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Question Option 1 Option 2

_______________ is a very useful method to reduce a

large number of variables resulting in data complexity to Factorial analysis Cluster analysis
a few manageable factors.
_____________________ data is not always specific to
Secondary Primary
the research problem under study.
_________involves the testing of the equality of means Completely
Two -way Anova
of two or more groups. randomized design
________ , the openness refers to the option of In open-ended In closed-ended
answering in one's own words. questions questions
___________ both the question and response formats are In closed-ended
structured and defined. questions
____________ requires a structured and logical path so
that the effort of collecting information using the Questionnaire Schedule
questions is meaningful.
_________________ involves a statement that says
there is no difference between two groups that the Null Hypothesis Research Questions
researcher compares on a certain variable.

___________________ is a data reduction method. Cluster analysis Factor analysis

A ____________ is a written instrument used to obtain

Questionnaire Schedule
information from study subjects.
A census taker often collects data through which of the
Standardized tests Interviews
Evaluation research is concerned with How well are we What are we doing?
The data of research is Qualitative only Quantitative only

What is the main goal of Descriptive research ? Carried out to test and Describe the data and
validate the study of characteristics about
hypotheses what is being studied

In hypothesis testing, the hypothesis which is tentatively correct hypothesis null hypothesis
assumed to be true is called the

A residual is defined as: Error sum of squares Y−Ŷ

Initial cluster centres in the non-hierarchical clustering Cluster seeds Factorial Analysis
that are the initial points from which one starts. Then
the clusters are created around these seeds. It is called
as _________
A statistical test used to determine the e ffect of two
nominal predictor variables on a continuous outcome Two-way ANOVA Analysis of Variance
variable is called as ______________________.
Kellogg seeks to determine consumer believability Observation Experimentation
towards it's products' health claims. The most
appropriate technique for this purpose is

A problem identification must be formulated in simple,

clear and declarative form.
Non-comparative scales data are generally assumed to interval scaled ratio scaled
Non-overlapping categories or intervals are known as Inclusive Exhaustive

Research helps in _____________, especially in decision making Devlopment

Research design strategy encompasses all of the data collection design sampling design
components below except _____.
The goal of a formal study is to _____ discover future expand understanding
research tasks of a topic

All of the following are possible goals of an exploratory discover future expand understanding
study except _____. research tasks of a topic

A causal study is one that _____. attempts to capture a emphasizes a full

population's contextual analysis of a
characteristics by few events or conditions
making inferences and their interrelations
from a sample's
characteristics and
testing resulting

Conclusive research is especially carried out to test and validate explore the effect of
__________ the study of hypotheses. one thing on another
The data collectionmethods may be classified in to secondary and primary Secodary
___________ data methods.
________is not the characteristic of a researcher Curious People Person
A good qualitative problem statement: Defines the Conveys a sense of
independent and emerging design
dependent variables

Sources of researchable problems can include: Researchers’ own Practical issues that
experiences as require solutions

Every research proposal, regardless of length should Research question and Research proposal and
include two basic sections. They are: research methodology bibliography

The purpose of the research proposal is: To generate To present management

monetary sources for question to be
the organization researched and its

A proposal is also known as a: Work plan Prospectus

ut of following, presents a problem, discusses related Research Question Research Proposal
research efforts, outlines the data needed for solving
the data and shows the design used to gather and
analyze the data.

according to the marketing director of a frozen food research design issue (problem )
marketer, “we need to determine why our coupon definition
redemption rate dropped from 20 % last month to 5 %
this month.” This statement outlines the firm’s

The first step in the research process is the: Development of the Survey of
research plan stakeholders to
determine if problems

_______________________ are the ones that have a Moderating variables Dependent Variable
strong effect on the relationship between the
independent and dependent variables.

Any assumption that the researcher makes on the hypothesis Prediction

probable direction of the results that might be obtained
on completion of the research process is termed as
a/an :

A ____________________ must be formulated in hypothesis Research Questions

simple, clear and declarative form.
A ______________________ is a conjectural statement hypothesis Research Questions
based on the existing literature and theories about the
topic and not based on the gut feel of the researcher.

_________________ involves a statement that says Null Hypothesis Research Questions

there is no relationship between two groups that the
researcher compares on a certain variable.

The _________________ also may state that there is no Null hypothesis hypothesis
significant difference when different groups are
compared with respect to a particular variable.

The ____________________ might be generated by Academic research Internal organizational

students or academicians pursuing the study for proposal proposal
fundamental academic research

The ______________________ are conducted within an internal organizational External organizational

organization and are submitted to the management for proposals proposals
approval and funding.

___________________ have their basis or origin within External organizational Research Proposal
the company but the scope and nature of the study proposals
requires a more structured and objective research.

____________________ is a broad overview that gives Executive Summary Research proposal

the purpose and objective of the study.
In a short paragraph the author gives a summary about Executive Summary Research proposal
the management problem/academic concern it is called
as _________________ ______________.

A____________________ is a comprehensive collection literature review Research proposal

of the information obtained from published and
unpublished sources of data in the specific area of
interest to the researcher

The _____________ of the hypothesis would validation Testing

necessarily involve testing the statistical significance of
the hypothesized relation.

A __________________ is written in such a way that it hypotheses Testing

can be proven or disproven by valid and reliable data

_______________ includes specifying the population to Research Design Research proposal

be studied, the sampling process and plan, sample size
and selection.
what is research design Searching again and Finding solution to any
again problem

If a study is "reliable", this means that: the methods are the measures devised
outlined in the for concepts are stable
methods discussion on different occasions.
clearly enough for the
research to be

"Internal validity" refers to: whether or not there is whether or not the
really a causal findings are relevant to
relationship between the researchers'
two variables. everyday lives.

The term 'external validity' is concerned with: the question of whether the research
whether the results of question is judged to be
a study can be a good research
generalized beyond the question by those
specific research outside the study.

What is a cross-sectional design? A comparison of two or A design that is devised

more variables when the researcher is
longitudinally in a bad mood.

Survey research is cross-sectional and as a result, it is Low in internal validity High in internal validity
but high in replicability. but low in reliability.

What does the term 'longitudinal design' mean? A study completed far A study which is very
away from where the long to read.
researcher lives.

Why is it important to have well formulated research It gives greater clarity It leads to more focused
questions? to the research process research.
and what you wish to
Which of the following should be included in a research Your academic status The difficulties you
proposal? and experience. encountered with your
previous reading on the

Numerical data, like the ratio scale data, can be class Intervals interval ratio
classified into _____________________
Positive value of correlation means two associated Highly correlated Minimal correlated
variable are_______
Problems of heteroscedasticity is likely to be more Cross-sectional data Time series data
common in___________
Ratio scales are like Nominal scales with Ordinal scales with
the brackets ratios added

Relationship between correlation coefficient and both are unrelated The coefficient of
coefficient of determination is that determination is the
coefficient of
correlation squared

What is a primary source? A source found in an A source created at the

important book like an time of an event by an
encyclopedia individual who was

There are how many primary scales of measurement? 3 4

What is the purpose of the conclusion in a research It is just a summary It summarizes the key
report? what the article findings in relation to
already said. the research questions.

What symbol is used to represent chi-square? π Ψ

What test statistic is used for a global test of Z test t test
Which of the following is not the characteristic of a He is not versatile in He is a specialist rather
researcher? his interest and even in than a generalist
his native abilities

Research in which the researcher uses the qualitative action research quantitative research
paradigm for one phase and the quantitative paradigm
for another phase is known as........
Which of the following is the first step in starting the Searching sources of Survey of related
research process? information to locate literature

Action research means A longitudinal research An applied research

The essential qualities of a researcher are Spirit of free enquiry Reliance on observation
and evidence

comparing the standard

comparing the variances
Analysis of variance is a statistical method of: deviations of several
of several populations.

Any numerical value calculated from sample data is

Error Statistic
Any variable that can be stated as influencing or
Moderating Variables Dependent Variable
impacting the dependent variable is referred as
Application of scientific method in finding for truth
business research hypothesis
about business phenomenon is called:
State True or False.Arrangement of data according to
some logical pattern is called as Data Tabulation

Cross cultural studies are an example of: Longitudinal design Comparative design

For sampling, which ONE of the following should be up-

A census. A CAPI machine.
to-date, complete and affordable?
How many dependent variables are used in multiple
One One or more

If time is of the essence for a research project,out of the

Mail Telephone
following which is the preferred contact method is:

State True or False.In hypothesis testing, the hypothesis

which is tentatively assumed to be true is called the null TRUE FALSE
In multiple item scale there is single item that play an
important role in forming the underlying construct that TRUE FALSE
the researcher is trying to measure.

Initial cluster centres in the non-hierarchical clustering

that are the initial points from which one starts. Then the Cluster seeds Factorial Analysis
clusters are created around these seeds. It is called as:

In multiple item scale there are _______ that play an Many Items Single Item
important role in forming the underlying construct that
the researcher is trying to measure.
Interviewing all members of a given population is called: A sample. A Gallup poll.

Marketing department of a business organization carries Product Pricing

out researches related to:
--------involves the testing of the equality of means Completely Two -way Anova
of two or more groups. randomized design
A residual is defined as Error sum of squares Y−Ŷ

A___________________ must be formulated in Research Questions Research problem

simple, clear and declarative form.
Analysis of variance is a statistical method of standard deviations variances
comparing the ________ of several populations.
Any numerical value calculated from sample data is Error Statistic
Any variable that can be stated as influencing or Moderating Variables Dependent Variable
impacting the dependent variable is referred as:
Application of scientific method in finding for truth business research hypothesis
about business phenomenon is called
Arrangement of data according to some logical Data Tabulation data analysis
pattern is called as ___________________
Generally the data of the research is Quantitative only Qualitative only

Research can be conducted by a person who: has studied research holds a postgraduate
methodology degree

Which of the following involves the testing Completely Two -way Anova
of the equality of means of two or more randomized
groups? design
Which of the following is is a data reduction Cluster analysis Factor analysis
Which of the following statistical test used to Two-way Analysis of
determine the effect of two nominal ANOVA Variance
predictor variables on a continuous outcome

From the following,Arrangement of data Data Tabulation data analysis

according to some logical pattern is called
In hypothesis testing, the hypothesis which is correct hypothesis null hypothesis
tentatively assumed to be true is called as?
Kellogg seeks to determine consumer believability
towards it's products' health claims. The most appropriate Observation Experimentation
technique for this purpose is:
Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Answers

Factor Analysis 3

pure basic 1

One way Anova ANOVA 4

Schedule Strctured 1

In open-ended
Structured 1

Draft Proposal 1

hypothesis 1

Factorial Analysis 2
In open-ended
Strctured 1

Secondary data Observations 2

Why are we doing? None of the above
Both (a) and (b) Neither (a) nor (b)
exploratory studies explore the
research is used to effect of one thing
gain a deeper on another and
understanding of more specifically 2
the issue or

alternative level of significance

hypothesis 2

Regression sum of
Type I Error 2
Multivariate Factor Analysis
one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA)

Survey Simulation

sum scaled interval or ratio
scaled 4
Mutually exclusive Mutually exclusive
and exhaustive 3

analysis forecasting
instrument data analysis
development 4
test hypotheses provide insight

test hypotheses provide insight


discovers answers attempts to reveal

to the questions why or how one
who, what, when, variable produces
where, or how changes in another

desire to know gain a deeper

understanding 1
Primary Formative
His/Her soft Skills Apathetic
are up to the mark
Specifies a Specifies the
research relationship
hypothesis to be between variables
tested that the researcher 2
expects to find

Theory and past All of the above

research 4

Research method Research question

and schedule and bibliography 1

To discuss the Choice 1) is

research efforts of incorrect
others who have
worked on related
management 4

Outline All of the above 4

Research Design Research

secondary data primary data needs


Collection of the Definition of the

available sources problem and
for needed research objectives
information 4

Extraneous independent
variables variable 1

Alternate Null Hypothesis


Alternate Null Hypothesis

Hypothesis 1
Alternate Null Hypothesis

Alternate hypothesis

Research Alternate
Questions Hypothesis

External Research Proposal

organizational 1

Research Proposal Academic research

proposal 1

Academic research Internal

proposal organizational
proposal 1

Background of the Problem Statement

problem 1
Background of the Problem Statement

Research Design Research methods Data


Reliability Statastical Analysis

Reliability Statastical Analysis


Litearture review Research methods

Arrangement of Describe the data
conditions for and characteristics
collection and 3
analysis of data

the findings can be it was conducted by

generalized to a reputable
other social researcher who can
phenomena be trusted. 2

the extent to which how accurately the

the researcher measurements
believes that this represent
was a worthwhile underlying
project. concepts. 1

the question of an ambiguous

whether or not concept whose
social scientific meaning depends
findings are on how it is defined.
applicable to
people's every day, 1
natural social

The collection of Research into one

data from more particular section of
than one case at society, e.g. the
one moment in middle classes. 3

None of the above High in ecological

validity but low in 1
external validity.

A study with two A study completed

contrasting cases. over a distinct
period of time to
map changes in 4
social phenomena.

It provides more All of the above.

structure to my
Your choice of All of the above.
research methods
and reasons for
choosing them. 3

nomial ratio ranking order

Positively Negatively
correlated correlated 3
Sectional data Clustered data
Interval scales external scle with
with a true zero a true zero point 3
The coefficient of both are equal
determination is
the square root of 2
the coefficient of
A source used A source created at
often the time of an event
by an individual
who was not there 2

5 6
It contains a useful It outlines the
review of the methodological
relevant literature. procedures that 2
were employed.

P χ2 4
Chi-square test F test
He is industrious He is not
and persistent on inspirational to his
the trial of chosen field but
discovery accepts the reality 1

basic research mixed method

Identification of Searching for
problem solutions to the 3

A research initiated A research with

to solve an socioeconomic
immediate objective 3

Systematization or All the above

theorizing of 4

comparing the comparing the

means of several proportions of 3
populations. several populations.

Bias Mean 2

independent variable 4

conclusion estimation 1

Case study design 2

A sampling frame. A respondent. 3

Two or more Two 1

Intercept interview Personal interview 2

Factor Analysis 1

No Itom Two Items

A census. A Nielsen audit.
Promotion 7Ps

One way Anova ANOVA

Regression sum Type I Error
of squares 2
Hypothesis Problem
Identification 3
means proportions
Bias Mean
Extraneous independent
variables variable 4
conclusion estimation
data coding data processing
Both of the above None of the above
possesses thinking is a hard worker
and reasoning 1

One way ANOVA

Anova 4

Factorial Multivariate
Analysis analysis 2
one-way ANCOVA
analysis of
variance 1

data coding data processing


alternative level of
hypothesis significance 2
Survey Simulation 3

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