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Justification of the mentoring program

Tutoring is a profession that is located within the educational context, which is

dedicated to guidance; “According to the National Curriculum Design, it is
conceived as “a socio-affective, cognitive and pedagogical accompaniment service
for students. It is part of curricular development and contributes to the achievement
of learning and comprehensive training, from the perspective of human
development.” (MED-2005: 23) That said, we can view tutoring as a complement to
the educational task which, in turn, through said holistic support allows the
realization of the achievement descriptors set by the institution and the curriculum.

In every educational institution, a tutoring program is necessary in which all the

agents participating in said institution are involved, whose central objective is to
ensure the development of excellence on the part of the students, although
sometimes it will focus specifically on teachers, To mention an example, the main
objective will always be a benefit for the student body. It is important to pay the
necessary attention to the tutoring area and give it due attention, since it is not only
an extra factor which provides a particular service, but a complement in the
scaffolding of all students towards their comprehensive training; In addition, it
should be noted that the tutoring area does not focus only on students who have
an academic, personal, or any other problem, but rather it is a personalized
attention that all students of any educational level must receive, a resource that
have any subject within their reach in order to guide or reorient their educational

Tutoring covers different areas that are defined as “thematic areas” with the aim of
being able to cover various aspects in a development process by students, that is,
to focus on aspects and achieve specialized support, in this tutoring program. The
work will focus on the area of culture and current affairs, where the student will be
encouraged to know and value their culture, as well as reflect on current issues,
getting involved with their local, regional, national and global environment.
Next, the area to be developed will be deepened:

The area of culture and current affairs seeks to bring the student closer to culture, to
generate appreciation and recognition of it, in turn, it seeks to produce an in-depth
reflection with the purpose of involving the student with his environment, whether local
or regional. , national and international included. Thanks to globalization and the digital
age, new generations have lost cultural identity with their place of origin, which is why,
through this program, students are encouraged to value their roots, traditions and
customs, where, although not The aim is for them to implement it, but rather for it to
form part of them as an internalized cultural capital, generating a sense of belonging,
where respect and tolerance prevail.

Finally, a point to highlight is the promotion of reflection on the events that we are
currently experiencing of social interest, where the student must confront all of them in a
pertinent manner, seeking to express a reasoned opinion and strengthen his or her
capacity for discernment. .

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