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Assignment No. 1

Course Code: DEPEA516 Registration Number: _________

a. Attempt all questions given below in your own handwriting. Assignment in typed format will not be considered
for evaluation.
b. The student has to complete the assignment in the allocated pages only. Any other page in case utilized shall not
be considered.

[10 Marks] [CO1, L1]
(I). Yuvraj Singh can do some work in 18days, Virat can do that work in 24 days. In what time the
work will be completed they are working on alternate days.

a) 20days b) 10.5 days c) 15days d) None of these


(II). A can do a piece of work in 10days, B can do it in 15 days and C can do it in 12 days. A and B
started the work and after 2days they left the work. In how many days the remaining work will be
done by C alone.

a) 8days b) 10days c) 12days d) 11.5days


(iii) If Anil had walked 2 times faster, he would have saved 1 hour in the distance of 60km. what is
the usual speed of Anil (in km/hr)?

a) 56 b) 36 c) 30 d) 28

(iv) A person takes 10 minutes more to cover a certain distance by decreasing his speed by 20%.
What is the time taken to cover the distance at his original speed? (in min)

a) 56 b) 17.6 c) 40 d) 0.8


(v) A train 150 m long is running at the speed of 30 km/hr. Find the time taken by it to pass a man
standing near the railway line.

a) 10 sec b) 18 sec c)15 sec d)11 sec


Signature of the Student__________________ Page 1 of 2

CO: is the Course Outcome as per your course syllabus.
L1-L6: Learning level objectives as per Revised Bloom Taxonomy (RBT).
RegdNo. 22207090184

Assignment No. 1
Course Code: DEPEA516 Registration Number: _________
a. Attempt all questions given below in your own handwriting. Assignment in typed format will not be considered
for evaluation.
b. The student has to complete the assignment in the allocated pages only. Any other page in case utilized shall not
be considered.

[10 Marks] [CO3, L2]
(I). A train is moving at a speed of 264 km/hr. If the length of the train is 220 meters, how long will
it take to cross a railway platform 330 meters long?

a) 7.5 sec b) 8 sec c) 9 sec d) 10 sec


(II). Two Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 15 minutes and 20 minutes respectively Working together
they can fill the tank in how many minutes
a) 2 b) 29 c) 60/7 d) None

(iii) Look at this series: 1, 3, 5 , 3 , 9 , 3 , 13 , 3 , 17 , 3 , 21 , 3 , … What number should come

a) 24 b) 25 c) 28 d) 29

(iv) In a certain code 'MISSIONS' is written as 'MSIISNOS'. How is 'ADITYA' written in that code?
a) AIDYTA b) TYADIA c) YATDIA d) none of these

(v) Which of the following words Task, Type, Date, Code will come second in the English
a) Task b) Type c) Date d) Code

Signature of the Student__________________ Page 2 of 2

CO: is the Course Outcome as per your course syllabus.
L1-L6: Learning level objectives as per Revised Bloom Taxonomy (RBT).

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