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Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris

1. …. is my father c. it
a. He
b. she 12. Pulpen saya berada diatas meja.
c. It Change in to English
a. My pen is on the table
2. Her name is Ibu Friska. b. My pen is under the table
…. is my mother c. My book is on the table
a. He
b. She 13. Steven berada di samping Alecia
c. It Change in to English
a. Steven is beside alecia
3. His name is Edric. b. steven is on alecia
…. is my brother. c. steven is near alecia
a. He
b. She 14. Rizky berada diantara Vidi dan Genando
c. It Change in to English
a. Rizky is between Vidi and Genando
4. …. is Elgio b. Rizky is beside Vidi and Genando
a. my name c. Genando is between Vidi dan Rizky
b. your name
c. their name 15. Tas itu berada di atas kursi
Change in to English
5. Her name is Anita. a. The bag is on the chair
…. my mother b. The chair is on the bag
a. she is c. The bag is between the chair
b. it is
c. he is 16. Buku itu berada di dalam tas
Change in to English
6. He is my father. a. The book is in the bag
…. is Pak Simamora. b. The bag is in the book
a. his name c. The bag is in the room
b. her name
c. your name 17. Dia adalah seorang anak laki-laki
Change in to English
7. She is my… a. She is a boy
His name is Edric b. He is a boy
a. brother c. It is a boy
b. mother
c. sister 18. Dia adalah seorang anak perempuan
Change in to English
8. …. is my teacher. a. he is a boy
Her name is Ibu Desya b. she is a boy
a. she is c. it is a boy
b. he is
c. it is 19. Dia adalah ibu saya. Namanya Anita.
Change in to English
9. …. name is Pak Junaedi a. She is my mother
a. his name b. he is my father
b. her name c. It is my cat
c. your name
20. Dia adalah kakak saya. Namanya Tuti
10. … is my brother Change in to English
a. She a. she is my sister
b. He b. she is my brother
c. It c. it is my brother

11. … is my sister 21. Dia adalah ayah saya

a. she a. he is my father
b. he b. she is my father
c. it is my mother

22. Dia adalah paman saya

a. He is my uncle
b. she is my uncle
c. it is my uncle

23. ….. is my teacher. Her name is ibu Desya

a. she
b. he
c. it

24. His name is Pak Udin. …. is my teacher

a. he
b. she
c. it

25. Her name is Sinta. … is my sister

a. he
b. she
c. it

26. He is my father. …. name is Purwanto

a. she
b. he
c. it

27. Saya adalah pintar

Change in to English
a. I am clever
b. I am boy
c. I am stupid

28. Kami adalah gemuk

Change in to English
a. We are fat
b. we are tall
c. we are handsome

29. The baby is cute.

…. name is Edric
a. Her
b. His
c. Its

30. He is smart. …. name is Joshu

a. he
b. she
c. it
Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris c. cute

1. …. is tall 12. Her name is Lili.

His name is Made She is …. girl
a. He a. cute
b. She b. smart
c. It c. tall

2. My name is Elgio. This is my family. 13. …. name is Pak Samosir

He is my father. His name is Pak Purwanto. a. he
…. is tall b. she
a. She c. it
b. He
c. it 14. … name is Bu Desya
She is my teacher
3. She is my brother. Her name is Edric. a. his
…. is smart b. her
a. he c. it
b. she
c. it 15. …. is big
a. elephant
4. This is my family. My aunty is beautiful. b. cat
…. is Pratiwi c. giraffe
a. she
b. he 16. …. are tall
c. it a. Giraffe
b. cat
5. She is my uncle. His name Nando. c. elephant
…. is a student
a. he 17. …. is fat.
b. she a. cow
c. it b. peacock
c. mouse
6. I am …
a. elgio 18. … is strong
b. edric a. lion
c. kenzo b. cat
c. cow
7. He is my father.
…. name is purwanto 19. …. is small
a. his a. lion
b. her b. cow
c. its c. mouse

8. Look at the picture!

a. he is my brother
b. she is my brother 20. the peacock is ….
c. it is my brother a. fat
b. beautiful
9. Look at the picture! c. thin
a. his name is Bill
b. her name is Bill 21. Look at this picture!
c. it name is Bill what number are
elephant’s ears?
10. His name is Elgio. a. 1
He is …. boy b. 2
a. smart c. 3
b. cute
c. nice 22. Look at this picture!
what number are
11. His name is Made. lion’s legs?
He is … boy a. 1
a. tall b. 2
b. thin c. 3
28. Cici has three ice creams.
23. It is cow. It has big body.



24. It is monkey. It has long tail
a. 29. Made has one fried egg





25. What is this?

a. fried chicken
b. fried fish
c. noodle

26. What is this?

a. orange juice
b. milk
c. coffee

27. My father likes fried fish.




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