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A simple and effective method that will completely
change the relationship you have with your dog.



Discover how the method

Canine Coaching Online Dog Training has transformed the lives of
more than 400 people.

You will be able to enjoy and relax in the company of your dog.
/ YO].............................................................................................................................................................6
/ YO].............................................................................................................................................................7
CASE 1................................................................................................................................................13
What they have achieved:................................................................................................................13
CASE 2................................................................................................................................................14
What they have achieved:................................................................................................................14
CASE 3................................................................................................................................................15
CASE 4................................................................................................................................................15
CASE 5................................................................................................................................................16
What they have achieved:................................................................................................................16
Amount of information available:....................................................................................................18
Limiting beliefs:...............................................................................................................................19
Not having consistency:...................................................................................................................19
If you have any of these problems, I recommend that you pay attention and start practicing as soon
as possible:.......................................................................................................................................21
BENEFITS FOR YOUR DOG........................................................................................................23
BENEFITS FOR YOU.....................................................................................................................23
What you have to do?.......................................................................................................................27
What you have to do?.......................................................................................................................27
What does this powerful TRIAD contemplate?...............................................................................29
What you have to do?.......................................................................................................................29
In-person training.............................................................................................................................31
Online training.................................................................................................................................32
Puppy Education..............................................................................................................................38
D SEE VIDEO.........................................................................................................................................38
The Education of the Adolescent and Adult Dog............................................................................39
I leave you a very simple example, but it may work for you:..........................................................41
□ WATCH VIDEO.................................................................................................................................41
□ WATCH VIDEO.................................................................................................................................42
Reagents/Ag ressives.......................................................................................................................43
What are you going to see in the Week?.................................................................................................48
Disobedience and behavioral problems are a source of dissatisfaction and stress
that generate feelings such as sadness, anger, or frustration. If your dog is
experiencing behavioral problems and you have tried to help him without success,
probably, seeing him suffer, you have wondered if you are being a good companion
for him.

I want to share with you what is, from my point of view, the central cause of all
disobedience problems, and all the behavioral problems that your dog may be
experiencing. I suggest that you read this ebook carefully and start putting into
practice the techniques that I am going to teach you today.

In both adult dogs and puppies, the source of dissatisfaction and problems is
divided into two blocks, one is the block of disobedience and another, much more
complex. That of behavioral problems, such as phobias, aggression, reactivity,
fears, etc.

Be attentive to what you are going to read, because if you cannot understand it,
and you cannot apply it, you will not be able to improve the relationship you have
with him and it will continue to cause problems.

I believe that all dog owners deserve to live peacefully without

suffering stress and without having problems living with them.
/ YO]
I'm Manuel Balibrea and I want to help you improve the
relationship you have with your dog and help you solve
any problem you may be having with him.

For more than twenty years, I have dedicated myself to

training dogs and people. Based on my experience, as a
dog trainer, and as a psychologist coach, I have developed work protocols to help
both dogs and owners achieve their best version as a team.

I have tested everything I explain to you here with many clients, and not only with
clients, but also with my dog Lola. I adopted her when she was three years old, she
had been living in an enclosure, and had never gone outside. At three years old I
didn't know his name, I didn't know anything, I had never been in an urban center.
/ YO]
The day I adopted her, when she got home, got her out of the car and found herself
in the middle of the street, she fell to the ground absolutely terrified. If a dog
approached, he would react by becoming aggressive because he was afraid. We
achieved a super important change, quite quickly, with all the principles that I am
going to explain to you in the next pages.

The fact that we can help so many dogs and so many people improve their lives
and have a much fuller and more satisfying relationship with their dog is incredible.

For this reason I created my YouTube channel , which currently has more than
650,000 subscribers and more than 34 million views.

Or YouTube

Sharing everything I have learned in these years is how I

learn the most and enjoy the most.

Chapter 011 What are dog training and dog education?

In summary, they consist of a set of techniques so that the dog and its owners can
communicate satisfactorily, achieving a fluid relationship and avoiding behavioral
problems, mutual misunderstanding, frustrations and bad experiences.

In my case, in addition to being a professional trainer, I am also a Coach

Psychologist and I understand education and training as a process of transforming
the relationship between the dog and family members based on a set of techniques
and learning based on the respect they have. The objective is the well-being of the
dog and the rest of the family.
Chapter 021 How long does it take for me to start seeing



The results depend a lot on how much you want the transformation and the quality
of time you spend with your dog.

My experience tells me that it is possible to achieve important changes from two

weeks of internship, but in order for them to be consistent and lasting, I usually say
that between 2 or three months is the ideal time for you to have confidence and
peace of mind in your work.

It also depends on how deep you want to go in the exercises and how easy it is for
you and your dog to advance in the process. So that you have a rough idea and if
your dog does not present major complications, it has already happened with the
school students who have been able to pass the leash handling sessions - so that
he does not pull on it - and the remote control lessons - so that he comes to your
call - in 4 weeks, training between 3 and 5 days per week.

My recommendation is that you do it calmly and work for 2 and a half or 3 months,
since it is a period of time that will allow you to consolidate the results.
Chapter 021 How long does it take for me to start seeing


Chapter 03 I Case studies of my students

Throughout my professional career I have helped more than 1,000 owners who
began to enjoy their dogs, through a relationship built and adjusted to the needs
of both. I am talking about dogs of all ages, breeds and varied problems, from
the simplest, such as learning to sit on command, to trauma from abandonment
and abuse or very intense phobias.

Here is a summary of what the students who have accessed the Obey Your
Dog Training have achieved.


Student: Katerina Mlejnkova - with 1-year-old Mia and Valentina - two

Yorkshire Toy sisters

Katerina Mlejnkova • CS Students

August 27 ■ G
Less than
Katerina Presentation "Mía and Valentina"
3 months
• Mine with Coprophagia problems
• Barking and Aggression/Reactivity
• Fights between the two

What they have achieved:

• They started playing together, respecting each other
• Don't bark anymore

Katerina Mlejnkova • CS Students Group

• 2 ■ © Hello Manuel. Here you can somewhat see how they respect each other already
much more than when starting the program. There has been no fight this week either. When I pet
one, the other either leaves or turns its head. But it usually goes away. What peace at home!
Chapter 03 I Case studies of my students


Student: Mercé Enjuanes Vázquez Alemán, with Hutch - Shepherd

3 years old

Mercé Enjuanes Vázquez •

CS Students
August 19 • B
Less than
2 months
Presentation Mercé Hutch'

a happy dog

• He barked a lot at other dogs.
• I didn't have much concentration
• reactive dog

What they have achieved:

• Self-control and concentration has increased
• When they go out onto the street, Hutch is watching Mercé.
• He doesn't pull on the leash anymore.
• The relationship they have has improved. Working together has
brought them together.

69 Mercé Enjuanes Vázquez • CS Student Group

Aug 26 © ■

1 comment

1 matching comment

Merce Enjuanes Vázquez

In the video I forgot to say that I managed to train 5 minutes without distractions ( I had to increase the
size of the rewards ). In the video I wanted to say that you have mastered exercises 1,2 and 4 of
Phase 1. Hutch does very well having an exercise routine.
Chapter 03 I Case studies of my students


Student: Pablo Peces-Barba - with Tokyo - 10-month-old mix (Doberman and

German Shepherd).

Ah Pablo Fish-Beard • Group ...

“ CS Students
October 1 ■ ®
Tokyo presentation . Mixed female 10 months
Doberman (Father) and German Shepherd ( Mother)
• Reactivity when tied
• He barked too much

What they have achieved:

• Link - Creation, fun, entertainment with Tokyo
• Handling Korea when leaving
• on the street
• Tokyo Self Control


Student: Elias Jhair Fuller - with Chester - 1 year and 3 month old Labrador.

10 Elias Jhair Fuller ► Student Group

September 24 ■ O

PRESENTATION ELÍAS "Chester" 3 months

• Socialization, he didn't know how to interact with other dogs, he was very
afraid and reacted when he saw them.
• He reacted very intensely when he crossed paths with another dog.

What they have achieved:

• He has learned to interact with other dogs and even play with some.
• Being able to walk without constantly reacting when encountering other
Chapter 03 I Case studies of my students


Student: Vicky Montero - with Simba - 1 year old Maltese.

• Vicky Montero • Student Group is

November 18 ■ ®

Victoria Presentation "Simba" Less than

Issues: 1 month
• Hyperattachment after confinement
• He barked too much and reacted too much to seeing others.
• He didn't come to the call

What they have achieved:

"We continue working on stress reduction, when he sees a car far away
he gets on two legs but doesn't bark. I also told you that at the moment he
really likes the place that I have prepared for him, that he has his favorite
toys that he tried to take out but he already knows that he can't and he
seems very comfortable with what is inside. Thank you very much for
everything you are doing both for Simba and for me, I see that you are a
person very involved in your work and that you really care about animals.
100% professional" (Vicky Montero)


Chapter 041 Dog Training and Its Challenges

The training universe is a world of possibilities, which I love mainly because I

see the potential in helping dogs and their owners be happier, but as with
everything in life, there are many challenges to overcome.

Amount of information available:

As a dog owner you can be doing two million things right, but if you don't
understand and can't apply them through a consistent method, there's no way.
Your dog will continue to bark, continue to disobey, and continue to misbehave.

There is a lot of free information on the Internet and everyone has a different
opinion, but no one offers you a well-structured program from beginning to end
to solve a problem, only some parts of the solution are shown and people take
a little from here. a little bit there and in the end they make a mess mixing
fragments of disconnected information that does not lead them towards the

As you have already realized, everything you have tried a thousand times does
not work. Or it works in the short or medium term, but is not effective in the long
term and causes even more restlessness and stress for both the dog and you.
Chapter 041 Dog Training and Its Challenges

Limiting beliefs:
We inherit many things from our parents, grandparents, from the people we live
with and as the years go by we begin to believe that we are not capable of
many things. Not believing in the potential we have or in the opportunity to learn
new techniques, new ways of doing things, to be open to new experiences can
cause us to stagnate and lose the opportunity to improve our relationships.

Not having consistency:

Since they don't see immediate results and have no consistency, people simply
throw in the towel. I've seen many people start out working hard for 2, 3 or 7
days and then suddenly not be consistent. Training your dog requires
consistency and it is important that it takes place over appropriate periods of
time. Have you ever seen a child educated well in 3 weeks?
Chapter05 I Who can learn and practice dog training and training?



As I told you at the beginning, I believe that all puppy and dog owners deserve to
have a relationship of trust and feel proud of their furry friend. And I also believe
that anyone can learn and practice dog training techniques, the proof is the more
than 400 students who have learned with me in my online school. No prior
knowledge is necessary, just a dog, yours or someone's.

My students are from 22 to 70 years old and they all achieve results. From solving
the simplest behavioral problems to the most complex ones.

If you have any of these problems, I recommend that you pay attention and start
practicing as soon as possible:

• Your puppy or adult dog has reactivity or aggression problems.

• The communication you have at home completely disappears when you
go out.
• Your puppy or adult dog pulls on the leash and you can't enjoy walks with
• Your puppy or adult dog can't stay home alone and when you go out
he won't stop barking and crying.
• Your puppy or adult dog barks during walks
• Your puppy or adult dog has the habit of biting everything and has
already destroyed your house
• You want your best furry friend to listen to you in complex situations and
for you to be in control of the situation.
Chapter05 I Who can learn and practice dog training and training?


Chapter 061 The Benefits of Dog Training


• You will have a self-confident dog

• That he can handle the time he is away from his owner well.
• A dog with self-control
• A dog that plays well with other dogs
• A dog enjoying the walk


• You will ensure that your dog learns to function in everyday situations and
integrates new abilities to use throughout his life.
• You will feel confidence that you will transmit to your dog and you will feel
proud of your relationship.
• You will get a puppy or adult dog that understands what you ask of him
• You will ensure that he can stay alone without having a bad time and
without breaking things.
• You will be able to let go of it with the certainty that you are not going to
lose it and that it will come to you when you call it.
In short, you will get a balanced, obedient
and self-confident dog and above all, you will
lay solid foundations to understand each other,
and to make your life much easier.


Chapter 071 How does my dog training method, “Canine-coaching" work?

If you are here it is because you love dogs and that is all you need to get started,
because everything else is skills that are developed.

There are three concepts that are very important, and if you handle them well,
they will inevitably lead you to solving the problems you may be experiencing with
your dog. These concepts are communication, understanding, and predictability,
which in fact are the three pillars on which any of my training programs rest.

The great secret is in applied psychology through

these pillars that are:




In practice, what does it mean?

Chapter 071 How does my dog training method, “Canine-coaching" work?

You have to learn your dog's language. I'm not talking about barking, of course!
But dogs have a language, they communicate with their environment. Knowing
how to understand their language is the key to this first pillar, COMMUNICATION.

What you have to do?

You have to understand the signals they emit to try

communicate with us. On the other hand you have to be able
to create and manage a communication system that allows
your dog understand you in different situations.

Once you master communication, you enter the second pillar, UNDERSTANDING.
Dogs should not learn out of fear or avoidance, they should learn because they
have understood, within their capacity to understand. For example, if you raise
your hand he has to come and sit next to you. You have to understand that raising
your hand means you have to do something, once you understand this complete
command relationship, you will do it. Psychology is very present here.

What you have to do?

First of all we need to identify if the dog

obeys for fear of getting a spanking or to get his
cookie as a reward. If so, we are faced with a situation
of behaviorism based on static learning processes.
We will have to identify it, be aware of it and break these
paradigms, so that the dog understands what he is doing.
Chapter 071 How does my dog training method, “Canine-coaching" work?

You, for example, can learn to do something, but if that

What you have learned does not make sense to you, you do not know why
what and why you are doing it, you will hardly integrate it and
You will become a habit.
Today we can work from orientations
much more evolved and effective constructivists than us
allow you to work based on much more concepts
understandable for our dogs and therefore are
much more effective.

The third and very important pillar is PREDICTABILITY.

Have you ever stopped to think about this concept and relate it to your dog? For
you things are usually predictable. For example, you know that right now you are
reading this ebook that has 46 pages and that it will take approximately 30
minutes to finish it and, furthermore, you are very clear about what you are going
to do when you finish.
Now imagine that you are reading this ebook with your dog in a new and unknown
place. You will still will have predictability, but your dog has no idea
how long the reading will last or what he will do next. He doesn't know anything.
Well, when you try to communicate with him or teach him something the same
thing happens, you know very well what you want to tell him and what is going to
happen, but he has no idea and that usually generates a lot of confusion and
makes the understanding processes difficult.

But I have very good news to give you! We can install in your mind a structure in
the form of a triad that I call TRIAD OF PREDISIBILITY.
Chapter 071 How does my dog training method, “Canine-coaching" work?

If you learn to communicate with your dog using this TRIAD you will be able to
control him and make him do practically whatever you want and whenever you
want, since he will be understanding your commands and very happy to respond
to your requests.

What does this powerful TRIAD contemplate?

It's actually very simple:

You will be able to see him still, he will be able to stay alone at home calmly,
answer your call, perform skills, face social situations that scare him or make him
become aggressive.
Without that structure, your dog becomes stressed and doesn't understand what is
going to happen. Without predictability and out of control.

What you have to do?

Apply this triad.

The correct use of it will guarantee you the necessary predictability to control your
dog, finally achieving a healthy relationship with him, with obedience, tranquility
and control in any situation.

Chapter 08 I In-Person Training or Online Training?

As with everything, I see that there are pros and cons to both in-person training
and online training. In my opinion, these are the differences between the 2 types.

In-person training

It is when you hire a trained professional to

do the training of your dog

• The trainer corrects you live.
• Probably somewhat faster results.

• The dog pays attention when the trainer is there, but
When he leaves, the problems in many cases return.
• A bigger investment

• You have to balance the schedule with the coach's schedule

Chapter 08 I In-Person Training or Online Training?

Chapter 08 I In-Person Training or Online Training?

Online training

It is when you buy an online course that teaches you a

method and techniques so that you yourself can be the trainer
of your dog


• You will have the knowledge for life and you will be able to apply it to all
the dogs you decide to have.
• You can learn in your free time
• The dog will listen to you
• A lower economic investment.

• You will be able to learn from well-known trainers who live far from you

• Limiting belief that you are not capable
• Self insecurity
• Time of results
Chapter 08 I In-Person Training or Online Training?


Chapter 09 I The 6 main mistakes we make in the education of our dogs

All these years dedicated to training have allowed me to identify the main
mistakes that owners make with their puppies and adult dogs:

Hitting, scolding, yelling and punishing: Spanking does not work because in addition
to deteriorating the bond, in most cases the dog does not understand why it is
being given and proof of this is that it does the same thing over and over again.

Scolding him: It also usually has the opposite effect that we expect because
without realizing it we are reinforcing the behavior that we want to eliminate.
That's why he keeps doing it over and over again.

Yelling: It also doesn't work because when we yell at our dog we are normally
expressing frustration and that makes us act in most cases in a rather imprecise
way. In general, listening to screams tends to make the dog quite nervous.

Punishments: The problem here is that most people are not technically trained to
apply them effectively and are also unaware that there are usually very effective
alternative procedures away from punishment.

Treats: Distract him or compensate him with treats so he doesn't do something.

For example, trying to give him treats so he doesn't fight could work in some
cases if done properly, but it is very difficult to do it well because we are not really
addressing the dog's real problem. Most bark out of fear or frustration. Do you
think that giving him treats will make him lose an emotion as complex as fear?
Chapter 09 I The 6 main mistakes we make in the education of our dogs

Another big mistake that many people make is treating him like a person. You will
have seen dogs that eat at the table with their owners, that sleep in the middle of
the couple or even in more extreme cases, their owners celebrate their birthday
with a cake. That is anthropomorphism, which consists of attributing human
qualities to animals or things that are not.

Without realizing it, on many occasions we treat dogs as if they were people and
that actually destabilizes them greatly. The emotional-social needs of dogs and
people and their psychology are different and we should be aware of this.

Not having schedules, rules, routines, tying him to the pipi so he learns where not
to do it... These are typical actions that many owners take ignoring the dog's


Chapter I The Canine-Coaching method in practice.

My training method was developed so that you learn to get along with your dog
throughout his life, regardless of his age (from two months to his entire
Here I leave you more examples so you can work with your dog, be it a puppy,
adolescent or adult, even if it has aggression or reactivity problems.

Puppy Education

If you have a puppy between 2 and 5 months old, in addition to beginning to lay
the foundations of the 3 pillars of communication, understanding and
predictability, you have to learn to configure and optimize the environment
where it lives, that is, your house, to that works as an educational agent and
that you have to invest as little effort as possible.

Where you drink, where you sleep, and where you play, are areas that should
not be dirty. Delimit these areas for these activities, and provide them with the
appropriate number of visits to the toilet depending on their age.

In this way, you will promote learning without error, and in addition, you will
avoid the typical mistakes, scolding him at the wrong time, holding him in the
pee so he doesn't do it again, and things that really don't work.

Chapter I The Canine-Coaching method in practice.

The Education of the Adolescent and Adult Dog

If you have a dog over 5 months old, you have to start applying the 3 pillars as
soon as possible: communication, understanding and predictability.

Dogs innately understand the tone of voice, but not the meaning of our words.
They learn by associating the commands we teach them with one or several
ways of behaving.

Something that I focus a lot on in training programs is understanding. In

understanding what the dog is doing.

If we achieve understanding, without a doubt, we will achieve a better attitude,

better execution, greater effectiveness, and we will probably ensure that these
learnings last much longer over time.

Another point that you have to focus on to achieve results with your dog is the
principle of predictability.

Here you have to do an empathy exercise with your dog, because think that
when you take him out on the street, he doesn't know where you're going to
take him, or when you leave home, he doesn't know when you're going to come
back. or do you know?
Chapter I The Canine-Coaching method in practice.

Well, probably if every day from Monday to Friday you go to work from eight in
the morning to two in the afternoon, he knows that you are going to return,
because this routine gives him predictability, so, when you teach him or when
you want to communicate things, you want to help him solve something that is
difficult for him or you want to solve a behavioral problem, you have to rely on
the principle of predictability.

The dog should know what is going to happen, if you want to help him. For
example, think about the structure of beginning, development, and closure. The
beginning, you leave at eight in the morning, the development is that you are
left alone, and the closing is that you arrive at two in the afternoon.

This is so simple, you should apply it with everything, from a sit down or a call.
• Beginning of sitting: I tell you to sit down;

• development: you are sitting;

• and closing: I give you a release to tell you that the exercise is over and you
can get up.

So, remember this, because it is very important. You must activate

communication, understanding, and predictability.
Chapter I The Canine-Coaching method in practice.

Learn to interpret his signals when you are communicating with him. If, for
example, he blinks, yawns, moves his head to one side, shows some sign of
wanting to avoid...
If so, he is trying to indicate that he does not understand you, and that he wants
to stop the interaction you have started.

Well, how are you going to know if he understood you or not? It's very easy,
does it do what you expect it to do or not? Because if it's not doing it, it's
because it doesn't understand what you're proposing. No more no less!.

By nature, our dogs like to please us. The thing is that they need to understand
us. Remember to use the principle of predictability whenever you can. Uses
beginning, development, and closing structures.

I leave you a very simple example, but it may work for you:

If your dog barks too much when he sees another dog, keep his mind busy
before he starts barking, make him do something, use some leash management

The technique will begin when you see another dog, you will develop it and give
him a release from the exercise you are doing when everything has passed.

Chapter I The Canine-Coaching method in practice.

Another, much simpler example of the beginning, development, and closing

structures, applied to the still, a basic obedience exercise.

You tell your dog to sit in one place. The beginning of the exercise is sitting, the
development is that you stay seated waiting and the closure is the release that
tells you that you can finish the exercise.


When you have assembled this structure of beginning, development and

closure in your mind, you will see that you do not have to move until the release
or closure arrives.
Chapter I The Canine-Coaching method in practice.

Reagents/Ag ressives

If your dog has aggression or reactivity problems, you need to activate the
predictable strategies and structures of beginning, development, and closure,
so that he knows what to do at all times.

Forget about trying to mislead him with treats, scolding him, or the thousand
things you've tried so far that don't work for you.

If you really want to solve the problem and get rid of it, what you have to do is
teach him to move within structures of initiation, development, and closure, and
predictable strategies.

You should have one or more strategies for each situation that causes
uncontrolled reactions in your dog. Something like creating different effective
action plans that will help you guide him in those situations. Knowing what to do
will give you a lot of security.
Chapter 111 Improve the relationship with your dog by being his Private


Seriously, if you want your dog to understand you, and you want to be happy,
or you both want to be happy together, stop doing what you have done until
now and start using the principles that I have explained to you because
otherwise you and your dog will to have a relationship based on dissatisfaction
and you are not going to be as happy as you could be together.

If you manage to put these tips into practice that I just gave you, your dog will
thank you all his life.
Chapter 111 Improve the relationship with your dog by being his Private

¨We could mention four achievements. The first, self-control and concentration
have increased with the yes, the look. The second, when we go out onto the
street, is watching me. The third, he no longer pulls on the
leash. And the fourth, our relationship, working together
unites us.¨
Merce Enjuanes Vazquez □ WATCH


¨Above all, what has improved the most is that now the focus of attention is me
and not the distractions around me. He can be playing with dogs, he can be
super active or playing with any branch, and still, I tell him
Poncho, and I am immediately the focus of attention, and he
pays attention to the first one.¨
Cristina Rossell □ WATCH VIDEO

¨I met them through a YouTube video when my

dog was a puppy, now he is two years old. Now I have encouraged myself
and I am doing another course which is Obey Your Dog, which is a super
complete course, a course in which he explains all the processes very well,
in which, as you do the exercises in the way he He
explains it to you, which is a positive form of education .
Alejandro Fernández Alonso □ WATCH

I purchased the course because I was going to get a dog. I
think it is necessary to have the knowledge to be able to
communicate with him so that he understands me and I
understand him. The truth is that I am very happy because
in three and a half months, I have been practicing
everything I have learned in the course.
Francisco Franco Morales □ WATCH


¨As Manuel explains leash handling in his courses, it is incredible, you progress
every day, every week, the truth is that it is a luxury. When I bought it too, I had
certain doubts, in the end it is an online course, you don't really
know if it will help you, don't hesitate to do it, the truth is it is the
best I have found on the web.¨
Pablo Peces-Barba Roldán □ WATCH VIDEO
I invite you to learn about my online dog training method through a series of 4 video
episodes. I leave you on the next page all the details of this series called "Obey Your
Dog Week." You can click here and sign up to receive information about the next

How to get your dog to listen to you in complex situations

and not lose control of the situation.

Obey Your Dog Week

You will form a team and feel proud of your puppy or adult dog,
whether in the park, on the street, at home and in the presence of
friends or strangers.


What are you going to see in the Week?

Soon. 100% Online.

The new way that few How you too can Knowing the How to be part of
know achieve it method inside Manuel's group

re i

You will understand why Your puppy or adult dog will learn Everything will make sense and Your dog will finally listen to you.
traditional training techniques what a command from you you will see how your dog reacts You will have the opportunity to
are obsolete and how it is means and will know what to do differently to your command. You carry out an effective and at the
possible to control your dog in each situation. You will know will learn in a practical and simple same time simple method that
from another approach. his behavior and understand him way to apply the Canine Coaching will guarantee an excellent
as much as a professional method starting today. relationship between you and
trainer. your dog, in addition to having
the personal support of Manuel.

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