Lisa Definition of Educational Program

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An educational program is a document that allows organizing and detailing a

pedagogical process . The program provides guidance to the teacher regarding the
contents that must be taught, the way in which they must develop their teaching
activity and the objectives to be achieved.

Educational programs usually have certain mandatory contents, which are set by
the State . In this way, all citizens of a country are expected to have a certain
knowledge base that is considered essential for cultural, historical or other
Beyond this characteristic, educational programs present different characteristics
even in the same country . Each educational center incorporates what it considers
necessary and gives a particular appearance to the educational program that will
govern the training of its students.

Another way to understand the concept of an educational program is by

associating it with software that is used to teach something. In this case, it is an
interactive computer program for educational purposes.


Program design offers opportunities for educators, students, and the community to
create educational experiences. An educational program designer is the hub of the
wheel. He is the one who brings resources such as learning theories, research
studies and program results. Stakeholders bring their visions to program goals,
classroom activities , and objectives. Designs the educational program to reflect
the ideas and ideals of the participants.


*Educational objectives
*Cognitive activities
*Error handling

Brainstorm educational outcomes, goals, and objectives. Consider the goals of the
program, the general and usually incommensurable statements that guide the
design. Some educational programs have the objective of unifying literary skills
and strategies. The goal is supported by the specific objectives of the program.
Goals for improving literary skills may include learning to write expository essays
and reading a selected book each week. Record the ideas of goals and objectives.
Have a notepad and pen handy and start a word processing document.
Spreadsheets or exercise sheets help categorize goals and objectives, with spaces
for dates, goals, objectives and samples of activities to implement in the design.
Adds research elements to the educational program design process. The
theoretical framework, research and practice can be linked to your assumptions of
the educational program, goals, objectives and activities in schooling. The
pendulums of the program historically swing between the rationalism of Plato and
the empiricism of Aristotle. Like the Greek philosopher Plato, some educators
emphasize the knowledge that students bring to the educational experience. Other
educators consider Aristotle's beliefs that students learn primarily through sensory
experience, such as watching the teacher demonstrate a process during class.
Current educational research streams emphasize research-based course design,
informed by educational researchers. The research strategy shows that writers and
readers benefit from the process of anticipating the material, monitoring progress
while working with the material, and reviewing it once it is completed. Prepare your
design with references to educational research findings.

Implement the educational design through a pilot or initial program. Start a journal
to record events and progress. Survey students previewing the material, monitoring
their progress as they complete activities, and reviewing their progress once they
complete a section or unit. Records student progress through direct and frequent
measures appropriate to goals and objectives. In the journal, record modifications
to the instructional design. What activities did you remove or postpone? What
activities did you add to the course design? It also adds observations regarding
research-based instruction. Were there any validated research studies in the
classroom? Were any of those studies challenged? Regularly record your
observations and student feedback in documents and spreadsheets. Don't expect
all designs to work as planned.

Create a report and reflection on the educational design process. Funding sources
may require the designer to report on the progress and effectiveness of the
educational program. Future funding may depend on clear, measurable information
showing student progress. Prepares quantitative information in a spreadsheet for
evaluation, such as projects and evaluations. Prepares qualitative information in
the form of student responses to educational designs and activities. Reread your
journal for additional observations and reflections. Even if the information is fresh in
your mind, finalize the report for formal and informal presentations. After some time
has passed, review the report again to add additional observations or information
that will inform future educational program design projects.

This project presents the definitions of subject programs as well as their

characteristics and types of educational programs. Also attach a list of steps to
follow to easily develop a subject or educational program. I found that all these
definitions and concepts have the purpose of helping the teacher and the student
to optimize learning, as well as the organization of the topics that will be exposed in
the subject that will be studied in the cycle that will be taken.


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