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cost to the State, of the




(Names and surnames of the applicant), (Grade) PNP ,

identified with CIP. No. xxxxxxxx and DNI No. xxxxxxxx , currently with aptitude
“A”, working at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, with due respect
I introduce myself and explain:

That, under the protection of Art. 2 Section 20 of our Magna

Carta; Art. 30 numeral 6 of Legislative Decree 1149 – Law on the Career and
Status of PNP Personnel and Law 27444 Law on General Administrative
Procedure consistent with Law No. 23284; I respectfully request that your
honorable Office please arrange for my CHANGE OF PLACEMENT to be made
at NO COST TO THE STATE from the XXXXXX Police Region to the XXXXXX
POLICE REGION; considering the fundamentals that I will detail below:

01. That, the undersigned has been working uninterruptedly since the year XXXX
in the city of XXXX, having not registered any rigorous sanction and I am not
subject to a procedure for serious or very serious infraction.

02. In this context, it is necessary to specify that my conjugal - paternal presence

in the department of XXXXX constitutes an urgent and unpostponable fact,
since my entire family resides in said district (consisting of my wife
XXXXXXXXXXXXX, as I demonstrate with a copy of your DNI, legalized
marriage certificate and proof of marriage), and other direct relatives;
especially if it is taken into account that my spouse is in a STATE OF
GESTATION ( X MONTHS, being a risky pregnancy), which is duly
accredited with the Medical Certificate dated xxxxxx (signed by Dr. Tomás
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , from the Health Center xxxxxxxxxxxxxx , belonging to
the MINSA), as well as the legalized Birth Plan and sworn declaration of my

03. That is why I request that you, Mr. General PNP, be changed to the XXXXXX
Police Region, to be with my wife when my youngest child is born,
contributing in this way to family unity, since the costs for she stays alone
there are high (attached for further illustration a copy of the money order
vouchers that I sent her and the rental contract of the home where she
resides). Likewise, I must point out that in the city of XXXXXX the
undersigned also lives in a rented address (attached copy of the lease
contract and Sedapal water bill), including my voting place is in the
department of XXXXXX .

04. The aforementioned is covered by Law No. 23284 , which specifies “All
Public Servants, whose spouses reside in a different place, will have priority
in their transfer due to reassignment or change of placement to their place of
residence”; norm in accordance with article 4 of our Political Constitution of
Peru, article 4 , the tenor of which states exhaustively “The community and
the State especially protect the child, the adolescent, the mother and the
elderly in a situation of abandonment. They also protect the family (….)”;
Likewise, article 5 of the limited Magna Carta states that “The stable union of
a man and a woman, free of marital impediment, who form a de facto home,
gives rise to a community of property subject to the regime of community
property. "as soon as it is applicable."

05. On the other hand, the regulations invoked are in harmony with article 233 of
the aforementioned Civil Code , in that “The legal regulation of the family
aims to contribute to its consolidation and strengthening, in harmony with the
principles and norms proclaimed in the Political Constitution of Peru” and for
the same reason Legislative Decree No. 1149, contemplates the assignments
and reassignments in office, they occur at the request of the interested party ,
prior evaluation and approval of the Institutional Command. Similarly, the
TUO of Law 27444, Law of General Administrative Procedure, in its article 84,
Section 8, stipulates that the duties of the authorities with respect to the
administrative procedure and its participants, "Interpret the administrative
rules in a way that best serves the public purpose to which are directed,
reasonably preserving the rights of those administered.”


To you Mr. General PNP as Director DIRREHUM , I

request that you grant my request considering the conjugal union that I wish to
enjoy, taking into account that it is fair and reasonable; being a grace that I hope
to achieve from your recognized benevolence.

OTHERWISE I SAY: In order to orally present my lawful and urgent claim, I

request that your worthy office deign to set a date and time for such diligence
with your worthy office (AUDIENCE), notifying me of the result of my
management directly to my email xxxxxxxxxx and/or cell phone No. xxxxxxxx , in
application of the Principle of Speed contemplated in article IV numeral 1.9 of the
TUO of Law No. 27444 – Law of General Administrative ProcedureI .

Lima, (date).


Names and surnames of the applicant


- xxxxxxxxx

(Names and surnames of the applicant), (Grade) PNP, identified
CIP. No. xxxxxxxx and ID No. xxxxxxxx , currently with “A” aptitude, working at
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , with due respect I introduce myself
and explain, in full exercise of my Citizen Rights and in accordance with current

I “Those who participate in the procedure must adjust their actions in such a way that the process is
provided with the maximum possible dynamic, avoiding procedural actions that hinder its development or
constitute mere formalities, in order to reach a decision in a reasonable time, without this revealing to the
authorities of respect for due procedure or violates the regulations”

That, I renounce all types of

payment for per diem, that
corresponded to a change of
placement from Police Region
XXXXXX to Police Region XXXXXX .

I make this sworn declaration stating that the information provided is true and I
authorize the verification of what was declared in the corresponding Records.

In case of falsehood, I declare that I have committed a crime Against Public

Faith, falsification of Documents, (Article 427 of the Penal Code), in accordance
with article IV, paragraph 1.7 - “Principle of presumption of truthfulness” of the
Preliminary Title of the TUO of the General Administrative Procedures Law - Law
No. 27444.

As a sign of agreement, I sign this document, with the consequent legalization

before a Notary Public.

Lima, (Date)


Names and surnames of the applicant


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