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Activity 1

Direction: Answer the Following Question on the best of your knowledge use different basis as a proof of
your statement.

1.What is the Difference Between Criminal Justice and Criminology?

However, the difference between criminology and criminal justice plays out in a few ways: While
criminal justice studies the law enforcement system and operations, criminology focuses on the
sociological and psychological behaviors of criminals to determine why they commit crimes.

2.Is there an overlapping area of concern between criminal justice experts and criminologist?

Criminology and criminal justice may seem alike because the career paths in both fields sometimes
overlap. For example, a detective can work both in the criminal justice system and as a criminologist.

3.What Department of the Government Defines Crimes and Punishes and Act?


4.What is the event that calls for operation of the Criminal Justice System? Why?

The system as a whole should have a greater purpose – to prevent crime and to create a peaceful, law-
abiding society.

5.From the legal definition, what are the things that apparently constitute crime?

— A crime occurs when someone breaks the law by an overt act, omission, or neglect that can result in
punishment. A

6.Based also on the legal definition, how may the government convict a person of a crime.

An individual who has been found guilty of the commission of conduct that causes social harm and that
is punishable by law; a person who has committed a crime.

7.How crimes classified under Book II of the Revise Penal Code?

The Revised Penal Code criminalizes a whole class of acts that are generally accepted as criminal, such as
the taking of a life whether through murder or homicide, rape, robbery and theft, and treason.AN ACT
REVISING THE PENAL CODE AND OTHER PENAL LAWS. Preliminary Article - This law shall be known as
"The Revised Penal Code." BOOK ONE, Act no 3815 LAWphil
8.What is the Difference between Substantive Criminal Law and Procedural Criminal Law? Explain your

As applied to criminal law, substantive law is that which declares what acts are crimes and prescribes
the punishment for committing them, as distinguished from the procedural law which provides or
regulates the steps by which one who commits a crime is to be punished.

9.What are the legal principles or maxims regarding a crime or criminal act?

10.What is the difference about the commission of a crime base on Criminological Sense and Legal
Sense? Explain your Answer.

criminal justice studies the law enforcement system and operations, criminology focuses on the
sociological and psychological behaviors of criminals to determine why they commit crimes.

11.Explain the Concept of Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt. Give its legal basis.

In a criminal case, the accused is entitled to an acquittal, unless his guilt is shown beyond reasonable
doubt. Proof beyond reasonable doubt does not mean such a degree of proof, excluding possibility of
error, produces absolute certainly.

12.Explain the Concept of the Principle of Presumption of Innocence. Give the Source of this Principle.

Basic is the rule that an accused must be presumed innocent until his guilt is established by proof
beyond reasonable doubt. It simply means that the evidence must engender moral certainty or
constitute that degree of proof which produces conviction in an unprejudiced mind.
13.Define Criminal, in the criminological sense, the legal sense, and as defined in the criminal justice

Criminal is a popular term used for a person who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of
a crime

14.What are the different nomenclatures given to the person who is being processed under the Criminal
Justice System?

15.Who is the Criminal in relation to the administration of the Criminal Justice?

The word “justice” often conjures images of spandex-clad superheroes saving the day from masked evil-
doers. In reality, the field of criminal justice is full of everyday heroes, from police officers and forensic
scientists to child welfare caseworkers.

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