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Criminology is the empirical and interdisciplinary science that deals with crime,
the offender, the victim and the social control of deviant behavior.

ETYMOLOGY. The word Criminology derives from the Latin language

“criminis”, which means crime , crime .

Criminology has currently been established as a branch of criminal law that

aims to analyze the criminal to establish prevention and action mechanisms
against crime.


Penitentiary Law can be defined as the set of rules regulating penitentiary

activity aimed at the execution of sentences and custodial measures with the
aim of achieving the reeducation and social reintegration of those sentenced, as
well as the legal relationship that arises as consequence of the internment of
detainees and prisoners.

There are different positions in the doctrine about the nature of Penitentiary
Law, ranging from those who defend its autonomy within the legal system, to
those who consider that it is part of Criminal Law, Procedural Law or even
Administrative Law. So:

a) For criminalists, it is a part of Criminal Law that deals with the execution
of custodial sentences. It would complete the table of regulatory norms of
punitive law: crimes, penalties and custodial measures and their
execution would complete the content of Criminal Law.
b) For some writers on Administrative Law, the activity of the Penitentiary
Administration is part of the activity of the Public Administration and,
therefore, the rules that regulate this activity must be considered as
belonging to Administrative Law.


For its clear explanation, Criminology uses other sciences such as biology,
psychology, sociology, criminal law, criminal procedural law, anthropology,
ecology, demography, history, ethnography, economic sciences. , geography,
statistics, zoology, endocrinology, etc.

Criminal Law and Criminology . Criminal Law is the origin of many sciences
and understands that Criminology studies crime as part of the internal problems
of society and does not tend to be normative.

Criminology is an empirical, interdisciplinary science that studies crime not from

the norm, but as a collective phenomenon, also taking into account the
personality of the offender. In addition, it studies the practical and effective
application of punishment.

Crime is the central object of both, but they study it from different prisms.
Criminology does so from the point of view of the criminal, and Criminal Law
does so from the point of view of the offender. Both sciences are
complementary. Both are based on the fact that crime or deviant behavior exists
in society.

Criminal Law was created to protect society with imperative norms to which it
adds a legal consequence (punishment) with expectations of general and
special prevention.

Criminal Procedure Law and Criminology . Criminal Procedural Law is also a

way to fight against crime, and the best way to do so is to avoid excessive
jurisdiction, focusing instead on the preventive nature. Criminology is interested
in the fundamental elements of Criminal Procedure Law. This analyzes the
crime, that is, the criminal act, but then determines criminal responsibility and
finally imposes a sanction.

Penitentiary Law and Criminology . Penitentiary Law is the set of legal rules
that regulate the execution of sentences and security measures. That is, it acts
after the crime and its punishment.

Criminalistics and Criminology. Criminalistics is made up of a series of

knowledge aimed at the technical investigation of the crime and the
identification of the criminal.
Criminal Biology and Criminology . It focuses on the hereditary aspect of
crime since genetic factors push the criminal to commit antisocial acts. In
addition, there are biological peculiarities (anatomical, biochemical) in the
person of the offender. Criminology, as a multidisciplinary science, incorporates
Criminal Biology, which indicates the influence of heredity on deviant behavior.

Criminal Psychology and Criminology . Criminal Psychology studies the

intelligence, character and social and moral aptitudes of the criminal, all from
the objective point of view of Experimental Psychology (TESTS).

With Psychoanalysis the deep life of the criminal is studied: relationship

between Unconscious and immediate Motives. Currently, Criminal Psychology
has been extended to mass crime.

Criminal Sociology and Criminology . Ferri, at the beginning of Criminology,

made his sociological point of view prevail, in which he pointed out the large
number of factors exogenous to the offender that generate antisocial behavior
and that are sometimes prevalent to the offender's own psychology. Criminal
Sociology is the only science that Criminology cannot do without.

Demography and Ethnography , These two sciences allow us to know the

means that serve to study people and also races in their criminal behavior.

The Statistics . This science allows us to know, through special tables and
charts, the numerical figures on the quality and quantity of infractions, such as
crimes, crimes and contraventions that take place in each town or community,
on different dates, according to their sex, age, race, social class, profession,
etc., of the individual.

a) Dominican Republic, Criminal Procedure Code and Complementary
Standards, Edition prepared by Guillermo Moreno Santo Domingo,
November 2004.
b) Herasme Medina, A, Manual of General Criminology, Volume I, Second
edition, Librería y Editora Tavárez, Santo Domingo, 2004.
c) Mateo Calderón, FR, The New Criminal Process, Guide for correct
application, Trajano Potentini Legal Editions, Santo Domingo, 2004.
d) Hernández, PP, Fundamentals of Penology and Penitentiary Law,
Ediciones Jurídicas Trajano Potentini, Santo Domingo, Rep. Dominican,
e) Camacho Hidalgo, IP, Introduction to Penitentiary Law, Editora Manatí,
Santo Domingo, Rep. Dominican, 2004.
f) Tatis Ramos, D, Fundamental Rights of Those Sentenced to Custodial
Sentences, Editora Nani, Santiago, Rep. Dominican, 2009.
g) Cabral O, HA, Penitentiary Reflections
h) SANTOS, P, La Cárcel in the Dominican Republic, Printer Editora
Teófilo, Santiago, Rep. Dominican, 2006.
i) Moreno, G, The Dominican Prison Crisis, Ediciones Gaceta Judicial,
j) Captain Legal Vocabulary Dictionary.
k) Public Ministry, Instructional Magazine, Year 2- No. 6,
l) Public Ministry, Instructional Magazine, Year 2- No. 14


Criminology is the branch of Law that deals with studying

the social, legal and police aspects of any criminal act.

This is why it is considered a multidisciplinary science

because it basically proposes its foundations in knowledge
of Psychology, Sociology and Psychopathology and takes
criminal law as its conceptual framework.

ETYMOLOGY. The word Criminology derives from the Latin

language “criminis”, which means crime , crime .

Criminology has currently been established as a branch of

criminal law that aims to analyze the criminal to establish
prevention and action mechanisms against crime.


It can be defined as the set of legal norms that regulate

the execution of sentences and custodial measures. The
study of this exclusive object will corroborate, with the
manifestation of its own problems and guiding principles,
that scientific autonomy.


For its clear explanation, Criminology uses other sciences

such as biology, psychology, sociology, criminal law,
criminal procedural law, anthropology, ecology, demography,
history, ethnography, economic sciences. , geography,
statistics, zoology, endocrinology, etc.

Criminal Law and Criminology . Criminal Law is the origin

of many sciences and understands that Criminology studies
crime as part of the internal problems of society and does
not tend to be normative.

Criminology is an empirical, interdisciplinary science that

studies crime not from the norm, but as a collective
phenomenon, also taking into account the personality of the
offender. In addition, it studies the practical and
effective application of punishment.

Crime is the central object of both, but they study it from

different prisms. Criminology does so from the point of
view of the criminal, and Criminal Law does so from the
point of view of the offender. Both sciences are
complementary. Both are based on the fact that crime or
deviant behavior exists in society.

Criminal Procedure Law and Criminology . Criminal

Procedural Law is also a way to fight against crime, and
the best way to do so is to avoid excessive jurisdiction,
focusing instead on the preventive nature. Criminology is
interested in the fundamental elements of Criminal
Procedure Law. This analyzes the crime, that is, the
criminal act, but then determines criminal responsibility
and finally imposes a sanction.

Penitentiary Law and Criminology . Penitentiary Law is the

set of legal rules that regulate the execution of sentences
and security measures. That is, it acts after the crime and
its punishment.

Criminalistics and Criminology. Criminalistics is made up

of a series of knowledge aimed at the technical
investigation of the crime and the identification of the

Criminal Biology and Criminology . It focuses on the

hereditary aspect of crime since genetic factors push the
criminal to commit antisocial acts. In addition, there are
biological peculiarities (anatomical, biochemical) in the
person of the offender. Criminology, as a multidisciplinary
science, incorporates Criminal Biology, which indicates the
influence of heredity on deviant behavior.

Criminal Psychology and Criminology . Criminal Psychology

studies the intelligence, character and social and moral
aptitudes of the criminal, all from the objective point of
view of Experimental Psychology (TESTS).
With Psychoanalysis the deep life of the criminal is
studied: relationship between Unconscious and immediate

Criminal Sociology and Criminology . Ferri, at the

beginning of Criminology, made his sociological point of
view prevail, in which he pointed out the large number of
factors exogenous to the offender that generate antisocial
behavior and that are sometimes prevalent to the offender's
own psychology. Criminal Sociology is the only science that
Criminology cannot do without.

Demography and Ethnography , These two sciences allow us to

know the means that serve to study people and also races in
their criminal behavior.

The Statistics . This science allows us to know, through

special tables and charts, the numerical figures on the
quality and quantity of infractions, such as crimes, crimes
and contraventions that take place in each town or
community, on different dates, according to their sex, age,
race, social class, profession, etc., of the individual.

m) Dominican Republic, Criminal Procedure Code and
Complementary Standards, Edition prepared by Guillermo
Moreno Santo Domingo, November 2004.
n) Mateo Calderón, FR, The New Criminal Process, Guide
for correct application, Trajano Potentini Legal
Editions, Santo Domingo, 2004.
o) Hernández, PP, Fundamentals of Penology and
Penitentiary Law, Ediciones Jurídicas Trajano
Potentini, Santo Domingo, Rep. Dominican, 2007.
p) Tatis Ramos, D, Fundamental Rights of Those Sentenced
to Custodial Sentences, Editora Nani, Santiago, Rep.
Dominican, 2009.
q) Cabral O, HA, Penitentiary Reflections
r) SANTOS, P, La Cárcel in the Dominican Republic,
Printer Editora Teófilo, Santiago, Rep. Dominican,
s) Moreno, G, The Dominican Prison Crisis, Ediciones
Gaceta Judicial, 1997.

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