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i) Lesson Plan: To introduce and practise the present simple tense to a class whose age you may choose.
Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02
Name: Gratia Pieris

Date: 4th of July 2023

Level of students: Intermediate (16 Years)


Main Aim(s): Students will be better able to write correct sentences using the Simple Present Tense in First-, Second- and Third-Person Singular forms in
both Positive and negative formats.

Subsidiary Aim(s): By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to Demonstrate their knowledge of how to use the Present Simple Tense by writing
sentences using the Present Simple Tense

Personal Aim(s): To use many examples and visual descriptions in order to differentiate between processes and different forms of using the grammar.


Timetable fit: The students have an idea what Simple Present Tense are and how they are been used in a sentence.

Assumptions: The students have been using Simple Present Tense in Role-play interviews.


Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

Problems Solutions

1. Time management 1. The teacher makes sure to have a detailed lesson plan



Sentence' Construction

Text Book


Students' homework

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

BOARD PLAN (If needed)

White board



Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02




Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

Lead In Students tries to Turn to a story of your text book and read it. The
figure out what are teacher askes the students what are they doing?
05 Min T–S
Simple present The students will answer “You are reading a
tense. book?” and the teacher continues this exercise
along with other types of actions with the

Reading Students will get a 10 Min T -S The teacher says, Read the Simple Present Tense
quite simple idea lesson on your text book and identity what it
on what Simple says.
Present Tense are.

And then the teacher explains That the verb

which shows actions that happens, regularly and
Students will
which to describes daily routines are called
understand their
Listening 05 Min T- S ‘Simple Present Tense.’
daily or weekly
basis; and that Then the teacher asks students about their daily
these are habitual routines to speak out to the class.

Teacher introduces:

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

First, second and third person singular along with
examples by using the white board in Positive

Positive Format
Grammar Students will be 10 Min T-S
First person singular:
able to accurately
use the simple I read The New York Times every day
& present tense.
Second Person Singular:

T: “Sally, you have a dog.”

Vocabulary Sally (to teacher): “You have a cat”.

Third person singular:

John goes to work at 8.00 Am

Negative Format

I like tennis but I don't like football. (don't = do

John doesn't live in Manchester. (doesn't = does

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

Content Students will be 05 Min S-S The teacher goes around the class and have
able to emphasize students tell what they do every day or what
concerns if they some of their habits are and then the teacher
have any doubts. splits the students up into pairs and have them
give each other statements in the second and
third person singular.

Writing A clear idea on 05 Min S-S Handing out work sheets and activity tasks in the
Simple present text book. They will be based on the lesson
tense will be gain taught on the same day by the teacher.
for the students.

Feedback If there are any 05 Min T-S The teacher checks the answers and make errors.
mistakes the
students have the
ability to correct it
then and there
along with the help
of the teacher.

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

ii) Lesson Plan: To introduce and practise too + adjective, as in It's too high to reach, to a class of under 11 years whose age
otherwise you may choose.
Name: Gratia Pieris

Date: 5th of July 2023

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

Level of students: Pre - Intermediate (11 Years)


Main Aim(s): Students will be better able to write understand Too + Adjectives (Negative & Positive), Too + Adjective + Infinitive.

Subsidiary Aim(s): By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to Demonstrate their knowledge of how to use the adjectives by writing sentences
using the Present Simple Tense.

Personal Aim(s): Make sure the use of using ‘too’ in different situations and taught it to the students appropriately.


Timetable fit: The students have an idea what ‘Adjectives’ are and how they are been used in a sentence.

Assumptions: The students have been using ‘Adjectives’ during their self-introductions.


Problems Solutions

1. Concerns raised while using alternatives 1. The teacher sorts their concerns by using the drill method.

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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Text Book


Clip arts

BOARD PLAN (If needed)

White board

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Teacher shows few clip arts to the students and

tell them to identify issues they could see in the
Lead In Students tries to
figure out what are
05 Min T–S
Adjectives are. The teacher asks them about today’s weather and
tells them to give their options.

*The weather is too hot

And the teacher continues this exercise with the


Reading Students will get a 10 Min T -S The teacher says, to read the lesson Adjectives
quite simple idea on your text book and identity what it says.
on what Adjectives

Students will try to And then the teacher gives some examples in
grasp more by order for them to identify what is ‘too +

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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Listening examples 05 Min T- S Adjectives’ through the examples.

Teacher introduces:

How ‘too’ been used in different situations,

Language: Students will be 10 Min T-S “too + adjective” is used to express a problem.
able to accurately
If we look at this sentence again:
use the Adjectives.
 The fridge is too heavy.
If we want to put a verb (lift) after it, it needs to
& be in its infinitive form, so it becomes:

 The fridge is too heavy to lift.


And this sentence:

 The coffee is too hot.

We can an infinitive at the end:

 The coffee is too hot to drink.

Some more example sentences of Too +
Adjective + Infinitive
Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02
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 It is too late to go to the concert. It
started an hour ago.
 He is too young to drive a car.
 My grandfather it too old to play
 I am too tired to do my homework.
 Your question is too difficult to answer.

Content Students will be 05 Min S-S The teacher goes around the class and tell to state
able to emphasize one Positive and Negative expression on the
concerns if they topic taught.
have any doubts.

Writing To allow students 05 Min S-S Handing out work sheets and activity tasks in the
to interact With text book. Then the teacher will group the
each other about students accordingly and tell them to make a
their own daily chart using “too + adjectives” and present them
lives in the class.

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Feedback If there are any 05 Min T-S The teacher checks the answers, presentations
mistakes the and make errors.
students have the
ability to correct it
then and there
along with the help
of the teacher.

iii) Lesson Plan: To introduce and practise adverbs of frequency - sometimes, always etc. - to a class under 15 years old.
Name: Gratia Pieris
Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02
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Date: 6th of July 2023

Level of students: Pre – Intermediate (10 Years)


Main Aim(s): Students will be better able to write correct sentences using the Adverbs of Frequency (sometimes, always, never, usually, often and seldom.)

Subsidiary Aim(s): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the meanings expressed by different adverbs of

Personal Aim(s): Teaching the students with the help of the activities and aims.


Timetable fit: Students have learnt

- The vocabulary of weekly activities

- Days of the week and their short forms

- The present tense

Assumptions: The students have been using different types of adverbs to describe their habitual actions.


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Problems Solutions

1. Time management 1. The teacher makes sure to plan the lesson accurately.
2. The students seems drowsy as the previous subject seemed to be 2. The teacher makes the lesson attractive by giving them interesting
hectic. activities to do.




Text Book


Pen drive

BOARD PLAN (If needed)

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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White board



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Teacher tells Students that they are going to learn

how to say how
Lead In To arouse
Students’ previous often, they do an activity.
05 Min T–S
Teacher plays the song “What do you do every
day?”, which contains adverbs of frequency. T

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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asks Ss to fill in the adverbs, and sing the song.

Reading To introduce the 10 Min T -S The teacher then plays a video clip on how often
adverbs of Martha does different activities. After viewing the
frequency video clip, Teacher shows the PPT to Ss and lets
them fill in the blanks using adverbs of frequency.

Teacher tells students that they are going to

05 Min T- S information about their weekly activities.
Teacher shows his/her own weekly activities as an
T: Today you have to tell your friends your
Listening To Consolidate the activities. I’d like to show you my weekly
learning activities
In the first column, I have written down the

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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that I do every week.
Then in the second column, I have put down how
many times, I do the activity in a week
Information gap activity
T asks Ss to complete the first table about their
Language: own
Students will weekly activities.
Grammar understand their 10 Min T-S Then Ss are asked to do an information gap
daily or weekly activity
& basis; and that – they have to find out what weekly activities their
these are habitual friend does and how often by asking:
Vocabulary actions What activities do you do every week?
How often do you do…?
Finally, Ss have to write sentences about their
friend’s weekly activities using adverbs of

Content Class sharing 05 Min S-S Teacher asks Students to guess the meanings of
the adverbs of frequency based on the videos they
have watched. Teacher explains the adverbs of
frequency with the PPT.

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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Writing To give Students 05 Min S-S Teacher asks students to give examples about how
the language often they do an activity. Handing out work sheets
practice. and activity tasks in the text book. They will be
based on the lesson taught on the same day by the

Teacher asks Students to demonstrate their

understanding of the adverbs of frequency by
colouring the circles and complete the frequency
pyramid on the worksheet.

Feedback To check Students’ 05 Min T-S The teacher writes the adverbs of the frequency in
progress the

Blanks and check the answers with the students.

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iv) Lesson Plan: Unit 02 – Leisure
Topic: A Day at the Park
Name: Gratia Pieris

Date: 8th of July 2023

Level of students: Intermediate (11 Years)


Main Aim(s): Extracts specific information from various types of simple texts.

Subsidiary Aim(s): By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to cconstructs simple sentences.

Personal Aim(s): Uses visual clues to derive the meaning of the text.


Timetable fit: The students have an idea what Present tense is.

Assumptions: The students have been using Present Tense in their day-to-day activities.

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Problems Solutions

1. Time management 1. The teacher makes sure to have a detailed lesson plan


Text book

Whiteboard and pens


Picture cards

Flash Cards

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BOARD PLAN (If needed)

White board



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Lead In Students will be The students read the story “A Day at the Park” along with
able to read the teacher.
05 Min T–S
different types of
texts accurately
and meaningfully

Reading Students will be 10 Min T -S The teacher explains the story along with the below
able to write grammatical lessons.
sentences using
• Punctuation Marks
‘Be’ verbs –
present tense - • ‘Wh’ questions

positive form, Wh • ‘Be’ verbs.

questions and
Punctuation Marks.

To allow students The teacher asks volunteers to explain the lesson.

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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Listening to interact with 05 Min T- S Students were asked to underline ‘Wh’ questions and
each other punctuation marks and write it on the whiteboard.

Teacher helps the students

 to read different types of texts (given in the text book)
accurately and meaningfully. (With short pause (,) and
Language: long pause (.)

 to study the pictures given in the text book to derive

the meaning of that particular text.

&  to find specific information from a text. (Names,

dates, days, places etc. responding to questions with
Students will be
‘Wh’ question words, what, when, where, who, which.
able to study the
picture given in
 to use both context and picture clues to determine the
each text book to 10 Min T-S
meaning of new words.
derive the meaning
of that particular
Activities – Asking ‘wh’ questions related to the given picture
which help to derive the meaning of the text (orally), stories
and passages with pictures to complete those using words.
Help students

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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Content To practice Story 05 Min S-S Students were divided into 6 groups and were given a group
writing task in order to prepare their own short story.

Writing To check Students’ 05 Min S-S Students were given worksheet with relevant to the
progress grammatical lesson areas.

Feedback If there are any 05 Min T-S The teacher checks the answers and make errors.
mistakes the
students have the
ability to correct it
then and there
along with the help
of the teacher.

v) Lesson Plan: Identify the inconsistencies in verb tense - Class age 14 years old.
Name: Gratia Pieris

Date: 9th of July 2023

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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Level of students: Intermediate (14 Years)


Main Aim(s): Students will be better able to identify the verb tense in a sentence.

Subsidiary Aim(s): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to ddistinguish the verb tense and its inconsistency in a sentence

Personal Aim(s): Distinguish the verb tense and its inconsistency in a sentence.


Timetable fit: Students have learnt

- What are verbs

- Types of tense

Assumptions: The students have been using different types of verbs and tenses to describe their habitual actions.


Problems Solutions

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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1. The teacher has planned a outdoor activity in the school playground. 1. Since the climate was not good the teacher planned the outdoor
activity for another day.




Text Book


BOARD PLAN (If needed)

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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White board



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To arouse T: Okay students! Before we tackle our main

Students’ previous topic or lesson let us first recall about Verb
Lead In 05 Min T–S
knowledge Tenses. Does anyone remember what a verb
tense is?

Ok! I see some hands raised. What is a

Verb Tense?
Ok! I see some hands raised. What is a Verb

S: A Verb Tense refers to when an action in a

sentence takes place

T : Great answer! Now, a Verb Tense determines

when the action of the subject takes place.
Tenses are divided into 4aspects namely; The
Simple tense, The Progressive Tense, The
Perfect Tense and lastly the Perfect Progressive
Tense. Let’s tackle the Simple Verb tenses first.
What are the three main Verb tenses in English?

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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S: The three tenses are Past Tense, Present Tense
and Future Tense, ma’am.

T: The three main tenses in Simple Tense are;

Past Tense, Present Tense and Future Tense. Let
me show you some examples of sentences in
each Tense.

10 Min T -S Read these sentences:

 I work. (Present)

Learning English  I worked till 7 p.m. (Past)

language, Students  I will work on this matter tomorrow.

will understand the (Future)

tenses in general Structure of tenses:

and no of tenses in
 S+V1+O.
grammar present
 S+V2+O.

Examples of Tenses:
 I play in the present tense and I played in
To Consolidate the the past tense.
Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02
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Listening learning 05 Min T- S  He plays hockey.
 Do you know the 12 Tenses in English?
 I know the 12 Tenses in English.
 I had finished my work when he reached
my home.
 The patient had died before the doctor
reached. (The most common and favorite
sentence of students).
 I have been teaching English for the last
25 years.
 He plays hockey.
Language:  Do you know the 12 Tenses in English?
Drill sentence’s  I know the 12 Tenses in English.
Grammar structure and 10 Min T-S These sentences refer to present time.
understand time  I went to Delhi yesterday. Refers to Past
& reference of tenses Time.
 I will write a novel in the future. Refers
Vocabulary to Future Time
Thus, there are three main tenses: The Present,
the Past, and the Future.

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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Content Class sharing 05 Min S-T Teacher asks pick up students and to briefly
explain the lesson taught.

Ask students to write examples on the

blackboard. I….(played) guitar since I was ten.
Writing The students are 05 Min S-S
Sohan….(lived) in this town since 2014. I ……..
divided into three
(dig) in the garden since morning. Ram
groups and each
……………. (cry) since morning 7. The new
group will write
teacher …………..(teach) us for six months. (A)
one tense
have been teaching (B) has been teaching (C) is
teaching (D) was teaching

 I usually….(drink) coffee.
 Sohan….(lived) in this town since 2014.
 He …….. (be) a teacher since 1988.
 Last Saturday, I …….. (stay) at home.
 She always …….. (finds) faults with
 The clock …….. (just strike) twelve.
 I …….. (dig) in the garden since
 What …….. (happen) if you fail?
 We …….. (have) our dinner before she

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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 It …….. (happen) in the year 1924.
 Run fast! The train …….. (leave)
 He …….. (not come) back yet.
 Last Saturday, I …….. (stay) at home.
 Ice …….. (melt) above 0° Celsius

Feedback To check Students’ 05 Min T-S The teacher checks the answers.

vi) Lesson Plan: Nouns - Class of 11 years old.

Name: Gratia Pieris

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

41 | P a g e
Date: 10th of July 2023

Level of students: Intermediate (11 Years)


Main Aim(s): Students will be better able to identify the noun from the given words, sentences, and passage.

Subsidiary Aim(s): Improve their conversational and written language

Personal Aim(s): Categories naming words based on (person, place, animal, things and common noun and proper noun)


Timetable fit: Students are already knowing the names of different person, place, things, animals.

Assumptions: The students have the ability in using nouns in given activities.


Problems Solutions

The teacher states that students should parallelly participate in the lesson
Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02
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1. Classroom management along with the teacher.



Text Book


Noun games

BOARD PLAN (If needed)

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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White board



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To introduce the The teacher will present a lesson to the students

Lead In adverbs of on nouns. She will explain to them that nouns are
frequency 05 Min T–S people, places, and things. She will write a
number or sentences on the board and have the
students tell her which words are the nouns. She
will then circle the nouns so the students can
clearly see what word is the noun.
2. She then will explain to them that proper
nouns are specific people, places, or things. For
example, the names of people, restaurants or

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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To arouse
Reading 10 Min T -S As a class they will change the sentences that
were on the board with regular nouns to
sentences with proper nouns.

Ex: With just a noun: “The teacher told the class

they were doing a great job listening.” With a
proper noun: “Miss LaRue told the class they
were doing a great job listening”

The teacher will explain to the students the rules

of the game. She will designate each corner of
Listening To Combine the 05 Min T- S the room as either “person” “place” “thing” or
learning “none.” Then, she will say a word, such as
“apple,” and the students will walk to the corner
that describes what an apple is. So, hopefully
they walk to the “thing” corner. If the word said
is not a noun, for example “run”, then the
will walk to the “none” corner. After the students

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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have all gone to a corner, she will ask a student
from each of the occupied corners because they
chose to stand there. Then, explain which corner
is correct. Play this for about 5-7 minutes.

A noun is a word that represents a person, thing,

Language: Students will grasp 10 Min T-S concept, or place. Most sentences contain at least
` the knowledge on one noun or pronoun. For example, the sentences
Grammar nouns below contain anywhere from one to three nouns.

& Examples: Nouns in a sentence

The dog ran very fast.
Vocabulary June is my favorite month.

Teachers emphasize the importance of grammar.

Common vs. proper nouns

An important distinction is made between two
types of nouns, common nouns and proper

Common nouns are more general. A common

noun refers to a class of person, place, thing, or

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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concept, but not to someone or something
Proper nouns are the names of specific people,
places, things, or concepts. They are always
capitalized to distinguish them from common
Examples: Common and proper nouns
Anya is traveling to France by train.
Of the three children, Lola has the strongest
grasp of geometry.

Content Class sharing 05 Min S-S Teacher asks Students to guess the meanings of
the adverbs of frequency based on the videos
they have watched. Teacher explains the adverbs
of frequency with the PPT.

Writing Grammar 05 Min S-S Teacher asks Students to demonstrate their

preparation. understanding of Nouns by completing the

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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Feedback To check Students’ 05 Min T-S The teacher writes the adverbs of the frequency
development in the

Blanks and check the answers with the students.


 Caulfield, J. (2022). What Is a Proper Noun? | Definition & Examples. [online] Scribbr. Available at:

 ‌ (2017). Educational Publications Department. [online] Available at:

 Lai, P. (n.d.). Academic Guides: Grammar: Transitive and Intransitive Verbs. [online] Available

 Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite) | Grammarly. (2016). Simple Present. [online] Available at:

Module 03: Classroom Organization & Lesson Planning Assignment 02

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 (n.d.). Verb Tenses: Past, Present, Future | Lesson Plan | | Lesson plan |
[online] Available at:

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