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When Patricia was in her fourth year of high school, an event deeply moved her entire school. Two fifth
grade girls became pregnant. One was called María Claudia and the other Jessica. María Claudia was the
most active and restless in her class, and she always boasted that she could go out “with the most
handsome guys” and that “she knew everything about sex.” Suddenly in June the news spread: she had
become pregnant. Many girls commented that at the pace María Claudia was going, it was easy to expect
something like this to happen to her.
What did draw attention was what happened to Jessica. She was “quiet”, somewhat quiet, introverted and
hardly went to parties. Her closest friends knew that there was a boy in her neighborhood that she liked,
but she didn't give it any importance and that confused him a lot, because apparently, Jessica was very
romantic. This fact was discussed for a long time at school, because both María Claudia and Jessica were
advancing stages of their lives.

Pregnancy changed María Claudia a lot. Overnight, the happy and rowdy girl became a sad and dull girl. I
had a lot of doubts. In those days, worry about her condition confused her a lot. One Saturday, when she
was going to look for her friend, while crossing the track, because she was so distracted, she was hit by a
car that was driving at full speed. She was immediately taken to a post office, where the doctor told her
that she had lost her friend. your baby. The depression that María Claudia experienced after this episode
made her make some hasty decisions. He had left school and although he did not feel in a position to
return to it, only later was he able to complete his studies at another educational center.
This event profoundly marked María Claudia's life, since she did not realize the importance of establishing
a stable emotional relationship, and that having sexual relations implies responsibility.

Jessica's luck was no better. Her pregnancy became complicated. And since her body was not prepared
for motherhood, it was necessary to have a cesarean section. Her parents withdrew her from school and
forced her to marry Willy to cleanse her honor,” believing that in this way they would solve the problem.
Shortly after they separated and now Jessica lives with her baby in her parents' house. She was never
able to breastfeed her little son, because they were little and did not yet understand the importance of
breastfeeding. Fortunately, Jessica's parents were able to change their attitude and decided to support
their daughter to finish her studies, thus giving them the opportunity to build a better future.

Given the situation described, we ask ourselves:

Do you believe that a 15 or 17 year old girl is prepared and mature enough to run a home, raise a child,
study and work?
What does a teenage pregnancy entail? Do you think that the lack of communication in the family, as well
as the lack of adequate information, are generally the common denominator in almost all cases of teenage

LEARNING PURPOSE: R eflect on the implications of teenage pregnancy, as well as prevention to

improve a full and satisfying life with future projects.

PRODUCT : They write and record an advertising spot related to teenage pregnancy and its
repercussions on physical and mental health, family and EI

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