Employment, Unemployment, Causes and Consequences

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Definition of

• series of tasks in exchange for a monetary reward called salary
• Performance of a work activity that generates economic income or for which remuneration or salary is received.
Types of Jobs:
Formal employment:
Formal employment is that provided by the State or private initiative;
• pays taxes to the state
• is a subject of statistics
• it's legal
• brings together the public sector and the modern private sector, generally covered by protection systems
informal employment
• It groups together non-professional self-employed workers, micro-entrepreneurs and domestic workers.
• Traditionally, informal activities have been characterized by a lack of social protection and less stability than that provided by formal
• Even if he does not carry out illicit activities, he can anchor in illegality (street vendor, for example, piracy distributors, chicleros,
"bullfighters", windshield wipers, etc., etc.)
Definition of in
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Unemployment is the negative
M.K. tna,nn in Mahaltni enmn
side or lack of the right to work. Any person : person who makes up the active population of a country, that
is, who is in ■ physical and mental conditions and of the age required to start a relationship ! labor and did not fulfill the necessary

requirement to retire, you have the right to sue

job. If all that population that wants to work and faces the search for employment, finds work , it is said that the country, or region
considered, has full employment, if it does not achieve it, there is a level of unemployment that may be lower or higher in certain places.
than in others. Yo
Yo go
Unemployment is the involuntary idleness of a person who wants to find work. 9 A person is unemployed when he or she meets four 3
conditions: msasprga 1st Secondary comge. full " "YO ik no
> (1) is of working age, G.
; > (2) does not have a job, 9 -émbpom.at ggg . YEAH
n > (3) is looking for work
> (4) is available to work.

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Types of Unemployment :

1. Structural Unemployment
Structural unemployment technically corresponds to a mismatch between supply Ne
and demand for labor. This type of unemployment is more pernicious than
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seasonal unemployment and frictional unemployment. In this type of unemployment, the
supply characteristic is usually different from the demand characteristic, which makes it
probable that a percentage of the population will not be able to find employment.
sustained manner. 11 3

The main characteristics that warn of structural unemployment are: EGU

> Sustained mismatch between the quality and characteristics of supply and demand.
mF P Misadaptation of all economic actors with respect to the
, external economy and inability of the internal market to
alleviate this difference.
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2. Cyclical
This type of unemployment occurs only for one cycle, in this case, its consequences 1
They can lead countries with weak institutions to violence and ultimately civil disobedience. In developed countries, the
situation can cause changes in state policies until definitively the adoption of a different economic system as a penalty
for institutional weakening. A case of
Cyclical unemployment has been the world crisis of 1929.
For economists like Arthur Cecil Pigou, unemployment practically occurred S
only for reasons of the economic cycle, and during the crisis of the 1930s he maintained that and had to face a harsh
opponent of his neoclassical economic vision from the British economist at the University of Cambridge John Maynard I
Keynes. '2 4 . . g. ig I Jr.
3. Frictional Unemployment • YO a
Frictional unemployment (due to rotation and search) and unemployment due to job mismatch (due to discrepancies 3i
between the characteristics of jobs and workers) appear even when the number of jobs
job matches the number of people willing to work. ill

It refers to workers who go from one job to another to improve themselves. Their unemployment is temporary and
does not represent an economic problem. Frictional unemployment is relatively constant.

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4. Seasonal A
On the one hand, seasonal unemployment is unemployment that varies with the seasons of the year due to seasonal fluctuations in
Unemployment N
the supply or demand of labor. We speak of seasonal unemployment, on the other hand, to refer to that which occurs due to the
fluctuating demand that exists in certain activities, such as agriculture, for example.
5. Long Term Unemployment
A person registered as a job seeker, uninterruptedly, for a period of more than one year, is considered long-term unemployed. Y
Long-term unemployment has a negative effect on the capacity of the labor market, in the classic model, to automatically restore full
employment. In long-term unemployment, the market is distorted since this type of unemployed do not compete with employees, A
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because companies do not consider them "eligible", to the extent that they understand that they are not capable of replacing those He an
who are performing. the same tasks and therefore do not put downward pressure on salaries and do not redirect the labor market r
towards a new equilibrium. j I3

Causes of
Mankiw and Rabasco (p.437)unemployment
cite the following four factors as the causes of unemployment:
> The first cause of unemployment is the time it takes for workers to find the job that best
suits their tastes and qualifications. Unemployment insurance is a public program that,
although it protects workers' income, increases the
a public program that reduces
the amount of frictional > The second reason why an economy always has some
unemployment is minimum wage legislation. This legislation, by forcing unskilled and
inexperienced workers to pay a wage higher than the equilibrium wage, increases the
quantity of labor supplied and reduces the quantity demanded. The resulting excess work
represents unemployment.
> The third cause of unemployment is the market power of unions. When they achieve
higher than equilibrium wages in the unionized sectors, they create excess work.
> The fourth cause of unemployment is suggested by the theory of efficiency wages.
According to this theory, it is profitable for companies to pay higher than equilibrium
wages. High wages can improve workers' health, reduce their turnover, improve their
quality and increase their effort.
Consequences of unemployment:
The entire society agrees that unemployment is a serious problem that causes losses of all kinds, according to Muñoz (p.100) the main costs of
unemployment are:
Loss of production and income . The loss of a job causes an immediate loss of income and production. These losses are
devastating for the people who endure them and make unemployment a terrifying situation for everyone. Unemployment insurance offers
some protection, but it does not provide the same standard of living that could be achieved by having a job.
Loss of human capital. Prolonged unemployment can permanently damage a person's employment prospects. For example, a
manager loses his job when his employer downsizes the company. If you need an income, you can become a taxi driver. After a year in this job
you discover that you cannot compete with recent MBA graduates. You may eventually be rehired as a manager, but in a small company with
a low salary. It has lost part of its human capital.

Consequences of unemployment:
• Reduction of income.
• Restriction of the variety of personal life.
• Reduction of goals and activities.
• Decrease in decision making.
• Less development of knowledge and personal abilities.
• Exposure to psychologically destabilizing activities.
• Increased insecurity about the future.
• Restriction of interpersonal relationships.
) • Loss of position and social status.

Lower income OF PRODUCTION


Low quality of BENEFITS TO

How to calculate the unemployment
In Panama:
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The unemployment rate measures the proportion of people looking for work without finding it with respect to the total number of people in the
labor force.
Therefore, the unemployment rate can be defined as the ratio between the number of unemployed people and the labor force.
Unemployment rate = Unemployed People / Labor Force

The variations in the unemployment rate are obtained through a procedure known as random sampling of the population, which is done in order
to divide it into groups according to their employment situation.
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