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School Year
2023 - 2024
VI Mathematics Challenge 47




“ The charms of this sublime science,

mathematics, are only revealed to those who
have the courage to delve into it”
Carl Friedrich Gauss

In the 20th and 21st centuries, there has been a historical-social development, understanding why
teaching mathematics under a focus allows learning to be promoted from reality, from the social context
of children and adolescents, accessing the mathematical relationship. , education and society. In
curricular transformation, mathematics didactics adapts and develops study and research methods to
find its own way of contrasting theoretical results with the reality that they aim to change; The aim is to
systematize learning in the construction of innovative models and schemes; given that for the highest
levels of critical and liberating participation, social, political, economic, technical and scientific training is
required in the women and men who make up each town and nation.
That is why today more than ever, it is necessary to strengthen the linguistic, scientific, technological and
mathematical processes, a challenge for the integration and training of our students who are aware that
the country needs the sciences, especially mathematics. , provide answers to the productive engines and
sustainable development of the nation at all levels and modalities of the Basic Education Subsystem, we
undertake to create and build strategies that invite students to new forms of teaching and learning,
promoting communication, debate, collaborative work and even increasing their participation, always
linked to the social and territorial realities, based on their experience and experience, and generating
interest in the study of this science for the generation of Venezuelan mathematicians that our country
needs so much.

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The Pedagogical Transformation Process, flexible and contextualized, motivates everyone in the
Education of the Future, generating in our experiences, experiences and desires so that they reflect on
the educational values that permeate mathematical knowledge, in the historical, social and culture in
which they develop and thus, achieve a better understanding of the nature of mathematics and its
connection with life and everyday life, promoting the consolidation of Educational Quality in Venezuela.

In this way, pedagogy is based on the experiences of the natural and social environment of the learners,
so that the contextualization of learning occurs, which will provide social, cultural, ancestral, productive
and technological relevance. The teaching of mathematics is proposed to be related to the most
immediate and relevant contexts to reality, providing multiple examples in which they can recognize its
application, usefulness in everyday life, and at the same time understand how this area can be a
powerful tool for intervene and change the reality that adversely affects them; From this approach, it must
be based on realistic mathematics, subsumed in the culture itself, critical and emancipatory, applied to
life, where the students of the Basic Education subsystem are the protagonists of the construction of their
own learning, under the premises of “School, pillar for national development” highlighted by vertex No. 4
Patria Potencia and “Schools for technological sovereignty” highlighted by vertex No. 6 Educational

Through the application of this VI Mathematics Student Challenge, it is intended that students enhance
mathematical thinking and put it into practice through the productive engines of the nation, developing
skills, contributions to their knowledge and discovering through practice in the social and territorial
environment, training young people for life.

In this way, the Ministry of Popular Power for Education guides the VI Mathematics Student Challenge,
which will have an exchange of sharing of knowledge and

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skills, through presence, supported and oriented to provide pedagogical support and
building knowledge from curiosity and vision of their environment.

Promote a pedagogical and interdisciplinary meeting through the VI Mathematics Student
Challenge, which allows each subject and each learning community to form a highly powerful
repertoire of mathematical knowledge and knowledge as part of the cultivation of cultural and
individual experience that contributes to understanding. and investigation of the concrete
situations of the other fields of knowledge and human knowledge. Develop the resolution of problems or
applications in everyday situations in the territory with a vision of the productive engines and with the
participation of all institutions of Initial, Primary, Special, Secondary Education and the Youth, Adult and
Adult Education Modality.

The “VI MATHEMATICS STUDENT CHALLENGE” will be developed during the second pedagogical
period of the 2023-2024 school year with the participation of students from the institutions of Initial,
Primary, Special, Secondary and Youth, Adult and Adult Education, in a manner individual or collective,
considering the different lines of research.

The invitation will be extended to student movements, such as the Bolivarian Student Organization
(OBE) and the Venezuelan Federation of Secondary Education Students (FEVEEM), Semillero
Científico, Bolivarian Family Movement (MBF), the Aristóbulo territorial educational production unit Isturiz
(UPETAI), institutional collective, social organizations that make life in the institution: teaching staff,
administrative staff, workers, cooks of the country, mothers, fathers, representatives and managers, local
and regional personalities, chroniclers of the city, cultists , ministerial and government institutions close to
the community where the activities are carried out in the different instances.

It is important that at each stage of the mathematics challenge there is the presence of a director as well
as an advisory teacher. Participating students must have a teacher advisor who will serve as a tutor and

accompany the participating student or team in their 27FD) 2023 - 2024 Page 3
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performance throughout the process. The Recreation, Creation and Production Groups linked to
mathematics, together with their teacher or advisory teacher, the trainers of the area will be able to
present their work in the Challenge.

The research, experiences and projects to be presented must be associated with the lines of research
and supported by the books of the Bicentenario Collection. The student challenge has a participatory,
inclusive and integrative nature, for this reason friendly participation must be encouraged, without any
type of competitive spirit, hence the role of the promoting team and the guiding teachers, as well as the
trainers and trainers is essential to promote a climate of peace and cooperation among students.


Each institution of Initial, Primary, Special, Secondary Education and the Youth, Adult and Adult
Education Modality will appoint an organizing committee, made up of the director, Pedagogical deputy
director and teachers of the training areas: Mathematics, as well as like any other teacher who has
experience in the activity that will be developed. The Committee must actively involve all members of the
institutional group and articulate with all organizational bodies (OBE, FEVEEM, Scientific Seedbed, MBF)
making use of all virtual platforms or any other strategy that according to reality. of the territory allows the
development of the activity.

Institutional alliances will be made with CENAMEC, FUNDABIT, with the Ministry of Popular Power for
Science and Technology (Vice Ministry of Communalization of Science), FUNDACITE, INFOCENTRO,
Mayor's Offices, Governments, Embassies, Chancelleries, Scientific-Technological Cabinets,
Universities, among others in order to guarantee the development of the meeting. This committee must
plan the activities, anticipating the dates, meeting spaces, participants, logistical aspects of the activity
and take care of the details of the event (Activities, people responsible, resources).

All institutions of Initial, Primary, Secondary and Youth, Adult and Adult Education in the country will

participate and will be carried out in the following phases: A07FD) 2023 - 2024
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institutional, parish and state, under the modality of face-to-face education, assessing the

reality and conditions of each of the territories.

The Mathematics Student Challenge in its different phases will be developed in person in
the territories, it may be carried out in educational institutions or other environments that have
large spaces that guarantee the optimal development of the projects to be presented.

It will accommodate the participation of all students by year and section. The call and all organizational
aspects are the responsibility of the mathematics area teachers, together with the institution's
management team, the area's trainers; who will form an organizing committee in charge of the logistical,
technical and pedagogical aspects for carrying out the Challenge in each educational institution;
Administrative and labor personnel may also be part of this work team; Likewise, provide any significant
experience regarding the area. This phase will run from January 29 to February 9, 2024.

During these days each educational institution, through the organizing committee of the meeting, will
promote various activities linked to the strengthening and development in the area of mathematical
training, which encourage and prioritize the participation of students, systematize experiences, and
generate reflections. between teachers and students around the teaching and learning methods of

Likewise, the teachers will hold a pedagogical meeting at the institution to debate their pedagogical
practice, evaluate critical issues, propose solutions and set benchmarks of institutional quality for the
area. This meeting should serve to leave an organizational balance for the institution, while allowing
experiences to be systematized and evaluation of the teaching methods, of the entire process, in order to
be socialized and disseminated throughout the school community.

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Students or teams selected by the committees of each institution will participate in this phase. The
teachers responsible for the parish institutions or educational development centers will form a work table
for the planning and organization of the activities to be carried out at the parish meeting. This phase will
run from February 14 to February 23, 2024 .

The Parish Educational Quality Development Centers will promote various activities linked to
strengthening and development in the area of mathematical training, through an organizing committee of
the Challenge. A day will be organized to present the different works, where the participation of teams
and students is encouraged and prioritized; They generate spaces for experiences to be systematized,
and reflection with everyone involved regarding the learning and teaching methods of mathematics.

The students or teams selected from the parish meeting will participate in this phase; and just as in the
previous instance, activities linked to the strengthening and development of the pedagogical processes of
teaching and learning mathematics will also be organized. This phase will run from February 26 to
March 1, 2024 .

Likewise, in this phase the presentation days of the different works will be planned, and other innovative
experiences that contribute to the development of the potential of the students in the area, the organizing
committee will systematize the experiences and reflections of students and teachers.

Starting from the historical moment that humanity is experiencing, the Strategic Lines of the Ministry of
Popular Power for Education, the Process of Pedagogical Transformation in Secondary Education with
its educational purposes, ethical references and essential processes, essential topics, focus of the area,
the following topics, however, the development of another that the student and teacher consider of
interest will be valid:

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1. Playing with mathematics : play plays a fundamental role in the teaching and learning process of
mathematics for the development of attention and observation; Without a doubt, learning and teaching
while having fun is the key.
2. Productive and Innovative Mathematics: the linking of mathematics with the processes of the
productive engines of the country's economy for their development with greater force through
entrepreneurship, control, monitoring, statistics, analysis and conceptions of tables, diagrams and
graphics, among others as part of the productive apparatus. Likewise, innovation and mathematics go
hand in hand to generate new technologies that make life easier for human beings in a productive and
sustainable way.
3. Decolonizing and sovereign mathematics: the application of many mathematical theorems and
principles to resolve daily life situations have their origin in our indigenous and Afro-descendant roots. I
invite you to enhance what is ours, what is Venezuelan, what is your own, through the contributions of
Venezuelans to mathematics in the world and promoting scientific and technological sovereignty.
4. Challenging mathematics: with the application of equations to everyday problems we can challenge
the mind in a fun way, through riddles, challenges and mental calculations, analogies, paradoxes,
among others. In the same way, the use of variables allows us to solve problematic situations in daily
5. ArteMat: mathematics has historically been a fundamental part of the arts such as painting, sculpture,
music, dance, theater, through geometry, calculus, trigonometry, construction of bodies and figures,
among others. Creating using mathematics is the challenge.
6. Techno-mathematics: mathematics drives the development of the country through new information
and communication technologies. The development of digital games, application of mathematics for
blockchains and cryptocurrencies.
7. Matebots: generate and optimize different strategies for solving problems through the application of
mathematics in programming for the development of mechatronics and robotics, challenging creativity to
resolve daily life situations.
8. Pythagoras, beyond the Theorem: the value, effort, dedication of the Mathematicians of yesterday
and today. The importance of mathematical knowledge and the philosophy of Pythagoras, exploration of
arithmetic and geometric curiosities and application in daily life.

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From these topics, others of interest and impact for the local, regional and national community
can be derived. The important thing is to bring the student closer to situations that allow them
to experience elements of mathematics that impact the lives of our people.


In each instance, an organizing committee will be established, which must guarantee the active
and leading participation of those involved, considering that the “VI Student Mathematics
Challenge” is an open and inclusive forum to develop the love for mathematics, express their
interests, needs and concerns from a critical perspective; Therefore, coexistence and sharing
must be guaranteed in each instance of the encounter, promoting a culture of peace. In this
sense, the following strategies and activities are suggested for carrying out each meeting:

The organizing committee may make institutional alliances with government entities such
as Mayors, Cultural Cabinets, FUNDACITE, INFOCENTRO, Cultural Institutes,
Governments, CENAMEC, FUNDABIT, among others in order to guarantee the
promotion, dissemination and conditions necessary for the execution of the meeting in
institutions at all levels and modalities of the entire basic education subsystem.

During the development of each of the instances, at all levels and modalities of the entire
basic education subsystem, participants will also be able to organize recreational,
pedagogical and cultural activities; as well as novel and scientific experiences for the
active participation of the entire school community, which effectively contributes to a new
conception of the study of mathematics.
The programming of each of the activities must be extensive and well organized;
Taking into account, the spaces where they will be carried out diverse activities,
are recommended: talks, forums, pedagogical expeditions, in bring guests
special ones, cultural and recreational groups, carrying out addition,
respective invitations,
certificates of participation and letters of gratitude from the collaborators of the activity.

In this sense; We suggest considering the following guidelines for participation

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• Students from Initial, Primary, Special, General Secondary, Technical Secondary
and the Youth, Adult and Adult Education Modality will participate; who are pursuing
regular studies during the 2022 – 2024 school year.
• Participation can be done individually or collectively.
• Participating students must have a teacher advisor who will serve as
tutor and will accompany the student or participating team in their performance
throughout the process.
• The Recreation, Creation and Production Groups linked to mathematics, together with
their teacher or professor advisor of the area, the institutional scientific seedbeds will be able to
present their work in the Challenge.
• The works to be presented must be associated with the lines of research expressed in this
• The student challenge has a participatory, inclusive and integrative character, for this reason
friendly participation must be encouraged, without any type of competitive spirit, hence the role of
the promoting team and the guiding teachers, as well as the scientific incubators They are
essential to promote a climate of peace and cooperation among students.
• The organizing committee can propose parameters to move from one phase to another where
creativity, relevance, management of the topic, innovation, solidarity, teamwork, among others,
are considered.

In all instances, systematization will be carried out with the purpose of recording, organizing, ordering
and reorienting the processes experienced, knowing the factors that have intervened in the development
of the experiences, investigating and reflecting on them. It is important to highlight that, in each Center
for the Development of Educational Quality, the teams of the National Center for the Improvement of
Science Teaching, Research System will in an articulated manner make a compendium with the learning
experiences, where the development is evident. and conclusions of the meeting, based on experiences,
reflections, innovations, contributions and suggestions for future meetings will be raised.

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The information regarding the progress obtained will be sent to the Directorate's email according to each
level and modality of the basic education subsystem at the end of each of the instances, on the dates
indicated above. The Coordinator of Basic Education and Educational Quality will be responsible for
guaranteeing the timely reporting of the results of the Challenge.


It is recommended to invite the Learning Resource Center and the different community radio stations,
regional television stations, to register the parish and state activities that will be carried out on the
different virtual platforms, available media: radio and television, as well as promotion to through the
different social networks the phases of the Challenge (institutional, parish and state).
Spread all activities on social networks, tagging the following accounts: @NicolasMaduro
The making of these videos must be advised by the communications team of the Center for the
Development of State Educational Quality, which can provide tools in the area of promotion and
dissemination of content.

The Mathematics Student Challenge generates projects in the different lines of research proposed in the
document, which once the different phases of the Challenge are completed, must seek mechanisms to
give greater strength to the projects, in the sense of continuing to work on them as part of the
development of research, creating Mathematics groups, promoting the incorporation of these students as
part of the institution's Scientific Seed Program, generating greater interest and curiosity in the rest of the

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VI Mathematics. / ''1 students to give continuity to the development of these and other

projects that can be generated collectively or individually.

So let's all participate in this great pedagogical festival of knowledge, where we will socialize experiences
and share new innovative strategies for learning mathematics for life which are present in everyday life
from the number of heartbeats, the likes that a photo receives, in the management of our finances and
even in aspects such as music and art. As a family, with the support of the teacher advisors, we are
going to live mathematics and make it part of our daily lives. Together and together for an emancipatory
and quality Education.


Vice Minister of Secondary Education
Resolution No. 2996 dated 07/25/2017
Published in Official Gazette No. 41,199 dated 07/25/2017

2023 - 2024 Page

Government Ministry
Bolivarian of People's Power
from Venezuela for education
Inclusion and Quality

MathSchool year
of 2023 - 2024
z wl

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