2023 - Skema Bab3 - Konsep Mol, Formula Dan Persamaan Kimia

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Bab 3_Formula dan Persamaan Kimia



Latihan 1:

Atom Jisim atom relatif Atom Jisim atom relatif

Atoms Relative atomic mass Atoms Relative atomic mass
a) Litium,Li 7 e) Zink, Zn 65
Lithium Zinc
b) Kalium,K 39 f) Neon,Ne 20
Potassium Neon
c) Magnesium,Mg 24 g) Natrium,Na 23
Magnesium Sodium
d) Oksigen,O 16 h) Kalsium,Ca 40
Oxygen Calcium

Latihan 2 :
a) Jisim atom kuprum =64/32 = 2 kali/ times
Jisim atom sulfur
b) 108/12 = 9 kali / times

Latihan 3 :
(i) Mg = 2 x Ag
= (2 x 108) / 24 = 9 kali/times
(ii) Bilangan atom oksigen/ number of oxygen
= 64/ 16 = 4 kali /times

Latihan 4;
Jisim molekul relatif, JMR Jisim molekul relatif, JMR
Relative Molecular Mass, RMM Relative Molecular Mass,
(a) 2 x 16 = 32 (b) 72 + 12 + 96 = 180
(c) 2 x 14 = 28 (d) 12 + 32 = 44
(e) (1x14) + (3x1) = 17 (f) 14 + 32 = 46

Latihan 5 :
Jisim formula relatif (JFR)
Relative formulae mass, (RFM)
(a) (23x1) + (1x16) + (1x1) = 40
(b) (1x27) + (35.5x3) = 133.5
(c) (2x23) + (1x12) + (3x16) = 106
(d) (1x24) + (1x32) + (4x16) = 120
(e) (2x14) + (8x1) + (1x12) x (3x16) = 96

Latihan 6 :
a) = 64 + 48 + 10 + 80 = 248
b) = (64x1) + (32x1) + (4x16) + (10x1) + (5x16) = 250

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Bab 3_Formula dan Persamaan Kimia

Soalan 7;

a) = (23x2) + (5x1) +(1x16) +(1x1) b) = (65x1) + (2x14) + (6x16)

= 46 = 189

Soalan 8 ;
a) = (39x3) + (56x1) + (12x6) + (14x6) = 329

b) = (14x1) + (1x4) + (14x1) + (16x3) = 80

Latihan 9 ;
Atom Bilangan mol Bilangan atom
Atom Number of moles Number of atoms
a) Litium, Li = 3.0 x 6.02 x1023
Lithium, Li 3.0
= 1.806 x 1024
b) Kalsium, Ca = 1.204 x1023 = 0.2 mol
Calcium, Ca 6.02 x1023 1.204 x1023

Latihan 10 :

a) b)
mol = 5.02 x1021 Bil atom = 1 x 6.02 x 1023
6.02 x1023 No of atoms = 6.02 x 1023
= 8.34 x 10-3 mol

Latihan 11 : Selesaikan/ Solve it

Bahan Bilangan mol Bilangan molekul Bilangan atom
Substance Number of moles Number of molecules Number of atoms
a) Gas klorin,
Chlorine gas, 1.2 = 1.2 x 6.02 x1023 = 1.2 x 6.02 x1023 x 2
Cl2 = 7.2x1023 = 1.44 x 1024
b) Gas = 1.20 x1024 = 2 x 6.02 x1023 x 2
nitrogen, 6.02 x1023 = 2.408 x 1024
Nitrogen gas, N2 = 2.0 mol 1.2x1024

c) Ammonia = 0.075 x 6.02 x1023 x 1 = 0.075 x 6.02 x1023 x 4

Ammonia, NH3 0.075 = 4.5x1022 = 1.8x1023

Latihan 12 :
a) = 9.02 x1023
6.02 x1023
b) = 3.01 x 1022
6.02 x1023
c) = 1.0 x 6.02 x1023

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Latihan 13 :

Sebatian Bilangan Bilangan ion dalam Bilangan setiap ion

Compound mol sebatian Number of particles ions
No of moles No of ions in compound
a) Natrium i) Ion natrium /Sodium ion,Na+
oksida, = 0.45 x 6.02 x10 = 0.45 x 6.02 x1023 x 2
Sodium oxide, 0.45
ii) Ion oksida/Oxide, O2- ion
= 0.45 x 6.02 x1023 x 1
b) Aluminium i) Ion aluminium/Aluminium ion, Al3+
klorida, AlCl3 = 0.14 x 6.02 x1023 = 0.14 x 6.02 x1023 x 1
chloride, 0.14 ii) ion klorida /Chloride ion, Cl-
AlCl3 = 0.14 x 6.02 x1023 x 3

Latihan 14 :

a) = 0.5 x 6.02 x1023 x 2

= 6.02 x 1023 ion

b) = 0.4 x 6.02 x1023 x 3

= 7.224 x 1023 ion

(i) = 4 x 6.02 x1023 (ii) = 4 x 6.02 x1023 x 2

Latihan 15 ;
Jisim relatif Jisim molar
Relative mass Molar mass
(a) = 1(14) + 3(1) 17 gmol-1
(b) = 1(24) + 1(16) 40 gmol-1
(c) = 1(1) + 1(14) + 3(16) 63 gmol-1

Latihan 16:
Mol Jisim molar (g mol-1) Jisim bahan (g)
Mole Molar mass, (g mol-1) Mass of substances (g)
a) 2.0 mol = 27 moldm-3 = 2.0 x 27
b) = 11 / 44 = 44 moldm-3 11 g
c) = 28.4/ 142 = 142 moldm-3 28.4 g

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Latihan 17 :
Jisim,g Bilangan zarah (atom/molekul/ion)
Mass (g) Number of particles (atom/molecule/ion)
a) 16 g Bilangan atom/ Number of atoms
= 0.25 x 6.02 x 1023
Mol: =16/64 = 0.25
b) 8.5g Bilangan molekul/ number of molecules
Bilangan molekul = 0.5 x 6.02 x 1023 x 1
Mol=8.5/17 = 0.5
d) Bilangan ion/ Number of ions
= Bilangan atom = 0.3 x 6.02 x 1023 x 3)
28.2 g Bilangan ion kalium
number of potassium ion
Mol :….
= 0.3 x 6.02 x 1023 x 2
Mol =28.2/94 = 0.3
Bilangan ion oksida
number of oxide ion
= 0.3 x 6.02 x 1023 x 1

Soalan 18 ;
a) =0.32 /64 = 0.005 mol = 0.005 x 6.02 x 1023
= 3.0 x 1021
b) = 16 / 32 = 0.5 mol = 0.5 x 6.02 x 1023
= 3.0 x 1023
c) = 3.25 x / 65 = 0.05 mol = 0.05 x 6.02 x 1023
= 3.01x 10 23

Latihan 19 ;
a) = 3.5 x 22.4 = 78.4 dm3
b) = 0.01 x 22.4 = 0.224 dm3
c) = 0.6 x 24 = 0.025 dm3

Soalan 20 ;
a) b)
i) N2 Ya / Yes
Jisim molar, N2 = 14 x2 = 28
Bilangan molekul, H2O
Molar mass
Number of molecules
ii) CO2
= 0.9/18 x 6.02 x 1023
Jisim molar, = (12x1) + (16 x 2) = 44
Molar mass = 3.01 x 1023
Bilangan molekul, CO2
iii) H2S
Number of molecules
Jisim molar,
Molar mass = 22/44 x 6.02 x 1023
= (1x2) + (1x32) = 34 = 3.01 x 1023

iv) H2O
Jisim molar,
Molar mass
= (2x1) + (1x16) = 18

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Bab 3_Formula dan Persamaan Kimia

Latihan 21 :

a) = 720/1000 = 0.025 x 71
= 0.03 mol
b) = 12.8 / 32 = 0.4 x 22.4
= 8.96 dm3

Latihan 22 :
Contoh ; Natrium klorida a) Magnesium bromida b) Kuprum(II) oksida
Sodium chloride Magnesium bromide Copper (II) oxide

Simbol natrium Simbol klorin Magnesium bromine Kuprum oksigen

Sodium symbol Chlorine symbol
MgBr2 CuO
Nisbah : Nisbah :
Nisbah : 1 atom Na ; 1 atom Cl 1 atom magnesium 1 atom kuprum
Ratio : 1 Na atom : 1 Cl atom : 2 atom bromin :1 atom oksigen

Latihan 23 ;
Sebatian Unsur hadir Nisbah atom
Compound Element present Ratio of atom
a) Klorin Klorin 2 atom klorin
Chlorine, Cl2 Chlorine 2 chlorine atom.
b) Air, Hidrogen/ hydrogen 2 atom hidrogen
Water H2O Oksigen/ oxygen 1 atom oksigen/oxygen
c) Asid sulfurik, Hidrogen/hydrogen 2 atom hidrogen
Sulphuric acid Sulfur/ sulphur 1 atom sulfur/ sulphur
H2SO4 Oksigen/oxygen 4 atom oksigen/oxygen

Latihan 24:
Unsur Kuprum,Cu Oksigen,O
Element Copper, Cu Oxygen, O
Jisim (g) 1.60 0.40
Mass (g)
Bilangan mol 1.6 / 64 0.4/16
Number of moles =0.025 =0.025
Nisbah ringkas mol 0.025/0.025 0.025/0.025
Simplest ratio of mole =1 =1
Formula empirik : CuO
Empirical formula

Unsur Karbon, C Hydrogen,H
Jisim (g) 6 2
Mass (g)
Bilangan mol 6/12 = 0.5 2/1 = 2.0
Number of moles
Nisbah ringkas mol 0.5 / 0.5 2.0 / 0.5
Simplest ratio of mole =1 =4
Formula empirik : CH4
Empirical formula

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Unsur Al O
Jisim (g) 0.90 0.80
Mass (g)
Bilangan mol = 0.91 / 27 = 0.80/ 16
Number of moles = 0.033 = 0.05
Nisbah ringkas mol 0.033/0.033 = 1 0.05/0.033 =1.5
Simplest ratio of mole =1x2 =2 = 1.5 x 2 = 3
Formula empirik : Al2O3
Empirical formula

Latihan 25 ;
Unsur X O
Jisim (g) 1.08 0.96
Mass (g)
Bilangan mol 1.08/x 0.96 / 16
Number of moles =0.06
Nisbah ringkas mol 1.08 /x = 0.06
Simplest ratio of mole 2 3
x = 1.08 / 0.04
= 27
Jisim atom relatif X = 27
Relative atomic mass

Latihan 26 :
Unsur/ Element C H O
Peratus jisim % 40.0 6.67 53.33
Mass percentage %
Jisim (g)/ Mass (g) 40.0 6.67 53.33
Bilangan mol 40 6.67 53.33
Number of moles
Nisbah ringkas mol 40/12 = 3.334 6.67/1 =6.67 53.33 / 16 = 3.33
Simplest ratio of mole
3.334/3.33 =1 6.67/ 3.33 =2 3.33/3.33 =1
Formula empirik : CH2O
Empirical formula

Unsur/ Element T Cl
Peratus jisim% 32.81 67.19
Mass percentage %
Jisim (g) / Mass (g) 32.81 67.19
Bilangan mol 32.81/52 67.19/35.5
Number of moles = 0.63 = 1.89

Nisbah ringkas mol 0.63/0.63 =1 1.89/0.63 = 3

Simplest ratio of mole
Formula empirik : TCl3
Empirical formula

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Unsur C H O
Peratus jisim 64.87 13.51 21.62
Percentage by mass
Jisim (g) 64.87 13.51 21.62
Mass (g)
Bilangan mol 64.87/12 = 5.406 13.51 /1 = 13.51 21.62/ 16 = 1.351
Number of mol
Nisbah ringkas mol 4 10 1
Simplest ratio of mole
Formula empirik C4H10O
Empirical formula

Latihan 27
Unsur / Element Mg O
Jisim (g) 30.64 - 28.24 = 2.4 g 32.24 - 30.64 =1.6 g
Mass (g)
Bilangan mol 2.4 1.6
Number of moles 24 16
Nisbah ringkas mol 0.1 / 0.1 = 1 0.1 / 0.1 = 1
Simplest ratio of mole
Formula empirik = MgO
Empirical formula

Latihan 28
Unsur Kuprum,Cu Oksigen,O
Element Copper, Cu Oxygen, O
Jisim (g) 40.25 - 32.25 42.25 – 40.25
Mass (g) =8g =2g
Bilangan mol 8 / 64 2/16
Number of moles = 0.125 mol = 0.125 mol
Nisbah ringkas mol 0.125 /0.125 0.125 / 0.125
Simplest ratio of mole =1 =1
Formula empirik : CuO
Empirical formula

Latihan 29
a) P : Zink / Zinc
Q : Asid hidroklorik / Hydrochloric acid
b) i)
Jisim Cu = 56.66 - 53.46 g Jisim O 57.46 - 56.66 g
Mass = 3.2 g Mass = 0.8 g

Mol Cu = 3.2 / 64 g Mol O = 0.8 / 16 g
= 0.05 mol = 0.05 mol
iii) Formula empirik : CuO
Empirical formula

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Latihan 30 ;
a) i) Asid hidroklorik logam zink/ magnesium
Hydrochloric acid zinc / magnesium metal
ii) Mg + 2HCl → MgCl2 + H2
Mol kuprum = 31.86 - 30.24 = 1.62 g Mol oksigen = 32.26 – 31.86 = 0.4 g
= 1.62/64 = 0.025 mol = 0.4/16 = 0.025 mol
c) Argentum oksida
Silver oxide
d) Ulangi langkah pemanasan, penyejukkan dan penimbangan sehingga mendapat jisim kuprum(II) oksida
yang tetap.
Repeat the steps of heating, cooling and weighing until a constant mass of copper(II) oxide is obtained.

Latihan 31
a) 31.86 – 30.24 = 1.62/64 = 0.025 mol
b) 32.26 – 31.86 = 0.4 / 16 = 0.025 mol
c) CuO

Latihan 32
Unsur / Element M O
Jisim (g) 102.02 - 52.34 = 49.68 105.86 - 102.02 = 3.89
Mass (g)
Bilangan mol 49.68/207 3.89 / 16
Number of moles = 0.24 = 0.24
Nisbah ringkas mol 0.24/0.24 0.24/0.24
Simplest ratio of mole =1 =1
Formula empirik : MO
Empirical formula

Latihan 33
a) Formula yang menunjukkan nisbah teringkas bagi setiap atom setiap unsur dalam sebatian
Formula that shows the simplest ration of each atom of the elements in a compound
b) Membenarkan udara masuk ke dalam mangkuk pijar dan melengkapkan pembakaran
To allow the movement of air into crucible and complete the reaction
c) Bersihkan magnesium dengan kertas pasir
Clean the magnesium with sandpaper
d) i) Magnesium : 26.40 - 24.00 = 2.4 g Oksigen : 28.00 – 26.40 = 1.6 g.
ii) Magnesium : oksigen
2.4/24 : 1.6/16
0.1 0.1
1 1
iii) MgO

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5. Formula molekul
Molecular formula

Sebatian Formula molekul Formula empirik Nisbah teringkas bagi atom

Compounds Molecular formula Empirical formula Simplest ratio for atoms
a) Karbon dioksida CO2 CO2 1
Carbon dioxide
b) Air H2O H 2O 1
c) Etana C2H6 CH3 2
d) Asid etanoik C2H4O2 CH2O 2
Ethanoic acid

Soalan 35 ;
1. n = 78 / 13 = 6
Formula molekul = (CH) x 6 = C6H6
Molecular formula

2. n = 28 / 14 = 2
Formula molekul = (CH2) x 2 = C2H4
Molecular formula

Soalan 36 ;
n = 180/30 = 6
Formula molekul = (C H2O) x 6 = C6H2O6
Molecular formula

Latihan 37 ;

Ion Klorida, Cl- Sulfat, SO2-4 Nitrat, NO3- Karbonat, CO2-3

Ions Chloride, Cl- Sulphate, SO2-4 Nitrate, NO3-, Carbonate, CO2-3
a) Ion kalium, K+ Nama Kalium klorida Kalium sulfat Kalium nitrat Potassium
Potassium Name Potassium Potassium Potassium nitrate carbonate
Formula chloride sulphate KNO3 K2CO3
Ion Klorida, Cl- Sulfat, SO2-4 Nitrat, NO3- Karbonat, CO2-3
Ions Chloride, Cl- Sulphate, SO2-4 Nitrate, NO3-, Carbonate, CO2-3
b) Ion argentum Nama Argentum Argentum sulfat Argentum nitrat Argentum
Ag+ Name klorida Silver sulphate Silver nitrate karbonat
Silver ion, Formula Silver chloride Ag2SO4 AgNO3 Silver carbonate
AgCl Ag2CO3
c) Ion magnesium, Nama Magnesium Magnesium Magnesium nitrat Magnesium
Mg2+ Name klorida sulfat Magnesium nitrate karbonat
Magnesium, Formula Magnesium Magnesium Mg(NO3)2 Magnesium
chloride sulphate carbonate
MgCl2 MgSO4 MgCO3
d) Ion kuprum(II) Nama Kuprum(II) Kuprum(II) Kuprum(II) nitrat Kuprum(II)
Cu2+ Name klorida sulfat Copper(II) nitrate karbonat
Copper(II) ion Formula Copper(II) Copper(II) Cu(NO3)2 Copper(II)
chloride sulphate carbonate
CuCl2 CuSO4 CuCO3

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Bab 3_Formula dan Persamaan Kimia

Latihan 38 ;

Sebatian Formula kimia Sebatian Formula kimia

Compound Chemical formulae Compound Chemical formulae
a) Argentum bromida j) Natrium nitrat NaNO3
Silver bromide Sodium nitrate
b) Magnesium sulfat k) Barium sulfat BaSO4
Magnesium sulphate Barium sulphate
c) Plumbum(II) oksida l) Ferum(II) klorida Fe(NO3)2
Lead(II) oxide Iron (II) chloride
d) Aluminium nitrat m) Magnesium klorida MgCl2
Aluminium nitrate Magnesium chloride
e) Zink karbonat n) Kuprum(II) sulfat CuSO4
Zinc carbonate Copper (II) sulphate
f) Asid hidroklorik o) Asid sulfurik H2SO4
Hydrochloric acid Sulphuric acid
g) Asid nitrik p) Asid etanoik CH3COOH
Nitric acid Ethanoic acid

Latihan 39 ;

Sebatian Formula Sebatian Formula Sebatian Formula

Compound Formulae Compound Formulae Compound Formulae
a) Klorin Cl2 e) Hidrogen H2 i) Sulphur dioksida SO2
Chlorine Hydrogen Sulphur dioxide
b) Bromin Br2 f) Nitrogen N2 j) Hidrogen sulfida H2S
Bromine Nitrogen Hydrogen sulphide
c) Iodin I2 g) Air H2O k) Hidrogen klorida HCl
Iodine Water Hydrogen chloride
d) Oksigen O2 h) Ammonia NH3 l) Karbon dioksida CO2
Oxygen Ammonia Carbon dioxide

Latihan 40 ; (* Nota tak perlu seimbangkan)

a) Na + Cl2 ⎯→ NaCl
b) Mg + Cl2 ⎯→ MgCl2
c) Fe + Cl2 ⎯→ FeCl3
d) K + O2 ⎯→ K2O
e) Al + O2 ⎯→ Al2O3
f) C + O2 ⎯→ CO2
g) Zn + 2HCl ⎯→ ZnCl2 + H2
h) HCl + NaOH ⎯→ NaCl + H2O
i) 2Na + 2H2O ⎯→ 2NaOH + H2
j) AgNO3 + ZnCl2 ⎯→ AgCl + Zn(NO3)2

Latihan 41 :
a) 2Mg + O2 ⎯→ 2MgO f) Li2O + H2O ⎯→ 2LiOH
b) 2K + Cl2 ⎯→ 2KCl g) 4Fe + 3O2 ⎯→ 2Fe2O3
c) 4Al + 3O2 ⎯→ 2Al2O3 h) Mg + Cu(NO3)2 ⎯→ Mg(NO3)2 + Cu
d) C + O2 ⎯→ CO2 i) Zn + 2HCl ⎯→ ZnCl2 + H2
e) 4Na + O2 ⎯→ 2Na2O j) 2Na + 2H2O ⎯→ 2NaOH + H2

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Latihan 42 ;
a) 4Li + O2 ⎯→ 2Li2O
b) C + O2 ⎯→ CO2
c) 2Fe + 3Br2 ⎯→ 2FeBr3
d) Na2O + H2O ⎯→ 2NaOH
e) 2K + 2H2O ⎯→ 2KOH + H2
f) Mg + Cl2 ⎯→ MgCl2
g) Zn + 2HCl ⎯→ ZnCl2 + H2
h) C + PbO ⎯→ CO2 + Pb
i) BaCl2 + ZnSO4 ⎯→ BaSO4 + ZnCl2
j) K2O + H2O ⎯→ 2KOH

Latihan 43 :
(a) Persamaan untuk tindak balas adalah seperti berikut : 2Mg(p) + O2 (g) ⎯→ 2MgO(p)
The equation for the reaction is as follow 2Mg (s) O2 (g) 2MgO (s)
Aspek kualitatif Bahan tindak balas : magnesium dan oksigen
Qualitative aspect Reactant magnesium and oxygen
Hasil tindak balas : magnesium oksida
Product magnesium oxide
Magnesium adalah pepejal, oksigen adalah gas
magnesium oksida adalah pepejal
Magnesium is a solid, oxygen is a gas
magnesium oxide is a solid
Aspek kuantitatif 2 mol magnesium bertindak balas dengan 1 mol oksigen menghasilkan 2 mol magnesium
Quantitative aspect oksida
2 moles of magnesium react with 1 mole of oxygen to produce 2 moles of magnesium oxide

Aspek kualitatif Bahan tindak balas : zink dan asid hidroklorik
Qualitative aspect Reactants zinc and hydrochloric acid
Hasil tindak balas : zink klorida dan hidrogen
Product zinc chloride and hydrogen
Zink adalah pepejal , asid hidroklorik adalah larutan
Zinc is a solid, hydrochloric acid is a solution
Magnesium klorida adalah larutan dan hidrogen adalah gas
Magnesium chloride is a solution and hydrogen is a gas
Aspek kuantitatif 1 mol zink bertindak balas dengan 2 mol asid hidroklorik menghasilkan 1 mol magnesium
Quantitative aspect klorida dan 1mol hidrogen
1 mole of zinc reacts with 2 moles of hydrochloric acid to produce 1 mole of magnesium
chloride and 1 mole of hydrogen

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Bahan tindak balas : ammonia dan hidrogen klorida
Reactant ammonia and hydrogen chloride

Hasil tindak balas : ammonium klorida

Product ammonium chloride
Ammonia adalah gas, hidrogen klorida adalah gas, ammonium klorida adalah pepejal
Ammonia is a gas, hydrogen chloride is a gas, ammonium chloride is a solid
1 mol ammonia bertindak balas dengan 1 mol hydrogen klorida menghasilkan 1 mol ammonium klorida
1 mole of ammonia reacts with 1 mole of hydrogen chloride to produce 1 mole of ammonium chloride

Soalan 44 :
a) Bahan tindak balas : Magnesium karbonat
Reactant Magnesium carbonate
Hasil-hasil tindak balas : Magnesium oksida dan karbon dioksida
Products : magnesium oxide and carbon dioxide
Bahan Jenis zarah
Substance Type of particle
MgO Ion / Ion
CO2 Molekul/ molecule

c) 1 mol magnesium karbonat menghasilkan 1 mol magnesium oksida dan 1 mol karbon dioksida
1 mole of magnesium carbonate produces 1 mole of magnesium oxide and 1 mole of carbon dioxide

Soalan 45 :
a) Ion

b) Bahan tindak balas Natrium klorida dan argentum nitrat

Reactant Sodium chloride and silver nitrate
Hasil-hasil tindak balas Argentum klorida dan natrium nitrat
Products Silver chloride and sodium nitrate

c) pepejal
d) 1(108) + 1(14) + 3(16) = 170
e) Keadaan fizik NaCl adalah cecair, AgNO3 adalah cecair, AgCl adalah pepejal dan NaNO3 adalah cecair
The physical state of NaCl is liquid, AgNO3 is liquid, AgCl is solid and NaNO3 is liquid
1 mol NaCl bertindak balas dengan AgNO3 menghasilkan 1 mol AgCl dan 1mol NaNO3
1 mol NaCl reacts with AgNO3 to produces 1 mol AgCl and 1 mol NaNO3

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Latihan 46 :

Mol Nisbah mol / Mole ratio Soalan / Question

Mol Li = 0.5 mol Daripada persamaan Mol air, H2O
From the equation Mol of water
2 mol Li : 2 mol H2O
0.5 mol Li : 0.5 x 2 = 0.5 mol air
= 0.5 mol H2O

Mol Nisbah mol / Mole ratio Soalan / Question
Mol Li = 0.5 mol Daripada persamaan Mol hidrogen, H2
From the equation Mol of hydrogen
2 mol Li : 1 mol H2
0.5 mol Li : 0.5 x 1 = 0.25 mol hidrogen
= 0.25mol H2

Latihan 47 ;
Mol Nisbah mol / Mole ratio Soalan / Question
Mol zink oksida Daripada persamaan Mol Zn
Mol of zinc oxide From the equation ; Mol of Zn
ZnO : Zn
= 3.0 mol
2 mol : 2 mol = 3.0 mol Zn
3.0 : 3.0
= 3.0 mol Zn

Mol Nisbah mol / Mole ratio Soalan / Question
Mol zink oksida Daripada persamaan Isi padu gas O2
Mol of zinc oxide From the equation ; Volume of O2 gas
ZnO : O2
= 3.0 mol
2 mol : 1 mol = 1.5 mol x 24
3.0 : 3.0 x 1
2 = 36 dm3
: 1.5 mol
= 1.5 mol O2

47 | @azemi/kimiaT4SPM 4541
Modul PdPC Kimia_Tingkatan 4 KSSM
Bab 3_Formula dan Persamaan Kimia

Latihan 48 ;

(a) x = 2
Mol Nisbah mol / Mole ratio Soalan / Question
Mol zink Daripada persamaan/ From the equation ; Mol HNO3
Mol of zinc Mol
Zn : HNO3
1 mol : 2 mol = 0.4 mol
= 0.2 mol
0.2 0.2 x 2 / 1

Mol Nisbah mol / Mole ratio Soalan / Question
Mol zink Daripada persamaan/ From the equation ; Mol H2
Mol of zinc Mol
Zn : H2
1 mol : 2 mol = 0.2 x 24
= 0.2 mol
0.2 0.2 x 2 / 1 = 4.8 dm3

Latihan 49 ;

(a) p = 4 , q = 2

Mol Nisbah mol / Mole ratio Soalan / Question
Mol kalium Daripada persamaan Jisim K2O
Mol of potassium From the equation Mass
= jisim / mass K : K2O = 0.15 x 94
JFR RFM 4 mol : 2 mol = 14.1 g
0.3 0.3 x 2 / 4
= 11.7 / 34 = 0.3 mol 0.15 mol

Latihan 50 ;

(a) JFR FeCl3

= 56 + 3(35.5)
= 162.5
 Mol Nisbah mol / Mole ratio Soalan / Question
Mol Fe Daripada persamaan Jisim FeCl3
From the equation = 0.06 x 162.5
33.6 = 00.6
56 Fe : FeCl3 = 9.75 g
2 mol : 2 mol
0.06 mol 0.06 x 2
0.06 mol

48 | @azemi/kimiaT4SPM 4541
Modul PdPC Kimia_Tingkatan 4 KSSM
Bab 3_Formula dan Persamaan Kimia

Soalan 51 ;
(a) Suatu simbol yang mewakili tindak balas di antara bahan tindak balas dan hasilnya
A symbol that represents the reaction between reactants and products
(b) Bil mol Pb(NO3)2
3.31 = 0.01
 Mol Nisbah mol / Mole ratio Soalan / Question
Mol Pb(NO3)2 Daripada persamaan Isi padu O2
From the equation = 0.005 x 24
3.31 = 0.01
331 Pb(NO3)2 : O2 = 0.12 dm3
2 mol : 1 mol
0.01 mol 0.01 x 1
0.005 mol

Soalan 52 ;
2K + Cl2 ⎯→ 2KCl

Mol Nisbah mol / Mole ratio Soalan / Question

Mol K Daripada persamaan/ From the equation ; Jisim/ Mass KCl
= 3.9 K : KCl = 0.01 x 74.5
39 2 mol : 2 mol = 0.745 g
= 0.01 mol 0.01 mol 0.01 x 2
0.01 mol

Soalan 53 :
bahan tindak balas : natrium dan hidrogen
reactants sodium and hydrogen

hasil tindak balas : natrium oksida dan hidrogen

Product sodium oxide and hydrogen

4 mol Na bertindak balas dengan 2 mol air membentuk 2 mol Na 2O dan 2 mol H2
4 moles of Na react with 2 moles of water to form 2 moles of Na2O and 2 moles of H2


Mol Nisbah mol / Mole ratio Soalan / Question

Mol H2 Daripada persamaan/ From the equation ; Jisim/ Mass Na
= 240 H2 : Na = 0.02 x 23
2400 2 mol : 4 mol = 0.46 g
= 0.01 mol 0.01 mol 0.01 x 4
0.02 mol

**** Tamat Bab 3 **********

49 | @azemi/kimiaT4SPM 4541

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