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I/ Write the correct verb forms
1. What time _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (the meeting/end)?
2. Tomorrow I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (visit) my aunt, Sally.
3. Molly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (speak) French but right now she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (speak)
4. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not/finish) our history project yet. The deadline is set for Monday.
5. Kim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (never/be) abroad. She’d love to visit other countries.
6. I’m exhausted. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (train) my stomach muscles all morning.
7. What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (usually/you/do) in your free time?
8. A: Look! Your mum’s in the vegetable garden.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (she/water) the tomatoes?
B: I guess, she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
9. Sarah (climb) _______________ the Matterhorn, (sail) ___________ around the world, and (go)
_____________ on safari in Kenya. She is such an adventurous person.
10. Look! It _____________, so we can't go to the beach. (to rain)
11. (they / spend) _______________ their holidays in Paris last summer?
12. When Melanie came into the office yesterday, her eyes (be) ____________ red and watery. I
think she (cry) ___________________.
13. The researcher (have) ____________ been exploring the territory (since/for) _________ last
14. Come over to my house around 9 o'clock. By then, I (complete) _____________ my history
essay and we can go see a movie.
15. After Larry ______________ the film on TV, he decided to buy the book. (to see)
16. In June, my grandmother and grandfather (be) _______________ married for fifty years.
17. There are a lot of clouds! It ________________ soon. (to rain)
18. This time next week he (fly) ________________ to South Africa.
19. On December, 30th 2009, K.H Abdurrahman Wahid, the 4th president of Indonesia (die) _______
because of complications from kidney disorders, heart disease and diabetes.
20. At 6 o'clock on next Friday they (sing) ___________________ the new song.
21. When he (wake up) ______________ yesterday , his mother (already /prepare)
__________________ breakfast
22. When Sarah goes on vacation next month, she (study) __________________ German for over
two years. She should be able to communicate fairly well while she is in Austria.
23. (you / ever / see ) ___________________ a whale?
24. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit) __________________ the Grand Canyon and
San Francisco by the time I leave the United States.

25. I (finish) __________________ it by the end of this month.
26. By the time you finish studying the verb tense tutorial, you (master) __________________ all
twelve tenses including their passive forms.
I (just / finish) ____________________ my homework
27. John ................... reading. (not, like)
28. ................... any of you ................... sports regularly? (play)
29. Man ................... on the Moon in 1969. (land)
30. Right now he ................... on the phone. (talk).
31. A strange thing ................... (happen) while I ................... a letter. (write)
32. He ................... just ................... back. (come)
33. The Earth ................... around the Sun. (revolve)
34. I ………(look) for my camera for an hour, when I……(remember) I gave it to my friend.
35. I ................... (slip) and ................... (fall down) when I ................... crossing the street. (be)
36. Be quiet, I ................... to concentrate. (try)
37. Could you close the window? I ................... (freeze)
38. She ................... not ................... doing her homework yet. (finish)
39………………(Maria/drive)for many hours when the accident happened?
40. The man………….(paint) the walls all day long.
41. The coffee ................... good. (smell)
42. I ................... (not, hear) anything he said, because I ................... about something else. (think)
43. While I ................... (sleep), he ................... (clean) the house and ................... (prepare) dinner.
44. He……..(missed) his bus so he….(be) really late.
45. When we went back, our house was empty. Somebody ................ (rob) us.
46. I wasn't hungry, because I …….(already eat) a big lunch.
47. Supermarkets ______________ (open) at 8 o’clock and
__________________(close) at 9.
48. Yesterday I _______________(buy) a T-shirt and cargo shorts.
49. They ____________________(have) dinner when the tornado _________________(strike).
50. By next summer Jayden _________________ (complete) the
beginner’s computer course.
51. I _________________(lie) on the beach in Ibiza this time next week. Lucky me!
52. Every morning Jackson ____________ (turn) on his computer and _______________ (check)
his Facebook for updates and news.
53. Sophia and Isabella _______________ (not/finish) their power point presentation on African
animals yet.
54. Tonight Evan ______________________(play) a game of singles with his best friend,
55. This summer I _________________(read) 10 classic novels for school.

56. Ethan and Noah ________________(already/wait) for 2 hours, when the bus finally
________________ (arrive).
57. What _________________ (you/do) this weekend? I think I _____________ (start) a new jigsaw
58. Mia looks very pale. It looks like she ________________________(faint).
59. My cousins, Logan and Jackson, _____________________(live) in Barcelona since 2006.
60. My Uncle Landon ________________________ (work) in Dublin from 2002-2008.
61. My mother and father _______________________(paint) the kitchen all morning.
62. Right now Cameron ______________________ (play) his favorite computer game.
63. What _____________________ (you/do) at the moment? Oh, nothing.
64. This is the first time I ____________________ (ever/try) snails.
65. What time _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (the meeting/end)?
66. Tomorrow I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (visit) my aunt, Sally.
67. Molly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (speak) French but right now she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (speak)
68. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not/finish) our history project yet. The deadline is set for Monday.
69. Kim _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (never/be) abroad. She’d love to visit other countries.
70. I’m exhausted. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (train) my stomach muscles all morning.
71. We__________________________________(watch) a movie when you interrupted us.
72. Right now, I _______________________________(take) English class.
73. It’s ages since we last ________________________________(go) to the cinema.
74. Next summer we_______________________________(go) to Ibiza.
75. Pedro_____________ already_______________ his homework by the time his parents arrived
76. An individual blood cell ______________________(take) about 60 seconds to make a complete
circuit of the body.
77. Next World Cup __________________________________(take) place in Russia.
78. As soon as I finish with English language I _____________________________ (start) taking
French classes.
79. In 1962 Brazil ___________________(obtain) the two-time championship in the Soccer World
Cup of Chile.
80. My sister and I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(prepare) a gala dinner to celebrate our parents’ silver
81. Where _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you/sit) when the light _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) off?
82. Liz _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (pain) the bathroom for two hours before Luke _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(offer) her his help.
83. When Vanda _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) on holiday last summer she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (ride) a
bike every day.
84. The kids _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (play) at the beach when they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (hear) the roar
of the ocean.
85. Sam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (vacuum) the carpets before she
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (settle) down with a book.
86. Mike _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (chop) the onions while Lucy
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (blend) the eggs and cream.
87. Last year I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not/save) any money.
88. It’s our anniversary next week we__________________________________(have) party.
89. We____________________________(not prepare) at all before we took that test.
90. The first computers _______________ (be) simple machines designed for basic tasks.
91. The known universe __________________(be) made up of 50,000,000,000 galaxies.
92. We_______________________(have) English class every Monday.
93. When you knocked the door, I __________________________________(eat) a slice of pizza.
94. How many cups of coffee__________ you____________ (got) today?
95. The Antarctica ____________________ (be) very cold.
96. The average human body ________________(carry) ten times more bacterial cells than
human cells.
97. On 1846 the first professional baseball game ______________(be) played.
98. A: Remember that it’s a secret. B: I know. I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not/tell) anyone, I promise.
99. Sue has bought some chocolates because she _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ (visit) her grandpa in hospital.
100. I haven’t finished my essay yet but I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (write) it by tomorrow.
101. At this time next week Brenda _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (sunbathe) on the Caribbean beach. I envy
102. We expect Tom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (recover) soon.
103. What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you/do) tonight? Can we meet at 7? I need to talk to you.
104. Look at Greg. He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (jump) into the swimming pool.
105. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you/stop) making so much
noise, please? Anna is studying for Maths exam.
106. Tonight Evan ______________________(play) a game of singles with his best friend,
107. This summer I _________________(read) 10 classic novels for school.
108. Ethan and Noah ________________(already/wait) for 2 hours, when the bus finally
________________ (arrive).
109. What _________________ (you/do) this weekend? I think I _____________ (start) a new
jigsaw puzzle.
110. My Uncle Landon ________________________ (work) in Dublin from 2002-2008.
111. My mother and father _______________________(paint) the kitchen all morning.
112. Right now Cameron ______________________ (play) his favorite computer game.
113. What _____________________ (you/do) at the moment? Oh, nothing.
114. Andrew _____________________(never/be) on a safari before and he is so excited.
115. Tomorrow morning I ____________________(see) my dentist for my yearly checkup.
116. Real Madrid _______________________________ (play) against Barcelona tonight.
117. Our school ___________________(usually/have) breaks in the morning and afternoon.
118. That girl with the red hair _______________________(talk) on the phone right now.
119. Natalie _________________________(sleep ) over Chloe’s house last Saturday night.
120. I ______________________(not/often go) to the cinema these days. _______ you ________
(go) to the cinema once a month?
121. Guess what I _________________ (wear) to the party last night? A vampire costume.
122. By next June, they _____________________________(graduate) from high school.
123. What __________________(you/do) while the ground _________________(shake) during the
124. Could you close the window? I ................... (freeze)
125. She ................... not ................... doing her homework yet. (finish)
126………………(Maria/drive)for many hours when the accident happened?
127. The man………….(paint) the walls all day long.
128. The coffee ................... good. (smell)
129. I ................... (not, hear) anything he said, because I ................... about something else. (think)
130. While I ................... (sleep), he ................... (clean) the house and ................... (prepare) dinner.
131. He……..(missed) his bus so he….(be) really late.
132. When we went back, our house was empty. Somebody ............. (rob) us.
133. I wasn't hungry, because I …….(already eat) a big lunch.
134. Fortunately Abigail _______________ just/ (put up) her umbrella when it
______________(start) to pour. Or she would have been soaked.
135. Tomorrow morning I ____________________(see) my dentist for my yearly checkup.
136. Bad weather ____________ (delay) our flight to Madagascar last summer.
137. Last night my family and I __________________(watch) an interesting
documentary on Ancient Greece.
II/ Complete the second sentences without changing the meaning of the first sentences.
1. The weather is too terrible for you to go out.
 If the weather…………………………………….……………
2. All the students have to take the final exam.
 The final exam………..………………………………….......
3. Please don’t repeat what I said.
 Would you mind…… … …………………………………….
4. I can’t swim as well as my friend can
 My friend……………………………………………………….
5. We lost our way. We didn’t arrive on time.
 Unless……………………………………………………………
6. It took me three hours to open the door.
 We spend…………………………………………………..........
7. I can’t answer all the questions.
 I wish…………………………………………………….............
8. The film was too boring for you to watch
 The film was so…………………………………………….........
9. They don’t play football any more.
 They used…………………………………………………..........
10. The man said to me, “Please tell me the way to the nearest post office?’
 The man asked me……………………………………………
8.All of the buildings in this town aren’t as high as yours.
 Your building………………………………............................
9. The show was interesting to the boy.
 The boy was…………………………………………………..
10.My father doesn’t smoke any more.
 My father used………………………………………..............
11. People say that they bought this shop last year.
=> It is___________________________________________
12. "How much do you think it will cost?" he said to me.
=> He asked me____________________________________.
13. Mr. Brown's team has lost the game. He looks very sad.
=> Mr. Brown whose_______________________________.
14. Do you know the man who sat next to me at Nam’s birthday party last night?
=> You know________________________________________
15. It takes Minh 2 hours to do his homework every day.
=> Minh spends______________________________________.
16. We were late for school because of the heavy rain.
=> Because it_________________________________________.
17. My mother used to us clean the house.
=> We used___________________________________________
18. "I'm working in a restaurant, and don't care much for it." she said

=> She said____________________________________________
19. .It’s two years since I last spoke to her.
=> I haven’t____________________________________________
20. Going swimming in the river in the summer is interesting.
=> It_________________________________________________
21. Keeping the environment clean is very important.
- It’s ………………………………………………………………………..
22. They will show the time machine to the public when they finish it.
- The time machine …………………………………………………………
23.We arrived too late to see the film.
- We didn’t…………………………………………………………………
24. Old car tires are recycled to make shoes and sandals.
- People ……………………………………………………………………..
25. I’m very sad that I wasn’t accepted in that group.
- I’m very sad not …………………………………………………..……….
26. It’s three years since I last spoke to her.
- I haven’t ……………………………………………………………………
27. Tam doesn’t type as fast as she used to.
- Tam used …………………………………………………………………..
28. “ Please turn down the radio for me”, said my father.
- My father asked ……………………………………………………………
29. She will be fifteen next week.
- It is her…………………………………………………………………..
30.If you don’t rest yourself, you will be ill.
- Unless……………………………………………………………………..
31. I don't play tennis as well as you do.
- You .......................................................................................................................
32. I haven't been to the dentist's for two years.
- It's .........................................................................................................................
33. Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress.
- She never ...............................................................................................................
34. I spent seven years at secondary school and then I went to university.
- After .........................................................................................................................
35. It's not worth living to make her change her mind.
- There's ......................................................................................................................
36. He said he was not guilty of stealing the car.
- He denied .................................................................................................................
37. Is this the only way to reach the city centre?
- Isn't there .................................................................................................................?
38. He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
- At no time ................................................................................................................
39. It's my opinion that you should take more exercise.
- If I.............................................................................................................................
40. I was going to leave, but because of what he said, I didn't.
- She persuaded ..........................................................................................................
41. We haven’t been to a concert for over a year.
 The last time………………………………….......................................
42. Your birthday party was the last time I really enjoyed myself.
 I………………………………………………………………..................
43. It’s nearly 20 years since my father saw his brother.
 My father……………………………………………….........................
44. Tom went to Scotland last Friday and is still there.
 Tom has……………………………………………............................
45. When did you last ride a bike?
 How long is it………………………………………..........................?
46. The last time I went swimming was when I was in France.
 I haven’t……………………………………………….......……........
47. You haven’t tided up this room for weeks.
 It’s………………………………………….....................................
48. He was last in touch with me three weeks ago.
 He hasn’t……………………………………....….........................
49. Mr. John hasn’t visited France since 1990.
 Mr. John last………………………………………........................
50. It last rained three weeks ago.
 It’s…………………………….....................................................
51. The children couldn't go swimming because the sea was very rough.
 The sea was too................................................................
52. We didn't have enough money, so we didn't go on holiday.

 If we...................................................................................
53. We got lost because we didn't have a map.
 If we..................................................................................
54. The bridge was so low that the bus couldn't go under it.
 It was...............................................................................
55. It was so late that nothing could be done.
 It was too........................................................................
56. He couldn't afford to buy a car.
 The car..........................................................................
57. That restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there.
 It is such.......................................................................
58. The test was too difficult for the pupils to do.
 The test........................................................................
59. Phone now or you will be late.
 You will........................................................................
60. I advise you to put your money in a bank.
 You'd .........................................................................
61. How much is this dictionary?
 -> How much does .....................................................................................................
62. There are over eight hundred stamps in Tim’s collection.
 -> Tim’s collection......................................................................................................
63. How old is your father?
 -> What ........................................................................................................................
64. What is your son’s weight.
 -> How ..........................................................................................................................
65. Mr. Pike couldn’t enjoy the meal because of stomachache.
 -> The stomachache prevented ......................................................................................
66. You shouldn’t eat too much meat.
 -> You’d .........................................................................................................................
67. He is a careful driver.
 -> He................................................................................................................................

68. Listening to music at home is more interesting than going to the concert.
 -> I prefer ....................................................................................................................
69. It is a six-hour drive from London to Edinburg.
 -> It takes......................................................................................
70. "Where did they live before moving here?" he asked.
→ He wanted to know ________________________
71. "Will you be at Tom's party?" he asked her.
→ He asked her _______________________________
72. "Can you meet me at the train station?" she asked me.
→ She asked me _________________________________
73. "Did you see that great car?" he asked me.
→ He asked me __________________________
74. He said, "I am writing an essay tomorrow."
→ He said _____________________________
75. You said, "I will do this for you."
→ You said _________________________
76. She said, "I am not tired now."
→ She said ________________________
77. "What's the time?" he asked.
→ He asked ___________________________
78. "When will we see each other again?" she asked me.
→ She asked me ____________________________
79. She said, "I went to the cinema with my boyfriend yesterday."
→ She said ____________________________

III/ Rewrite the sentences in the passive voice.

1 – I have eaten many sweets.
2 – He has sent a Christmas postcard.
3 – Children weren’t reading comics.
4 – She was reading the newspaper yesterday at 9pm.
5– This famous director will produce ten short comedy films in four years.
6– People won’t buy so many newspapers in the near future.
7 – Wealthy countries should support the poor ones.
8 – Everyone must respect the traffic laws.
9 – Technology is invading our working places.
10 – Eileen helps people in need.
11 – Mr Brown called several candidates for a second interview.
- _________________________________________________________________________
12 – They don’t allow dogs in the restaurant.
- _________________________________________________________________________
13 – Jason will accept the offer next month.
- ________________________________________________________________________
14 – That leaves many young people in a difficult situation.
- _________________________________________________________________________
15 – He has visited the museum.
- _______________________________________________________________________
16 – We didn’t see the advertisement.
- _________________________________________________________________________
17. They smile at the girl as she walks by
 _______________________________________________________________________
18. They don’t keep the bicycle in the garage.
 _______________________________________________________________________
19. People speak well of your friend.
 _______________________________________________________________________
20. Teens think that money is the most important thing in life
 _______________________________________________________________________
21. They make robots from strong metal.
 _______________________________________________________________________
22. Factories use robots because they are reliable.
 _______________________________________________________________________
23. Robots will never attack human beings.
 _______________________________________________________________________
24. They had to close that factory because the firm went bankrupt.

 _______________________________________________________________________
25. Someone made this dress in Spain.
 _______________________________________________________________________
26. They must blow up part of the tunnel.
 _______________________________________________________________________

IV. Rewrite the following sentences as guided in brackets.

1- That car is our father’s. (Question)

2- Who wrote Shakespeare ? (Passive)

3- That blouse costs 9 €. (Question)

4- “Did you go to the cinema yesterday”, he said. (Reported speech)

5- My daughter smokes too many cigarettes. (Wish)

6- “Let’s light a fire and cook our sausages over it”, said the children. (R S)

7- You should open the wine about three hours before you use it. (Passive)

8- He doesn’t earn enough money to live in his own. (Conditional)

9- In spite of her sadness, she was playing with her son for an hour. (although)

10- He advised me to buy some shares then. (Direct speech)

V- LETTER WRITING (150 Words for each letter)
- Write a letter to a hotel manager praising a staff member
- As an international student in Sweden, you have an account with a local bank. The monthly bank
transfer you receive from your parents has been delayed this month due to an error at your
parents’ bank.
- You are working for a company. Write a letter to your boss to propose a training course you
want to attend.
- You had a meal at a restaurant. You are not happy with the service. Write to the manager to
complain about it. Give details about the problems and request some compensation or refund.


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