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Owner of all things white, protector of albinos, it is said that they are his legitimate
He is the creator of human heads (intelligence).
Tremble-Earth brought fertility to the earth by dividing it into two halves: male and
female, thus introducing sexual relations into the world.
Most orishas were born from this primal couple.
Attributes of Tremble-Earth
White color
Fruits: mango, melon
Herb: Jasmine
Drinks: water, milk
Minerals: Platinum, white marble
Animals: White doves, white goats
Seasonings: Cocoa butter
Palo: Ceiba
Numbers: 8, 24


He is arguably the most popular of the deities in all of El Palo. Some say that this
deity was actually a real king in South Africa, called Cetewayo, who lived at the
end of the nineteenth century and who was considered an incarnation of the god of
Siete Rayos does not like the dead, since due to his vibrant personality he loves
everything sensual: playing the drum, dancing, fighting and copulating. It lives high
in the crown of the tallest royal palm trees.

Seven Ray Attributes

Colors: Red and white
Fruits: Red bananas, red apples
Grass: Palm leaves
Drinks: Brandy, rum, red wine
Minerals: Stone arrowheads, rubies
Animals: Roosters, goats, quails
Seasonings: Palm oil
Stick: Palm
Numbers: 4, 6
Men should not mistreat the daughters of Seven Rays, as the god fiercely protects
his female devotees. The following mambo is sung to Siete Rayos:

Abukenke played with lo'Sambi

I don't go home to the 'holy'
Zarabanda are my shoe
Lucero are my shirt
and I obey him immediately
Seven Rays are blessed.

All Paleros praise Siete Rayos, even those who dedicate themselves to evil. He is
considered the first Palero, the greatest of magicians, the king of our religion.
Another mambo to Siete Rays says like this:
Matari Nsasi, matari mukiana
Matari monovelo is the wrapper
The stone on which Nkita Nsasi falls from the sky
Nsasi mura nsulu
Fula inoka muinda
Muna nsulu sucrila
Nsasi kimfula inumantato
Nsasi'ta in heaven
Star, fall to the ground, and go down.
This mambo explains how Seven Rays governs the heavens, sending lightning to
its enemies, lording it over all the celestial bodies.
Seven Rays is the most attractive of the male Nkisis.


Firstborn of Tremble Earth, wife of Brazo Fuerte, Mother of Humanity, Mother of

Water governs the oceans from which all life emerged.
He is said to possess wisdom as vast as the ocean, and can offer his devotees
unimaginable riches.
Water Mother Attributes
Colors: Blue and white (her necklace consists of blue and transparent beads)
Fruit: Watermelon
Grass: algae
Drinks: Brandy, molasses
Animals: Ducks, roosters, sheep
Seasonings: molasses
Stick: Bamboo
Numbers: 7, 12
Orisha of beauty, very vibrant, known for her expansive laughter.
She is the goddess of love, but she is also a fierce warrior.
Mama Chola rules all the rivers.
He loves his devotees, but can be brutal with them if they fail to meet his
Once Mama Chola turns against a devotee she may never forgive him.
Mama Chola demands that the promises made to her be fulfilled.
Priests who work with Mama Chola must be paid in full for their services in

Attributes of Mama Chola

Colors: Yellow and amber
Fruits: Oranges and yellow melons
Herb: Chamomile
Drink: Beer
Minerals: Gold, copper, amber (not really a mineral but works like one)
Animals: castrated goats, yellow chickens
Seasoning: Honey
Palo: Cinnamon
Number 5

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