Literary Genres

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Literary genres Characteristics Classification of the

Literary genres are the Gender Lyrical: Express Literary genres

different groups or categories into feelings and thoughts. Of shape generic,
which we can classify literary literary genres are classified in
works based on their content and Characteristics : Predominates three
structure. The literary genre is the categories such as epic, lyrical,
made up of different groups that subjectivity of the writer. Usually it dramatic. A literary genre is
allow us to classify the is written in verse but also exist in nothing more than a form of
literary texts depending on their prose. categorization of literary works,
specific content. according to the content they have.
Epic Genre: Relates real or
imaginary events that have
happened to the poet or another

Characteristics: It is extremely
objective in nature. His form of
expression was always the verse.

Dramatic Genre: It is the type of

genre used in theater.

Characteristics : Through
dialogue and some characters, the
author raises various conflicts. It
can be written in verse or prose. Its
essential purpose is the
representation to the public.
• Usually in verse
• Expresses

• Usually in prose
• A narrator tells a

Dialogue to
represent on a
What are they used for?
Literary genres?
Literary genres structural
models that help us classify
different literary texts. They also
function as a frame of reference for
the author and the public. The
classification criteria have always
been the same, the content of the
work, and the relationship of the
author's attitude towards the
literary fact.

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