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Chief guest receiving:

Celsiya : It’s a fresh start

Fresh energy
New opportunities
Karthik: Get your mind right
Be thankful
Be Positive

And start to write your own book because every second stars a new page in your story, make it
a great and to create history.

Celsiya: Yes , Today is the most auspicious special day that we are celebrating our founder’s day and
Annual Sports Meet 2022-2023.

Karthik : A delightful morning to dear listener. Now, we are here to welcome our chief guest with the
band troop .

Celsiya : Band group is a music bloggers who will always rock and make attention with the sound.We
feel Euphoric to welcome our chief guest with a majestic March.


Karthik : வாழ்த்தி வாழ்த்தி மகிழ்கிற ாம்.

வாழிய தமிறே எங்கள்
வாழ்வில் பண்டைப் பபருடமபயல்லாம்
வேங்கிறய தமிழே.
Celsiya : Now ,let me invite our choir group to sing Tamil Thai Vaazthu and let us all stand in attention
for Tamil Thai Vaazhthu.

Karthik : Thank you Dear Students for your Valuable Voice.

3. National Flag Hoisting:

Karthik: Rich in cultural history united in the diversity.

A salute to my country independent India.

Celsiya : Now, I would like to invite our admirable chief guest Mr. Shakthi Velu Swamy, Principal of
Sakthi Vigneswara Kalvi Nilayam ,to hoist the flag.

Karthik : Thank you Sir.

4.Flag Song:

Celsiya: Our flag is the representative of our freedom which contains sacrifice and patriotism.

It is an expression of the unity of all the men and women …

Karthik : Let us recall and celebrate the efforts made by our countryman is making our country proud .
Here, I call upon our VVMHSS singers to sing flag song.

Celsiya : Thank you my dear friends for your beautiful voice.

5.Lamp Lighting:

Celsiya: I say to you ;light the lamp of independent thinking.

Light exposed brightness which removes darkness and ignorance from the mind.

Karthik : Now, let me invite our Chief Guest Mrs.Myilavathi Sakthivelsamy, Correspondent of Sakthi
Vigneswara Kalvi Nilayam and all the dignitaries to light the lamp.

Celsiya: Thank you for everyone lighting the lamp for our future.

6.Welcome Address:

Celsiya: “Welcome” is the most greatful precious word that makes everyone to be energetic and
enthusiastic .

Karthik : Nothing can be more reassuring and heartwarming than affectionate words of welcome.

Celsiya: Now I call upon Mr.R.Ranjith PG assistant in English to welcome the gathering.

Thank you Sir, for your warm welcoming.

7.Floral Tribute:

Celsiya : Plants gives us flowers and fragrance, The fragrance spreads pleasant but the root is always

Karthik : It is the attitude of root. The bloomed flowers makes the plant graceful. As the Institution has
been established by our founder and now it gives us the fruit of education for hundreds and hundreds.

Celsiya : In memoriam of his great service and to tribute his different thinking of him.

I would like to call all the dignitary members and faculties offering and honoring our founder with

Karthik : Thank you all for showering a blossom of flowers for the root of an education for our school.

8.Guest of Honor:

Celsiya : As we express our gratitude we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter
words ,but to live by them.
Karthik : Now, we would like to invite our beloved correspondent ma’am Mrs. Jayanthi Segar for
honoring the guest Mrs. Maiylavathi Velu Swamy,Correspondent of Sakthi Vigneswara Kalvi Nilayam
and the principal of Sri Vigneswara School with the shawl and momentum .

Celsiya : And I would like to welcome Our principal to honor Chief Guest Mr. Sakthi Velu Swamy
,Principal of Sakthi Vigneswara Kalvi Nilayam and the correspondent of Sri Vigneswara school with a
shawl and momentum.

Karthik : Thank you sir and Thank you mam for your presence.

9.Felicitation Address:

Celsiya : Better than a beautiful face, is a beautiful heart, and better than a beautiful word is a beautiful

Karthik : It is easier to find a new audience than to write a new speech.

Celsiya : Now, I would like to welcome our chief guest Mr.Sakthi Veluswamy , principal of Shakti
Vigneswara Kalvi Nilayam to deliver his thoughts.

Celsiya: Thank you Sir, for your delicious thoughts and majical words.

10.Prize Distribution:

Celsiya: It is not the winning , but the participation.

Karthik : You are born to win, but to win, prepare to win .

Celsiya : Winning is not the rewards, participating is the biggest rewards.

Now it’s time to praise the winners by the chief guest Mr.Sakthi Veluswamy whom desires the most.

Karthik : Thank you sir, for your kind hearted cooperation.

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