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Muscote Remedies
She is the youngest daughter of the mayor of the conservative government in Macondo, Don
Apolinar Moscote. She is a beautiful girl with green eyes and lily skin, just 9 years old.

Fernanda del Carpio

Fernanda is the cachaca of history. Dark, sad, affected and capricious in character, with
pretensions of greatness and belonging to royalty. She is very religious, bordering on
fanaticism, she turned the simple act of eating in the kitchen into a "high mass" in the main
dining room. It preserves the "flawed" and "anachronistic" speech of the inhabitants of the
mountainous areas of the interior of Colombia.

Prudencio Aguilar
He is a man who lived in the old town of José Arcadio Buendia (founder of Macondo). A
dispute arose between the two during a cockfighting event because Úrsula was afraid of
becoming pregnant with José Arcadio Buendía since she thought that children would be born
with pig tails. Since José Arcadio Buendía goes crazy, Prudencio Aguilar is the only person
he has contact with.

Melquíades is one of the gypsies who visits Macondo every year in the month of March,
bringing items from various places around the world and sells many new inventions,
including two magnets (José Arcadio plans to become a millionaire believing they would
attract gold), a gigantic magnifying glass. (José Arcadio Buendía plans to use it as a weapon
of war, thus beginning the era of solar wars) and an alchemy laboratory, establishing a great
friendship with him.

Pilar Ternera
Pilar is a happy, wise and determined woman who arrives in Macondo with her parents on
the expedition that founded the town. She lived to be more than 140 years old and was buried
in a large hole sitting in her rocking chair. Lover and the best advisor of the Buendías.

Saint Sophia of Mercy

Saint Sofia is Arcadio's wife (not his wife, since they were never married). She plays a
secondary role in the novel, carrying out household chores during the time in which Úrsula is
sick. She has the ability to "not exist except at the right moment", and in her youth she was
very beautiful and Remedios inherits her beauty from her.
Nicanor Ulloa and Rebeca Montiel
Rebeca Buendía's biological parents, their remains were found in a canvas bag that Rebeca
brought with her when she arrived in Macondo, they are buried next to Melquíades' tomb.

Pietro Crespi
Pietro is an Italian musician who comes to install the player piano that would animate the
inauguration of the Buendía house. Also for the party he teaches the fashionable dances to
Rebeca and Amaranta.

Gerineldo Marquez
The best friend of Colonel Aureliano Buendía, and his right hand in the war. He was in love
with Amaranta all his life, and although he had a kind of courtship with her, she rejected him.
He died of old age during the flood thinking about Amaranta and waiting for the life pension
that never came.

Petra Cotes
Petra is a determined and generous mulatto, lover first of José Arcadio Segundo and then of
Aureliano Segundo.

Mr. Herbert and Mr. brown

Mr. Herbert is a gringo who came to the Buendía house one day for lunch. After eating
bananas (guineo or plantain) for the first time, he manages the establishment of a company
for the exploitation of the banana plantation in Macondo. The banana company is brought by
Mr. Brown, its president.

Mauritius Babylon
Mauricio is a bold and brutally honest apprentice mechanic in the banana company's
workshops. Apparently descended from gypsies, and has the exceptional characteristic of
being constantly followed by swarms of yellow butterflies.

Gastón is the Belgian husband of Amaranta Úrsula. They get married in Europe and return to
Macondo. Gastón is about fifteen years older than Amaranta Úrsula. He is an aviator and

She was the great-granddaughter of the oldest Antillean black man still alive at the time
when Aureliano Babilonia began touring the town after the death of José Arcadio.
The Catalan wise man
He was the old man who ran the store where Aureliano bought the books necessary to
decipher the scrolls of Melquíades, in the corner of the town in front of which dreams were
deciphered in the times of the banana company. It is a tribute to the Catalan writer Ramón

Álvaro, Alfonso, Gabriel and Germán

They are the four friends of Aureliano Babilonia whom he meets in the Catalan wise man's
store. They entertain themselves by discussing literature and going to brothels (the one with
the girls who went to bed because of hunger or "The Golden Boy", by Pilar Ternera). These
characters are a tribute from García Márquez to his friends from the Barranquilla Group:
Álvaro Cepeda Samudio, Alfonso Fuenmayor and Germán Vargas. Gabriel is an allusion to

Apolinar Moscote
He arrives in Macondo as a government corregidor, but is always treated as a decorative
authority. He has 7 daughters, of which one marries Aureliano and another with Pietro
Crespi's younger brother. He tries to turn Aureliano into a conservative, who, in turn,
becomes a fervent liberal.

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