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Faculty of Commerce, Admin & Law

Department of Economics
Budget Review: SA Post Budget Discussion and Analysis
• Understanding the purpose of the Budget Speech delivered by the Minister of
• The Budget and the South African Economy.
• Analysing the Budget and expectations.
• How the SA Budget affects ordinary citizens.
• Interact/ask questions from economists/experts.

Time: 12h30 -14h30
Venue: LT-02
Date: 27 February 2024
Programme Director: Mr. TR Mtshengu

Activity Responsible Person Time

Opening and Welcoming Dr. B Makhoba 12h30 – 12h35
Presentation Mr. M Qwabe 12h35 – 12h50
Panel Discussion Panelists
• Prof. D.D Tewari 13h20 – 13h50
• Dr. H Maduku
• Ms S Nene

Q & A Session Floor Discussion 13h50 – 14h20

Closing Remarks Prof. I Kaseeram 14h20 – 14h30

For inquiries, contact: Dr. B Makhoba: at OR Mr. S Mthembu at

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