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Education in Mexico Today

Important dates

1900 45 normal schools were operating

1901 Porfirio Díaz appointed Rébsamen General Director of Normal Education.
1910 UNAM
1917 Constitution
Art 3º Teaching is free; but the education given in official educational
establishments will be secular, as will the primary, elementary and higher
education taught in private establishments. No religious corporation, nor minister of
any religion, may establish or direct primary schools. Private primary schools may
only be established subject to official supervision.
Primary education will be provided free of charge in official establishments."
1921 SEP Secretary José Vasconcelos
1926 Formal Study Plan for Normals
1928 Rural Normals
1932 Regional Peasant Schools
1934 Art 3 Education will be socialist And in addition to excluding all religious doctrine, it
will combat fanaticism and prejudice, for which the school will organize its
teachings and activities in a way that allows youth to create a rational and exact
concept of the universe and social life. .
Compulsory primary school and the State will teach it free of charge
Only the State – Federation, States, Municipalities – will provide primary,
secondary and normal education. Authorizations may be granted to individuals
who wish to provide education in any of the three previous grades, in accordance
in all cases with the following standards:
1934-40 Socialism in Mexico, Lázaro Cárdenas
1935 National United Front of Teaching Workers
National Confederation of Teaching Workers
1936 IPN
1939 INAH
1943 SNTE
1944 National Program against Illiteracy
1945 National Teacher Training Institute
1946 To Art 3º The education provided by the State -Federation, States, Municipalities-
will tend to harmoniously develop all the faculties of the human being and will
foster in him, at the same time, the love of the country and the awareness of
international solidarity in independence. and in justice; Compulsory education will
be primary. All education provided by the state will be free
Guaranteed by article 24, freedom of belief, the criterion that will guide said
education will remain completely alien to any religious doctrine and, based on the
results of scientific progress, will fight against ignorance and its effects, servitude,
fanaticism and the prejudices.
1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
1959 National Commission for Free Textbooks
1960-70 The 11 year plan
1962 Teachers' Strike
1968-70 Student movement
1972-78 Echeverría Educational Reform
National Adult Education Plan
1973 UAA
1974-89 Jongitud Barrios leader of the SNTE
1974 UAM
1978 UPN
1979 CNT
1980 Art 3º VIII.- Universities and other higher education institutions to which the Law
grants autonomy will have the power and responsibility to govern themselves;
They will carry out their purposes of educating, researching and disseminating
culture in accordance with the principles of this article, respecting the freedom of
teaching and research and free examination and discussion of ideas; They will
determine their plans and programs; They will set the terms of entry, promotion
and permanence of their academic staff; and they will manage your assets. Labor
relations, both of academic and administrative staff, will be governed by Section A
of Article 123 of this Constitution, in the terms and with the modalities established
by the Federal Labor Law in accordance with the characteristics of a special job, in
a manner that is consistent with the autonomy, academic and research freedom,
and the purposes of the institutions to which this section refers.
1983 De la Madrid accepts the economic policy recommended by the IMF
1983 Strike by 20 university unions of teachers and administrators and the CNTE
(demanding improvements in working and salary conditions)
1986-87 Student strike at UNAM
1989-2013 Elba Esther Gordillo leader of the SNTE
1990 Opening of Technological Universities
1992 National Agreement for Educational Modernization
Decentralization of Education
Art 3. Freedom of belief guaranteed by Article 24, said education will be secular
and, therefore, will remain completely alien to any religious doctrine.
The criterion that will guide this education will be based on the results of scientific
progress, it will fight against ignorance and its effects, servitude, fanaticism and
prejudice .
1992 NAFTA establishes and favorably regulates the participation of investors
and companies in education, the responsibility of the State is limited
because although they indicate that it may invest in public education, they
must do so under the condition of not inhibiting free trade in private
1993 Art 3 Every individual has the right to receive education. The State -Federation,
States and Municipalities will provide preschool, primary and secondary education.
Primary and secondary education are compulsory.
The education provided by the State will tend to harmoniously develop all the
faculties of the human being and will foster in him, at the same time, love for the
Homeland and awareness of international solidarity, independence and justice.
General Education Law
Teaching Career
Study plans
The only legal representative of the teacher is the SNTE
1994 Mexico's entry into the OECD (it was forced to carry out the
recommendations issued by that organization in the field of education
(such as the changes that must be made in basic level schools, incentives
and universal evaluation for teachers) and collaborate with PISA
1994-95 Zapatistas (focus more directly on the issue of the right to study because
more and more young people were rejected from public institutions)
Rejected Movement
1996 Student movements (proposing that being assigned to a technical school
for terminal studies was not the same as being assigned to a high school at
the UNAM or the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and, also, that it was
much better to enter this institution to study a profession that be in a
technological or state university.)
2000 Application of PISA 2003 – 2006 – 2009 – 2012 – 2015
2002 Art 3 Every individual has the right to receive education. The State -Federation,
States, Federal District and Municipalities will provide preschool, primary and
secondary education that make up compulsory basic education.
Mandatory preschool
Secondary Education Reform
2005 New Alliance Party
2008 Comprehensive Reform of Higher Secondary Education
2011 Art 3 The education provided by the State will tend to harmoniously develop all the
faculties of the human being and will foster in him, at the same time, love for the
Homeland, respect for human rights and awareness of international solidarity, in
the independence and justice .
Articulation of Basic Education
2012 Art 3 Every individual has the right to receive education. The State –Federation,
States, Federal District and Municipalities– will provide preschool, primary,
secondary and upper secondary education. Preschool, primary and secondary
education make up basic education; This and the upper average will be
Furthermore, it will contribute to better human coexistence, in order to strengthen
appreciation and respect for cultural diversity, the dignity of the person, the
integrity of the family, the conviction of the general interest of society, the ideals of
fraternity and equality of rights of all, avoiding the privileges of races, religion,
groups, sexes or individuals;
2013 Art 3 The State will guarantee quality in compulsory education so that educational
materials and methods, school organization, educational infrastructure and the
suitability of teachers and directors guarantee maximum learning achievement
for students.
b) It will be national, in that – without hostilities or exclusivity – it will address the
understanding of our problems, the use of our resources, the defense of our
political independence, the assurance of our economic independence and the
continuity and growth of our culture;
c) It will contribute to better human coexistence, in order to strengthen appreciation
and respect for cultural diversity, the dignity of the person, the integrity of the
family, the conviction of the general interest of society, the ideals of fraternity and
equality of rights of all, avoiding the privileges of races, religion, groups, sexes or
individuals, and
d) It will be of quality , based on constant improvement and the maximum
academic achievement of the students;
The Federal Executive will determine entry into the teaching service and promotion
to positions with management or supervisory functions in basic and upper
secondary education provided by the State, which will be carried out through
competitive examinations that guarantee the suitability of knowledge and abilities.
that correspond. The regulatory law will establish the criteria, terms and conditions
of the mandatory evaluation for entry, promotion, recognition and permanence in
the professional service with full respect for the constitutional rights of education
workers. All income and promotions that are not granted in accordance with the
law will be void.
Education reform
Law of Professional Teaching Service
To guarantee the provision of quality educational services, the National
Educational Evaluation System is created. The coordination of said system will
be the responsibility of the National Institute for Educational Evaluation. The
National Institute for the Evaluation of Education will be an autonomous public
body, with legal personality and its own assets. It will be up to the Institute to
evaluate the quality, performance and results of the national educational system in
preschool, primary, secondary and upper secondary education.
2016 Art 3 Everyone has the right to receive education. The State -Federation, States,
Mexico City and Municipalities- will provide preschool, primary, secondary and
upper secondary education. Preschool, primary and secondary education make up
basic education; This and the upper average will be mandatory.
New Educational Model
2017 Educational Model for Compulsory Education

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