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Topic No 1: The Importance of having a meeting.

Ex 5:3
Objective: each participant must be aware of the importance of a genuine meeting.


You must attend a meeting with a fully open heart and with the simplicity of a child, in
order to receive everything that God longs to minister to us. All arguments,
misconceptions about God and any prejudice that may prevent receiving from God must
be put aside.
God's desire is to meet us, and the enemy does everything possible to prevent this from
being a reality.


Truths that are experienced in an encounter:

 Vision is received: spiritual eyes are opened, revelation of the word of God is
received, understanding simple and fundamental truths. Psa 119:18

 A genuine conversion occurs: The conversion has to be complete, not partial,

demonstrating genuine repentance Mt 3:8

 Faith is received: only through faith in Jesus, can we receive forgiveness of sins,
since He paid a high price for our redemption 2Ti 3:15

 Acceptance is experienced: we are accepted in the beloved declares the word

of God, granting adoption by grace Gal 4:5

 One is free from all ties: that prevents us from living correctly, to please the
Lord in everything. Jn 8:36


The encounter is a new opportunity to begin, it is a new beginning, where our lives, in
addition to being changed and transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, are oriented
towards a new direction, towards a divine Vision, where Almighty God promises to guide
us. with his Holy Spirit (Ro 8:14)
Topic No 2: The meeting gives us a new opportunity.

Luke 15: 11-32

Objective: Restore our communion with God and make known the love of the Heavenly


Just as the prodigal son made the decision to reconcile with his father, something similar
happens when we make the decision to restore our relationship with God. It is having a
new opportunity, because the only way to be cleansed from sin is through a genuine
conversion to God. Isaiah 1:18


Correct attitude to change:

 Renewal of the mind: Although we have acted out of mind, foolishly in sinning,
by the grace of God, our understanding is enlightened Ro 12:1-2
 Making the right decision: When we realize our mistake, we must turn to God
wholeheartedly. Luke 15:18
 Confess sins: Confess by recognizing and declaring the mistake and errors
committed. Luke 15:18

God's attitude towards his children (Lk 15:20):

 He sees us from afar: With eyes of mercy, waiting for us to turn and reconcile
with him.
 He is moved to mercy: He does not confront us with our faults, he does not
express resentment, he simply embraces us.
 He comes out to welcome us: God runs to meet us, because he has waited a
long time, for our return
 Change clothes and restore authority: clothe us with justice and holiness; and
restore authority so that we may announce the gospel to the lost Luke 15:22


In this encounter there is a new opportunity, a new beginning, this time is a time of
grace, for us to experience forgiveness and the great love that our heavenly father has
for our lives 2Co 6:2
Topic No 3: Repentance: Thank you God for your forgiveness

Psa 32:5

Objective: To make known the consequences of sin and the way out through true


Being confronted face to face with sin is the only way to experience genuine repentance,
in order to receive forgiveness, leading us to wholeheartedly confess our transgressions,
seeing sin as God sees it. (Pr 28:13) David is a great example of a man who deeply
confessed his sin to the Lord, experiencing forgiveness (Ps 51:1-2)


Consequences of Sin in David's life:

 The financial area was affected: The Lord could not give David all the riches
that you had prepared for him. 2Sa 12:8
 He opened the door to a spirit of Violence: Several people from David's same
family died, due to violence within their own home. 2Sa 12:10
 I bring public shame: The Bible declares that everything that is done in secret
will be manifested in public. 2Sa 12:11
 He opened the door to the curse: A small weakness brought curses on his life
and on his house. 2Sa 12:11
 A spirit of death entered the family: Consequences of sin were inevitable. 2Sa

Every unconfessed sin has repercussions in the following areas:

 Physics: While I was away my bones aged

 Emotional: In my moaning all day, because day and night your hand weighed
heavily on me.
 Financial: My greenery turned into dry summer fields.


God is the only one who can forgive sins, but genuine repentance and a deep
confession of sin must be shown, taking an attitude of humility before God, for having
offended Him with our actions. Psa 51:17

Topic No 4: The revelation of the death of the Messiah.

Philippians 2:5-8
Objective: Lead each attendee to have the revelation of the death of the messiah and
know all its benefits.


Knowing Jesus means experiencing the power of resurrection that operated in him,
when he was raised from the dead (Phil 3:10), which entails the death of the human
ego, which prevents the life of God from manifesting (Gal. 2:20)


If we are one with Jesus in his death, we will also be one in his resurrection, therefore,
we must carefully consider the sufferings of the messiah, dying on the tree and what it
means for us: (7 sheddings of his blood)


 2.- REDEMPTION (WOUND) Isa 53:5


 4.- FACE (IDENTITY) Mar 14:65


 6.- FEET (PURPOSE) Lk 24:40


A change of nature is only experienced when one is confronted with the death that
Jesus experienced on the tree, applying by Faith the blood that he shed for the
remission of our sins. (2Co 4:10), so that the life of God, which he has placed in our
lives, may be manifested to bless many lives (Jn 12:24)


Dying in Christ is gain, living for oneself is a great loss, that is why it is very important to
have the revelation and experience of the death that operated in Jesus when he was
nailed to the tree, so that the power of his resurrection operates in our lives (Rom 8:11).
Let us apply the Blood of Jesus in Faith.

Topic No 5: Healing the heart.

Pr 18:14
Objective: To make known the restorative power of God, in the area of emotions,
through inner healing.


When God designed man, he did it in such a way that he could be loved, feel loved and
at the same time give love, but the reality is that since before we were born we have
experienced wounds in the soul, leaving a great void in the heart and even if they pass
As the years go by, a feeling of lack of affection persists. (Ps 147:3)


 We were created spirit, soul and body and the soul is composed of mind,
emotions and will (1Thes 5:23)
 The wounds in the soul have been generated, since before birth, due to actions,
curses that have been inherited (Ps 51:5)
 The wounds have produced rejection, which is more than the lack of acceptance,
which means not feeling accepted, integrated into a group (2Sa 9:7-8)
 It is necessary to identify the possible causes of the origin of the rejection: This is
getting to the root, this is only possible with the help of the Holy Spirit, for that you
must make the following determination:
 Face the past.
 Individualize the people who hurt us.
 To be healed one must:
 Forgive with all your heart those who rejected you. Tue 11:25
 Give up all hatred, resentment, bitterness that has been stored in your
heart . Heb 12:15
 Turn to God with all your heart and rest in his arms. Matt 11:28-29


For love of us, Jesus suffered various types of rejections throughout his life, so that only
he can understand us and even heal us from all wounds and emotional ailments, put
your faith in him and experience the power of his Holy Spirit. Health today. Luke 4:18

Topic No 6: Seven Words of Victory.

Mt 27:46; Lk 23: 34-46; Jn 19:25-30
Objective: Last words of the Messiah on the tree, they summarize the great sacrifice he
made for redemption and describe seven areas of victories he conquered.


The death of Jesus on the stake was apparently a defeat, but according to God's plans,
it was a great victory, in favor of God's people. On the tree Jesus defeated sin, the devil
and death and was the maximum expression of the grace and mercy of God the Father
(Ps 85:10)

The last words of Jesus when he died summarize the great sacrifice he made for us:
 Word of Forgiveness: Luke 23:34, this word expresses the reason why Jesus
died, it manifests the mercy of the Father, who wishes to extend his forgiveness.
 Word of Motivation to enjoy his presence: Lk 23:43, he will never leave us nor
forsake us.
 Word of family restoration: Jn 19:26-27, His sacrifice allows family relationships to
be restored.
 Word of acceptance: Mat 27:46, the abandonment I experience when dying
allows us to be accepted by God the Father.
 Word of love: Jn 19:28, man's thirst for love can only be satisfied when the
sacrifice of Jesus is received and accepted.
 Word of triumph: Jn 19:30, finished means, I completed the work or completed
the mission, for which I came into this world.
 Word of hope: Luke 23:46, there is life after death and Jesus said that whoever
believes in him, even if he is dead, will live.


The death of Jesus on the stake was the greatest demonstration of love that anyone has
ever made for humanity. At the moment the son of God died, the heavens shook,
evidencing the triumph obtained by being obedient until death. Matt 27:50-53

Topic No 7: Defeating the adversary.

Matt 12:29
Objective: Learn how to overcome the enemy daily, to become people who live in full


While we are in this world, we will be fighting with adverse forces of evil, which operate
in the air, it is necessary to strengthen ourselves in the Lord and his power, to be able to
win. Eph. 6:10-13


 Steps to take to defeat the enemy:

 Bind the strong man: only when clothed with spiritual authority can the strong
man be subdued Acts 19:14-16
 Using Faith to rebuke demons: Faith that the death of Jesus was the defeat of
the enemy and in his name we exercise authority Mar 16:17
 Resist the adversary: Submitting to God gives us the power to resist the evil
one and defeat him James 4:7
 The key to victory is submission to God: Submitting allows us to exercise
authority to expel any demon, declaring victory in the name of Jesus, through his
death and resurrection. Heb 2:14
 Wear the armor of God: God has provided weapons of war for us to fight and win
Eph 6:11
 Cancel arguments: the enemy is an expert at deceiving and he will do everything
possible to overcome your doubts Col 2:14
 Apply the blood of Jesus: the enemy cannot stand the blood that Jesus shed to
save us and defeat him Rev 12:11


In this fight, our faith and trust in Jesus guarantees us victory, since he defeated and
defeated our enemies, publicly displayed them, triumphing over them, making us more
than conquerors Col 2:15; Rom 8:37
Topic No 8: Transforming the curse into a blessing (Ministering deliverance).
Deut 23:5; 30:19-20
Objective: To teach the causes why curses come, how to be free and how to receive the benefits that
the blessing grants.


In the lives of many children of God, there are strong ties that condition their lives, and prevent them from
experiencing the blessing. These ties are hidden from human knowledge, because they are spiritual,
which is why God says that his people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6)


 To experience freedom from all curses, we must first believe that when Jesus died an exchange
took place, where he took away all curses so that we could receive his blessing (Gal 3:13-14).
 Identifying the curse: Any curse that is operating in the life of a child of God is detected by its
effects. Pr 26:2
 Effects of a curse (briefly explain each one):
 Recurrent and chronic illnesses.
 Mental and emotional illness.
 Miscarriages and female problems related to procreation.
 Disintegration of marriage and family feuds.
 Insufficiency or economic shortages.
 Predisposition to accidents.
 History of family suicide.
 Idolatry.
 Parental dishonor.
 Illicit sexual relations.
 Theft and corruption.
 Divination, horoscope.
 A curse can come from:
 Through someone in authority Joshua 6:26
 Spoken by parents Gen 9:24-25
 Self-conferred words Pro 6:2
 By witches and sorcerers No. 22:11-12
 How to be free from the curse:
 Recognize that you need to be free.
 Identify the root.
 Renounce all sin and confess it.
 Cancel all arguments and declare victory over your life.


God has called us to inherit blessing and not curse, that is why Jesus our redeemer, paid a high price by
dying for us, his death is our victory, so that we may experience his blessings that he has inherited for us,
so that we may be a blessing to others ( 1Pe 3:9)
Topic No 9: Media that binds your mind.
Matt 12:29
Objective: Make each encounterer aware of the great negative influence produced by the
misuse of media such as: music, cinema, TV, Internet.


The way to guard our heart is to not allow any kind of impure, negative or incorrect thoughts;
Generally, what the person has treasured in his heart, he confesses with his words. Behind a
thought there is always a personality that produces it. If the thought is good, then it comes
from God. Phil 4:8


 Every day we must hear and read the Word. We must fill our minds with the thoughts
of God, which are printed in his Word. Heb 10:16
 All media influence us in some way. The media wields power. Mt 6:22-23
 Written media: Everything we read in newspapers, books, magazines and other
publications affects us in one way or another. Photographs and images that
remain recorded in the individual's mind. Pornography.
 Cinema, TV, Videos: What are we letting into our minds?: We get used to
seeing bad things so much, and now deaths, disasters, misery, evil, etc., affect
us. The sins that we see on the screen now become normal to us, we don't see
anything bad about them. 1Co 6:12: “All things are lawful for me, but I will not be
 INTERNET: Unfortunately this medium is also being used to contaminate and
destroy the minds of thousands of people around the world. Currently, through
this system, pornography, messages from occultism, various sects, etc. They
come directly into your home.
 “MUNDANE MUSIC”: Music with subliminal messages: Subliminal = Message to
the subconscious, and then the body responds.


Unfortunately, the media is full of negative examples, of corruption, of violence. This not only
has a negative influence, but can become a very strong vice that affects our life, our way of
behaving, our thoughts, leaving us no time to pray, study the Bible, talk with our family, etc.

Topic No 10: Marriage and Sexuality

Heb 13:4
Objective: that every man and woman know the parameters that God established in his word
about sexuality).


God is never wrong, he created us with sexual impulses, when he created the first couple, he
saw that everything he had done was very good, as men we have a greater sexual impulse
than women and for this you must know the following:


 Sexuality is a blessing: God granted the Blessing of sexuality within marriage and not
guilt. God approves of sexual love, only between spouses. Care must be taken not to
have relations before marriage (fornication), or outside of marriage (adultery).

 Sexuality is a source of permanent recreation: (Pr 5: 18-19), Adam and Eve were
naked and were not ashamed, there was transparency, there was innocence, each
couple must renounce every sin that has brought unhappiness, because it has
contaminated in this area.

 All resentment towards the spouse must be removed: the heart must be healed, any
offense overlooked and forgiveness granted.

 Have a correct concept of oneself: Having many women does not make anyone a man.

Conclusion: Sexuality must be sanctified and the parameters of the scriptures known, to
enjoy God's blessing within the home with the wife.

Minister: Each person must renounce any sexual disorder they have had, legalize their
marriage and receive the blessing.

Topic No 11: Establishing the Vision.

Habakkuk 2:1-2
Objective: Motivate them to get involved in the work of God, understanding the importance of
belonging to the family of God.

God's Vision is rushing toward fulfillment, where His kingdom will be established, therefore
the vision to be implemented for this time is vision G-12, a vision of government. Without
Vision there is no order, without order there is chaos and confusion (Pro 29:18 Where there is
no vision, the people go astray; blessed are those who are obedient to the law! NIV)


 Importance of the G-12: Numbers have a meaning, 12 is the government number; 12

tribes, 12 months etc. Rev 21:9-27

 G-12 Vision of restoration: Elijah rebuilt the altar of God, placing twelve stones,
according to the twelve tribes of Israel 1 Kings 18: 30-32

 G-12 produces change and transformation: since it personally ministers to people's

lives, effectively Mar 3:14

 G-12 develops leaders after God's heart: by being discipled, one can also disciple
others, fulfilling the heart's desire of the Heavenly Father. Matt 28:19-20

 G-12 is developed through a process:

 Win: Our vision is to do it by cells.

 Consolidate: It is not just about winning souls, we must retain them.

 Disciple: Enter the School of Leaders and Ministerial.

 Send: Be a worker in the work of God.


The Vision of God is very important and fundamental for the salvation of thousands of souls,
which is why you have to yearn for it and enter into it with all your heart, to bring it to fruition.
Acts 26:19

Topic No 12: Knowing the Holy Spirit.

Jn 14: 15-17
Objective: Each encounterer receives the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the experience of
speaking in tongues.

To know the Holy Spirit, you must know the word that is Jesus. When the word is received,
the Holy Spirit puts Faith and that Faith is activated to experience the power of God in our
lives. The desire of our heavenly father is that we know him and enter into intimacy with his
Spirit (2Co 13:14)


 Long for his presence within you: The Holy Spirit is a gentleman, he will not violate
our privacy, he waits to be recognized 1Co 6:19

 Recognize that he has been sent to help and comfort us: he was promised and
said promise was fulfilled by the Father. Jn 16:7

 We must become aware of who The Holy Spirit is:

 He is a person: he is as real as you or me Acts 8:29
 He is the one who glorifies Jesus; administer divine riches Jn 16:14
 Know the most intimate things of the Father: 2 Cor 2:12
 He is our guide: Jn 16:13
 Reveal divine secrets: 1Co 2:12
 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is for all who have believed in Jesus:
 It is a promise made to everyone (Acts 2:39).
 Speaking in new tongues is a sign of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:4).
 We must understand that the Holy Spirit puts the words in our minds and hearts, but
we are the ones who must express them. You can't force anyone to do it, but when we
give freedom to the Spirit, it will flow through my life.
 Once we receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we must practice praying in tongues
daily. (1Co.14:18 and 39).
You can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit today and begin an intimate relationship
with him, to know him more deeply, experiencing his presence and divine guidance.

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