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Reading Comprehension

Do software engineers code the whole day?

No, coding is just one part of a software engineer's day.

What is the typical day like in the life of a software engineer?

Software engineering is a high-skilled profession that requires solving and implementing solutions for real-world problems. Software
engineers do much more than write code (which they call instructions). They collaborate with different teams and design software systems.

In the morning, they usually get up early and go to work at quarter past seven. When they arrive at work, they check their plan and chat with
teammates about their projects.

They don't work alone! They talk to the person in charge about their ideas. Also, they sometimes have meetings with the product manager to
discuss program requirements or fix bugs (mistakes) they find.

They take a lunch break from 12.30 to 2 pm and they have lunch with their teammates.

After lunch, they focus on exciting tasks like writing code to create new features.

Engineers work together with other specialists, like "machine learning wizards" and "UI/UX wizards," to build amazing apps, games, and more.

Every day they have new challenges, making software engineering a creative and stimulating job. They typically finish work at around half
past six pm, they don`t do the same activities after work. Some of them go to the gym or for walks, while others enjoy time with family.

This gives you a taste of the diverse and rewarding world of software engineering!


1. Define the word “Canteen”? ________________________________________________________________________________

2. What do engineers do after work? ___________________________________________________________________________
3. What do software engineers do in the morning?
4. Do you work or study? ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. Do engineers work alone? _________________________________________________________________________________
6. What do they do after lunch? ________________________________________________________________________________

Passive voice

Complete using present simple or past simple passive

Turn the sentences into passive voice


A. Listen and write True or False

B. Write about your last holidays.
1. Max is from Boston. _____
2. Max lives in England. _____
3. Max knows the Queen. ______
4. Max practices sports for three hours in the morning.____
5. Max doesn’t drink tea at 5 o`clock. ______
6. Max does yoga. ____
7. Max`s father is in England. ______
8. Max listens to music to relax. _____
9. Max doesn`t like New York.

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