Contract Ref 01

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II the Arbitrator

so appointed is
or h1s ollice duc to anyunable or unwilling to act or resigns his
appointcd as aforesaid.
rcason whatsoever another Sole appointment
Arbitraor shall be
The work under h
Contrct shall. however. continue during the
proccedings nd no paymcnt due
or pavable to the arbitration
account of such proccedings. The Arbitrator contractor shall be withheld on
respect of cach shall give a scparate rcasoncd award n
such place as may be fixed difference referred to hin. The venuc of arbitration shall be
by the Arbitrator in his sole
The tecs and cxpenses, if any, of the
award 1S made and published, be paid Arbitrator shal!. if rcquired to be paid betorc ne
Arbitrator may dreCL to and by whom and in and what
half by cach of the partucs. ne
manner thc cost of the rcICrcnce
and of the award including the fecs and
may fix or scttlc thc amount of expenses or any part thercof shall be pad and
costs to be so paid.
The award of the Arbitrator shall bc final and binding on
the aforcsaid, the provisions of thc both the parties. Subject tO
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any
StatutOry moditication or re enactmcnt thercof and the rules made hereunder, and tor
the timc bcing in forcc, shall apply to the arbitration procccdi. sg under this clauSc.


For the purposc of kecping a record of cemcnt and stecl received at site and consumcd
in works, the contractor shall maintain a properly bound iegisler in thc forn apPproved
by theBank showing columns like quantity received and uscd in work and balancc in
hand etc. this register shall be signed daily by the contractor's representative and
Banks/Architects representative.
The register of ccmunt and stecl shalI be kcpt at site in the safe custody of Architects/
Banks Engincer during progrcss of the work. This prcvis10n w:ll not, however,
final product.
thc contractor from thc quality of the
lesser as compared to the theoretical
In case cemnent quantity consumed is obtaincd by contractor from renuled
requircment such as mix design rcport Sand and aggregate, the cost of the
laboratory, at every change of sourcc tor cement,
rccovcrcd trom thc contractor as mentioncd in
quantity of cement no so uscd shall be the tests
Conditions of contract clause no 21 subjcct to the condition that criterin
Spccial acceptablc
of concretc) lall within the contract or at o
results (lor c.g.. conprcssive strcnglh dismanled and redone by the
otherwvise thc work shall have to be
Cxtra cost.


rcquired following registers at sitc of work
to maintain the Employer/Architects
The Contractor will bc wherever desired
Should producc the same for inspcction of thc
by them.

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