Essay On Types of Leadership

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Essay on types of leadership

1. Introduction

One type of leadership refers to the characteristic behaviors of a leader in leading,

motivating, guiding, and managing groups of people. Great leaders can inspire political
movements and social change. They can also motivate others to perform, create and

As you begin to consider some of the people who start out as great leaders, you can
immediately see that there are often big differences in the way each person leads.
(MANCHOLA, 2018) . Fortunately, researchers have developed different theories and
frameworks that allow us to better identify and understand these different leadership styles.

Effective leaders have one style or a combination of multiple styles that make them
successful at guiding and inspiring employees. Successful leaders are able to boost
creativity and productivity, while improving a business's bottom line. However, being an
effective leader does not always correlate with being a well-liked person. Some leaders are
loved by their employees, while others are not highly regarded on a personal level, but are
still excellent at moving the business in a positive direction through distinctive leadership

Leadership styles often correlate closely with personality type. The influence of
previous mentors will also influence a person's ability and style to guide and direct a group
of people. Leadership is not limited to extraverted people, who have larger personalities,
although that type of person often takes on leadership roles, because people with larger
personalities are often effective communicators. (Pérez, 2017) .

Leadership is defined by the results achieved under the specific person in charge.
The leader is tasked with bringing together and molding people into cohesive groups that
are capable of achieving a common goal. They bring out the best in people and the group
collectively, while driving a higher level of performance than would normally be achieved.
Effective leaders drive innovation and encourage their people to think strategically and
creatively, while reaching new limits. In the business world, an effective leader generates
greater profits and ultimately increases the value and bottom line of the business as a

The leader may fail, either because he is unqualified or because he does a poor job
of selecting and motivating those around him to meet his objectives. The methods used to
meet these objectives vary significantly.

2. Types of leadership

2.1. Autocratic leadership

This aggressive leadership style is based on control. The autocrat is rarely liked, and
an autocratic leader uses a militant style. The autocrat gives orders and expects prompt
execution, with little or no feedback or input from the worker. This leadership style can
work in a production-type environment that demands maximum production in simple,
repetitive job roles. Rarely allows for an environment in which creativity will thrive (Cortés
Mejía, 2016) . The autocrat pushes the employees hard; Often, you don't receive loyalty and
long-term commitments in return. High turnover and low satisfaction are expected in
response to this leadership style. However, there are times when autocratic leadership is

2.2. Laissez-Faire Leadership

The complete opposite of autocratic leadership is Laissez-Faire, which is understood

to mean and you should do whatever you want or choose in French. What it means in
economic terms is that it is "a doctrine opposing government interference in economic
affairs beyond the minimum necessary for the maintenance of peace and property rights,"
according to Merriam Webster (Pérez, 2017) . The style has some important benefits in
creative environments, but it also lacks the discipline and structure that is often required in
a business environment. Another drawback of the Laissez-Faire style is the unstructured
approach to learning. It relies heavily on talent, existing experience and creativity to
generate results. If strict deadlines, production and bottom line profits are not necessarily an
important factor, Laissez-Faire is a simple and relaxed approach to running a store. It can
also work when the employee already has a reason to put in the effort.
2.3. Transformational leadership

When comparing the types of leadership that work really well in the business world,
Transformational Leadership really shines, as an effective comprehensive approach. It
encourages employees to think critically and leaders are often inspiring. These leaders have
great vision, and are charismatic and motivating. The general approach, however, does not
cover the day-to-day details (Cortés Mejía, 2016) . A transformational leader will require
dedicated managers who have a more granular approach, to ensure that administrative tasks
and daily processes are in place.

2.4. Practical and participative leadership style

The leadership style of the participants is collaborative and takes into account the
opinion and input of employees during the decision-making process. This brings all the best
ideas to the table and puts the leader in a co-worker type of role that is often respected by
employees. While the participant style is a very effective leadership approach, it does not
happen quickly.

Sometimes an agile decision-making process is required to move forward. The

process of the participants gets stuck, while everyone contributes information and the
process of commitment and deliberation takes place (Pérez, 2017) . Ultimately, the decision
is probably thorough and well considered, but not necessarily timely

3. Conclusion

Leadership positions are not easy. Finding your way to a leadership job in business
typically requires years of hard work as you learn and climb the ladder. Starting a business
is another route to leadership, and it immediately puts you in the lead role. That's not
always a good thing, as you'll still have to work hard and learn some hard lessons. Finding
your groove as a leader requires failure, sometimes. Learning from those failures and using
that experience to become a better leader will ultimately benefit the business. Some people
are natural leaders out of the gate, and will take the reins without a problem. (Cortés Mejía,
2016) . Most people have to work hard and really focus on growth and experience, while
experimenting and trying out styles, until they start to see results at work.
Great leaders often have the best interests of their employees at heart. The leader
wants others to reach their full potential and, as a result, they challenge and elevate
everyone. Great leaders are truly interested in positive outcomes and the betterment of
everyone around them. A leader with experience in their field is more natural when
speaking to their employees when they have a deep understanding of the business, product
or service offering. (MANCHOLA, 2018) . Employees will respect a leader who can
empathize and appreciate the work of their employees in the field. However, specialized
experience is not always necessary. Understanding the basic functions of a business and
being able to see the strengths and weaknesses in the business model itself can create a
strong leader. Communicate these strengths and weaknesses to key staff members.


Cortés Mejía, A. (2016). Estilos de liderazgo y motivación laboral En el ambiente




Pérez, J. L. (2017). Estilos de liderazgo y sus efectos en el desempeño de la administración

pública. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

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