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Poem To The Cuchumatanes by Juan Diéguez Olaverri

Oh heaven of my country! Oh, my sweet mother,

Oh dear horizons! with how much love I hold you
Oh blue, high mountains; against the aching chest
hear me from there! that destroyed sorrow!
My soul greets you,
peaks of the high Sierra, Oh, you who to the world
walls of that land you have come with me,
where the light I saw! within the same nest
and for the same love;
Of the fading sun and through the same breast
at the last glimpse, nourished and sheltered,
your high summit with the same care,
last asylum gives: lulls and warmth!
what a weak hope
there it fades: Kind companions,
more and more he dies, to whom the soul childhood
and finally he leaves. in his smiling stay
playing linked me
While the shadow with such a bow of flowers,
do not seize the firmament, that not even because it is so beautiful,
until the last moment get off our necks
I will be entranced in you; luck got it!
that just like this afternoon,
of clear mists, I enter the lover's nest
so clean and blue I return to the maternal shelter:
I never contemplated you. Oh how much chest friend
I feel palpitating,
How sweetly sad in the middle the expensive group,
my mind is ecstatic, that in a tender narrow knot
oh dear my country, could only cry,
in your harsh confines!, cry and more cry.
which crosses the wide space,
Oh God, separate me Oh heaven of my country!
of that expensive land, Oh dear horizons!
of America the garden! Oh already asleep mountains
The night has already covered you!:
On the wings of desire, goodbye, oh my friends,
for that distance, sleep, sleep calmly,
my heart jumps that the mists in the soul,
to my poor home. ouch, ouch! I carry them.
Jose Asuncion Silva

Oh sweet pale girl, who like a lot of gold

You preserve the treasure of your candid innocence;
to whom the most audacious, in crazy dalliances
They have never approached with carnal desires;
you, who guess, leave strange innocence
in your eyes veiled by silky eyelashes,
and on whose sweet lips - open only to prayer -
Not even the shadow of a kiss will ever have settled...
Tell me, secretly, in my ear, very step,
with that voice that has satin softness:
If you caught a glimpse of the one you dream of in your dreams
after the fast and cheerful hours of dancing,
and you felt his lips nestle in your mouth
and run through your body, and in its crazy lasciviousness
kiss all its folds full of warm aroma
and the stiff pink tips of your breasts;
yes in the crazy, hot and deep hugs
agonize, you will dream of pleasure in his arms,
for the one whose you are all the joys,
Oh sweet pale girl! Say, would you resist?...

The Guatemalan Girl

Jose Marti

I want, in the shadow of a wing, He went out to see him at the viewpoint;
tell this story in bloom: He returned to his wife,
the girl from Guatemala, She died of love.
the one who died of love.
As of burning bronze,
The bouquets were made of lilies; to the goodbye kiss,
and the mignonette borders It was his forehead - his forehead
and jasmine we buried her What I have loved most in my life!...
in a silk box...
They entered the river late in the
She gave to the forgetful afternoon,
a scent pad; The doctor took her out dead;
he came back, he came back married; They say he died of cold,
She died of love. I know that he died of love.

They were carrying her on litters There, in the frozen vault,

bishops and ambassadors; They put it in two banks:
The people followed in batches, I kissed his sharp hand,
all loaded with flowers... I kissed her white shoes.

She, to see him again, Quiet, at dusk,

The undertaker called me; I have never seen again
the one who died of love.

Elliptical galaxies

Some galaxies have a complete globular profile with a bright core.

These galaxies, called ellipticals, contain a large population of old stars, usually little gas
and dust, and some newly formed stars. Elliptical galaxies come in a wide variety of sizes,
from giants to dwarfs.

Hubble symbolized elliptical galaxies with the letter E and subdivided them into eight
classes, from E0, practically spherical, to E7, usiform. In elliptical galaxies the
concentration of stars decreases from the core, which is small and very bright, towards
their edges.

Spiral galaxies

Spiral galaxies are flattened disks that contain not only a few old stars but also a large
population of young stars, plenty of gas and dust, and molecular clouds that are the
birthplace of stars.

Generally, a halo of faint old stars surrounds the disk, and there is usually a smaller
nuclear bulge that emits two jets of energetic matter in opposite directions. One of them is
the Bode galaxy, M81 .
Spiral galaxies are designated with the letter S (spiral). Depending on the lesser or greater
development that each arm has, it is assigned a letter a, b or c (Sa, Sb, Sc, SBa, SBb,

There are other galaxies intermediate between ellipticals and spirals. They are called
lenticular or normal lenticular , identified as SO and classified into groups SO1, SO2 and
SO3. In turn, barred lenticular lenses (SBO) are distinguished and are classified into three
groups, depending on whether they have a more or less defined and shiny bar.

Irregular galaxies

Irregular galaxies are symbolized by the letter I or IR, although they are usually dwarf or
rare. This group includes those galaxies that do not have well-defined structure and

They are classified as type 1 or Magellanic irregular galaxies, which contain a large
number of young stars and interstellar matter, and type 2 irregular galaxies, which are less
frequent and whose content is difficult to identify.

Irregular galaxies are generally located close to larger galaxies, and usually contain large
amounts of young stars, gas, and cosmic dust. An example is our neighbor the Barnard
galaxy, NGC 6822 .

Executive Body

President Lic. Jimmy Morales

Vice president Dr. Jafeth Cabrera Franco

Members 14 Ministries
No. Ministry of State Acronym
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock
and Food
Ministry of Environment and
Natural Resources
Ministry of Communications,
03 CIV
Infrastructure and Housing
04 Ministry of Culture and Sports DCM
05 Ministry of National Defense MINDEF
06 Ministry of Social Development
07 Ministry of Economy MINECO
08 Ministry of Education MINEDUC
09 Ministry of Energy and Mines MEM
10 Ministry of Public Finances MINFIN
11 Ministry of the Interior MINGOB
12 Ministry of Foreign Affairs MINEX
Ministry of Public Health and
Social Assistance
Ministry of Labor and Social

Huehuetenango Deputies


1 Walter Rolando Felix Lopez URNG URNG
2 Mauro Guzmán Merida UNE UNE
3 Joel Ruben Martinez Herrera BREAD FCN
4 Sofia Jeaneth Hernández Herrera PP A.C.
5 Johnatan Abel Cardona Arreaga LEADER FCN
6 Karla Andrea Martínez Hernández LEADER A.C.
7 Sandra Ester Cruz Ramirez PP FCN
8 Mike Ottoniel Merida Reyes PP Reformer
9 Cornelio Gonzalo García García ALL ALL
10 Lucrecia Carola Samayoa Reyes UNE UNE

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