History of The Melchizedek Universe

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The History of the Universe – Chapter 1

The Eternal lived an eternity before creating the Universe. World of Light. Mount Zion.
River of life. Garden of Eden. Jerusalem, the city of peace. Lucifer, the firstborn of the
angels. Laws of divine government. Freedom to choose. Angels, ministers of the kingdom
of light. Universe. Abyss of darkness, proof of fidelity. Separation between light and

1 Before there was a star to shine, before there were angels to sing, there was already a
heaven, the home of the Eternal, the only God. Perfect in wisdom, love and glory, the
Eternal lived an eternity, before realizing His beautiful dream, in the creation of the

2 The countless beings that make up creation were all idealized with great affection. From
the tiny atom to the gigantic galaxies, everything deserved His supreme attention. A lover
of music, God idealized the Universe as a great orchestra that, under His rule, should
vibrate harmonious chords of justice and peace. For each creature He composed a love

3 The Eternal One was very happy, because His dreams were about to come true. Moving
with majesty, He began His work of creation. His hands first molded a world of light, and
above it a dazzling mountain on which the throne of the Universe would forever be

4 God called the sacred mountain: Zion. From the base of the throne, the Eternal made a
crystalline river flow, to represent the life that would flow from Him to all creatures. As a
throne room, it created a beautiful paradise that extended for hundreds of kilometers around
Mount Zion. He called paradise: Eden. To the south of paradise, on both banks of the river
of life, numerous mansions were built adorned with precious stones, which were destined
for the angels, the ministers of the kingdom of light.

5 Surrounding Eden and the angelic mansions, God built a wall of brilliant jasper, along
which great pearl portals could be seen. With joy, the Eternal contemplated the dreamed
Capital. The city in its splendor was like an adorned bride, ready to receive her husband.

6 Affectionately, the great Architect called it: Jerusalem, the City of Peace. God was about
to bring the first rational creature into existence. He would be a glorious angel, the one with
the greatest honor among all. Adorned by the brilliance of precious stones, that angel would
live on Mount Zion, as a representative of the King of kings before the Universe.

7 With much love, the Creator began to mold the firstborn of the angels. All wisdom was
applied when forming it, making it perfect. With tenderness he granted him life; The
beautiful angel, as if awakening from a deep sleep, opened his eyes and contemplated the
face of his Author. With joy, the Eternal showed him the beauties of paradise, speaking to
him about His plans, which were beginning to come true.

8 As he was led to his dwelling place next to the throne, the prince of angels was grateful
and, with a melodious voice, he sang his first song of praise. From the heights of Zion,
Jerusalem in its immensity and splendor was revealed to the eyes of the beautiful angel.
The river of life, sliding serenely through the middle of the City, resembled a long avenue,
reflecting the beauties of the garden of Eden and the angelic mansions.

9 Wrapping the firstborn of the angels with His mantle of light, the Eternal began to speak
to him about the principles that would govern the universal kingdom. Physical and moral
laws should be respected to the full extent of divine government. The moral laws were
summarized in two basic principles: loving God above all things and loving one's neighbor
as oneself. Every rational creature should be a channel through which the Eternal could
pour out life and light to others. In this way, the Universe would grow in harmony,
happiness and peace.

10 In the kingdom of God, laws would not be imposed with tyranny; The subjects would be
free. Obedience should arise spontaneously, in a gesture of recognition and gratitude. In
that realm of freedom, disobedience would also be possible. The result of such behavior
would be the emptying of vital forces.

11 After revealing to the beautiful angel the laws of His government, the Eternal entrusted
him with a mission of great responsibility: he would be the protector of those laws, having
to honor them and reveal the Universe ready to be created. With his heart overflowing with
love for God and his fellow human beings, he would be a model of perfection: he would be
Lucifer, the bearer of light. The prince of angels; Grateful for everything, he prostrated
himself before the loving King, promising him eternal fidelity. The Eternal continued His
work of creation, bringing into existence countless hosts of angels, the ministers of the
kingdom of light.

12 The Holy City was populated by those radiant creatures who, happy and grateful, united
their voices in beautiful songs of praise to the Creator. God now brought into existence the
Universe that, full of life, would revolve around His throne established in Zion.
Accompanied by His ministers, He set out toward the grand achievement. After
contemplating the immense void, the Eternal raised his powerful hands, ordering the
materialization of the multiform wonders that would make up the Cosmos.
13 His order, like thunder, reverberated everywhere, causing countless galaxies to emerge,
as if by magic, full of worlds and suns—paradises of life and joy—all revolving
harmoniously around Mount Zion. Upon witnessing such a great feat of the supreme King,
the angelic hosts prostrated themselves, making a song of triumph echo through the
illuminated space, in salutation to life.

14 The entire Universe joined in that song of gratitude, in promise of eternal fidelity to the
Creator. Guided by the Eternal, the angels began to know the riches of the Universe. On
that sidereal excursion, they were amazed at the immensity of the kingdom of light.
Everywhere they found worlds inhabited by happy creatures who welcomed them with a
party. The angels greeted us with songs that spoke of the good news of that kingdom of

15 As precious as life, the freedom of choice, through which creatures could demonstrate
their love to the Creator, required a test of fidelity. With the purpose of revealing it, the
Eternal led the hosts through the illuminated space, until they approached an abyss of
darkness that contrasted with the immense brilliance of the galaxies. In the distance, that
abyss had revealed itself to be insignificant in the eyes of the angels, like a point without
light; but as it approached, it showed itself in its enormity.

16 The Creator, who at every step revealed to the angels the mysteries of His kingdom, was
there silent, as if keeping a secret for Himself. The darkness of that abyss was the test of
fidelity. Turning towards the hosts, the Eternal solemnly affirmed: —”All the treasures of
light will be open to your knowledge, except the secrets hidden by darkness. You are free to
serve me or not. By loving the light you will be linked to the Source of Life.” —

17 With these words, God separated between light and darkness, good and evil. The
Universe was free to choose its destiny.

The History of the Universe – Chapter 2

An eternity of harmony and peace. Lucifer, transmitter of the Father's revelations to his
angels. Assemblies on capital planets. Obedience to divine laws, the foundation of
progress and happiness. Lucifer is drawn to the darkness of the abyss. Lucifer, created
for the Light. Intervention of a loving Father. Lucifer's great inner struggle. The gift of
free will. Science theory of good and evil. Foundations of the kingdom of the Eternal.
Betrayal of Lucifer and a third of the hosts. The Eternal warns about the breaking of the
Source of Life. The Universe put to the test. The inconsolable cry of the Father. The
mysterious abyss, symbolic meaning of the kingdom of rebellion. Beginning of the
creation of planet Earth.
1 The long-awaited dream of the Creator was coming true. Now, as a loving Father, He led
the creatures through an eternity of harmony and peace. By virtue of compliance with
divine laws, the Universe expanded in happiness and glory. There was a strong zeal of love,
which united everyone strongly. Rational beings, endowed with the capacity for infinite
development, found indescribable pleasure in learning the inexhaustible treasures of divine
Wisdom, transmitting them to their peers. They were like channels through which The
Source of Eternal Life nourished everyone with love and light.

2 In Jerusalem, the ministers of the kingdom gathered before the sovereign King, always
ready to fulfill His purposes. It was through Lucifer that the Eternal made His designs
manifest. After receiving a new revelation, he promptly transmitted it to the angelic hosts.
These, in turn, shared it with creation. In a famous flight the angels headed towards the
capital planets, where, in large assemblies, the representatives of the other worlds met. In
many of these assemblies, Lucifer was present, filling the participants with joy and
admiration. Perfect in all virtues, he captivated them with his charm.

3 No other angel was able to reveal the mysteries of the love of the Eternal like him. The
Universe, feeding on the Source of Life, expanded in an eternity of perfect peace.
Obedience to divine laws was the foundation of all progress and happiness. Although aware
of free will, the desire to separate from the Creator had never risen to the heart of any
creature. It was like this for a long time, until such a problem burst into the life of the one
who was the most intimate of the Eternal.

4 Lucifer, who had dedicated his life to knowing the mysteries of light, gradually felt
attracted to darkness. The King of the Universe, from the eyes of whom nothing can be
hidden, sadly accompanied his steps on the downward path that leads to death. At first, a
small curiosity led Lucifer to approach that deep abyss. Contemplating it, he began to
investigate why he could not understand his enigma.

5 Returning to his place of honor, next to the throne, he prostrated himself before the divine
King, begging him: - Father, make known to me the secrets of darkness, just as you reveal
the light to me. —At the request of the beautiful angel, the Eternal, with a voice expressive
of sadness, said to him: —My son, you were created for light, which is life. — Convinced
that the Creator would not reveal to him the treasures of darkness, Lucifer decided to
understand the enigma for himself. He judged himself qualified for so much. With this sad
decision, the prince of angels allowed a stain of sin to arise in his heart that could bring a
catastrophe to the Universe.

6 Only God knew what was happening in Lucifer's heart. The angel, who had been created
to be the bearer of light, was divorcing himself in thoughts from the kind Creator who, in
an effort to prevent disaster, begged him to remain at His side. A tremendous struggle
began to rage inside him. The desire to know the meaning of darkness was immense, yet
the prayers of that loving Father, whom he did not also want to lose, tortured him. Seeing
the suffering that his attitude caused the Creator, he sometimes showed regret, but fell
7 Before creating the Universe, God had already foreseen the possibility of rebellion. The
risk of granting freedom to creatures was immense, but without this gift, life would have no
meaning. The Eternal did not want to reign over robots, programmed to do only His will.
He wanted obedience to be the fruit of recognition and love, that's why he decided to take
the big risk. Although he continued his search for the meaning of darkness, Lucifer did not
intend to abandon the light.

8 He strove to reach a combination between those parts that, in the kingdom of the Eternal,
coexisted separately. Finally, with a feeling of exaltation, he conceived a misleading theory,
which sought to present the Universe as a new system of government, superior to the
government of the Eternal. He called his theory “the science of good and evil.” Structured
in logic, the science of good and evil revealed itself to be attractive to the eyes of Lucifer,
seeming to reveal a meaning of life superior to that offered by the Creator, whose kingdom
made possible only the experimental knowledge of good.

9 In the new system, there would be balance between good and evil, between love and
selfishness, light and darkness. Throughout the time in which the science of good and evil
matured in his mind, Lucifer would know how to keep it a secret from the Universe. He
continued in his position of honor, fulfilling the function of Bearer of the Light. However,
no matter how much he tried to pretend, his face no longer revealed joy in serving the
Eternal. The divine King, who suffered in silence, sought, through His revelations of love,
to prepare rational creatures for the great trial that was approaching.

10 He knew that many would listen to temptation and turn their backs on him. The night of
trial would, however, bring out the true faithful—those who served the Creator not out of
interest, but out of love. —Seeing that the hour of the test had arrived, and that Lucifer was
ready to betray him before the Universe, the Eternal, who had never ceased to reveal the
treasures of his wisdom, became silent and contemplative.

11 Silence revived in the hearts of the hosts the memory of that first sidereal excursion,
when, after showing them the riches of the kingdom of light, God became silent before that
abyss. They remembered His words: “All the treasures of light will be open to your
knowledge, except the secrets hidden by darkness. You are free to serve me or not. By
loving the light you will be linked to the source of life.” Lucifer, who had begun to covet
the throne of God, inquired about the reason for His silence. The Creator, contemplating
him with infinite sadness, told him: “The hour of darkness has arrived. You are free to carry
out your purposes.”

12 Seeing that the opportune moment for the propagation of his theory had arrived, Lucifer
summoned the angels for a special meeting. The hosts, eager to know the meaning of the
Father's silence, took their places next to the magnificent angel, who had always revealed to
them the treasures of the kingdom of light. Lucifer began his speech exalting, as usual, the
government of the Eternal. In a broad retrospective, he reminded them of the great
revelations that had enriched them throughout that eternity.
13 He presented divine silence as the indication that the Universe had reached the fullness
of knowledge that came from light. By remaining silent, the Eternal opened the way for
them to understand mysteries not yet dreamed of, kept until then beyond the limits of His
government. Surprised, the hosts became aware of Lucifer's experience of darkness.
Eloquently, he spoke to them about the science of good and evil, indicating it as the path to
the greatest achievements.

14 The effect of his words was soon felt throughout the Universe. The question was
decisive and explosive, generating discord for the first time. Rational beings, in their test,
would have to choose to remain only with the knowledge of light, which Lucifer claimed to
have reached its limit, or venture into the knowledge of the science of good and evil. In the
beginning, the angels struggled with the question, and then the entire Universe was put to
the test. It seemed that the science of good and evil would take away most of the creatures,
however, little by little, many who at first were immersed in the theory, woke up from the
illusion of it, reaffirming their fidelity to the kingdom of the light.

15 At the end of that conflict, which dragged on for a long time, a third of the stars of
heaven were revealed to the side of Lucifer, and the remainder, although shocked by the
trial, to the side of the Eternal. The science of good and evil was proclaimed by Lucifer as a
new system of government. But how to exercise it, if the Eternal continued to reign in
Zion? They needed to find a way to get him down from there. The council, formed by the
rebel angels, began to discuss this. They finally decided to request the throne for a certain
period of time, in which they could demonstrate the excellence of the new system of
government. If it were approved by the Universe, the new system would be established
forever; Otherwise, the domain would return to the Creator.

16 It was thus that Lucifer, accompanied by his hosts, arrogantly approached that suffering
Father, making such a request. The Eternal was not ambitious, He only wanted good for His
creatures. If the science of good and evil really consisted of a greater good, He would not
oppose its implementation, ceding the throne to its defenders. But He knew that that path
would lead to unhappiness and death. Moved by His protective love, the Creator
disregarded the request of the rebellious hosts, who turned away in anger.

17 Upon being denied the throne, Lucifer and his hosts began to accuse the divine King,
proclaiming his government to be tyranny. They claimed that his permanence on the throne
was the most obvious demonstration of His arbitrariness. Hadn't he given them freedom to
choose? Why neutralize it now, preventing them from implementing a superior system of
government? The accusations of the rebel hosts reverberated throughout the Universe,
making it seem that the government of the Eternal was unjust. This brought deep anguish to
those who remained faithful to the kingdom of light.

18 Not knowing how to refute such accusations, these creatures, silenced by moral pain,
longed for the moment when new revelations from the Creator could clarify the mysteries
of that great conflict. The accusations and blasphemies of the rebellious hosts reached their
climax when the Eternal, in a surprising gesture, rose from His throne, as if ready to leave
it. The infidels, in the expectation of a conquest, became quiet, while a feeling of fear
penetrated the hearts of the subjects of the light.

19 Would He give up dominion over all creation, to free Himself from vile accusations?
According to the logic from which Lucifer based his teachings, the Creator had no other
alternative. In this tremendous expectation, the Universe accompanied God's steps. In a
gesture of humility, the Creator took off His crown and His royal robe, placing them on the
white throne. In His countenance there was no expression of resentment or anger, but of
infinite love and sadness. With solemnity, the Eternal proclaimed that the decisive moment
had arrived, when each creature should seal its decision on the side of light or darkness.

20 In a broad revelation, he warned of the consequences of a break with the Source of Life.
With a look of tenderness the Creator contemplated his children. It was a look of humility,
that full of love, pleaded for them to remain at His side. Countless creatures, moved,
returned His gaze of kindness, while a crowd remained crestfallen. Lucifer and his
followers were aware of the seriousness of that moment. It was still possible to turn back on
their plans, repentantly surrendering themselves to the divine Father who had always loved

21 While with their heads down they considered the final decision, Lucifer and his adepts
heard the song of those who, in recognition and gratitude, stood at the side of the Eternal.
The last fight was locked in the hearts of the infidels who, shaken, even thought about
retreating. Finally, the memory of the recent divine gesture, relinquishing the crown, gave
them the certainty that the government would be handed over to them. Seeing that the
Throne remained empty, Lucifer and his hosts, dominated by greed, definitively broke with
the Creator. Seeing a third of the subjects cross the divisions of eternal separation, God let
out the anguishing pain that tormented His heart for so long, Curving into inconsolable

22 Seeing His rebellious children, He raised His voice in sorrowful lamentation: “My
children, my children! I can't call them that anymore! I would like so much to have them in
my arms! I remember when I lovingly formed them! You emerged happy and perfect, in
chords of hope in eternal harmony! I lived for you, covering you with glory and power!
You were my joy! Why did their hearts change so much? Oh what more could I have done
to make them stay with me? Today my soul bleeds with pain for eternal separation!

23 How will I look towards the empty places where so many times rejoicing voices were
raised in festive hosannas, without a mixture of happiness and pain coming to mind?!
Infinite nostalgia already invades my being, and I know it will be eternal! Today my heart
broke and broke; I will carry the scars forever! After proclaiming such painful lamentation
in tears, the Eternal One addressed Lucifer, the cause of all evil, saying: “You received a
name of honor when you were created. Now you will no longer be called Lucifer, but
Satan, the enemy of the Creator and His laws.” After lamenting the perdition of the
rebellious hosts, the Eternal, in slow steps, left the Garden of Eden, place of the Universal
24 Where would His dwelling place now be? The faithful hosts reverently accompanied His
mysterious steps of abandonment, which seemed to lead to a difficult future, of suffering
and humiliation. Would the rebels occupy the divine throne, desecrating it as the domain of
sin? This inquiry tortured the hearts of the Eternal's subjects. Leaving His beloved City, the
Lord of light walked, amidst the glories of the Universe, in the direction of the immense
abyss, about which He had remained silent until then. There He stopped once again, silent,
while he seemed to read in the darkness a future of great struggles.

25 Faced with the suffering of the Eternal, expressed in the sadness of his countenance, the
faithful were finally able to understand the meaning of that mysterious abyss: it consisted of
a symbolic representation of the kingdom of rebellion. In the saddened face of God, a
brightness finally appeared that encouraged the faithful. Raising his powerful arms before
the darkness, he ordered in a loud voice: “Let there be light.” Immediately, the light of His
presence flooded the deep abyss and, triumphing over the darkness, revealed an unfinished
world, covered by crystalline waters. With that gesture, the Eternal One began a great battle
for the vindication of His government of light; battle of love against selfishness; of justice
against injustice; of humility against pride; of freedom against slavery; of life against death.

26 Battle that, without respite, would extend until, at the longed-for dawn, the divine King
could return victorious to the holy Mount Zion, where, enthroned amid the praises of the
redeemed, he would reign forever in perfect peace. The darkness, in its flight, pointed
towards the final annihilation of the rebellion. The abundant waters that covered that world,
until then hidden, symbolized the eternal life that for the faithful would be conquered by the
love that sacrifices everything. The world revealed was the earth. Visited by darkness and
light, she would be the stage of the great struggle. The faithful rejoiced at the triumph of
light on that first day, when darkness in its fury rolled over the planet, succumbing to it in
dense darkness.

27 The light, which seemed defeated, was reborn victoriously in a beautiful dawn. As the
light of a second day dawned, the Eternal commanded: “Let there be an expanse in the
midst of the waters, and let there be a separation between water and waters.” Immediately,
the heat of His light caused an immense amount of steam to rise from the waters,
enveloping the planet in a mantle of indigo transparency. Thus the atmosphere emerged,
with its perfect mixture of gases that would be essential for the life that would soon crown
the planet. The Creator, contemplating the expansion, called it “heavens.”

28 The atmosphere, which filled the earth with brilliance, became dark as the twilight of
another evening came.

The History of the Universe – Chapter 3

The works of Creation continue. Separation of the waters. Vegetation. The Garden of
Eden is transferred to the new planet. The great luminaries. Marine creatures. Volatile
creatures. Earth creatures. Creation of Adam, the first man. Adam prostrates himself in
reverent adoration. Paradise state of the earth. Adam was amazed at a creature and
called it “lamb.” The lamb, a likeness of the Eternal. The promise of a companion.
Adam's deep sleep. Eve is created for Adam. A royal mantle and a crown given to man as
honor from the Eternal. Adam and Eve show submission by placing their crown at the
feet of the Creator. Man, faithful steward, rational scepter and arbiter of creation. Adam
and Eve are made aware of Satan. The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil. Satan chooses deception as a weapon to get man to eat the forbidden fruit.

1 When darkness was defeated on the third day, the Creator continued His work, making
appear the immense continents that were still under the surface of the waters. With raised
hands he commanded: “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together in one place
and the dry portion appear.” In ready obedience, the crystalline waters gave up their
superior position to the dry portion that rose, superimposing them. In the lower regions of
the earth, the waters would continue to reflect the celestial brilliance, providing a
refreshment for thirsty creatures. In that gesture of humility, the waters prefigured the
Creator, who in the great struggle had descended into the deepest abyss to make eternal life
reborn in thirsty souls.

2 Contemplating the face of that new world, the Eternal called the dry part “earth”, and the
collection of the waters he called “seas”. With his powerful voice he continued,
commanding: “Let the earth produce green grass, grass yielding seed, a fruitful tree
yielding fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in it on the earth.” In obedience to divine
command, the solid surface of the planet was covered with all kinds of vegetation: beautiful
flowering meadows, green fields intersected by crystalline rivers, endless forests where
leafy trees let tasty fruits of countless species hang. The earth was like a fabric where the
Creator, by the power of His word, colored pictures of unparalleled beauty.

3 While the hosts contemplated the beauties of that creation with admiration, they were
surprised to recognize on the new planet the garden of Eden, place of the divine throne. The
Eternal, by the power of His word, had transferred it to the bosom of that special world,
where in justice the government of the Universe would be confirmed. On that spring day,
the breeze gently caressed the green forests and flowering meadows, flooding the
atmosphere with a soft aroma and freshness. Contemplating His work, the Creator happily
exclaimed: “Behold, everything is very good.” Exuberant, the planet completed another day
in its harmonious rotation. The faithful hosts could now better understand the importance of
divine light. His absence had obscured, that night, the beauties of Zion. On that new day,
the Creator would express His great power, giving the earth luminaries that would fill it
with light and heat.

4 These luminaries would remain forever as symbols of the spiritual presence of the
Eternal, who is the source of all light. Contemplating the dark and empty space that
stretched around the earth, with a powerful voice he ordered: “Let there be lights in the
expanse of the heavens, so that there is a separation between day and night; Let them be for
signs and for determined times, for days and years. And let them be lights in the expanse of
the heavens to illuminate the earth.” Immediately, space became radiant from the brilliance
of the sun and the reflection of planets and satellites. At this display of power, the faithful
hosts knelt in reverent adoration. On the fourth day, the Eternal created the worlds of our
solar system not to be inhabited like the earth, but for the balance of the system.

5 They also filled the sky with brilliance, softening the darkness of earthly nights. Turning
their eyes toward the earth, the hosts rejoiced to see it radiant in color. Very close to it you
could see the moon that, with its silver reflection, would chase away the deep night
shadows. Surrounded by that enchanting scenery, the children of light, rejoicing, greeted
the dawn of the fifth day, which would be full of surprises. The Eternal would make the
earth festive due to the presence of countless species of irrational animals that would
inhabit the entire surface of the planet. That creation would continue on the sixth day.

6 Raising his powerful hands, the Creator, looking first towards the crystalline waters,
ordered: “Let the waters abundantly produce reptiles with a living soul.” Immediately, the
waters became undulating due to the presence of countless species of reptiles that, happy
and grateful, celebrated existence in a continuous swimming and jumping. From
microscopic beings to great whales, all appeared in complete harmony, reflecting the love
of the Creator in their nature. Casting his eyes on the indigo atmosphere that rested on the
verdant forests, the Eternal continued: “Let the birds fly over the face of the expanse of the
heavens.” Through His order, the Heavens were filled with colorful birds that, flying in all
directions, had in their hearts a song of gratitude for life. This song filled the air, mixing
with the perfume of the flowering bushes.

7 Looking with pleasure on His earthly creatures, the Eternal blessed them, saying: “Be
fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let the birds multiply on the earth.”
Rejoicing, the faithful hosts witnessed the dawn of the sixth day. And what would God
create on that new day? This question reigned in the minds of all rational beings. They were
sure that something very special was about to happen. Raising his powerful arms, the
Eternal commanded: “Let the earth produce a living soul according to its kind: cattle,
creeping things, and wild beasts of the earth, according to its kind.” His powerful voice was
quickly heard and, in the forests and fields, the result of His creative power could be seen.

8 Animals of all species woke up to a happy existence, in the middle of a paradise of

perfect peace. The land became extremely beautiful, like a princess adorned to receive her
king and lord. Who would be that special being? Moving with majesty, the Eternal
descended to the glories of the new world, heading to the garden of Eden, place of the
divine throne. The angels of light accompanied him reverently, stopping like clouds over
the heavens of paradise. The entire Universe observed with deep interest the development
of the Creator's actions, in response to the accusations of his enemies.

9 The moment was decisive. Everything indicated that the Eternal would prove to be
neither tyrant nor selfish, crowning someone on Mount Zion. Satan and his followers had
no doubt that the kingdom would be given to them and they would reign victoriously within
that ancient abyss, where darkness and light were now intertwined. The subjects of light
shuddered at the prospect. Next to the source of the river of life, the Eternal solemnly knelt
and, with the natural elements of the Earth, began to lovingly shape a special creature. After
a few moments, the still lifeless body of the first man was spread out before the Creator.
The Eternal contemplated him and, after caressing his cold and discolored face, breathed
the breath of life into the passages of his nose and the man began to live.

10 As if waking up from a dream, the man opened his eyes and contemplated the sweet face
of His Creator who, smiling, kissed his face now colorful and full of life. He was moved to
hear the Eternal say to him in a soft and affectionate voice: “My son, my dear son!”
Because he was born from the earth, the first man received the name Adam. Taking him by
the hand, the Eternal lifted him up. Without perceiving the scene of brilliance that
surrounded him, Adam, in a gesture of gratitude for existence, wrapped the Creator in a
tender embrace, prostrating himself in reverent adoration. The faithful hosts who, in
admiration, witnessed the great divine achievement, moved by the human gesture, also
prostrated themselves in reverent adoration.

11 They then united their voices in a song of joy in salutation to that special creature, who
was awakening to life at such a decisive moment for the Universe. With his heart full of
happiness, Adam joined the angels in their song of praise. His voice, as it echoed through
the flowery surroundings, mixed with the singing of the birds and the lowing of the animals
that approached festively. In a walk of unforgettable surprises, Adam was made aware of
the beauties of his home. In admiration, he contemplated Mount Zion, where the river of
life gushed forth, in a waterfall of light. The glorious mountain lay crowned by a pretty
rainbow. In his steps, he followed the course of the crystalline river, which flowed serenely
in the midst of the wonders of Eden.

12 He was amazed at the tall trees that, soaked by the breeze, allowed abundant flowers and
fruits to hang from the branches. He leaned here and there, attracted by the brilliance of
precious stones that adorned the grass everywhere. With intense joy, Adam became aware
of the countless species of animals that populated the garden. They were all meek and
submissive and lived in perfect harmony and happiness. Stopping in his steps, Adam was
amazed at the whiteness and tenderness of a little animal that was jumping on the grass.
Approaching, he took him in his arms, giving him special affection. Well, how pleasant it
was to caress its white wool! Her sweet eyes reflected a shine of love and humility. There
was something special about that little animal. Affectionately, Adam called him “lamb.”

13 With the little animal in his arms, Adam looked gratefully towards the Eternal and
worshiped Him. Contemplating His white garments, His eyes expressive of unparalleled
love, Adam discovered that he had in his arms a symbol of his Author. Happy, he
exclaimed: “Oh, Lord, this little lamb covered in such white wool, with a look expressive of
so much love, looks like You. “I want to always have him with me.” Observing the
animals, Adam perceived that they enjoyed a special companionship. I saw happy couples
everywhere who lived for each other. His thoughts turned to His Companion. He looked
around and was surprised not to see him. The Eternal had hidden himself on purpose,
becoming invisible.

14 Adam felt alone in the middle of that paradise. Who would you share your happiness
and love with? There were animals there, but they were irrational, not being able to share
their ideals. A burning desire to find someone who could always be by his side was born in
his heart, as he walked alone in that evening. While Adam looked towards the distant hills
in the hope of seeing someone, the Eternal appeared at his side and said: “It is not good for
the man to be alone; I will make her a companion.”

15 Adam was happy to hear that promise from the Creator, precisely at the moment when
he so longed to have someone to always be visible by his side. Taken by a deep sleep,
Adam reclined on the chest of his loving Creator who, with caresses, lulled him to sleep. In
his subconscious the first colorful dreams emerged: Contemplate the tender gaze of the
Eternal; hear the harmonious sound of angelic music; discover the wonders around you:
Mount Zion with its rainbow; The river of life; the flowering meadows; the animals that
greeted him at a party. The scenes that enveloped him in his longing are repeated in his
dream; He looks around in the hope of finding his companion, but he does not see him. He
feels lonely in his dream, and that makes him look for someone with whom he can share his

16 His gaze extends across greening countryside, seeing flowery hills in the distance. As he
walks hopefully, he feels the gentle breeze gently caress his hair. Talk to the breeze:
“Breeze, you seem to be the one I'm looking for so much; you caress my hair; you kiss my
face; you have the perfume of green bushes! If I could see your face, I would kiss it; “If I
could touch your hair, I would make long braids and decorate them with the flowers from
our garden!” After walking in the dream through the meadows of paradise, Adam stopped
while contemplating the surrounding landscape. He was surprised not to see the effect of
the breeze on the flowering branches. But how, if he felt it warmly on his face?

17 Then he began to wake up from his sleep. Still with his eyes closed, he remembered the
moment when, sleepy, he lay on the chest of the Eternal. Would the breeze be the touch of
His hands? With this question he opened his eyes and was moved to see a beautiful woman
who, with perfumed hands, lovingly caressed his face. It was the breeze of his dream; the
promise of a Creator who only wanted to make him happy. Now Adam was complete, for
he had Eve, who was flesh of his flesh and bones of his bones. Taking her by the hand,
Adan invited her to take a walk of unforgettable surprises. He would show his companion
the beauties of his home.

18 Sensitized Eva stopped at every step, attracted by the flowers that exhaled soft
perfumes; for the birds that chirped happy songs; for the animals that followed them
submissively; for the vegetation of rich shades; by the crystal clear waters of the river of
life that cascaded from Mount Zion. Everything in paradise was perfect and beautiful, but
nothing was equal to the human being, created in the image of God. They turned to each
other in admiration and caresses. Soaked in that love, they remained until sunset. With
delight, the young couple began to contemplate the setting sun that, through pink rays,
colored the sky in a beautiful glow.

19 It was the sixth day that came to an end, giving rise to the hours of a special day:
Saturday. That day, in its meaning, would be solemn for all the subjects of the Eternal,
since its dawn would bring victory to the kingdom of light. The sun, which during the sixth
day had brightened nature with its brightness and warmth, set, leaving it in cold shadows.
The cheerful birds, silencing their trills, looked for their nests while the other animals
gathered around. Only the couple remained motionless, trying to see, in the last flash that
was fading on the horizon, the hope of a new dawn. They were investigating the meaning of
the darkness when, through the bushes, they saw a beautiful place, whose silver rays bathed
nature in soft luminosity.

20 The whole sky was illuminated by the brilliance of the stars. Astonished, they
discovered that the night was only darkness when they looked down. Adam and Eve in their
innocence did not know that that night symbolized the dark future of humanity. When they
understood it, they would be comforted by contemplating the brilliance of the heavens: the
place would speak of hope and the sparkling stars would testify to the interest of the hosts
of light in clearing up their moral darkness, giving encouragement to sinners. But only
those who, taking their eyes off the earth, contemplated the high heavens would be

21 After contemplating the sky in its luminosity for some time, the couple, remembering
the beauties of paradise, turned their eyes, seeking to see them. They were, however,
hidden in the shadows. How they longed for the dawn, because only it would bring paradise
with it! Faced with the longing of the human heart, the Eternal appeared in the midst of
darkness, returning to the couple the joy of finding themselves again in a colorful garden.
Bathed in soft light, they now walked through green, flowery meadows. The brilliance of
the Creator awakened nature wherever they passed, coloring and brightening everything

22 The couple, amazed, learned that next to the Eternal they could have a paradise in the
middle of the night. Feeling sleepy, Adam and Eve lay down on the lap of the loving
Father, who gently lulled them to sleep, hoping for a happy awakening. Leaving them on
the soft grass, the Eternal rose, heading to the side of the contemplative hosts. It would
manifest itself again at dawn, waking up the couple for the most solemn event, which
would reduce the most vile accusations of the enemies to dust. The dark and cold night,
through its long hours, seemed to mock the light. Would it forever obfuscate the beauties of
creation? Oh, never! The sun would not retreat before the imposing darkness; He would
appear shortly as a liberator, snatching nature from the cold clutches with his warm rays,
giving it life and color.

23 In a last challenge, the darkness became dense in the hours before dawn. The night
attacked its forces to fight for the usurped domain. Finally, a flash appeared in the east that
seemed to speak of hope in a new day. The sky little by little turned bright reddish. The
impotent darkness retreated before the growing force of the light and was consumed in its
flight. Nature began to wake up from the long night, reflecting the nostalgic rays in its
bosom. Flowers would open, exhaling perfumes of joy; Animals and birds, silenced by
night, united their voices in a triumphant song in greeting at the dawn of that great day.

24 The black night had come to an end, giving way to the light of the dreamed day—a day
that had a special meaning for God, since it prefigured the final victory of His kingdom
over the dominion of rebellion. — The Eternal would now awaken His human children
who, bathed in the light of His presence, had slept in the hope of a happy dawn. In a festive
march, all the holy hosts, with songs of victory, accompanied him towards paradise bathed
in light. When they were close, the Creator stopped contemplating the sleeping couple, and
exclaimed softly: “Wake up my children.” His voice penetrated the ears of Adam and Eve,
awakening them to the happiest communion.

25 How quickly the long-awaited morning dawned, bringing in its light the sweet paradise,
lost in that night! With joy the couple greeted their divine Creator, joining the angels in
triumphant antiphons. The Universe was experiencing a truly solemn moment. On that
festive morning, the Eternal would reveal the greatness of His character, which is justice
and love. Accusations that His rule was one of selfishness and tyranny would be refuted. In
the eyes of all the rational creatures of the vast Universe, God led the young couple to
Mount Zion, the place of the divine throne.

26 There, before the trembling of the silent hosts, the Creator, in a surprising gesture,
covered the man with the royal mantle, placing on his head the crown that had been coveted
by Lucifer. Moved by deep gratitude for the supreme honor conferred, profound birth,
Adam and Eve prostrated themselves reverently, placing their precious crown at the feet of
the Creator, as a sign of submission. This human gesture was followed by a cry of victory
that shook all of Creation. The children of light, who for so long had suffered affronts and
humiliations in the face of the constant accusations of the rebellious hosts, exalted in
resounding praise to the blessed God, who in His work of justice denied the enemies,
revealing His character of humility, detachment and love.

27 Having established man as the lord of all creation, the Eternal, with a solemn voice,
began to make him aware of the greatness of his mission. As a faithful steward, he should
care for paradise, keeping the source of the river of life clean. The laws of justice and love,
foundations of the kingdom of light, should be honored. Like a rational scepter, it would
behoove man, in a gesture of recognition and gratitude, to freely accept the rule of the One
who created him. The hosts, who in wonder witnessed the revelation of divine detachment,
understood that the Lord of Light would no longer govern the Universe, except with human

28 Man, by the will of the Eternal, was made the arbiter of creation; in his glorious being,
made in the image of the Creator, shone the seal of eternal dominion. After revealing to the
couple the infinite honor and responsibility of their mission, the Creator made them aware
of the spiritual conflict that was involved in the conquest of universal dominion: Lucifer,
who for countless ages had served the divine King in Zion, had been corrupted by pride and
selfishness, being followed by a third of the rational hosts; They now sought to dethrone the
Eternal, dishonoring Him with vile accusations.

29 Having revealed to human beings the painful situation in which the Universe found
itself, the Eternal, in a solemn gesture, showed them two tall trees that, loaded with great
fruits, rose on both banks of the river that flowed from the throne. To him who rose on the
right the Lord revealed to be the tree of life, monument of the kingdom of light. The one
that stood on the other shore revealed itself to be the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
—a symbol of rebellion. —By eating the fruit of the tree of life, man would manifest his
submission to the Creator, who is the Source of life and light. To eat from the other tree
would be to hand over the dominion of Zion to the enemy.

30 The inevitable result of this step would be eternal death, not only for the human being,
but for all of creation, which would be reduced to chaos under the fury of rebellion. After
lingeringly contemplating the two tall trees, which expressed such infinite responsibility in
their fruits, Adam prostrated himself before the Creator, saying: “You are worthy, Lord, to
reign over the Universe, since by Your wisdom, love and power all things were created.”
and they subsist.” The Sabbath, emblem of divine triumph, was filled with praise.

31 All the children of light joined the human being in the most harmonious song of
exaltation to Him whose greatness is without equal. It was with horror that Satan and his
followers witnessed the great achievement of the Eternal. They witnessed with bitterness
the joy of the faithful at the coronation of the man, an event that cast down the strong
accusations that they had raised against the divine government. Filled with anger and
frustration, they now considered their sad condition. How terrible and humiliating was the
thought of seeing their plans of rebellion vanish before the Creator, similar to the shadows
of that night.

32 If they could, they thought, they would fill the Sabbath with darkness, erasing any hope
of victory from the minds of the subjects of the Eternal. Finally, in their considerations,
Satan and those he led understood that they had one opportunity left: in the middle of the
Garden of Eden, on the heights of Zion, rose, next to the river of life, the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil. . A human gesture would be enough, nothing more, and they
would have the coveted domain under their power forever. But how to seduce him?
Encouraged by the prospect of conquest, Satan ingeniously sought to formulate an
approach plan. He knew that if he failed in his attempt, all hopes of success would have
dissolved, all his dreams of adventure crumbling. He concluded that deception would be his
powerful weapon.

33 — Hadn't it been through him that he managed to dominate a third of the heavenly
hosts?! He would therefore wait for a favorable moment to set up his ambush. —

The History of the Universe – Chapter 4

Eden, a kingdom of eternal joy. Visit and daily instruction of the Eternal. Work, source
of faculty development. Through visits from celestial beings, Adam and Eve gained
knowledge of Lucifer's rebellion. God reveals Satan's evil intentions to His hosts and
sends two angels to warn man. Satan takes possession of a snake to deceive Eve. Satan's
arguments to make Eve fall. Adam's intense internal struggle over his wife's fallen
condition. Adam eats the fruit, remains by his wife's side, paying the high price for his
rebellion. Wonderful revelation of the rescue plan. The nature of the creations and of
Adam and Eve changes. The Father promises them lasting garments.

1 In Eden there reigned the sweet calm of perfect peace. Everywhere the friendly little birds
made their joyful trills heard in constant praise of the Creator. All nature in its flowering
seemed to proclaim a kingdom of eternal joy. The animals in union jumped everywhere,
always submissive to man, the lord of that enchanting paradise. Everything was happiness
for the couple; but this became more intense in the rotation of those spring days. The glow,
which with its beauty colored the sky, announcing the dark nights, also announced the
moment of the daily visit of the Eternal. Together, under the light of His presence, they
spent a long time in happy conversation.

2 With encouragement, the couple told the Lord about the surprising wonders they were
discovering every day in nature. God, with love, revealed to them the meaning of each
being. How grateful they were for the beautiful lessons learned at His feet! As each day
passed, the love, respect and admiration for the great Creator grew. How good He had been,
bringing them into existence and granting them a home so full of delights! As they woke up
to the joys of each day, the caresses and sweet song of the Eternal One came to mind,
which made them fall asleep every night.

3 The life of Adam and Eve in Eden was not one of idleness. The care of the garden was
recommended to them. His occupation was not boring, on the contrary, it was pleasant and
invigorating. The Creator had indicated work as a source of benefits for man, in order to
occupy his mind and strengthen his body, developing all his faculties. In mental and
physical activity, man found great pleasure. It was common for the young couple to receive
visits from celestial beings.

4 Visitors always had news to tell and questions to ask. They spent a long time hearing
from them about the wonders of the kingdom of light. Through these visitors, Adam and
Eve began to have extensive knowledge of Lucifer's rebellion and its eternal consequences.
Adam and Eve always asked visitors to be taught the harmonious heavenly songs. How
they delighted in joining the voices to the angelic choir! In His omniscience, God was
aware of the terrible intention of the enemy.
5 Summoning His main hosts, He revealed to them with regret the imminent danger that
loomed over the Universe. Satan would set up an ambush, in order to lead man to eat from
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Faced with that revelation, the children of light
were fearful, because they knew Satan's tremendous facility in linking innocent creatures
and tying them in his meshes of death. At the solemn council, they decided to urgently send
messengers to warn man of the great danger.

6 Two powerful angels were in charge of that decisive mission. Immediately, the
commissioned messengers burst through the gates of Jerusalem, reaching the bosom of
infinite space. In moments, they crossed immensities, crossing galaxies along the way.
They entered the tunnel of the Orion constellation, approaching the new system. They
could now see the blue planet a short distance away, where the fate of the Universe was
about to be determined.

7 In Eden, there was relaxation. The young couple continued in their innocent activities,
enjoying the pleasure of a happy life. They were far from thinking that at that moment
everything or all the children of the light were tense, thinking about their threatened future.
They then saw in the clear sky the sign of the approach of the celestial visitors and they
raised their arms in a joyful greeting. However, Adam and Eve were amazed because they
did not see the same joy in their faces.

8 The visitors wore an expression of anxiety on their faces that they could not understand.
They tried to change their sad face, telling them about the new discoveries made in
paradise. The messengers, still not having time available as on other occasions, interrupted
them with words of warning. Satan would set up an ambush for them, in order to lead them
to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If they gave heed to
temptation, they would make the entire creation succumb to the abyss of eternal chaos.

9 The angels reminded them that the kingdom had been entrusted to them as a sacred
deposit, and they must, in a life of fidelity, honor Him who emptied Himself for love,
placing Himself in a position of guest of human beings. Adam and Eve should be firm
against the enemy's insinuations, as this would seal the eternal victory of the kingdom of
light. Speaking to them of the happy reward that would follow their triumph, the angels
revealed that it was God's plan to transfer the Heavenly Jerusalem to Earth. There, once
again coupled with paradise, she would remain forever.

10 And man, submissive to the Creator, would reign for centuries without end on Mount
Zion, amid the praise of the universal hosts. But all of this depended entirely on human
positioning in the face of the temptations of the enemy, who would do everything to take
the kingdom from him. Adam and Eve were fearful when they learned of Satan's plans, but
they were comforted when they knew that he could not do them any harm by forcing them
to eat the forbidden fruit. If, by chance, he tried to intimidate them with his power, all the
hosts of the Eternal would come to his aid.
11 The messengers of light concluded their mission by recommending the couple remain
vigilant, always keeping in mind the responsibility that rested on them. They should not be
separated from each other, not even for a moment, because alone they could be seduced.
Adam and Eve, grateful for the angels' warnings, joined their voices in a song of promise in
eternal victory. They were sure that they would never abandon the blessed Creator, hearing
the voice of the tempter.

12 Encouraged by the human promise, the two messengers returned to the bosom of the
Celestial Jerusalem where, together with the holy hosts, they would anxiously await the
longed-for triumph. Satan saw the messengers approaching paradise and heard the man's
song promising eternal victory. That song made his envy and hatred increase so much that
he could not contain it. He then told his followers that he would soon silence that irritating
voice. He would do everything to transform human praise into blasphemies to the Creator.

13 The rebel hosts were curious to know their leader's plans, but they were warned by him
that they should wait until everything was forever determined. If man heard his voice,
eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he would be victorious,
forever possessing dominion over the Universe. If man resisted, remaining faithful to the
Creator, there would be no hope for them. Paradise seemed to be enveloped by eternal
security, but an expression of fear could be seen on the man's face.

14 Since the angels departed, Adam and Eve remained silent, meditating with reverence on
the enormous responsibility of their mission. They thought about the seriousness of that
imminent test that would seal their future and that of all Creation. Encouraged, however, by
the thought of victory, they once again united their voices in a song that expressed the
certainty of the longed-for triumph. That melody removed all fear of defeat from their
minds and, joyful, they ran through the greening meadows, accompanied by the fiery
animals that seemed to commemorate the great conquest.

15 They felt safe in their paradise, totally forgotten about the danger of a possible assault.
Satan, who was watching the couple carefully, sensed that his opportunity was coming. He
approached paradise invisibly, and was waiting for the best moment to set up his ambush.
Unaware of the presence of the enemy, the couple continued in their detached joy,
carelessly playing with the animals. A malicious smile appeared on Satan's disturbed face
as he witnessed the couple's carelessness: in their exaltation, they had stopped heeding the
last recommendation of the messengers, turning away from each other.

16 The cunning enemy, wasting no time, took possession of a snake, the most beautiful in
paradise, making it gracefully approach Eve. Eva, who was sitting on the grass playing with
the animals, perceived the presence of the attractive snake, whose body reflected the colors
of the rainbow. She was amazed to see her pick flowers and fruits from the garden, placing
them at her feet. Grateful, she took her in her arms, showing her affection.

17 Having won the woman's affection, Satan, in his cunning, began to attract her to be next
to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Unaware of the danger, Eve accompanied the
serpent to the tree of testing. There, holding the hidden enemy in his arms, he caressed him
and said words of affection. With the sparkle of seduction in his eyes, the snake began to
speak. His words were full of wisdom and tenderness and his voice was like that of an

18 Eva could hardly believe what she saw. His joy became immense at having such a
fantastic creature in his arms. They began to talk about many things: love; the beauties of
the garden; the power of the Creator. Eve was amazed at the snake's extensive knowledge,
which spoke masterfully on any topic. Surrounded by that experience, Eva totally forgot
about her partner. The warnings of the angels did not even cross his mind. Adam,
completely forgetful of the advice of the heavenly messengers, had withdrawn into the
company of some animals.

19 After a certain time, the memory of the warnings received came rushing into his mind.
The last words spoken by the angels rang clearly in his ears: “Do not separate from each
other... Do not be separated even for a moment, for it is dangerous.” His heart beat hard
when he didn't see Eva by his side. He then raised his voice in an anxious cry. His voice, as
it echoed through the vaults of paradise, however, did not bring with it an answer. The
silence almost suffocated him. In his affliction he began to run from one place to the other,
looking for her, in vain.

20 In that anxious search, he felt the breeze caress his hair and remembered his first dream.
That memory, however, dissolved at the thought of the danger that threatened them. With
his mind taken by a great sense of guilt, Adam quickened his pace in the anguishing search.
Where would his beloved be? Would he wrap her in his arms in time, saving her from
falling? More than once he raised his voice in an anxious cry that echoed throughout the
garden: “Eva, where are you?” He waited for an answer, but heard only an empty echo that
made him desperate. He remembered the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; That was
the only place where his partner could be deceived.

21 Hoping to obstruct the enemy's only opportunity, he advanced in the direction of the test
site. His heart beat strongly as he contemplated the crown of the forbidden tree in the
distance. With the snake in her arms, Eve questioned her about many things. She was
amazed to realize that the serpent greatly surpassed her in knowledge. Full of curiosity, she
asked the snake: - Where is the source of your great knowledge? Answer me, because I also
want to possess it. — Without wasting time, Satan, pointing to the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, responded: —there is the source of all my knowledge. —

22 He then told him a lying story: he said that he was a snake like the others, eating the
fruits of paradise. Tasting that forbidden fruit one day, he received, as if by magic, all the
virtues. Looking up at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Eve was surprised and
confused. Would the Creator in his love deprive something so good from his creatures?!
Seeing her surprised, Satan asked: - Is it so that God said: You will not eat of all the trees of
the garden? — Eve, worried, answered: — We eat the fruits of the trees of the garden, but
of the fruit of that tree that you say is a source of wisdom, God said: “You shall not eat of
it, lest you die.” — The snake in a tone of disdain said: —That is false. If it were like that, I
would have died.

23 Certainly the Lord forbade them to eat from that tree to prevent man from receiving like
Him, knowing all things. —The seductive words of the serpent caused confusion in Eve's
mind. Who would you trust? He had in mind the memory of the Creator's order and his
sentence, but at the same time he had before him palpable evidence that contradicted Him.
Stunned, she began to doubt the character of the Eternal. In a challenge, the snake picked
fruits from the forbidden tree and began to taste them.

24 Placing a fruit in the woman's hands, he encouraged her to eat, saying: - Didn't the
Eternal One say that if anyone touched that fruit they would die? - A complete silence
reigned over the Universe. On each inhabited planet, the children of light helplessly
contemplated that distressing scene. Their future was at stake. In Jerusalem there was great
commotion. Powerful angels appeared before the Creator, requesting permission to unmask
the cowardly enemy, hidden in that serpent. The Eternal, however, prevented them from
such action. If the use of force were the solution, I would have already applied it.

25 They had to respect the free will granted to man, and he could manifest his choice under
the temptation of the enemy. The children of light suffered immensely when they saw the
woman doubting the One who had so kindly given them life and the opportunity to reign in
that paradise. How could I doubt who gave them so much love?! Adam, who in a strong
hope of securing the cherished victory was hastening in his race, saw his beloved in the
distance, sitting next to the tree of trial.

26 What was Eva doing in that dangerous place?! A horrible premonition came over him,
as he remembered once again the warnings he had received, but he tried to banish it with
the thought that he would reach his wife before any harm happened to her. Eva wavered in
her conviction as she contemplated the fruit in her hands. For a few moments the future
seemed dark and terrifying to him, but he overcame that feeling, thinking of the glories he
would achieve by eating that fruit. Still somewhat hesitant, she slowly raised her hands
until she touched the fruit with her lips.

27 The subjects of the kingdom of light, trembling, bowed down in great fear. It seemed
almost impossible, at that moment, for the woman to turn back. While the pale faithful
inquired about a possible hope, they witnessed with horror Eve's terrible decision: She had
resolved to break forever with the Creator, becoming a captive of death. The Eternal, who
in silent pain contemplated that scene of rebellion, bowed his forehead, his face bathed in

28 I couldn't stand the pain of that separation. The faithful, who in panic believed they had
been defeated, were made aware that all was not lost. If Adam resisted the temptation,
remaining faithful to the Eternal, he would seal the great victory. Eve, who had been the
victim of deception, could be made aware of her mistake, being favored with divine
forgiveness. When Adam in his anguished run reached the place of the test, it was already
too late. Sitting next to the river, Eva carelessly savored the forbidden fruit.

29 Adam trembled. Would it be the same fruit of the test? In a gesture of hope he looked
towards the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but in tears he recognized the sad
condemnation. Full of sadness he looked at his wife, but he could not find words to wake
her up from the bitter reality. In complete desperation, he raised his voice in a painful
exclamation: “Eva, Eva, what are you doing?” When eating the forbidden fruit, the woman
was overcome by emotions that made her imagine having reached a higher sphere of life.
Upon hearing her husband's voice, still taken by illusory emotions, she raised her forehead
with a smile, but was surprised to see him crying.

30 With deep bitterness, Adam sought to know the reason that had led her to rebel against
the Eternal. Eva promptly began to tell him the fantastic story of the wise serpent. Satan
knew that this story of the serpent would never convince man to eat the fruit of the
forbidden tree. He needed to find a subtle way to seal his fate by following in his wife's
footsteps. Having Eve under his power, he resolved to make her the tempting object. I
would wait for the right moment to link it. In the day that you eat of it, you will surely die.
The memory of this sentence left Adam very distressed.

31 The expectation of seeing his beloved dying in his arms was too much to bear. This
affliction, however, diminished, as he saw that she continued happy and affectionate at his
side, as if no harm had befallen her. Relieved, Adam smiled again, reciprocating his
partner's affections. He surrendered to the sweetest emotions, far from knowing that it was
the enemy who wrapped him in those hugs. In that moment of rapture, Eva began to talk to
him about her experience with the science of good and evil.

32 He told him about the treasures of wisdom that had been opened to him. In his new
kingdom, he would live very happily. However, that happiness would be incomplete
without the participation of her husband. She told him about the impossibility of going back
in her steps, and insisted that he follow her. After telling him about her decision, Eva, with
a sweet smile, extended her hands containing a fruit, asking him to eat it in a demonstration
of his love for her. With the voice tempting in his ears, Adam sat on the grass in deep

33 His face became pale again and his hands trembled. He feared rebelling against the
Creator, but at the same time he understood that he would not be able to live apart from his
companion, whom he loved with infinite love. Eve was flesh of his flesh, the extension of
his being. He felt distressed at having to make such a serious decision. The paleness of
Adam's face was reflected in the countenance of all those faithful to the Eternal. They heard
the enemy's insinuation and perceived with horror the man's hesitation. Adam's indecision
left them desperate.

34 If he obeyed that proposal of Satan, all happiness would be eternally banished. The
destiny of the entire Universe was in the decisions of human beings. Would he heed Satan's
request? After intense internal struggle, Adam looked towards his companion; He had
joined her in promises of eternal dedication. I wouldn't leave her alone now. He would
share with her the results of the rebellion. He then took a fruit from Eve's hands and, in a
hasty gesture, brought it to his mouth.

35 Trying to silence the voice of his conscience, which spoke to him of eternal damnation,
Adam threw himself into the arms of his wife, enjoying the high price of his rebellion.
Satan, with cries of triumph, left paradise, flying quickly alongside his innumerable hosts,
who were anxiously awaiting the result of such a risky attempt. Upon learning of human
misfortune, they joined together in a thunderous party. They felt safe. Zion now belonged
to them by right, and they could establish an eternal kingdom there, never being disturbed
by the laws of the Eternal.

36 Throughout the Universe the children of light suffered and cried defeat. There has never
been so much sadness and horror about the future. The voices that had lived to sing praises
to the Creator now uttered lamentations. The Eternal, who, overcome by infinite pain, had
prostrated himself in tears at the fall of man, was not, however, surprised. Even before
creating the Universe, He had already foreseen this triumph of rebellion and, in His wisdom
and love, He had idealized a rescue plan that would involve an immense sacrifice.

37 Drying the tears of His crying, He proposed to act powerfully in favor of His afflicted
faithful, preventing them from falling into the hands of their enemies. In that mysterious
intervention that apparently deposed against justice, the Eternal ordered His most powerful
angels to immediately surround the Garden of Eden, preventing Satan from taking
possession of Mount Zion. Consoled before the divine manifestation, the powerful
creatures, in ready obedience, broke the infinite space, surrounding paradise in moments, in
the bosom of which the human being, already disturbed by sin, lived the blackness of a
night that would be long and cruel.

38 Since the authority of the Eternal is based on justice, how could He justify His actions
before his enemies? Had He not by His will given the kingdom to man, and had he not by
free choice subjected it to Satan? While the amazed rational creatures considered the
decisive actions of God, they heard His powerful voice that, echoing throughout creation,
brought the revelation of the great mystery—a revelation so wonderful that from that
moment on, for all eternity, it would occupy the mind. of the faithful, being a theme for the
sweetest meditations. —

39 The Eternal spoke first about the terrible condemnation that hung over man and all
creation. He said that, by separating himself from the Source of Life, man had plunged into
such a deep abyss that he could not be reached by His arm of justice and power. Humiliated
and tortured by the clutches of the enemy, man had no other fate beyond death—the painful
fruit of his spontaneous rebellion. —Considering the human situation, the hosts of light saw
no possibilities of victory. They knew that only man could regain dominion over the
enemy, returning it to the Creator.
40 But the human being, eternally enslaved in his nature, would be incapable of such a
victory. With a melodious voice full of tenderness, God revealed the plan of redemption,
saying: “In truth, man will reap the fruit of his rebellion in a terrible death. I cannot, with
my power, change his luck. If he acted like this, he would be unfair before my decree. But I
will bring down all condemnation on a Substitute who will arise in human offspring. That
Man will not carry in his hands the rings of death, being innocent and uncontaminated in
His nature.

41 As a representative of the human race, he will confront Satan and defeat him. After
triumphing in that battle, proving that love is stronger than selfishness, that truth is stronger
than lies, that humility is more powerful than pride, the faithful Substitute will raise his
victorious hands not to greet the great conquest, but to take from the hands of enslaved
humanity the cup of its damnation. Thus, he will submissively sip the chalice of eternal

42 This immense sacrifice will open to human beings an opportunity to be redeemed,

returning to the arms of the Creator, along with the lost dominion.” The hosts, surprised by
the revelation of the Eternal, investigated the identity of That Substitute. The Creator, with
a loving smile, told them: “I will be that Man. My Spirit will rest on a virgin, and in her a
Holy Son will be conceived. That young man will be divine and human. In his humanity, he
will be submissive to the divinity that will dwell in him. The redeemed will see in Him the
Father of Eternity, the Creator and Redeemer, the King of kings. His name will be Yoshua
(Hebraic name that translated means the Eternal saves).” Assuming human nature, God
could pay the high price of the ransom, dying in the sinners' place.

43 The hosts of light remained silent when they learned of the Creator's plan. The thought
of seeing Him undergo such a painful sacrifice, in order to redeem the lost dominion, was
too much to bear. There was, however, no other hope of victory, except through that loving
surrender. After enjoying the high price of sin, the young couple felt bad. Initially they felt
a great void in their hearts, which was later filled by remorse and sadness. They realized
that, inspired by greed, they had sealed their sad fate and that of all creation. They seemed
to hear in the distance the moan of a defeated Universe.

44 The sun, which had filled them with life and warmth that day, was setting on the
horizon, announcing a black night. The glow, which before there had announced their
happy encounter with the Creator, seemed to surround them in a sentence that they would
never wake up to a new day. They did not even dare to look towards the top, fearing to see
the lightning of judgment fall upon them that would reduce them to dust. With their gaze
directed towards the cold ground, the sentence came to mind: “In the day in which you eat
of it, you will surely die.” Desperate tears rolled down their faces as they awaited the tragic
end. Considering the reason for his rebellion, Adam began to berate his wife for listening to
the serpent.

45 Eve, in turn, seeking to excuse herself, cast blame on the Creator, saying: “Why did the
Eternal allow the serpent to deceive me?!” The love that reigned in the human heart
disappeared, giving rise to pride and selfishness, which merged into resentment and hatred.
His nature was no longer pure and holy, but corrupted and full of rebellion. Everything was
changed. Even the gentle breeze that had previously bathed them there in refreshing
caresses now froze the guilty couple.

46 The trees and flowering quarries, which were his delight, now consisted of obstacles as
he walked aimlessly that night. Satan's purpose in filling the Sabbath with darkness seemed
to have been accomplished. On that night, there was not even the silver reflection of the
moonlight to speak to them of hope. The twinkling stars, suspended in the dark sky, were
clouded with pain. The darkness of a long night of sin was descending upon the world—
shadows under which so many would crawl without hope of a dawn. — It was already late
at night and the darkness seemed to envelop the sad couple in eternal shadows.

47 They did not even meditate on his few words, suffocated by the agony of a dawn. Heads
down, they groped from here to there, in expectation of the imminent judgment, which
would reduce them to cold dust, forgotten under that endless darkness. A brightness
suddenly appeared in the sky, which increased as it approached the earth. The couple
shuddered, because they knew that it was the Creator who came to give them punishment.
Overcome by panic, they began to run, distancing themselves from Mount Zion, the place
of the shameful fall. Exactly that way they saw the Creator heading. They, who always ran
to meet the loving Father, attracted by His light, now fled desperately in search of dark
places and dense forests.

48 The Eternal One, moved by infinite love, began to follow in the footsteps of the fugitive
couple. As he walked, he cried as he remembered the happy moments he had spent with
them in that paradise. How everything had transformed! His children were no longer able to
see in Him a Father of love, but rather someone who, in anger, sought to punish them.
Moved by a strong longing to embrace His human children, God echoed his voice in
inquiry: “Adam, where are you?” His voice, when it sounded in the midst of darkness,
brought with it only an empty echo that spoke of ingratitude and rebellion.

49 How He longed to wrap the couple in a fiery embrace, and with words of affection
confess that His love was the same! Seeing His children fleeing from His presence, the
Eternal was overcome with great pain. Before His gaze, troubled with tears, the future of
the human race stretched out. How many, deceived by Satan, would flee from His presence
during the long night of sin, judging Him to be a tyrannical Lord, who lives looking for
faults and weaknesses in sinners, in order to punish them! The Creator, even so, would not
give up searching for them through the shadowy valleys of the kingdom of death, until he
conquered a repentant people. Adam and Eve, exhausted by the hasty escape, hid among
the foliage at the foot of a fig tree.

50 Recognizing their nakedness, they tried to make aprons by sewing those leaves. Dressed
like this, they believed they could free themselves from the feeling of shame before the
Creator. The Eternal, approaching the place where the couple was hiding, asked: - Adam,
where are you? — No longer being able to hide from God, Adam stood up together with his
companion and, with their heads down, they presented themselves before the Creator,
prostrating themselves tremblingly at His feet. They couldn't face it anymore, due to the
feeling of guilt.

51 The Creator affectionately took them by the hands, lifting them up from the ground, and,
with an expression of sadness on his face, asked them: - Why did you run away from me?
Did they eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? — Adam, all
trembling, with a voice broken by sobs of fear, responded: — The woman whom you gave
me as a companion, she gave me the fruit and I ate. — With this response, Adam sought to
excuse himself, placing the blame on his wife.

52 Turning to Eve, the Eternal asked her: - Why did you do that? - Eve promptly answered:
- That serpent deceived me and I ate. — Both did not want to acknowledge the blame,
throwing it on others. In short, they attributed responsibility for all the evil practiced to the
Creator: “Why had he granted them free will? Why had he created woman? Why had he
created the serpent?” Silent, God observed His children who, timid and bewildered,
remained before Him.

53 With deep sadness, He foresaw that this would be the experience of countless human
beings throughout history. How many would be lost because they did not recognize their
own guilt! How many would try to justify themselves, casting their errors on others and
even on the Creator himself! With soft words, the Eternal tried to make them recognize
their guilt. Only by recognizing their need, could they be helped. Looking at the fragile
garments woven by sinful hands, he said to the couple: "Children, these garments are
insufficient; they will immediately fall apart when they dry." You need durable clothing
that can cover your nakedness, freeing you from condemnation. If you want, I can give you
that garment. —

54 Before the kind words of the Creator, which brought hope, the couple prostrated
themselves in repentance, shedding their illusory garments, symbols of their failure. They
now longed for the garments of salvation, promised by the divine Father.

The History of the Universe – Chapter 5

God reveals the effects of the fall and the Plan of Redemption. The painful sacrifice of
the lamb, a symbol of the Savior. The promised vestments are provided. The Creator will
be the Man who will save them. In the couple, love and gratitude towards the Savior
intensifies. Trembling of the evil hosts before the intervention of the Eternal and the
revelation of the Rescue Plan. The Eternal accompanies the couple out of the garden.
Satan tries again to take over human beings by confronting them with fury, but he is
repelled by God, and his threats are silenced. Bad consequences of the science of good
and evil. Man's faith in the revealed truths of redemption. The Eternal, companion of
human beings on their journey on earth. Nature of the Creator regarding war. Edifying
work counteracts many of Satan's attacks. Revelations received when building the altar.
Two worlds reflected in fallen nature. An immaculate lamb guided and prepared by God.
In the sacrifice a representation of the conflict between good and evil is shown. The lit
flame, symbol of divine forgiveness. Nature, even in its fallen state, reveals the Plan of

1. After contemplating His children who, repentant, lay at His feet, the Eternal One
affectionately took them by the hands and raised them up. He was glad to be able to reveal
to fallen man the plan of redemption. Tenderly, God first began to reveal to them the bitter
results of their fall, saying: “Children, you sealed the fate of all creation in the clutches of
death. Disharmony already penetrates nature, seeking to destroy all virtues in it.

2 The abyss into which you plunged through disobedience is too deep for you to be reached
by my powerful arm. Thus, separated from the Source of Life, no other fate remains for the
human being beyond death.” After pronouncing these words that revealed a sad fate, the
Eternal invited the couple to follow him. Head down, Adam and Eve, crying, followed the
Creator in His steps of justice, which led them to the place of the shameful fall, where they
supposed they would meet the painful end.

3 On that painful walk, they sobbed as they remembered their past glory undone by
ingratitude. How the terrible expectation of being reduced, together with creation, to cold
ashes under the darkness of that night of sin hurt their souls! As they walked, they
contemplated through tears the sleeping beauties bathed in the light of God. They saw the
innocent animals, who were unaware of the great pain. Suddenly, the couple stopped,
overcome by intense crying; Their faltering steps had taken them next to a lamb, the most
beloved little animal.

4 Would his sweet little eyes also go out?! Wiping away their tears, the Eternal ordered
them to take the innocent lamb in their arms. Wrapping it next to their chest, they silently
accompanied the steps of the Creator, until they reached the top of Mount Zion, the place of
the shameful fall. Contemplating there the remains of the fruits, the memory of the divine
sentence came to their minds: “In the day in which you eat of it, you will surely die.” The
terrible moment had arrived. The guilty man should drink the bitter chalice of death,
succumbing without hope.

5 Aware of their doom, the couple realized, with horror, that the hands that had brought
them to life now wielded a pointed stone knife. Trembling, they prostrated themselves and
waited for the just sentence to be carried out. While dumb with fear, Adam and Eve awaited
the blow that would reduce them to dust, they felt the gentle touch of divine hands that
lifted them into new life. The condemnation, however, would fall on a substitute.
6 Placing the knife in Adam's hands, the Creator said to him: "The lamb will die in your
place." —Adam should sacrifice him. Frightened by God's order, the couple, crying, began
to cry: — Lord, not the little lamb, he is innocent! — With an expression of justice, the
Eternal added: — If he does not die, you will not be able to have the garments of which I
spoke. —At the insistence of the Creator, Adam, all trembling, in a painful effort, stuck that
sharp stone into the lamb's chest. The blow was fatal, and the little animal, shedding its
precious blood, was immersed in the darkness of an endless night.

7 Looking at the lifeless lamb on the bloody grass, the couple raised their voices and cried.
They were beginning to understand the enormity of their tragedy. How terrible was death!
She, in her power, had extinguished all the light from the innocent animal's eyes. Silently
bending over the inert body of the lamb, the Eternal removed the skin covered in white
wool and made tunics with it to cover the couple's nakedness. After dressing them, he asked
them affectionately: — Did you understand the meaning of all this? — In deep reflection,
through sobs of recognition and gratitude, the couple exclaimed: — He died in our place, to
give us his clothes! —

8 Adam and Eve, although they had understood that physical reality, were far from
understanding the meaning of that event. To them the Creator would reveal the mystery of
divine love. With an expression of infinite mercy, God began to reveal to human beings the
meaning of that painful sacrifice, saying: The innocent little lamb, which suffered today,
symbolizes a man who will be born. In his eyes there will be the same tenderness, the same
love. Clothed by a righteous life, like the white wool that covered the lamb, that man will
grow like a branch on the Earth, not having the bonds of sin in his hands. In his appearance,
that man will not bring the pomp of a king, which is why he will be despised by many.

9 He will be a man of sorrows, for the weight of all provocations will fall upon him. In his
fidelity to the kingdom of light, that man will fight against the usurping enemy, finally
defeating him. After triumphing in his struggles, he will take upon himself the burden of
your condemnation that will cause him a terrible death. He will be pierced for your
transgression and crushed for your iniquities. He will be oppressed and humiliated, but he
will not open his mouth, like the little lamb that peacefully gave itself up today.
Succumbing in death, he will grant you the merits of his victory. Wrapped in His garments
of righteousness, you will be free from condemnation.

10 Thus you will attain eternal life, through the sacrifice of that righteous man who will be
born. Adam and Eve, who in a mixture of gratitude and pain heard the revelation of such
great salvation, reverently inquired about that special man who would emerge in their
descendants, in order to fulfill such an immense sacrifice. The Creator, looking at them
tenderly, moved by a love that surpasses death itself, wrapped them in a loving embrace
and revealed: — I will be that Man! — Surprised by the declaration of the Eternal, Adam
and Eve were motionless, while they contemplated His tender countenance.

11 Understanding the meaning of the tremendous sacrifice, they prostrated themselves at

His feet and with tears cried out: - We deserve death, Lord, but You are innocent and
should not suffer in our place! - Drying their tears, the Eternal with tenderness He spoke:
—My children, I love you with an eternal love. I will die in your place. — Faced with this
confirmation, the couple raised their voices in painful lamentation. They said: — We kill
the Creator! We killed the Creator!—But God began to console the couple with words of
hope, saying:—After drinking the chalice of eternal death, I will resume life and ascend to

12 I will intercede there for the lost man, granting to all those who, repenting, accept my
sacrifice, the garments of my victory. Together, we will finally triumph over the kingdom
of sin that will crumble into ashes under our feet. I will then create a new Heaven and a
new Earth, where only justice and love will reign. We will live like this forever, in a
kingdom of perfect harmony and peace. —The Creator, who, accompanied by the couple,
was still on Mount Zion, concluded His revelations by saying:

13 “The Garden of Eden will now be empty. The human being, during the long night of sin,
will wander in his exile. He will not walk, however, alone: the Eternal, also a pilgrim, will
tread with man the entire thorny path, until together they can climb the lost mountain,
gloriously triumphing over the kingdom of death. The tree of the knowledge of good and
evil, a monument of rebellion, will then be dismantled, giving rise to a glorious tree that,
uniting its crown to the tree of life, will become the commemorative arch of the great
victory. On the holy redeemed mountain, the universal throne will then rest forever, which
by the triumphant faithful will be called: the throne of God and of the Lamb.”

14 Adam and his companion, after hearing such comforting and hopeful words, raised their
voices in a song of gratitude and praise. They now knew the infinite love of their Creator
and were willing to serve Him. After comforting the couple, God led them out of Eden. It
was not easy for them to say goodbye to that beautiful home; there they had awakened to
life in the arms of the Eternal; There they enjoyed moments of pure happiness, in the
company of the Creator, the angels and the docile animals. An infinite nostalgia seemed to
surround the couple in their abandonment steps. It was with horror that Satan and his
subjects witnessed the intervention of the Eternal.

15 They were shaken by the surprising revelation of the rescue plan. With furious
frustration, they understood that, if the divine promise were in fact fulfilled, there would be
no hope left. After considering everything that had happened, a great anger took hold of his
heart. He was not willing to recognize the redemption of human beings. He would make
every effort to retain it, along with the kingdom that had been given to him. When the
couple, accompanied by the Creator, reached the valley wounded by death, dawn was
breaking. There Satan confronted them with fury, in an attempt to take over human beings

16 The couple was trembling in the face of the enemy, but the protective hands of God
calmed them. Expressing in his countenance the firmness of a justice that is eternal, the
Eternal silenced the enemy's threats with the following words: "The human being belongs
to me, because I bought him with my blood." Walking in silence alongside the Creator,
Adam and Eve sadly observed the signs of death stamped on that nature that was once so
full of life. The beautiful flowers, which had budded to exhale eternal aromas, now hung
withered; The little birds, which joyfully greeted them at every dawn with their trills, were
now flying distant, making such sad songs sound! Everything was changed in nature.

17 The science of good and evil had not brought any good to the Universe, but rather an
intense spiritual and physical conflict. Faced with the devastating consequences of their
fall, the couple, overcome by inexpressible sadness, prostrated themselves in repentance
and wept bitterly. God, who, also stricken with pain, contemplated the desolate scene, tried,
with words of hope, to comfort them. He told them about the new Heaven and the new
Earth that he would one day create, where peace and love would reign again in every heart.
There they would always live together, not wearing the marks of sadness on their
foreheads, but crowns of eternal victory.

18 There he would dry the tears from their faces and they would never moisten their eyes
again. Protecting Adam and Eve in their steps, the Creator led them through a wounded
valley, until they reached the foot of a hill. They climbed it in slow steps, while exchanging
words of encouragement and hope. His feet finally reached the soft grass that covered the
spacious top of that hill. It was over that place that the couple saw the sun decline every
day, bathing the sky and the valleys in a bright red, like the blood that had dripped from the
lamb's breast.

19 Turning towards the eastern side, the couple, in a mixture of pain and nostalgia,
contemplated in the distance the landscapes that surrounded them in that happy past. When
they saw Mount Zion, which rose majestically in the middle of Eden, they cried when they
remembered the fall. How weak they had been! The sun was declining in its day,
announcing the arrival of one more sad night—the first outside of paradise.— In a calm
gesture, the Eternal, showing them the protruding valley of the hill, spoke to them with
affection: “Here will be your temporary abode.” . From here you will be able to
contemplate the paradise that will remain on Earth for some time, until it is collected to its
place of origin, in the bosom of the Celestial Jerusalem.

20 There, protected by justice, he will await the dawn of victory. When that great day
comes, we will return together to Zion, where we will be crowned in glory, in a kingdom of
eternal happiness and peace.” After saying these words, God ordered the couple to build an
altar of stones in that place, on which every week, on the night before the Sabbath, they
should sacrifice a lamb, in memory of His Sacrifice.

21 As a sign of His presence, and for the certainty that their sins would be forgiven, He
would light a fire on the altar, which would last all night, until the sacrificial offering was
completely consumed. In order for the human being to be able to affirm his faith in the
revealed truths, and not in the visible manifestation of the person of the Creator, He would
have to remain invisible from that moment on. Only on special occasions, when His
appearance or that of angels became necessary for new revelations and warnings, would
this occur. Contemplating His saddened children at that moment when they would be
apparently left alone.

22 The Eternal One said to them with love: “Children, although you have to remain in this
hostile environment, you do not need to fear, because I will remain by your side. I will be a
fellow friend on this journey; I will carry your pains, your desires, your struggles on my
shoulders. When, tempted by the enemy, you are about to give in, you will be able to find
shelter in my arms, which will always be extended to save you and, if one day you do not
resist, and by the fury of the enemy you are dragged into the depths of the abyss, despair
believing you have no hope, because I will be there to help you with my forgiveness and

23 Always keep in mind the meaning of the garments received from my hands, for they
speak of the redemption that belongs to man. Rest my children, in my arms of love.” After
comforting the couple with these promises, the Creator, seeing that they were drowsy from
fatigue, made them recline on His lap and, as usual, gently caressed them until they fell
asleep. Seeing them forgotten in their sleep, God cried as he foresaw the suffering they
would experience when they woke up. With his heart broken by the pain caused by that
physical separation, the Creator left the couple sleeping on the grass, after kissing their
faces already marked by suffering.

24 Its light dissipated as it became invisible, giving rise to the darkness of that first night
outside of paradise. Colorful dreams of a happy past began to parade in the couple's
subconscious. They were once again in the midst of the beauties of Eden, satiated by an
eternal joy. Grateful for life, they ran through the flowery fields, playing with the animals.
With happiness they united their voices with the angels in harmonious songs in praise of
the Creator. So many beautiful scenes flashed through their subconscious, but those dreams
turned into nightmares, making them relive their tragedy.

25 Dying people woke up in the middle of the darkness of that first night in exile. Unable to
fall asleep, the couple remained crying until they were consoled by the dawn that revealed
the nostalgic paradise to them in the distance. God, although invisible, remained next to
Adam and Eve there on the hill. Their suffering was His suffering, as was the hope that one
day they would return victorious to Zion. Before the contemplative gaze of the Creator, the
dark future of humanity was revealed. With regret, He saw countless creatures perishing
without salvation, for rejecting His love. Tears wet His face, as He foreseen the enemy
using all cunning in order to retain human beings under his dominion.

26 The night of sin would be long, and the battle for the reconquest of the lost kingdom
would be hard-fought. The triumph of light would require an immense sacrifice from God.
In the person of the Messiah, in due time, he would be born among men, with the mission
of paying the ransom price. Through Him many would be freed from the clutches of the
enemy: all those who accepted Him as Savior and King. Against those chosen, the enemy
would attack all his forces trying to make them fall. In his vision of the future, the Creator
contemplated with joy the final triumph of the redeemed.
27 They had been extremely tested, but in everything they were more than conquerors
through Him who redeemed them from darkness into the kingdom of light. After
anticipating the suffering that would arise from the great struggle, the Eternal extended his
gaze across the captive plains, contemplating there the rebel hosts ready for the fight. The
objective of these armies was to once again take over the human being, in whom the right
of dominion over the Universe was sealed. Contrary to the nature of the Creator is war, but
for the defense of His children, He was willing to use His power.

28 His strength, however, would only be used justly. If the human being rejected that
protection offered through the sacrifice of the Messiah, God could do nothing to prevent
himself from perishing in the clutches of the enemy. Adam and Eve, however, had repented
of their great sin, receiving by God's mercy garments of salvation, symbolized by the skins
of the sacrificed lamb. Justified by the couple's surrender, the Eternal summoned His
powerful armies for the fight. In ready obedience the hosts of light burst through sidereal
space in the direction of the Earth, surrounding the hill like a strong wall, carrier of that
treasure redeemed by the blood of the divine King.

29 In Eden, human beings were given the duty to take care of nature: they prepared quarries
for flowers; They harvested fruits for sustenance; They directed the animals in their
innocent lives, training them to be useful to them. These occupations had been sources of
development and pleasure for them. Now, despite the adversities, they should continue to
perform that duty. The work itself, carried out according to the Creator's orders, would
already nullify many enemy attacks. The couple's first activities that morning brought them
revelations of the great love of God, unknown until then.

30 As they gathered stones to build the altar, they experienced the pain of wounds that
dripped blood, as well as fatigue that caused sweat to emanate. Feeling and contemplating
everything in their own flesh, they loved the Savior more, for whom the altar built
prefigured greater wounds, which would shed all His blood, as well as fatigues that would
sap all the sage from His life. The couple's gaze of nostalgia and hope from now on would
never rest on the distant Eden, without first discerning the altar of sacrifices.

31 That altar, with its stains of sweat and blood, would remain as a remembrance of the
pain and suffering that, after moistening the lips of human beings, would flow into the cup
of the Creator. After long contemplating the paradise of eternal life that stretched far
beyond that dark altar of death, the couple experienced the sweet relief of rest. Eager to see
the landscapes of their new home, Adam and Eve, encouraged by hope, went for a walk.

32 Their steps led them along paths of smiles and tears; of charms and disappointments; of
flowers that delicately unbuttoned, bathed in perfume, and of unpeeled flowers, lying
withered and without smell; of animals that are still docile and submissive and of enemy
animals, ferocious and threatening. During their walk, the couple discerned the symbols of
two worlds: that of light and that of darkness; of love and selfishness; of hope and despair;
of harmony and disharmony; of life and death. That vision filled them with sadness and
they cried for a long time. That sadness would increase even more in the future, when they
discovered the depth of these currencies within their descendants.

33 Six red lights had already colored the skies, announcing to the couple the dark and cold
nights that with their blanket of darkness undid all living images, except the hope of seeing
them colorful again in the dawn of light. The hour of sacrifice was now approaching, when
the rude altar, burned in its justice, would cry out for blood. If they did not offer it the
offering, it would surely explode, engulfing the entire world in its flames; There would then
be no dawn, no hope of Eden to blossom.

34 How precious is blood! Blood is life; life is light! For a being, that night would become
eternal, without dawn! That being should take on everyone's guilt, giving his blood to the
rude altar. Who would offer? Who would pour the sage of life, until seeing the last sparkle
fade in their sky?! Adam and Eve, after reflecting for a long time, contemplating the cradle
of death built by their hands, looked at each other restlessly with that decisive question:
Who will offer themselves? That inquiry born of his guilt, made the voice of the blessed
Creator vibrate in the depths of his remembrances in His revelation of infinite goodness: —
“I love you with an eternal love; I will die in your place.” —

35 Grateful, the couple reverently prostrated themselves before the thirsty altar, seeing it by
faith, satisfied by the gift of eternal love. On that afternoon of the sixth day, God subjected
human beings to a tremendous test of faith. They had before them the stone altar, built
according to divine order, but there was no sheep for the sacrifice. In their longing, they
remembered Eden, where there were many flocks. Seeing the sun fall on the horizon, Adam
and Eve began to cry out to God for help, because they knew that only a miracle could
provide them, at that last moment, with a lamb for sacrifice.

36 In the eyes of the inhabitants of the Universe, the great miracle for which human beings
cried out was already being processed almost a week later: Guided by the Creator, an
immaculate lamb had left Eden and followed the couple's trails in their walk towards exile.
On its long journey, that little animal had to face many challenges and dangers, but
protected and guided by the Eternal, it continued on its mission. When the shadows of
evening began to envelop the hill, the couple who had experienced such a hard test of faith
discerned a white dot jumping on the grass coming in their direction. As it approached, that
lump seemed to speak of hope, of life and warmth.

37 When they saw that the great miracle had happened, they ran to meet the lamb,
wrapping it in their arms. He was weary, but he would not rest: he would give rest. He was
thirsty, but he would not drink: he would give water to the altar that cried out for blood.
That lamb had the will to live in the arms of man, but it would die, so that he could live in
the arms of God. It was a perfect symbolism of the Redeemer who would leave His glory,
coming in search of the sinner. The darkness of one more prefigurative night slowly
descended, enveloping all nature in its prison.
38 Its strength, however, would be defeated before the human being, by the brightness of a
special fire, lit by the hands of divine forgiveness on the lifeless body of the innocent lamb.
Everything was prepared for the painful blow: an act that would extinguish the last sparkle
of life from those sweet little eyes, submerging them in the cold darkness of an eternal
night: darkness that would generate light; cold that would generate heat; death that would
generate life—undeserved gifts; — fruits of divine love offered to sinful hands, ready to
hurt. In the middle of the silent night the altar cries out; the sad man exclaims, while the
lamb, mute, does not complain as he is stretched out for death. The hands that built the altar
are raised now, not to caress as before, but to wound, bleeding the price of forgiveness.

39 Just a gesture, nothing more, and the sparkle will be extinguished forever from the
innocent eyes, making the light of salvation shine on the guilty face. Adam, trembling
doubt in compassion. In the meek and submissive little lamb, ready to die in his place, he
sees the promised Savior. With a repentant heart, in a painful effort, he plunges the stone
knife into the chest of the little animal that perishes in his hands without even giving a
moan. The power of the night is immediately struck down by the brilliance of the fire of
acceptance. Its light reveals to human beings their tragic condition: Seeing the hands
stained by innocent blood, the couple feels guilty for that death.

40 In tears they kneel before the altar that no longer demands blood, but offers light,
accepting undeserved forgiveness. Getting up, the couple lingeringly contemplates the
wounded body of the poor lamb, unable to thank him for the wealth granted in exchange for
his rude blow. Bathed in the soft light of the sacrifice, Adam and his companion remain
silent to meditate, until they are overcome by a deep sleep. Lying down on the ground
covered with soft grass, they gently fell asleep under the warm rays of forgiveness, certain
that its brightness and warmth would last until the darkness of that Saturday was
completely vanished by the dazzling sun.

41 The light of the lamb, since it was lit on the altar that night, remained in constant war
with the darkness. Several times it grew in brilliance, driving away the cold darkness into
the distance, bathing nature with its rays of life. Sometimes, the darkness, bringing its cold
wind, almost completely uprooted the flame. This, however, in a great effort fed on the
blood of the lamb, throwing its burning flame high, flooding everything around with light
and heat.

42 The conflict between the light born of sacrifice and the darkness on that night revealed
to the faithful of the Universe many important lessons—truths that would occupy their
minds for all eternity. — In that flame, whether burning in its brilliance or whipped by the
winds of the night, the faithful saw a representation of the millennia-old conflict between
good and evil; conflict that without respite would extend until the eternal dawn. The
Eternal, as a pledge of His future sacrifice, had lit the light of truth in the midst of darkness,
and that would be kept lit in the heart of the human being, by virtue of His blood that would
be shed for the remission of guilt.
43 Against that light, the enemy would attack all the cold winds of evil, banishing its sweet
brightness from the hearts of many. How many would lie lost for rejecting the light of
divine forgiveness, being enveloped by the darkness of the dark night! After long hours of
combat, signs of dawn appear in the sky. The darkness that in anger had launched its winds
on the flame that does not die, trying to banish it, becomes confused before the signs of
dawn. The sky dyed bright red reminds us of the blood that had flowed from the lamb's
breast so that the flame of forgiveness could illuminate the human night.

44 In the midst of the color of blood, the dazzling sun emerges on the horizon, bringing in
its hot rays the taste of victory, enveloping everything with its life. The dawn in its
nostalgic affection caresses the distant paradise, carrying from its beloved bosom in its
morning breeze the aroma of nostalgia, in a message of consolation and hope for the
suffering creatures of the valley of death. Bathed by the warm rays and the breeze of hope,
the couple awakens on another Saturday, whose symbolism points towards rest in the
kingdom of God, at the culmination of the great conflict between light and darkness.

45 Beyond that altar covered in ashes, Adam and Eve lingeringly contemplate the nostalgic
paradise. Although distant in their exile, they rejoice in the certainty that the sacrifice of the
Messiah will mark for them the Sabbath of Saturdays: that of tears forever banished; from
sun always to shining in a clear sky; of lambs always alive playing on the grass; day
without nightfall, when there will be no more altar covered in blood and ashes. They long
for that day of glory, when God will become eternally visible, carrying in their hands the
marks of His infinite love for His children.

46 Before the fall, human beings, as well as all the heavenly hosts, learned at the feet of the
Creator who patiently taught them the treasures of wisdom contained in the vast
compendium of nature. Everything in the Universe, from the tiny atom to the greatest of
worlds, testified in its perfect existence to the character of the divine King. Many teachings
, however, remained hidden in the pages of that great book in the period before the fall:
They were like the stars that, hidden during the day, reveal their brilliance as the shadows
of the night descend.

47 Taking nature captive, the enemy, in the attempt to block the revelation of Eternal
Wisdom, introduced into it stains of selfishness, destruction, unhappiness and death. He did
not know that these stains would make the depth of God's justice and love evident on the
face of creation, leading the faithful to love and revere him even more. For the couple, as
well as for all the children of light, wounded nature broke its veil, revealing new aspects of
the Creator's goodness previously hidden.

48 Adam and Eve, who were accustomed to eternal flowers in paradise, those who did not
see them unbutton, now saw them emerge in tender buds, amidst the threats of thorns ready
to hurt them. Those tender flowers, without caring about being with the thorns, exhaled soft
perfumes of praise and gratitude, never tiring of pleasing the environment. When whipped
by the cold winds of the night, those flowers did not suffer, but instead offered their aroma,
which transformed the fury of the winds into the scented breezes of a dawn.
49 Moved by deep gratitude, the couple attentively accompanied the ministry of love of
those flowers that they never tired of blessing, offering their beauty and perfume as relief to
those who were hurt by the harsh thorns. Those singular and pure flowers, after showing in
their short life that forgiveness and love are stronger than all the winds and thorns, in a last
effort to communicate joy, exhaled their perfume, falling withered and lifeless on the cold
ground. . There, forgotten, they were transformed into insignificant dust that was dispersed
by the wind.

50 The death of the flowers, although it seemed like a failure, revealed to the couple the
mystery of the rebirth of life: Dying, the flowers gave life to the fruits which, in turn, after
serving as food, donated their seeds full of life . In the death of those seeds, the miracle of
life was reborn, multiplying the trees with their flowers ready to repeat the teaching of love
and sacrifice. Nature, therefore, even stained by sin, revealed the hidden mystery of the
plan of redemption. Each flower to be unbuttoned in the middle of the thorns, in its short
life of love, was a symbol of the Savior who would be born among the thorns of evil, to
console the hearts of the afflicted with its perfume.

51 Similar to the flower, the Messiah after proving that love and forgiveness are stronger
than all the winds of hate; that the truth and justice of the kingdom of God are greater than
all the deceptions and injustices of the kingdom of the enemy, he would pour out the sage
of his life, dying to redeem the guilty.

The History of the Universe – Chapter 6

Adam and Eve dedicated to edifying work. The hill became a miniature of Eden. Divine
protection and care. Experiences in obeying the commandment about sacrifice. The
cunning trap of the enemy, looking towards the symbols of sacrifice as bearers of
forgiveness and life. Adam and Eve offer sacrifices to the Lord, the Eternal appears to
them, comforting them and preventing them from danger. Promise of the birth of your
firstborn. Responsibilities towards your child. Birth of Cain. The birth of Cain reminds
them of the promise of the future birth of the Messiah. Cain's rebellious childhood. The
enemy mocks the suffering of God and His faithful and attempts to make God desist from
His plan of redemption. The Eternal affirms His solemn promise. Adam and Eve make
sacrifices and pray for their son, the Eternal appears to them. The Eternal reveals
himself to Cain and tells him the story of Lucifer and the Sun. Promise of the birth of
Abel. Cain, like Lucifer, is dragged by his pride into a false illusion. God would try every
way to save Cain

1 Consoled by the revelations of nature, Adam and his companion, students in the school of
suffering, learned every day to love the Savior more. They grew in wisdom, humility and
holiness. All the virtues destroyed by sin were reborn in the heart. With encouragement, the
couple dedicated themselves to edifying work: they planted gardens that, by the power of
God, were filled with fragrant flowers and delicious fruits. Their home in exile became a
refuge for the persecuted animals of the valleys. The hill, under the protection of the angels
of light, became a miniature of distant Eden. Among the animals gathered and tamed with
love, there were many sheep.

2 Adam and Eve could not set their eyes on those docile animals destined for sacrifice,
without feeling deep in their souls a mixture of pain and gratitude. On the night before each
Sabbath, Adam had, by order of the Creator, to repeat the painful act. How much bitterness
and repentance came upon the couple as the darkness of the night of sacrifice descended!
How much comfort was brought to them by the flame of forgiveness that had never stopped
shining on the altar, on those prefigurative nights! The decisive value of sacrifice, so that
life could flourish under divine protection, led the couple to value their small flock

3 Every sixth day, however, began to bring with it, beyond the pain, a concern: — Who
will donate their blood to the altar when the last sheep perishes? — In the eyes of the
amazed couple, the miracle of the love, renewing their hope of living other weeks under the
brightness of the flame of forgiveness: a sheep, the fattest of them, began to bleed as if in
sacrifice; From their pain, four little lambs were born to them. Full of joy and gratitude,
Adam and Eve prostrated themselves before the invisible Savior, holding in their hands
those new little creatures who brought in their eyes the same tenderness and readiness for

4 Certain that new miracles would multiply their days, the couple united their voices as
before, in a song of gratitude and adoration to the Creator who, like the little lambs, would
also be born from pain to fulfill in their lives the greatest of all sacrifices, for the salvation
of humanity. The Eternal, although invisible to the eyes of His human children, remained
very close, accompanied by an army of angels, in a tireless ministry of care and protection.
The couple was unaware that the sweet calm and peace reigning on that hill, as well as all
its prosperity, were the fruits of such intense struggle.

5 If their eyes were opened to the scenes that were happening unseen, they would be seized
with fear; How terrible was the enemy and his hosts in their constant efforts to ruin human
beings, snatching them from the hands of the Creator! Seeing that the use of force would
not result in victory, the enemy in his cunning idealized a trap with which he could bind the
couple. Gathering his armies, he revealed his plans to them saying: —“The human being
was ordered to sacrifice lambs, as symbols of the coming Savior.

6 We will tempt them to look towards these symbols as bearers of forgiveness and life,
gradually making them forget the reality of the sacrifice promised by God. It will be a slow
process, but a sure victory.” —The Creator, knowing the danger of that trap, was saddened,
because when looking toward the future, He could see so many of His children being
diverted from the path of salvation. How many would cling to symbols, believing they
found virtue in them! God in his love and care would not leave them unaware of the danger
that threatened them.

7 He knew how much Adam and his companion loved those lambs who, when they died on
the altar, offered them light and warmth. They could easily be induced to see them as
sources of life and light, beginning to revere them. Many weeks had already passed,
bringing with them the nights of pain and sacrifice, followed by the days of hope and
nostalgia for that loving Father, who after making promises to them and drying their tears,
had become invisible before their eyes. Each day that passed brought the couple a new load
of nostalgia, making them wonder each evening: —When will we kiss His face again?
When will we be enveloped in His arms, walking in the light of His love?! —How
nostalgic they felt for those Edenic nights, when they fell asleep in the soft lap of their
divine Father!

8 Another week of work and lessons learned was ending. The sun in its decline announced
another night of repentance and innocent blood to bathe the altar. The silent couple was far
from imagining that on that night, the painful blow that was always followed by the fire,
would reveal to them the blessed face of the Father. With shaking hands, Adam lifted the
lamb, which, mute, made no resistance when placed on the altar. Tears rolled down his face
as he thought that one more innocent animal would plunge into the hated darkness of death,
to generate light with its blood.

9 It is painful to sacrifice, but there is no other way of salvation. Only through the shed
blood of the lamb will they be able to live to behold the face of the Father in the future. In a
painful effort, Adam makes that pointed stone fall on the little lamb, which, in a moan of
pain, spills its blood. A glorious Light soon dissipates the darkness, flooding the entire hill
with its rays of life. Through tears the couple then contemplates the Creator in the middle
of the fire of the altar. In a gesture of love, God opens His arms as before, and with a smile
walks towards the long-awaited embrace.

10 Without finding words to express their immense longing, the couple throws themselves
into His chest and cries bitterly. The divine Father, moved, also cries, but tries to console
his children with his sweet smile. With emotion the couple contemplates the Father's face,
wrapping it with kisses and affection. Their love for Him had been intensified by suffering.
Grateful and happy, they walk next to the Creator, showing him the gardens loaded with
flowers and fruits. They tell him about the lessons learned together with nature; They show
him the flock tamed by affection.

11 Illuminated by the soft light of the Eternal Father, the couple sits at His feet as before, to
hear His teachings. The Creator, looking at them with tenderness, goes on to warn them of
the danger. Guiding them about the sacrifices of lambs, which were important in the sense
of always keeping in mind the certainty of a coming Savior who, like the lambs, would be
sacrificed for the redemption of sinners. The lambs, however, did not possess the power to
forgive sins, since they consisted only of symbols of the Messiah King.
12 After they were made aware of the danger of becoming attached to symbols seeking to
find salvation in them, the couple received the responsibility of transmitting these
guidelines to their descendants. After warning the human being, the Creator looked at the
sheep that were lying asleep next to their offspring, and exclaimed: - How beautiful the
little lambs are! — The couple, in a mixture of happiness and pain, added: — When they
are awake, they jump with pleasure, forgetting that at birth and death they cause so much
pain! —

13 After contemplating the little lambs, God looked at the couple with tenderness, revealing
to them something that surprised and delighted them: -When thirty-six of these lambs have
ascended to the altar, your arms will wrap around the first son who, like them, will also
emerge from the altar. pain. That child in his childhood will bring you joy, jumping like the
little lambs in your home. You must instruct him with dedication in the laws of harmony,
showing him the path to redemption. Like you, he will be free to choose the course to
follow. By accepting the teaching, your life will be victorious; By rejecting it, you will
walk towards defeat.

14 Adam and Eve heard the divine promise with joy, but at the same time they experienced
fear deep down as they became aware of the responsibility they would have. They knew
that Satan would make every effort to bring the promised child to perdition. It was late at
night when the Creator, after caressing his children, left them to sleep on the soft grass.
After the promise, each little lamb brought to the altar made the hope of the joy that they
would soon achieve beat stronger in the mother's womb.

15 Thirty-six finally descended into darkness, fulfilling the time determined by the Creator
in which the first child would receive the light. With his hands still stained by the blood of
the sacrifice, Adam protected his wife who, at the foot of the altar, prostrated herself
defeated by the pain that her first child brought her. The little boy did not carry on his face
the joy of freedom, but the cry of his prison; That cry would last the entire night, if it
weren't for the brightness of that burning flame of hope that soon attracted the attention of
his attentive little eyes. Enveloping him with joy, Eve, consoled for her suffering, said: “I
received the promise from the Lord.” He then gave him the name Cain.

16 After wrapping the baby in the soft skins of a lamb, the couple stayed awake to
meditate. Many were the thoughts that occupied their minds: thoughts of joy, of gratitude,
of hope, and of longing for the sense of responsibility that now weighed on their shoulders.
Tenderly caressing the little child, the couple matured in their experience, better
understanding the mysterious love of God who, to save His children, prepared to die in
their place.

17 Adam and Eve were not alone in their reflections: all the intelligent beings in the
Universe considered with interest the future of that defenseless baby who inside possessed
a kingdom of infinite dimensions, as it was disputed by the two powers in struggle. Who
would be the Lord of his life?! Would your feet walk the ascending path that leads to life,
or the descending path that ends in the abyss of eternal death?! Seeing the child smile for
the first time, the couple suddenly remembered the promise of the Creator that was
confirmed in each sacrifice: He would be born of the woman as a child, with the mission of
redeeming humanity.

18 Wouldn't Cain already be the fulfillment of the promise? The infant with his bright eyes
of joy looked so much like the little lambs that were born and grew up with the mission of
being sacrificed! Considering this, the couple, holding their son close to their chest, began
to cry inconsolably. How terrible it would be to offer your innocent child to the rude altar!
For the couple, overcome by pain, the bright sun finally appeared, reviving with its warm
rays the promises that pointed to a Savior who, still in the future, would also be born from
pain to fulfill the eternal plan of redemption.

19 Blessed by the Creator and enveloped by the love and care of the parents, the child
developed in his physical and mental nature, becoming every day the major objective of a
tireless battle between the spiritual hosts. Adam and Eve, eager to make him understand the
truths of salvation, took him in their arms at every dawn and, at the edge of the altar,
pointed out the distant Eden, telling those stories of emotion which little Cain still could not

20 What was the joy of those parents, seeing him on a sunny morning, point with his little
hand towards the home of nostalgia, pronouncing the sacred name of the Creator. Excited,
they took him in their arms, asking him to repeat that sublime name that, like a key to
happiness, always revealed to them a paradise of eternal love. All the hosts of light bowed
with joy upon hearing the little child pronounce the name of the divine King.

21 The weeks went by, bringing with them new victims to the altar, and little Cain, the
target of the attention and care of God, of the hosts of light and of those loving parents
tireless in the mission of instructing him, grouping together his few words , always curious
about everything, began to question. The day was waning when the boy, who was lying on
his mother's lap, asked her: "Mother, why does the sun always go down like this, leaving
people in the cold of darkness?" his son, without finding words to answer the question that
brought back the memory of the past happiness destroyed because of him.

22 After a moment of silence, kissing little Cain's face, he said to him: —“Son, one day the
sun will come to stay, bringing in its rays a world of only harmony; There will no longer be
little animals to fight, nor little lambs to die on the altar.” Little Cain, wishing to see that
day dawn soon, said to his mother: “Mother, tomorrow the sun will rise in paradise; Ask for
him to stay! “This way I can play, play, and never sleep again.” — Anxious to see the dawn
of the day that would have no end, little Cain only fell asleep after making his mother
promise that he would ask the sun to remain.

23 A new day of radiant sun to walk through the sky arose for Cain, bringing joy and
warmth in its rays. While playing in the garden, his curious little eyes turned many times
towards the sun that seemed to caress him with a smile of hope. Seeing him, however,
walking towards the west, the little boy ran towards his mother, asking her: "Mother, did he
promise to stay?" Eva, taking him in her arms, smiled at him, trying to make him
understand with simple words, while pointing to him. the distant paradise, the story of

24 The sun would come one day to stay. Cain, dissatisfied with the mother's words, showed
that he did not have the patience to wait for that day that lay in the distant future. He
repeated in tears: "I want the sun now, not tomorrow!" Eva patiently tried to calm her son,
talking about the light of God, which can turn night into day. He loved him and could fill
his little heart with brightness, joy and patience. He could thus happily wait for the day of
his dreams. Shaking his little head in rejection of his mother's consolation, Cain uttered
between sobs: "I love the sun because I can see it, but not the Eternal." —

25 Like a painful arrow, Cain's words of rebellion penetrated Eve's heart, making her cry
bitterly. The faithful throughout the Universe joined in that cry. An infinite sadness hung
over the heart of the rejected Creator. The first steps on the downward path of rebellion
were outlined in Cain's gestures. How many would follow him towards death! Unaware of
the sadness that had fallen on the kingdom of light, Adam, upon seeing the sun decline on
the horizon, left his work in the field and headed towards the house.

26 He had a song in his heart as he walked toward another meeting with his people. As he
approached the altar, he saw his companion lying prostrate in tears next to him. Little Cain
lay there crying too. Taking him in his arms, Adam asked him anxiously: "What happened,
my son?" Eva's shoulder, but he couldn't find words to console her. The phrase said by his
little son seemed to tear his heart, making him relive the fall. After reflecting, Adam,
feeling guilty, responded to Cain: — “It was dad who let the sun go, still my son.” —

27 With sobs of great sadness, Adam joined them in weeping. The memory of the Savior,
however, consoled him. Drying his tears and those of his little son, he said tenderly: “We
can rejoice, little son, because God promised to make the sun always shine in the sky; "He
will be like the fire that appears on the altar, driving out the darkness of the night." With his
little eyes turned towards the last clearing of the glow, Cain remained without consolation.
On that evening, there was no happy dinner as usual. The small family, saddened, remained
silent and meditating for long hours, until they drowsily slept under the light of the stars.

28 The enemy and his hosts, in sarcasm of evil, mocked that night at the suffering of God
and His faithful. Repeating little Cain's words of rebellion, he boasted as a winner. In a
challenge to the Creator he pronounced: - Look how this my little slave rejects you! The
same will happen with all those who are to be born. I am sure that the right to the domain
will never leave my hands. — All the rebellious hosts echoed the affronts of the deceiver,
humiliating the subjects of light who suffered on the side of the Eternal. With his insults,
the enemy sought to make God desist from His plan of redemption. If that were to happen,
his kingdom of darkness would extend for all eternity, supplanting the dominion of light.

29 In response to the enemy's challenge, the Eternal solemnly stated: -Even if everyone
rejects Me, I will fulfill the promise. —The Creator could not bear the thought of seeing
little Cain walk towards perdition. He interceded for him every day, offering before justice
His blood that he would shed. Powerful angels guarded him at every moment, frightening
away the spiritual darkness that stalked him, trying to make him insensitive to the benefits
of salvation, which were illustrated by the symbols. Adam and Eve in their tireless ministry
of love, every day taught Cain the spiritual lessons illustrated in nature.

30 On each Sabbath they tried to affirm in their youthful minds the hope of eternal life,
which would be the fruit of the Savior's sacrifice. After living a sinless life, he would die
like a lamb, to be able to expel darkness forever. Cain was sometimes moved by the
teachings, but almost always he hesitantly questioned. Rebelliously he asked: - Why did
Samael go to rebel?! — One night, refusing to listen to the advice of his parents, he accused
them of all the evil saying: — “If we don't have a sun to shine now, it is your fault.” —

31 The contemplation of distant Eden bathed in sun gave rise to thoughts of adventure in
Cain's youthful heart. He began to think: “This paradise is not as far away as mom and dad
claim. Why wait and suffer for so long?! He is so cute! It is from him that the sun rises
every day! If we conquer it, it will be easy to stop the light at its source; This way we will
live in a paradise of eternal sun. Cain's ideas of adventure filled the hearts of Adam and Eve
with sadness. They saw that their interest was only in the present time; He dreamed of a
paradise of happiness and light conquered by his strength.

32 In his plans, he did not feel the need for a Savior; —Why, if he was so young,
intelligent, full of life and ideals?—that's what he said. The days of struggles, intercessions
and sacrifices for the fate of Cain passed by. Precious opportunities to cling to the Savior
arose every day before him, but he rejected them all, one by one. In his disbelief he came to
doubt the existence of that God, whom he had never seen. To the parents who, afflicted but
always patient, tried to free him from the perdition towards which he was walking, he
promised one day, after smiling with an air of disbelief, to believe in the Creator and in His
plan of salvation, if that were the case. that He became visible at the hour of sacrifice.

33 With ardent faith, those fathers began to cry out to the Eternal. His visible presence
could, who knows, save that beloved son who was becoming more rebellious every day.
The Creator heard the cry of the afflicted parents. Although he knew that his appearance
would hardly break the rebellious spirit in young Cain's heart, he was willing to satisfy the
request. He would extend his friendly arms to Cain, lovingly trying to win his heart.

34 Since He knew his desires and dreams of adventure, He could easily identify with him,
captivating him, since He was also Someone who had always carried dreams of adventure
on his chest; Hadn't the creation of the Universe been a great adventure?! Hadn't it been His
dream to see it encrusted with blazing suns, illuminating billions of worlds with their
brilliance?! Was it not also the greatest of His to traverse the valley of death, in pursuit of
the conquest of distant Eden, forever uniting the sun in its sky?! They had many things in
common! Cain was curious on that sixth day.
35 In the parents' faces, I saw encouragement and joy, fruits of a great faith. Encouraged by
this expression of confidence, the young man began to help them in the preparations for the
holy Sabbath. The Sun finally slipped away rolling towards the west, leaving as usual its
trail of nostalgia that announced fear. In the midst of darkness, Cain discerned the white
figure of the lamb being lifted toward the altar by the hands of the father—that tireless
priest who was always imploring the Creator for the salvation of his beloved son. —

36 With his hand raised, Adam prepared for the blow that could, who knows, break his
disbelief in Cain's heart, giving rise to belief in salvation in a single moment. The prayer of
faith then escapes from his lips: - Eternal Father, hear my request; My son needs You! Only
a look from Yours can conquer him. Come Lord!! —This sincere prayer fell on that son's
ears, moving him. Prayer alone would be enough to convince him of the real existence of a

37 While drying the tears of emotion, Cain shudders when he hears the sound of the blow
of death. Everything was solemn at that moment; Would the Creator of the world come in
answer to the prayer of love?! How would he face it in his disbelief?! A strong glow soon
enveloped the entire hill, also bathing the eastern valley. Cain's wide-open eyes then rested
on the kind eyes of the Creator, who had on his face a brightness superior to that of the sun,
but not obfuscating.

38 Gazing at him with admiration, Cain exclaimed: "He is young like me, and he looks like
the Sun!" Adam and Eve, moved by great nostalgia, wanted to jump to the Savior's chest
and kiss him, but they let him meet them first. with Cain. With joy, they saw their precious
son wrapped in the arms of their great friend, who was similar to their star. After the long
embrace, God also hugged and kissed the dear couple, companions in suffering. With joy,
they went for a walk in the gardens on the hill.

39 In the center went the Creator and Cain, and on the sides Adam and his companion.
How much happiness they experienced in those steps! They were complete. Cain,
conquered by the affection of the Eternal Father, showed Him his precious animals and his
small garden loaded with beautiful flowers. How delighted I was to see them colorful in
that night undone by the brilliance of the Creator, as under the light of day! It even seemed
as if the Sun itself had descended on them. Thinking about the Sun, Cain, who loved him
very much, began to talk about him saying: - How beautiful and good he is! When he
leaves however, he leaves a feeling of sadness and fear in his tears of blood.

40 Everything disappears in his absence: the animals, the garden; Even the little birds
silence their songs!… But it is enough for him to say that he is going to appear and
everything is filled with charm; Nature awakens from her meekness, still seeming to fear
the darkness, but when she sees it fleeing, she remains alert and sings; The animals, the
birds, the garden,... everything returns to a happy life! But, this happiness always ends!!! —

41 After speaking these words, Cain, looking at the Creator, curiously inquired: —Dad
always says that it was you who created the Sun. Is it true?—With a sincere smile, God
answered yes. —When you made him in the beginning, Cain continued, he was already
fleeing towards the west?— —He never flees, answered the Eternal, it is the world that
flees from him. He is sad with that ingratitude!——But how?—Cain asked, curiously
contemplating His face of light. With loving words, God began to tell him the story of
Lucifer who, in his ingratitude, banished from his eyes and from the eyes of a multiplicity
of creatures, the brightness of His face—the True Sun. —

42 After doing this, he deceived many by saying that the Sun was the one fleeing from
them. With his cunning, the Creator continued, the rebellious angel tried to drag the human
being into darkness, and he succeeded. The Sun on that day cried so many tears of blood
that they bathed the entire sky. In his last breath of light, however, he promised the world,
already swept away by darkness, to one day return to shine forever, filling its entire bosom
with life.

43 After saying these words, the Eternal looking at that young man, with an expression of
sadness in his eyes, concluded by saying: -Today, the rebellious angel promises his
followers that he will go with his strength to stop the sun, but he will never be able to do
that. plan, because he does not have the bond that could stop him: love. — Head down,
Cain heard from the lips of the Creator that story of promises, which he had already grown
tired of hearing from his parents. That story gave him no pleasure, for it showed a long
night of sacrifices on the altar, and of a Savior perishing in pain.

44 In reality, Cain saw no reason for all that. Why not banish suffering far away by
coloring the darkness with light?! In an effort to conquer him, the Eternal with great love
looked at that dissatisfied young man, and told him that only the blood of His sacrifice
could make the Sun shine forever, in a kingdom of eternal happiness and peace. There was
no other way for that conquest. Therefore, you should be patient, resting under His care.

45 After talking for a long time with Cain, in an attempt to make him recognize his need for
salvation, Yahweh, turning towards the couple, began to console them with the promise of
the birth of another son. Thirty-six more sacrifices would be counted, and his arms would
wrap around the second son. It would also be born from pain, but it would bring in the eyes
the brightness and comfort of salvation. His testimony of fidelity would be perpetuated by
all generations, in the symbol of an altar covered in blood. The weeks went by, bringing the
couple new joys and sorrows: from a heart full of life to beat in Eve's womb, and from a
void with the smell of death to grow in the heart of young Cain.

46 Although he had been dazzled by the manifestation of God, that appearance did nothing
to change his arrogant way of thinking about the meaning of life. He saw no meaning in the
sacrifices offered on the altar. In the days that followed his encounter with the Creator, he
argued with his parents saying: —If I were powerful like the Eternal, I would never submit
to the sacrifice to reconquer the lost kingdom. He is strong, and shines like the sun. He
could with a single word expel all darkness, returning us to paradise.
47 Why so much suffering?! —With that argument, Cain assumed himself to be wiser than
the Creator. Who knows, in a future meeting I would have the opportunity to advise him. In
this way, young Cain sank deeper and deeper into the abyss of pride and selfishness—a
place of illusions toward which he was headed—thinking he was walking toward victory.
Hadn't Lucifer along with a third of the heavenly host been attracted by that same illusion?!
The kind God, still, would not seal Cain's fate without first trying in every way to save him
from eternal ruin.

48 That undeserved grace, the fruit of divine love, would be granted to every human being
who came to be born in this world.

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