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Current news : As the name suggests, this type of news mainly refers to events or happenings that have
just occurred recently. Therefore, they are the most popular type of news, since they review something that
happened, for example, yesterday or a few moments ago. Therefore, it is a type of news that keeps the
audience informed of the latest that has happened in any aspect of reality.

Later news : this type of news refers to events or events that will take place in the future. In this way, this
type of news does not talk about the event itself, but rather makes a warning or prediction of what could
happen. Therefore, we could also call this type of news as warning. They generally have an established
date or place and can refer to something that is going to happen in the short, medium or long term. This
type of news is also very popular.

Situational or thematic news : as its name suggests, this type of news talks about a particular topic that
does not exactly have a fully established chronological development or, on the contrary, is something that
has not yet ended. In this sense, news of this type most of the time talks about problems of different topics
such as unemployment, violence, economic development, often analyzing the existing data in this regard
and providing new ones.

Complementary news : obviously, as its name indicates, this type of news complements or gives some
other information about main information. Therefore, they provide a much better and broader picture in this
regard. Generally, it is much smaller and more concise information that does not take up much space in the
medium that is published.

Summary news : these are all those news that bring together information from different sources, trying to
give a general overview of how different media address the same topic. Therefore, its main function is to
bring together or concentrate information on a particular topic.

Service news : this type of news, as its name suggests, are those that provide useful information for the
audience. Most of it is simple information that has a practical or preventive application. For example, within
this type of news you can highlight the weather forecast, the cultural billboard or graphics of different types.
Although this type of news is not even written, this does not mean that it is not considered as such since its
function is to inform.

Announcement news : of course, this type of news refers to some event that has a festive or solemn
nature such as the birth of an important person, the commemoration of some historical date or the
discovery of some important product.

Dissemination news : these are all those news whose main interest is to transmit some complex
information through simple and pleasant language that is accessible to the non-specialized public. In this
sense, most of the time they address topics related to science, economics or technology.

Opinion news : as its name indicates, this type of news presents an opinion or critical vision of a specific
fact, which is generally addressed by a specialist or expert on the subject. Therefore, in this type of news
the information is approached or published in a very particular way, since it encourages debate or
reflection, as well as doubt.

Immediate news: This is the news that narrates the events or some event that has happened very recently.
These news are spread in newspapers written one day after the event has occurred. When they are
broadcast on radio or television, they are carried out as soon as possible, that is, once the event is known,
it is made known to the community.
Future news: These are events that are expected to happen in the future, which may be a day, month or
years. An example of this type of news is those that communicate the arrival of a storm such as a storm.

Objective news: These are news that narrate the events or events exactly as they occurred.
Human interest news: These are news that are created to directly influence the emotions of the recipient.
An example of this type of news is when the life of a child who lives on the streets is revealed, or the life of
a family after an earthquake.

Yellow news: This seeks to cause a greater impact on the reader, therefore it exaggerates the events that

Chronological news: It is the type of news that is usually narrated following the order in which a certain
event or event occurred. To make this news known, the reader must read the news completely so that they
can understand it and thus be able to convey confidence in what it says. Of these, there is news that is
announced following an order of importance, where the most important is announced first. These news are
widely used when publicizing war conflicts. With chronological news, the reader will be able to easily
understand the event or fact, since they will know all the information according to how the event happened.
When a person dies, this type of news is usually used, where a chronological overview of the most
important and influential events in their life is made.

Special news : Refers to news that discloses various events that took place in different places but have
something in common.

Propagandists: These tend to be public or covert news that aims to announce an event, promote a brand
or a figure in public life.

Colorful News: It is one of the most difficult stories to cultivate, since this type of news shows a very
descriptive point of view to try to integrate the reader as a witness at the time of the event.

Direct News: This is a single topic and the information revolves around that single fact.

The Interpretative news: The author explains the events that occurred or those that may happen. In this
type of news, the interpretation comes from the text and uses current elements.

Reported News: These are those that take advantage of a small news incident to develop a text
complemented with current data with the aim of being presented in a different way.

Wedge News: They are characterized by being short texts that do not even have a title, but always
maintaining the writing criteria in the first sentence.

Brief News: It is written in one or two paragraphs, has a title and is sometimes followed by a brief pre-title.

Photo-news: Type of news that is supported by a photograph accompanied by a very brief explanatory text
of what happened.

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