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Ejercicios de Uso del Pasado Simple

1. Escribe al frente de cada verbo su pasado simple:

Play: ___________

Look: ___________

Catch: ___________

See : ___________

Enjoy: ___________

Drink: ___________

Walk: ___________

Dream: ___________

Eat: ___________

Carry: ___________

Study: ___________

2. Completa las siguientes frases con los verbos adecuados en pasado simple que
encuentras en la caja:

studied dreamed ate walked

drank played enjoyed looked

1. She ________ all her juice last night

2. I _________ at the moon yesterday

3. You _______ all day to get an A+ in the exam

4. We____ the same dream, ha!

5. I _____ a piece of cake at lunch time

6. He _____ for 3 hours because there wasn’t any taxi nearby

7. They _____ the show last week

8. We _____ tennis and he won the match

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Answers / Respuestas:

Ejercicio 1:

Play: ​played

Look: ​looked

Catch: ​caught

See : ​saw
Enjoy: ​enjoyed

Drink: ​drank

Walk: ​walked

Dream: ​dreamed

Eat: ​ate

Carry: ​carried

Study: ​studied

Ejercicio 2:

1. She ​drank​ all her juice last night

2. I ​looked​ at the moon yesterday

3. You ​studied​ all day to get an A+ in the exam

4. We​ ​dreamed​ the same dream, ha!

5. I ​ate​ a piece of cake at lunch time

6. He ​walked​ for 3 hours because there wasn’t any taxi nearby

7. They ​enjoyed​ the show last week

8. We ​played​ tennis and he won the match

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