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1. Fraser Doherty, founder of SuperJam

Fraser Doherty is a young Scotsman who at the age of 14 began making jam based on his
grandmother's recipes. This is how SuperJam was born, an emblematic brand of jam made
from 100% natural fruit that is sold in important supermarket chains around the world.
Initially he sold his jams in small markets and gourmet stores. He then made his way into
larger markets and in early 2007, he was approached by Waitrose, a high-end
supermarket in the UK, to sell his products in their stores. SuperJam currently supplies
products to more than 2,000 supermarkets in countries such as Australia, Russia,
Denmark, Finland and Ireland. Fraser Doherty's company has received various national
and international recognitions and the SuperJam brand is exhibited in the National
Museum of Scotland as an "iconic Scottish brand".
On the other hand, this young man leads a social initiative called "SuperJam Tea Parties",
which aims to help older people who are alone, through events and meetings so that they
can interact with each other. At these events, attendees make friends while sharing
famous Scottish scones, tea and SuperJam jam.

2. Madison Robinson, founder of Fish Flops

Madison Robinson, or "Maddie" as she prefers to be called, is a young entrepreneur who
at the age of 9 began designing her own sandals. This is how Fish Flops was born, a
children's clothing company that has already made more than $1 million in sales.
Initially only selling sandals, Maddie's company has expanded its product range by offering
hats, t-shirts and children's books that she writes herself.
Fish Flops sells its products online and through retailers, landing major deals with
companies like Macy's and Nordstrom.
3. Evan, founder of EvanTubeHD
At just 8 years old, and with the help of his father, Evan started his YouTube channel:
EvanTubeHD. A year after starting, he had already generated more than $1 million in
revenue through advertising on his videos. Evan uploads videos of video game reviews,
tutorials, recommended sites, and other topics of interest to kids his age to his channel.
Currently, his channel has more than 2 million subscribers and his videos have already
been viewed more than 1.7 billion times.

4. Cameron Johnson
Her parents asked her to design invitations for a block party when she was 11 years old.
The guests loved them and started paying him to make them. When he founded "Cheers
and Tears" at age 14, he dedicated himself to online advertising and software
development. In high school his monthly income was already 400 thousand dollars.

5. A simple soda bottle and a business vision

Maddie Bradshaw, a little girl of only 10 years old, managed to invent an original product
that became the rage of many teenagers and children. Maddie attended school daily in
Dallas, Texas (USA) and one day she noticed how boring her school locker looked, that
small metal space that all students have to store books, notebooks, etc. which saves them
from having to transport them and carry them all from one place to the other.
He then decided to decorate that discouraged locker in an ingenious way, he took a bottle
cap (tapita) and inside it he made an abstract drawing and then attached it to a magnet.
Soon he came up with more designs and placed them all in his school locker. Her
classmates at school, surprised by the novelty, began to order many designs from her, and
she began to sell all the decorative badges she made.
Soon Maddie had a hunch that if she made necklaces with the same technique, they
would surely like them too. It occurred to him to make a necklace using a technique
similar to the initial one, with the advantage that the badges could be replaced in the
same necklace as many times as desired, in this way the design could be changed regularly
and they could even be exchanged with the badges. that other kids had.
Maddie Bradshaw excitedly decided to put together some money she had in savings and
ask her mother to buy some items she needed; His uncle also collaborated by getting him
many badges and that is how the production of Snap Caps began, the name with which he
distinguished his product.
A local toy store agreed to buy a small batch from him and since all of his necklaces were
sold on the same day, he quickly received new orders, but this time, it was to supply all
the branches of the same toy store.
Together with her mother and her little sister, they got to work and in just under four
years, they had almost 50 employees making necklaces, bracelets and ornaments with
interchangeable badges, distributing their products in many stores.
Its success caught the attention of all the news, so its product became more and more
popular and finally the Bradshaw family made a partnership agreement with 3 well-known
investors who have given the family invaluable advice, managing to expand their business.
in a globalized manner and obtaining profits of more than a million dollars.

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