The Secret of Shem Ha Phorash

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El Shem ha-Mephorash

The intrinsic meaning of the Tetragrammaton-‫יהוה‬-is "BE", a

symbol of existence. It also represents the four cardinal points, the
four worlds of the Kabbalists, the four elements, the seasons of the
year, etc... The name can be transliterated in twelve ways, all of
which mean "BE." The twelve transcriptions are known as "the
twelve banners of the mighty name," and represent the twelve signs
of the Zodiac and the twelve tribes of Israel. These names are as

THE 12 NAMES OF ‫( יהוה‬YHVH)

The Deity has other four-letter names, which are AHIH (existence),
ADNI (lord) and AGLA; This is a Notarikon version of the phrase,
Atah Gebor Leolam Adonai, (You are forever powerful, O Lord).
The similarities between YHVH and AHIH are very marked. To
begin with, both symbolize existence. Also the H, which means the
archetype of universal life, is in the second and fourth place of the
names. AHIH is him; unmanifest comisco principle, Creation itself.
If we add the letters of the Tetragrammaton when we convert them
into numbers we will realize that these give us the number 72.
10 ‫י‬
10 + 5= 15 ‫יה‬
10 + 5 +6= 21 ‫יהו‬
10 +5 +6 +5= 26 ‫י ה ו ה‬
10 + 15 +21+26= 72
This brings us to the Shem ha-Mephorash, or Divided Name. This
name is hidden in the book of Exodus, chapter 14, verses 19, 20 and
21 in the Hebrew Bible.

---Exodus 14;19-21---

Each of these 3 verses is made up of 72 letters. If these three verses

are written one above the other, the first from right to left, the
second from left to right and the third from right to left, 72 columns
of 3 letters each are obtained. Each column is a three-letter name of
God, making a total of 72 names. From these 72 names the names of
the 72 angels are taken.
---Tablet of Shem ha-Mephorash---

The 72 names of the angels are created when the terminals of Al,
which means severity and judgment, and YH, which means mercy
and beneficence, are added to them. These 72 angels dominate over
72 quinaries, or sets of 5 degrees in the Zodiac, therefore each
Decanate or set of 10 degrees of a Zodiac sign has 2 quinaries, and
each sign has 3 decanates (30 degrees). This is the formation: each
name of the angels contains 5 letters, each name of the deity contains
3 letters.
These 72 names are further divided into 4 columns of 18 names
each. These 4 columns are under the domain of the
Tetragrammaton. These are assigned to the Decanates of the Zodiac
with 2 quinaries for each decanate.
The first division is under the domain of the YOD (‫)י‬, the letter of
fire, headed by the sign of Leo. The second division is under the
domain of the HEH (‫)ה‬, it is the letter of water, headed by the sign of
Scorpio. The third division is under the domain of the VAV (‫)ו‬, the
letter of air, headed by the sign of Aquarius. The fourth division is
under the domain of the other HEH (‫)ה‬, the letter of the earth,
headed by the sign of Taurus.

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