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ie two parte» Part Part Vara! seventy five (7) rrinites for Part HD ‘MEQ arerwere ett BP or after the alloeed tne Anvwers of Pxet S1 ered Be wise will be supplied Question paper mutt the returned with fhe menerer script: tee a8 Part b Moitiple Chatce Questiom(MCQs) retin ( the nipeupeinte sewer and fill up the carcle in the OMR sheet > 1 silty, Wags ore important, feat sprain ind, ke siete, sive wit want tht rime WHE #8 Jor ve wiry, Then ertmtee Brigiver weno tere Hearts and light hones play critical rales. To fy foe ditlerend grees of Vivir eee Chet the ett sterwe thee ww s forced to move faster then olf bel wel the wings cath bird up. Different wing types €¥0 ipod Mgha requires Long wings and an abvlity to sont. Other birds need superior smuncirverataity Pinchot goof J wings Passer birds ke hows, have built-i apeoiters dat recheen turlenes wile fyi: Tye ctumek without stalling. ‘Tails have evolved for apeulalined um, The salle wet like # raider thrukve by speeding out Uheis taila at they innd. ‘sie adaptations allow tveen hw rniee so mo prey, Flight ales nsncle strenght, Bits ave specialized eweth at trent roel Failer scypen to the rmuacien. The Wewsi imuscle accowant fer 19 partant Of tit it secounts for a third of their total body weight. Birds canny ne encauater lnnmete Ne thowes with struls aside to inaintain strenyeth, Bird Ay to itil prey, ecm predan, the natn iden of the panage fet me the most imported atribute of birds (b) Different wing types evel fe diftanenrt wary of Migiet (ec) Wits have miaiey specialized festuren chat aud in theis aurvival (1) Dees Phy fevr ena tome As pper the passage to mse when they start flyin wt ngs with bellow feattser (b) Higher air pressare trelerw thin abe tie wingee (e) Hpewaiting st tear tila (4) Superior muscle stem vidhe eecenaas’ the word! J” sa the passage could be replaced by tn) bigti-«! 2d (c) predatory (ch) penta 1 spoilers? As per tbe pee — a hewn (0 An abil pee acogle of diving fom pitey Ce) Prokenged Might (if) Superior tomnemrrenstitiny ndertined parts (a, b, ¢ and dy af thve talllawieng sentences leew me erear: beet vt mre dear rata vo have « falutily: dammaioe ef" inter Nevo aie (8-8), Wind eat wtehct Heat ray are hatanlee . a Woe gli Yo ike to the Susuterban, you abould prepare far the jronaitlity of mecunedings fia b « 4 +6 at hapa cor pum ins vet te evel tet 4 A heat exchanger ti a device jo which bee! ta b Wf tulip buts sew pasted in the fall. they could hare bron expeuhadl ellos epvin a . " (9:12): Complete the sentence wiih appropriate or l4) " Revent hingwistie research has shed light c (4) how people apeak — (0) how people we: Fe pele vpeak (8) parle ae epmahing | Awtoiinmmine disease is.» general term for 2<¥< whens he bay pores + (a) in whet a) peach ¢) 0 ha lo ernst species of seal, the fermales are (a) a8 large as the mates (by aslarger than 1 comley Ge Marga fa rrntes a he rien Lar Kites come in all shaped and tines, some s (a) Ianege enough carrying (b) enough larwe to canty (e) batge enenagh Vir warty (01) Irye te vor regardiens wl ihielt proces ail aa 6.02445: Sele epi that expres» ans sar fo that expense Sea teainn (0) eazy digetion (race: depedcy (A) commen Ber ‘i Fema cue: (6) elegy: lament (3 tirade wore 1s. CANDLE: WAX: (b) leather vinyl ——-(Veurtni: pleat clips are contained in 2 cases? be oy (6) 200 When Mr. X imported 2 certain tem, he paid a 7 percent import tat amount of the import tax that Ms, Xp () Tk 2250 (o) Te 7486 lar garden is to be trace as lone as it be wide IF 300 yr dca, what will be the Jengih ofthe gi 1408751 (160 . & 0.1+(0.1)4(0.1) ° (6) 0.1 120% of its cost. The produ of lusch for 15 people udhing the service ch (b) Tk value of x between ~4 and 4, inclus (by -2 then x=? b) -2 fe Es Wess was solid at 6% profit. If the cost Was 4 & profit of 125%. What was the cost of th (b) Tk.200 10% of 400, ‘2 ett iy set i425 1s tn claus in AF2-boys leave and 4 yi jo the c in the class originally? (b) 20 (6) 24 ‘% Company. Me. B owns. 15000 own more shares than Mr A, thw (b) 50000 (c) $3000 (2-0 wor ~ 160-0) BF Com Obon-| =e a: lone many Section C: Lndstlgead Qualia (8) Friendship 4 CENTRAL be wet in thal nde? GXvER (s) GRY VER is vealed to (4) ¥oot 1 bign of interrogation? (a) 17 Ds 5 KD K2p> (d) Cannot be detennined en ans ight a gos uigh 3 wd ight gun ad goes poi ‘ ( Soutia ond PARAPHERNALIA? (d) PRAISE the brother of and P is the daughter of §. Who isthe uncle of 17% (@) None of these 1 Whisk t prssetled by 6 nor immediately followed by 97 ve (@) None of these walytical Ability aud Critical Rewoning EE tue queations ny executives =, U,V, W, X, ¥ and 2 Ts sit at a rectangular table ‘and thee si along the other side, each directly opposite one of bead of te (able; There is no seat at the foot of the table. U always sits the table. Y and V alWays sit next to cach other. V never site W sits there si est 10 which of the following executives? oy (az ato Y, which executive must sit directly opposite U? ()X wy wssaune A. which exces peal io UP wy H1y ce sd of, dhe executive siting directly opposite 3 maat be eth W au J is) ¥ar¥ (WY or WO SMCCUt¥e9 sittin ig inunediately on either side of X must be - fey E and Z () Fandv ¥ dusctly opposite U, and ¥ imac slisiely on Xs lef, what isthe total number ts of the exacutivas? ws (aa iailon aud suawer de questions Ietms 1 0 poly concesaug ally working hours, Cunently, iv al swork a! 8 am. 'The prope palic {ate 48 1) a.m. The sdgptian of this nly i the exmployers jl fu plow foun thar ety yee y with ewployées from otber companies 1 other throughout the entire workday P © 0g ae Nonny wana wt Maree Hewes mss =, Ae AB ih 1h hencvating it prohning Bir! - wt ae dies or wil, Nak, sn eg Fart ike bs & Laneen wey vfs mrs ter00 ewe vers tating, Cention a7 WH bs rae poean tat 963 WAAR, SAPP os nlnceriteatve, paen Welte » parnge ple frie + CCG thie ae ve a paper. Wa J.00 Wh tht election tn pera v0 etghadeal, 5 1 Net ba we eM Capi the pe

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