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Time : 1 ½ hrs

I. Answer any 2 each questions carries 1 mark

1. Who discovered Golgi apparatus? (1)
a) George Palade b) Robert Brown
c) Camillo Golgi d) Robert Hooke

tKmÄPn A¸m-c«- kv I−v]n-Sn-¨Xv Bcv ?

a) tPmÀPv]emtU b) tdm_ÀUv {_u¬
c) ImantÃm tKmÄPn d) tdm_À«v lp¡v

2. Name the following : (1)

The stage at which synapsis occurs during prophase I.
t]sc-gp-XpI :
kn\m-]vknkv \S-¡p¶ t{]mt^mkv Isâ L«w.

3. By observing the relationship of the first pair, fill in the blanks of the second pair ? (1)
(a) F.W.Went : Auxins: :
E. Kurosawa:…………

(b) Auxins : Apical Dominance ::

……... : Overcome Apical
H¶mw tPmUn-bpsS _Ôw a\-Ên-em-¡n-b-Xn\p tijw c−mw tPmUn ]qcn-¸n-¡p-I. ?
(a) F.W. shâv : HmIvkn-\p-IÄ : :
E.Iptdm-kmh :Ö…………
(b) HmIvkn³:F¸n-¡Â tUman-\³kv : :
…………: F¸n-¡Â tUman-\³kv

II. Answer any 6 each questions catties 2 mark

4. Which one of the plant growth regulators would you use if you are asked to do the following
processes? (2)
a) Induce parthenocarpy
b) Quickly ripen a fruit
c) Induce immediate stomatal closure in leaves
d) To increase the length of grape stalks.

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Xmsg ]d-bp¶ Imcy-§Ä km[y-am-¡m³ \n§Ä GsXÃmw kky tlmÀtam-Wp-IÄ D]-tbm-Kn-¡pw.
a) ]mÀ¯-t\m-ImÀ¸n D−m-¡m³
b) Imbv s]s«¶v ]mI-am-Im³
c) Ce-I-fnse Bky-c-{Ô-§Ä s]s«¶v AS-bp-¶-Xn\v
d) ap´ncn hÅn-I-fpsS X−nsâ \ofw IqSp-¶-Xn-\v.

5. Observe the equation given below : (2)

C6H12 O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy

(a) Calculate the respiratory quotient of Glucose from the equation.

(b) What is a respiratory substrate ?

Xmsg X¶n-cn-¡p¶ ka-hmIyw \nco-£n-¡p-I.

C6H12 O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy

(a) ka-hmIyw D]-tbm-Kn¨v ¥qt¡m-knsâ sdkv]n-td-ädn Izmjyâ I−p-]n-Sn-¡p-I.

(b) sdkv]n-td-ädn k_vkvt{Säv F¶m F´v?

6. Analyse the table and fill in the blanks : (2)

Characteristics C3 Plants C4 Plants

Primary CO2 acceptor (a) PEP
Primary CO2 fixation product (b) OAA
Leaf anatomy Normal anatomy (c)
Example Hibiscus (d)

]«nI hni-I-e\w sNbvXv hn«p-t]mb ]Z-§Ä ]qcn-¸n-¡pI

khn-ti-j-X-IÄ C3 kky-§Ä C4 kky-§Ä
{]mY-anICO2 kzoIÀ¯mhv (a) PEP
{]mY-anICO2 Ønco-I-c-W-¯nse (b) OAA
Ønc-Xb - pÅ kwbpàw
Ce-bpsS B´-c-L-S\ km-[m-cW (c)
DZm-lc- Ww sN¼-c¯n (d)

7. Glycolysis is present in all organisms and it respiration in anaerobic organisms. (2)

a) What is glycolysis?
b) Where does glycolysis occur?
c) Glycolysis is a partial oxidation. Justify.
d) Calculate the total number of ATP molecule synthesized in glycolysis by the partial oxidation
of one molecule of glucose.
ss¥t¡m-fn-knkv FÃm Pohn-I-fnepw \S-¡p-¶p. Ahmbq izk\ Pohn-I-fn CXv am{X-amWv GI-iz-k\
a) ss¥t¡m-fn-knkv F¶mse´v?
b) ss¥t¡m-fn-knkv FhnsS \S-¡p¶p

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c) CsXmcp `mKnI HmIvko-I-c-W-am-Wv. km[q-Ic
- n-¡p-I.
d) Hcp X·m{Xm ¥qt¡m-knsâ `mKnI HmIvko-Ic - Ww apJm-´n-c-ap-−m-Ip¶ BsIATPX·m-{XIÄ-
F{X-sb¶v IW-¡m-¡p-I.

8. Observe the illustration given below and answer the following questions: (2)
Xmsg X¶n-cn-¡p¶ Nn{Xo-Ic - Ww \nco-£n¨v D¯cw Fgp-XpI.

(a) Identify the cyclic pathway

(b) Write the name of intermediate compounds marked as A,B & C .
(a) X¶n-cn-¡p¶ Nm{InI {]{Inb Xncn-¨-dn-bp-I.
(b) A,B , C F¶v tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯n-bn-cn-¡p¶ CâÀao-Un-bäv kwbp-à-§-fpsS t]sc-gp-Xp-I.

9. Prophase of the first meiotic division is typically longer and complex. It has been further
subdivided in to five phases. The major events of these substages are given below. (2)
a) Pairing of homologous chromosomes.
b) Terminalization of chiasmata
c) Occurs crossing over
d) Chromosomes are visible under a light microscope
e) Formation of chiasmata
i) Identify the stages a,b,c,d and e.
ii) Arrange these stages in correct order of occurrence .

H¶mw Du\`wK-¯nse t{]mt^kv L«w hfsc ssZÀLy-ta-dn-bXpw k¦oÀ®-hp-am-Wv. CXns\ ho−pw

A©v D]-L-«-§-fmbn¯ncn-¨n-cn-¡p-¶p. Cu D]-L-«-§-fpsS {][m\ {]tXyI-X-IÄ NphsS sImSp¡p-¶p.
a) kcq] t{Ima-tkm-ap-IÄ tPmUn tNcp¶p
b) Ibm-kvta‰ Ah-km-\n-°p-∂p.
c) t{ImknwKv Hmh¿ \S-°p-∂p.
d) t{Ima-tkm-ap-Iƒ ssat{Im-kvtIm-∏n¬ Zriy-am-hp∂p
e) Ibm-kvta‰ D- m-hp∂p
i) a,b,c,d,e F∂o L´-߬ Xncn-®-dn-bp-I.
ii) Cu L´-ßsf {Ia-am°n am‰n Fgp-Xp-I.

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10. Plants that are adapted to dry tropical regions have a special type of CO2fixation in addition to
the C3 cycle. (2)
a) Name this pathway
b) Can you identify any specialty in the leaf anatomy of such plants: If so, what is this anatomy
c) Which is the primary CO2 acceptor in this pathway?
d) Write any one advantage of such plants over C3 plants.
hc− DjvW-ta-Jem {]tZ-i-§-fn ImWp¶ Nne kky-§Ä¡vC3 ]cn-hr-¯n¡p ]pdta Hcp {]tXyI
Xc-¯n-epÅCO2Ønco-I-c-Whpw IqSn ImWp-¶p.
a) Cu ]mXvth GXmWv?
b) C¯cw kky-§-fpsS Ce-I-fnse B´c LS-\bv¡v Fs´-¦nepw {]tXy-I-X-bpt−m?
Ds−-¦n AXv F§s\ Adn-b-s¸-Sp¶p?
c) CXnse {]mY-anICO2kzoImcn GXmWv?
d) C3 kky-§sf At]-£n¨v C¯cw kky-§Ä¡pÅ Hcp ta· Fgp-Xp-I.

III. Answer any 2 each questions catties 3 mark

11. The use of radioactive C14by Melvin Calvin in algal photosynthesis studies led to the (3)
discovery of CO2 fixation in green plants.
a) Identify the first stable product in this CO2 fixation cycle.
b) Which are the three main stages of this cycle?
c) Name the enzyme which catalyzes the first stage of this cycle.
d) Work out how many ATP and NADPH molecules will be required to make one molecule of
C tdUntbm BIvSohv sFtkmtSm¸v D]-tbm-Kn¨v D]-tbm-Kn¨v BÂK-I-fnse {]Imi kwtÇ-jW
]co-£-W-¯n-eqsS saÂhn³ ImÂhn³CO2Ønco-Ic - Ww Is−-¯n.
a) CuCO2Ønco-Ic - W N{I-¯nse BZy D¸¶w GXmWv?
b) CXnse {][m\ aq¶p L«-§Ä Gh?
c) BZy-L-«-¯n ]s¦-Sp-¡p¶ cmkm-Kv\n-bpsS t]sc-gp-Xp-I.
d) Hcp X·m{Xm ¥qt¡m-knsâ \nÀ½m-W-¯n-\m-h-iy-ambATP, NADPHX·m-{X-IÄ F{X-sb¶v
15. Position of centromere determine the shape of the chromosomes. (3)
a) Name the different types of chromosomes based on the position of centromere.
b) Draw any one chromosome among them.
sk³t{Sman-b-dnsâ Øm\amWv t{Ima-tkm-ap-I-fpsS BIr-Xnsb \nÝ-bn-¡p-¶-Xv.
a) sk³t{Sman-b-dnsâ Øm\w B[m-c-am-¡n-bpÅ hnhn[ Xcw t{Imatkmap-I-fpsS t]sc-gp-Xp-I.
b)Ch-bn GsX-¦nepw Hcp t{Ima-tkm-ansâ Nn{Xw hc-bv¡p-I.

16. Photophosphorylation takes place during photosynthesis. (3)

a) Name the types of photophosphorylation.
b) Distinguish between them.
(Hint: Any two differences)
{]Imi kwtÇ-j-W-¯n t^mt«m t^mkvt^m-dn-te-j³ \S-¡p-¶p.
a) hnhn[ Xcw t^mt«m t^mkvt^m-dn-te-jsâ t]sc-gp-Xp-I.
b) Ch X½n-epÅ hyXym-k-§Ä Fgp-Xp-I.
(kq-N\: c−v hyXym-k-§Ä)

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BOTANY - Part II - Version B
HSE: I Maximum score: 20

Time: 45 min.

Answer any 2 of the following. Each questions from 1 to 3 carries 1 score.

1. The maximum rate of photosynthesis occurs with ……….regions of the visible

a) Blue and Red
b) Blue and Green
c) Red and Green
d) Red and Violet
2. Primary CO2 accepter of C3 cycle is…………
3. Plant hormone associated with ripening of fruit is _____

Answer any 6 of the following. Each questions from 4 to 11 carries 2 score.

4. . Diagrammatic view of a cell cycle is given below

a) DNA synthesis or replication takes place in which stage?

b) State the major events occur in G1 stage

5 The differences between cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation are given below.
Fill up the column with appropriate terms given in the bracket
(Occurs in lamella of grana, Occurs in the stroma lamella, Z- scheme, Only ATP is
synthesized, Photolysis of water occurs, Only PS-I is involved)

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Cyclic photophosphorylation Non cyclic photophosphorylation
Occurs in the stroma lamella Occurs in lamella of grana

……………………………… …………………………………..

………………………………. ………………………………….

6. All the pigments except chlorophyll-a are known as accessory pigments.

a) Name the important accessory pigments involved in light reaction
b) Write any two functions of accessory pigments

7. Match the column A with B

Zygotene Chiasmata formation
Pachytene Terminalisation of chiasmata
Diplotene Formation of synaptonemal complex
Diakinesis Crossing over
8. The following is the list of cell organelles
(Nucleus, Chloroplast, Mitochondria, Ribosome)
a) Identify the organelle without double membrane envelope
b) Mention the function of this organelle.

9. During vigorous exercise and when oxygen is inadequate for cellular respiration the
muscle cells respire anaerobically.
(a) Explain the process.
(b) Name the enzyme that catalyses this reaction.
10. Diagram given below shows the structure of complex V which is present on the
inner membrane of mitochondria.
(a) Which are the two major components of this complex.
(c) Label A, B & C.

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11. Artificial phytohormones are widely used in agriculture
a) Name any two artificial phytohormones
b) Mention their roles in agriculture
Answer any 2 of the following. Each questions from 12 to 14 carries 3 score.

12. In C3 cycle CO2 fixed and sugar is synthesized

a) Name the three stages of dark reaction?
b) Who discovered the sequence of chemical reactions in dark reaction?
c) Work out how many ATP and NADPH molecules will be required to make
one molecule of glucose.

13. Given below is the schematic diagram of Calvin cycle.

(a) Where does this cycle takes place?
(b) Mention the three steps of Calvin cycle.
(c) Name the compound A which is regenerated in this cycle.

14. Glycolysis is present in all organisms and it is the only process of respiration in
anaerobic organism.
a) What is glycolysis?
b) Where does glycolysis occur?
c) Glycolysis is a partial oxidation. Justify

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BOTANY Part II Version. C
HSE Ι Time – 45mnt
Maximum Score – 20

Answer any 2 of the following. Each questions from 1 to 3 carries 1 score (2x1=2)
1. First stable compound of Kreb’s Cycle is……………..
2. Substances that have an ability to absorb light, at specific wavelengths is called
3. Observe the given relation and fill in the blanks
a. Ripening of fruit : Ethylene
Bolting in Cabbage : …………………
b. Differentiation :- Formation of permanent tissues from meristem
……………………..... :-Formation of secondary meristems

Answer any 6 of the following. Each questions from 4 to 11 carries 2 score (6x2=12)

4. Identify the stages in which following processes occur.

a. Crossing Over
b. Dissolution of synaptonemal complex
c. Terminalisation of Chiasmata
d. Synapsis formation.
5. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) and Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
(SER) are morphologically and functionally different. Justify this statement.

6. Observe the figure given below and fill up a, b, c and d



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7. Ribosome is the cell organelle seen in both Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.
Mention how ribosomes differ in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. Also
mention the function of ribosome.

8. (a) Which are the three main stages of Calvin cycle?

(b) Name the wasteful process found in C 3 plants.

9. Observe the given diagram and answer the questions.

a. Identify the stage

b. Distinguish it from corresponding stage of meiosis Ι
10. What is meant by Mesosome? Mention their functions.
11. . PCR meant for making multiple copies of a gene of interest
a) Mention the major steps involved in PCR
b) Name an organism from which thermostable DNA Polymerase enzyme is

Answer any 2 of the following.

ollowing. Each questions from 12 to 14 carries 3 score (2x3=6)

12. Observe the figure given below and answer the questions.

a. Source of which plant hormone is indicated in the figure?

b. Write any two roles of above identified hormone.
c. Name a hormone which has antagonistic action to above identified

13. Observe the figure and answer the questions.

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a. Identify A and B
b. Where is the location of A and B ?
c. What is the hypothesis associated with ATP formation during
d. Where does splitting of water takes place?
14. Observe the equation given below.
2 (C51H98O6) + 145 O2 102 CO2 +98 H2O + Energy
a. Calculate respiratory quotient from the equation
b. What is respiratory substrate?
c. Name any two respiratory substrates used in respiration

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Answer any two questions from 1 to 3 . Each carries 1score (1 x 2 =2)

1. The membranous extensions into the cytoplasm of cyanobacteria which contain pigments is called ______.

2. Name the scientist who elucidated the C3 biosynthetic pathway

3.Which is the terminal electron acceptor in an Electron Transport Chain in aerobic respiration.

Answer any six questions from 4 to 10 . Each carries 2 score (2x6 = 12)

4. Classify the chromosomes based on the position of centromere.

5.What are the different phases of cell cycle
6. How the golgi apparatus remains in close association with EPR.
7. Name the organelles which is made of single membrane in a eukaryotic cell.
8. Major events of Prophase I of Meiosis I is given below.

I) Pairing of homologous chromosomes.

ii) Terminalisation of chiasmata
iii) Crossing over
iv) Dissolution of synaptonemal complex.

Identify the stages.

9. Decapitation is widely employed in tea plantations.Justify

10. The plant growth regulators are divided into growth promoters and growth inhibitors.

a) Name the growth inhibitor which is known as Stress Hormone.

b) Write any two functions of Ethylene.

Answer any two questions from 11 to 13 . Each carries 3 score (2x 3 = 6)

11. Diagrammatic representation of Kreb’s Cycle is given below with some omissions-

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a) Complete the diagram by filling the gap.
b) Where does the substrate level phosphorylation occurs in Kreb’s cycle?

12. Write any three major differences between Cyclic photo-phosphorylation and Non-cyclic photo-phosphorylation.

13. a)What is Photorespiration ?

b) Identify and write about the special anatomical adaptations of C4 plants in order to overcome photorespiration.


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