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© Asociación Fe y Alegría del Perú

Asociación Fe y Alegría del Perú Ana Mirella Uehara Shiroma

Jr. Cahuide 884, Jesús María, Lima 15072, Perú Susana Carola Helfer Llerena
Phone: (51-1) 4713428 Víctor Alberto Quijaite Agurto
Email: Saturnino Vásquez Carranza, S.J.
Legal deposit made at the National Library of Peru Susana Carola Helfer Llerena
No. 2022-07370 Alyson Lisset Rosales Huaynate
1st edition, August 2022 Ava Valentina Alencastre Begazo
Cecilia Inés Villegas Kanashiro
GENERAL MANAGEMENT Nancy Georgina Caminada Bravo
Ernesto Marco Cavassa Canessa, S. J. Gladys Reque García
Irma Lucía Mariño Vargas
Víctor Hugo Miranda Tarazona, S.J. - President
Ernesto Marco Cavassa Canessa, S.J. - General management Participated in the elaboration of ISP
María Elena Bravo Díaz, ODN - Secretary Presidents, principals, teachers and promoters of
Santos Rugel Rivera, S.J. - Treasurer Educational Institutions
Saturnino Vásquez Carranza, S.J. - Vocal National office team
Miguel Ángel Carbajal Baca, S.J. - Vocal
Luis Javier Quirós Piñeyro, S.J. - Vocal Editorial Coordination
María Amelia Palacios Vallejo Alyson Lisset Rosales Huaynate
Sonia del Rosario Tuesta Carpio, MDM
María Leonor Romero Ochoa Tex editing
Marcial Antonio Rubio Correa Eduardo Flavio Loayza Díaz
Mario Raúl Rivera Orams
Gustavo Adolfo Yamada Fukusaki Design and diagramming
Juan Enrique Cuquerella Cayuela, S.J. Calambur Comunicación y Diseño S. A. C.
Oscar Francisco Morelli Müller, S.J.
Number of copies: 500
Ernesto Marco Cavassa Canessa, S.J. It was finished printing in August 2022 at Arte Perú S.A.C
Oscar Francisco Morelli Müller, S.J. Jr. General Orbegoso 249, Breña, Lima
Luis Javier Quirós Piñeyro, S.J. Phone: (51) 999698361, 998738077
Juana Hisela Culqui Julca Email:

Fe y Alegría authorizes the partial reproduction of the texts published here for pedagogical
purposes, social and/or community work, if the credits to Fe y Alegría are recognized for them.

Dear and esteemed members of all our educational institutions:

I’m delighted to send you the final result of the work of all of us throughout 2020 and 2021. Even in the
critical context of the pandemic, Fe y Alegría did not stop looking to the future, “To those who they will
come”–in the words of the founder of our Movement, Fr. José María Vélaz S.J.

In this small brochure, you will find the Fe y Alegría Peru plan for 2030. Our plan has been summarized and
published so that anyone of us is able to access the pivot of the Institutional Strategic Project (ISP). The full
version is available on our website:

Furthermore, each of us can reflect upon the issues presented on this document and how this translates to
our institutional realities. The step that we are invited to take is to review the previous ISPs themselves and
relate them to the one we receive now. In this way, we will all be aligned to provide an even higher quality
educational service to girls, boys, adolescents, young people, and adults in our educational institutions.

The PEI contains the context that motivates and engage us, the mission and vision for 2030, the principles
and values, the axes, and strategic objectives. In addition, seven institutional programs that will allow the
achievement of the aforementioned are published. A subsequent task consists of specifying indicators,
goals, and a schedule that allow us to permanently evaluate the results we hope to achieve. Let’s keep
growing together!

Ernesto Cavassa Canessa, S. J.

General management

Lima, July 6, 2022


1. Towards sustainable
human development with
a socio-environmental

In the context of an economic model based

on growth that does not guarantee a decent
life for all, and has generated environmental
crisis and social conflicts, the search is the
pursue for the common good motivates us to
work for a comprehensive ecological approach
that emphasizes the harmonious relationship
THE CONTEXT between human beings and nature.

2. Making full and global
AND COMMITS citizenship a reality
During citizenship training, we identify pending
and urgent tasks that we intend to address: the
development of people with social, ethical, and
political awareness and responsibility, capable of
rehabilitating society through active and honest
participation, working with others and oriented
towards common good.

3. Achieve an inclusive and ways of participating in social life. This drives us

intercultural coexistence to weave digital technologies into training that
that values diversity empowers people and opens new development
possibilities for them.
Our spirit of working alongside the vulnerable
(poor, women, rural, Andean and Amazonian, and
people with disabilities) commits us to work for 5. Recover learning, quality and
an intercultural and inclusive vision, in defense of educational opportunities for
rights, and against different forms of discrimination, all in the post-pandemic
such us: intolerance, racism, exclusion and gender
violence. We want a society that recognizes and
values diversity as fulfillment of rights. Some post-pandemic challenges are providing
emotional care for students to recover their
normal development process and motivation to
4. Taking on the learn, supply emotional support for teachers and
challenges of the new families left in a vulnerable situation, follow up
culture and digital the recovery of students who left the classroom,
education recover basic learning that was not achieved
and update teachers for face-to-face-virtual
The advance of new digital technologies causes education.
great challenges: granting access for those who do
not have it, changing the current educational model
for another that provides students with the tools of
the current and future technological world, and new

Fe y Alegría is a movement of popular
education and social promotion, committed
to building a fair and supportive society,
from a preferential option for the most
vulnerable people and communities, through
a transformative, comprehensive and quality
educational proposal for public education. It is
based on and inspired by Jesus Christ and the
values that his lifestyle represents.

By 2030, Fe y Alegría will be present in
new frontiers of exclusion through public
educational programs and institutions –which
are and will be benchmarks in education for
life–, ethical and civic education, as well as
comprehensive ecological awareness and the
responsible use of the technology.

It is recognized for its work in networks, and

its innovative, pedagogical and management
proposals, which have an impact on
educational policies and contribute to the
consolidation of full citizenship.


Focus on the person and their aim of promoting social justice and contributing
integral formation to the change of economic, political and social
structures that generate injustice.
Fe y Alegría recognizes the person as being unique
and unrepeatable, in relation to and for others.
Each person is deserving of the right to protection, Formation in faith, ethics
education, good treatment, harmonious and and citizenship
comprehensive development. The person of the
student is the center of the educational task, Fe y Alegría pays special attention to three
which has the task of strengthening their identity, aspects of human formation: formation in
self-esteem and the discovery and consolidation faith, ethics and citizenship, all three inspired
of all their potentialities. by the lifestyle of Jesus. What? Strengthens a
personal ethic committed to the development
of oneself, care for the other, responsibility
Preference for vulnerable people and consequences of one’s own actions. It is
and communities committed to training for the exercise of full
citizenship and the recognition that we are all
Fe y Alegría directs its educational action to deserving of a dignified life.
people and communities forgotten by the State
and society. It prefers to walk alongside the poor,
the young, the women and girls who are excluded,
marginalized and violated in their dignity, with the

Popular education: identity, Training for decent work

community work and social
transformation Fe y Alegría’s educational proposal includes
education for work. It trains people who value
Fe y Alegría increases education as a process of work as a means of personal and community
social transformation that promotes the em- fulfillment, with awareness and respect for their
powerment of disadvantaged people and com- dignity, capable of demanding and exercising
munities so that they themselves can create and their rights. Training for decent work emphasizes
build responses and solutions while learning the development of social and technological skills
along other actors in their community. What or necessary to integrate into today’s world.
who? Generates or participates in alliances and
networks that contribute to improving opportu-
nities and quality of life for all. Comprehensive ecology

In the face of the socio-environmental crisis,

Diversity and interculturality Fe y Alegría’s commitment is to contribute to
the construction of alternative models of life,
Fe y Alegría is interested in an inclusive and in- both economically and politically, socially,
tercultural education, through which people learn and environmentally. All this by changing
to promote a peaceful and edifying coexistence; the traditional anthropocentric vision for an
where everyone is free, lives and values diversi- orientation towards good living and sustainable
ty and feels proud of their origins, their cultures, human development, which ensures a decent
their languages , and their customs. In a distinct life for today’s generations and for future
way, we dedicate efforts to native communities, generations.
people with disabilities, women and inmigrants.

Axe 1: Identity and mission

What permanently reinforces and encourages

the identity of Fe y Alegría and its mission?
Its location in the “new frontiers”, where
situations of vulnerability and people who are
made invisible or discriminated against due
to their culture, socioeconomic level, gender,
or migratory situation are found. Through its
educational activities, it trains people in and
for democratic coexistence, critical reflection,
ethical discernment, and the search for

coherence between thought and action for the
transformation of their own contexts.

Axe 2: Quality educational proposal

The purpose of our educational proposal is public

education quality. This means a commitment
to a diverse educational offer that reaches
people from different territories, also pertinent
to their culture and relevant to their lives, with
democratically managed educational institutions,
up-to-date teachers, effective pedagogical
processes, and students who achieve skills for life

and full citizenship. The transversal approaches Axe 4: Advocacy for social change
that we assume are integral ecology, gender
equity, inclusion, and interculturality. Fe y Alegría develops permanent public action
with the intention of generating opinion, deba-
te, and proposals that allow the development of
Axee 3: Innovation and policies to improve national education. It works
knowledge construction in alliance with civil society and the state at the
local, regional, and national levels in order to arti-
Fe y Alegría promotes processes of innovation, culate decisions, as well as to share and contribu-
systematization, and educational research te the experience of its educational institutions.
that provide new alternatives for improvement
in today’s complex scenarios. It also seeks
to recover good practices and successful Axe 5: Sustainability
experiences born from the creativity of its
managers, teachers, and students, because it Fe y Alegría permanently cares for the continuity
values and incorporates the knowledge of its of its mission and the fulfillment of its objectives.
communities into its proposals. It is concerned with achieving institutionality,
the transparency of functions, processes and
Likewise, it is proposed as a laboratory for procedures, the generation of a culture of
public education through projects that allow it planning, evaluation and accountability, the
to experiment and validate creative proposals development and promotion of its collaborators.
that can be shared with other educational It summons resources from civil society
institutions, in alliance with the state, through volunteering, particular/individual and
corporations, and study organizations. institutional efforts, campaigns and raffles.


1 2 3
Revitalize the identity, Achieve in students Consolidate Fe y Alegría
mission, and sense comprehensive training as a laboratory for
of belonging to the with practical learning innovative and validated
movement, guided for life and citizen educational proposals, so
by the commitment exercise through that it contributes to the
to education and efficient, pertinent, and permanent improvement
personal and social relevant pedagogical and of the quality of public
transformation. management processes. education in our country.

4 5 These objectives, such

as the strategic axes and
transversal approaches,
are closely related to the
Influence the formulation Ensure institutional and Global Plan of Federative
of educational policies budgetary support for the Priorities 2021-2025 of the
with a focus on inclusion, educational project of Fe International Federation of
interculturality, gender y Alegría by guaranteeing Fe y Alegría.
equality, and full the necessary conditions
citizenship, by convening and strategies. They are also inspired by the
different actors: National Educational Project
authorities, companies, to 2036 and the Global
various organizations Educational Pact, promoted
of civil society, and the by Pope Francis.
different state levels.



Technological school and social growth for students. It contemplates

four complimentary projects: Rural networks
This program will develop a viable model of and micro-networks for the achievement of
technological school for public education, in learning, a pedagogical proposal for multigrade
such a way that its students are not excluded classrooms, a rural teacher training program and
from today’s world. To achieve this great a proposal for an Amazonian secondary school.
challenge, we will provide the Government with
concrete proposals, validated in our educational
centers, to assume access to the Internet Inclusive schools
as a fundamental right, so that educational
institutions have access to relevant pedagogical
proposals, teacher training, equipment, and Develop an inclusive school model generated
educational resources for the development of by the analysis of real practices of insertion of
technological skills. people with disabilities in the regular school and
of different excluded or discriminated social
groups. It seeks to implement a methodology
Education for a new rurality with school and pedagogical management
strategies to address diversity in the school,
With a territorial development approach, Fe developing skills in its actors. Who or what?
y Alegría has a vision of understanding and Promote the appreciation of diversity, peaceful
valuing rural reality based on an education that coexistence, and social cohesion in accordance
represents authentic opportunities of personal with ethical and civic principles.

Education for decent work Education throughout life

Fe y Alegría is aimed at promoting the skills neces- Fe y Alegría proposes the renewal and
sary for young adolescents and adults to face the strengthening of Alternative Basic Education
changing world of work and the challenges of hu- (EBA), making it more flexible to respond to the
man development in every territory. It offers solid population needs that serves and thus achieve
comprehensive training for decent work during the recovery of students who are prevented for
basic, higher technological and productive techni- different reasons from following the regular
cal education, and promotes learning throughout educational route. Through diverse experiences,
life, in work spaces or in the management of their new ways of inserting or reinserting themselves
own enterprises. It is implemented in alliance with into the system will be developed, validating
local actors, companies, associations, producers, experiences of community education and
families, academia and sub-regional government. articulation with the community.

Full and global citizenship Bicentennial teachers

The program is committed to solid citizenship It is considered a master plan for continuing
education from school by generating in it a culture education for teachers. A diverse and flexible
of daily practices of responsibility, participation, offer, with the ability to create itineraries
decision-making, and responsibility for results. It according to the needs of each teacher. It includes
contemplates the training of school leaders with various training modalities, from courses
a political perspective from the popular education and workshops to specialization programs. It
approach. It promotes for each student the cons- contemplates learning in action, pedagogical
truction of a life project with social commitment accompaniment, and the generation of
and openness to the transcendent dimension. professional learning communities.

The only way to achieve the outlined objectives

is for educational institutions to be in tune with
the Institutional Strategic Plan (PEI) presented
in this publication. We are aware that changes
and transformations occur in the classrooms
of our educational institutions, as well as in the
attitudes and practices of managers, teachers,

and students.

EDUCATIONAL In 2022, Fe y Alegría educational institutions are

invited to review and update their ISP to put it

INSTITUTIONS in dialogue with the ISP of the movement. Each

year we must identify the achievements and
progress, as well as the pending goals to be met in
the following period. This dynamic gives life and
dynamism to our educational institutions.


We work for a common goal

Some strategies that will allow us, in a collective
and participatory way, to permanently update
our ISP are:

Careful reading of institutional Conferences with teachers,

documents students and families

Application of questionnaires and Workshops to raise

surveys awareness and build

Consultation processes through Document review and direct

personal interviews and focus observation

Dissemination through murals,

panels, and wallpapers for virtual

From the Directorate of Planning, Research, and

Innovation of the National Office, guidance and
technical support will be provided to educational
institutions that require it.

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