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Q21: Sum the total cost of orders from "Supplier X" that are "Pending".

Q22: Count the number of orders for "Home Goods" products from "Supplier Z" that
have been delivered.

Q23: Find the average quantity of "Gadget" products (assume "Gadget" is a keyword) in
the "West" region.

Q24: Sum the total quantity of products in the "North" region that have a unit price
greater than 40.

Q25: Calculate the average total cost of orders for each unique supplier.

Q26: Count the number of orders where the delivery date is before 2024-01-15.

Q27: Sum the total cost of orders for "Electronics" products in the "East" region.

Q28: Count the number of orders for "Widget A" or "Widget B" that are delivered.

Q29: Sum the total quantity of orders from "Supplier Y" that are in the "Pending" status
and have a total cost less than 500.

Q30: Find the average unit price of products that are in the "Delivered" status.

Q31: Sum the total cost of orders in the "South" region with quantities greater than 15.

Q32: Count the number of orders where the total cost is exactly 500.

Q33: Sum the total cost of "Widget C" orders regardless of the supplier.

Q34: Find the average total cost of orders from "Supplier Z" in the "East" region.

Q35: Count the number of orders from "Supplier X" that have a quantity between 10 and
20 inclusive.

Q36: Sum the total cost of "Home Goods" products ordered in January 2024.

Q37: Find the average delivery time (in days) for orders in the "Delivered" status.

Q38: Count the number of orders in the "West" region for "Electronics" products with a
unit price above 50.

Q39: Sum the total cost of all orders for "Gadget D".

Q40: Find the average quantity of products ordered from "Supplier Y" in the "North"

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