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2nd A_______________________________ 2nd A___________________________

2nd B______________________________ 2nd B____________________________

Area: Spanish Language

Topic: The experiment report. Function and structure: title, introduction, materials, procedure,
results (presentation of data and its discussion and interpretation) and conclusions.

Time: 45 minutes

Purpose : That the students differentiate the experiment report they read from another type of
text, based on the structure that characterizes it, its function, intention, verbal forms,
connectors and thematic vocabulary.

Achievement indicators: Differentiate the experiment report you read from other types of
text, based on the structure that characterizes it, its function, intention, verbal forms,
connectors and thematic vocabulary.

Strategies: discovery and research, prior experience, recovery of knowledge, Activation of prior
knowledge. ….

Teaching strategy
 Greeting + Prayer + Assistance, Review with the students the
rules of coexistence and agree on two to take into account
during the development of the session.
 The teacher shows a research experiment. How to lift a glass with a
balloon ?
 The teacher collects prior knowledge by asking: What must be
taken into account to carry out a research project? How do I organize my work to
investigate? What structure does the research project have?The students in plenary
respond, making their hypotheses known.
 Communicate the purpose of the session : That the students differentiate the experiment
report they read from another type of text, based on the structure that characterizes it,
its function, intention, verbal forms, connectors and thematic vocabulary.
 The teacher, together with the students, will do a group discussion of the topic, individual
questions, prepare teaching guides and make concept maps.

Learning strategy

The students listen and then answer the questions asked by the teacher, take note of the ideas
and guidelines to carry out the experiment report , then together with the teacher define the


A metacognitive closure is carried out in which we ask What did we do? How did we do it?
What did we do it for? Socratic dialogues are organized to determine full understanding of
what was discussed during the course of the class. Guidance on assignments if any.

Direct que
Question answer

Materials or resources to use

1 balloon, 1 candle, 1 large container, 1 glass glass, Water

Experiment reports or experimental reports are those carried out in laboratories once a
scientific experiment has been carried out.

Students must present these reports, in which the most important data of the experience are
collected. Thus, from a young age one comes into contact with the scientific research method.

Reports of experiments follow the model of the scientific method . Its essential parts are the
introduction, objectives and hypothesis, the theoretical framework, instruments and other
materials used, methodology, presentation and analysis of the results, conclusions,
bibliographies and annexes.

The structure that you must take into account when writing an experiment report are: Title,
introduction, materials, procedure, results (presentation of the data and its discussion and
interpretation) and conclusions.

Introduction In the introduction, the author defines the research. It presents the general data
of interest and then specifies what its object of study will be. It is in the introduction that the
researcher proposes his problem and his hypothesis.

Materials : They consist of the components that are used to define the experiment S
and include instruments (such as measuring instruments) and substances (such as

Procedure: It is the general explanation of what is intended to be carried out on the subjects.

Presentation and Analysis of the results: In this phase of the research, the data obtained in
the experimentation are organized. These can be presented in tables, graphs or both.

Once the results have been presented, they must be analyzed. In this way, the data will not be
just random figures but will be accompanied by a linguistic explanation that will facilitate their

Conclusions: Conclusions are the interpretations that the researcher makes once he or she has
analyzed the results.

Here you reaffirm your hypothesis if the results have proven it to be true or refute it if it turns
out to be false or untestable.

Function: It is done to highlight the ability to observe, describe, explain and verify ideas.

Explain the objectives + describe the procedure in detail + Record data + Analyze results =

Purpose: to repeat the experiment exactly in another investigation.

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