Automata Theory and Computability (18CS54)

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50, will be treated as malpractice Important Note : 1. On completing your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross lines on the remaining blank pages. 2. Any revealing of identification, appeal to evaluator and /or equations written eg, 42+8 SHIN. Ragh BNGM Ssitate of Fra coy Library Bengaluns - 560.070 “e363 SHEE USN 18854 Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Feb./Mar. 2022 Automata Theory a a \Computabi ‘Time: 3 hrs. oe Note: Answer any FIVE full eesions tring ONE full question from each module. ad 1 a. Define the eto i) Alphabet ii) Strin iii) Language ¢ iv) Concatenation at Languages -v) Power of an Alphabet. Ce (10 Marks) b. Define DFSM. Design, aoe i) To accept strings'having Even number of a’s “and even number b’s ii) To accept bitlary numbers divisible by 5. # (10 Marks) 2 a Convert théiplowing NDFSM of DFSM, Rr Ve@). gears Cay Fig Q2(a) (08 Marks) b. Minimize the follow: 3M by cater ait Non distinguishable states. > ae % 1 © ox TETE Ry g BIG|c ’ Alch a picig> a Vv E[|H Oo” He “ , LG | F . ie Ry y/ (12 Marks) eS” ¢ dule-2 3 a. Define Re; 26 cnion WriteRE*for the following Languages. (10 Marks) i) Strings'of 0’s and 1’s ending’with three consecutive zeroes. ii) Strings of a's and b's.,having substring aa. b. Write DFSM to accept intetgébtion of Languages L; = (a + b)‘a and L; = (a+ b)'b (10 Marks) er OR 4 a. Using Kleen’s theorem, prove that for any Regular Expression R, their exits a finite automata M , qo, F) which accepts L(R). (10 Marks) b. State and mi ee Lemma for Regular Languages. Show that the Language L= fww': w.<(0, 1)'} is not regular. (10 Marks) oe” 10 iy or 18CS54 Module-3 ay a. Define Context Free Grammar. Design CFG for the fc ig Languages. i) {w : w| Mod 3 = 0} over © = {a} we ii) Lo= {a"b"e' +k} over D= {a, beds . (10 Marks) b. Define Ambiguity. Consider the grammar EE+E|E*E|()|id Find Lefimost and Rightmost derivations tree for the string id 4d * id, show that the grammar is ambiguous. Ry (10 Marks) a. What is Chomsky Normal ome i? Convert the follor mar to CNF. S— ABC [BaB Aad |BaC | aaa B— bBb ja sae oS g Eliminate ¢ - pro, ins, Unit productions and uSeless symbols if any before conversion. 5) \~ (10 Marks) b. What is NPDAY Design NPDA for Langdage L = {ab | n > 1}. Draw transition diagram. i moves made by NPDA acer the sting aah (0 Marks) ‘idaute- a Desig for WCW* over © 1}. Write transitiox{@i@gram, and ID for w = 101C101 (14 Marks) b. Explain :i)Multitape ii) relent ™ wv © @smans) ® ona . y a. Define Turning Machige. Explain the vor ‘Tuming abe (06 Marks) b. Design Turning machine to accept the Lafiguage L = {0°l = 0}. Draw the transition diagram. Writ rence of moves ee TM for string 00 ¢ (a Marks) Modus C9 a. Expl iting problem in Temi nF ‘machine. R (07 Marks) b. Write’ lications of Turnis chine. o (06 Marks) c. Explain Recursively Eny Ie Languages = , (07 Marks) ’ OR a. Explain Quan an oaputers. (07 Marks) b. Explain P and NP classes. (07 Marks) c. Explain CI Turning Thesis. os) (06 Marks) © sees 2of2

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