I'm serious. You do not believe me, right?
I shook my head “it’s not that I didn’t believe you. I just don't care." I walked past
her, but stopped when I heard her scream.
“You'll see when I get back. You will see how much he adores me and how
much he respects me. You will see it in his eyes and then you will understand.
Hardwick is mine and always will be. “Just wait and see”
My blood began to boil as I closed my hand. Delaney actually has the nerve to
tell her this before she knows everything. I think Daisy told him everything, so
he's here to confront me? I told him to tell me the truth. But he refused, he
avoided it as much as he could and now his entire past dances before me
revealing all the secrets. My body started to feel hot with anger. Now I know
what I should do. It's all your fault for keeping this from me.
Suddenly my phone vibrated. I can see the familiar name flashing on the
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Suddenly, my lips curled up when I heard the words on the other line. Perfect.
Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 49
Hardwick's point of view
The painful moan echoed in the dark cell, but there is no one who can help the
suffering person. Another whip landed on the already bruised skin making the
moans louder.
“Stop…..Stop….stoppppp” the person shouted at the top of his lung.
I waved my hand and Ryan pulled out the spiked whip. I stood up from my chair
and smiled as my enemy's ruined face became even more ruined.
“Are you enjoying my welcome, dear Messiah? You want more?"
The Messiah looked up. His face was covered in cuts and he was bleeding. His
face looked horrible and I don't think even his subordinates would be able to
recognize him. His face looked pained, but there is not even an iota of pity in my
"Hardwick, let me go," he said as he panted.
"When did I tie you up?" I asked, shoving my hands in my pockets and giving
him an annoyed smile. "I will keep you without limits, so why are you
complaining about letting you go?" I took a step forward “You can leave
whenever you want, it's just…. This exit also depends on you, whether you can
or not.”
His body trembled and then trembled “you are torturing me here, you bastard.
Do you think you're giving me a chance?
“If I were in your place, I wouldn't have raised my voice like you. You know what
I hated most was invading my territory without warning. If you were so
interested in the war, all you had to do was inform me instead of sneaking
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The Messiah looked at me “hey, don't investigate Hardwick. Just because you
have a large army doesn't mean you can always claim the crown of victory. Let
me tell you, there will come a day when you will be helpless even with your
strength,” he replied.
“Do you think a single army is enough to build an empire?” I laughed “it's been
years and your IQ is still stuck in the elemental position, Messiah. Tsk, tsk it
seems that even in all these years you haven't learned much.”
“Fuck you, you bastard,” Messiah hissed.
“Shut up,” I scoffed, “throw your temper at those who will be frightened by it.
Since you don't know this, I'll teach you some. You were talking about training
and does having a large army give you an advantage in winning? Is that? "
I smiled "but let me clean your
conscience, it is not enough to have an army, it is not enough to have a strong
force. Although it has chances of advantages, but if you are weak and your
mind works in an elemental position, you are destined to lose. You for example"
The Messiah's face became paler. Even through the brushes I can clearly
determine his expression. Her paleness made my smile turn into a grimace.
God, it's so much fun.
“What if I'm helpless? Then you can only dream. There is no one who can do
that,” I said arrogantly.
~Eh, bad, there's still someone who can leave us defenseless.~ My sexy
partner~ Onyx growled inside my head.
Okay, but that's just so you know.
“Fuck Hardwick,” Messiah growled, “don't get so high. If I get the chance, I will
drag you to hell with me.”
I smiled "it seems like you still want to enjoy the welcoming process"
"Come on man. We finish this. "I'm getting impatient," Ryan said, rolling his
“Not so fast,” I responded as I fixed my gaze on the Messiah who was on the
dark floor of the cell.
If it weren't for him I wouldn't have come here leaving my partner at that
I have no idea what she would think if I abandoned her after making so much
progress. I was about to take her, I was about to experience paradise, but this
bastard had to step in and ruin everything. How could I let him go so easily?
I crouched down in front of the Messiah, “you like to intervene in my territory,
don't you? I've been giving you opportunities to stop and get out of my house,
but you couldn't keep your paws and you had to ruin everything. Hey, master
rogue, are you enjoying my welcome gift?
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“Don't talk like it's all my fault, Hardwick,” Messiah glared at him, “it was your
fault I got kicked out of the group.
If you were there, I would still be living in the pack, occupying a high position,
but it was because of you that I had to leave. Do you think I like living like this?
If it weren't for you, I would still be happy with my life.”
"Don't cast your sins on others, you bastard," Ryan growled from behind. “You
were the one who raped the teenager who didn't even change. Do you think
ruining someone's life is a small mistake? Because of his shit, he lost the ability
to change. “It was all your fault, you bastard,” he shouted.
Messiah looked at Ryan but said nothing.
“You committed many sins, Messiah, and even after that, just being kicked out
of the pack was just a small punishment that didn't even cross my eyes. If I
could, I would have killed you. But unfortunately, those elders... You were lucky
thanks to them. But now you've dug your own grave. I hope you don’t think
about it too much.”
The Messiah gritted his teeth “if you let me go this time I will leave and never
come back.”
I laughed out loud. Does all this seem funny to you? Do you think that just
because he said that he can leave? Is there anyone more naive than him?
“Do you think it's easy?” I smiled at him. “I gave you thousands of opportunities,
but you never chose them. And now that there's no route for you, now you're
trying to probe, huh?
I grabbed his chin and pulled his face so we could look at each other.
“At first I wasn't interested in dealing with you, but you made me do it. If it
weren't for you I wouldn't have to leave my partner alone and come here. You
really have the nerve to interfere with my work. Since you liked it then I will give
you what you want” I said and shouted again “Kristopher”
“Master,” the huge man entered, lowering his head. Kristopher is a wild man. He
is taller and has a huge body beyond normal, making him appear gigantic.
“I have a new pet for you. Would you like to play with him? I smiled.
Kristopher raised his head and looked at the Messiah. I could see the drool on
his face. And the main thing about Kristopher is that he is a sex-starved beast.
He doesn't like women, but his taste is men. And for a handsome man like
Messiah he's definitely your type.
I could definitely guess Kristopher's intention, so I stood up and smiled at the
"I think you'll remember this night forever."
"Come on Ryan," I said as I walked towards the exit door.
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"Are you sure about that?" Ryan asked as he walked next to me.
“I want to close this chapter”

There was a scream in the cell.

"And I hate riots when I'm with my partner," I said as I walked to my car.
"Do you miss Luna?" He smiled.
“She's going to be mad at me,” I hissed. “I left her alone for the night.” I shook
my head.
"I want to tell you something"
"That?" I opened the car door.
“I found my partner”
I was about to go in, but suddenly stopped when he said that.
"Did you find a partner?" I grimaced.
He nodded "yes"
"Who is this?"
"How did she become your partner?"
"It is a long story. I met her a long time ago, but I couldn't say anything because
she didn't accept me, so I had to stop talking about it.
“It's good that you have a partner. Now you will understand what it is like,” I said
as I sat inside the car. Damn, because of these bandits, I had to leave my
partner in my warm bed. I couldn't even call her or give her any message. I
wanted to finish this matter once and for all and it took a lot of work.
I shook my head and started the engine. I need to get my partner before it's too
late. So I accelerated to quickly reach the packing house.
It didn't take long to reach the packing house. I can finally meet my partner. I
was so upset and now I can explain it. Due to work reasons I could not call her
or meet with her.
She must be mad at me for leaving like that. I hope she's not angry. I said
mentally, but stopped when I saw Luina. I smiled and walked towards her.
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“Where is the Lady?” I asked curiously.
"Master," he bowed.
I waved my hand signaling him to stop “where is she? Shouldn't you stay by his
“Master it…” Luina hesitated.
I frowned "What happened?"
“Master, the lady is not here. "She left the gang."
I felt like my world stopped for a moment. She left? But why? She couldn't leave
like that. Although I know she must be angry, the reason is not serious enough
for her to leave like that. I gritted my teeth.
“What the hell happened behind me and why did he leave?”
“Master, the lady was fine and well. She didn't say anything about leaving. I
don't know why he suddenly encouraged me to leave. "I wanted to stop her, but
I couldn't."
"What happened?" I asked through clenched teeth.
"Master, Miss Delaney spoke to-"
"What you say?" I grimaced. Listen well? Delaney? How's Delaney here?
And they didn't inform me?
“Delaney. She talked to Madam 2 days ago, and then Madam suddenly left in a
My fist clenched. Semen. Delaney, that bitch had to come back and ruin me
again. That bitch, damn witch. I cursed as I thought about her. What kind of
information did you give my partner that my partner left suddenly? It's all thanks
to her again. It feels like I'm paying to support a bunch of bastards who couldn't
even send me information before.
Semen. What am I going to do now?
I walked towards my room, but stopped when someone called me from behind.
My body stiffened when I heard the tone. A kind of desire began to run through
my blood as I moved towards the sea of rage. I turned around and looked at the
person behind me.
"It's you." Delaney came forward with teary eyes. “I still couldn't believe it's
really you.
It's been so long since...
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"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.
His smile froze as he looked at me, "haven't you forgiven me yet?"
“Don't make me repeat my words. What the fuck are you doing here?
"Alpha, I'm here for you," he made a sad face. “You don't know how much I beg
my elders to let me come here. I came here for you. It's been so long and I was
afraid that if I was late, you would forget about me, so-"
"Forget?" I laughed “your works are something that no one can forget about
you. You really don't need to worry about that. You carved your name into my
heart where not even anguish could be expressed,” I hissed.
"Are you still blaming me?" She almost screamed. Her eyes shed tears. “I didn't
mean to. I just wanted to make you happy and we were young too. Why are you
still stuck at this point? Years have passed and you still can't forget this
incident? She wiped away her tears and said again: “I know this mistake is
huge, but it expresses how we feel about each other. We can understand what
we have for each other. Can't you understand this?
"It seems like you're still living in your imagination, right?" I smiled "even after
years, are you still in love with your own imagination?"
Your eyes widened "no it's not." You know it too. It's not passion, it's love. You
know from the beginning that I love you, right? Why you can not see? Just
because you now have a partner?
"You have the nerve to bring her into this conversation," I growled. "What the
hell did you say to her?"
Delaney straightened her expression. “I said what is true. Even though she was
your partner, she needed to know about us. If you could be a little generous and
try to understand our situation, then you could definitely accept it.”
I looked at her “there is no way we can fuck each other. Neither in the past nor
will it be in the future.”
“You can't say that” he shook his head “I know we were young back then, but
now we are mature enough to make decisions” he suddenly grabbed my arm
“Hardwick, please consider my feelings. You know I've loved you for a long time
and we've already hit it off. You have to accept me as your wife.”
I pushed her hand away and growled angrily, making her flinch, "Get your dirty
hands off me." I hate other people touching me. And you should know that you
have no right to call me by my name.
He is the Master for you.” I looked at her. She swallowed hard as she looked at
me scared.
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I turned around and was about to walk away when she suddenly shouted “why
are you rejecting me?
For that woman? What does she have that I do not? She's just a slut who
knows how to use her face to seduce you. Mark my words, one day she will
leave you for another ma-” before I could complete my hand, I grabbed her by
the neck and slammed her against the wall hard.
“Your instinct is too strong to speak ill of my partner. You even dared to
compare your disgusting self with my partner? Since you wanted to know so
much about her, let me satisfy you. She has a pure soul and a pure heart that
made me fall madly in love with her.
Something you don't have and something you will never have. “If you dared to
insult my companion one more time, I would hurt your neck and then send you
to meet the king of hell.” I pressed her neck harder, making her choke. She
started gasping for air, but I didn't let her. She struggled against my hold trying
to remove my hand from her neck. His face started to turn pale and then started
to turn blue.
Gritting my teeth I threw her to the ground "you better refrain from appearing in
front of me or the consequences will be very bad"
I turned around and left her. Damn, I need my partner back. No matter what.
Romance claiming her tempting companion chapter 50
Savannah Viewpoint
"Oh my god, I still can't believe you're here." Tanea hugged me tightly while
I laughed and hugged him back.
"I had to do it. "I really can't miss such an important day."
"Of course. It's been a long time since I met you. Besides, the days here are
really boring without you,” he pouted.
"Because?" I raised my eyebrows, "isn't my brother keeping you company?"
“Don't talk about that man,” Tanea rolled her eyes, “he seems so busy these
days that he barely has time for me. “I’m still in shock seeing your sudden
change in behavior.”
"Wow, looks like Dev has changed, huh"
“Exactly,” she nodded.
I turned around and smiled "Mom." I almost ran towards her. I missed her so
much that my eyes filled with tears.
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"What happened honey? You're crying?" Mom pulled away when she heard me
I laughed “nothing, I'm very happy”
She laughed, “Silly girl. Since when did you start getting so emotional? She
patted me on the shoulder with a warm smile.
“Maybe after I started living apart,” I joked and my mother laughed again.
"Let's go in. Your father is waiting for you. “He was so excited when he heard
you were coming here.”
I nodded and we entered the packing house. After so many days, I felt at home
again. My family, my loved ones that I missed so much. I looked around at the
familiar decor and my heart warmed.
“You are here my princess” Dad was sitting on the couch and got up
immediately when he saw me.
“Dad” smiled widely as he hugged him.
“I missed you so much, baby,” he kissed my temple.
“I missed you too, dad,” I hugged him tightly before letting him go.
"I'm glad you're here."
I shook my head and looked around “where is Dev? I haven't seen him since I
“Looking for me” said a voice from behind. I turned around and saw my brother
standing there in his glory.
“Dev” I smiled and ran towards him. He picked me up and spun me around,
making me laugh.
"How's it going?" He asked as soon as he left me.

"I'm fine" he nodded and looked around "Where is that friend of yours?" "Are

you still against him?" I shook my head.

"I could not help. “I don't trust that man,” he frowned. "Speaking of which, where

is Hardwick?" Dad asked.

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“Hmm… he left a few days ago for some urgent matter. “I was so busy these
days that I couldn't even see him,” I explained.
"Ah, so he's not here," Dev muttered to himself.
I rolled my eyes "no, and he doesn't know I'm here."
"Alright. Besides, Alphas have big responsibilities to take on and sometimes
they can't ignore them no matter what happens" my mother said as she walked
towards me "You must be tired from the trip. Go first and get some rest.
Furthermore, the ceremony will begin soon.”
I nodded "okay"
“Let me take you to your room” Tanea took my bag and led me to my room.
“I'm glad you're here, Sav. I feel lonely when Dev is busy with his work.
Since his father decided to give him responsibility for the pack, he has become
busier.” Tanea said as she placed the bag on the bed.
"Everything will be fine. Also, I have the same problem, you know? "Hardwick
seems so busy with his work that I haven't been able to find him for several
days." I smiled at him.
"Are you happy, Sav?" Suddenly, Tanea asked.
I looked at her and pursed my lips. Sighing, I shook my head, “It's not that I'm
not happy. But Dark Forest remains a mystery to me. “Sometimes it seemed
strange to me.”
“Sav, these kinds of feelings…they happen. Because the same thing happened
to me. You just need time to relax in the pack. And Hardwick is there too, right?
Tanea patted my hand.
I nodded “yes. But there are so many things that left me confused and I couldn't
decide what to do. It is difficult in every way.” I sighed.
“Problems are always like that. But you need to believe in yourself and your
heart, you know? And you also need to believe in your partner. If there is
something you can't understand, ask him freely instead of hiding it from him. I
know he cares about you, so I think you better have a good talk with him.”
I smiled at him “thanks for the suggestion.”
"Now, freshen up and get a good rest before the ceremony begins."
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I shook my head and watched her leave. I sighed, unpacked my bag and took
out a dress to get ready. I left my backpack in a hurry and only Luina knew
where I was going. I don't know when Hardwick will be back. I hope everything
turns out well. Shaking my head, I grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom
to take a shower and relax my body from the tiredness of the trip.
A few hours later, the moment we were all waiting for finally arrived. I walked to
Tanea's room and smiled when I saw her. There were two other girls with her
who helped her get ready. Tanea looked beautiful in her A-line white silk dress
that hugged her body showing off her beautiful curves. The two girls next to him
really did well. From makeup to hairstyle.
"Wow, someone looks so beautiful," I said as I walked in.
“You're flattering me.” Tanea blushed.
“Hmm… Although everything looks beautiful, there is still something missing.”
Tanea frowned "are you there?" She looked in the mirror. Even the two girls
next to him frowned.
"What is missing? “My God, today is a great day and I can’t miss anything.”
Tanea gasped. I laughed at his reaction.
“Are you taking this seriously?” I shook my head and took out a box “here.”
"What's that?" Tanea looked at the box and then at me.
“Something that will complete you”
"Yeah?" Tanea took the box and opened it. She gasped as she looked at the
sparkling diamond.
It was a flower crown made of a fine white diamond. The crown will match your
dress and also the ceremony.
"It's so beautiful" Tanea smiled "thank you Sav"
“Come on, use it. Dev and others are already waiting for you.”
She nodded and the girls helped her use it. As soon as he finished, we left the
room. Outside the pack everyone was already waiting for us. Dev was wearing
a white suit and looked very handsome.
This is the first time she wears something formal and I must say it looks good
on her. Once Tanea was at his side, Dad walked toward the center.
Automatically translated by Google “Thank you for participating in this
ceremony. As you know, I have been ruling the pack for many years and
together we have faced many ups and downs. The role of Alpha is difficult, but I
am happy to be able to live my life for my pack. But today, on this special day, I
want to pass the responsibility to my son. It's time to rule the group for the next
So, I announce that the new alpha of the Snow Moon pack is my son Devak
Lang and the new Moon will be Tanea Lang.
I hope everyone supports him and loves him like they have all these years,”
Dad finished his speech. All members of the pack applauded loudly.
I smiled as I watched the scene. Finally dad retires from the Alpha position and
now Devak will have it all. Tanea complained that Devak didn't give her much
time. It will be busier now.
Alphas and their works. I rolled my eyes. He simply knows how to work and
work. I threw my hair over my shoulder and walked to the minibar in the corner.
The bartender smiled at me "what would you like to eat miss?"
"Is there any strong Gege?" I asked as I sat in the chair.
"Do you want to have a strong drink?" He seemed surprised. Of course it will
be. Because I had never drank alcohol before.
"That?" I asked instead of answering.
He smiled “you can try the absinthe, I guess. It has a lot of alcohol, so let me
add water to soften the effect.”
After a few seconds, Gege placed the green liquor in front of me. I looked at my
family who were busy chatting while having drinks again. Sigh, I'm tired and my
mind doesn't work well. I think a strong drink will work for me now or maybe it
can also help me clear my head. Biting my lip, I took the glass and swallowed
the liquid. My throat burned as I swallowed the liquid.
"Ah... did you drink it in one go?" Gege gasped "you should drink it slowly since
you are trying it for the first time"
"I'm fine," I waved my hand at him. Wow, my mind is dizzy. Is it the effect of
After taking the first dose, I couldn't think about anything else. So I walked away
from the bar, but my head was still dizzy and I felt like my body was swaying as
I walked. I tried to stabilize myself, but because of the drink I couldn't. My body
staggered and I almost fell, but suddenly a pair of arms grabbed me before I
could fall to the ground.
“It seems like my partner is a little drunk, huh” a familiar smell filled my nose
and sobered me up. It is real? I tilted my head to look at the person. My gaze
collided again with the dominant brown orbs.
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He is here? Oh my God. Is it really here? Or is the alcohol content so high that I
start imagining things?
"Then you still remember my name" his cold voice made my body tremble.
But now I don't really care about that. What matters to me is that he is here.
Right in front of me.
My partner, my other half. I felt it being pulled and it made me stand up again.
But he didn't let go and still held my body, putting his arm around my waist.
“I thought you were angry, but you're here drinking and getting drunk,” he said.
I grimaced. "I'm not drunk," I refused.
"Yes, I can see it," he scoffed.
I rolled my eyes. Although this alcohol is starting to affect my mind, I am still
sober and can hear it clearly.
"It's my first time drinking, you know? So I don't know my alcohol limit."
Hardwick looked at me “what did you say? First time? Damn it,” he cursed,
“woman, you know it's your first but you still opted for a strong one that you
don't even know can handle it, right? “Damn Savannah”
I touched his chest, “don't talk to me like that. Everything is your fault"
"How did this become my fault?" He frowned.
I looked at him “if you just said what I want to know, this kind of thing wouldn't
happen in the first place, but no. You always avoided my questions and tried in
every possible way to hide it from me. But look at the current situation. What
happened? The truth came to light by itself. “So it’s all your fault,” I snapped.
His face became serious and his eyes darkened “fuck! What the hell did he tell

“Go and ask him yourself” I turned my head to the other side.
He grabbed my chin and made me look at him “I'm asking you something. What
the hell did that bitch tell you?
I looked at him "she said that you had sex with her and that you two have deep
feelings for each other."
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"Fuck that damn woman," Hardwick cursed again. He looked at me seriously
“look, don't listen to his words.
Do you understand what I'm saying?" It shook my body.
"Because? Is not true?" I frowned.
"Do you think it is?" He raised his eyebrows.
"You-" I was about to say, but suddenly my mother appeared out of nowhere.
"Hardwick, honey, you're here."
"Yes, mom," he responded as I approached him. “These days I was very busy,
so I couldn't arrive earlier,” he explained.
“Okay,” the mother waved her hand and laughed, “Devak will succeed his father
today. It's a big day and how could it be complete without you two?
"I'm happy to be able to participate," Hardwick responded.
"Oh, Savannah, are you okay, honey?" Mom asked. I looked at her and smiled.
"Why are you so drunk, honey?" Mom gasped.
“I think I just had a glass of absinthe,” I replied, still smiling at him.
Mom and Hardwick said it at the same time.
“I'm going to take her to her room. “I don’t think I can take it anymore in that
“Yes, please take care of her. After dinner the ceremony will end. “I will send
food to your room.”

“Thank you mom” he said thank you and then looked at me “come on honey”

Before I could say anything, Hardwick picked me up bridal style.

"What are you doing?"

“Taking you back to your room.”
“But the ceremony is not over. I have to attend”
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“You attended a lot. “Now is the time for you to rest.”


"There are no excuses. "You're resting and that's final."

I pursed my lips "what an arrogant man!" "

Hardwick smiled "you didn't see my arrogance, darling

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything. I came alone with a heavy heart, but I
never expected Hardwick to come for me. Although I still feel confused, I
couldn't help but feel flattered in my heart to have you so close to me again.

It's going to be a long night.

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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 51
Savannah Viewpoint
Oh, my head hurts. I moaned as I moved my body. It felt like pain and somehow
What happened to me? I opened my eyes, but it was still blurry and I couldn't
see anything clearly. Shaking my head, I rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of the
God, my head was spinning and it hurt like it was about to explode. I sit holding
my head in my hand. Suddenly some images from last night appeared. Me
sitting in front of the minibar and drinking a drink I had never had before. What
the hell was he thinking at that moment to come to the conclusion that he was
drinking and end up with a hangover? Wait, why do I feel like I'm missing
The sound of a door opening reached my ears followed by a cold and harsh
voice "you're finally awake."
My blood ran cold and I felt my body tremble. I looked up only to find dominant
brown eyes staring at me. Damn, that was what was missing, right? Did you
come looking for me last night?
"You're here?" I asked. At this point, all my confusion went out the window and I
suddenly felt my mind sober up.
"Oh, did you recognize me?" He scoffed and walked towards me in slow motion.
His footsteps made my heart skip a beat. I don't really remember what kind of
things I did last night. I hope there isn't much.
"Here," he handed her a glass.
"What's that?" I looked at the container and then back at him.
“You're hungover, so this will help you relax. Drink it"
Helpless, I picked up the glass and drank the water. The bitter taste filled my
mouth. It looks like lemon water.
When did you come?" I asked him as soon as I finished my water.
You do not remember?"
"I can barely remember anything," I responded guiltily.
“If you know that you have no connection with the world of alcohol, why did you
experiment so much?
Even choose the difficult one? Were you trying to drive yourself crazy?
Hardwick frowned.
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I sighed. I knew this could happen. I had never touched alcohol before.
Everything I had was always light. And last night I drank the strong one, losing
all my sanity. And God, that too at my own brother's coronation ceremony. I
need to find time and apologize to Dev. How can I be so reckless to do
something like this? Getting drunk on such an important occasion?
"You are listening?" Hardwick's harsh voice brought me back to reality.
He narrowed his eyes, almost glaring at you: “You, first you left the pack without
any information and then you got drunk last night. Tell me what the hell were
you thinking? Do you know how worried I was?
I was speechless. Are you accusing me? I looked at him. How can you say this?
“So now it was my fault?” I rested my body on my knees and placed my hands
on my hips looking at him “how can you accuse me like that? It was you who
disappeared as if you had never existed in this world, leaving me alone in your
pack, then your ex-lover appeared threatening me like a queen of the pack and
asked me to adapt to this situation and give her a way out to live. at his side.
I had to deal with all these things, but now you blame me because you were
Have you ever thought about my own feelings? I yelled.
Hardwick seemed surprised by my sudden outburst. He looked stunned for a
moment before frowning.
"That? "What the hell did that woman tell you?"
I rolled my eyes “Do you want me to give you a detailed explanation now? Isn't
it clear that she wants me to force her to marry you? I gritted my teeth in anger.
He shook his head "that bitch, after all the hell she put me through, still has the
nerve to say that nonsense," he clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.
“I really wondered if she had that much courage to threaten me about her
previous relationship. It's clear that she already has a good connection and is
now using it correctly to get you back. How romantic! I'm very excited” in the
end I made fun of him and diverted my attention from him by looking away.
“No, that's not what you're thinking,” he tried to explain hastily.
“Oh, believe me, that's what I think all the time. “I don’t need your explanation.” I
gave him a teasing smile.
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“Fuck that bitch,” Hardwick swore again. He walked towards the bed and said
again “you are misunderstanding”.
"Oh really?" I look at him, "So you're saying that the fact that you two had sex is
wrong too?"
A kind of helplessness flashed in his eyes and his eyes darkened. Even though
I know the truth, it still hurts me to know about his past actions, even though we
had no connection back then.
“I'm not going to lie to you. It's true that we had sex, but it wasn't romantic at all.
There is no emotion, there is no agreement. All that action was the effect of the
alcohol that took over my body and I couldn't contain myself," he explained.
I looked away from him. I felt him take my hand, but I didn't turn to look at him.
"Please believe me. "I really don't want you to get hurt."
“I'm hurt,” I responded as I looked him in the eyes, “I'm really hurt. And the
person who hurt me was no one but you. It was you who hurt me so much.
Because? What kind of sin hurt me like that?
Hardwick closed his eyes for a moment. I can see the pain reflected on your
face. Most of the time, his face remained impassive, but today, seeing his
painful look, my heart suddenly sank. I felt like his pain was stabbing me
He let out a deep sigh “I'm sorry. “I never wanted to hurt you, no matter what,”
he shook his head.
“But you did it,” I said. “I asked you so many times to tell me the truth. Because I
knew that one day it would come out, whether you like it or not, because the
past doesn't leave us when it's very dark. It hurts me a lot to hear about the past
that involved you a lot, whether you were willing or not. It hurts me because I
wanted to know the truth from you, but unfortunately I have to know it from other
people. You said we are friends, but you couldn't trust me enough to share your
past events. Is this how you trust your partner?
“No, don't say that,” Hardwick shook his head, “please don't say that. “I knew it
was my fault for not telling you the truth, but I was afraid.”
I grimaced. Am I listening correctly? Was the great Alpha of the Dark Forest
afraid? But afraid of what? What scared you so much that you couldn't tell me
about your past?
Before I could question him, he said again, “I was afraid of losing you. It's been
so many years that I was trying to find my partner but I never found him. Then I
started to lose interest in finding one and dove into pack work. After my parents
died, I only focused on my pack.
That was until you came into my life and changed everything. Yo
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I kidnapped you that day because I couldn't control myself. I wanted you to stay
by my side forever. And the reason I refrained from talking about my own past is
because I didn't want to lose you. It was already difficult to find you and if I told
you about my past and if you were gone I couldn't bear that pain. I never want
to experience feelings of loneliness again.
So I tried to hide it from you. But I never expected that damn bitch to appear out
of nowhere.”
I looked at him as he explained carefully. I let each of his words sink into my
mind. I sighed.
“I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. If I had known that she would ruin my life
again, I would have taken control of the situation,” he gritted his teeth. “I would
never have left it in my backpack again.”
“That's why I said you don't trust me very much,” I said. “If you trusted me
enough, you wouldn't let fear consume your mind and heart. “You would have
told me everything that happened.”
He looked at me with guilty eyes. I really don't want him to have that
expression. Then I cupped his face. “I followed you from my pack to yours,
why? Because I put all my faith and trust in you along with my heart. So how
come you thought I'd leave because of your past? It hurts me because it wasn't
you who told me about your past. It's a little insulting to learn your spouse's
secrets from someone else. I just wanted you to trust me and that I will never
leave you no matter what happens. You have to trust me on this point.” I tried to
explain myself so that he would understand me.
“The problem between Delaney and I happened when we were teenagers. She
was sixteen and I was twenty. Delaney and I almost grew up together, but
apart. She used to be the daughter of a pack priest. But I never paid attention to
it. Dad used to trust Ajim, Delaney's father, with pack affairs. On my 20th
birthday, Delaney confessed to me that she had a huge crush on me and
wanted me to take her as my girlfriend. I denied it because I never saw her like
that. For me she was always a member of the pack and the priest's daughter. “I
never felt any romantic affection for her.”
"What happened after that?" I asked.
Hardwick sighed: “After the celebration, some of my friends and I toasted. It was
a happy time and I was enjoying my time with my friends. I never thought that
after being rejected, Delaney would choose another way to make me accept
her. He spiked my drink and I was so drunk I couldn't understand what was
going on around me. He was drunk and couldn't even walk properly. I felt like
someone helped me walk. My vision was blurry and my mind was confused, so
I didn't know who it was. After we entered my room, my body fell on the bed and
I really don't know what happened next. In the morning, when I woke up, I found
myself naked and Delaney sleeping next to me.”
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I grimaced at his explanation “that could have just been an act. How did it
become clear that you two had sex that night?
“Well, although I don't know exactly what happened that night, the next morning
Delaney had hickeys on her body and there was blood on the bed. “She was a
virgin and from all these aspects everyone concluded that we slept together.”
I rolled my eyes. They may have actually had sexual relations, but that matter
was unclear. Hardwick was drunk, so the person who helped him into his room
was Delaney. She planned everything very well so that everyone would think
that what happened between them was a mistake.
“What have others said about this matter?” Asked.
“My parents did not take the matter very seriously, while Ajim gave it a lot of
He wanted me to give him a good explanation about his daughter. She lost her
virginity and in the future when she finds a partner, it will be difficult for Delaney
because no man will want a woman who lost her virginity to another man. At
that point, Delaney said it was her fault and that she was in love with me. Ajim
asked me to take his daughter as his wife when the time comes, otherwise he
will not let the matter be easy.”
"It seems more like he's clashing with his own daughter." I rolled my eyes.
Hardwick laughed “I wasn't sure about that at the time. First because of
Delaney's terrible act. And second, because of what we had that damn night.”
"What happened after?"
“Ajim started complaining to give his daughter a title. Because of this, my father
began to get angry and finally removed Ajim from his position. This made Ajim
become more ferocious. Delaney cried and asked me to help her. I confronted
her, so she admitted that she was the one who spiked her drink and she was
the one who lost her virginity to me.” He rubbed his temple.
“Could I reach that low point? Looking at her, no one could tell how black her
heart is.
He could do anything to get what he wanted. I might even talk nonsense that
you two had deep affection and I am between you two.
"She's just a bitch who couldn't control her greed," Hardwick hissed.
I knew the story, but he opened up the deep connection between him and
Luina's aunt also said that he and Delaney were found sleeping together the
next day, but it is not known how. Now, hearing Hardwick's story, I can finally
understand the matter.
“What was your parents' reaction after she confessed the truth?”
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“Ajim was shocked. He never thought that his delicate-looking daughter would
do something so embarrassing at such a young age. As for the father, he was
very angry. Thanks to Delaney, all the elders in the pack started accusing me of
sexually abusing an innocent girl. So when Delaney confessed in fear, my
father was beyond angry. “She caused the pack's reputation to drown in the sea
of shame, so she ordered Delaney to be sent to the east side.”
"East Side?" I grimaced. I heard that name. I also found out that most of the
Pack Elders live there, but why was Delaney sent there? Is it because of his
“She was there, the next morning, without anyone knowing. Ajim did not even
look at his daughter after his confessions.
"I really feel sorry for him for having trusted someone so much who couldn't
defend his ideals."
"How long does it matter?"
Hardwick smiled, "You're really curious to know, huh?"
“Tell me, please,” I shook his arm.
He laughed “7 years”
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 52
Savannah Viewpoint
"7 years?" I sighed. Many years have passed, but Delaney's passion is still very
active. Now, this matter seems to be caused by mere passion, but there is
rather a feeling of obsession. When Hardwick rejected her, her heart and soul
became more determined to have him at any cost. He even gave up all his
shame and fear to complete his action in the best possible way. This type of
person is dangerous in every way.
"Where are you lost?" I felt myself being pulled and pressed against a hard

I looked up and found him looking at me.

“Nothing, I'm very curious about your story.”

“Don't think about it too much. The past is over and there is nothing between
Delaney and me” at the last words his eyes flashed coldly. His arm around my
waist tightened.
“The past could not happen if the present were involved”
He looked at me closely, looking into my eyes as if he was trying to read the
unspoken words: “Did you block me?”
“You did the same.”
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“I don't want you to get stressed. You better stay happy without any problems
crossing your mind,” he sighed.
"Have you forgotten that I am not an ordinary woman?" I smiled “I am your
companion and the Moon of the pack. Maybe there is something I can't help
you with, or maybe I can. The only fact is that you have to let me in. As he did in
your heart. You can't always keep me out of trouble, because when you're
involved, they'll drag me down with them whether you want it or not. Like the
Delaney thing. You didn't want to talk and she showed up telling you everything.
There are some things we have no power to control.
So instead of hiding it from me, just share it so we can both find a solution to
deal with this. That's how it all works, right? This is how a relationship develops
without difficulties or misunderstandings.” I held his face and said sincerely. I
know he didn't let me read his mind because he wanted to protect me from the
problem that would arise, but I am his Moon and I couldn't forget that fact.
"Okay, since you want it, then I'll give it to you," he agreed.
I smiled happily at him “then it's settled. Everything is fixed"
He raised his eyebrows. “Who said everything is resolved?”
"Eh what?" I grimaced.
“There is still something that has not been resolved”
Before I knew it, he pushed me onto the bed, making me lie on my back, and
hovered over me. His eyes shone with an evil gleam.
"What are you doing?" I looked at him with wide eyes.
“You left me there in the pack. How could you leave?
"That…." I suddenly felt guilty "I..."
"What about you?"
“I didn't leave. “I just came here to watch my brother’s coronation ceremony.”
“Ah, so you can leave without informing me?” He questioned.
"Did you answer my call?" I gave him a teasing smile.
"Fuck," he cursed and then pressed his forehead against mine. "I was scared to
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Why?" “After I came back, I found something was missing. Then Delaney
showed up out of nowhere and I couldn't find you. “Then I thought you had left
me because of my past.”
I smiled when I saw his scared expression "you know that's not true, right?"
I never thought that the Alpha never showed nervousness or weakness.
Whoever manipulated their pack and brought them to a high position will be
scared by their past. Was he afraid of losing me and thought I would abandon
him after learning about his past?
"Is that why you were so reluctant to tell me about your past?"
He nodded. “I knew I was doing wrong. “I should have told you this before, but I
didn’t think you would understand everything I wanted to say.”
I shook my head “no, I would have misunderstood if I had found the truth
through other means.
That's why I wanted you to tell me the truth. I wanted to hear this from you. You
know why?"
He looked at me but didn't say anything. It was as if he wanted me to continue,
to tell him what I thought about it.
“Because I would believe everything you say without the slightest doubt in my
An emotion flashed in his eyes as he hugged me tight, pressing me against him
so tightly he was afraid to let me go. As if it would disappear if he showed any
“There's no way I'm going to let you leave me. “I will destroy this world just to
have you by my side.”
I felt my eyes water when I heard his voice. I lost my trust in love after being
betrayed by Avan. I used to think that my life ends here and there is no chance
to truly experience what true love feels like. Until...
until this man decided to invade my life, transforming it to the point that I
couldn't imagine my life without him. How come I am drowning in his love that
makes me so blind that I can't see anyone but him? And suddenly I felt like he
had always been there. I never experienced love because Avan wasn't him.
Because my heart was waiting for him to find me.
"I will never leave you. "No matter what happens," I said as a promise. I know
that being with him will bring a lot of problems, but I will accept anything if it
means I can be with him.
Except him, nothing matters to me anyway. He is my partner, my love and the
man of my life.
After breaking the hug I looked at him with love. His commanding orbs stared
into my soul as if it were his. And I know every part of me screaming your name.
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"You are not mad with me?"
I laughed "did you think I was mad at you?"
"I think so"
I laughed "so the great Alpha of the Dark Forest was afraid of his mate?" I
couldn't help but joke.
He raised an eyebrow "you're kidding me baby"
I smiled and straddled his lap. He placed his arms on my hips keeping me
stable "yeah you know what" I moved closer to his ear "because I love you
Hardwick lifted me up, pressing my body against his hard body. He kissed my
neck while whispering in my ear "I love you more, friend."
After two days at Snow Moon, Hardwick and I decided to return. It was because
there is still a lot to solve and we cannot remain free for long.
“Come visit us when you have time, dear,” the mother said while smiling.
"I'll do it mom," I smiled at her.
“You just arrived and now you're leaving again. I will miss you so much, Sav”
Tanea hugged me warmly.
"I will visit you soon. Until then, take care of yourself and your little baby.” I
laughed. It was a big surprise for me to find out that Tanea was pregnant. Since
I visited in a hurry, I didn't have much time to talk about it. Furthermore, she
was also not nervous about not noticing his unfamiliar behavior. But I am happy.
Soon a boy or girl will call me aunt. It's very exciting. Devak was very happy
when I congratulated him. It seems that my brother has finally decided to start a
When we arrived at the Dark Forest, I saw that Ryan was standing at the
entrance to the pack with Jenny. He still had his arrogant look while Jenny
behind him had a red face.
"Is he with Jenny?" Hardwick frowned as he drove toward the entrance.

"You have no idea?"

"Should I know something?"

“Hmm…Jenny is your partner.”

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"That?" He seemed surprised when he looked at me.
I simply shrugged in response. Ryan hides it well. Even Hardwick's too.
And that seems interesting to me.
“Finally you two are here. “I’m tired of dealing with this pack thing.” Ryan sighed
in relief when he saw us get out of the car.
"What happened?" Hardwick asked as he grabbed me by the waist and led me
towards the entrance.
“Delaney is causing problems. That woman lost her mind and didn't want to
listen to anyone. “I think he’s lost all sanity,” Ryan reported, shaking his head.
“I have a lot to do with this matter. "They didn't inform me anything because that
damn woman entered my pack without me knowing." Hardwick clenched his
I looked at him and thought for a moment “maybe his informants didn't know
about his return.”
"That?" Hardwick and Ryan looked at me.
"That's impossible, I mean, the security is too tight to go through the entrance"
Ryan shook his head again.
I shrugged. “It's just my intuition. The day she came to the pack, I think that was
the day I met her. “I saw Daisy coming to say hello, but other than that I didn’t
notice anyone.”
“Fuck,” Hardwick cursed, “but that still doesn't prove a lack of security work. I
will make sure you understand how to work properly.”
"But why did Daisy come to see you?" I grimaced.
"Daisy is Delaney's little sister," Ryan responded.
My eyes widened. I always wondered why Daisy chose me. She never showed
any respect nor treated me like a lover. He even accused me of stealing Luna's
position from someone else. I never got clear answers about his behavior. But
now everything is clear again. He hates me so much because he thinks I'm
taking over Delaney's position, aka his sister. So he took me as his enemy as
soon as he found out that I was Hardwick's partner. Now his behavior is
“From your expression, I think you are aware of their relationship, Luna,” Ryan
said while smiling.
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“I was hoping they would have a connection, although I never thought they
would be brothers,” I responded.
“They are both the same type. Greedy with high expectations. No one can
compare them in this field in this world. “I can guarantee it.”

Jenny slapped Ryan's arm "why are you insulting like that?" "Because I can
not? Didn't you see them causing trouble these two days? I say that whoever
has a stable mind does this. Hell, I couldn’t even sleep well at night because of
his actions.” Ryan rolled his eyes.
“I'm not going to get out of this easily. This time I have to make decisions for
good. I can’t let them win this and waste my time here,” Hardwick said as he led
me towards the packing house.
“Does Ajim know this?” He asked again.
“No, he's not here. Plus, he already disowned Delaney 7 years ago. “You know
he left the pack saying he wanted some peace,” Ryan responded.
“Well, this time I don't want the elders to interfere in my matter. I've had enough
of your advice.
If any of them want to get involved, just throw them out. You don't need to ask
My eyes widened as I looked at my partner. Did he really mean it? He said it
casually. I can tell from his demeanor that Hardwick is very serious.
~He's a macho man~ Red purred.
I rolled my eyes. I blocked her immediately and didn't let her get into my mind
again. This wolf is always playing with my mind and her mind is full of dirty
things. We entered the house and I saw that Luina was already waiting in the
hallway. She smiled when she saw us.
“Master, madam, you have returned.”
“Go, take a shower and get some rest. There's still time for dinner."
I smiled "aren't you coming?"
He smiled, "Do you want me to take a shower with you?"
I rolled my eyes "do you always have to be a fellow pervert?"
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He laughed “I can't help it. How can a hot-blooded man stay in control when his
partner is so beautiful?
I felt myself blushing. I'm glad he's whispering or I'd feel even more
This man really knows how to make me die of shame.
"You're really a pervert," I hissed, but that only made him smile.
He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “I haven't shown my kinky ways yet,
Do you want to see the demo?
My face turned red and I pushed him away from me. Someday I will die of
shame because of this man. I rubbed my cheeks trying to get rid of the blush.
“Okay, I really don't want to witness these moments of love. It’s too sweet, I’m
afraid it will raise my blood sugar,” Ryan joked from behind.
"Be quiet. What are you saying?" Jenny scolded.
"I did nothing. “I was just telling the truth.” Ryan shrugged.
Jenny looked at him and then turned to me smiling sheepishly. There was a
trace of helplessness in his eyes. I shook my head and turned towards the
stairs. Luina was already following me. But before I could climb the stairs,
another voice stopped me in my tracks.
My head turned to the side and found Hardwick already looking at the person
who had just entered the hallway.
My blood instantly boiled when I saw his face.
My poisonous enemy Delaney.
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 53
Savannah Viewpoint
Delaney stood there with a crying face. His eyes were teary and his cheeks
were red.
His hair was quite messy. Because he has a good skin tone which made him
get advantages when he acted pitifully. Anyone who looks at her will feel
remorse mixed with guilt.
He took two steps forward and his body trembled suddenly.
"You're back," he said in his soft tone. I raised my eyebrows. He said it if
Hardwick had come from a long war. Not even the beloved wife in the novel
cries like that. What are you trying to do now?
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You're still here?" Hardwick clenched his jaw.
"Why are you so angry? I know I did everything wrong, but it's been many
years. I did everything you wanted and endured all the hardships of the East
Side for you. "Can't you just let this go?" Delaney said. with lips trembling.
"Let go?" Hardwick laughed "you still have the nerve to ask me that?"
"It's Alpha for you," Hardwick roared, making Delaney jump in shock. I was
surprised by its sudden roar.
“Al-Alpha, I will do what you say, but please don't be angry with me. I can't
stand your ignorance." Delaney shouted.
"Since you are so willing to do anything, then get lost and never show me your
replied Hardwick.
Delaney choked “no, no, no, please don't say that. I have dreamed of meeting
you all these years. Even the elders of the East felt sorry for me when they saw
how much I love you. As strangers, they can feel my affection, so why can't
I looked at her and then my gaze fell on my partner who was staring at Delaney
without blinking. My heart suddenly twisted. I bit my lip, stopping myself from
“I have loved you for many years, although I know that you never had the same
affection for me. I loved you so madly. I can do anything for you. But you can't
see my feelings, why? Delaney continued talking. With each point she made it
seem reasonable.
Delaney looked at me and then her eyes turned dark and gloomy "because
she's your partner?" Suddenly, he raised his hand and pointed his finger at me.
“Just because she was chosen by the moon goddess, you are ignoring me,
What does she have that I do not? Don't I look beautiful? I don't know how to
fight? Is it because of the support of his pack? Is that why you're paying more
attention to it?
"Further?" Hardwick's laughter roared around us. “There is no more Delaney
because I never paid you attention to raise the subject with 'more'.”
Delaney stared at me. Her eyes filled with tears as tears suddenly rolled down
her face. He bit his lip and then lashed out: “It's all thanks to you. I would have
become the only female and lover of this pack if you weren't here. You took my
position, my companion and my pack. Why do you exist in this world? It's all for
"It's all for you." Delaney started screaming like crazy.
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"How dare you?" Hardwick growled as he glared at her "how dare you accuse
my partner of being a bitch?"
Delaney's eyes widened in shock. Did he just curse her in front of everyone? I
looked at him surprised.
"How-how could you call me that?" Delaney collapsed as her body shook.
"No, and you?" Hardwick growled angrily. “Due to his stingy act, there was a big
conflict in the past.
Although you know that I have no interest in you, you still used dirty means. You
even stooped so low to use your own body. Now you're accusing my partner?
Who gave you this right?
Since you are so addicted to losing your life, then I, as your Alpha, can definitely
grant you the wish you desire,” he shouted as he was about to step forward. I
held his arm tightly.
Hardwick is very angry, but killing Delaney is not the solution. Delaney made a
big fuss in the past and now she's intervening in our lives again. The only
reason she had was to ruin us with her. Hardwick turned to me with a piercing
gaze. Her eyes were shining and he could clearly see that she was trying to
overpower him.
"What the hell are you doing?"
He growled.
"What are you doing? "
"I'm going to kill her because she wants it so bad, so it's my duty as an Alpha to
do so," he hissed.
"No you are not." I shook my head. Although my heart is pounding and his
penetrating gaze makes me nervous and scared at the same time, I will never
let my partner do something that could bring chaos later.
"Why not? Nobody gave him the right to insult you in front of me. "I will put an
end to anyone who tries that."
“You need to calm down, please. “Killing her won’t solve anything, but it will
create more problems.” I did my best to reason.
"I don't mind." He forcefully pushed my hand away and almost took a step
towards Delaney, who was trembling.
“But I care,” I said out loud, making him stop in his tracks. “Even if you don't
care about yourself, I do. I can't see you commit sin. YO…. "I don't want to be
part of you."
As expected, he looked at me. His bright eyes softened as some different kind
of emotion flashed in his commanding orbs.
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“Bitch, how dare you seduce the Alpha in front of me? You are a whore who
walks around pro...
Delaney's loud scream stopped midway as the sound of 'da' echoed through the
air. His body fell heavily to the ground and he vomited a mouthful of blood onto
the ground. His lips become bloody.
“I dare you to say it again,” Hardwick roared as he looked at the woman on the
ground. “I tolerated your action in the past thinking that it was your passion that
confused you when you were young.
I thought that after receiving the punishment in the East you would understand
the fact that everything you have was created by your mind and that there is
nothing between us. But no, you couldn't change yourself even a little bit.”
"I I…." Delaney cried and her son became hard.
"Delaney," another voice sounded as Daisy's figure appeared. He bent down to
Delaney and helped her off the ground.
“Master, please forgive my sister. I was a little excited to see you after so many
years. She just couldn't control her emotions,” Daisy said, defending her sister.
“Couldn't you control your emotions?” Hardwick snorted angrily: “It seems that
your sister has forgotten how to behave and respect others. “She really needs
to learn a lot of things.”
“Master, my sister is vulnerable, please have mercy. She just adores you from
the beginning and has always thought about you. My sister grew up with you in
the same pack. Because of past affection, please don’t hurt her,” Daisy asked
again. His eyes were teary and his face was pleading.
“Your sister only knows how to ruin others when she doesn't get what she
wants. “He has an evil mind and heart that will never change no matter where
he goes.”
Hardwick said with an unpleasant tone.
Daisy lowered her head but did not respond again, while Delaney suddenly
shouted, “My heart is not bad. I just want you to see me as a woman who loves
me and cares about me.
What's wrong with that?
"What is wrong?" Hardwick growled: “The bad thing is that you have high
expectations about things you can't achieve. The wrong thing to do is to dream
about something that will never happen. What is wrong is when you become so
passionate that you lose the sanity to think. What is wrong is when you can't
decide whether it is true or false even after knowing the situation. The bad thing
is that you insulted my partner who is innocent in this matter.
You couldn't wait to drag everyone in, you didn't even have to pay for your life in
the process?
Delaney and Daisy looked so shocked they couldn't say a single word.
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"I've had enough of this," Hardwick glared at the two sisters, "they're sending
Delaney back to the East Side, but this time he'll lock himself in the Golden
Cage and won't leave without my permission."
The people who were present here gasped loudly. I looked at them with a
frown. I really have no idea what Hardwick's punishment would be, but one
thing's for sure: he's not a good choice either.
"No, you can't do that to me." Delaney shook her head vigorously. He looks like
he can't believe what he just heard.
"I can do anything if you want," Hardwick replied, then turned and took my hand
before dragging me with him.
"You can not do that. What harm did I do to you for you to treat me like this?
How could you be such a heartless Alpha? You are so ruthless." Delaney was
yelling behind us.
Two guards appeared and dragged her away. No one paid attention to their
screams and screams.
"What kind of punishment did you give him?" I asked him as he led me to our
"Are you still interested in her?" He asked as he took off his shirt.
"I was just..." I bit my lip trying not to gasp when his perfect abs came into my
field of vision.
"What about you?" He leaned against the wall looking at me with a mischievous
smile. God, he knows what he is doing and he does it intentionally. This man…
“I really couldn't understand your punishment.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Delaney will not interfere in our lives again. This time he
will live in a golden cage, the Dark Prison of the East Side. And she couldn't
leave without my permission once she entered. And I won't let her go.
“Then she will be condemned to be condemned for the rest of her life.”
That's why everyone gasped when he spoke of the punishment. The golden
cage not only has a good name, but also a great meaning.
I looked at him with a frown "so what?"
Hardwick narrowed his dominant eyes. "Are you going to reflect on his matter or
will you have time to think about me?"
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"What are you saying?" I asked as I walked towards the dresser “something so
big happened today, how can I not think about it?”
“You're thinking about everyone but me. It's fair?' He walked towards me with
slow steps.
I took off the earring and wiped the makeup off my face before looking at it in
the mirror.
“How can you be so calm as if nothing had happened? Delaney caused such a
big scene...
“Stop,” he grabs me by the shoulders. “I've tolerated enough. I don't want to
hear from that woman again. oh
Her chapter is closed and you will not talk about her.”
I looked at him and sighed. It seems that he deeply hated Delaney. But I don't
think the Delaney chapter is closed, I don't know why, but thinking about today
and the way Delaney screamed made my heart feel very uneasy.
"What do you think about?"
“What about Margaret?”
"Daisy flower?" He frowned.
"She's your sister, right?"
“The whole family is hypocrites”
"I don't know why, but I feel uncomfortable." I frowned as I looked at myself in
the mirror.
“Don't worry, I won't let any harm come to you. Do you trust me? He smiled.
I turned to look at him "Do you think I'm worried about me?" I shook my head
“it’s not about me. Whatever happens today, it will lead to another big problem.
And Daisy has been on guard against me and I know that no matter what
Delaney has done, Daisy will blame me for today's action. “She has hated my
existence ever since I became her partner.”
“I said Daisy is a hypocrite like her sister. The two brothers couldn't sit still until
someone was hurt because of them. “One is a fool and the other is a cruel
Hardwick clenched his fist. I took his hand and smiled.
"Are you getting angry again?"
"I can't help it. Just thinking about you getting hurt makes my blood boil all the
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I smiled "Do you love me that much, Alpha?" I touched his bare chest.
"More than you can imagine"
“Feelings are mutual alpha.”
"Is that?"
"Any questions?" I tilted my head as I asked him.
He smiled “of course not. Wait a minute,” he picked up the phone and called
someone. “Ryan, I need you to watch Daisy tonight,” she said and hung up.
"Are you giving the poor boy night work?"
He rolled his eyes “he’s not innocent. This son of a bitch even hides his partner
from me. I need to teach you a good lesson.”
"Oh really? "Jenny was the one who ignored him."
He laughed “it was good for him.”
"Are you happy with his misery?" I shook my head.
"Hmm... I'm happy every time he feels pain."
"You really are amazing" I shook my head.
Suddenly, Hardwick pulled me towards him, pressing me against him. “Don't
you think we should pick up where we left off last time?”
I raised my eyebrows "what happened last time?"
"Do not remember?"
I shook my head.
"Okay, then I'll start over so you remember every damn thing."
Before I could understand, he put me over his shoulder, making me scream.
"What are you doing?"
“Making you remember everything, darling.”

Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 54

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Savannah Viewpoint “Oh” My body landed on the soft mattress and I felt like I
was bouncing. I looked at the man angrily.
"Why did you do that?"
He smiled "why?" He repeated and began to take off his pants. My eyes almost
popped out of their sockets when I saw him undressing.
"What are you doing?" I asked with a trembling voice.
Hardwick still didn't respond, he took his pants off his body and stood in front of
me completely naked. I tried hard not to look at his hard shaft, but it's like my
body had its own mind and unconsciously my eyes reached his now proud
masculine spot.
So hard, so thick and so long.
I swallowed my own saliva, but it felt like it was trapped somewhere in my
throat, almost choking me in the process. A sexy laugh covered my ear.
"Did you like what you saw?"
I frowned and looked at the naked person in front of me. It was all his fault. I
was doing this intentionally. With a body so muscular and appetizing that a
woman would die before she could resist, it was clear that he is seducing me to
no end. Although this situation is so embarrassing, I couldn't stop my body from
reacting. Suddenly, heat pooled in my lower half, causing it to twitch painfully.
"Are you doing this intentionally?" I was accused. But this beast of a man did
not deny it.
Instead, he laughed again.
"Is working?" He stepped forward. “I hope it's working, honey, because I'm
going to make sure you don't get out of this bed until I can calm my desire.”
My eyes widened "what?"
“I'm making you remember all the things we did the other night. Since you are
saying that you can’t remember correctly, as your partner, I need to give you a
good reminder.”
"No-" before I could finish, he was already on top of me kissing me hard. Our
languages fight together to claim dominance. His hand rubbed my breast before
squeezing it hard, making me moan into his mouth.
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"I could not wait any longer. “I want to bury myself inside you,” he said hoarsely
as he tore my dress, leaving me with nothing but two pieces of lingerie.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" His golden tongue darted towards my
neck as he spoke. His hot breath hit my skin, making everything tingle, “but you
look like a sex goddess when you're not wearing anything. I want to taste every
inch of your body, to remind you how much you were made for me and how
much this body was made just to be mine.”
"Hardwick," I moaned as he pulled down my bra and fixed his mouth on my
sensitive bud, which grew hard from his torture. His other hand was massaging
my breast, kneading it, making my body release juices again. I never knew my
body responded so well to your caresses. And this man really knows how to
light the fire in me.
“Watch how your body knows who owns it, dear. Don't you think so? He
laughed before sucking my nipples hard. Biting my nipples hard, he pulled the
bra off my body and threw it on the floor.
“You taste so sweet and so addictive. Let me taste you more, I want to
remember how sweet your juices are” his dirty words made me grip my thigh
tightly. My pussy clenched as it released more juices that ran down my insides,
wetting my panties. Hardwick ran his tongue over my belly and then down until
he reached my panties. He reached out and traced the outline of her panties
with his slanderous fingers.
"You know this is mine, right?" He asked as he held my pussy over the thin
fabric of my panties. "Say it," he hissed as he pinched.
"Ah... it's yours" I moaned out loud.
"Good girl" He praised me before I felt the last barrier slip from my body. She
was now completely naked, lying beneath him for his eyes to explore. His
fingers rubbed my clit in slow motion and I couldn't help but moan. This just
makes me cum again.
"Are you so eager to feel me?" Hardwick chuckled before using his fingers to
part the soft fold, exposing my feminine entrance to his eyes. I felt a blush creep
up my face. God, there's nothing I can hide from him now.
“You're so wet, baby. So wet that my mouth waters when I taste you. He
growled before I knew it, his mouth latching onto my wet core.
"Oh... God" I moaned loudly as I felt my body shudder as his tongue teased my
entrance and then sucked hard. He licked my pussy and then brought his wet
lips to his mouth, sucking hard as if he were eating his favorite candy. I curled
my toe as I continued to moan.
My heart is beating faster and my body is on fire. My hand reached down and
grabbed her silky hair and gave it a tug making me moan in a sexy way. He
continued to suck me as my core released more juices. But he licked it again
and again. He pinched my clit as he pushed his tongue into my core.
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“Hardwick,” I moaned. "Oh my God... Ah…” “I can feel you’re so close, baby.
Squeeze your pussy as hard as you can, let me feel how much you want me,”
he whispered and continued sucking and torturing my sensitive core.
I felt my blood rush and my pussy clench against his tongue. My hips rolled
around his mouth and my hand pushed his head deeper into my pussy.
Hardwick didn't give up, but continued sucking and biting my pussy. He spread
my pussy lips and used his tongue, making me jump as my pussy became more
"YO ….."
“Yes, baby, come, come for me. “I want you to cum on my tongue while I eat
you,” he encouraged me.
"Oh..." I moaned as my inner wall began to clench tightly.
"Cum right now" Hardwick growled and suddenly slapped my pussy.
He pinched my clit and then brought my pussy lips back to his mouth, sucking
them hard.
And then I broke down. I cum in your mouth. I gasped loudly as he sucked my
cum clean.
"Did you like it, honey?" He smiled as he stood up and looked at me.
"You are so..."
He laughed "you taste so good baby you can't accuse me of that you know?"
"I'm tired" I felt my body exhausted by his sexy torture. God, he knows how to
sexually torture.
“No, no, honey, this isn't over yet. "You liked it, now it's my time to like you."
"What -" before I could say it, he grabbed my ankles and pulled me towards
him. His hard member touched my wet core and I couldn't help but moan again.
*Oh God"
“Did you feel like a baby? Look how difficult it is. So ready for you to take, to
claim, to possess. After today you will be completely mine, from heart to soul,
from body to life.”
"Hardwick," I moaned again. He rubbed his cock at my entrance.
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Ready love?"
He didn't let me respond when I felt him push the tip of his cock into my center.
“Oh God… it's huge…”
He leaned down and kissed my cheek "don't worry baby, it's made for you and
you can get used to it." “He’s so eager to fuck your sweet pussy.”
I didn't have time to respond when he suddenly thrust hard in one push. I
screamed as a sharp pain hit my body making it unbearable. Hardwick placed
kisses on my face trying to ease my pain.
"Ah…" I bit my lip as I felt my pussy fill with a huge, hard cock. I took a deep
breath and closed my eyes.
“It's hard, but the pain will go away soon,” he whispered in my ear and then
kissed my neck.
“You are such a beautiful baby. “I want to live in heaven”
I felt my pain slowly disappear, leaving the sensation of its enormous size
covering my entire being.
"Move please"
"Are you sure?" He looked up, looking into my eyes. I shook my head.
He began to move inside me at a slow pace. I wrapped my legs around his
waist trying to pull him closer to me. He removed his cock making me wince in
frustration. But before I could complain, he pushed back with a shove, making
me moan loudly.
“I love your scream, baby. It just shows how much that body of yours craves me
and how much you want me to take you.
“Your sweet pussy is so eager to feel me inside you that it squeezes my cock so
"Hardwick" I moaned as I grabbed his shoulder.
“Yes, moan for me, baby. Moan for your partner. Feel how much you were
made for me. How much we belong to each other,” he said with each thrust. His
pace became fast and he began to thrust vigorously, making my body shake
with excitement as my breasts bounced hard.
"Oh God …." I gasped as he continued to thrust into me.
“It's not God, baby, moan my name. “I want to hear my name on your sweet
lips,” he said as he leaned down and captured my hard nipple in his mouth,
sucking and biting it.
I closed my eyes as pleasure began to explode through my body.
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"Hardwick" I screamed as he bit my nipple hard.
"That's it, baby, it's that simple," he smiled and then increased his thrust.
"You're so tight, baby, so fucking good," he moaned and closed his eyes.
I felt my wall squeezing his huge cock and Hardwick moaned again.
“Yes, honey, squeeze it out. “Squeeze hard for your Alfa”
"I'm cumming," I moaned.
"Cum, baby, cum for me."
He gave some hard thrusts and I came. An inexplicable pleasure took over my
body, making me feel complete. He continued to push a little more before
Hardwick let out a grunt.
"Ah... Savannah" leaned her head back and closed her eyes. I felt his hot liquid
spill into me, warming my core. It didn't come out, but it stayed inside me.
Hardwick brought our heads together as we gasped together, “I love you so
I smiled "I love you more, man"
I closed my eyes and sighed. Finally we are one. It was total happiness.
", no, you're not sleeping, darling."
I opened my eyes while frowning. He smiled. He removed his cock and looked
at me.
"I have not finished yet"
My eyes widened in shock. This man almost destroyed me, but he said he
wasn't done yet?
"What do you want?"
He smiled "we have to try new positions, darling."
I sighed “once isn't enough for you?
He laughed and kissed me on the cheek “How can I be satisfied with a round
baby? A body of yours so beautiful and receptive, once will never be enough for

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I couldn't complete it as he suddenly turned me so that my back was facing him.
I'm already tired, how can this man be so active?
“Climb on your four-year-old, lower your head a little, and lift your sexy ass up.
“Let me see your beautiful ass.”
His words made me blush. How could he say something like that as easily as
he did in everyday life?
Even if I wanted to protest his words, I can't. Suddenly my body became so
excited that I wanted to do everything he wanted me to do. I stood up, kept my
head down and raised my butt for him to see. It was exactly the position I
"How beautiful" his hand rubbed my ass slowly and then squeezed hard,
making me choke.
"You have such a beautiful butt, baby," he said, then I felt his hand slide into my
wet core again. He spread my wet folds and laughed. “You're wet again, baby.
Looks like that pussy of yours is beyond greedy for me.”
I closed my eyes and blushed again. He was the one who pushed me until I
was wet and now they accuse him of being greedy. But it's not false either. Yes,
I'm greedy.
Anxious for your love and your body. I want him to accept me in every way
possible. I am so greedy for my partner.
“God, I can't help myself.” Hardwick moaned and suddenly pushed me from
"Oh God," I moaned, closing my eyes. When we finished, I knew I wouldn't be
able to get out of bed.
“You are such a sexy babe that makes my cock so hard that I couldn’t wait to
bury myself deep in your heat. Since he tasted you, he won't let you go, baby.
You have to take care of him every time he gets greedy for your sweet pussy,”
he said as he continued to thrust hard and fast.
I grabbed the bedspread as I moaned his name "Hardwick" My pussy was
already sensitive from his torture and now that his was thrusting into me so hard
and fast I couldn't control myself from cumming again. I turned my butt as I
received each of his thrusts.
Hardwick moaned in pleasure “yes baby, it's as simple as that. You're hitting the
mark, honey.
“How fucking good,” then he slapped my ass hard as he pushed.
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“Oh God…” I screamed. His slap only made me wetter. His huge cock was
pushing my pussy so deep and hard that I felt like he was almost touching my
soul. I couldn't help but feel an unbearable pleasure running through my body.
"You're still so tight, baby," Hardwick said, slapping my ass again.
“Ah…… “Hardwick, I’m cumming,” I moaned.
“Cum baby, milk my cock with your sweetness. “I want you to bathe my hard
cock in your juices,” his dirty words added fuel to my pleasure as I felt my pussy
clench around his big cock again. Hardwick moaned as he grabbed my ass
"Hardwick" I screamed as I came all over his cock. After a few more thrusts,
Hardwick let out his sexy growl as he released his cum inside my pussy.
We both gasped as our rapid sexual journey ended in pure bliss. My body felt
exhausted beyond imagination and my pussy ached. I fell onto the bed, ignoring
the sticky liquid running down the inside of my thigh. Hardwick seemed to
ignore this as well and fell on top of me again. We hugged and he kissed my
“You are an amazing baby. Never in my life have I felt such heavenly pleasure.”
"It was the same for me."
"But all this pleasure and love are all mine, darling" he looked at me and smiled
"only I can have you in a way that others can't"
Your words made me smile. After making love for the second time, was he
showing his possessiveness?
"I am all yours." I tightened my arms around his neck. Our naked bodies were
pressed against each other.
"How was round three, love?"
My eyes widened in shock “what? You are not tired? I couldn't believe what I
He smiled "making love to you can never tire me." With that he kissed me
again, making sure I had no chance to protest.
Romance claiming her tempting companion chapter 55
Savannah Viewpoint
"Get up, sleepyhead" I felt something touch my cheeks followed by a low
I groaned and tried to get the thing off my face. What's that?
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Then I heard a laugh “you're not awake yet? Are you so tired, darling?
"What is it?" I muttered, frowning.
"It's almost noon, honey" his hot breath hit the skin of my ear making me open
my eyes immediately.
A pair of beautiful domineering eyes looked at me with a small smile.
"You're awake," Hardwick smiled.
"That?" I rubbed my eyes.
"I never knew you had such a heavy sleeping habit?"
I frowned and tried to sit up on the bed, but suddenly pain hit my body, making
me stiff for a moment. I hissed, biting my lip.
"What happened? Are you OK?" Hardwick's frightened voice sounded as he
held me in his arms.
Raising my head, I gave him a hard look. It's all your fault. Last night was my
first time, but looking at her man, she didn't let me sleep for a moment. He didn't
stop until I lost the last of my strength and finally passed out in his arms.
"Everything is your fault." I pushed him away, but then winced in pain. My body
hurts a lot, like a truck has crushed me over and over again. I felt like my bones
had turned to jelly, losing all strength.
Hardwick gave me an awkward smile before rubbing the back of his neck. He
seemed nervous all of a sudden. "I'm sorry. I really didn't want to hurt you like
that, but seeing you like that, all sexy and so beautiful, I couldn't contain my
desire and I wanted to have you again and again. One round is not enough for
you, honey” he let out a small laugh.
I rolled my eyes "your fun now makes me unable to move my body" I said
through clenched teeth.
"It's not just about me, darling," he smiled, "you know you enjoyed making love
too, right?"
I bit my lip and looked away from him trying to hide my blush. I couldn't blame
him for that because I really enjoyed his wonderful torture. The way his tongue
played with my nipples making them hard and the way his huge cock violated
me, thinking about it suddenly made me shiver.
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I heard Hardwick laugh again “Are you trying to remember last night's action,
love? If you want, all you have to do is say yes, then I can turn your memory
into a new activity, you know?
I turned my head and looked at him "How can you be so shameless, pervert?"
"That? It isn't true? "You were thinking about that" he tilted his head looking at
me with challenging eyes.
"You misunderstood"
"Is that?"
I shook my head. God, this is embarrassing. I pressed the silk comforter against
my body and sat on the bed ignoring the pain in my body.
"Are you OK?" He asked again.
"I'm fine"
"I'm sorry again. I know I should have stopped, but I couldn't. "I can't help it"
I sighed “you don't need to say that over and over again. I'm fine"
"I'll let Luina get you some pills to help you relax your body, but for now you
need a divine shower."
"What-" before I could ask, he suddenly caught me. The silk comforter fell on
the bed making me scream.
He laughed “are you still a shy baby? Get used to it. There’s nothing I haven’t
seen before.”
"Shut up" I said as I put my arms around his neck "where are you taking me?"
“To take a shower” he walked towards the bathroom.
"I want to rest"
“You will, but first you must cleanse your body to feel refreshed,” he replied as
he entered the bathroom. The bath water was ready and he gently placed me in
the bathtub. When the hot water touched my skin, I sighed in satisfaction. It was
so good. I can't help but moan with pleasure.
"You feel good?" He whispered in my ear. He crouched down next to the tub
and looked at me with a soft smile on his lips.
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“Thank you very much,” I smiled.
“I prepared the water in advance. I think the temperature is great” he wet his
finger, checking the water.
"Did you prepare this?" I was surprised.
He smiled “why not? I know you're in pain. Then the water will help you relax a
little. Since I was the one who caused this pain, I should be the one to make it
go away.”
I laughed at his words. Will I ever have such a loving and caring partner? It still
seemed like a dream to me. Have a second chance to live and understand what
love is. All these things are wonderful.
"What are you thinking?"
I shook my head. "I'm just thinking how lucky I was to get this treatment."
"You deserve it," he kissed me on the cheek, "you deserve more than you can
imagine and I'm planning to do more for you."
"Further?" I asked, tilting my head.
He nodded with a smile “more, much more.”
I smiled "I'm looking forward to it then."
“I need to let the pack work. When I get back, I hope you’re okay.”
"Are you cute?"
"Because? Can't you get away from me now?" he smiled.
I rolled my eyes “you are amazing. Where are you going?"
"East Side"
“I need to make sure that woman's arrangement was done correctly and without
errors. I left it in the hands of others, which caused me a lot of trouble, almost
ruining my life. “I couldn’t let that happen again, no matter what,” he sounded
very serious when he said this.
I sighed "it's okay"
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“Be careful” he kissed me on the forehead.
“I'll be back soon” I smiled.
"I will," he pressed my lips before getting up and leaving the bathroom. I laid
back and let the heat of the water relax my body.

“You look like a bright flower, ma’am,” Jenny smiled as she winked at me. I
couldn't help but blush.
"Ah, that blush makes you look better," he joked.
"Stop it now," I said while rolling my eyes, "where's Ryan?"
“He's busy getting ready.”
“Preparing for what?” I grimaced. Is there something I don't know?
"Actually, he's busy preparing to tell Dad about our relationship." Jenny looked
"Oh," I raised an eyebrow in interest. "You mean you two haven't said anything
to your father yet?"
"Sort of," she shrugged. “When I found out Ryan was my partner, I was really
He's quite famous for his playful ways and Dad doesn't like him playing with all
the new girls every day.
He even warned me to stay away from him. Although he was my partner, I
couldn't tell the truth to my father.
Besides, at that time I was angry too. “I used to watch him flirt with women and I
hated it.”
“What about Ryan? I mean, I didn't know you're his partner? I heard that he had
been trying to locate his partner for years.
“My body system is not normal. I mean, even though I have my wolf, I couldn't
transform until the first day of moving. And my body condition is bad and my
wolf is weak. So the smell it had was very weak. I wouldn't have been able to
discover the truth if I hadn't taken the medicine to improve my strength. But I
don't know how he found out."
"Well, I call it luck then," I smiled.
“Maybe,” Jenny smiled, “he got angry when he found out I was his partner.”
"Highly strung? Because?" I couldn't help but ask.
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“Well, he was mad because he couldn't find me sooner. Most of the time I stay
in the room and help my father cook after his accounting work, so the chance of
us meeting was rare. Also, he always stays outside and randomly walks around
the kitchen area.”
“Did you say anything when you found out?”

"He looked at me. He was so angry that he punched the wall and broke it.
Jenny frowned. “I never expected it to be like this, but I thought he would reject
me when he found out. But all my imagination was drowned when he proposed
to me that day. I couldn't accept his demand, I refused and started ignoring him.
He plays with girls and that's what I hated the most about him. I never paid
attention to him, but at the end of the day he is my partner and with each
passing day our bond began to unite us. He couldn't reject it and he couldn't
accept it either. The fine line between us made me so angry that I almost lost
my sanity,” he sighed.
"But you still stayed together."
“Yes, it's true,” he laughed. “I never thought this would happen at first. Due to so
many fights between us we didn't have the opportunity to tell dad. "He still
doesn't know that the person he hates so much is my partner."
“I think Ryan is going to need a lot of support,” I joked.
"I guess so," Jenny laughed. “Dad gets grumpy when he sees it all the time. "I
really don't want to imagine what his reaction will be when Ryan tells the truth."
“I want to witness the scene,” I laughed.
"I was..." Before I could continue, some called my name.
I turned to see Daisy marching towards us with an angry face. After finishing the
meal, I walked through the garden with Jenny. But I didn't expect Daisy to
suddenly appear screaming my name.
"How can you say the Lady's name like that?" Jenny looked at Daisy with a
"Shut up, who is talking to you?" Daisy barked angrily before fixing her gaze on
me “what do you think of yourself? Do you think that just because you won the
title you can do whatever you want?
I frowned at him. What made you think she could act crazy now?
She is similar to her sister in every way. No wonder they are brothers. They
deserve this relationship.
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Why are you screaming?" I asked him calmly.
“Why am I screaming? Are you still asking me this? Daisy laughed and then
looked at me “because of you they took my sister by force. It was all your fault
that she is suffering again.
She's been living a bad life on the East Side all these years, but you're still not
happy that you fired her again? What did she do that made you suffer like this?
She screamed at the top of her lung.
The few pack members who were nearby suddenly looked at us.
“Do you know what you're talking about?” I asked her. I never thought that the
two sisters didn't have common sense. I never thought that after Delaney Daisy
would make a scene.
“I know exactly what I'm talking about, unlike you. You seduced the Master to
do what you say. You even provoked him into sending my sister to the East
Side again. Why are you doing this? What sin did she commit for you to punish
her like this?
I laughed “you know what Daisy did. Don't act like you don't know anything
about what your sister's purpose was. Don’t pretend because deep down you
know where your sister was wrong.”
“Delaney wasn't wrong,” Daisy shouted, “what she did was out of love. She had
loved Master since she was young and how could she abandon her long-lasting
love like this? It was all because of Master that she endured everything on the
East Side as punishment. He has been suffering all these years, but he hasn't
said anything. She endured and wished her punishment would end so she could
dominate again. But no, you have to intervene in the middle. If it weren't for you
and your provocation, Master would never treat her like this.
It was all because of you that he had to suffer his entire life until he died a
miserable death. “If you weren’t there, she would live happily in the pack.”
"Happy? Have you ever thought about where you're going wrong?" I asked him,
"Your sister did the same thing. She said she loves Hardwick, so why can't she
understand the simple fact that he has no feelings for her? Couldn't you
understand it? I don't believe it". For a person like Delaney, ego can conspire
against Hardwick when they are barely teenagers, it's not hard for her to
understand that simple fact, right? But no, she refused to see the truth. It's my
"Delaney loved Master all her life," Daisy hissed.
“It's not love,” I shook my head, “in fact, she never really loved him. "She was
obsessed with Hardwick and couldn't let him go because he rejected her."
“Don't talk nonsense,” Daisy shouted, looking at me. “You're talking about my
And you? Do you think I don't know who you are? She laughed "Do you think I
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Do you have no idea about your past? Do you think that just because you have
become the Lady in name no one can point out your sins?
"What do you mean?" I asked, but I could feel my blood starting to boil.
Daisy looked at me mockingly “aren't you Alpha Avan's whore?
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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 56

Savannah Viewpoint "What? Are you in shock?" Daisy smiled. His smile was
like a mocking laugh. “Do you think you can hide it well? Look at you, you had a
partner but you were not satisfied with him.
So now you pretend to be the innocent and seduced Master. How could you be
so shameless? Not only did you seduce our Master, but you also ruined my
sister's life. You're a bitch who only knows how to attract men with innocent
I clenched my fist as I walked towards Daisy. She was there all proud. As if
everything he said was reasonable and he had every right.
"Come again" I gritted my teeth.
“Don't think that just because Master shows his affection for you that I will be
afraid. How dare you ruin my sister's lifelong wish and put her in such a
miserable state? Who do you think you are? A two-faced person like you is
never qualified to be considered Moon of our pack. It was always my sister who
deserved that position. But you had to come and ruin everything. Do you know
how much she suffered just for the Master to look at her? She glared at him.
"As? Offering her own body even when Hardwick wasn't herself?" I asked.
Daisy's eyes widened and her face turned red with anger. “It was a mistake
when I was young.
Besides, there’s nothing wrong with them sleeping when you hug them,” he said
through clenched teeth.
"Are you still so useless?" I grimaced. I really can't understand what the real
problem is with these sisters. One fell so much in love that he lost all sanity and
now the other seeks justice with irrational points.
“Can't you and your sister see clearly that the man you two represented as
being ruined by me was not at all interested in this matter? Delaney knows this
clearly but she is not willing to accept this truth because she is afraid, she has
the heart of a coward who cannot accept the truth but chooses to believe in her
false imagination in order to live. And now you are doing the same thing,
thinking that your sister is all innocent and making her the big victim.”
“She is a victim of your plans” Daisy shouted “she would have the love of the
"No, he will not". I cut it in half. “If there is any feeling in your heart, then your
sister would already be the Moon of this pack and I would never have existed
here. But look at me, I'm here right in front of you. Do you want clearer
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“Don't try to distract me with your words. It was you who destroyed their
How can you say that? Don't you feel guilty for ruining my sister like that?
“Guilty is when something is wrong, but as far as I know, I have never done
anything to feel guilty. Not for me or for anyone else. And I think you know it
She looked at me for a moment before letting out a hysterical laugh. “Do you
think you can stop me with all those words? Do you consider me an idiot? His
eyes darkened “don't think that just because my sister is gone you will be
happy. As long as I love, I will make your life hell. Because of you, my sister is
gone and I will never be able to see you again and I will never let you live well.”
“Have you ever thought about what would happen to your sister's real partner?
She never tried to find her true partner, but instead pursued the man who was
not her partner. Whether you and your sister accept it or not, the truth is the
truth and no one can change it. “I’m here because Hardwick is my partner, even
if we stay away from each other, our bond will connect,” I tried to explain to him.
He is so reticent that he does not allow himself to understand the fact.
Daisy laughed “mate? You are playing with me? You already had one in your
previous pack. After being a whore for so many years, here you changed your
mind. Why did you leave the previous package? Couldn't Alpha Avan satisfy
your need? She smiled.
“You better watch your tongue,” I warned him.
Daisy just smiled “you're mad because I told the truth. You know it too, right?
You were just a whore born of another whore…” His words stopped midway
when I grabbed him by the collar.
"What you say?" I gritted my teeth.
“Bitch, let me go,” she struggled to free herself from my grasp.
“You really have a lot of nerve to insult my mother, which has nothing to do with
this. You really dared to drag her into this mess, didn't you? Like your sister,
you are also a fool who cannot see what the truth is, but goes around deceiving
yourself. Are you so blind that you can't tell the truth? I've had enough of your
insulting words” I growled “if you dare to drag my mother into this…” I pinched
his neck and his face turned pale and blue. "I'll make sure you can never speak
Daisy's eyes widened as her skin began to change its original color. His body
went still and his fighting ceased. She was looking at me with wide eyes.
Gritting my teeth, I pushed her to the ground and looked at her. She rolled to
the ground and coughed.
His hand rubbed his neck as if trying to ease the pain.
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He raised his head as he looked at me with wide eyes. He opened his mouth
and tried to say something, but nothing came out. He tried again and again, but
he couldn't speak. Then surprise appeared on his face as if he had realized
something. He stood up shaking and ran as fast as he could. I watched her
leave and rolled my eyes.
“Madam, what happened to Daisy? Have you lost your vocal power? -Jenny
I shook my head "no, it's temporary"
I wish I could make it permanent.

In the evening, Hardwick returned home. He looked exhausted when he

entered the room.
"How long have you been reading the book?" He asked as he took off his jacket
and walked towards me.
“It's only an hour.”
"Are you tired?" He asked, frowning.
I laughed "shouldn't that be my line?"
He laughed "yes, that could be it"
"How are things there?" I closed the book and focused all my attention on it. He
sat on the bed and smiled.
“There are obstacles but I will always be able to achieve my goal”
"What happened?"
“The elders were angry. “They want me to forgive her and accept her back into
the pack,” he shrugged.
“The elders seem to support her”
“They are, but that doesn't mean they can impose their damn reason on me. I
am the Alpha and no matter what you have to obey me and my rules” Hardwick
clenched his fist.

“What did they really say?”

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He sighed: “She has been there for 7 years, so the elders are attached to her.
They even forgave him for what he did years ago. Today when I went there,
those older people tried to convince me to let her go. Some even said that I am
being too cruel to punish her like this. “They said so many years have passed
over the matter that I should let it go and move on, so there is no need to
punish her again.”
“Were they so supportive?” I frowned. "I never thought Delaney could really win
the hearts of the elders."
"She is soft-spoken and would do anything to take advantage of the situation."
“What about your father?”
“He's here and he doesn't know what his daughters are doing” he shook his
head “since they discovered Delaney he hasn't shown up. Right now I don't
even know if he's alive or not.”
"It's very strange that his daughters rebel, but as a father, he is totally out of his
depth, not knowing everything." I rolled my eyes. I really want you to see how
they raised their daughters.
"What happened? Do you seem a little out of place today?" He approached me
as he asked me.
“Today Daisy came to confront me.”
"She what?" Hardwick frowned.
“I think she wasn't happy with what happened to her sister, so she came to see
"What she did?" I can see Hardwick clenching his jaw. I put my hand on his face
and smiled.
“You're thinking too much. Why are you so angry?"
"Because I can not? He's causing trouble again, just like his sister. Were both
sisters made to ruin each other's lives?

I laughed “maybe they feel happy when they do that.”

“I will never let them hurt you” he took my hand and his gaze softened “they are
becoming dangerous, but don't worry, they won't be able to take you away from
I sighed. “I think we should keep an eye on Daisy. “The way he behaved today,
I think there will be a lot of problems in the future.”
“Don't worry, leave the matter to me.”
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I shook my head. I was about to say something again when he suddenly got up
and pushed me onto the bed. I was surprised by his sudden act and looked at
him with wide eyes.
"What are you doing?"
He smiled “we argued a lot about each other. Now is the time to talk about us."
"What do you want to talk about?"
"What position are we going to make love in tonight?"
My eyes widened in shock. This man. Are you serious?
I looked at him "I'm still sore"
He smiled "I know, but you don't have to worry about it, I'll be nice today."
I rolled my eyes. “Does that make any difference?”
“Of course,” he responded as he began to unbutton his shirt, “tonight I'll let you
take the liberty.”
"That?" I grimaced.
He laughed as he took off his pants along with his boxers. His huge, glorious
cock sprang free and stood proudly before my eyes. Huge, thick and fat. He
seemed so ready to rape me. I blushed and turned my head the other way. He
laughed again and slowly hovered over me.
"Tonight I'm going to let you ride me, baby," he whispered in my ear.
"What do you mean with-?" He interrupted me by smashing his lips against
mine. All my questions melted in his mouth and I moaned. His hand reached out
and pulled at my dress and in a second it was torn. God, this man only knows
how to tear my clothes.
I pulled back and looked at him "do you have to rip off my clothes?"
He smiled "I'll buy you more."
I rolled my eyes. He kissed me again before I could say anything else. This man
will never allow himself to be at a disadvantage. He is truly an expert at what he
does and before I knew it, my bra and panties were thrown to the floor leaving
me completely naked before his eyes.
“I love it when I see the marks on your body, baby. Look how beautiful you look”
He traced the hickeys on my body that he left last night. “Today I will give you
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Are you planning to cover my body with bite marks?”
Hardwick laughed when I asked him. He kissed my neck, running his tongue all
over my skin. I felt a shiver of pleasure and couldn't help but moan with
pleasure. I screamed when he stopped at my chest and bit my already hard
"Yes, I'm planning on doing that, baby," he whispered before playing with my
breast with his mouth and hand. She ran her tongue over my hard cock, then
closed her lips and sucked on it. He pinched me erotically making me moan
"Fuck, holding on is so hard," he cursed before grabbing my waist and suddenly
turning me around. He straddled my waist as he sat leaning against the
"You look so sexy," he looked at my body lustfully. Even though I got naked for
him once, the way he looked at my body like I was his favorite food and he was
about to devour me whole made my heart skip a beat and I blush. I can't help
but feel ashamed when my body is completely exposed before your eyes.
“Tonight you're going to ride me, honey. “I want to see that sweet pussy of
yours eating my big fat cock,” she said as she bit my neck. I screamed in
pleasure as my pussy was soaked with juices. His bad words make me even
wetter and he knows it very well.
Hardwick grabbed my hips and lifted me up a little. I let him do whatever he
wanted while I felt the tip of his fat cock rubbing my entrance.
“You're so wet, baby. “I can’t wait to enter you,” he whispered hoarsely. He
positioned his cock and then pulled me down again, making his cock slide into
me with a single push.
"Oh God," I threw my head back and moaned loudly. A sudden feeling of
fullness filled me as he was buried deep inside me. So deep it could reach my
“So good,” he moaned, “ride me, baby. Tell me how much you want my cock.
Show me how much that sweet pussy of yours loves my cock to invade her

"Hardwick," I moaned as I began to move my hips.

“Yes, just like that, baby, shake that beautiful ass of yours” he moaned and let
out a sigh of pleasure. His hand was still on my hips, holding me steady as I
rode his fat cock.
"Faster baby, I want to see how your sweet breasts bounce with each thrust,"
he said, she began to take her dominance and hold me tight before thrusting
hard. I hold his shoulder for support. He's so fast and I can't even keep up with
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"Ah..." I moaned as I felt his balls slap against my ass as he continued to thrust
hard and fast. The sound of slapping skin echoed through the room, but we
were both drowning in the sea of pleasure and being careless when thinking
about it.
His thrusts became savage as he made my body jump with each thrust, making
my beasts jump before his eyes. I closed my eyes and continued moaning.
“You look so beautiful, baby. The way your breasts were bouncing made me
even harder, baby.
"Hardwick, oh my God," I moaned as my body bounced with his thrust. It's so
deep inside me that my body shuddered with joy. He reached down and rubbed
my clit, adding more fuel to the fire.
"It's so hard...oh God," I moaned out loud.
"You're making me do this baby, it's your fault you have such a beautiful body
it's driving me crazy and making me forget all my sanity," he shook hard
thrusting wildly.
Our actions were so vigorous that I could hear the bed squeak.
“Hardwick,” my walls began to clench around his cock that was fucking me so
hard and deep.
“Come on, baby, squeeze that sweet pussy of yours. Let me feel how eager you
are to cum on my cock,” he bit my shoulder as he continued to thrust hard and
"Oh God... I'm cumming."
"Yes, baby, come for me. "Let's cum together," he encouraged as he thrust
even harder.
After a few more thrusts, we both moaned in pleasure and screamed our names
After I came, he released his seeds inside me. Our bodies were sweaty, but
there was a satisfied smile on our faces. Our wild and passionate love left us
without energy.
Hardwick pressed against his chest, but he was still inside me.
Instead of taking me out, he let me ride him and kept me close.

“It felt so good, honey. “I don’t even want to leave your warmth.”

"Hardwick" I raised my head and looked at him.

"Yes love"

“Do you think what happened to Delaney was unfair?”

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He shook his head “it was his choice. She clearly knows that she and I have no
future, but she still believed her imagination and ruined herself with me. Every
wolf is destined to find its own mate. But she rejected natural rules and tried to
harm others through her own selfish means. “I could have lived a good life if I
had been sensible enough.”
“There are no buts. You shouldn't talk about her right now” he frowned.
I laughed “it's okay, I won't talk about her anymore.”
"That's good. Now where were we? 」 His face became playful again.
I blushed "you're still inside me"
“And I want to stay like this forever” he hugged me tightly.
I couldn't deny the fact "so stay like this forever"
“Forever” with that he kissed me again.
And that's when I realized that with him I am complete in every way.
Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 57
Savannah Viewpoint
"Hello how are you mom?" I asked as I placed the phone between my ear and
my shoulder.
"I'm fine, how are you dear?"
"It's okay mother. And Tanea? "I haven't heard from her in a long time."
It's been two months since I last saw her at the coronation ceremony. After that,
I was pretty busy and never had a chance to call her.
"She's fine, but she wants weird things."
“What strange things?” I grimaced. I put the dress on the floor and hold the
phone in my hand. I was putting on a robe and choosing a dress for myself.
“Did you forget that she is pregnant? Hm… that little girl” I heard the mother
sigh “last night she cried all night because she wanted to eat Porchetta in the
middle of the night.
Where are we going to find a good piece of pork to make the dish so suddenly?
Devak was very anxious when she cried.”
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"Oh God, is your desire going crazy already?" “It happens,” Mom laughed. “It's
a trace of pregnancy anyway. During this time, the mother-to-be longs for things
she has never had before. And Tanea is no exception.”
"It happens" I shook my head and sighed. Devak must be very nervous. That
man will be scared to death if anything happens to Tanea. And since she is
about to be a mother, I think Devak will live in pain until Tanea gives birth to the
“Who is a mother?” I heard Tanea's voice in the background.
“Oh God, I want to talk.”
I laughed when I heard his excitement. Before Mom could answer I heard
Tanea's voice on the other end of the line "Hi Sav."
"How are you my girl?" I smiled widely.
“Fantastic,” he laughed, “how are you?”
“Good” I picked up the dress that was on the bed and took off the towel. I put
the phone on speaker while wearing my dress.
"How's everything going there?"
“Relaxed,” I responded as I tied my dress around my waist.
"Why do you look so bored?"
“Nothing,” I sighed, picking up the phone and turning off the speaker.
"Come on, Sav, I can hear your sad sigh from here."
I rolled my eyes "since when did you become omnipotent?"
“Haha funny. Now tell me what happened to you?
"It's about Hardwick."
"What happened? "Did you two fight?"
"What do you think about?" I rolled my eyes. “Where did you get that idea?”
“I just guessed. From the way you talk, I thought you two had argued.
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"No, for your kind information, we have no argument"
"So what happened?" “It's just been really busy lately. When he returned in the
evening, he seemed exhausted.
I wanted to do something for him. To make him happy”
"Ah, so that's the problem," he laughed.
"What is so funny?" I grimaced.
"Did you say you wanted to make him happy?"
"Yes and what?"
"Since you are so eager to make your partner happy, then I have a way."
"In what direction?" Do you really have one?
“But it will depend on you, dear. If you can do that, I must say your partner will
be more than happy.”
"Now I'm getting scared, you know?"
She laughed “oh come on. Don't be such a coward. It's all about your partner,
right? You have to take care of it too”
I rubbed my temple “What do you mean? Let me hear your idea first.”
“Before you say, honey, you should know that this will make your partner super
happy and even active, so think twice.”
"I need?"
Hardwick was always so passionate when he showed his love. But it was
always him giving me surprises and planning a date. Where I simply enjoyed
your love and care. It should also give you something in return. I just want to
make him happy.
"It's ok, I'll do it. Now tell me what is it?
"Are you sure?"

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“Then let's start shopping” Tanea shouted loudly.
That? Shopping?
Avan's point of view
"Do you think it will work?" I frowned looking at the file.
"That is all that I have. "They are very secret, so no important information is
leaked." Ben shook his head.
I threw the file on the floor “fuck it. What the hell do these bastards think?
I couldn't control my anger. It's been a week since Bright Shine waged war on
another pack. The war ended with some conditions at the end. Since our power
and position were the same, it is difficult for them to conquer them and defeat
us. in the end dad
proposed a peace treaty to end this. But the condition they were given was
higher than what they deserved.
“Fuck, I'm not going to agree with this point,” I growled again. I asked Ben to try
to find any weaknesses or loopholes in their past activities, but those bastards
were too smart to hide them well.
"The Alpha Master had already agreed to the conditions," Ben reported.
“Fuck,” I cursed again. Dad just wanted this to end, but how can I accept the
"Master Alpha said that it is better to accept his condition because in exchange
he will propose another deal."
I turned to look at him “what's the deal?”
“Since they want the land in the valley, we can ask them to provide us with
combat weapons. It was an agreement that the Alpha Master wanted me to
inform you about.”
“Arms in exchange for land?” I grimaced. Although we don't really need
weapons to fight, keeping them will always give you an advantage. Since that's
what the father wants, then leave it at that.

I nodded “okay, if that's already decided.”

“Then I will inform the Alpha Master” Ben nodded.

“Go ahead” he left immediately.

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The last few months have been very difficult to face. Problems arise one after
another and when they are solved something is needed in return. I leaned back
in my chair and my head ached. When can I have some peace? The Reese
Affair ended with the death of my unborn child. After that day I never saw her
again. It seemed like she had disappeared.
Although I knew I wanted her to stay away from me, what she did was quite
She didn't bother me or show herself in front of me again. Not even her mother,
Salina, knew about her. But it seems fine to me. Because I have so many things
to deal with and Resse was the last one I wanted to deal with.
My thoughts turned to someone who has black eyes. Those beautiful orbs
always haunted me in my dreams and I couldn't forget them no matter what I
did. Only if she were here. I sighed. He should have held her and never let her
go. I was a fool to let her leave that night. I should have caged her so she could
never get away from me. I should.
There was a sudden knock on the door. Then one of my men came in "Alpha,
there is someone who wants to meet you"
"Who is that?"
"Don't know. "Looking at the person, I don't think he's part of our pack."
"On their own?" I raised my eyebrows.
“No, she is here willingly.”
I frowned "she?"
“Send her in” who could it be?
He walked out and the door opened again. I looked at the figure entering. He
was wearing a hoodie, so I couldn't see his face. As soon as he stopped in front
of me, I asked him.

"Who are you?"

"Does it matter, Alpha Avan?"

"I'm asking again, who are you?" I asked again.
She laughed: “I am someone who can help you achieve what you want. But I
don’t know if you are willing or not.”
I grimaced. Who is she? She said: can you help me achieve my goal?
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“It seems like you know me well.”
"Of course. "I know about yourself and also about the person you want to win."
My expression suddenly changed and my eyes darkened. How did she know
"Who are you?"
“You must not doubt my intention, Alfa Avan. I just want to help you"
“What will you get in return?” There is no free food in this world. Since she
wanted to help me, of course she also wants something in return.
"Before you say this, do you promise to make a deal with Alpha Avan?"
“I will negotiate if I find it beneficial”
“Oh, don't worry, it will be beneficial for you in every way,” he laughed again.
"How is that?"
Suddenly, he took off his hoodie and my eyes widened when I saw his face.
She is not?
"You don't need to be so surprised, Alpha," he laughed and sat down in the
chair, "do you want to make a deal?"
"Are you taking me for an idiot?" I asked her.
She laughed “How could I dare that? I'm not here to deceive you. “I’m just here
to make a deal with you.”
"Since you are so sincere in making a deal with me, what will your price be in
the end?"
“We have the same goal, Alpha Avan. And that goal is Savannah,” he leaned in
I clenched my jaw. “What do you want to do with her?” I asked through
clenched teeth.

“I don't want to do anything to him. I can guarantee it. What I want is her” “What

is her problem?” I looked at her coldly.

“Oh, you're finally in the right place, Alfa Avan. I'm glad you're willing to take this
Since you asked me, I won't hide it from you. I know you love Savannah and I
love Savannah too. Our goal is the same, so I thought it would be better to work
together, right?
“I don't like puzzles. “You better get straight to the point or just leave.”
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“You don't need to be so angry, Alpha Avan. What you want is for Savannah to
stay with you and what I want is for Savannah to stay away from the Dark
Forest. This way we can work together. This will help you and me keep her
away from the Dark Forest. I don't want to see her in the pack. So you can
leave her here,” he gritted his teeth.
“Why are you hostile towards her? Did you never think that her own pack
member was plotting against her? I raised an eyebrow.
“She is a two-faced woman. Because of him, my sister's life is ruined. How can I
tolerate her in the pack when she is the reason for our pain? Since you want it,
you can have it with you.
Just don’t let her enter the Dark Forest again.”
“Are you so sure of your plan? If it comes to light, then the one who will face
death will be you.”
"You don't need to worry about me. Just think of a plan to catch her. The faster
the better.
"I don't want to see his face in this life."
I looked at her closely. She is a pretty girl and has a slight finger mark on her
Although he was wearing a scarf to hide his neck, I could see him clearly. Who
did this to him? Sheet? Fuck this. Since she's so eager to make this deal, then
I'm in. This is a golden opportunity and I will never let it slip through my fingers.
Once I have Savannah, I will never let her go again. A sudden excitement ran
through my body.
“Since you are willing, I will make a deal. What are you thinking?" I asked him.
She looked at me and smiled “something that will make us get what we want.”
Savannah Viewpoint
I looked at the cloth spread on the bed and sighed. Is this what Tanea wants me
to do? She made me buy it and now all the other things. How did you come up
with this idea?

Although it looks good, I'm still nervous.

"Do you think it will work? I mean, don't you think it's amazing?"
Tanea rolled her eyes "you're so stupid."
We are currently doing video calls so we can talk face to face. In the afternoon I
went shopping and Tanea helped me choose the things I needed for tonight. In
the end he forced me to buy very revealing lingerie.
“Look at me, honey, the best way to help your partner relax is to seduce him. I
think it must be Hardwick who has put in a lot of effort. Now it's your turn. And
this sexy lingerie will add fuel to the fire,” he laughed, making me blush.
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“Shut Your Mouth” “Come on, don't be shy now. Since you have already taken
the initiative, then you must complete the task.”
"I know you don't need to remind me every two minutes." I rolled my eyes.
Tanea laughed “come on, come on. Start decorating,” he applauded.
"You seem more excited than I do," I said as I pulled out the scented candles.
"Of course. "This is the first time I've seen you so eager to impress someone."
How can I not be excited?
"Yes" I shook my head. I placed the fresh flowers in the vase and then placed
the candles on the table, on the side of the bed, in each corner of the room and
finally in the middle of the room where there was a small round glass table.
I used flower petals to decorate the candle. There won't be any lights tonight,
but there will be all these scented candles.
I have never tried to impress a man, but I want to do it for him, my partner. I just
want him to be happy.
“Wow, it will look really beautiful when you turn it on. And yes, don't forget the
robe and your special dress” Tanea winked.
“Do you really need to talk about this so loudly?” I narrowed my eyes.
She laughed “don't worry, there's no one to listen. Also, do you still remember
what I told you? You can't forget that. That's the main point” “Don't talk about it.
I'm still thinking" "What are you thinking? "You have to do this if you want to
make him happier."
"Shut up. I'm busy now. I'll call you later" "Hey, don't hang up..." before she
could say, I disconnected the call.
I bit my lip when I thought about what Tanea said.
~You should consider it.~ It will make him happy~ Red said in my mind.
~Now will you join her too?~ ~
~Why not? He's been so busy lately that I haven't even been able to meet him.
If we can make him happy tonight, it will strengthen our bond~
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~Don't talk about it~ ~But I-~
~I have work to complete so don't bother me~
I blocked her before she could say anything. God, what am I going to do now?
Oh god, this is so embarrassing.
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 58
Hardwick's point of view
“These elders, I never thought they would behave like a gentleman and even
dared to beg for a cunning minx like her” Ryan narrowed his eyes as he spoke.
“They don't have any work to do, so of course they'll do something to keep them
entertained for days,” I responded lazily.
"Oh really? What's the end of this?"
"What do you think? "Delaney is doomed forever."
"That's good. This woman is dangerous. I could even talk nonsense perfectly."
"I think if it had been another woman in Luna's place, she would have run
I looked at him "you seem very free these days"
"Do not go there. I would like to live in peace with Jenny” he raised his hand
stopping me.
"That is the question. I never knew you were involved with her. Since when?"
“It's a difficult story and I don't want to waste time telling it. So I’ll tell you
quickly,” he smiled suddenly.
“I always wondered why I never got my mate when most of the males in the
pack already found one. I was very angry with the moon goddess and also with
myself. But almost two months ago I felt something strange. A faint smell, it was
so impotent that if I hadn't examined it closely I would never have gotten my
So I carefully located it and discovered that it was Jenny's.”
"Why does it smell so weak?" I grimaced.
“His wolf is weak. "She said she couldn't change into her wolf form except when
she changed for the first time," he shrugged.
"Is that?"
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He nodded, confirming.
"You don't have a problem with that?"
"Why should I do it? Damn, even if I can't see his wolf form, but I can feel it. It
doesn't matter if she's human or wolf. "She is my companion and will always be
“There is no need to make concessions in the middle,” he replied proudly.
"I never knew you had such a good heart."
"Hey! How could you say that? Are you making fun of me?" He narrowed his
eyes “forget about mine. Let me tell you, there is something strange on the
Bright Shine side,” he smiled.
"Are you trying to act?"
“Minus the 'try'”
"Damn," I shook my head, "that bastard still had guts."
“You can't underestimate your enemy.”
“Believe me, I've never done that. I just didn't expect it to be so fast,” although I
knew he was still trying to get a chance to lay his hand on my partner, I never
thought he would act so soon. What made you so sure you could steal my
“And that woman? What's her name, Rosie? I grimaced.
Ryan rolled his eyes “really? Don't you even remember a name?
"I seem to care about a woman's name?" I raised an eyebrow challenging him,
“besides, whatever their names are, they are their problems. "I have nothing to
do with that."
"I'm Reese, for your kind information." Ryan forced an awkward smile.
"Thank you," I nodded.
“Avan is not in contact with that woman. In the past, Reese was obsessed with
him. But recently she had a miscarriage and then the relationship between them
ended suddenly,” he reported.
"Spontaneous abortion? That son of a bitch got her pregnant, but he's still
harassing my partner. That son of a bitch, when I get my hands on him, I'm
going to show him what it is, it looks like real pain. "
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"Low. Even if you want to kill him, you need a proper reason. "You can't just kill
him without any evidence."
"I don't need any damn evidence to kill an ant like him." I looked at him.
“You are so ruthless, my friend. Don't forget that it's a clan rule and, as an
Alpha, you can't break it. Are you trying to eliminate all the conditions that were
created during training?
“I don't care about a damn lineup. If you dare to touch my companion, you will
be doomed to die, no matter what it is. Alpha or not” I gritted my teeth. Just
thinking about him touching my beautiful companion made my blood boil. I
couldn't wait to destroy it.
“This time it's not about him. “I have another news.”
"What is it?"
“I saw someone sneaking away from the herd during the night. Using the secret
emergency route to escape the border,” he threw some photographs on the
table. My gaze fell on the figure in the photo.
“His intestine is very strong. She won’t give up anytime soon,” Ryan said
I smiled “since she is so interested then leave her alone. “I would like to see
what he is doing.”
“This is the only chance to end everything in one fell swoop. “I know there must
be some risk I don’t want to take yet, I have to if I want this to end once and for
“Very well, since that is what you want, I will help you. I will inform my men to do
a good check from afar, of course. But we must also hurry."
I shook my head “our enemy is making arrangements, so how can we stay
behind?” Since they are so eager to get what they deserve, who am I to deny
them? I will be happy to fulfill your wish. Anyway, any news on Ajim?

"Not yet. "It's like I don't exist anymore" he shook his head.
“Delaney's betrayal shook him greatly. She left like that, leaving her two
daughters alone. It's really strange that as a father he doesn't seem to care
about them.” I grimaced.
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“Maybe he thinks it's a better option,” Ryan shrugged. “His daughters are all
It was not possible to understand the truth, but live in your own imagination.
What kind of perfect sanity they have, I'm really surprised.” Ryan showed a
mocking smile.
“Place the order, I need to make preparations quickly”
"I'm leaving now" I was about to get up Ryan frowned.
“What do you mean you're leaving? “You said you would check the patrol area,”
he smiled.
I looked at the time and it's 9 pm. I raised my eyebrows at him. He is doing it
"Unless you want me to send you on patrol..."
“It's late, I think you should get some rest. Jenny must be waiting for dinner. I
need to go,” then in a second, Ryan disappeared from the room. I shook my
head. That man.
Smiling, I got up from the chair and walked towards the door. I can finally meet
my partner.
My smile faded the moment I reached my room. My eyebrows furrowed when I
saw Luina standing at the door. When he saw me arrive, he bowed with a stiff
"What are you doing here?"
“I… master this…” He stuttered.
"What are you saying? Say it clearly." I grimaced.
“Master, I am here because you asked me to.”
"She did?" Shaking my head, I was about to take a step, but Luina stopped me.

“Master, you cannot enter.”

"Because?" I almost growled, making her jump.

"Because it is the Mistress's order," he added quickly.
“What kind of order is this? I can't even enter my own room? I grimaced. This
makes no sense. What is that woman playing at again?
“Master, I am not willing, but the lady said she cannot enter.
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“And you're going to stop me?”
"I..." Luina hesitated. I crossed my arms around my chest looking at her.
“It seems like you are obeying your Mistress so much that you have forgotten
who the master here is?”
“Master, it's nothing like that. The lady repeatedly told him not to let him in.
"And why this?"
"That, I don't know. She didn't inform me anything other than saying that.
"This is ridiculous. I'm already tired and I want to rest a little. Are you still
planning to stop me?”
I used my Alpha tone.
“Master, please forgive me” Luina shook her head.
"Then move," I ordered.
Luina looked at the door and hesitated a little, but then turned her head away
from the door. I looked at her before turning the handle and opening the door. A
sweet aroma filled my nostrils as I opened the door.
At first I was quite surprised because this type of smell is very sweet and it is
the first time I smell it in my room. I walked in and my jaw almost hit the floor.
What the hell is this?
I looked around the room. Suddenly, a smile appeared on my lips. The light in
the room was dim and I can see that the entire room was illuminated through
the candles that were beautifully decorated in the room. The quilt was changed
to a blue one with a blue silk quilt. There was also a bottle of wine and two
glasses on the table. I felt like I had entered a different world. It was sweet and
Is that why he wanted Luina to guard the door? If that's the reason, I'm totally
"You like me?" A sweet voice rang from behind. I quickly turned around and
found my partner smiling at me. Under the candlelight her skin seemed resident
and was even more beautiful. She was wearing a coral silk robe that radiated
more of her skin.
"Did you do all this?" I smiled at him. She nodded.
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"I wanted to give you a surprise. You have been very busy lately and every time
you return you seem very tired and exhausted from work. So I thought I would
decorate our room a little so you can relax.”
He bit his lip looking down.
My heart skipped a beat when I heard it. She did all this for me. To make me
I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her towards me. Her soft body
pressed against my hard body as I looked into her beautiful purple orbs. How
did I get so lucky to have this girl as a partner? What good things I have done
that the Moon Goddess has blessed me with her presence.
"Everything is for me?"
She nodded and smiled "do you like it?"
"As? It's more than that, my love. "I love everything you do"
Before she could say it, I lowered my head and captured her sweet lips. God,
after such a busy day, feeling the sweet taste of your lips made my body relax
and feel satisfied. I bit her lower lips and then ran my tongue along her lips
before pushing it inside. Invading every inch of her mouth, I tasted every corner.
Her tongue tried to fight me, but in the end she gave in to my strength and
melted into my arms.
“You are such a sweet baby. “I can’t get enough of you” I whispered after
walking away from her.
Savannah wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled charmingly, "I love
you so much."
I smiled "I love you more." I reached out to untie the knot of his robe, but was
suddenly pushed away.
I looked at her with wide eyes. What happened now? Did he just push me?
"No, no, not so fast Master" Savannah gave him a sexy smile. I raised an
eyebrow in interest.
"Do you have something on your mind, honey?" I asked while giving him a
meaningful smile.
Savannah laughed: “Oh, believe me, dear Master. I have many things on my
mind” he walked towards me and traced my chest “many more that will make
you very happy”
"Actually?" I await your action. Damn, I can't wait any longer.
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She smiled and pushed me again. This time I fell directly onto the bed. Under
the dim candlelight, she looked so beautiful as she stood near the edge of the
“I promise you that you will be in heaven.”
"I can't wait to see that baby." I laughed.
Savannah hovered over me and straddled me. She dug her fingers into my
chest and leaned in. "Do you know how beautiful you look?"
Damn, she looks so sexy, ready to be fucked. Just thinking about that made my
little friend over there suddenly come to life.
"I'm?" I smiled. Does she think I'm beautiful?
"Yes," he pressed my lips and kissed my neck. His sweet lips touching my
rough skin made my heart race and I felt myself getting hard. She came down
and stopped right above my cock. I looked at her with a frown. She smiled and
ran her hand over my cock.
Semen. I cursed. I'm already hard and with her hand touching it, it's making me
painfully hard.
"Oh, you're already hard, huh," she laughed and started to unzip my pants.
"What are you doing?"
"Something that will make you happy," she replied and pulled down the zipper.
"Savannah, stop, you don't have to do this," I take her hand. If she thinks I'm
unhappy with her and she needs to do this to make me happy, then she's dead
wrong. I will never let her do anything she isn't willing to do in the first place.
She looked at me. I smiled at him.
“You don't have to do this just to make me happy. I'm already happy with you.
Your presence is enough for me. “You don't have to go through something like
that,” I tried to reassure her. If she thinks that only because of this I will be
happy, she is very wrong.
I tried to get up, but she pushed me again “No” I looked at her with a surprised

look “Love-”

“Stop,” he put his hand over my mouth, “you're not going to say anything. If you
think I was forced to do this, don't think so. I'm doing this because I want to do
this. I want to make you happy"
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"You always make me happy. "You don't have to do that." I shook my head.
"No, I want to," he smiled. "I wanted to do it. I just didn't know how to do it" he
suddenly blushed making me smile.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," he smiled happily.
"Just enjoy tonight," she added before pulling down my pants along with my
My already hard cock was released. He was already hard, fat and huge.
Savannah gasped and I laughed. Looks like I'm really going to enjoy it today.
Romance claiming her tempting companion chapter 59
Hardwick's point of view
I looked at the sexy woman who was kneeling on the bed and looking at my
hard cock. Just by looking at her I can feel my cock twitching as it gets harder, if
God, I can cum just by looking at your innocent face. I know this is her first time
doing this and I never expected her to take the initiative to think of this idea. Not
that I'm complaining. I am happy and fine as long as she is here with me. As for
my pleasure, it doesn't matter when I can touch her and love her all night, every
"Are you okay, honey?" I smiled. She blushed and nodded sheepishly.
“Honey, you really don't have to do anything if you feel uncomfortable. I’m
already happy with the way you decorated our room.”
She shook her head "no, I want to do that."
I couldn't say anything as her soft hand touched my hard shaft. My eyes rolled
back in pleasure at the contact. God, it feels so good to feel her hand touching
my cock. Her slender fingers wrapped around my fat cock, slowly massaging it
in a sensual way.
"God, yes, like that baby." I couldn't help but moan. I never thought your hands
would be so magical. It almost made me cum. But I held back, I don't want to
cum now. I want to cum in your mouth, spilling all my seeds into your sweet
She massaged my cock a few more times before taking it into her mouth. When
her tongue ran over my cock, I moaned in pleasure.
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She licked my long, huge cock, running her tongue over it as her fingers
continued to massage it. The other hand grabbed my balls and gave them a
light squeeze. Onyx moaned in my mind.
I can feel your pleasure and damn, I feel the same. The way our partner sucks
and plays with cock drives us crazy. I can't sit still and run my hands through my
“Fuck, baby, your mouth feels so good.”
Savannah looked at me as I continued sucking. She looked so sexy. Just like a
sex goddess seemed to please me for all eternity. I can't hold back anymore.
“Yes, honey, you are doing very well. Now be a good girl and take my cock in
your mouth.
I want to fuck that sweet mouth of yours.
She did as I told her and took my cock in her mouth. My cock was already huge,
so I could only take half of it. He massaged and sucked hard, swirling his
tongue over and over. I held her hair falling in her face as she watched my big
fat cock half disappear into her mouth.
"Good girl," I moaned as I took the liberty and pushed my cock into her mouth.
She gasped at first, but didn't protest. I moved my hips and stayed to fuck her
mouth slowly. I really want it wild, but I have to be careful not to hurt her. I want
you to enjoy everything we do. Suddenly she moaned and quickened my pace.
I put it in his mouth while he closed his eyes in pleasure. Fucking her mouth felt
so good that I don't want to back out. After a few more thrusts, I ejaculated in
her mouth. It was pure happiness, I sighed with satisfaction.
I smiled and picked her up “you are such a good baby. I am so proud of you"
Savannah bit her lip and then looked up sheepishly. I laughed at his action. I
grabbed her hand and pulled her towards me. She fell onto my chest and I held
her in my arms.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" I kissed his cheeks. I tugged at the knot of
her robe. The cloak slowly opened and my eyes widened in shock. She was
wearing a beautiful sexy micro striped lace lingerie. Damn, is this his real
surprise? She looked so beautiful beyond imagination. I never thought she
would wear something like that. I smiled as I traced the strap of her bra.
"Are you trying to seduce me, darling?"
She looked up giving a small smile "is it working?"
I laughed “you know honey, you don't really need to do that. All you need is to
look at me with those sexy, seductive eyes of yours, and then I'll be done for
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She laughed, "Did you like my surprise?" "As?" I raised an eyebrow "it's beyond
imagination my love so the 'like' is far from true"
“I'm happy,” he smiled shyly.
He couldn't wait any longer as he pulled her close and kissed her hard. That's
so good. I kneaded her breast and squeezed it, making her moan into my
mouth. I pushed her onto the bed and kissed her again.
I ran my fingers over her body and pulled at the thin fabric that hid her beautiful,
hard nipple from my view.
Moving away from her mouth, I held it in her hard bun.
Sucking hard, I rolled the nipple with my tongue. Savannah moaned, arching
her back, which pushed her breast further into my mouth. I switched to the other
breast and sucked hard. Damn, it tastes good.
I bit her nipple making her moan loudly.
“You're so sexy, baby. “This dress is driving me crazy” I whispered and kissed
her. I love the way she lies beneath me, half naked and under my mercy.
"Tell me this is it for me, baby," I said into the air as I removed her bra
"It's all yours," she moaned and suddenly screamed when I pinched her nipple.
“I love it when you cry with pleasure. I love it because I am the reason for your
pleasure and your pain.”
“Hardwick” Savannah arched her back. I lowered my hand and leaned on his
Her panties were almost revealing and it didn't take her long to take them off.
My cock twitched again when I felt how wet she was.
"Are you so wet for me, baby?" I pushed a finger into her soaked pussy.
"MMM..." Savannah moaned.
“You're already so wet for me, baby. Do you know how hard you made me
today? It's so hard it hurts." I added another digit.
"Oh please" She moaned again. Her hips rolled and pushed further into my
I laughed “do you want me to give you more baby? Are you so eager to have
my big fat cock in your hot pussy?
"I love you, please," he said, almost in a whisper. He covered my finger with his
milk, making me laugh.
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"Did you cum in just two thrusts?"
“Please” Savannah grabbed my arm “I love you, please” “Since you want me so
much, I'll let you have me” I smiled as I took off my clothes and threw them on
the floor. Looking at the beautiful woman lying on the bed, at my mercy. As
beautiful as a sex goddess and everything made for me. Her pink nipple was
proudly trying to get my attention and her sweet pussy was waiting for my huge
fat cock.
"Are you ready, honey?" I asked as I stood near the edge of the bed.
Savannah looked at me with her seductive purple eyes. There was so much
anxiety that my heart skipped a beat. Catching her gaze as if, I grabbed her
ankle and pulled her towards me. Lifting her legs over my shoulder, I moved her
pussy closer to my cock. I rubbed my hardness against her entrance and we
both moaned. Savannah tried harder. I smiled at his action. Grabbing her hips, I
lifted her a little higher. I slammed my aching cock against her heat.
"Oh God…." She moaned loudly.
“Ah… it feels so good, baby. You're still so tight. I vigorously thrust into her tight
Damn, it's been two months and she's still as tight as the first time. Her grip
made my cock even harder.
"Hardwick" Savannah moaned, almost screaming as I increased the pace. I
pushed hard, making my balls hit her skin. I reached down and rubbed her clit
"Oh God... Hardwick" Savannah screamed "ahm...please louder"
"Yes, baby, turn your hips a little," I said as I thrust harder.
"Fuck, baby…" I moaned. I moved my hips and thrust again and again.
Suddenly I felt her tighten around my cock and I moaned. God, I can't describe
this feeling in words.
“Yes, baby, squeeze your pussy as hard as you can. Squeeze my cock real
hard, baby.
“Ah…. Hardwick, I'm running out.
“Yes baby, cum on my cock. Tell me how much you love this. “Tell me how
much you love me,” I told him and gave him a hard slap on the butt.
"Ah...Hardwick..." She screamed loudly as she came all over my cock.
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"Yes baby, milk my cock with your juices" I moaned and thrust hard. I clenched
my jaw and increased the pace before finally releasing into her sweet pussy.
Sweat drips down my back, but I love it.
Savannah gasped and closed her eyes. I approached her and kissed her on the
"Are you OK?" I asked. She nodded weakly.
"Thank you"
She opened her eyes and looked at me with a frown "what?"
“I said thank you,” he smiles.
"So that?"
“For making this night so special. “I never expected this, but I enjoyed every
"I love you," she put her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her.
“I love you more,” I replied and kissed her.
Avan's point of view
The woman beneath me screamed as I thrust into her hard and fast. Her
breasts were bouncing with each thrust and I was enjoying the beautiful view of
her body. I reached out and grabbed her bouncing breasts before squeezing
them tightly.
“Oh God…yes, Alpha, please do it…oh…” Alicia screamed again. Her seductive
face turned red as she grabbed the sheet.
"You want more?" I smiled squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipple "I like
it when your nipples are so hard baby" “Ahm… I'm difficult for you, Alpha…”

"Beg baby" I grabbed her hair.

“Ah… Please, Alpha, please, fuck me hard. “I want to cum”

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"Fuck, where?" I growled "tell me" and pulled his hair hard.
“Ah… fuck my pussy. “It’s dripping for you, Alpha, please fuck me so hard.”
"Do you want my cock?"
"Yes I want it. I love him too much"
"Do you want to cum?"
"Yes Yes. Please fuck me. I want to cum on your cock, Alpha. Please fuck me
Alice screamed.
"As you wish," I turned her around putting her on all fours before slamming my
cock into her pussy from behind.
“Ah… oh God…. Is very good. Oh my god, yes, Alpha, please fuck me harder.
I used my thumb and pushed it inside her ass. It slid in easily.
“Fuck,” I grunted as I pushed into her harder. Our skins collided and the sound
echoed throughout the room.
“Ah… my Alpha, I'm so close* Alicia's eyes rolled back and she groaned.
I felt her press against my cock. I increased my pace and slapped his ass "don't
"Ah... “Please let me cum,” he begged.
I slapped her ass hard. "I told you not to cum." I rubbed her red ass while I
pounded myself deep inside her pussy. His body advanced with each thrust.
Her pussy squeezed hard, making her walls squeeze my cock tighter.
"Ahm...fuck" I cursed and slapped his ass again. "You feel so fucking good," I
blurted out again as she continued to moan.
I reached down and rubbed her clit while my other hand was still resting on her,
but my thumb was still inside her ass, pumping hard.
"Oh my God…. Please let me cum,” Alicia begged again.
I increased my pace and pounded her vigorously, fucking her hard.
“Ah…. Come with me, whore. I gave her ass another hard slap as I asked.
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"Ah... Alpha..." She screamed at the top of her lungs.
I turned her over and before she could speak, I put my cock inside her mouth
and fucked her. Alicia was a good girl and accepted it happily. She rubbed my
balls making me moan again. I hit her mouth hard and fast, making her choke.
After a few more thrusts, I poured into her mouth and sighed in satisfaction.
Damn, that was hot.
Alicia drank every drop of my cum and smiled seductively "it felt so good, Alpha.
If you need me again, then I'm all yours," she smiled, "my pussy will always be
wet for your cock, Alpha," she added seductively.
I smiled and grabbed my "skirt" robe.
She got off the bed and picked up her lingerie before slowly putting it on,
showing off her curves to me. After getting dressed, she grabbed her bag and
walked towards the door. "I'll be waiting to serve you again, Alpha," then he
turned and left.
I light the cigarette looking at the closed door. Damn, Alicia was a sexy woman.
Every time I see her, I can't control myself, I just tear off her clothes and fuck
her hard. Her pussy was always so ready and elegant that I didn't even need
any preparation before burying myself in her pussy.
There was a knock on the door and Ben entered. “That lady sent a note,” he
said as he walked over and handed me the white paper.
I nodded "and the things I told you to prepare?"
“Everything is ready and waiting for your order”
“Don't let anyone find out about this. Not even the father. I don't want anyone to
know about this matter. We cannot take risks in any way.”
"Don't worry, no one will find out about this," he nodded.
“Good” I opened the newspaper and smiled. It looks like it will be soon. I just
can't wait any longer. I'm very excited about this.
"When are you going to perform?"
I looked at him and then turned my attention outside. Looking at the full moon in
the sky, he smiled.
“This eclipse”
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And after that no one can stop me from having it. Get ready, honey. Soon you
will be mine and only mine. No one can separate us anymore.
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 60
Hardwick's point of view
I walked into the office and loosened the button on my shirt. Sitting down in the
chair, I took the first folder placed on the table. Last night was wild. I couldn't
ignore the scenes that were going through my head.
Semen. I shook my head. What the hell is going on? My mind is clouded with
thoughts about my partner. And beyond that I couldn't think of anything.
~We shouldn't have left her like this~ Onyx said in my mind.
~I can't help it.~ We have work to do~
~She was so sexy last night. I almost thought it was some kind of fairy that was
sent here by us~
~Hm...the feelings are mutual, friend~
I flipped through the pages, scanning the contents.
~ Our partner is beautiful and ready to officially receive the title ~
I grimaced. Onix is right. It's been months and now is the perfect time to
officially crown your Moon. Although the entire gang knows her identity, East
Side doesn't know much about her. I don't think they even saw it. So I can't
delay any longer and delay the ceremony. I need to organize this quickly.
"You're finally here. "I've been looking for you all pack," Ryan entered with a
I looked up and found him sitting in the chair with a thud.
"What happened?"
“I thought you were out running.”
Run? I just woke up and even lost time to run. With Savannah in my arms I
don't know how long I slept. With her I have no idea of time.
“I missed running,” I responded.
"Lost?" Ryan frowned at first and suddenly smiled:
"You mean you were busy doing
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"Do you really have free time to talk about this?"
"I'm just curious. You never miss your scheduled activities, you know?" he
I closed the file and tossed it aside “forget it. What's new about them?
“Avan is not resting. I heard that he is planning discreetly this time. Not even his
father knows. It seems like he wants to carry out a sneak attack.”
“He is a coward, so he will definitely use this path. Since he received another
helping hand, how can he let this matter go? After all, he has been eager to
intervene for so long.”
“This is not the only thing. There are also other news”
"As?" I raised an eyebrow.
“As if he had recently made a peace treaty with more beneficial conditions”
"With who?"
“Red Hunt Pack” Ryan pushed me some photos “the meeting took place 3 days
ago. Our informants took these photos. The condition under which the two
gangs agreed to have peace was that Red Hunt would get the lands next to
Valley and in exchange Bright Shine would receive half of Red Hint's weapons.
“What a good treaty!” I rolled my eyes. “Red Hunt is cunning. “They couldn’t
wait to get their hands on the property.”
“But I think Avan didn't lose anything. The lands of the valley have been without
activity for so many years. So even if Red Hunt wants to make it their main base
or something, they have to work hard on it. “It is not easy to build something in
such devastated terrain, so suddenly and without preparation.” Ryan shook his
“What weapons are they trading?” I asked, crossing my arms around my chest.
“I heard that years ago Red Hunt got a special stone called 'Corela'. I don't
know how true this is, but the stone could seriously harm the wolf tribe. So Red
Hunt has been making weapons using this stone.”
"Stone?" I frowned. “I had never heard of that. Is that why that bastard wanted
to deal with them?
"Who knows? "It has not been proven yet."
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I hit the table. “I don't care about your damn business. What I want is for him to
stay away from my partner.”
“Avan is a very ambitious person. He won't let this happen so easily.
Furthermore, Luna was his ex-partner and since D-”
"I know. You have to pay more attention to them. "I don't want them to take
advantage of the little things."
"Don't worry. "I'll check on them from time to time," he agreed.
“I want to discuss something important.”
"Wait," he smiled and leaned in a little, "is this about Luna?"
I narrowed my eyes at him. “It seems like you are more attentive to my partner.”
"Of course not. It's just that Jenny is close to Luna so I can hear some of her
gossip" he tried to defend himself.
"I never knew you were into girl gossip too."
“Hey, don't be like that. I need to be in harmony with myself, friend.”
I rolled my eyes. "I'm not interested in your gossip."
“So it's about Luna?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Hmm…." AND?
"It's about time we organized a coronation ceremony for Savannah," I said with
a smile.
"That?" Ryan looked surprised "are you sure?"
“Enough time has passed. Even though the entire pack knows it, I want to make
it official so everyone else knows.”
"That's great. I was thinking about that too. After this you can get married."
“You're more excited than me.”
"Of course," he smiled, "after you get married, I'll be able to follow the rule."
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I rolled my eyes at his words.
Savannah Viewpoint
"So, how's your night?" Tanea's happy voice rang on the phone.
"Fine," I replied dryly.
"Just fine? What the hell? Didn't you like the arrangements?
"He did"
"And then?"
"Do you want a detailed description now?" I asked as I looked at the phone
rolling my eyes.
"Of course not. "I just want to know if you tried what I told you or not."
"That …." I blushed as the scene from last night flashed through my mind. How
am I going to say this?
"That? I'm waiting. You did that?"
“What hmm… just tell me. Did you give him oral sex?
My eyes widened “what the hell? How could you say that so loudly! I scolded
“Who will listen?” I can feel her rolling her eyes.
"Does it matter? "You really don't need to shout like that."
“Ah, come on, Sav. Don't be shy now. There is nothing left to hide. Men like it
and when their partners strive to do it perfectly, they are happy. Very very
“My God, Tanea, you are so shameless.” I shook my head.
She laughed “what's there to be shameless? Every man likes a good blowjob,
no matter what.

"Okay, stop it, I've heard enough" I rolled my eyes.

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"So you did it, right?" Tanea said again. It seems like he won't stop until I tell
him everything.
“Okay, I did it,” I said, gritting my teeth. This woman really knows how to get
under anyone's skin.
“I knew it,” he suddenly shouted. “I knew you would definitely do it.”
"Were you so sure?"
“Of course,” he laughed, “I know you wanted to do that. And I'm very happy. At
least you tried."
"Stop it, you're just-" suddenly my head felt dizzy. I held my head and rubbed
my temple. What happened so suddenly?
"Sav, are you okay?"
“Yes, I'm fine, don't worry.”
"Oh thank God, I thought something happened to you."
“No, I’m fine,” I replied, but I still felt like my head was spinning. God, what is all
this? He was fine this morning. What happened so suddenly?
"My God, tell me, did he like your work?"
"You are still thinking about this matter!" I grimaced.
"Come on. "I just need to know if the plan worked or not."
"It worked, now stop your interrogation" I shook my head rubbing my temple.
“Look, I told you. "Men are happier if you can satisfy them in bed using sexy
I rolled my eyes.
“Satisfy who?” I heard Devak's voice on the other end of the line.
"Ah... when did you come?" Tanea suddenly screamed.
"Forget it. What are you talking about? Do you want to satisfy a man?" asked
I smiled. Poor Tanea, now she is going to face something interesting.
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“I wasn't talking about me” I heard her sigh “it's about Sav and yeah, don't you
dare scare me like that again. “You could have transported our baby.”
“And Sav? She is fine? Is this son of a bitch bothering her? Devak growled.
My brother… I rolled my eyes. He is always against my partner. God, how am I
going to deal with this man?
“Why do you hold a grudge against Sav's partner? What did he do to you?
Tanea scolded him.
“Why can't I hold a grudge? That man took my beautiful sister so far. Do you
think I could be happy? Devak responded by barking.
My eyes widened. Is that why he's always in a bad mood when he sees
Hardwick? Oh my god, my brother is... What a pretty cake.
“Really, Devak just for this?” I can feel Tanea rolling her eyes.
"That?" Devak asked.
"You brought her here from my own pack too, didn't you?" -Tanea asked.
"Because I can not? “You are my partner and you should live with me, damn,
you should stick to me like glue,” he replied.
“In this case, Sav is also Hardwick's partner. Obviously he would want her to be
with him. How can you hold a grudge against him when you and he are in the
same condition?
Devak didn't respond for a moment, then suddenly cursed loudly, "Fuck you."
"I'm sorry, Sav, your brother is really sometimes..." he sighed.
I laughed “don't pay attention to him. But I am very happy that he loves me so
"Of course. And I can tell he’s sad because you left the pack.”
"I know. I miss you a lot."

"Me too" he laughed "Okay, since everything is fine there, I'll hang up."

"It's okay, take care"

“Same here, darling.”

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I hung up and sighed. Tanea's plan to seduce Hardwick and make him happy
worked well. I never thought that one day I would do these things. It's like a dark
fantasy that just happened in reality.
I am happy, although I was nervous, to have done a good performance, at the
end of the day keeping him happy is my first responsibility.
When I entered the kitchen I saw Jenny sitting in the dining room writing
something in the newspaper.
"Very busy," I said as I walked in.
She looked up and smiled "not really, I'm just making a list of tomorrow's
I nodded “Can I have a cup of coffee?” My head hurts"
"Of course, please wait a moment"
I touched the white table while waiting for my coffee. Jenny returns with a
steaming cup of coffee in her hand.
"Here you go," he placed the cup on the table with a smile.
"Thank you" I nodded and held the cup. As soon as the smell of coffee hit my
nostrils, I wanted to vomit. I swallowed hard, barely trying to control the urge
that grew with each passing second.
"Are you OK?" Jenner frowned at me.
“Yes” I moved the glass away from me a little “um… it's still warm.”
"Ah" she smiled.
"So what happened? I mean, Ryan was about to meet his dad, right?
“He did,” Jenny laughed.
"Already?" I was surprised. I remembered that Ryan was getting ready to
officially meet Jenny's father.

“What did your father say?”

“Dad was angry, very, very angry. He scolded Ryan for being a pack playboy.
He even accused Ryan saying that he couldn't keep me happy because he has
many girlfriends in and out of the gang and one day they will show up."
I shrugged "your dad is right"
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Jenny nodded “that's what I was afraid of too. Although he is my destined
partner, he has many outside relationships with countless women. I don't know
how to react when one day I meet one of them. I couldn’t even fight much
because my wolf has a lot of power,” he laughed at the end.
I took his hand and smiled, "Ryan knows that, right?"
She nodded "yes"
“Then leave it in his hands. He knows what he is doing and he would definitely
know what he is going to do too,” I assured him.
Although I don't know Ryan very well, I've heard a lot about Hardwick and since
Hardwick believes in him so much, Ryan is definitely a good guy. As for his
playboy style…. I rolled my eyes. Men are always like that.
Therefore, there are no comments on this point.
"Anyway, did your father agree?"
Jenny shook her head: “Dad is angry with him. He said he will never accept
Ryan as his son-in-law. But dad can't deny the fact that he is my partner and
that we are meant to be together. “So he didn’t say anything about us.”
“You'll definitely be all for it when you see how good Ryan is. Don’t worry, as a
father, he will definitely want his daughter to be happy, so in the end he will
know what needs to be done.”
Jenny nodded "thank you ma'am" and then looked at the cup "your coffee is
getting cold."
I looked at the coffee and couldn't contain my desire. I don't know why I
suddenly feel like this. This is my favorite coffee, but today I felt very different.
"I'm coming-"
"Are you here". I looked up and saw Hardwick walking in followed by Ryan.
What is he doing here?
"Because you are here?" I grimaced.
“Can't I come here?” He raised an eyebrow.
“I didn't mean that.” I shook my head. “I just didn't expect you to be here. These
days you were so busy that I thought you should be at work.”
He waved his hand and smiled. "I'm not busy today." He stretched out his hand.
"Come with me."
I looked at his and said "where?"
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Hardwick quickly stopped me and put his arm around my waist. "I have
something to show you".
"Oh really? What's that?" I asked excitedly.
He chuckled "Are you that curious?"
"Of course. "This is the first time you've shown me something."
"Oh yeah?"
I shook my head.
“Then we should waste time. Come on” he guided me towards the door. Out of
the corner of my eye I saw Ryan take Jenny into his arms. I shook my head and
paid full attention to my partner who was taking me to a place only he knows.
“Why don't you tell me where you're taking me? Are you trying to kill me with
curiosity? I grimaced. We already left the kitchen, but this man doesn't say
anything to me. I suddenly felt irritated.
“Wait a minute, baby,” he laughed.
"This is not fair. Just tell me."
"You want to know?" He looked at me.
"Yes" I nodded.
He leaned in and whispered in my ear "I'm sorry honey, it's a surprise."
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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 61

Savannah Viewpoint
We entered through the back door of the packing house. Hardwick opened the
door and revealed a beautiful backyard.
He took me outside and I smiled as the fresh scent of the flowers hit me like
before. I don't feel like vomiting again. But these aromas make me relax.
"It's lovely. "I didn't know there was also a beautiful yard behind the packing
"That's a secret. Others didn't know and the back door was always locked," he
"Blocked? Because?" I frowned.
He looked at me and smiled. Without answering, he walked towards the small
flowering bush and picked a yellow flower. I looked at him with confusion. What
is he doing? He came back and took the flower out of my hair.
"You look prettier now," he whispered.
"Hardwi-" he crashed his lips against mine before I could finish his name. The
heat of his mouth melted into mine as he stuck out his tongue and sucked me. I
groaned and grabbed his shoulder for support. My knees get weak and if I didn't
hold him I would fall to the ground. He wrapped his arms around my waist and
hugged me tightly. Our bodies pressed against each other as we kissed like
there was no tomorrow.
He bit my bottom lip and then sucked on it before sticking his tongue back in. I
tried to fight him, but he wouldn't let me take control and massaged my inner
cheeks with his tongue as if he were claiming his territory and I had to give him
all the freedom to process.
I don't know how long we kissed before he finally let me breathe. I gasped as I
tried to get some air into my lungs. God, this man always knows how to leave
me in this state.
"You are so beautiful and I can't help but kiss you hard."
I blushed at your comment. I looked up and glared at him as he simply smiled at
"Where we are?" I asked, trying to change the subject. It was all a sweet and
charming atmosphere, but this man had to turn it into a warm and passionate
“I told you I want to show you something.”
I shook my head looking at him. He smiled and held me by the shoulders before
turning me around.
My eyes widened as I looked ahead. My God, there is a beautiful little house in
Automatically translated by Google in the middle of a flower garden. I also didn't
expect there to be a house. Why didn't I see this before?
"A house?" I asked.
“No, a beautiful memory,” he responded.
"I can't understand"
"You go, now come," he took my hand and led me towards the house. There
was a small wooden gate and a small path leading to the house. The area was
as beautiful as a dream.
There are different types of flowers that cover the house. The dark reddish
yellow house looks beautiful.
As soon as we got to the door, he opened it and opened it.
Upon entering, a sigh escaped me when I saw the inside of the house. The
walls are covered with photo frames. In a different style. In the photos there was
a woman, a man and a beautiful child.
"What's that?" I asked as I reached out and touched one of the photos hanging
on the wall.
The woman looked so beautiful. Her brown hair flowed like a river, where her
eyes sparkled as she smiled.
"Who is she?"
“Can't you guess?” Hardwick was behind me looking at the photo. She? Who
could it be? I winced and then something hit my head.
"His mother?"
"She is very beautiful"
"In fact"
“And this is your father” I pointed to another photo where there was a photo of a
middle-aged man. He was handsome, with brown eyes. It looks like Hardwick
inherited those beautiful brown orbs from his father.

“Yes, he is my father Neel Leon and she is my mother Idris Leon”

"They really are a beautiful couple," he smiles.
“They have a good romantic story. I don't know much, but I heard a little about
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I turned and looked at him curiously. He raised his eyebrows and laughed "are
you interested, dear?"
I nodded "please tell me"
“Come,” he took my hand and led me to the living room where there was a sofa
set with a glass tea table in the center.
“I think mom was a member of the enemy gang. When my father became Alpha,
he wanted to invade his enemies and kill them all so that there would be no
problems in the future. But at the end of the war he met the mother who was the
daughter of his great enemy. When he found out that his mother was his
partner, his father was surprised, but he did not let his resentment repress and
he killed his enemies.”
“Oh God, what's wrong with your mother? “I mean, he lost his family,” I gasped.
"That is the question. Dad couldn't leave mom and mom didn't want to go with
him. So dad forcibly kidnapped her and took her to the Dark Forest."
“Hm… your mother must be full of hate” I sighed.
Hardwick laughed, “Right. Even though they were friends, they couldn't wait to
strangle each other.”
"They must be fighting often"
“They are,” she replied, “Dad was a little arrogant and wouldn't bow down to
anyone, no matter who it was, and my mother was always stubborn. She
wouldn't give up easily. One day my father brought a woman, in reality it wasn't
like that, but he needed her to confront one of his enemies. But that woman
acted badly and flirted with him. At that moment, when that woman came to her
father's room, her mother saw her."
“Did your mother stay in the same room as your father?” I grimaced.
Hardwick hugged me tightly from behind “no matter what your partner should
sleep in the same room, honey. This is the rule, so Dad will surely keep Mom in
her room.”
"So what happened next?"
“Well, that woman thought her mother was another woman who was kept to
warm her father's bed.
“She then insulted her mother and told her that she could leave the room
because her father would no longer need her.”
“Seriously, what did your mother do then? Did a stranger really have the
courage to have such an attitude? "
I shook my head.
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“Well, I must say he was unlucky. Because the mother was already frustrated
because the father was holding her against her will and now adding more fuel to
the fire another woman appeared insulting her” she laughed again “I really
wanted to see the mother with that fierce look”
I rolled my eyes "stop saving hangers, just tell me" I slapped his arm.
“Fuck,” he hissed, “well, Mom was already so angry about the current situation
that she strangled that woman immediately without any words being said.”
“Strangled? ”Upon hearing the word, an instant image flashed through my mind.
That day when Daisy came to confront me, I was about to strangle her to death.
“Yes, that woman thought she was a wolf, but she couldn't leave her mother's
domain. When my father arrived in the living room he saw that my mother was
eating an apple. When he asked about the woman, the mother showed him the
"Did he throw it out the window?"
"Exactly like that"
“Wow, your mom is……. How wonderful!" I smiled.
"Cool?" He grabbed my chin and tilted my head so I could look at him from the
side "and you?"
"How much for me?"
“What would you have done if you were in your mother's place?”
"You want to know?"
"Mom killed that one in anger and what would you do if it was her?"
“I would cut the body into pieces and then hang it on the front door.”

Hardwick threw back his head, laughed, and rolled his eyes.

"Do you think I'm kidding?"

"Definitely not," he smiled.

“What I said is true. “If there was a day like this, you would see this side of me.”
I snorted.
“Although I'm curious to see that fierce look of yours, but no, I don't think I can.”
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He smiled. “That kind of thing isn't going to happen, so I won't get a chance to
see it?”
I smiled at him “who knows that his beautiful face always attracts women.”
He smiled, "So you mean I'm handsome?"
"Do you still want to hear it from me?"
He laughed "I like being praised, you know?"
"Yeah, I can see that," I rolled my eyes, "so your father didn't say anything to
your mother?"
“What would I say? Dad already knows what would happen if that woman met
his mother. He even warned her not to go anywhere, but that woman went in
search of her own destiny,” he shrugged.
“Hm… okay. How did they have feelings for each other?
“They were together for a year as strangers. Although his father seemed
ruthless on the outside, he loved his mother because she was his companion.
And he wanted to make it his own, but due to his mother's negligence he could
not continue. He wanted her to willingly give herself to him. Then one day, the
herd was attacked by some bandits. It was an unexpected sneak attack. Dad
wasn't prepared at all. Because of this, the entire pack was busy fighting. The
rogues were clever and prepared a second plan to defeat the entire gang. Dad
was fighting and didn't see that his enemy was about to attack him from behind.
But before the knife could stab the father, it was blocked.
“Dad was surprised to see it, but what surprised him most was the person who
blocked him.”
"It was your mother, wasn't it?" I smiled thinking about the scene.
"Yeah. She blocked the knife and helped her father win. Father was already
very interested in her and now that she saved his life it surprised him even more
and he wanted to make her his at that moment. Later, my father asked why she
saved him when she hated his guts.
Mom said that even if she hated him, she couldn't watch him die. After all, he is
your fated companion.”
“Their love story is really strange. From enemies to lovers. I think that was the
day your mother started to have feelings for you, dad?
"Hmm…. I think so. After that, although they still love each other like strangers,
they behaved normally.”
He nodded.
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"And then?" I moved my body a little so I could see his face. We were sitting on
the couch while he was sitting behind me. I was almost lying on top of him as he
held me tightly.
“Dad tried to put all his efforts into winning her heart. From giving her flowers
every day to taking her out.”
"It's so cute," I smiled. He looked at me smiling.
“It seems like you're getting more and more interested in his story?”
"I am. I mean, I don't get the chance to meet them, but that doesn't mean I can't
get the chance to meet them." It said that Hardwick's parents died and
unfortunately he had to take on the title. of Alpha before reaching middle age.
"Then you have to tell me about them." I touched his cheek.
He grabbed my finger and placed it on his lips before kissing it. “I'll tell you
everything I know. They had a long history and sometimes when I was young,
my father used to tell me some incidents.”
“Did your dad used to tell you about his love life?” My eyes widened.
He nodded, laughing, “weird, sure, but dad was my best friend before Ryan. He
used to share everything from government techniques to some personal
"You two were so close, huh"
"We were," he agreed, shaking his head. “Although the span of time with them
was not long enough, everything we had was enough to give me lessons for a
lifetime,” there was sadness in his tone.
My heart hurt when I looked at him. Hardwick appears cold and rigid from the
outside, but he is also in pain. Losing your parents and taking on such a big
responsibility is not easy to face. I don't even want to imagine the difficulties he
went through all these years.
I grabbed his hand “I’m with you now. “I won’t leave you no matter what.”
He held my hand tightly. "I know. You are here, that's why I am at peace. So
many years have passed, but I couldn't find my partner and I became
depressed. I almost thought that I was not destined to have a partner, until that
night when you fell into my arms was like a dream come true. I knew you were
mine at that moment. “And I wanted to take you back to my pack, but I knew I
“Hardwick…” I don't know what to say to him. His face suddenly became very
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“Don't say anything,” he laughed. “When I found out I had a partner I was so
happy that I couldn't wait to bring you back in my backpack and shout to the
world that I had a partner.
I am finally blessed with my partner. After my parents left, I was left alone. Ryan
helped me manage everything, but when I walked into my room and found it
cold and empty, I felt alone.
It's hard not being able to show this to anyone, but I had to make it harder for
myself. But not anymore. You are here with me and I want to have you here in
my arms forever. There is no way I am going to let you go, nor am I going to
allow anyone to take you away from me.” His face became serious and there
was a kind of determination shining in his captivating brown orbs. I couldn't help
but feel my heart skip a beat.
“I'll never leave you, don't worry,” he smiles. "So in the end, your mother finally
accepted your father?"
“She had to do this because her father will never stop until she gives up. I
wouldn't even let her go anyway. “She was already destined for him.”
I laughed "if I could, I really want to see them fight and then their love turns into
an endless romance."
“You really don't want them to see it, honey. Have you forgotten that our story
also began like this?
Hardwick laughed. My face blushed when I thought about what happened to us
when we first met.
Neel kidnapped Idris and Hardwick kidnapped me. Like his parents, we also
fought at first. I never wanted to accept this second chance, but I also had no
other choice.
Whether I like it or not, but I was tied to him the moment I rejected my first
I sighed “at that moment I was heartbroken. Whatever happened in my old
pack, I couldn't really move on and free myself from those past tortures. At first I
wanted to reject this second bond, but somehow, in my heart, I never allowed
myself to do so.
Then you showed me what love is. These cares, tensions and sweet
conversations and your affection…”

I laughed "I couldn't help but fall in love with you in the end"
“Well, that's my motto too. “I would never let you go in this life.”
“So this house is the memory of your parents?” I looked around. The entire
room was filled with photographs.
“Dad built it for mom. "He said he wanted to create a memory that would never
fade, even if they weren't here in the future."
I nodded “your dad really loved you mom. I can see it in your actions.” It's so
cute that he made a house full of photos as a souvenir.
"Oh," he clicked his tongue, "So you mean you can't see my love through my
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I laughed "are you jealous sir?"
He brought me here and told me about his parents. How can I doubt him and
his love for me?
“I have better ways to show you. You want to see?" He smiled.
I frowned “enough.” Is this the right place to do this? Respect your parents.” I
looked at him.
He laughed “then let's go back. "I want to show you how much I love you."
Before I could ask, he dragged me with him. As soon as I stood up, my head
started spinning and my vision became blurry. I could not see anything. It's all
like spinning.
Dizziness took over my body and I leaned on his chest holding my head.
"What happened? Are you OK?" I heard his worried voice.
"I..." I couldn't finish as my mind wandered into the darkness. But before I could
completely lose my mind, I heard Hardwick roar.
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 62
Hardwick's point of view
I looked at the woman lying on the bed like a lifeless body. If I couldn't feel her
slow breathing, I would have thought she was dead. She was fine and healthy a
few minutes ago. So how did she suddenly end up lying in bed, pale and
The pack doctor checked his pulse and then his heartbeat. He dropped the
stethoscope into his medicine cabinet and sighed.
"What happened? Why did he suddenly faint for no reason? 」 I frowned.
The pack doctor turned and looked at me “Alpha, nothing happens without a
reason. Every action has its own cause.”
I rolled my eyes. “Did I ask you to lecture me about cause and effect? “I want
you to tell me why my partner fainted suddenly.” I gritted my teeth.
"Ah yes" she smiled "the reason is definitely you"
I was surprised that? My? How am I?
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What the hell are you talking about? How did I become the reason my partner
"Of course you are. Your HCG levels are high. Estrogen and progesterone will
have some effects on your body. You may feel tired and weak. But it's okay, it
will happen anyway” the doctor nodded.
"That?" I barked at him. What the hell is that?
“What the fuck are you talking about? Why don't you say it in simple words? I
growled as I took a step forward.
“Hey, relax. Don’t forget I’m a doctor here” Sadie tightened her doctor’s dress
and then sighed “um… what I meant was congratulations.”
“Congratulations for what?”
She smiled “because soon you will be a dad.”
“What a great thing about-” My words stopped midway when I realized what I
had just said.
Did you just say the word "dad"?
I looked at her completely surprised “did you just do it? Did I just say dad?
“I'm not going to lie to you,” Sadie smiled. “I must say, you're pretty fast, you
know? Has your partner just joined the pack and you've already gotten her
I rolled my eyes "fuck you"
If she hadn't been my good friend, I would have strangled her for talking like
But Sadie is a fun and lively girl. She dedicated herself to the medical line and
became a pack doctor.
“Don't be so rude, Alpha. You are about to become a father. How can you
always be so angry? “Your children won’t be afraid,” he joked.
"I didn't think it was funny enough," I received his cold stare.
“I wasn't kidding, you know?” raised his hands.
"Well, at least you're smart enough."
“I know,” he turned around and picked up his medicine box, “he's sleeping right
now. I gave him the injection, it will help his body relax. I'll check it when I'm
awake. Until then you better rest. You look like you're about to faint too,” he
laughed and walked towards the door.
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"By the way, Alpha, congratulations again," he smiled and left.
The smile on my face couldn't disappear as I thought about this matter over and
over again. She is pregnant. My partner is pregnant. I could not believe it. I'm
finally going to have my family. I walked towards her and sat on the bed. Taking
her hand, I kissed it tenderly and then my eyes fell on her flat abdomen. My son
will grow up there. I can imagine the little cocoon in the mother's womb. I leaned
down and kissed her abdomen. I couldn't wait to hold my baby. Finally after so
many years my dream is about to come true.
"Thank you for this, my love." I lightly kissed Savannah's lips. His steady
breathing echoed in my ear.
“You have no idea what you gave me. I couldn't be happier than that. I almost
thought I would have to spend my time alone, for all eternity, but you proved me
wrong. You came into my life like an angel and illuminated it with your light.
Bathing you in happiness and peace. How will I thank you for this? I said and
kissed his forehead.
"I never disappoint you. I will take care of you until my last breath. You and our
baby, the most precious gift of my life, baby,” I whispered in his ear as I kissed
him on the cheek.
I couldn't contain my happiness. There was a sudden knock on the door. Then
the door opened revealing Ryan and Jenny. They both seemed worried.
"What happened? "Did I hear Luna fainted?" he asked and then looked at
I kissed her hand again before getting out of bed. Putting his hands in his pants
pockets, he smiled at them.
"Yes, we were in the back when he suddenly fainted."
“And you look happy?” He frowned. “Don't tell me you had anything to do with
“Actually, it has everything to do with me,” I added.
"That?" Ryan looked surprised "What did you do?"
“Something special” I smiled.
“What the fuck, man? "
Ryan rolled his eyes. Jenny looked at us confused.
“She's pregnant,” I confessed.
"Yes, I know she's-" WHAT? Ryan's jaw hit the floor.
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"What you say?" He still seemed so unconvinced.
“I said we’re about to have a baby,” I repeated.
"Fuck, you are," he shook his head, "damn, you're too good." So fast"
I rolled my eyes and Jenny slapped his arm.
"What are you talking about?" She looked at me “congratulations Master. "It's
great news."
I smiled "thank you Jenny."
“How are you, lady? She is fine? His face showed great concern.
I nodded “she's fine. The doctor gave him an injection and now he is sleeping.”
"It's good to hear. Since everything is fine, we will visit you as soon as the Lady
wakes up.
I shook my head. Jenny turned to Ryan, who still looked surprised.
"What are you doing? Congratulate them,” he scolded and smiled before
"Yeah..." Ryan shook his head "congratulations buddy", he hugged me. “I never
thought I would be an uncle before I became a father,” he sighed.
I smiled "so you were planning on getting Jenny pregnant?"
"Fuck. He couldn't wait to start a family. But damn, you beat me," he seemed
very regretful. "I shouldn't have waited two months to chase you," he shook his
"Well, it's all a matter of luck." I smiled again. I look myself.
“Anyway, I'm still happy. I could spoil the little prince or the princess,” he smiled.
I rolled my eyes "fuck you"
"Take it easy man. I'm going. I need to have babies too,” and before I could say
it, he was gone.
I shook my head, but there was a smile on my face. I turned and looked at my
After thinking for a while, I took off my shoes and shirt, put on the duvet, and lay
down next to him. Pulling her close to me, I closed my eyes as clouds of peace
covered my mind.
Savannah Viewpoint
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I woke up feeling tired. I don't know why I feel this sudden tiredness? What
happened to me? I looked around and found that it was my room. I tried to sit
up, but something stopped me. I looked around and found a big hand holding
my waist securely. It wasn't pressing as hard as usual, but today it was placed
slightly on my waist. I sighed. How did I end up here? Last time I was still in the
garden house talking about your parents' romantic life. EITHER. Suddenly I felt
my head spinning.
"Are you awake?" I felt Hardwick move behind me.
"Hm...How did I end up here?"
“You fainted at home, so I brought you here and asked the doctor to check you,”
he replied as he sat on the bed. I sat down too and he put a pillow on my back.
“How do you feel?” he asked.
“I'm fine, but I feel tired”
"Happens. "She said about that," he nodded.
I frowned at him “What are you saying? Who told you?"
He smiled "Sadie, the pack doctor told you about this."
I shook my head “it’s not about today. “I’ve been feeling it the last few days.”
"Why did not you tell me?" He frowned.
"YO…." I suddenly felt guilty “you were so busy all these days. “I thought it was
an important pack matter, so I didn’t want to bother you with this little matter.”
“Never,” he shook his head, “it's never a small matter when it comes to you and
your health. Promise me that you will tell me everything that happens in the
future. No matter should be left behind. You understand?"
I nodded weakly "it's okay."
“You have to take good care of yourself now. Also, this moment is not just about
you and there is someone else too.”
"That? "
I couldn't understand his words. What are you talking about. Is there anyone
Someone who?
“Hardwick, what are you talking about? And what do you mean by someone?
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"You still don't understand, love?" He tilted his head smiling at me. And I
thought this action was cute.
God, it's beautiful and also cute sometimes.
"Get what?" Asked. Since I woke up he's been acting strange.
I really can't understand what happened to him. He is not the type of person
who talks about irrelevant topics without rhyme or reason.
“I have something to share with you.”
"What is it?"
“I thought only I could have you. Your time, your mind, your body and your
heart. But I was totally wrong because there is something I forgot. But today I
realized this and all thanks to you.”
I frowned at his words “What are you trying to say? "I am already yours"
He shook his head "no, you're not just mine."
I suddenly became frustrated with him. What the fuck are you trying to say
now? I'm not yours.
He never said anything like that, so why is he babbling these kinds of stupid
"What are you trying to say? Are you trying to piss me off now? If so, then you
won.” I snorted, attacking him.
He laughed "you're temperamental, darling."
I looked at him. My mood dropped and anger filled my heart “since you are so
interested in entertainment, then go out and find something that can entertain
Because I don't feel like serving you” I turned my head to the other side.
"Why are you so angry, honey?" He smiled instead of getting angry.
"Aren't you tired of bothering me?"
"No, I actually need to tell you something."
"That?" I rolled my eyes. Even after saying so many things you still have to tell
He didn't respond immediately, but took my hand and kissed it lightly. "I want to
thank you first."
I looked at him. A sudden tenderness was born in my heart at his action. All the
bitterness I felt a few seconds ago suddenly began to disappear, replaced by
sweetness. But I didn't let it show on my face. I will never give you that
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“Thank you for coming into my life and lighting it up with happiness. I never
thought I would receive so much love and affection, but you proved me wrong
and made me so happy that I couldn't ask for more” he looked up smiling “and
all this happened thanks to you.
No matter how much I thank you, it won’t be enough.”
“Hardwick, what happened? Are you so excited all of a sudden? I asked softly.
His words melted my heart in an instant. To be honest, I have no control over
my mood right now. I don't know why I suddenly get so angry and the next
moment I get emotional.
He laughed “because I'm happy. "I couldn't contain my happiness."
“What made you so happy?”
He held my face and looked at me with extreme tenderness on his face “you
made me so happy, darling.
“You made me so happy that you completed my life.”
"That?" I grimaced.
"Honey, you're pregnant," he laughed.
My heart skipped a beat and my eyes widened in shock. That? Pregnant? I'm
pregnant? For a moment I couldn't believe what I heard. I'm pregnant? Oh my
god, I'm pregnant. It was a huge bomb that blew up my mind and my heart at
the same time.
"What did you just say?" I asked without believing anything.
"You're pregnant," he smiled.
"You …." I stuttered and suddenly a smile replaced my surprise. I'm pregnant.
"I'm pregnant?"
He quickly nodded “yes, our first baby is growing here” and placed his hand on
my flat stomach. I touched my belly on his hand. Tears of happiness welled up
in my eyes. I couldn't contain my happiness. Oh my god, I'm pregnant.
"Our baby" I smiled as he smiled. It joined our forehead.
“Thank you for this gift, dear. “It is priceless,” he whispered. Your voice is
almost gone.
"Thanks also. “I never thought that when I woke up I would hear this news.”
“I was so scared when you passed out and I almost thought I had lost you. I
even scolded Sadie because you wouldn't wake up. But when he revealed to
me that you were pregnant I didn't know how to react for a moment. “I don’t
know how to thank you for that.”
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I hugged him “it's not just me, it's us. Thanks for that"
He pulled away and smiled “you have to take good care of yourself. Now it's not
just about you, but also about your baby. “I’m already so excited to see our
baby and hold him in my arms,” he laughed at the end.
I smiled “you are already so anxious sir.”

"I am
He admitted shaking his head. “Sadie will come by again to check on you. Now
that you are pregnant, she will stay by your side to take good care of you. As a
doctor, she is the one who knows her condition best.”
I nodded "okay"
“If you need anything, tell me, it's okay.”
"I will," I nodded again. "Everybody knows?"
He shook his head "they know you fainted but they don't know about your
pregnancy except Ryan, Jenny and Sadie."
"Hardwick, can we keep this a secret?"
He frowned “don't you want anyone to know? Because?"
“Don't get me wrong,” I said immediately, “I don't know why, but Delaney and
Daisy's action made my heart uneasy. I felt like something big was about to
happen. Therefore, I do not want other people to know about my condition. You
know that enemies only attack the weak point. And if it spreads, perhaps others
can take advantage of it. Also, since I got pregnant, I haven't been able to fight
much with other people. So to avoid problems we must keep this secret for
now,” I explained. I really don't want you to take my words the wrong way.
He pondered seriously for a moment before finally shaking his head: “Since that
is what you want, then we will do it your way. I just want you and our baby to be
safe and healthy,” he said as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.
"I also want that. "We have another responsibility." Smile.
He laughed "yeah, big problem"
There was happiness shining in his captivating eyes. “I am planning to organize
a coronation ceremony for you.”
"That?" I was surprised.
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He nodded “it's been enough time for you to adapt to the pack. Although the
entire pack knows about you, since the pack has two parts, I want them to know
this too. “So I decided to make it official.”
"Are you serious?"
I looked at him for a moment and then nodded slightly "since you decided, it's
fine with me."
"Thank you. It won't be difficult, don't worry."
Someone knocks on the door and we both look at it.
“Come in,” Hardwick responded and the door opened revealing a beautiful red-
haired woman dressed in white. She was holding a box and wearing gloves on
her hand. She walked in with a smile on her face.
"You're awake, Luna," he smiled.
Hardwick got out of bed and stood in front of me, giving us space. The woman
sat on the bed and opened the medicine cabinet. She looked up and smiled
“Hello Luna, I'm Sadie Young, your doctor.”
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 63
Savannah Viewpoint
“Honey, she's the pack doctor. Since you are pregnant, she will guide you
through the birth,” Hardwick said softly.
“I'm an obstetrician, oh, I mean, obstetrician. You can rest assured about your
health and that of your baby. I will take good care of you” Sadie smiled as she
placed the medical box on the table “I need to take blood samples from you so I
can do a test to verify your pregnancy status”
I nodded "please go ahead"
“Thank you,” he opened the box and took out a syringe and a small vial. He
took some cotton and added some liquid to it before rubbing it on my arm.
Automatically translated by Google “Close your fingers,” he said as he took my
pulse and inserted the needle of the syringe into my skin. I hissed as the needle
pricked my skin.
"Can't you do this carefully?" Hardwick growled next to me. He rubbed my back
“I can't help it.” Sadie rolled her eyes, then squeezed the cotton ball where she
inserted the tip of the needle and carefully pulled it out. She rubbed the area
and told me to cross my arms. I did what she said.
“I'll give you the results tonight” he placed the blood sample back in its box
before looking at me “you don't have to worry. “Once I check his condition, I will
see if I can perform an ultrasound.”
“Can't this be done soon?” Hardwick asked.
“No, it depends on how long you have been pregnant. Even if we do that, you
won’t be able to see anything if your baby is shaped like a little button,” he
laughed, making Hardwick roll his eyes.
I looked at them and smiled "you two seem so free for each other?"
"Did you tell him, Alpha?" Sadie looked at him. While Hardwick gave him a
poker face.
She rolled her eyes and smiled at me "we're good friends, you know?"
"Good friends?" I expected this. No one in the pack dares to speak so openly
with Hardwick. They don't even dare to look at it. But Sadie didn't even care
about Hardwick's growl now, as if she were familiar with that kind of action.
"She's Ryan's sister," Hardwick replied.
I turned to him. “I never knew he has a sister who is also a pack doctor.”
“Actually, we're not biological,” Sadie said, smiling. “I'm the daughter of a close
friend of Ryan's father. Because of the war, my parents died and brought me
here. I was 14 at the time and have lived here ever since.”
"That makes sense," I agreed.
“She's weird, don't pay too much attention to her,” Hardwick whispered.
“Hey,” Sadie barked and I laughed.
"Has your work finished?" He asked him.
"Because?" Sadie looked at him and narrowed her eyes.
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“You could just get lost.”
She rolled her eyes “not going to happen. Whether you like it or not, I'll stick to
Luna like glue. So you really don’t have much of a choice here,” she smiled,
making him groan.
"Fuck," Hardwick glared at her. Instead of freaking out, Sadie smiled charmingly
and grabbed her first aid kit.
“I need to test the blood. So I'll say goodbye now. Once I get the results, I will
provide you with the necessary supplements,” then he hurriedly left.
I turned to Hardwick, who was still in a bad mood. I laughed looking at his face
"you never said you had such a lovely lady as a doctor"
“Is he someone to be proud of?” He frowned.
I laughed “looking at her I would like to think so.”
He rolled his eyes “don't talk about her now. “Sometimes she is really crazy.”
"Ah, so what do you want to talk about?" I smiled.
“Our baby” he put his hand on my belly “is growing there. “My little dog,” he
My little dog ~ looks so good.
I looked at his smiling face. He seemed so happy and content. It seems that the
news of my pregnancy has driven him crazy with happiness. I never thought this
pregnancy would make you so happy.
"Hardwick, are you happy?" I asked, looking at his expression.
He looked up “of course I do. I have dreamed of having my own family. Now it is
finally going to be fulfilled, how could I not be happy?

“I can't express my happiness in words,” he added, shaking his head. Before I

knew it, he hugged me. I snuggled into his warm embrace, leaning against his
hard chest.

“Thank you for giving us this great gift”

"Thanks also"
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He kissed my forehead lovingly. Her warm lips lingered on him for a minute
before pulling away. I looked up and could see joy shining in his eyes. We were
only two and now we will be three.
"I need to inform mom and dad too."
He nodded "okay"
I was about to grab my phone when the door opened and Ryan and Jenny
Jenny was holding a bouquet of flowers and a smile on her face.
"Wow wow wow. So the mom-to-be is done," Ryan said, smiling widely.
“Congratulations, ma'am.” Jenny handed me the flowers.
"Thank you," I smiled.
“I thought I could beat him, but I never thought I'd be this fast.” Ryan smiled and
then smiled at Hardwick.
"Uh, win what?" I grimaced.
Ryan gave Hardwick a knowing look, while Hardwick just raised an eyebrow.
"What's going on?" I grimaced.
Ryan smiled at me “Luna, there will soon be a little Alpha running through the
pack. I thought I could beat Alpha in this matter, but who would have thought
that he would beat me first. I must say that Alpha is very fast”
My face turned red as I blushed.
"It seems like you're pretty free to talk about this nonsense," Hardwick
"I'm working hard, how could I be free?" "Ryan responded.
"Oh, what are you working on?" Hardwick raised an eyebrow.
“Making babies,” Ryan responded. This time Jenny blushed. His face suddenly
turned red.
She bit her lip and looked at Ryan, who was smiling cheekily.
"What are you saying? Is this a joke?" He slapped Ryan's arm angrily.
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"That? I am telling the truth. Look, even Luna is pregnant. When are you going
to tell me this good news too?" He frowned.
"You are ridiculous. I can't win by talking to you," Jenny huffed and turned to
me. "I'm sorry. "It's a little cheeky," he said and looked at Ryan before leaving
the room.
“Hey, how can you leave me like this? Jen, wait” Ryan looked uncomfortable
“I'm leaving now” so he ran away.
"He really had a load on his hands," Hardwick said.
"Jenny was so embarrassed just now." I shook my head.
Hardwick rolled his eyes. “That man always talks like that without thinking.”
“Jenny was angry.”
“Let them mind their own business. Plus, Ryan was pretty fascinated with
having kids.
“That man torturing the poor girl every chance he gets,” he smiled.
I rolled my eyes “do you really have to say that bluntly? “You don’t care Jenny.”
“My concern is only for you, my love. And I don't have to worry about Jenny.
"She has Ryan to do this for her and you know she's in good hands, so even if
he tortures her, it won't hurt her." Hardwick shrugged.
“Okay, I won't talk about them anymore. I need to call mom and tell her the
news,” he smiles. I really want to see your reactions. Tanea is pregnant and
now if I tell her that I am also pregnant, what will her reaction be?
"They'll be happy to hear that," he said, looking at me.
I nodded “Tanea is also pregnant. It added euphoria to their lives. And I am very
excited to see their reaction when they find out about my pregnancy,” she
smiles at the end.
"Since you're so excited, go ahead," he smiled.
“Okay,” I held up my phone.
“But before I do it I want to tell you something.”
"Yes, what is that?" I asked, looking at him.
“I just organized your coronation ceremony. Since you are pregnant I need to
speed up.”
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“Did you organize this? When?" “This eclipse. It is the best day to announce
your coronation. And we can announce your pregnancy to the whole group.”
“This eclipse? When is?"
"2 days later"
My eyes widened “what? 2 days later? It is not very fast?
2 days later? My God, is everything going so fast? I'm not even prepared for
"Fast? How did it become so fast? It's too late. "I should have done this a long
time ago instead of waiting for this," he frowned.
“But only 2 days later?”
“Yes, I can't wait to tell everyone that you are mine. “My Moon, my queen” he
leaned in, whispering in my ear.
“I am already yours. And everyone knows it too.” I shook my head. This man
always behaves so possessively.
“I know, but I still need to do this. Everyone should know that you are mine.
Inside the package, outside the package. “Everyone needs to know this.”
Hardwick's voice was so firm and manipulative that it made my heart race
erotically. I looked at his commanding orbs and felt lost in them.
“There is no more, my love. All you need to do is prepare for the ceremony. Like
I said, I won't wait any longer. No matter what. “Everything has already been
I sighed. I can't win with this man. He knows what he's doing. And I know he
won't stop until he does what he decides. So it's a waste to talk more about it.
"Very well, since you have already made the preparation, I have nothing to say."
"Good. Now rest. "I'll make you dinner."
I nodded and he kissed my temple before leaving the room. I watched him leave
and sighed. He seemed very excited about this ceremony. I don't want to argue
with him about this. Looking at his calm and happy face, all my doubts and ill
will disappeared. Since he wants it, so be it. Except 2 days later or a month
later, the results will be the same. So instead of worrying about it, I need to
Automatically translated by Google myself now. I have a more important job to
do. Thinking about things, I looked at the phone screen and smiled widely.

“Hi mom, I hope everything is okay there,” I told her on the phone.
“It's okay here, honey. And you? Are you OK? -Mom asked.
"I'm fine. "I mean, I actually wanted to talk about it."
"Savannah, what happened to you, honey?" The mother's voice became
I laughed “don't worry mom. I'm fine. And what I wanted to tell you is something
that will make you happy.”
"Seriously, what is this?" Mom asked.
I laughed “Mom, I…. I'm pregnant"
"That?" Mom almost screamed in my ear.
“Mom, relax,” I smiled.
“Honey, is it true? You are pregnant?"
"Yes mom" I nodded.
“When did you find out about this?”
"Hmm…. Just today"
“My God…..I'm going to be a grandmother…..My God, my God” the mother
shouted “I can't believe it….
It's great news, darling. I still can't believe you are...
Oh God …. really pregnant”
“I never thought it would be so fast. But here I am telling you.” I laughed.
“Whatever it is, the main thing is that you are pregnant. Ah, I need to share this
news with everyone,” the mother seemed very excited.

"Of course, Mom," I laughed. "And there's something else I want to tell you."

"There is more? What is it?"

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“Hardwick was planning to hold my coronation ceremony. So you, dad and
everyone had to be here.”
"Coronation? Are you officially announcing it?
"Yes, he said he couldn't wait any longer and wanted to tell everyone that I'm
Luna from the Dark Forest."
"It's great. It's like a double joy, dear. Don't worry, we can never miss your
important day anyway."
"Thanks Mom"
“Okay, I'll hang up now. I need to tell everyone about your pregnancy.”
“Mom, could you keep this little secret? I mean, only the closest ones who
"What happened there?"
"Well….. The situation here is quite discouraging. “I don’t feel like revealing this
news to strangers.” I sighed.
"I can understand. Don't worry"

“Thank you mom” “Be careful, honey. “You need to take care of yourself more”
“Yes mom, I love you”
"I love you too my love"
Tanea's point of view
“Oh God, I can't eat anymore. What are you trying to do?" I looked at my
husband who was trying to force feed me.
“You didn't eat much. You need more protein and calcium in your body” Devak
"I know. You don't need to lecture like those doctors." I rolled my eyes.
“I'm just worried that you're in poor health. The doctor said you need more of
everything during this time,” he said with concern shining in his eyes.
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I laughed “don't worry, I'm already in good health and I'm on this pregnancy diet
so you don't have to put pressure on yourself, ok” I smiled. My husband is crazy
about my pregnancy. He's so worried it almost drives me crazy with frustration.
“Devak, you are forcing her to eat again.” Dad came in and sat on the couch
next to us.
"Dad, I'm just following the doctor's advice," Devak replied.
“You are exaggerating, my son,” the father laughed. “If you continue feeding her
like this, the baby will get bigger and Tanea will be uncomfortable.”
"Actually?" Devak looked surprised and then looked at my belly where the small
belly could be seen.
I smiled when I looked at him. Although there is something to prove his words, a
simple sentence disturbed Davak.
He looked up and asked.
"Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"
I laughed. He really took his father's words to heart and it affected him. He took
this so seriously that I can see the tension rising on his face. Then I took his
hand and smiled warmly.
"Don't worry so much, it's okay, I'm fine"
I shook my head again. At that moment my mother entered the room with a big
smile on her face.
"Honey," he called as he sat next to his father.
“What made you so happy?” Dad asked, frowning.
“I have great news to share. “I just can’t suppress the emotion.” Mom smiled.
"What is it?" Dad smiled.
Mom took a deep breath. "The news is that Hardwick will be holding a
coronation ceremony for Savannah."
My eyes widened "wow this is great"
“This man is truly incredible. It's a little fast. Dad nodded.
“There's something else, honey,” the mother smiled.
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Dad frowned. "Is there another one?"
Mom nodded “the pain of happiness is that I am going to be a grandmother.”
"I know. But is this your surprise?" Dad asked, frowning.
Mom rolled her eyes “you don’t understand. What I want to say is that I am
going to be a grandmother for the second time.”
“This is not new. Tanea is pregnant... Dad stopped halfway when suddenly his
eyes widened.
"What did you say, second time?"
My eyes widened when I realized. My body jumped with excitement "mom, did
you mean that?"
Mom looked at me and smiled "yes"
“Oh my God” I covered my mouth and screamed.
"That?" Devak frowned.
“You still don't understand? “Mom says Savannah is pregnant,” I said with a
wide smile.
"THAT?" Both the father and Devak stood up screaming.
“Yeah, Savannah just called me and told me.” Mom nodded.
“Is my princess pregnant? I'm going to be a grandfather again” Dad suddenly
laughed “good, good. Like I said, Hardwick is very fast at everything.”
Mom rolled her eyes and slapped him on the arm playfully: “Don't be kidding.
Do not forget"
"Come on. I'm so happy now" Dad smiled "I never thought my daughter would
give me this great news so soon.
"sugar plum"
“Damn, that bastard already got her pregnant,” Devak growled.
I rolled my eyes “what's your problem! This is a happy moment."
"That? How could he get her pregnant so soon? "They started living together,
but he couldn't wait."
“Why can’t he do that?” I frowned. “Sav is your partner and you love each other.
So it is not a crime.”
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Devak frowned “my sister is still young. How can he get her pregnant so soon?
“He got her pregnant just like you got me pregnant. I don't know why you always
hold such a grudge against him. I looked at him.
"I was just worried about Sav."
"You do not need. Hardwick is there for that. “What you had to do is worry about
me,” I huffed.
“Okay, let's end this discussion here,” the mother raised her hands. “Savannah
invited us to her coronation ceremony. “Then we have to go”
I smiled “great. I already feel very bored in the pack. It's a great opportunity to
explore the outdoors, especially Sav's pack. “I’ve never seen Dark Forest other
than hearing the name.”
“Then let's make arrangements. “We can’t be late for our daughter’s coronation
ceremony.” The mother nodded.
I smiled feeling excited inside. This will be your first time visiting Dark Forest.
I'm already so excited that I can barely control my emotions. Sav is pregnant
and that added double happiness. I never thought I would hear this news so
soon. But it's also good. Our children can grow up together.
"Why are you so happy?" Devak poked my head.
“Why can't I be? Either way, it's a great day for Sav.”
He sighed "I'm still worried."
“Since you have so many doubts, ask Sav if he is happy or not. If not, then we
are here to help, right? Besides, I don't think she's not happy anyway.
Hardwick loves her and cares about her very much. Be happy for her, okay? I
tried to persuade.
He looked at me for a moment and then nodded "okay."
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 64
Savannah Viewpoint
“Everything is normal, I checked the results and everything is fine. You don't
need to worry about your health or your baby” Sadie smiled placing the report
on the table “Alpha is quite worried, he even asked me for the fifth time this
morning” she laughed.
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I smiled shaking my head "he's always like that"
Sadie turned to look at me "no, it's not always like that."
"What do you mean?"
“I've been watching Alpha since I was 14 years old. So no, he's not always like
that. Even when his parents were alive, he was always temperamental. I mean,
although he speaks normally, his demeanor and eyes have never been kind. He
always had one expression in his life: the great
'poker face,'” he laughed.
“But I never expected it to change so much. I never saw him laugh or joke with
other people. Even when he's with Ryan, he never seems as jovial as he does
with you.
You know that most of the pack members are afraid to talk to him directly, so
they used to ask Alpha or Luna to help them deliver their message,” he
laughed, “but I must say that Luna after his arrival somewhat changed in his
behavior. I mean, it doesn't seem like it used to. Before you, his mood was
always rude and that bad mood always made others tremble with fear. The only
one who will talk to him is Ryan. And as for the others, they don't have much
courage for that.”
“Is it always this scary?” I grimaced. Although I know that he is quite dark and
dangerous, I never expected him to be so ruthless.
"Scary? It's more than that. Like Santan in hell and born as Asura to devour
everyone when he is not satisfied. That's why the entire pack never goes
against his order and refers to him as Master, which is why he uses the term
Alpha. I think "I noticed that in the whole pack only us brothers called him
I nodded "I know."
"Hmm…. But I am happy. You know that it is very good to maintain discipline in
the pack. Because of his bad character, no one dared to disobey him.”
I looked at Sadie. He knows a lot about the pack and what's going on around
Although she said she is always interested in practicing her medical research,
she is also a member of the group. I hesitated for a moment before making a
“Do you know Delaney?” I asked her.
Suddenly, Sadie's expression changed. The joy that disappeared in a second
was replaced by a strange expression.
“Delaney? Huh! That woman is a bitch and she couldn't wait to throw herself
into Alpha's arms. Her father couldn't control her anymore and she joined forces
with that mischievous sister of hers” Sadie rolled her eyes “both sisters are the
embodiment of evil creatures who couldn't sit still if they hadn't ruined anyone.
Delaney, that bitch even tried to frame him.
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Alpha when she was still a teenager. He used dirty means and told everyone
that he slept with Alpha and that they had a secret relationship. I mean, she's
the kind of girl who has no shame. And that little sister of his is the worst.
Everything Delaney says is true.
“Delaney ruined Daisy’s mental state by putting all the crap in her mind.”
Sadie snorted angrily. “If I could, I would have injected them with a deadly virus
and forced them to go to hell slowly.”
“It seems like you have a lot of grudges.”
“Actually, it's not like that. Although I don't interfere in this pack matter, I'm also
a member, so I couldn't help but hear everything that's going on around me.
From the smallest issues to the biggest in the package. I have no enmity with
them, but the way Delaney tried to frame Alpha is really disgusting. Since I
came here, Alpha has always behaved warmly towards me, like a brother” she
smiled “and I also took him as my brother, so if something happens to him, I
won't be able to forgive the sinner. And that Delaney made me feel disgusted
every time she appeared in front of me.”
I sighed “some people don't know how to choose” I said. Just like Reese. She
chooses Avan even though she knows their relationship is not appropriate and
she also knows he was my partner. But she still went after him, giving up all her
pride. She gave herself and dedicated herself to Avan at the expense of her real
partner. Thinking about it, I feel sorry for her.
Her own greed took her to the heights, but she forgot that the higher she goes,
the fall will be more painful than imagination.
“You shouldn't think about this past matter now. Now you have a baby, so all
your attention should be focused on him. Or that friend of yours sticks his head
in the plate,” Sadie jokes, making me laugh.
"Are you serious?" I shook my head.
"Of course. I know I said he changed after you, but that doesn't mean he got
softer. “All his kindness and care is only limited to you, so whether he has
changed or not, we cannot continue.” "I'm waiting a lot. Besides, if anything
happens to you, he will be furious and I'm afraid he will set the whole world on
fire. And I still want to live a few more years researching. "
“Don't worry, you won't die anytime soon. “You still need to have your partner
and start a family.”
Sadie shook her head. “I'm not interested in this couple thing. I know a werewolf
needs his mate, but I'm more interested in my medical term than a mate.
Plus I want to play with my nephew or niece and teach him the medical line,”
she screamed loudly like a girl.
"Who told you that?" A cold voice rang in the room. The door opened and
Hardwick entered with a tray in his hand.
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“You really have a strong instinct to attract my children to your crazy medical
field,” he said with a grim expression.
"How can you say that?" Sadie looked at him. “Learning medicine is good. Just
because you're a wolf doesn't mean you're safe. And regarding your position
and power, enemies are waiting to hurt you. So the pack better have more
doctors or it would be better for everyone to learn medicine,” he said proudly.
Hardwick rolled his eyes. "If you all become doctors, I'll kick you out of the
Sadie pouted and then huffed, turning her head. Hardwick smiled before placing
the tray on the bed.
"Your breakfast is here, sweetheart," he smiled warmly.
I looked at the tray and gasped "what is all this?" I pointed to the food.
"That? It's your food and you'll finish it all here. "You won't get up until all the
fiber is consumed."
"Are you serious?" I grimaced.
"I do not like to play"
I sighed feeling helpless “how am I going to eat all this? It's too much"
"Because you can not? “You are pregnant and you need healthy foods to keep
you and our baby healthy,” she argued.
“Hardwick, I'm pregnant, but I still can't eat that much. Although I need to be
healthy, there is a limit to eating everything,” he smiles.
He turned to look at Sadie “What are you doing? You have to give him a good
diet plan.”
Sadie rolled her eyes. “I will prescribe vitamins and nutrients, of course. But
eating it depends on the Moon itself. Also, during pregnancy, Luna will want to
eat whatever food she wants. And it is better to give her what she wants and
that will keep her healthy.”
"It is like that?" He frowned and turned to look at me.
"What's the score?" He asked again.
"Alright. There are no complications. You don't need to worry about that. I'll do
some more tests to check."
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When can we see our baby?” I asked.
Sadie laughed “don't worry. We can do this after the ceremony. You are still in
your first trimester, so we can perform an ultrasound exam to confirm your due
date. The test said you are already pregnant with 4
weeks. So you need to take your medications and a good diet first before we
can do the test?
I nodded "okay"
“The preparations for the ceremony have already been made. Jenny will help
you choose your dress. Since you are pregnant, I can’t allow you to travel to the
city and get tired.”
"Then how will I choose?"
He smiled “nothing is possible for me, darling. I will ask the designers to bring
their exclusive designs here in the package. “They will come tomorrow and all
you have to do is choose what you want.”
“This will be expensive”
"Nothing is more expensive than what you love," he leaned down and kissed
me. His words melted my heart and I felt safe in his arms.
“Damn, don't start your PDA here. Don’t forget I’m still here.” — Sadie shouted.
"Why don't you go then?" Hardwick looked at her.
Sadie smiled “I was nominated by you, remember dear Alpha? Also, let me tell
you something: you can't have anything funny with Luna during this period to be
sure. So whatever dirty thoughts you have in your mind, you better put them
away for the next few months.”
My eyes widened and my face turned red. Sadie really put it bluntly. On the
other hand, Hardwick cursed loudly.
Avan's point of view
The day I had been waiting for for so long has finally arrived. I will finally hold
my destined companion in my arms again. When she's here, all the damn
problems in my life will disappear.
And when she's here, I'll never let her go. She was mine and always will be.
Just thinking about her made my cock hard and twitching in pain as it ran
against my pants.
Just one more day and then I can have her the way I want. My cock was
painfully hard.
Automatically translated by Google and I need to free myself. At that moment
there was a knock on the door and Jude entered.
"Hello, Avan," he smiled charmingly and entered the room. Shaking her sexy
body “since the deal has been confirmed, I am here to sign the papers on behalf
of my father.”
"Please sit down." I smiled at him. Jude was a sexy woman. She wore a pencil
skirt split down the middle, showing off her creamy white thigh. The white shirt
she was wearing was see-through and I can see her lace bra.
"Dad said he had already checked the condition," he smiled looking into my
eyes. Your full, red lips invite me to devour it. I felt my cock twitch again.
“Why do I feel like you are suffering? Are you OK? Jude asked me, frowning.
“I'm fine, just sign the paper” I tried to smile.
“Oh” he took the paper and was about to sign it when it trembled and fell to the
"I'm sorry. "I'll take it," he bent down to pick up the pen. I could feel her looking
over there.
Semen. I cursed inside.
She stood up and smiled. Then I checked the document again: “All conditions
are good. But there is something I want to add."
"That?" I grimaced.
She smiled and licked her lips. “These conditions may satisfy my father, but
what about me, Avan? I am also a partner and I also need a term for myself”
"What do you want?" I asked.
She smiled and stood up from her chair. He tried and stood in front of me.
Leaning in and she looked erotic "you know you're so beautiful." I was delighted
for you and couldn't get you out of my mind. Don't you think you should do
something about it?
Suddenly a smile appeared on my face “do you want me to be responsible for
"I know you're smart, but for now I want to be responsible for what's happening
to you down there" before he could say, she knelt down and unzipped his pants
before pulling them down. She pushed my pants and boxers together, freeing
my cock.
"Fuck," I cursed as she took me whole in her mouth. Her hands moved down to
massage my balls and I moaned in pleasure.
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“Yes, they are exactly like that. “Fuck, do it,” I moaned and grabbed her hair and
then shoved my cock into her mouth. Jude tried to calm down at my speed as
he choked, but he didn't stop.
I gave her mouth a few pushes, then let go and picked her up.
"You're so fucking sexy." I moaned and straddled her on my lap. I kissed her
neck and she moaned. Opening her blouse, I pulled down her lace bra and
grabbed her big, perky breast.
The softness of her skin made it even harder for me.
"Fuck, you're hard." I grabbed her hard nipple and pulled it hard as she
continued to moan.
"Hmm... “Oh my God, please suck me,” he moaned. I grabbed her other breast
and sucked it. I reached up and pulled her skirt up to her waist before sliding my
hand into her panties. I cursed when I found her pussy wet.
I stuck three fingers into her wet pussy making her scream.
“Ahmm…” She grabbed my shoulder as she threw her head back and
“Oh my god, yes… Ah… Avan, please do it.”
"You like this?" I smiled and sucked her nipples again while I touched her. After
a few strokes, she reached for my hand.
“Ah…that feels so good” Jude leaned in and kissed me wildly “I knew you loved
me too, Avan. Please fuck me. I'm dying"
My cock was so hard I couldn't wait. I threw it a little. Then, putting on the
condom, I positioned my cock and slid it inside her with a single push. We both
moaned in pleasure.
I fucked her hard making her jump on my lap. Her chest bounced when I
pushed her. I wasn't nice to a woman like Jude. She offered and I wanted my
release so that we would both be on the same mutual footing. I want it hard and
fast and she wants it wild.
“Oh my god, you feel so good, Avan. Ahm… Please fuck me harder,” Jude
moaned again.
I rammed her harder that the chair I'm sitting on shook vigorously along with the
table next to me as I held it. The slap on our skin echoed through the room
mixing with our moans and groans.
"I'm cumming" Jude moved her hips.
"Cum" I slapped her, but hard making her wetter.
Her walls squeezed my cock, squeezing it and I moaned.
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"Ahmmmm... Come on..." -Judas shouted-. She shook her hips hard and I thrust
into her before cumming.
"You're so good," he smiled and stood up. Her skirt was still around her waist as
she smiled sexily at me. I raised my eyebrows and grabbed it and placed it on
the table.
"Are you satisfied?" I asked.
“More than ever,” he smiled.
I smiled "but I'm not" then leaned over and spread her legs before sucking her
“Oh God… ahm… yes…. Suck it baby…suck my pussy…” Jude moaned,
grabbing my hair.
I moaned and pushed my tongue into her center, fucking her again. Her pussy
dripped more juice and I sucked it. I reached out and kneaded her breast as she
moaned messily.
After sucking I got up and looked at her. Her face blushed and she looked sexy.
I threw away the used condom and put another one on, then I entered her again
and fucked her like a beast.
"Oh my God. Yes, Avan, please fuck me hard. Please make me feel pain," he
grabbed my waist with his long legs. We soon reached our climax and we both
moaned as we released our cum.
"That was so good." Jude got up from the table and then straightened her
I put on my pants and sat on the chair with a satisfied smile.
“The deal is done, Avan, thank you for satisfying us with the deal,” he sighed to
the newspaper and left as if nothing had happened.
I looked at the newspaper and smiled. Another knock sounded on the door. I
looked up and found Ben.
"What is it?" I closed the agreement file.
“Margarita is here.”
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 65

Avan's point of view

Automatically translated by Google "What are you doing here?" I asked when I
saw her walking towards me. His body was covered with a black sweatshirt and
no one could see who he was. Daisy stopped in front of the table and took off
her hoodie, revealing her beautiful and charming features.
“I had to,” he replied dryly, “there's so much going on in the pack. So I had to
find a way to come in person,” he sat in the chair where Jude was sitting a few
minutes ago.
I frowned "you could have sent a secret letter instead of coming here"
“Do you think I like traveling from Dark Forest to Bright Shine? If it weren't for
the big deal, I wouldn't have any interest in joining your Alpha Avan pack,” he
rolled his eyes.
I clenched my fist and looked at her. Are you making fun of my pack? She
thinks that just because she is from the Dark Forest she can humiliate my pack
in front of me. My lips curled and a teasing smile appeared on my lips.
“I think you need a good reminder, Daisy. It wasn't me who came to make the
deal. It was you who humbled yourself and came to us for help. So don't you
dare put your pride and use any kind of words to disgrace my pack in front of
me. Because you know that even if I kill you here, I don't think your Alpha will
come to avenge you.”
Daisy looked at me with her black eyes. She gritted her teeth “don't be the
cheerful Alpha Avan. Do not forget that if it were not for me, you would still not
have the opportunity to carry out such a big plan and make the dark dream that
you have always dreamed of come true. Then you need to achieve your
ultimate goal. I think it will be better for you not to threaten me next time.”
I clenched my jaw. If it weren't for Savannah, I would have killed her the
moment she entered my territory. I've been trying to invade the Dark Forest, but
I've never had a chance or a chance. I must congratulate Alpha Hardwick for
such arrangements. He really knows how to protect his territory without worry.
Even my father also praised him for his system of government.
“Just say what you meant directly,” I hissed.
Daisy smiled "I knew you would say that" she tapped her fingers on the table
"did you prepare everything according to our plan?"
"You do not have to worry about that"
“I have to worry about everything because we can't make a small mistake. An
opportunity is what we have. The reason I came here is because we need to
make some changes to the plan. We cannot go through the previous one”
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I was shocked and then it all turned into a frown “why is that? Everything has
been set up and awaiting further instructions and now you are here to tell me
that we cannot move forward with the plan. I gritted my teeth as anger began to
bubble in my chest. Do you think it's funny how your mood is? changes?"
Daisy looked at me “when I said I had no interest in coming here risking my life
just to say a few words to you. If it weren't for the sudden changes, would I
come here? I couldn't even send the secret letter because the security system
was tripled. The person I sent the letter to was discovered and murdered on the
spot. Even traveling became difficult. But I took all this risk because I don't want
our plan to fail at the last minute. You understand?"
I grimaced. "What changed? And why did titles suddenly triple?" Why do I feel
like something is wrong?
“The Master suddenly announced that he would crown Savannah as the Moon
in this eclipse.”
My eyes widened and I clenched my jaw tightly. That bastard is so eager to
make her his Luna. She could become my Moon. Yes, I already accepted
Savannah as my Moon. She has changed a lot in these years. She has become
powerful, has strong family support, and is very sexy and beautiful, so she
deserves the title of Luna in every way. I know he will be angry at first, but soon
he will understand that he can't run away from me. She was always sweet and
forgiving. I just needed to push her a little and remind her of the time we had 2
years ago. I think if it wasn't for Reese seducing me that day, she wouldn't have
“Damn, that bastard,” I cursed as I hit the table, “goes too fast. What the hell are
you thinking?
“How could I know that? I came here to tell you in person and also that I will no
longer be able to come or send letters, so you have to plan well before
executing the plan. As for getting into the backpack, I'll handle that no problem.
You just have to inform me first.”
I shook my head. “Since they already planned this, leave them alone. I'm not
going to change the plan at all.
It will be better on our planned day. After the coronation ceremony we will
execute the plan. In a way, it will be a great shame for Hardwick that his own
partner was kidnapped right under his nose and he was unable to stop him. And
on the other hand the power of the Dark Forest will decrease and thirdly I will be
able to recover my companion.”
“Do what you want, but don't make mistakes. Since there will be a ceremony,
the gang is full and busy.
I will make a way for you to enter easily.”
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“My men are ready and only need a signal to execute the plan. This time it will
be a big disaster for the pack, with Luna kidnapped and the pack in chaos, it will
be an interesting scene to enjoy.”
Daisy smiled “that's where you're right. I'm looking forward to it. My eyes are
very excited seeing Savannah and Hardwick's reaction. Evil flashed in his eyes
followed by immense hatred.
"Are you so determined to get revenge?" I raised my eyebrows.
“Why shouldn’t I?” Daisy gritted her teeth “if it wasn't for that couple my sister
might have had the right place. My sister is so beautiful and strong, so why can't
Hardwick see that but frown at Savannah who has nothing but those purple
eyes? She snorted angrily.
I looked at her, feeling strange. If I were in Hardwick's place, I would have done
the same.
Who could have rejected their partner for a woman who is not related to me?
And for a woman like Savannah, I think any man would die for her. But I couldn't
tell him that kind of thing. This is the best chance to defeat Hardwick and take
Savannah back, even if it means using force. I've waited long enough and now
I'm not going to do that. I need to bring her back to the pack.
Once it's here, I can manipulate it however I want. After all, even if she is a
different person now, she was still my companion and that affection would not
change in the slightest.
“Are you going to get revenge by helping me?” I asked.
“Do you know that in the werewolf tribe there is something more painful than
death? "It's losing your partner."
Daisy smiled “I really want to kill them, but what can I do? Killing is just a small
punishment for them. Therefore, the best way to get revenge is to separate
them by force.
Since Savannah is his, even if Hardwick is strong, he can't do anything. He will
go crazy and then drown in his own partner's betrayal. I want her to suffer like
my sister. They cannot unite nor can they live properly.”
"You're really cruel," I smiled.
"It's all their fault," she replied, pulling something out of her hoodie pocket and
tossing the small bottle onto the table. The green liquor moved inside the bottle
as it rolled on the table.
"What is it?" I frowned at the bottle.
“This will help you with the kidnapping.”
“Yes, it's trichloromethane. With this you can easily pick it up without any
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“Do you think I need this to catch her? Are you belittling my ability? I raised an
“No, I am giving you an alternative so that there are no errors in the plan. You
cannot enter the package. You are an Alpha and you can get in trouble if you
do. Then the remaining option is to let your man do it. Although your men are
strong, I suggest you do not underestimate Savannah. You don't know her well.
She is no normal wolf and I think she could handle her few men in a minute
without even losing her breath.
"His power is still limited," I told him. Although she is strong, she is just a
woman. And how difficult can a woman be?
“You still don't understand? Did you forget which pack that bitch belonged to?
They are the legendary purple clan. And they are not inferior to the Dark Forest.
I think if he was in his correct state, half his pack would have lost their lives.”
Daisy looked at me. “I'm telling you this because if you can't take her that day,
then you and I will be in danger.”
"She's just-" he suddenly stood up before I could finish my words. He took off
the scarf he was wearing around his neck and the red handprint was reflected
on his white skin. I had seen this before, but I never thought the scar was fresh.
"See this? Do you know who did this? It is the creation of your dear Savannah.
And you know it's been months and the brand is still here. Even the doctor said
it won't go away anytime soon. Do you still see it? "Can men kidnap her if she is
of sound mind? "I think I'd wrap them in gifts and send them back for you to
enjoy," he gritted his teeth, pointing to the red mark on his neck.
Typically, a handprint disappears within a week. But looking at his neck, the
mark still looks very fresh and you can clearly see how many fingers were used
to grab his neck and how difficult it was. He also said that the brand is not going
away anytime soon, so it reflects the power of those who hold the neck.
Margaret is right. I can't make any mistakes here no matter what. I need to carry
out the kidnapping without any problems, or he will notify that bastard
"Okay, I'll take this," I took the bottle. “You should go back now. Staying here
too long can cause problems.”
She nodded “the appointment is set for a day later, so you can't make any
mistakes here.
I'll go now. If you need anything, just tell me and I can't leave my backpack
anymore,” he said and put his hoodie back on before leaving the room quietly.
I looked at the bottle in my hand and sighed, “why is it so hard to find you now?
I really wish you were that shy, weak Shyla from the past. if I knew that you
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If you had run away and become something else, I would have taken good care
of you. Only if I were able to understand you better… in the past.”
Savannah Viewpoint
The next morning came very quickly. Today I woke up a little late and vomited
again. Sadie said it's morning sickness and it happens during pregnancy. Mom
called me again telling me what to do and what not to do. Even Hardwick picked
up the phone and listened carefully to what his mother was saying. Looking at
him, I felt like it wasn't me who was pregnant, but him who was carrying the
"Breakfast is here" Ryan opened the door and Jenny walked in holding my
After the news of my pregnancy, she took charge of my diet and eating plan.
"You're fast," I said.
She smiled “I need it. “After all, it’s about the little baby.”
"Wow, breakfast looks delicious." Sadie looked at the food on the tray and then
nodded. She turned to me and smiled “since you are pregnant you need good
nutrition. Fiber, protein, calcium, whole grains, and iron-rich foods will provide
good nutrition for your body and your baby.”
“What did you make for breakfast?” I asked Jenny.
“Don't worry, these foods are also healthy and tasty. On Sundays I made
blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese, banana
smoothie, and avocado toast.
"Very?" I felt my head hurt.
"Is not that much. You need to eat not only for yourself, but also for your baby.” I
rubbed my temple.
"I feel like I'm about to film a mukbang show." I rolled my eyes and they
“Come on, you should finish your food. Remember that your stylists will arrive
with your dress,” Jenny recalled.
“Yes,” I almost forgot. I could barely finish the meal. It was delicious but I
couldn't eat it all.
Then Jenny said to eat everything little by little to fill your stomach. I rubbed my
belly while drinking the smoothie.
“It's delicious” I put the glass on the tray and smiled.
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"I know you'll like it. “I will make you a new menu every day so that it doesn’t
spoil your palate and you can drink new flavors every day,” Jenny smiled.
"I'd appreciate it. Thank you." I shook my head.
“Madam, these designers are here,” Luina informed. He opened the door and
led some professional-looking women inside.
“Hello, Miss Lang. We brought the exclusive designs that Mr. León requested.
Please choose what you want,” those women said respectfully and then
presented rows of dresses.
“The event is important. Do you want to wear white or something different? -
Jenny asked.
“What is the main color?”
“The dark one,” Jenny smiled.
“I would like to go with that.”
"Good choice," he nodded and walked towards the dresses. She was wearing a
navy blue dress with a halter neckline.
“This is a very good choice,” the designer advanced with a smile, “this is the
newly arrived dress. It is made of pure silk and has diamond coating on the
neck and waist. It will provide comfort when using it.”
The dress was beautiful. It looks elegant and stylish. I shook my head and
asked him to leave him alone.
Jenny moved to another row and chose a dark red one. It was an off shoulder
backless style dress where pearls are designed on the back. It has a split cut at
the thigh.
"This one is good too. The material is soft and comfortable. It is satin and the
pearl beads will add more appeal to the back,” explains the designer.
"Leave that aside" I shook my head.
"Has the selection been made?" Hardwick walked in looking beautiful. He was
wearing a black t-shirt with jeans.
He had his hands in his pockets.
"We're in the middle," I replied. He walked over to me and sat on the couch,
putting his arm over my shoulder.
“Didn't you find one?” He asked him.
“You brought so many beautiful dresses. Of course, it will take time to choose.”
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"Nothing is more beautiful than you," she whispered and then looked at the
dresses while my eyes were fixed on her face. How does he always manage to
do this?
Turn my heart into a wolf with just a few sentences? He really knows how to
sweet talk and flatter my heart to this point.
“Bring that dark purple,” she said, pointing to a certain dress. My eyes fell on the
dress and my heart skipped a beat. It is so beautiful.
The deep purple shade has a Queen Anne-style neckline. It was a long dress
with lace design.
“This is made exclusively with silk and satin. The Queen Anne collar styles
enhanced the dress combined with the white lace embroidery attached to it,” the
designer hastily explained.
"It's nice"
"You like this?" He asked him.
“I loved it,” I smiled.
"Well, let's accept that then," Hardwick instructed. “Prepare the shoes and
“Very good, Mr. León,” the designer seemed delighted.
“And also that the dresses are chosen first,” he added. These designers took a
look and went to prepare for tomorrow. Sadie and Jenny left with them, leaving
us alone.
"How do you feel?" He asked him.
I laughed “I'm fine. "I'm just pregnant, not sick."
"I heard you vomited?"
I nodded “yeah, it’s morning sickness. “Sadie said this happens during

"You look tired," he took my face in his hands.

“A little, actually. “Our baby is tiring me out,” he smiles.

“I didn't know this would be so difficult. If I had known, I wouldn't have taken the
risk” he shook his head.
"Don't say that. I am happy. Whatever it is, we will get through it together.” I
smiled at him.
Automatically translated by Google "Fuck, you look beautiful," he leaned in and
was about to kiss me when I felt a sudden urge to throw up again. I pushed him
away and ran to the bathroom again.
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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 66
Savannah Viewpoint
Finally today is a great day. I woke up early in the morning excited. Today the
coronation ceremony will be a great day for me. Because of this pregnancy my
body is a little weak, but I am still young inside. My body dances with emotion.
After the shower, Luina brought me a set of lingerie that matched the dress I
was going to wear.
I don't know how he chose it, but whatever it is, I'm glad he did it. I put on
lingerie and then put on my silk robe.
After a few knocks, the door opened and Jenny and Sadie appeared. After my
pregnancy was confirmed, these two wouldn't leave me alone. Jenny was
holding my breakfast while Sadie was with her medical kit.
"Do you have to carry this all the time?" I pointed to the box.
"I am a doctor. Who knows when it will be needed, so I prepared in advance. "I
can't run from one place to another to get this," he smiled.
"Smart," I shrugged.
“Your breakfast is here, ma'am.” Jenny placed the tray on the table. “Today I
brought something new. Since there is a ceremony tonight, you should eat a
little early.”
“But I'm not hungry,” I replied.
“You can try a little, you know? Even if you are not hungry, eat something, even
if it is a small amount,” he convinced.
"Okay" I looked at the tray again. The food looks delicious. And suddenly I want
to eat them all.
God, this pregnancy has made me do things I've never done before.
"It's delicious," I moaned as I ate the food.
Sadie sat on the couch looking at me with a mischievous smile. "I think I heard
someone say they're not hungry."
"You are imitating me?" I raised my eyebrows at him.
“I don't dare,” she responded immediately.
Jenny laughed on the side. “I’m glad you liked it.” Do you like pudding?
“It's super delicious. Is it a new recipe?
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She nodded. “I checked it last night. “It has all the good ingredients to nourish
your body, so I tried it today.”
I nodded “you really know how to increase other people's appetites. You have
Your eyes widened "do you want more pudding?"
I smiled shyly at him. She laughed and shook her head before leaving the room.
“I saw Alpha outside. I was organizing things for the ceremony. When he saw
us come in, he personally ordered us to take good care of him,” Sadie said.
I put the pancake in my mouth and looked at her “he's worried about the baby.”
“Of course he does,” he nodded, “I've never seen him so happy. Sometimes I
think it's a miracle, you know? The man who never knew how to smile now
smiles from ear to ear and it's all thanks to you. “This is the first time Dark
Forest has held a ceremony after so many years.”
"What do you mean? Haven't there been any celebrations in recent years? I
was surprised.
She shook her head “no, you must be confused, but Alpha is not someone who
likes celebrations.
Even when the pack accomplishes something good, all it takes is a few toasts
of wine and it's all done.”
"When was the last ceremony?" I asked her. There are so many things I don't
know. But I'm curious about this. Hardwick doesn't tell me because he thinks it
will ruin my mood.
“The last ceremony was the funeral of the deceased Alfa-Luna. “On the same
day, Brother Hardwick declared himself Alpha of the Dark Forest.”
"Okay, same day?" I looked at her with wide eyes.
Sadie nodded “yes. The death was sudden. Alpha was not in good health at the
Then, when he suddenly died, Luna unexpectedly couldn't contain herself and
breathed her last. She lost her life holding the hand of the late Alpha. It was as if
a couple sacrificed themselves for the love they had for each other. It was a
tragic moment and everyone thought about what would happen to the pack
since the heir was young and inexperienced.
But to everyone's surprise, Alpha took responsibility and delivered the package
better than the late Alpha. That’s why the East Side elders couldn’t interfere
with Alpha’s work and decision.”
I shook my head. Hardwick suffered greatly at such a young age. Taking care of
the entire pack and also taking care of the pack's affairs are not simple things.
Even Devak
Automatically translated by Google makes mistakes under his father's direction.
Where Hardwick didn't have his father to show him and teach him. He learned
everything on his own and is now firmly at the top, where no one can compete
with him. Such a magnificent character, how can I not feel proud? My chest
filled with praise for my companion and his own devotion to the responsibility of
the pack.
“He is mature enough to understand everything and that kind of talent is really
rare to find,” he smiles.
“You are absolutely right Luna. If there were others in their place, then there
would be no Dark Forest in the wolf tribe,” Sadie agreed.
Jenny returned with a bowl in her hand. He placed it on the tray and smiled
“take this, if you want more I will do it again.”
“Thank you Jenny” I smiled and took the bowl. Suddenly my mouth watered and
I started eating it in one big bite.
"I never knew you wanted this so much" Jenny looked surprised.
I laughed “it's not really me” I pointed to my belly “that's all for that”
Sadie and Jenny laughed together. When I finish I feel satisfied. I even asked
Jenny to do it again and she happily agreed. Soon the makeup artist arrived.
“The designer brought his shoes and jewelry. And I have to say it matches the
dress and it's fucking beautiful.”
Sadie opened the box that was sent to her a few minutes ago. His eyes
sparkled as he looked into the box.
“Of course it will be, after all, Master asked personally,” Jenny replied as she
took out the jewelry boxes. Earrings, necklace, bracelet and a pair of hair clips.
They are all so beautiful that I fell in love.”
“Ask Ryan to buy you a game. That man had more money and could buy
fucking expensive things." Sadie smiled "you should make good use of it."
Jenny rolled her eyes “who wants his stuff. Huh! She is always flirting and then
wasting money and giving gifts to her friends. I don’t want to take anything from
her, especially jewelry,” Jenny responded.
"That's his habit." Sadie rolled her eyes. He took something out and handed me
a tablet “here, I almost forgot to give you this. This will help you relax your body
and give you strength to perform the ceremony.”

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She nodded “and there is another one. “It strengthens the body and keeps the
spirit high for 48 hours,” he waved a yellow pill.
“Will this affect the baby?” I grimaced.
“No, it has no side effects, but after 48 hours you will feel sleepy and tired
because it will have consumed all your energy and put you into a deep sleep”
"How long?"
“May for 12 hours at least,” Sadie shrugged, “but why do you ask so much?
"You don't need that."
"I know," I nodded. "I was just curious."
The makeup artist did her job well. After putting on my makeup, I put on my
dress and jewelry.
“Wow, you look so beautiful. “I think Alpha is going to faint just looking at you.”
Sadie laughed.
"Did you see him faint?" Jenny rolled her eyes "he's going to lose his mind" and
then laughed. I blushed when I heard them. The door opened again and
suddenly I heard a familiar voice.
I turned around and saw Tanea smiling at me. My eyes widened and I smiled at
"You're here"
“Yes, we wanted to participate earlier, so yes, here we are,” he nodded and
“Savannah”’s mother followed her, all smiles.
“Mom,” I hugged her.
"You look so beautiful, dear," he patted my back.
"Thank you mom" I wiped the corners of my eyes. I still can't believe they're
finally here.
"Where are the others?"
“They're outside talking to Hardwick,” the mother responded. I shook my head.
Ryan's head appeared in the room "it's time" he announced.
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We nodded and left. When I came out, I gasped. The whole gang was there in
glory as the decorations were so beautiful. Flowers, lights, candles, slow music,
everything seemed so perfect. The ceremony was organized in a field so the
decoration was also extensive.
Hardwick approached me and held out his hand. I shyly put my hand in his and
he led me to the center. Once we got there, he put his arm around my waist and
pulled me closer.
“Everyone here already knows why this ceremony is organized. As you know, I
found my partner after years of searching and I think it's time to give my partner
what he deserves. “So, with the testimony of all of you, I, Alpha Hardwick of the
Dark Forest Pack, have announced that She, Savannah Lang is my mate and
now the Moon of the Dark Forest Pack” He held a wine glass and raised it in
high “for the honor of receiving my Moon, the Lady of the Pack. I believe that
you will all give him the same respect and love that you have given me all these
years. “My name is Luna,” he applauded.
The entire crowd raised their wine glasses and applauded loudly. I looked at
them and there was no lack of sincerity in their eyes. I finally became Luna. I
smiled and looked around. Starting today I also share the same responsibility as
Hardwick. And this group became my family.
To the sound of slow music, Hardwick invited me to dance. Other couples also
joined us and the atmosphere suddenly changed to romantic.
"Thank you," I whispered.
"So that?"
“For giving me everything before I could ask for it,” he smiles.
He leaned down and brought our foreheads together “everything I have is all
yours, darling. You don’t have to thank me and treat me like a stranger.”
I laughed "that's not what I mean, Alpha."
"Actually?" He smiled.
"UH Huh. I never treated you like strangers. You and I are one. So how can you
become an outsider?

"That's right," he laughed, "are you tired?"

"Not much," I smiled.

“Let's sit somewhere. It is not good for you to move frequently.”

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“But the music keeps playing”
“Let the others enjoy the dance,” he pulled me out of the dance area.
"Oh, I need to use the bathroom."
"OK let's go"
"What are you doing?" I grimaced.
“What did you say you want to go to the bathroom?”
“Yes, but I can handle it myself. Everyone is here, how can we leave together? I
looked around.
"But this-"
"I'll be fine. I will be back soon. I pushed him into the chair and smiled before
walking towards the packing house.
I entered our room and went straight to the bathroom. After relieving myself, I
fixed my makeup and sighed. Finally the coronation ceremony is completed. I
walked out of the bathroom happily, but stopped immediately when I saw three
men standing in the room.
They were wearing masks and I couldn't guess their identity. Suddenly, every
cell in my body became alert. It is dangerous.
~Do you want me to leave~ Red asked.
~no, I don't want to risk my baby~
~ these bastards, who sent them? ~
~I have no idea~
" Who are you? I asked.
“It doesn't matter who we are. What you have to know is that you are coming
with us,” responded one of them.
I shouted my first "so you want to kidnap me?"
“Don't waste our time,” one of them responded and then moved forward. He
raised his hand about to touch my shoulder. I punched him hard, sending him
flying towards the door.

"Before you enter, you must have information about who you are dealing with," I
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“Fuck, what the hell are you doing, grab her,” the man who fell shouted.
"Use this, you idiots," he shouted again.
I frowned at them. What are you talking about? Another stepped forward, but
before he could reach him, I raised my leg and kicked him in the stomach. He
groaned in pain and fell to the ground. I gasped as I looked at them. I leaned
against the door. God, because of my pregnancy, I am losing my energy. I
couldn't stay alive if I kept fighting. Suddenly, my eyes landed on the yellow pill
sitting on the table near Sadie's medical kit. Suddenly, an idea came to mind.
Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to walk towards him. As soon as I got to the
table, I grabbed the tablet. But before I could turn around, I smelled something
and my vision blurred. I couldn't even scream because this room is soundproof
and no one will hear me. I tried to concentrate on Hardwick, but due to
dizziness I couldn't concentrate completely.
“Don't hurt him or we'll be dead” I heard them murmur. My body staggered and I
fell backwards.
But before he could touch me someone hugged me. My mind went blank and
the last night I remember she was my companion.
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 67
Hardwick's point of view
I looked at the door and frowned when I didn't see anyone coming out. I
loosened my tie as I started choking out of nowhere. Why don't you leave? It's
been more than 10 minutes since he went to the bathroom. She should have
returned by now.
"Hardwick" I turned to focus on the voice. Savannah's mother walked towards
me with her husband.
“Good night mom” I smiled.
“Good evening, dear, this whole ceremony is great. “I never thought there would
be so many people like that,” he smiled.
“It's a big day for Savannah, so of course it has to be. "I don't want anything to
be missing on your special day."
"How sweet," said the dreamy mother. "I knew my daughter will always be
happy with you." She wiped the corners of her eyes. "I'm so happy that after
going through so many hardships my daughter was finally able to live the life
she deserves."
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“You're getting emotional again,” her husband handed her the handkerchief and
smiled, “you can't cry like that tonight. Don't forget it's Savannah's big ceremony
and if she sees you crying like that, will she feel good?
“I know, I'm sorry,” he laughed, “thinking about all those things, I suddenly
became flooded with my emotions.”
He wiped his eyes with his handkerchief. I smiled at them and then turned my
eyes to look at the door again.
"Are you looking for someone's son?" Savannah's father asked.
“Savannah went to the bathroom. “She didn't let me accompany her,” I
responded, frowning.
“Don't worry, it's just the bathroom,” the mother laughed. “He'll be back soon.”
Your words should be comforting, but I feel no comfort, but my heart is restless.
Where is she?
“Everyone is here,” a cheerful voice sounded from afar. Tanea's happy face
appeared instantly after the voice disappeared.
“Alpha Hardwick, Dark Forest is really beautiful. And the decoration of the
ceremony gave a new charm to this place and I must say that Sav is very
lucky,” praised Tanea.
"Thank you" I smiled
"Where's Sav?" Devak looked around.
“She went to the bathroom,” the mother responded.
I looked around and gestured to Luina who was serving the guests next door.
She nodded understanding my gesture and walked towards the packing house.
“Did Sav go alone? I should have gone with her. “I also wanted to use the

Tanea pouted.

"You want to go?" Devak looked at his companion as he asked.

“At first I felt a little uncomfortable, so I thought I would go to the bathroom.”
"Why do not you tell me before? “I would have taken you.” Devak frowned.
"Sorry, I thought it would pass."
"Tanea dear, are you okay?" Mom asked.
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“I'm fine mom, it's common for me” “If you're not feeling well, I can ask the pack
doctor to check your condition” I offered “she's an obstetrician, so you won't
have any health problems.”
“I don't want to bother you, Alpha Hardwick.” Tanea smiled sheepishly.
I shook my head “everything is fine, plus the pack doctor is also treating
And in these conditions you should not risk even a small thing.”
“Hardwick is right, honey. If you feel uncomfortable, let the doctor check you,”
the mother insisted.
“In that case, thank you, Alpha,” Tanea nodded.
“I'll ask the doctor to check you,” I said, picked up my phone and was about to
call when an anxious voice called me.
I turned around and saw Luina running towards me. His face was pale and
My heart began to beat faster as anxiety began to take root.
"What happened?"
“Master, Madam… She is not in the room. I checked her room, but saw that it
was messy, as if there was some fight in the room. And there is no sign of the
Lady in the entire mansion” Luina responded hurriedly.
"What the fuck do you mean he's not here?" I growled. I clenched my jaw.
Anger began to boil in my body.
"What the hell?" Devak cursed “where is my sister?”
“I don't know, Master, but the Lady is definitely not here. I personally checked
every room in the mansion, but there is no trace of her. "It's like someone has
kidnapped her." Luina lowered her head.
“You are his personal maid. Why were you away from her? I asked her.
"You told me you don't need me today."
“Just because she said so? Have you forgotten what your job is? I growled.
Luina fell to her knees “please have mercy, Master. It was my mistake, I should
have been with the Lady.”
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“Receive your punishment on the East Side after this matter is resolved.”
"Yes sir"
Ryan ran towards me with Jenny "What happened?"
“Savannah was kidnapped,” I told him.
"That? “Fuck…” he cursed.
"What is going to happen? You're already weak from the pregnancy" Jenny
choked as she looked very worried "Ryan, please do something" she squeezed
his arm.
"Let me think first baby, calm down," he patted her shoulder.
"Who the hell did this?" Devak growled, "I swear I will cut off their heads," his
forehead almost
, the veins in
jumping out of the skin. Tanea takes his arm trying to calm him down.
“We can't rush things now. You must first calm down to find a rescue plan. AND
that couldn’t happen with an angry mind,” Alpha Micah suggested.
“Yes, first of all we have to find out who took her. “My poor daughter is already
pregnant and if something happens she will never be able to forgive herself,”
said the mother. His eyes were dull and his face was pale. Those happy faces
turned into worry in a second.
“I know who did this.” I clenched my fist. That son of a bitch dared to do
something like that.
It seems like he's tired of living his life.
"WHO?" Devak glared at him.
"Who else? That damn Avan from Bright Shine." Ryan gritted his teeth.
“That bastard,” Devak clenched his fist, “dared to touch my sister with his dirty
“We should attack Bright Shine. How could a simple group like them dare to
kidnap Our Lady? Jenny said angrily.
“It won't work,” I shook my head. “If Avan was planning it, then I don't think he'll
include Savannah in the pack. I could have taken her somewhere else secretly.”
"So what should be done now?" Alpha Micah asked.
“Exterminate Bright Shine Pack”
"That? "
Devak frowned "but you said it wouldn't work"
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I nodded “of course I said that. But that doesn't mean I won't avenge my
partner. Since one of the Bright Shine dared to compromise his son, the entire
gang had to pay for it.
And as for where Avan took my companion, I will find him anyway, but before
that, he must first pay for thinking about kidnapping my companion with the lives
of his family.”
That bastard dared to touch my companion and now his final destruction has
begun. I'll see how the clutch comes out.
"Send the news everywhere about my partner's kidnapping."
Ryan nodded "I understand" and hurriedly left.
"When should we attack?" Devak asked.
I smiled "now"
Savannah Viewpoint
I groaned as my body felt stiff and numb. What happened? I forced my eyes
open and blinked. My vision was blurred by darkness and my surroundings
were silent as hell. I moved my body and turned my head to the side.
But they are all dark. Where I am? I remember, before I lost consciousness, that
three men were inside the room. They came after me, but who sent them?
Breaking into the safety of the Dark Forest is not easy. He knew that Hardwick
had tripled security to prevent anyone from the outside from sneaking in. So
how come there are loopholes in the system and some people got in so easily?
I sighed and rubbed my abdomen.
I hope my baby is safe. No matter what happens, I have to keep my baby and
myself safe until Hardwick comes to rescue me. I have to stay alive.
I know it will come, by now I think they already know about my kidnapping. I'm
glad there was an opportunity. My family is also in the Dark Forest and that
added double power to Hardwick. Damn, I was so happy for my coronation
ceremony, but those bastards had to ruin it all. They even used used drugs to
leave me
unconscious. Sons of bitches, if I wasn't pregnant, I would have shown them the
real me.
“Baby, don't be afraid, mommy is here. “I will protect you,” I murmured, rubbing
my abdomen.
Who could have planned this kidnapping? Delaney? I shook my head.
According to Hardwick, he dealt with her personally, so it is impossible for
Delaney to appear in this matter. So the remaining people are Daisy and Avan.
But could Avan take such a risk?
Even if you agree, you won't be able to do it without help. But as far as I know,
Master Alpha will not allow him to do such a thing. Master Alpha puts the pack
above all else and will
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Never risk helping the son who plans to kidnap me when you know how
dangerous the consequences could be.
So Daisy stayed. I know this must have something to do with her. She always
hated me and wanted me to die. She blames me for what happened to her
sister. So if something happens to me, she will be the one who will be happy.
Your heart will dance with satisfaction. So this matter is really related to her. I
shook my head. I couldn't link this topic perfectly. I looked around. The place
was dark, but there was little light shining through the closed glass window. This
place is something I have never seen before. I couldn't even use the mental
link. I don't know how long I can survive here like this.
Please come quickly, Hardwick.
Please come soon.
Hardwick's point of view
"They're ready," Ryan reported. I nodded and stepped out to see my firm limbs.
“Bright Shine was really trying to outdo everyone and kidnapped our Luna. So
it’s our time to show them who they’re messing with,” I yelled. They applauded
“Tonight we will invade Bright Shine. And tomorrow before sunset there will be
no more Bright Shine package.”
The members applauded again.
Devak stepped forward and said seriously, “I will lead the group. These sons of
bitches dared to be so brazen and now I'm going to teach them a good lesson.”
I nodded “be careful, don't hurt yourself in the process. “I don’t want your sister
to accuse me of letting you get hurt.”
He laughed "just bring her back and that will be enough."
I shook my head. He turned and walked towards the group. Suddenly, he
looked back and smiled “Hardwick, I trust you” and left followed by the group.
I stood there watching him leave. A smile appeared on my face. Finally, I'm
happy that you can trust me with your sister.
“Alpha Devak is very serious,” Ryan said as he stood next to me.
"Where is she?"
"In prison. Trying to escape from the gang”
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I smiled “it seems like some people think they are the only smart ones. Since
you dared to hurt my partner, I will show you what hell is.” I clenched my fist and
walked towards the prison area.
“Avan really planned well. Your sneak attack is really dangerous.”
“Do you think he's alone? It's all your plan to take my partner away from me” I
growled “those bastards, let them fall into my hands. I’ll see where they can
“What's up with Daisy now?”
"I want to see how strong your wings have become." I clenched my jaw and
turned to walk towards the prison.
Ryan opened the prison cell and revealed Daisy, who had curled up in a corner.
He had his head down and when he heard the door open he looked up. His
eyes clouded with fear and his body trembled.
“Are you enjoying your time in prison?” I smiled when I entered.
“Master…” His body trembled as he collided with the cold ground. She dragged
her body away from me.
"Are you afraid, Daisy?" I asked, looking at her coldly.
“You really had a lot of courage, but now you are afraid?”
“Master… that… I didn't mean to,” he stammered.
"You didn't mean?" I laughed “you know what I hate the most is lying, right?”
"Master, please forgive me," he threw the body on the ground.
"Surplus? Before committing your sin, didn't you think about it?"
“Master, I was angry. I... I wanted to get revenge on my sister. My sister was
wronged, they conspired against her Master…. You have to understand"
"Understand?" I grabbed his jaw tightly, lifting his body a little, pressing on his
jaw until he screamed in pain.
“Who are you to hurt my partner? Thanks to you, she had to suffer a lot now.
Have you thought about this?" I yelled.
“Are you talking about your sister? That whore sister of yours? Is she qualified
enough to be compared to my partner?
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Margarida's eyes widened. I left his jaw tight. He fell to the ground again and
screamed in pain.
“You not only tried to harm my partner, but the entire pack. Collide with the
enemy pack and send them information. You betrayed your own pack out of
your own selfish need.” I gritted my teeth.
Daisy looked so surprised that her eyes nearly widened.
“You know…” His voice trembled.
"You're not the only smart one, Daisy," Ryan said to the side. “Do you think
everything you are doing is a secret and no one can find out? Do you think we
are so stupid that we will not be able to find simple loopholes in your plan and
discover your original means?
“Master… I never told you anything except about the agreement. Please
please…. Trust me"
"You lost your opportunity. You lost all confidence the moment you decided to
get my partner in trouble. In the name of revenge you used all dirty means and
now you want me to trust you? Do you consider me an idiot? I growled.
“Master, everything I did was for my sister” he shouted “she has been in love
with you for many years, but you never gave you a chance. She was suffering
and I saw her cry, then you found your partner and she fell late in her chances
of winning you over. In the end, Delaney had to live a miserable life. How can I
tolerate this? "
“Delaney was in a position to terminate because of his own past actions. If you
want to blame someone, be nice to your sister. If she had a clear mind nothing
would have happened to her or many people, she would have been living a
good life. For your sister's own actions, you cannot blame others. You don't
have that right. I gritted my teeth in anger. “Savannah is not the sinner here, she
is innocent and only loved me because I am her partner. We are destined and
bound by a pure love that no one can break.”
"Delaney loved you too, why don't you understand?" Daisy screamed with wide
eyes "she sacrificed herself for you, but you never took her seriously."
I laughed “Did Delaney sacrifice himself? What did he sacrifice? Your own body
to hug me? "
"How can you say that? You don't have a shred of respect-"

“Respect is earned, not given,” I growled. “Your sister not only ruined your self-
esteem, but she also tried to destroy someone else's life. For a person as
selfish as her, do you think her cry for injustice is justified enough?
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"You-" before he could say it, I grabbed his chin and pinched it hard. She
screamed in pain causing a piercing sound. I stared at her and under my gaze
her body trembled.
“Where is Savannah?” I asked, making his eyes widen. Damn, I don't have time
to waste on her.
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 68
Hardwick's point of view
"Who?" Daisy looked at me with a complex expression. His eyes were red and
swollen. Fear could be clearly seen on his face, although he tried to hide it well.
“You know that your simulation will only lead you to hell. So why waste time?
Ryan snorted: “Daisy, I used to think you were smart, but today I found out that
you are worse than your sister. Do you, brothers, have training in conspiracies
behind people's backs? Seriously, I've never seen a personality like that in my
“You are truly an exception,” he applauded.
Daisy's eyes shone with thousands of emotions. He looked like he wanted to
speak, but his lips trembled when no voice came out in the end.
I pinched her jaw hard, making her scream in pain. “Damn, I don't have time to
play with you.
So you better tell me everything before I make you tell me all that shit. By hook
or by crook, the choice is yours.”
"Master, I don't know anything," Daisy stammered, swallowing hard.
I smiled “in the hardest way possible. “Ryan”
"You're an idiot," Ryan huffed angrily before leaving the cell.
I looked at her “do you know why I didn't like Delaney? Since this matter is
about to end, I will tell the truth. Were you crying because you think your sweet
sister suffered injustice at my hands? You said Delaney was dedicated, but I
was so blind that I never saw her devotion nor cared? Since you have set your
mind on his side, let me enlighten you with one thing” my gaze turned cold and I
gritted my teeth. Anger began to bubble inside my chest.
“Do you think your sister is innocent and good-hearted because all the
accusations she faced were false?
But let me tell you, your sister is not what you think on the surface and why? It’s
because she was the reason my father died.”
Daisy's eyes widened as she gasped loudly. She shook her head and her face
darkened with extreme shock.
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“Master, that is not true. “Delaney could never do that.”
“Do you think I have free time to play? It was your sister who used poison to kill
my father.
And the reason why after her plan to seduce me and get a title failed was
because my father refused to accept her as my wife. His complaint on this
matter could not suppress the hatred and poisonous heart. In fact, he did it so
cleanly that it took him years to discover the truth. Dad fell ill suddenly and then
went to his deathbed... My fist clenched as the image of those terrible memories
came to me. “She not only killed my father, but also my mother. Mom couldn't
accept the fact that her companion had abandoned her, so she followed him
silently and joined his journey after death. I would have shown her hell if I had
known this truth before, but she was very lucky for that. Now that all his truth
has been unearthed from the past, he has to pay for everything. Ruining my
parents and now ruining my life.
For a person like her, there is only one feeling that could be placed in my heart.
“I turned around and looked at her and that is DISGUST.”
Daisy's body trembled as she began to shake. It seems that the truth about your
sister has shaken you quite a bit.
“You better tell me the truth. You have already betrayed me by getting along
with my enemy and helping him take my partner. You harmed your Moon and
that type of sin is unacceptable,” I added.
Ryan entered again holding a chain “Bright Shine is under attack,” he reported.
I shook my head and looked at the "go ahead" chain.
Ryan wasted no time and immediately walked over to Daisy, tied the chain
around her wrist, and then tied her hands to the wall. Daisy was forced to get up
and was almost hanging from the wall. I walked towards her and grabbed her
chin tightly.
“Where is Savannah?”
"How stubborn!" Ryan said and then secured the chain with the plug.
“I ask you again. Where is she?" I asked him.
"I don't know," he shook his head.
I laughed darkly “it's okay, since you're so anxious then. Let's have fun." I
“Ahhh…” She screamed. The current was connected with electricity. As soon as
Ryan turned it on, the electric shock would transfer through the metals to his
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“I'm not going to talk yet,” Ryan roared. “You want to enjoy double the power,
darling. I would love to make your wish come true.” Ryan smiled and I raised
the bar.
“Ahm…” Daisy moaned. His body trembled and he screamed again, the current
passing through his body.
“Alpha surprises me. "I'll tell you everything"
"You know what to do. "Don't make me repeat it again," I told him.
“I…I…I don't actually know where he took Luna. He did not make it clear due to
lack of time. My job was simply to let your man cross the border and join the
herd. I don't know about Luna's whereabouts. But he mentioned that he would
take her to a different place, away from the valley,” Daisy said with a trembling
voice. His body shook violently without stopping.
“Far from the valley?” I grimaced. My assumption was correct. That bastard
actually took her to different places so she couldn't find them. Bastard, you
think, can you hide my partner and I will leave you?
"Bright Shine must have another secret place where they do private things,"
Ryan said, frowning.
"Come on"
“To see the extermination of Bright Shine” I walked towards the door “increase
the amplifiers to 0.2” I ordered my man guarding the cell door. He nodded and
As soon as we left the cell, I could hear the deadly scream coming from the cell.
"What a waste!" Ryan sighed.
“Okay, what a loss,” I said as we left the cell area.
Devak's point of view
In the Bright Shine package-
“Exterminate every damn thing,” I roared as we entered the Bright Shine Pack.
The Dark Forest and Snow Moon Pack armies are enough to deal with all these
pack people.
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“Do not leave a single life, be it a woman or a child. Kill everyone who gets in
your way” I ordered shouting.
The screams of the crowded women roared into the silent night. Nobody would
have thought that something like this would happen.
This damn lowly pack has always been an eyesore in my eyes and today they
exaggerated their sins by kidnapping my sister.
How dare they put their hands on him? Wasn't all the humiliation she had
suffered since she was little enough for them to plan and take her away from
her partner when she finally started to be happy? Will I show them what hell is?
“Avan, you bastard, get out. If I don't drink your blood I will have no peace,” I
"What's going on?" Alpha Deven and Luna Artha were left without a group.
Their eyes widened when they saw our army.
“Alpha Devak? Why are you here right now and what is it about? Deven asked,
looking around.
"You do not know?" I smiled “Then I should praise you. Is it really surprising that
you are the oldest of this group and have no idea what your younger generation
is getting into?
“Alpha Devak, please calm down. Do I really know nothing? Why are you so
angry and attacking our pack like this? "We are innocent"
"Innocent?" I laughed “you really are something I should say. I really wonder
how the hell you've ruled this pack all these years with such a low IQ, Alpha
Deven. Did you use some kind of trick? I scoffed.
His face turned dark and then red. “What kind of nonsense are you talking,
Alpha Devak? I dedicated myself to this package. Although I don’t know why
you are angry, I won’t let you insult my pack like that.”
I rolled my eyes “Is there something that insults your pack? Do you think you'd
go so far as to throw an insult?
You still need to update to get to the point first”
"Alpha Devak," he roared angrily.
“Shut up,” I roared back. “Don't waste your time and bring that bastard son of
"A truck?" Deven frowned. “What did he do?”
"You do not know?" I scoffed “wow, are you still his father? Or have you
mistakenly taken someone else's child as your own?
"What do you mean by that?" He looked at me like I was afraid of this.
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“As a parent, you should know what your child is doing. But looking at you, I am
sorry that you have been deceived by your own son and now your son will lead
you all to the road to hell.”
"Alpha Devak, there must be some mistake," he tried to defend himself.
"Mistake?" My anger exploded “your damn son kidnapped my sister who was
happy to have a coronation ceremony in the Black Forest. How do you explain
this Alpha Deven?
“You really raised your son well and now you two are going to hell together.”
"That?" His eyes widened and his face filled with surprise. "How could this
happen? "Avan couldn't do such a thing," he shook his head.
"You could not? That bastard already did it and now he's hiding her. "Are you
still defending that useless son of yours?"
“Alpha, what are you saying? What did Avan do? Artha shouted, grabbing
Seven's arm.
“Alpha Devak, I really have no idea about this. If I had known that, I wouldn't
have let him do that. “Alpha, please give me some time, I will talk to him and
make him see reason,” Deven tried to plead.
"Talk?" I laughed “there's no point doing that Alpha Deven. Your son has
already done the damage. Who do you think would pay the price?
His eyes widened “no, he is the only son I have left. “I’ll make sure he brings
your sister back.”
“Do you think my sister is an object that your son can put wherever he wants?
What do you think of me?
A fool? Alpha Deven you are truly amazing. Even if you beg me, nothing will
change. Bright Shine is doomed to collapse,” I hissed.
“No,” Artha shook his head as he shouted. A horrible expression clouded his
“Alpha Devak, you are angry now. Please calm down first. “We can talk about
this calmly.”

Deven tried to smile.

"There is nothing to talk about. Use your trick on those who want to believe you,
because your tricks are not acceptable here.” I looked at him.
"Shut up" I growled.
“Alpha Devak, my son is ignorant and does not understand the deeper meaning
of the situation. Please forgive him. I will ask him to return your sister safely to
the Dark Forest. Please give me some time,” Deven pleaded again.
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“Oh, maybe you have a lot of free time, but I don't,” another voice sounded
behind him. I turned around and saw Hardwick walking towards us with Ryan.
“Alpha,” Deven gasped.
"Since you are so incapable of dealing with your son, I will do it for you," said
“Alpha, please spare my son's life. He is always stubborn and does what he
likes. I know he committed a sin by kidnapping his partner, but I will punish him
for it. “I will ask him to return his companion safely,” Deven insisted.
"After ruining my partner's reputation, you still have the courage to say that?"
Hardwick growled angrily. “Do you think this is some kind of joke? Is my
partner's life a joke to you?
“Shut up or I'll seal your mouth forever.” Hardwick didn't let him finish. “Do you
think your request will change the situation? Your son's audacity is impressive, I
couldn't help but praise him. “He dared to covet my companion and exceeded
all his limits by kidnapping her.”

“Alpha Hardwick-
Deven hesitated for a moment. “Savannah was also Avan's partner.
“You better keep your mouth shut if you don't want to die without knowing the
Hardwick warned before he even finished.
“You bastard, you even dared to bring up the past,” I growled. “When she was
here, all of you never treated her well, but you hurt her in the worst possible
way, destroying her self-esteem and now you dare to plaster the broken bond
on the present? Alpha Deven, you really have great courage to make such
useless efforts, don't you?
“My son is an idiot, please don't take his actions seriously,” he pleaded again,
not caring about his own Alpha image.
“His son did what he wanted to do. “Now it is our turn to reciprocate with
Hardwick's voice took on a cold tone.
"What do you mean?" Deven was expressionless.
Hardwick turned to him and smiled at the “surprise” he uttered before roaring in
a high-pitched voice that nearly made my cochlea explode. A huge black figure
appeared before my eyes as the huge furry figure jumped towards Deven
followed by Artha's piercing scream.
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 69
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Avan's point of view
I smiled as I walked towards the door. I still can't believe the fact that she is
Finally, in my bag and now I will hide it from this world. It should only belong to
me and no one else. As for that bastard Hardwick, even if he digs throughout
the universe, he will never find her. Now that my Shyla is here I will see how
she runs away from me.
The two guards waiting outside the door nodded when they saw me.
I stopped and looked at them...
"Everything is alright?"
“Yes, no problem,” one of them responded.
"Well, they didn't see you, did they?"
“Don't worry, they don't know. And the chances of them finding that place are
Hearing the positive responses, I felt relief in my heart and once again shook
my head before opening the door and entering. I turned on the light and looked
around. I saw my partner sitting on the bed placed in the corner. She was
resting her head on her knees, hiding her beautiful face. I smiled and
approached her.
I could no longer contain my excitement. Damn, it's finally here again like it was
two years ago.
"Are you tired? Do you want something to drink?" I asked.
Suddenly, he looked up and opened his eyes wide. His face was clouded with
It seemed like he didn't expect to see me here.
"Amazed?" I smiled.
"It's you" I can see his eyes darken, his purple orbs turning slightly violet. I was
fascinated by its beauty. Damn, she's so beautiful. Why the hell didn't I realize
this sooner and try to get a clone instead of a real one?
"Of course it's me" I smiled at him and sat on the bed "do you think others
would have a chance to catch you?"
"Why did you kidnap me?" She asked looking at me.
“It's not a kidnapping, honey, I brought you back to where you rightfully belong.
This is where you should live. With me and in my arms"
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“You're so sick, Avan. And don't you dare use those disgusting expressions of
yours on me. It makes me sick every time I hear you call me” his expression
changed and is now full of disgust.
I tried to control my anger. I smiled warmly at him. She's angry and of course
she will be. I need to be gentler. He couldn't conquer her with force or anger.
“I know you're angry and I think you should be. I am also ashamed of everything
I have done in the past. I know it was bad and made you feel ashamed. I was
so confused that I couldn't see the truth clearly and looked for a false one. But
that was a past event. Now my mind is clear and I understand what the truth is.”
Suddenly, the corner of his lips raised with a sneer, “Oh, really? I believe in you
a lot, Avan. You are an amazing person and I should feel good because do you
realize it now? After torturing me and robbing me of my own dignity? Do you
just understand the truth now?
“I know you won't believe me. But I'll keep trying until you understand me and
my points. You weren't giving me a choice either, so I was forced to bring you
here without your constant.”
“You're already 2 years late, Avan. And the bond you are referring to had
already been broken the day I rejected you as my partner. "So don't think you
can use a broken bond to persuade me," he hissed.
I smiled "we are friends and no one can change that"
“It is broken and what is broken cannot be considered strong. The gaps will
crack it even more and in the end it will turn into ashes.” His eyes glowed with
fire as he watched me enunciate each word.
What a sharp-tongued woman. She even looks beautiful when she's angry. I
never imagined she could be so attractive in her anger. Why was he so blind
that he couldn't see the yolk under the coal?
“The bonds of companionship are forever, my dear. It could never be broken
with a few words. I guess you're thinking that everything between us ended
because you said so? But I do not think so. And that's why I'm going to show
you this slowly. Your mind is full of anger and resentment, so you can't
understand my point now. But do not worry. Since you are already here, you will
get to know everything little by little,” he smiles. I hope you will consider my
words and behave well.
She raised her eyebrows “slowly? Do you think you have time? Don't you think
so highly of yourself, Avan? Do you think you can keep me here forever?
“Do you think I can't?”
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"I don't believe it. I know. No matter where you take me or keep me, he will find
me. Therefore, all your efforts will be in vain. "It would be better if you let me
return to the Dark Forest." ".
It will be good for you and your pack.”
I clenched my fist and clenched my jaw. “Don't talk about another man in front
of me.”
“He's not another man, he's my MATE, you bastard,” he screamed.
I stood up abruptly “it seems like you won't understand me until I force you to.
Do you think that bastard can find you here? You're still dreaming about your
fantasy. Forget about seeing him again. You've been away from me for so long
and now I won't let you go. Not now.
Never,” I replied and walked towards the table. I took out the small drawer and
took the injection that was there.
“I thought you would understand since you are an intelligent woman, but it
seems that you like that second partner of yours so much that you are ignoring
my words and not letting them penetrate your mind properly. Since you are so
stubborn, I have to use force to make you understand this.” I checked the
injection and turned to her.
His eyes widened "What the hell are you doing?"
I smiled "you don't need to scare Shayla."
"My name is not Shyla," he gritted his teeth.
“That is for others, but for me you will always be that Shyla. I know your purple
clan is stubborn and also strong to tame. But every strong thing has its own
weakness, so I'll use it. After all, I liked that shy and weak Shyla from the past
He tried to free himself. It's a good thing your hands and legs are tied now. This
will help me more.
Smiling, I walk towards him and grab his arm. Her soft skin felt so good when I
touched it. Damn, even his body has changed in these 2 years.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Shyla tried to free her arm from my grip. I must
say that she is quite strong because her strength is difficult to control. But I'm
also an Alpha, so I'm naturally stronger than her physically. I gripped his arm
"Do not be afraid. It's no big deal. This injection will not cause any harm to his
body, it will only keep your wolf sleeping soundly. I tried so hard to get this
medicine, isn't it good? I smiled at him and injected him with the sleeping wolf
serum. It was a miracle that I got this medicine. Although I never thought about
how to use it, I am happy to finally be able to use it forever.
Shyla hisses and then grits her teeth as she looks at me.
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“It won't hurt you,” I whispered and threw the injection on the floor. I leaned
closer to her face and her sweet scent filled my nose. God, it smells so good. I
want to feel his body against mine now. I've been dreaming about doing this
every night. Just imagining her lying there, completely naked, her beautiful body
exposed for my eyes to see and her panting and moaning as I fuck her over and
over again. I want to try that sweet perfume of yours and feel how good it is.
"Do you know how beautiful you are?" I whispered.
"Get away from me," he hissed, no emotion in his eyes.
“Why are you so grumpy, Shyla? As your partner, I have the right to fuck you
and make you feel good. Just thinking about fucking her made my cock hard as
a stick.
Suddenly, he pressed me hard “you have no right over me, Avan. Maybe you
would have, but you were the one who ruined everything. It was you who
betrayed me, fucking my stepsister behind my back and making a fool of
yourself all the time. Are you tired of fucking Reese now that you suddenly
remembered that broken bond I threw in your face that night?
His words were harsh and I suddenly felt guilty. I shouldn't have fucked Reese
and cheated on her.
I will always feel guilty about this, but that is in the past and I can't change it, no
matter how hard I try. That will always remain in my mind.
“Can't you just let this go? It was already a thing of the past. Reese is no longer
in our lives and all you have to do is forget about that bastard and let me in. I
Even after being injected it is still very strong. The way he pushed me really
shows his strength.
"Let go? You never let go of the past, so how could I? Do you think kidnapping
me will give you all the advantages? I'm not that shy Shyla anymore, Avan.
Mark my words, I am Savannah, the princess." from Snow Moon and Luna from
Dark Forest. Whether you accept it or not, this truth will never change. Hardwick
will come looking for me and when he arrives you can forget about life. You
know why? Because he loves me too much to "See me hurt" He said in a forced
tone as he looked at me.
My eyes darkened and my blood began to boil. Are you still after that man?
What the hell does she think of herself?
“Since you are so determined for him to come for you, I would like to witness it
too. But before that happens, I will teach you a good lesson to challenge me. I
want to see after tonight how you will think about that bastard again.” I fell
asleep, grabbed her legs and pulled her towards me.
She screamed and tried to kick his legs “let me go, you rascal. “Don’t make me
dislike you more,” he shouted.
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I laughed, "you can try baby, but let me tell you, you won't win." Tonight you will
see the real man. “My cock is so eager to enter that sweet pussy of yours.”
Shyla looked at me with disgust. I really don't like that expression of his, but I
can't help it.
I need to do this so she can't challenge me.
“You are a coward, Avan, a big loser. That's why you injected me first and then
tried to force me. You know the truth, you can't win if you had my strength. “I
have never seen an Alpha as cowardly as you,” Shyla replied.
“Shut up,” I roared, “you really have a hard tongue. Don't worry, in a minute I'll
use it forever. Let me see how long you can maintain your stubbornness.” I took
the cloth off and tore it. The material couldn't last long with my strength and
broke with one tug. Her beautiful white skin was exposed before me. She was
wearing a dark purple bra and her cleavage could be clearly seen. My mouth
watered when I saw it. Damn, she has a beautiful body and I want to kiss every
inch of it.
I grabbed her wrist, pulled it over her head and leaned down. But before I could
kiss his neck, the door opened and one of my men ran in. "Alpha".
"What the hell is that?" I roared at him...
“Bad news, the Bright Shine package has been destroyed. News arrives that all
members of the pack have died.”
My body stiffened and my blood ran cold. Was my backpack destroyed? Mom,
dad, are they all dead?
How can this be possible? Did the well-cared-for herd end up like this?
“And the other news is that we are now under attack.”
My mind went black and I got up immediately. I don't care about Shyla now.
How did all this happen so suddenly? Suddenly I heard a low laugh. I turned
around and saw Shyla sitting on the bed. Although her dress was torn, it still
hung from her waist. He didn't seem to care about his exposed body as he
smiled at me.
“I told you Avan, he will come and now you are so damned.”
Romance claiming his tempting companion chapter 70
Savannah Viewpoint
I looked at Avan, whose face now changed to a different kind of expression. I
sighed inwardly with relief. If the news came a little late, I would have to commit
suicide. Because of his injection I couldn't wake Red up and since he's an Alpha
male, I couldn't fight him at all. Given my only normal physical strength, it was
impossible. Furthermore, if he
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If you had forced me, my baby would have been hurt and my body would have
been ruined. I could never look at Hardwick again with my dirty appearance.
"How the hell did they find this place?" Avan roared angrily.
"Don't know. News has just arrived that the entire Bright Shine Clan is dead.
And they are advancing towards us," the man who brought the news said again.
“Damn, that bastard is too fast. It really destroyed my entire clan. “Fuck, fuck,
Avan cursed loudly.
"What should we do now?"
“We can't fight them. We have to go first. This place is already remote, I never
thought I would find it so quickly” Avan clenched his fist. I can see his jaw
clenching with each word.
“This is the most private place, Alfa. And if we leave now, they might catch us
soon” the other man shook his head.
“Now are you going to tell me what to do?” Avan growled.
"Alpha, we are not safe"
"I do not care about that. We need to get out of this place right now” Avan
forced his words.
The other man seemed to want to say something else, but before he could
make a sound, another man rushed in.
“Alpha bad news. They are here and they have surrounded this entire area.
"We couldn't leave."
“Damn bastard” Avan shouted angrily. He turned around and suddenly hit the
wall hard. The wall showed signs of cracking instantly. I rolled my eyes.
“Are you out of ideas now?” I laughed. “I told you, my partner will find you, no
matter where you hide me. You really underestimated him, Avan. Now look at
your own condition. Your entire plan has been destroyed and now your destiny
is knocking at your door.
And it all happened thanks to you. Aren't you guilty that because of your own
greed so many people had to die?
He turned around and gave her a "shut up, bitch" look. All of this would not have
happened if you had obediently remained in the pack. But no, we had to run
away and embarrass the whole gang. You didn't even care that the pack that
raised you for so many years gave you everything,” he replied.
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I smiled “providing everything? "
I tilted my head with a mocking smile. “By that term of yours, do you mean
eating twice a day? Or do you mean the humiliation I suffered all these years?
Let's not talk about the others, let's get back to you, I was embarrassed to show
myself as your packmate, but you still hung out with Reese and fucked her. So
when you got caught, you wanted to make a deal by replacing me in the dark?
Is that what you mean by everything? Will all this happen if that sinister couple
takes me away from my own parents? If you want to blame, then blame them
and then blame yourself.”
“But unfortunately that sinister couple is already dead, right? And you're already
alone” my smile widened “are you feeling okay now? How does it feel to be
“How I felt all those years I lived in that damn place.”
Avan's eyes darkened as he looked at me. He walked forward and slapped me
hard, making my head tilt to the side. I can feel the blood dripping from the
corner of my lips. But instead of feeling angry or hurt, it just made me smile.
“Shut up if you want to be in a good position. You talk too much. Let me clean
up the mess outside first, then you’ll see how I treat you, bitch.”
I turned my head to look at him again “you know what? You're a coward, Avan.
So cowardly that he doesn't have the courage to listen to the truth. I really
wonder how I couldn't see that face of yours and became so obsessed with
loving you all these years. “I’m really sorry,” I yelled.
“Damn—” before Avan could say, a devastating roar echoed from outside.
Suddenly my heart skipped a beat and started beating faster.
He is here,
My partner,
My other half,
My man,
The father of my little baby.
“Fuck,” Avan cursed as he looked toward the door.
“We have to stop them,” the other two men hurriedly left.
Avan turned to look at me again, “you really like that man, don't you? Alright,
today I'm going to kill that bastard in front of your eyes and then I'm going to
fuck you so hard that you won't remember anything but me.
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Smile “Dream and reality are two different things, Avan. Before turning your
dream into reality, you must see if you have this ability or not.”
He didn't say anything, but looked at me sternly. I gave him a mocking smile,
making him even angrier.
“We'll see” he turned around and was about to take a step, but the door opened.
I turned my head only to be trapped under the familiar, domineering brown orbs.
Suddenly my eyes filled with tears when I saw his face. My partner, my
Hardwick, was standing at the door watching us. He was shirtless and was only
wearing pants. His muscles were tight and swollen, making him more
masculine, if possible.
He is here. I closed my eyes and sighed in relief. When I opened my eyes
again, I found him looking at Avan.
"You really have a lot of nerve to put your hands on my partner." Hardwick
looked at Avan.
“She was my mate first,” Avan replied.
Hardwick laughed “what a shame, you never cared. You never knew the value
of your partner.
You missed your chance and now it's mine” their sensual lips met “you never
knew what you were missing”
"You bastard, how dare you say that?" Avan growled.
“A coward like you doesn't even cross my eyes,” Hardwick replied, smiling.
“Since you are so confident, I will show you who has the real power here. Today
I will drag you to hell before their eyes,” Avan roared.
"Even if I have to go to hell, I will drag you with me, coward."
Then the two attacked each other. They both had Alpha blood and their powers
are almost the same. Avan threw punches at Hardwick, but he avoided them
gracefully. Seizing the opportunity, Hardwick punched Avan hard in the chest,
causing him to fall to the ground.

“Fuck,” Avan cursed as he wiped the blood from his lips.

“Is this your power?” Hardwick smiled. This man never leaves the opportunity to
make fun of others. I wanted to roll my eyes.
Avan got up and attacked again. This time he kicked Hardwick hard. Hardwick
backed away and crashed into the nearest wall. My eyes widened as I
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He looked up and smiled, “I'm fine, honey. Don’t worry,” he gathered his
courage and then ran towards Avan. He landed numerous punches on Avan's
face, which Avan tried to avoid. They both fought hard, but it's hard to decide
who is stronger. Because they are both the Alpha, their strength is stronger than
others. A few seconds later, the two walked away. Looking at each other, they
“Today is your last day on this earth, you bastard,” Avan roared and then turned
into his wolf form. My eyes widened. I had never witnessed it like this, although I
used to imagine it in my fantasy. But today, seeing his wolf, I feel nothing.
“I'm going to dig your grave here,” Hardwick growled and then moved too. My
eyes fixed on his posture. Soon my eyes met a dominator. His black eyes
almost clouded the white spaces. His dark black hair shined as he stood there
with his majestic appearance. Huge and dark. My eyes couldn't move while they
were fixed on my partner. This is the first time I've seen Onyx. It's so beautiful,
beyond imagination.
They roared and attacked each other. His attack was so violent that it made my
heart skip a beat. They growled as they fought trying to show dominance over
each other. The Alpha fights were the most dangerous. It won't stop until one of
them dies declaring the victory of survival. Onyx jumped towards Avan and
stretched out his paw attacking him.
“Sav” a panicked tone reached my ear making me look towards the door. Devak
ran towards me with a worried expression.
"Are you OK?" I hug myself.
"Yes" I nodded.
"Fuck. "That bastard tried to force himself on you" he cursed when he saw my
half naked state. He quickly took off his shirt and made me put it on. He held me
in his arms and then broke the restraints before pulling me in. above.
"Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked again.
“No” I shook my head. At that moment a loud growl echoed through the room. I
turned my head only to find Avan's lifeless body lying in the pool of blood. I
looked at his lifeless body. Only if he could stay out of my life would he still be
alive. I shook my head. Although I broke the bond, he was my first partner and
seeing him die in front of me is very uncomfortable.
Hardwick returned to his human form and walked towards me. As soon as he
reached me, he hugged me.
“I almost thought I lost you, my love,” he whispered in my ear, planting sweet
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I hugged him tighter. “I was so scared. “I thought you wouldn’t make it in time,” I
cried. All the emotions he was suppressing before began to come to the
“Shh….. Do not Cry. Everything is well now. All those troublemakers are already
dead. “No one will come for you,” he kissed your forehead.
"You are injured?"
I shook my head "no, he injected me with something and made Red sleep on
top of me."
“We will find a way to wake her up again. For now you need to rest,” he took me
in his arms before leaving the room.
All the members of the pack were waiting outside the house. But my eyes
widened with surprise on my face when I saw the familiar face in the crowd.
“Reese?” I sighed. "What is she doing here?"
“She was the one who told us about this place,” Hardwick replied.
"Did she tell you?" I frowned and looked at her again.
Reese seemed quite changed now. She was wearing a knee-length light purple
Her facial makeup was light. Not as the past used to boast. He seemed like a
completely different person. She smiled slightly at me. But I can see that there
was nothing but emptiness in his eyes. His face was pale and he seemed weak.
"Hello Savannah"
"I know. Anyway, it's a long story," he shook his head.
“Because you helped me find my partner, I will spare your life. Until you find a
place to stay, you can be a guest in the Dark Forest,” Hardwick said.
Reese looked surprised, but then nodded slightly. I turned my head and looked
at my partner.
Are you forgiving her? I know Bright Shine is already out of the wolf tribe story.
And it was Reese's house and now she's homeless. But I never thought
Hardwick would offer you help.
He looked at me and smiled “it's over, honey. We're going home. “Everyone is
waiting for us”
I smiled and nodded before resting my head on his chest. He was still holding
me bridal style.
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“Yes, let's go home.”

It's all over, finally.

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Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 71
Savannah Viewpoint
"Are you OK?"
I laughed “seventh time”
“What?* He seemed confused.
“This is the seventh time you've asked me.”
"I can't help it" he shook his head and then checked my body again rubbing
"That bastard dared to put his hands on you," he clenched his fist as a low
growl erupted from his throat.
“Hardwick, he's already dead. "He got what he deserved." I tried to calm him
"I still wanted to come back and destroy your body."
I shook my head “he’s dead. You don't need to get your hands dirty doing this.
For a person like him, it will only stain his hand with his filthy blood.”
Hardwick stroked my cheek gently: “I'll ask Sadie to put ointment on your cheek.
It's still red."
I smiled “I'm fine, nothing happened to me. You know why? Because you came
to save me. You arrived at the right time. How will I thank you for this?
He leaned down and brought our foreheads together, “just stay by my side
"I love you"
"I love you more, baby," he whispered, kissing me. The familiar taste filled my

That dominant taste of his melted my heart in an instant.

"Where is she?" The door opened, startling me.
"Fuck," he cursed and then looked at the person standing at the door.
"Oops, I didn't know you two..." Sadie smiled "uh, I'll be done in a minute."
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"Stop right there," Hardwick said coldly. He got out of bed, “you're already here.
“Just come and do your job.”
Sadie came in smiling and placed her first aid kit on the table.
“Next time you better be careful or I'll cut your head off,” Hardwick hissed at
“Haha, I'll take care of it” Sadie laughed nervously. I shook my head and rolled
my eyes.
Sadie sat on the bed and took my pulse “hmm… it's normal. Due to too many
activities, your body is tired. You need a good rest, Luna. “I will prescribe some
medication that will help you recover your body from exhaustion.”
"Sadie, I need to tell you something."
"What is it?"
“Um… the night of the kidnapping I took that tablet you showed me. If it weren't
for that, I wouldn't be able to survive and strengthen my body to stay active.”
She nodded. “I know, I discovered that the pill was missing. But don't worry, it
won't affect your baby," he said.
"There's something else too," I sighed. “Avan injected me with a type of drug
that will keep my wolf asleep, weakening my power. Can you help me with this?
"He did?" She frowned. “I never thought they would get this medicine” he shook
his head and gave himself an injection “don't worry, I've been researching this
for years and you're lucky to finally find the antidote” he smiled.
“Why does this medicine work?” I asked as Sadie prepared to inject me with the
“To defeat enemies,” Hardwick replied, “this will put the inner wolf to sleep,
which will definitely weaken one's power and strength. And this situation was
the perfect time to kill your enemies without exhausting yourself.”

“There” Sadie smiled “your wolf will wake up in a few hours” “Thank you,” I


She laughed. “Don't embarrass me by thanking me.”

“Savannah’s” mom and dad hurried inside.

"Mom, dad," I smiled.

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How are you sweetheart?" Mom seemed worried.
“I'm fine, Mom,” I smiled, trying to reassure her. “Sadie also examined me and
said there's nothing to worry about.”
“Thank God I'm very worried,” she cried.
"Are you okay, princess?" Dad asked.
I nodded "yes dad"
He turned to Hardwick and patted his shoulder with a proud look: “You are
worthy of being the Alpha of the Dark Forest. You know how to handle things
even in difficult situations.
Thank you for saving my daughter and bringing her back unharmed.”
“It is my responsibility towards my partner. Please don't thank me. As long as
I'm alive, I will never let anyone bully you, no matter what,” Hardwick
“I'm very proud of you son” and then they hugged each other. I smiled looking at
them. Dad really accepted it wholeheartedly and I'm happy to see them like this.
“Everyone is here,” Tanea joined Devak.
“I'm so happy to see you here, darling” Tanea hugged me smiling.
"Thank you"
I looked at my brother "How did they find me so fast?"
"We wouldn't have made it if it weren't for that so-called sister of yours," Devak
replied, "but I'm glad she made the right choice and helped us locate him or
anything could have happened," he shook his head. .
“I'm really surprised to see her there. I mean, ever since I started to understand
things, I knew that she would always be hostile towards me no matter what I
did. He used to put all the blame he did in the past making me look like a fool in
front of everyone. But how did he suddenly change and come to help me?
Thinking about the past made me dizzy. The last thing I expected anyone to be
my savior was Reese.
Although he left at the right time, I couldn't help but be surprised by his actions.
“Maybe now you understand,” the mother responded, “time changes everything,
even people's hearts and thoughts.”
"But she can't be trusted," Devak snorted.
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“She has nowhere to live, Dev” Tanea frowned “although she made mistakes,
but she was also the one who helped you in the end. Think if I hadn't offered
him the placement, what would have happened to Sav? Therefore, even if you
don’t like her, you don’t need to insult her.”
“It's okay, I'll stay away from her, that's all. If I don’t see it, I don’t need to get
Tanea rolled her eyes and looked at me “although you two are not related by
blood, but you stayed with her like a sister. Sav, I think she has changed and
since she was the one who saved you, you should at least thank her.
So that you do not have any debt with her.”
I nodded “I will. There are also many things I want to know about her.
Later that night I felt fine. After taking medicine and eating well, I walked to the
I stopped on the path when I saw a figure sitting under the small gazebo in the
garden. Thinking a little, I walked towards him.
"Can I sit?" I asked as soon as I got there.
Reese turned around looking stunned “uh, yeah, sure. Either way, it's your
I sat in the chair and looked at her. She changed. She looked pale and aged in
her current form. He used to have a vibrant appearance, always starting from
his clothes to his shoes, he always liked to show off. But now looking at her it
seems that she is not the same person.
I sighed "I'm sorry about your parents."
"No need," he shook his head. His voice was soft and there was no pride like
"Aren't you resentful?" I asked.
"Does it make any sense?" She looked at me “everything that happened was
caused by Avan himself. So the main culprit here was him. He died, but he took
his backpack.”
“Why do I feel like you’re not sad because he died?” I grimaced. She used to
love him very much. But her eyes showed no pain for him.
“There is no point in being sad thinking about him,” her response was quite
shocking. I couldn't contain my shocked expression.
"You were so in love with him, weren't you?" I asked her.
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She shook her head “I made a mistake. I thought he was a prince who would
add charm to my life, but I was wrong. I understood reality so late that I had
nothing left. “Everything was empty”
I frowned "Reese you-"
"I'm sorry" he stopped me in the middle. I looked at her.
“I know that saying sorry won't change anything. But I still want to apologize to
Whatever I did in the past, humiliate you, make fun of you and even kidnap your
real partner" she shook her head "I was so stupid"
“What happened to you Resse? You are not like that"
“Because I understood reality. I understood that dreams and reality are very
different things. It is okay to dream, but it is not okay to consider the dream as
reality. All my life I loved the man who wasn't mine. Avan was never mine, no
matter how hard I tried to win him over. I thought that by seducing him and
being favored by him I could achieve things, but I was wrong. I shouldn't have
allowed myself to be blinded by greed and make these mistakes. In the end, I
was left with nothing but a broken heart,” his voice sounded so painful that it hit
the weak spot in my heart.
"You should have accepted your real partner, Reese, instead of rejecting him," I
told him.
Reese turned to me with a surprised look "did you know...did you know?"
“No, I assumed so,” I shrugged, “but it seems to be true.”
"I could not. He was good, but I wasn't. I was devoted to Avan even after losing
my virginity.
And for my partner…” He paused: “I have nothing to give him. My body was not
pure nor was my mind or my heart. I know it was wrong, but even if he accepted
it, would he love me after knowing the truth? His eyes filled with pain. “It is
better for him to find someone else, if possible, than to leave me. "I don't want
my past or my situation."
I take her hand “couples are not about physical love. Mate is a heart
Maybe he would have accepted you if you had told him the truth. Or maybe you
still have that chance.”
“No, I lost everything with Avan Savannah. I had nothing left. I don't want to ruin
other people's lives. I have committed so many sins and this is the punishment I
"Living my life alone"
“Reese, life is not easy. I can never forget things from the past, but that doesn't
mean I will live with it. To live your present and build your future you need to
leave the past behind.
That's what I did and now I'm happy. And you have already realized your
mistake and that is enough.”
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Do you believe?" She asked.
I nodded “no one is perfect, you know. We all make mistakes, but we must also
realize them and try to correct them. And in your case you corrected your
mistakes by helping me last night. I wouldn't be here if you didn't show up at the
right time. Thanks for that,” I smiled.
"This is nothing. Avan went beyond all his limits and I couldn't just sit back and
watch him make all the mistakes. I hated him for everything. "I want to curse
him for everything he made me do."
“He is no longer here. Avan no longer exists. You should forget about him and
move on with your life. Even if your pack is destroyed, if you want, you can live
She smiled. “You're so good, Savannah. I always knew it. But I can't live here.
This will make me feel more guilty. Thanks for the offer"
"You're sure? What are you going to do now?"
“I'm going to travel,” he shrugged.
"They'll call you a rogue when you leave."
She nodded. “I know, but I don't care anymore. I don't have anyone to take care
of, so wherever I have to go, I'll just go. I want to be free from everything”
“Reese, why don't you find your partner? I mean, what if he's still waiting for
I asked.
"I can't go back to him" she gave him a small smile "I can't give him anything but
she sighed again “I had a miscarriage and it left me infertile for the rest of my

How can I get back with him? "

I sighed. Can't give birth anymore? I never knew.


She laughed: "I was punished for my sins."

"Very sorry"
"Alright. "I should go now" he stood up and looked at me with a smile "since
you're fine, I wish you a good life. "Although in name we were once sisters, so I
hope you can forgive me." If there is a chance that we will meet again,” he then
changed into his wolf form before running into the depths of the forest.
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I watched her leave with a heavy heart. How time changed, turning the beautiful
girl into a pale and lifeless one. I felt a hand slide around my waist. The familiar
smell hit me and I leaned closer into his touch.
"She left?"
"He was lucky to survive the whole crisis," Hardwick said again.
I sighed “he has changed so much that he is almost unrecognizable.”
“Everyone has their own destiny”
I didn't answer him, but I closed my eyes as I leaned against him. You are right,
everyone had their own destiny and that is something we cannot decide.
Romance claiming his tempting companion Chapter 72
Savannah Viewpoint
Two years later…
“Wow, you look so beautiful. You know I'm really jealous right now” Tanea
smiled as she looked at my dress. I laughed looking at her through the mirror.
The white lace flowed like a river behind me, while the perfectly fitted diamond-
plated dress hugged my body, reflecting my curves.
“I still can't believe Hardwick proposed to you in front of everyone. God, a
stubborn Alpha man like him got down on one knee and then proposed a ring,”
he laughed, “it was a sight to see, you know?”
I turned to look at her. "Do you think I wasn't surprised?" I rolled my eyes
“I still can't believe I actually did that. Who would have thought that in the name
of taking me to my parents' anniversary, he would propose to me so suddenly?
“Right, mom and dad seemed very happy. Even Dev, who always held such a
grudge against him, seemed very pleased.” Tanea laughed.
I keep remembering that day. Dev invited us to attend our parents' anniversary.
That day, Hardwick also said he had a big gift for them. But I never expected
that the great gift he spoke of would be for me. I was very surprised when I saw
him suddenly kneel in front of me and take out a velvet box. His words were so
moving that I couldn't help but cry with joy.
“Land to save”
Tanea waved her hand in front of my face.
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"That?" I shook my head.
“Now is not the time to dream about your partner. Let’s put the flowers in your
hair first,” he said and then pulled the flower out of my bun.
“You look so lovely there. I think Hardwick will faint today if he sees you like
this,” he smiled.
I turned around and checked myself again. The white flowers look beautiful,
matching the dress code of my dress. I don't know how Hardwick managed to
find these matches.
He personally ordered the designers to bring it.
"Are you ready. I'm so happy I'm giving you a great wedding like this, Sav.
I always knew that he is the best option as a partner for you,” he hugged me
"I think you're right," I nodded. Hardwick is the best I could ask for. He never let
me down, no matter what. After those tragic incidents ended two years ago, our
life finally became peaceful and comfortable. It's not that there haven't been
problems in these two years, but it's much easier to deal with when the enemy
is a stranger, someone we have no feelings for.
At least it's better than treating your pack members as enemies. I sighed
inwardly. Life, being Luna is not easy, but since I was chosen to be one, I would
do anything with my power to secure my position and my pack.
"Are you really?" Mom came in and opened the door.
"Oh, honey, you looked so beautiful today," he gasped.
I smiled at her "thank you mom"
“Look, this little guy is bothering you. Looks like he couldn’t wait to catch you.”
Mom laughed, holding the little boy in her arms.
“Mommy-mommy” the little one murmured with his cute voice.
"My baby," I kissed her chubby cheeks, "do you miss mommy?" I held him while
he held me with his little arms.
“He's not the only one who misses you” suddenly my dad came in with a smile.
He walked towards me and placed a small kiss on my forehead "you look
beautiful princess."
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“Thanks dad” I smiled. He still talks to me like I'm a child and spoils me so
much. He never let me feel that I am a grown woman and also a mother. I
laughed at the idea, but my heart was filled with happiness.
"Come on. "Your partner is getting restless standing in the hallway," he
laughed. "I think he's more impatient than Alvis."
I looked at the little man who was mumbling something in his baby talk. I
couldn't help but smile. I know that my son will become powerful and strong just
like his father when he grows up in the future and I am really looking forward to
it. He raised his head and looked at me with his beautiful purple orbs. Yes, my
son is the junior version of Hardwick, but I'm glad that at least he finally got my
purple generation. Even my father was surprised to see this. But I'm very
“Give the child to his mother and begin the marriage. “Everyone is waiting for
the bride outside,” Dad said.
I nodded smiling and handed Aldric to his grandmother. Dad led me out of the
room, linking our arms. I'm nervous but happy, although in our tribe this formal
wedding isn't really necessary, but I'm happy that Hardwick gave me the honor
of walking down the aisle. I couldn't feel luckier than that. Every pain from the
past is truly worth it.
As we walked out the door, the slow instrumental of 'I Love You More Than
You'll Ever Know'
started playing in the background. My face was hidden under the sheer lace
veil. I smiled as I looked around. Dev was next to Tanea holding their little girl
while Ryan was next to him wearing his groomsman suit. Jenny will be my maid
of honor and two children were throwing flower petals in the hallway leading to
the priest who was waiting for us. Then my eyes fell on the handsome man who
was all white and had a mischievous smile on his face. My heart suddenly
skipped a beat looking at him. He is my partner.
~Our partner~ Red corrected immediately.
I laughed inside and calmed my heart when we reached the center. Dad held
out his hand to Hardwick with a smile. Hardwick kissed the back of my hand
and pulled me closer to him. Soon the priest began to sing his words.
“Before God, your friends and your families, I ask you to affirm your willingness
to enter into the covenant of marriage and to share all the joys and sorrows of
your lives and your relationship, whatever the future holds for you.” The priest
said and then looked at Hardwick.
“Alpha Hardwick Leon, do you want this woman to be your wife? Do you
promise to love her, comfort her, honor her, and care for her, in sickness and in
health, as long as you both live?
Hardwick looked at me and smiled. His eyes reflected infinite love as he
responded, "I do."
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The priest nodded and turned to me “Luna Savannah Lang, do you accept this
man as your husband? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor him and
protect him, in sickness and in health, as long as you both live?
I nodded, smiling as my eyes became moist. "Yes, I do."
“An unbroken and endless circle symbolizes a commitment of love that also has
no end. This ring should be a reminder of the commitment to love each other
that you made today. Please exchange your rings,” the priest said and Ryan
and Jenny immediately took out our rings.
As soon as we exchanged rings, everyone clapped and applauded happily.
Hardwick and I looked at each other. Today we are officially bound by the
testimony of this world.
“May God bless you and keep you. Alpha Hardwick and Luna Savannah, by the
power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. “Alpha, you can
kiss your Moon”
The priest finished closing the book in his hand.
Hardwick wasted no time before pulling me into his chest, hugging me tightly
and kissing me with extreme enthusiasm. My mind was flooded with pleasure
and my heart was filled with love. I love this man so much that I can't think of
anything else but him.
Everyone present applauded us and shouted our names. He pulled back and
smiled. Placing his forehead against mine, he whispered.
"I love you"
I closed my eyes and smiled "I love you too"
Reese's POV
I observed the happy marriage and the couple at the center. My eyes filled with
tears and I felt my chest tighten. Savannah was someone who always hid
behind the scenes and always wanted someone to protect her. I used to be shy
and weak.
And easy to intimidate. But who would have imagined that in the end she would
be the one to make her dream come true?
I looked at the sky. Savannah finally got her happy ending, unlike me. I don't
have the courage to go to the wedding. I know that even if I try hard, it will hurt,
but they will blame me.
I was the one who ruined her first partner and now I don't have the courage to
face her like it was nothing. He is happy with his new life. A good family, a
loving partner and a beautiful child.
The boy! My heart felt sad when it began to twist. The pain of losing my baby
was the final blow for me. Although the baby began to be in the position of Avan
and Luna, but
Automatically translated by Google eventually became more important than
anything else. Even if Avan didn't give me anything, I would be happy if I had
my baby in my arms, but I was unlucky.
Tears fell like streams that did not want to end. How could I expect to have a
happy life after ruining someone's life? Stealing your partner, how could I think
I'll be happy? The Moon Goddess punished me by taking my baby with her.
Since I can't even become a good person, how could I become a good mother?
I saw Savannah dance with her partner. I sighed and stood up from the rock.
The wedding took place outside the packing house and since I am high up I can
clearly see the preparations.
Shaking my head, I turned and walked towards the forest.
Now I have no one by my side. For Avan I sacrificed everything. If I was rational
enough and ended everything before it started, maybe my situation would be
much better than this. But what is the use of repenting after destruction? My life
was my own choice. I was so blind to think that I could be happy with someone I
wasn't even heartily attached to.
"You're an idiot, Reese," I muttered, shaking my head. It is better to live
wandering. The new place would help me heal my sanity now. I walk along the
narrow path, brushing the small flowers with my fingers. The forest is quiet and
At least the dark shadows of the past won't affect me here. I stopped on the
track when I heard a noise. I grimaced. This location is usually scheduled. This
forested area does not belong to any pack's territory, so how come there is
anyone here?
The noises increased followed by moans and groans. I walked towards the
bush and hid in it. Separating the rods that I expected. There are some people a
little far away. Some were lying on the ground and others were standing. I
grimaced looking at the scene.
“I never thought these things would be so easy,” a rough-voiced man laughed.
“Do you think you can be against us? If you don't want to lose your life, hand
over the box.”
“Bastard, dream,” a familiar voice responded, making my heart race. My eyes
widened. I can't see the face of the man who was arrested by the enemy group.
The rude man laughed again “you are already at a dead end. But you're still
protecting the box. I must commend your loyalty. How about we make a deal,
huh? “I think it will benefit both of us.”
He paused and smiled “come and join my pack. It's hard to find a member as
loyal as you. I will give you a better position than your current pack.”
“No, don't pay attention to him,” said another man.
“Shut up,” the tough man shouted and hit the second man who spoke, making
him groan.
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"So, John Smith, what do you think of my offer?" John Smith? My heart raced.
My partner? His voice was also very familiar. But what is he doing here? Didn't
he say it's the beta version of the Silver Shine Pack?
"Fuck you, Avedor," John growled at him.
“Very well, since you rejected my offer, then the only way left is to die. Go die,
son of a bitch,” that tough man yelled angrily.
I gripped the rods tightly. He is no longer my companion, but seeing him die
before my eyes is not something I can accept. Furthermore, the enemy party
has more manpower than them. I really don't want to get involved in this, but... I
gritted my teeth and stepped out of the bushes before running towards them.
Fuck this.
The tough man was about to stab John with a sharp machete, but I kicked him
"Fuck, who the hell is that?" The rough man named Avedor growled.
“You can't just shut up. How noisy” I looked at him.
"Oh, looks like there's a handsome rogue running through the jungle, huh,"
Avedor smiled.
I rolled my eyes at him. His face was full of cuts and he already looked very
I turned around and found John looking at me in shock. He was kneeling on the
ground with his hand tied behind his back while his enemy held him from
"What are you doing here?" He asked, shaking his head.
"Ah, so you two know each other?" Avedor laughed “what a coincidence! Now
I'm going to take the box and this beauty too.
It’s been a long time since I fucked a beauty like her.”
“Avedor, you son of a bitch, if you dare lay a finger on him, I will cut off your
access,” John growled.
I looked at him in shock. What happened to him suddenly? Although we were
once friends, that was already broken. I shook my head. I need to get out of
here. I can't stay here for long. Furthermore, after living as a rogue for 2 years, I
already cultivated my skills and became stronger.
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“You're disgusting,” I yelled at Avedor and, turning, kicked the man holding
John. John broke free and quickly attacked Avedor. Another man who was
kneeling next to John also broke free and they began to fight.
I saw them fight severely. Suddenly, John threw a green box at me. I noticed
and grimaced.
The fight ended with Avedor's death. After making sure there were no more
enemies, John walked towards me.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, frowning.
I threw the box at him “you should be grateful I'm here or else you would have
"Why don't you just answer my question?" He gritted his teeth.
“Hey man, no one is alive. Should we proceed? The man who was with John
came towards us “huh?
Do you two know each other? He frowned.
"Now that you're okay, I'm leaving." I turned to leave, but John grabbed my
"What the hell are you doing?" I looked at him.
"Ethan, go get this box and meet some other people," he threw the box to
"And you?" Ethan asked. He looked at me more than John.
“I'll find you in the pack,” John replied without avoiding my gaze.
"Okay" Ethan wasted no time before fleeing through the forest leaving us alone.
“Now what are you doing here? And are you alive? Wasn't your pack destroyed
by the Dark Forest? He asked him.

“I guess I got lucky,” I responded shortly.

“That Alpha died too?”

I rolled my eyes but didn't respond.

"Did you become a rogue?" He asked again.
"What do you think you're doing? Whether I have become a cheater or not has
nothing to do with you. Now can you just let go of my hand?" I asked.
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Something flashed in his eyes "no"
My eyes widened “What do you mean no? Let go of my hand,” I hissed.
"I said no," he sounded so determined that my heart skipped a beat. What the
hell is this man thinking of doing now?
I sighed “John, what are you doing? Our relationship ended years ago. "It's
better to move on and live our lives."
“You know, when I heard that your pack was destroyed years ago, I was
surprised to think that you died there too. I felt like my wolf was about to die. I
couldn't help it, but now that I see you here alive, I suddenly feel good. “My wolf
came back to life” instead of answering me he told me.
I frowned. “What are you trying to say?”
"I'm saying that I can forget your past and take you back to my pack as my
My eyes widened "are you crazy?" How could he say that?
"Why not? That Alpha you loved is already dead. Do you want to live alone your
whole life?"
Isn't it better to live with your destined partner? He insisted.
"You don't know anything about me," I hissed, "let me go."
“Fuck this. Who cares? “I will take you to Silver Shine and tell everyone that you
are alive.”
I frowned at him.
"Come on let's go. "Stop thinking about that dead Alpha," he turned around and
started dragging me with him.
"Wait, what are you doing?" I almost screamed. You already rejected me. How
can you do that?"
“I know, I was tough that day. I never wanted to reject you in the first place, but
you made me do it. I never meant those words I said that night. It was just a
moment of anger at losing you, thinking you loved your Alpha instead of your
partner. But now that it's gone, I can take it without bothering anyone.”

"You are not wrong. I can not go". I tried to remove my hand.

He stopped and looked at me "you can't run away"

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I swallowed, “There's no point in taking me with you. “I…..I can’t give you
"What do you mean? Won't you let me make love to you? "You're my partner,
so I have the right to have you," he frowned.
I looked at him “I can't give birth. I lost this ability” will definitely let me go after
hearing this. No man will want a woman who cannot give him a child. And
people will laugh at him in the future when he takes me with him.
John looked at me for a while “is that it? Was that why you were resisting?
“Yes, besides our bond is already broken” I lowered my head.
He sighed and then let go of my wrist but didn't let go of me "even though I
rejected our bond it's still there for us to do something to get it back" he shook
his head "and about that baby thing..."
I screamed loudly as he threw me over his shoulder, “it doesn't matter
Then I started walking again while hanging on his broad shoulder.

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