CHCCCS038 Facilitate Empowerment of People Receiving Support CHCCCS040 Support Independence and Wellbeing - CHCCCS038 - CHCCCS040 AT - Ana Luiza

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support

Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name: 52394 Ana Luiza
Assessor’s name: YURSA


Assessment type: Answers to written questions

Assessment instructions:
There are thirty-four (34) written questions in this assessment pack and you must attempt all questions. Instructions/Guidelines such as word-
limit, what is expected from the student, example answers etc. have been given to each question. You must complete this task individually
and demonstrate individual competency.
Your answers must demonstrate understanding and application of the relevant concepts and critical thinking.
Purpose of assessment task
You must demonstrate your knowledge of the following:
 History and recent developments in disability and ageing
 human rights framework for service delivery and structural and systemic power and obstacles to empowerment:
 social constructs of disability and ageing and the impact of own attitudes on working with people with disabilities and how and when to
seek support from more experienced and qualified staff
 individual, emotional and environmental barriers to empowerment and ways to address these and support people providing choices
 support practices for people, including but not limited to, the following conditions
 legal and ethical considerations for working with people receiving support
 principles of empowerment and restrictive practices
 strategies that assist people to exercise their rights and support independent action and thinking
 scope and breadth of assistive technologies used across the life domains
 role of assistive technologies in supporting a person’s life activities
 how to access and use advocacy services and complaint mechanisms
 indicators of abuse exploitation and neglect
 basic human needs and concept of self-actualisation
 human development across the lifespan and wellbeing
 individual differences how these may be interrelated and impact on support provided
 basic requirements for good health for the person, mental health issues and risk and protective actors and reflect practices, neglect and
abuse, reporting abuse and neglect, service delivery models and standards, relevant funding models, issues that impact health and
wellbeing, impacts of community values and attitudes, sexuality and sexual expressions, indicators of emotional concerns and issues,
support strategies, resources and networks and legal and ethical requirements and how these are applied in an organisation and individual
Assessment conditions
Students must demonstrate skills must in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions. The following conditions will be met for
this unit:
 facilities, equipment and resources that reflect real working conditions and model industry operating conditions and contingencies
 individualised plans and any equipment outlined in the plans
 organisational policies and procedures
 opportunities for engagement with people receiving care.

1.1. The history and recent developments in the fields of disability and ageing reflect significant shifts in perspectives and
approaches towards care. Explain the difference between enablement and reablement.

Enablement Enablement is a continuous approach aimed at equipping individuals with the skills and resources
they need to lead independent and fulfilling lives. This approach emphasizes long-term
development and support and fosters self-reliance. Enabling strategies may include making the
environment more accessible, providing education and training, and encouraging social and
community activities. The goal is to empower individuals by improving their overall quality of life

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

while building their ability to manage their lives effectively. Activation focuses on leveraging a
person's strengths to achieve sustainable improvements in their daily functioning and well-being.
Reablement Reablement is a targeted short-term intervention designed to help individuals regain their functional
abilities after a specific health event or physical or mental setback, such as hospitalization. It
usually lasts several weeks and involves the coordinated effort of a multidisciplinary team,
including physical therapists and support workers. The rehabilitation process focuses on helping
individuals regain skills needed for daily living, such as personal care, mobility, and household
tasks. The primary goal is to quickly return to a high level of independence and reduce the need for
ongoing care. Recovery is targeted, with progress regularly reviewed and adjusted to ensure an
optimal recovery

1.2. Which of the following best describes the principles of a human rights framework for service delivery?
a) Prioritising efficiency and cost-effectiveness over individual needs and preferences.
b) Focusing solely on the medical aspects of care without considering the individual's overall well-being.
c) Ensuring services are delivered in a way that respects, protects, and fulfils the inherent dignity, autonomy, and rights of
all individuals.
d) Limiting the involvement of service users in decision-making processes related to their care and support.

c) Ensuring services are delivered in a way that respects, protects, and fulfils the inherent dignity, autonomy, and rights of
all individuals.

1.3. Structural and systemic power dynamics create various obstacles to empowerment across different spheres of life. Explain
how these barriers can affect individuals in the aged care sector.(1 to 2 sentences for each)

Social Social barriers can reduce social interaction and engagement, leaving older people feeling isolated
and disconnected from their communities.
Physical Physical barriers, such as inaccessible facilities or a lack of appropriate assistive devices, can limit
mobility and make it difficult for older adults to independently carry out daily activities.
Emotional Emotional barriers, such as lack of emotional support from caregivers, can lead to feelings of
abandonment among aged care residents, such as depression.
Stigma Stigma associated with aging and disability can reduce the quality of care provided to older people
and affect their self-worth through discriminatory attitudes.
Ageism Ageism can marginalize the elderly, often leading to their needs and preferences being ignored and
limiting their participation in decisions about their own care.
Cultural Providing culturally sensitive care that leads to a lack of understanding of the cultural and religious
practices of adults from diverse backgrounds can be avoided.
Economic Economic barriers, such as inadequate pensions or inadequate funding for aged care, can limit access
to quality care, affecting the overall well-being of older adults.

1.4. Choose the correct answer from the following multiple-choice questions.
A) Which of the following best describes the impact of one's own attitudes on working with people with disabilities?
a) Personal attitudes have little to no impact on the quality of care provided to people with disabilities, as professional
training overrides personal biases.
b) Recognizing and challenging one's own attitudes and biases toward disability and ageing can significantly improve
the quality of service and support provided.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

c) The social constructs of disability and ageing are universally accepted, hence individual attitudes towards these
constructs do not affect service delivery.
d) It is unnecessary to reflect on one’s own attitudes towards disability and ageing, as societal norms dictate the
standard of care and support.

b) Recognizing and challenging one's own attitudes and biases toward disability and ageing can significantly improve the
quality of service and support provided.

B) When should a staff member seek support from more experienced and qualified staff?
a) Only when the situation escalates to an emergency, as it is important to demonstrate independence in problem-
b) Whenever they have minor questions, even if these questions do not impact their immediate tasks or the well-being
of clients.
c) When they encounter a situation or problem outside their expertise or comfort zone that could affect the quality of
care or safety.
d) Never, as seeking help is seen as a sign of weakness and incompetence in professional settings.

c) When they encounter a situation or problem outside their expertise or comfort zone that could affect the quality
of care or safety.

1.5. Addressing individual, emotional, and environmental barriers to empowerment involves a comprehensive approach that caters
to the physical, social, and cognitive needs of individuals. Explain these needs briefly. (Guide: approx. 1 to 2 sentences each).

Physical Ensure that individuals have adequate access to health services, nutrition and physical activity to maintain
their health and mobility, and assistive devices that enhance their independence.
Social Facilitate opportunities for meaningful social interaction and participation in community activities to
reduce isolation and improve overall well-being.
Cognitive Provide activities that stimulate mental activity and cognitive skills, such as puzzles, educational
programs and activities that encourage problem solving and critical thinking.

1.6. Support practices for people with various conditions, including genetic factors, physical trauma, psychological trauma,
chronic lifestyle conditions, and acquired brain injury, require a comprehensive and tailored approach. Explain support
practices for the following briefly in 2 to 3 bullet points.

Genetic factors  Implementing early intervention programs to manage and reduce the impact of genetic
conditions from childhood.
 Providing genetic counseling services to help individuals understand and cope with the
 Develop individualized care plans that address specific needs and potential complications
related to the genetic condition.
Physical trauma  Implement effective pain management strategies, including medication and physical
 Provide comprehensive rehabilitation services including occupational therapy, physical
therapy and speech therapy to assist in recovery and improve function.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

 Providing psychological support to address emotional and mental health needs following
post-traumatic stress.
Psychological trauma  Use evidence-based treatments such as trauma-focused therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy
(CBT) and EMDR (eye movement sensing and reprocessing).
 Facilitate access to support groups and community resources for individuals to build
 Ensuring a safe environment that fosters trust and safety for people with a history of trauma.
Chronic lifestyle  Offer a multifaceted approach that includes medical care, mental health support, and
conditions nutritional advice.
 Educate people about lifestyle changes, including diet, exercise and stress management, to
manage and improve the condition.
 Provide regular health monitoring to manage symptoms and prevent complications.
Acquired brain injury  Develop individualized rehabilitation plans that focus on physical, cognitive and emotional
 Use assistive technology and equipment to enhance independence and quality of life.
 Helping families and caregivers understand and cope with the challenges of brain injury.

1.7. What are the legal and ethical considerations a care worker must take into consideration for working with people receiving
support. (Guide: 1 sentence for each approx.).

Codes of conduct Care workers must adhere to professional codes of conduct, ensuring they behave in
accordance with ethical and professional standards in their role.
Discrimination Care workers must avoid discriminatory practices and ensure fair treatment of all
individuals while respecting their diversity.
Dignity of risk Care workers should support people's rights to make informed decisions about their
lives, even if those decisions are risky, by ensuring safeguards are in place.
Duty of care Care workers have a legal obligation to provide a standard of well-being and harm
prevention to the people in their care.
Human rights Care workers must respect the basic human rights of all persons and ensure their
dignity, independence and freedom from abuse and neglect.
Informed consent Care workers must obtain informed consent from individuals before providing care
or services, and ensure that the risks are understood.
Mandatory reporting Care workers are legally required to report any suspicion or evidence of neglect,
abuse of vulnerable people.
Privacy, confidentiality and Care workers must protect individuals' personal information, ensure confidentiality
disclosure and disclose information only when authorized or legally required.
Work role boundaries, Care workers must understand and respect their role's limitations, responsibilities.
responsibilities and limitations Tasks that do not allow them to perform should be avoided.
Work health and safety Care workers must follow workplace health and safety regulations to protect
themselves, their colleagues and the people they support from harm.
Legislated, statutory, professional Care workers must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, professional
and ethical standards. guidelines governing their practice to ensure high quality, legal and ethical care.

1.8. Explain the principles of the following. (Guide: 1 sentence for each approx.)

Empowerment Empowerment is empowering people to take control of their lives, make decisions
and stand up for their rights.
Rights-based approaches Prioritizing the basic human rights of individuals, ensuring their dignity, equality
and participation in decision-making processes.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Person-centred practices Person-centered practices focus on providing support for each person's unique
needs and values.
Self-advocacy Self-advocacy encourages people to speak up for themselves, make their own
choices and express their needs with confidence.
Active support Functional support involves engaging individuals in meaningful activities and
interactions and promoting their inclusion in their daily lives.
Active listening Active listening requires paying full attention to what people are communicating,
responding with understanding, and effective communication.
Social justice, and the importance of Emphasizes fairness and equality, recognizing and valuing each person's unique
knowing and respecting each person as identity, experience.
an individual
Strengths-based approaches Strengths-based approaches focus on identifying and leveraging a person's strengths
and abilities rather than their weaknesses to support their growth and

1.9. Refer to the following restrictive practices and explain these briefly. (1 to 2 sentences for each)

Considerations within the human rights Restrictive practices must be implemented in a manner that respects a person's
framework fundamental human rights, ensuring their freedom and dignity at all times.

Impacts of restrictive practices on a person’s Restrictive practices reduce a person's ability to make choices and control their
empowerment lives, which negatively affects their sense of self-worth.

Instances where restrictive practices may be Restraints may be used in situations where there is an immediate threat to
used as reflected in behaviour support plan safety, as outlined in a person's behavior support plan, and should only be used
when necessary to prevent harm.

Use of authorised restrictive practices as a Authorized restrictive practices should be used only after all other options have
last resort and proportionate to the risk of been exhausted and when absolutely necessary in proportion to the level of
potential harm to the person or others threat posed.
Positive proactive approaches to support that Implementing positive action strategies, such as individualized interventions and
eliminate the need to use restrictive practices environmental adjustments, can help manage behaviors.

Physical, psychological and emotional risks The use of restrictive practices carries significant risks, including physical
related to the use of restrictive practices injury, emotional distress, and long-term psychological harm.

Use of unauthorised restrictive practices Unauthorized restrictive practices are those implemented without proper legal
approval and may violate individual rights and lead to legal consequences for
Documentation of use of restrictive practices All uses of restrictive practices should be thoroughly documented, detailing the
circumstances, duration, and outcomes to ensure accountability and facilitate
review and monitoring.

1.10. Listed below are some strategies that assist people in aged care to exercise their rights and support independent action and
thinking. Explain how they can use this. (Guide: approx. 50 to 80 words for each)

Use of technology to facilitate choice Technology can significantly increase the independence of people in aged care by
giving them the tools to make informed choices. For example, residents using tablets
and smartphones can access information about their care options, communicate with

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

family and friends, and participate in virtual activities and telehealth services.
Technologies such as voice-activated devices can help people with mobility or
dexterity problems manage their daily routines and preferences more independently.
Right to privacy Ensuring the right to privacy means creating an environment where individuals can
have personal space and privacy. This can be achieved by providing private rooms,
ensuring that personal information is stored securely and shared only with authorized
persons, and respecting personal boundaries in caregiving. Maintaining privacy is
essential for individuals to feel respected and for their overall well-being.
Right to be involved in planning and Residents in aged care should be actively involved in their care planning and
decision making regarding their own decision-making processes. This can be facilitated by holding regular meetings where
care and support and those providing it residents can express their preferences, ask questions and provide feedback. Care
plans should be developed collaboratively, reflecting the individual's values, wishes
and goals, and empowering residents to participate in decisions about their care
creates a sense of control and improves satisfaction.

1.11. There is a range of assistive technologies used by individuals in aged care and/or with disabilities use. Explain assistive
technology used in the following:
a) self-care
b) continence and hygiene
c) communication
d) mobility and transferring
e) cognition and memory loss
f) vision and hearing
g) daily living activities
h) recreation and leisure
i) education and employment
j) home and other environments
k) eating and drinking
l) pressure area management
m) carer support

(Guide: 1 sentence for each approx.)

Self-care Adaptive devices such as long-handled sponges, electric razors, and dressing sticks help individuals
maintain personal hygiene with minimal assistance.
Continence and hygiene Portable commodes, and automated toilet aids facilitate hygiene and enclosure management,
allowing individuals to maintain cleanliness with dignity.
Communication Improvements such as picture boards, communication apps, and voice amplification systems can
help people with speech disabilities express themselves effectively.
Mobility and transferring Devices such as stair climbers, portable ramps, and patient transfer boards help individuals move
safely around their environment.

Cognition and memory Memory aids such as digital voice recorders, smartwatches with reminder functions, and medication
loss management apps help organize their daily tasks.

Vision and hearing Assistive technologies such as vibrating alarm clocks, braille readers, and visual warning systems
for doorbells and telephones can help people with vision and hearing impairments stay informed.
Daily living activities Access, opening utensils, and adapted kitchen appliances enable individuals to independently

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

perform everyday tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and dressing.

Recreation and leisure Adapted sports equipment such as modified bicycles, and touch board games, accessible exercise
machines allow people to participate in recreational activities of their choice.
Education and Tools such as screen readers, voice-to-text software, and ergonomic workstations help people
employment access educational resources and perform job tasks effectively.

Home and other Smart home technologies, including automatic lighting, voice-activated assistants and remote-
environments controlled thermostats, help people manage their living environment comfortably.

Eating and drinking Adaptive equipment such as angled knives, weighted forks and special drinking cups with leak-
proof lids help people eat more easily.
Pressure area Alternative pressure mattresses and gel cushions are used to prevent pressure ulcers to reduce the
management risk of skin breakdown for people with limited mobility.

Carer support Wearable health monitors, caregiver apps and telehealth services offer tools to monitor health status
and manage the care needs of the people they support, ensuring efficient care.

1.12. Assistive technologies play a crucial role in supporting a person's life activities by maintaining and promoting independence
and enabling inclusion and participation. Explain how this is achieved. (Guide: 1 to 2 sentences for each).
Maintaining and promoting independence Assistive technologies such as mobility aids, adaptive devices, and home
automation systems empower people to perform daily tasks independently,
reduce dependence on caregivers, and promote self-reliance.
Enabling inclusion and participation Devices such as accessible recreational equipment, communication aids, and
adaptive educational tools facilitate active participation in social, educational,
and recreational activities while promoting participation of individuals with
disabilities in their communities.

1.13. Accessing and using advocacy services and complaint mechanisms are crucial steps for individuals seeking support,
representation, or to voice concerns about their care or services received. Explain how you can access these. (Guide: 4 to 5
points for each).
Accessing Counseling Services
 Join support groups where members can share experiences and provide information about accessing counseling services.
 Visit community centers or local council offices for information on counseling services.
 Ask your care provider or facility management for recommendations on reliable counseling services.
 Research and identify local or national organizations that provide counseling services for aged care or disability support.

Access complaint mechanisms

 Internal Complaint Processes – Start by using the internal complaint process provided by the care facility or service
 Use online complaint forms – Many organizations offer online forms on their websites where you can submit complaints
 Government agencies - Contact the relevant government agencies that oversee aged or disability care to make a complaint.
 Advocacy Services - Use Advocacy Services to assist in submitting and following up on complaints, ensuring your
concerns are communicated effectively.

1.14. List some indicators of abuse exploitation and neglect (1 to 2 sentences for each).
Exploitation  Unexplained withdrawals from bank accounts, sudden changes in financial status.
 The person may exhibit fear or anxiety around certain people and may exhibit signs of

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Neglect  Poor hygiene, untreated medical conditions, dehydration, or bed bugs and infections.
 Living in unsafe or unsanitary conditions, lacking necessary medical assistance or
inadequate clothing for the weather.

1.15. Research Maslow's hierarchy of needs and explain basic human needs listed below. (1 sentence for each).

Physical; These basic needs include the essentials for survival such as air, water, food, sleep and shelter.
Psychological These needs are related to mental health and include feelings of safety, belonging, love and self-esteem.
Spiritual Spiritual interests often involve a connection to something higher through religion or personal beliefs.
Cultural These needs are the desire to connect with and belong to a cultural group that embraces shared language,
values, and social norms.
Sexual Sexual intercourse includes physical and emotional aspects, including sexual needs, sexual expression,
and the desire for sexual satisfaction.

1.16. What does the concept of self-actualisation in Maslow's hierarchy of needs refer to?
A) The need for financial stability and security.
B) The desire for esteem and respect from others.
C) The fulfillment of one's potential and the realization of one's talents and abilities
D) The basic need for food, water, and shelter.

C)The fulfillment of one's potential and the realization of one's talents and abilities

1.17. Human development across the lifespan refers to:

A) The physical changes that occur in the human body during adolescence only
B) The progression of human growth and development from infancy to old age, encompassing physical, cognitive, social,
and emotional changes.
C) The acquisition of language skills in early childhood.
D) The peak of human strength and cognitive abilities in early adulthood.

B)The progression of human growth and development from infancy to old age, encompassing physical, cognitive, social,
and emotional changes.

1.18. Explain what following wellbeing refers to? (1 sentence each)

Physical; Physical well-being is the overall health and functioning of the body, including factors such as
nutrition, exercise and sleep.
Psychological Psychological well-being refers to emotional health, resilience and the ability to cope with stressful
Social Social well-being is related to the quality of a person's relationships, social support networks, and sense
of belonging to a community
Spiritual Spiritual well-being is finding a connection to something higher than oneself, which may include
religious beliefs, values, or practices
cultural Cultural well-being is a person's sense of identity, belonging and connection with their cultural heritage
and traditions.
Financial Financial well-being is the ability to effectively manage one's material needs without undue stress or
Career and Occupational and career well-being refers to finding satisfaction in one's work and a sense of purpose.

1.19. Which of the following is an example of individual differences that can impact the support provided?

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

A) Age
B) facial features
C) Cultural background
D) Complexion

C)Cultural background

1.20. How might individual differences be interrelated and impact the support provided? (60 to 80 words approx.)

Individual differences such as age, cultural background and personality traits are interrelated and can significantly influence the
type of support that individuals receive. For example, a person's cultural background can influence their food preferences,
communication style, and perceptions of health and disease. These differences should be acknowledged and respected when
providing support to ensure that it aligns with the individual's values, beliefs and ultimately improves the effectiveness of the
support provided.

1.21. The following are basic requirements for good health for an individual. Explain why these are important. (1 sentence for
Mental health Mental health is essential for cognitive functioning, emotional resilience and overall happiness, and
influences how individuals perceive and cope with life's challenges.
Nutrition and Adequate nutrition and hydration provide the body with nutrients and fluids necessary for growth, repair
hydration and energy production, and support healthy physical function.
Exercise Regular exercise improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, improves mood through the
release of endorphins, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
Hygiene Maintaining good hygiene practices, including regular bathing, hand washing and oral care, helps
prevent the spread of infectious diseases and promotes overall well-being.
Lifestyle Factors such as a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, stress
management and avoidance of harmful substances contribute to longevity and overall quality of life.
Oral health Proper oral hygiene, including regular brushing, flossing and dental checkups, prevents tooth decay and
oral infections, which can affect systemic health and overall well-being.

1.22. What is a common risk factor for mental health issues?

A) Strong social support
B) Regular physical exercise
C) History of trauma or abuse
D) Access to mental health services

C)History of trauma or abuse

1.23. Which of the following is a protective factor for mental health issues?
A) Social isolation
B) Regular exercise
C) Unhealthy coping mechanisms
D) Lack of access to mental health services

B)Regular exercise

1.24. Choose the correct answer regarding restrictive practices

1.24a) What constitutes a restrictive practice?

A) Encouraging autonomy and independence

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

B) Implementing safety measures based on individual needs

C) Restricting a person's freedom of movement or choice
D) Providing additional support to enhance personal skills

C)Restricting a person's freedom of movement or choice

1.24b) Legislative and regulatory requirements typically include:

A) individual rights and freedoms
B) Ensuring compliance with industry standards
C) Promoting restrictive practices
D) Ignoring organizational policies
A) individual rights and freedoms

1.24c) Organizational policies and procedures relating to restrictive practices typically include:
A) Promoting the use of restrictive practices
B) Ensuring compliance with legal requirements
C) Encouraging individual autonomy
D) Ignoring the concerns of residents
B) Ensuring compliance with legal requirements

1.24d) Positive strategies typically involve:

A) Encouraging autonomy and independence
B) Restricting freedom of choice
C) Isolating individuals from the community
D) Discouraging self-expression
A) Encouraging autonomy and independence

1.24e) Ethical considerations in care often involve:

A) Prioritizing the caregiver's convenience
B) Upholding the person's rights and dignity
C) Disregarding consent
D) Ignoring cultural backgrounds
B) Upholding the person's rights and dignity

1.24f) Documentation requirements in care typically include:

A) Recording observations, interventions, and outcomes
B) Making assumptions without verifying information
C) Sharing personal information without consent
D) Keeping records only for high-profile cases
A) Recording observations, interventions, and outcomes

1.25. Refer to the following and in 1 sentence for each explain what are the indications for abuse.

Physical Unexplained injuries such as bruises, burns, or broken bones, especially if they occur frequently.

Sexual Signs of a sexually transmitted infection, unexplained genital sores, or sudden changes in behavior
such as avoiding certain people.
Psychological Emotional withdrawal, depression, or sudden changes in mood or behavior, especially in the presence

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

of a specific caregiver.
Financial Unexplained disappearance of funds, financial condition or unauthorized use of the individual's
financial resources.

1.26. Which of the following is a reporting requirement for suspected abuse situations?
A) Ignore the situation unless it escalates
B) Report the situation only to immediate supervisors.
C) Document the situation in personal notes.
D) Report the situation according to organizational policies and procedures.

D)Report the situation according to organizational policies and procedures.

1.27. Which of the following is an example of a service delivery model in aged care?
A) Person-centred care
B) Risk management
C) Compliance monitoring
D) Financial auditing

A)Person-centred care

1.28. In Australia, relevant funding models in aged care includes the following. Research and explain each one briefly. (30 to 50
words approx. for each.
Aged Care Funding ACFI is a funding model used to allocate resources to aged care facilities based on the assessed
Instrument (ACFI): care needs of residents, taking into account factors such as mobility and behaviour.
Home Care Packages (HCP) Covering services such as personal care, home support and nursing care, older people are given
the flexibility to access care and support services tailored to their specific needs while living
independently in their own homes.
Commonwealth Home CHSP provides entry-level support services to older Australians who need support to live
Support Programme independently at home, including household chores, personal care and social activities.
Residential Aged Care These subsidies are provided to residential aged care facilities to cover costs associated with
Subsidies: caring for residents, including accommodation, meals and other support services, based on each
resident's assessed care needs.

1.29. Listed below are 3 issues which impacts health and wellbeing. Explain why?
Socioeconomic Factors: Socioeconomic factors such as income, education, and employment significantly affect well-
being by influencing access to nutritious food, health care, safe housing, and opportunities for
physical activity, as well as overall stress levels and access to social support networks.
Lifestyle Choices: Lifestyle choices, including diet, exercise, smoking, and alcohol use, directly affect a person's
mental health, physical health, chronic disease risk, and overall longevity. While healthy
choices promote better health outcomes, unhealthy habits can lead to various health
Environmental Factors: Environmental factors such as air quality, water quality, exposure to toxic substances play a
critical role in determining health and well-being, poor environmental conditions can cause
respiratory problems and other health problems, and a clean and safe environment supports
overall quality.

1.30. Community values and attitudes, along with prevalent myths and stereotypes, play a significant role in shaping perceptions
and behaviours towards health and wellbeing. Explain why? (80 to 100 words approx.).

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Community values and attitudes, along with myths and stereotypes, shape how health and well-being are perceived and
addressed in society. Positive community values can promote healthy behaviors and health care use, creating a supportive
environment for individuals to maintain their well-being. Negative stereotypes, such as those that stigmatize mental illness or
aging, can lead to discrimination and reluctance to seek help. These misconceptions can lead to inadequate care and support.
Ultimately it affects the overall health and quality of life of individuals. Therefore, addressing these community influences is
critical to fostering an inclusive and health-promoting environment.

1.31. List issues surrounding sexuality and sexual expression. (4 to 4 issues).

I. Moving on to different cultural and religious beliefs that can influence the perception and acceptance of sexual
II. Managing health problems such as sexually transmitted infections (STDs) and aging-related conditions that can affect
sexual health.
III. Ensure that safety facilities have policies that support sexual expression while maintaining safety and dignity.
IV. Counseling for people struggling with sexual identity, orientation or emotional aspects of sexual relationships.

1.32. What are indicators of emotional concerns and issues?

A) Increased social interaction
B) Consistent expression of positive emotions
C) Withdrawal from social activities
D) Active engagement in hobbies and interests

C)Withdrawal from social activities

1.33. In aged care, various support strategies, resources, and networks are available to ensure the well-being and quality of life of
older adults listed below. Explain its role in 20 to 40 words for each approx.)
Services Role
Professional Care Services: Providing medical, nursing and personal care to older adults, ensuring their physical health
and daily living needs are met, promoting a high quality of life.
Community Support Providing support with social activities and daily tasks to help older adults remain connected,
Programs: engaged and independent in their communities.
Counselling and Mental Providing psychological treatments to improve overall well-being and resilience in older
Health Services: adults, addressing mental health issues and stress.
Support Groups: Facilitating peer support and shared experiences among adults facing similar challenges,
promoting emotional support and dealing with social interactions.
Government-funded Provide financial assistance, health care, and other resources to ensure the support older adults
Programs: need, promote equitable access to care, and improve living conditions.

Advocacy Organisations: Work to protect the rights of older adults by ensuring their voices are heard and their needs
are addressed in policy-making, service provision and social attitudes.

1.34. Legal and ethical requirements are crucial aspects of aged care practice, shaping the delivery of care and ensuring the well-
being and rights of older adults. Several key principles guide these requirements. Explain each in 1 to 2 sentences for each),

Duty of care The policy requires aged care workers to take all reasonable steps to ensure the well-being of those they
care for, to avoid omissions that could harm them.
Dignity of risk Recognizing the right of older adults to make their own choices, including those involving risk, this

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

principle supports their autonomy while ensuring they are fully informed of potential consequences.
Human rights Aged care practice must protect the inherent dignity and inalienable rights of all persons and ensure that
their treatment is dignified and non-discriminatory.
Discrimination Care workers must provide fair care that does not treat or exclude people unfairly based on
characteristics such as age, gender, race, disability or sexual orientation.
Mandatory This legal requirement obliges aged care workers to report observed or suspected abuse, neglect or
reporting exploitation to the relevant authorities to protect vulnerable people.
Privacy, Care workers must protect residents' personal information, sharing it only with those with a legitimate
confidentiality and need to know and in accordance with consent and legal guidelines.
Work role Understanding and respecting the defined scope of practice helps care workers to provide appropriate
boundaries, and effective care and ensure safe and competent service delivery.
responsibilities and


Assessment type: Role-plays, scenarios and practical activities

Assessment instructions:
This is the second practical assessment in which you are expected to showcase your competency in empowering individuals receiving care one
in a simulated situation and one in an actual aged care workplace. For this task, you will engage in a simulation that will be monitored by your
assessor. Following the simulation, your assessor will offer feedback on your performance and give you advice on the workplace task you will
be required to complete on the job during your work placement. Please note competency for this unit will not be granted until the workplace
task has been completed.
Applicable conditions
The role-play will be timed and you will be given approx. 10 – 15 minutes to conduct each of the role-plays. You must discuss both role-plays
with your assessor prior to conducting the role-play. The purpose is to ensure that the ideas are your own and completed independently.

Purpose of assessment task

You must demonstrate your ability to demonstrate the following in a simulated environment resembling workplace conditions:
 respond to the goals and aspirations of at least two people, one in a simulated environment and one in the workplace:
 employing flexible, adaptable and person-centred approaches to empower the person
 providing at least one service adjusted to meet the individual needs of the person, as determined through consultation with the person
 proposing at least one strategy to meet the individual health or re-ablement needs of the person, as determined through consultation with
the person
 recognising and responding appropriately to situations and barriers
 providing information to the person about their rights and checking for understanding
 using communication skills according to the needs of the person to maintain positive and respectful relationships and facilitate

Assessment conditions
Skills will demonstrated a simulated environment at 401 Sussex Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 in a teaching classroom environment that reflects
workplace conditions. The following conditions will be met for this unit:
 use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including:
 individualised plans and any equipment outlined in the plans
 organisation policies and procedures
 opportunities for engagement with people receiving care

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

 computers, internet, wi-fi, student portal, learner guide

2.1. Read the scenario below and complete the following activities.


Lena is a 82 year old female who up till now has been able to live quite independently. She moved to a Anglicare retirement
village a week ago after she has an accident and has some difficulty walking now. Lena is a Orthodox Christian and every
Sunday used to go to church and mix with her local community. Lena was involved in organising fund-raising events and in her
local community activities. Since Lena arrived she has been missing the community feeling, going to Church and is rather
lonely. As Lena is lonely she doesn’t mix with the others in the retirement village and has not made many friends as she simply
keeps to herself in her room.

You are the carer for Lena. Your manager has asked you to develop a relationship with Lena and develop a care plan where
you can facilitate the empowerment of Lena. You have met with Lena a few times to establish trust and communicate with her
to find out her needs and what you can do to empower Lisa.

Lena has communicated she feels frustrated as she is not as mobile as she used to be but would love to go out and wander
around the gardens as the retire village was known for its beautiful and lush gardens. Lena talks about the days when she could
drive and visit her friends. She feels she now relies on others and has lost her independence.

You listen to Lena as she remembers her good old days and talks about how she feels really old now and how ageing has
affected her overall. Once you have listened you suggest a few options for Lena. You advise Lena that there are residents from
a variety of cultural groups and they meet with their groups all the time. You also notified Lena that there was church every
Sunday and there were other residents who belong to the same Church and you could put Lena in touch with the group who
gathered together on Sundays.

You have indicated to Lena that there was mobility equipment and also a wheelchair which could be utilised to take Lena out to
the gardens daily to get some fresh air.

As Lena is new you explain to Lena some of the policies and procedures of the village such as complaints policy, her rights, her
interests and how you could incorporate those into her daily activities such as booking reading club, any situations of risk if
there was any, equipment available for Lena to use at the village to empower Lena.

Lena after listening to you and getting a bit more confident suggested that maybe her physio could be moved from morning to
afternoon so that she could spend the morning in the gardens and other social activities as she gets tired in the afternoon. If she
could have her treatment then she would be relaxed and would like to have a nap in the afternoon. Lena was happy for her GP,
Dr Lowe to visit her once a week in the afternoon.

You are happy to comply and advise Lena how these activities would help her and have advised Lena that you would adjust her
care plan to meet her specific needs.

You also advise Lena that you will be putting some mobility aids in her room to help her move around a bit more freely and
also when she gets up from bed she can use the walking frame to assist her. You discuss the risks and potential risk associated
with ageing as well and what support is there for her.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Role-play activity
You are to role-play this activity and act as the carer. During your role-play you must refer to Lean’s Individual plan and your
organisation’s policy and procedures. Copies are attached for you to refer to. You can also refer to the following link

Your colleague will act as Lena and you must reverse this role-play. In the role-play, you must demonstrate the following:

 Communicate with Lena using verbal and non-verbal communication to build rapport, trust and goodwill.
 Recognise Lena’s social, cultural and spiritual differences and talk to her about others who may be from the same
religious background
 Maintain confidentiality and privacy at all times when communicating with Lena
 Talk to Lena and discuss her physical disability and how you can help her to be more mobile and discuss how Lena can
achieve a better quality of life
 Discuss use of assistive technologies to meet Leans needs
 Identify and discuss services which may empower Lena and support Lena to express herself.
 Identify any barriers to empowerment and promote independence.
 Advise Lena that you would adjust services as per Lena’s specific need and offer services to Lena as per your
organisation’s policies and procedures.
 Inform Lena of her rights and the complaints process in the organisation. (Refer to Anglicare’s complaints and appeals
May-2020.pdf )

a) Prior to the role-play, you must make notes of how you are going to communicate with Lena to build trust and rapport
with her and how you are going to address the above points. Meet with your assessor discuss your notes and your
assessor will allocate a date and time for you to conduct the role-play.

Notes for assessor

b) Conduct the role-play activity. Your assessor will observe you during the role-play and provide you with feedback. You
must then reverse this role-play and your colleague will then act as the carer and you will act as Lena.

Document your meeting minutes with Lena below. (2 to 3 bullet points for each).


Date of meeting: 26/05/2024
Time: 9.00 am
Venue: Meeting room
Present: Lena
Ana Luiza
Introduction and Building  A warm and welcoming atmosphere is established to foster trust and openness.
Rapport  Active listening techniques were used to show genuine interest in Lena's concerns.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Recognising Lena’s social,  Lena's Orthodox Christian background and her need for spiritual connection were
cultural and spiritual confirmed.
differences  Lena explored retirement village opportunities with others who share her faith
Assessment of Lena’s Current  Lena expressed feelings of frustration and loss of independence due to reduced mobility.
Situation  Lena recognized her desire to maintain an active lifestyle despite her physical limitations.

Discussion on Mobility and  Options for accessing mobility support services to facilitate Lena's daily activities were
Quality of Life Enhancements discussed.
 The possibility of planning outdoor garden trips and social interactions to improve Lena's
well-being was explored.
Exploration of Empowerment  Lena was introduced to the cultural and social groups of the retirement village.
Services  Lena's autonomy in making decisions about her care and activities was emphasized.

Customisation of Services  Lena's physical therapy sessions were agreed to be arranged according to her preferred
 Plans are made to provide mobility aids for Lena's convenience and to arrange Dr. Lo's
Decisions Made:  .Lena expressed interest in joining the church group and participating in cultural events.
 Lena was committed to exploring the village parks using the mobility aids provided.
 Lena agreed to review and update her care plan to align with her preferences and needs.

Action Items:  Rescheduling Lena's physiotherapy sessions and coordinating afternoon GP visits.
 To facilitate the integration of Lena in the social and cultural activities of the village.
 Update Lena's care plan documents to reflect agreed upon changes.

 Lena was assured of continued support and encouraged her active involvement in shaping her care and lifestyle.
 A follow-up meeting is scheduled to monitor progress.
Notes Prepared By: [Your Ana Luiza
Date: [Insert Date of 27/05/2024
Document Preparation

2.2. Once you have met with Lena, you are to develop a person-centred individualised care plan for Lena promoting independence.


Name: Lena
Age: 82
Background: Lena, an Orthodox Christian, recently moved to Anglicare Retirement Village after an accident that
affected her mobility. Earlier she was actively involved in community activities and now feels
Objective: Enhancing Lena's quality of life by promoting her independence and addressing her physical, social
and spiritual needs.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Ailments of Lena: A recent accident can lead to reduced mobility and feelings of isolation.
Assessment Summary:
Current Situation:  Lena struggles with reduced mobility.
 She will miss her community involvement and church attendance.
 Lena feels lonely and tends to seclude herself in her room.
Needs Identified:  Improve mobility and physical activity.
 Increased social interaction and community participation.
 Use of mobility aids and assistance with activities of daily living.
 Spiritual connection and access to religious services.
Care Plan Goals:
Enhance Mobility:
 Provide mobility aids such as a wheelchair and walking frame.
 Adjust physical therapy sessions to afternoons to suit Lena's energy level.
 Schedule daily outdoor activities, such as a walk in the yard.
Facilitate Social Engagement:
 Introduce Lena to the cultural and social groups of the retirement village.
 Encourage participation in community and church related activities.
 Organize regular social gatherings with other residents.
Promote Independence:
 Equip Lena's room with necessary mobility aids.
 Help Lena maintain a personal routine.
 Encourage Lena to actively participate in planning her care and activities.
Spiritual and Community Connection:
 Facilitate Lena's attendance at Sunday church services.
 Connect Lena with other Orthodox Christian residents.
 Encourage participation in community events.
Equipment required:
 Walking frame
 wheelchair
 Grab the bar
 Physical therapy equipment

Immediate:  Give Lena a wheelchair and a walking frame.
 Schedule an initial park walk with support.
 Introduce Lena to community and church groups.
Short-term:  Facilitating attendance at Sunday church services
 Set Lena's physiotherapy sessions for the afternoon.
 Organize regular social activities and meetings with other residents.
Ongoing:  Monitor Lena's movement and adjust support as needed.
 Regularly review and update Lena's care plan based on her feedback and progress.
 Encourage continued participation in community activities
Risk Management:  Assess Lena's physical condition and mobility regularly.
 Ensure all mobility aids are safe and used properly.
 Watch for signs of isolation.
Review and Feedback:  Schedule monthly meetings with Lena to review her care plan.
 Adjust the care plan based on Lena's changing needs.
Support Network  Lena's GP, Dr. Call Lowe's.
Involvement:  Coordinate with physical therapists and other health care providers.
 Engage in Lena's care and social activities with family members.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Developed by: Ana Luiza

Approved by: (Assessor)
Date: 30/05/2024

2.3. Meet with Lena, her family and other carers and discuss the person-centred approach you have developed in consultation with
her of how to facilitate the person-centred options you have come up with.
a) You are required to send an email to the family and carers to meet to discuss Lena’s care plan. (Approx. 1 page)


To: , ,

Date: 30/05/2024

Subject: Meeting to Discuss Lena's Person-Centred Care Plan

Dear all,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to invite you to a meeting to discuss the person-centered care plan we have
developed for Lena.

As you know, Lena recently moved to Anglicare Retirement Village and now faces some challenges with her mobility and
social activities. After spending time with Lena and understanding her needs, we have created a comprehensive care plan aimed
at improving her quality of life.

The care plan focuses on improving her mobility, promoting Lena's independence, facilitating social activities and ensuring her
community connections. We believe it is essential to involve Lena's family and caregivers in this process to ensure the care plan
is thorough and effective.

Key points we would like to discuss at the meeting include -

 Providing necessary mobility aids and organizing physiotherapy sessions till noon.
 Introduce Lena to community and church groups and organize regular social activities.
 Equipping Lena's room with mobility aids.
 facilitating Lena's attendance at Sunday church services and connecting her with other Orthodox Christian residents.
 Help her maintain a personal routine.

We appreciate your input and believe your support is critical to the successful implementation of this care plan. Please let us
know if you are available for a meeting this week. Our goal is to find a convenient time for everyone.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to working together to ensure Lena receives the best care and
support possible.

warm regards,
Ana Luiza
Anglicare retirement village

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

b) Schedule a meeting with Lena, her family, other carers and relevant healthcare professionals (e.g. her Nutritionist, etc) to
discuss the finalised person-centred options. For the purpose of this role-play you will play the role of carer, Lena will be
your assessor, your colleagues will be family members and healthcare professionals. During the meeting you must:
 Discuss the Care Plan: Start the meeting by reiterating the importance of Lena's preferences and choices in the
development of the care plan. Walk through the care plan, explaining each part, especially focusing on the
adjustments made to accommodate Lena's wishes, such as the timing of her physiotherapy sessions and the
introduction of mobility aids. Provide assistance to Lena to facilitate communication of their personal goals and
ensure she is comfortable with strategies and decisions made.
 Emphasise Collaboration: Highlight the importance of teamwork and open communication among all parties
involved in Lena's care. Encourage Lena's family and the care team to actively participate in her daily activities and
support her interests, such as joining her for garden walks or attending church services together. E
 Training and Education: Ensure that all carers and family members are informed about the use of mobility aids and
any other equipment Lena will be using. Arrange for training sessions if necessary to ensure safe and effective use.
 Communication Plan: Discuss a clear and consistent method of communication among Lena, her family, and her
care team. This could include regular updates, meetings, or a shared digital platform for logging activities, progress,
and any concerns.

Document meeting minutes using template below: (Guide: Approx. 1 page).

Meeting Minutes: Implementation of Lena's Person-Centered Care Plan

Date: [Insert Date] 31/05/2024
Time: [Insert Time] 9.30 am
Location: [Insert Location or Meeting room
indicate if held virtually]
Attendees: Ana Luiza (Carer)
Brian Jay (Family member)
Dave Ketts (Family member)
Adithi Narayan (Nutritionist)
Christine Nichola (Physiotherapist)
Agenda: 1. Discuss the care plan
2. Emphasize cooperation
3. Training and Education
4. Communication plan
Minutes of meeting
1. Discuss the care plan:
 The meeting was introduced by reiterating the importance of preferences in Lena's care plan.
 The addition of mobility aids to her room was discussed to ensure her independence and safety.
 Key changes highlighted such as morning park walks and moving Lena's physiotherapy sessions to afternoons for
social activities.
 Lena was satisfied with the proposed changes and shared her personal goals and aspirations.

2. Emphasize cooperation:
 He emphasized the importance of teamwork among all parties involved in Lena's care.
 Family members and caregivers were encouraged to participate in Lena's daily activities.

3. Training and Education:

 Ensure that all caregivers and family members are aware of the proper use of mobility aids and other equipment.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

 Training sessions were organized to ensure safe and effective use of the equipment.

4. Communication Plan:
 Establishing a clear line of communication between Lena, her family and her care team was discussed.
 A shared digital platform for suggested regular updates and log activities, progress.
 Agreed on the need to maintain consistent communication to ensure everyone is up to date and engaged in Lena's
Actions Agreed:  Schedule training sessions on the use of mobility aids for all caregivers and family
 Schedule regular meetings to review Lena's progress and adjust the care plan as
 Implement a shared digital platform for communication and updates.
 Facilitate Lena's participation in park walks and church services with the support of
family and caregivers.
Next Meeting: 10/05/2024
Meeting Adjourned: 8.00 am
Minutes Prepared by: Ana Luiza
Minutes Approved by: [Insert Approval Person’s Name]

c) Document the communication plan discussed at the meeting.

Communication Plan for Lena's Care

Objective Ensure clear and effective communication between Lena, her family, and her care team to support
her person-centered care plan and promote her independence.
Participants: Ana Luiza (Carer)
Brian Jay (Family member)
Dave Ketts (Family member)
Adithi Narayan (Nutritionist)
Christine Nichola (Physiotherapist)
Methods of Communication:

1. Regular Meetings -
Schedule biweekly in-person or virtual meetings to discuss Lena's progress, and make necessary adjustments to her care plan.
Participants: Lena, her family members and care team.

2. Digital Communication Platform -

Implement a shared digital platform for daily activities, updates and any concerns.
All participants are trained on how to access and use the platform.
Use the platform for regular updates, scheduling and sharing relevant information about Lena's care.

3. Phone calls -
Use phone calls when necessary for emergencies.
Establish a contact list with preferred phone numbers for Lena, her family members, and key care team members.

4. Email Updates -
Send weekly email summaries to Lena's family members and care team detailing her progress and upcoming activities or

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Participants: Caregiver, family members and care team to receive and review.

5. Single Entries:
Conduct daily in-person checks with Lena to ensure Lena's needs are being met and to give her an opportunity to voice any
The caregiver should document these interactions and report any significant findings to the care team.

6. Care Plan Review Meetings:

Hold quarterly review meetings to reassess Lena's care plan and make necessary adjustments based on her evolving needs.
Participants: Lena, her family members and care team.

2.4. One of the strategies was to support Lena with the use of assistive technology in meeting her individual needs. The technology
is to support Lena with the use of smart devices (e.g. Smartphones for video calling, etc.) to stay connected with her one
a) Now meet with Lean and discuss this strategy
b) Identify any barriers to the strategy and discuss how you are going to assist Lena overcome the barrier.
c) Assist Lena with use of this assistive technology.
d) Ensure that Lena is comfortable with the decision to use assistive technology to stay connected with her community.
e) Take a picture of the role-play and attach it to his task and document feedback after the role-play.

What were the barriers unfamiliarity with the smartphone.

Hesitation and fear of breaking or making mistakes with the device.
How did you overcome the barriers The patient is instructed step by step.
A simplified smartphone interface is used.
Provided continuous encouragement and support.
Practice often to build confidence.
Document feedback of how well the Lena expressed great joy in joining her community.
session was received The patient guidance was appreciated and the step-by-step approach was helpful.
Feel more in control and less isolated.
Insert picture of the roleplay *insert a picture

2.5. Read the scenario below and complete the following activity.

Lena, an 82-year-old resident of a retirement village, has encountered an issue that she feels constitutes service abuse within the
village. As her carer, you have identified the need to assist Lena in accessing advocacy services and navigating the appropriate
complaint mechanisms to address her concerns effectively.

Nature of the Issue:

Lena has experienced a series of interactions with a staff member at the retirement village that have left her feeling disrespected
and undervalued. These interactions have varied from dismissive behaviour, such as not responding to her requests for
assistance in a timely manner, to more direct forms of disrespect, such as speaking to her in a condescending tone. Lena has also
observed that her complaints regarding these issues have not been adequately addressed by the management, contributing to a
feeling of being marginalized within the community she now calls home.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

This behaviour towards Lena constitutes a form of service abuse, where the expected standard of care and respect has not been
met, impacting her sense of dignity and well-being. The lack of appropriate response to her complaints has further exacerbated
the situation, leaving Lena feeling powerless and isolated.

You are required to assist Lena to access advocacy services and other complaint mechanisms. Complete the following tasks:

Role-play activity

a) Meet Lena and inform Lean about her rights. Describe what you discussed with Lena and how you reassured her about her

 Lena explained that she has a right to be treated with respect and to receive timely and appropriate responses to her
 She emphasized her right to feel safe and valued in the retirement village community.
 Lena was informed of her right to complain without fear of retaliation.
 Lena was reassured that her feelings and experiences were valid and that solving the problems she faced was important.
 Confirmed that support is available to help her with the complaints process and access counseling services.

b) Identify and describe at least two advocacy services that specialise in seniors' rights and issues related to retirement village
living. Document these below.

 Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) –

OPAN provides free, confidential counseling support to older Australians. They help residents understand their rights and
resolve issues and complaints with aged care services.

 Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission -

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission protects the safety, well-being and quality of life of aged care consumers by
resolving complaints about aged care services.

c) Develop a communication strategy and document strategies below.

Communication strategy

Purpose -
To ensure Lena is supported and informed throughout her problem-solving process and to facilitate effective communication
between Lena, her family, counseling services and retirement village management.

Strategies –
Schedule regular meetings with Lena to update her on the progress of her complaint and address any new concerns.
Prepare clear documentation of Lena's complaints and any interactions with counseling services or retirement village
Involve Lena's family in meetings to provide additional support and ensure they are informed.
Coordinate with OPAN or a similar service and assist Lena to voice her concerns effectively.

d) Action plan for lodging a complaint.

 Discuss with Lena the options for lodging a formal complaint, weighing the benefits of addressing it internally within the
retirement village's complaint mechanism versus directly approaching an external regulatory body or advocacy group.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

 Lena has decided to file an external complaint, guide her through the process of drafting a complaint letter, offering
support in gathering any documentation or evidence she might have.


To whom It May concern,

My name is Lena , an 82 year old resident of Anglicare Retirement Village. I am writing to make a formal complaint about the
treatment I received from a village employee.

Over the past few weeks, I have experienced disrespectful behavior from this staff member, including delayed responses to my
requests for help and speaking in a condescending tone. I raised these issues with the management but I did not see any
meaningful response or solution. This has left me feeling undervalued in the community I call home.

These experiences have significantly affected my self-esteem and well-being. I look forward to a formal apology, staff training
on respectful communication, and improvements to the village's complaint handling procedures.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to a resolution that upholds my rights and restores my sense
of safety in the community.


e) Propose a follow-up plan post-complaint submission to monitor progress and ensure that Lena's complaint is being addressed.
Include potential steps to take if the complaint is not resolved to Lena's satisfaction. Give a sample of follow-up.

Immediate Follow-Up:
Contact Counseling Service within 1 week of submission to confirm receipt of complaint and obtain expected time frame for
Inform Lena of the confirmation and expected timeline, assuring her that her complaint will be taken seriously.

Date: 26/05/2024
Action: Contact the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission to confirm receipt of Lena's complaint.
Update to Lena: “Hi Lena, I have confirmed that your complaint has been received by the Aged Care Quality and Safety
Commission. I will keep you updated on any developments over the next couple of weeks.

Ongoing Monitoring:

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Schedule bi-weekly check-ins with Lena to discuss any updates or feedback received. Document these discussions and any
changes in Lena's condition.
Keep in regular contact with the counseling service to stay informed about the status of the complaint.

Two weeks access

Date: 30/05/2024
Discussion: Met Lena to discuss any updates. Lena reported no new growth and assured that the process would continue.
Next step: Follow the counseling service next week for any updates.

Active Engagement:
Arrange monthly meetings with Lena, her family and other caregivers to review the progress of the complaint and ensure Lena
feels supported.
Make any necessary adjustments to Lena's care plan based on her feedback and developments in the complaints process.

Meeting of family and guardians

Date: 30/05/2024
Participants: Lena, her family, caregivers
Discussion: Reviewed the progress of the complaint and the feedback from Lena. Family members expressed support for
participation in continuing care adjustments.

Consider Further Action:

If a satisfactory resolution is not reached within the expected time frame, consider referring the complaint to a higher authority.
]Contact additional counseling services or legal representatives if the initial response is inadequate or delayed.

Escalation readiness
Date: 30/05/2024
Action: Prepared documentation for potential escalation to higher authority. A meeting is scheduled with an additional advisory
service for legal advice.

Long-Term Monitoring:
Continue monthly reviews of Lena's condition for the next six months to address the issue and ensure that Lena's well-being is
Ensure proactive management by gathering continuous feedback from Lena about her interactions with staff and other issues
that may arise.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Monthly review
Date: 28/05/2024
Review: Lena reported a better sense of positive changes in staff behavior. Continue monitoring monthly.


Assessment type: Case study and practical activities

Assessment instructions:
This is the second practical assessment in which you are expected to showcase your competency in empowering individuals receiving care one
in a simulated situation and one in an actual aged care workplace. For this task, you will engage in a simulation that will be monitored by your
assessor. Following the simulation, your assessor will offer feedback on your performance and give you advice on the workplace task you will
be required to complete on the job during your work placement. Please note competency for this unit will not be granted until the workplace
task has been completed.
Applicable conditions
The role-play will be timed and you will be given approx. 10 – 15 minutes to conduct each of the role-plays. You must discuss both role-plays
with your assessor prior to conducting the role-play. The purpose is to ensure that the ideas are your own and completed independently.

Purpose of assessment task

You must demonstrate your ability to demonstrate the following in a simulated environment resembling workplace conditions:
 respond to the goals and aspirations of at least two people, one in a simulated environment and one in the workplace:
 employing flexible, adaptable and person-centred approaches to empower the person
 providing at least one service adjusted to meet the individual needs of the person, as determined through consultation with the person
 proposing at least one strategy to meet the individual health or re-ablement needs of the person, as determined through consultation with
the person
 recognising and responding appropriately to situations and barriers
 providing information to the person about their rights and checking for understanding
 using communication skills according to the needs of the person to maintain positive and respectful relationships and facilitate

Assessment conditions
Skills will demonstrated a simulated environment at 401 Sussex Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 in a teaching classroom environment that reflects
workplace conditions. The following conditions will be met for this unit:
 use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including:
 individualised plans and any equipment outlined in the plans
 organisation policies and procedures
 opportunities for engagement with people receiving care
 computers, internet, wi-fi, student portal, learner guide

Read the case study and complete the following activity.

Case Study: Assisting Mr. Thompson with Assistive Technology


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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Mr. Chen Wei is an 85-year-old resident in an aged care facility who has recently been diagnosed with early-stage Parkinson's
disease. One of his most prominent challenges has been mobility, particularly in navigating the spaces within the facility and his
own room. Mr. Chen Wei is passionate about maintaining his independence for as long as possible which is his main goal, and
he has expressed frustration over his decreasing ability to move around safely and confidently.


The objective is to assist Mr. Chen Wei in leveraging assistive technology to improve his mobility and ensure his safety while
fostering his independence within the aged care facility.

Mr. Chen Wei has successfully been using a Smart Walker, which has significantly improved his mobility and confidence.
However, considering the progressive nature of Parkinson's disease, there is a need to explore additional assistive technologies
that can accommodate changing needs over time.

Task Details:
3.1. Research and Selection
a) Research assistive technologies that are currently available or in development that could benefit someone with
Parkinson's disease, focusing on mobility, safety, communication, or cognitive support.
b) Select one assistive technology you believe would most benefit Mr. Chen Wei, considering his condition, interests, and
the environment of the aged care facility.

(50 to 80 words approx.)

There are a variety of assistive technologies suitable for people with Parkinson's disease.

Smart Walkers - Advanced versions with sensors and GPS for navigation support.
Lifts - Stabilize equipment to prevent hand tremors while eating.
Voice-activated assistants – devices like Amazon Echo or Google Home that support reminders, alarms and communication.
Smart Home Systems - Automated systems that control lighting, and appliances that improve safety and convenience.
Wearables – Smart watches that track movement, detect falls and provide alerts to caregivers

Smart home system

Given Mr. Chen Wei's desire to maintain independence and the progressive nature of his condition, a Smart Home System
would be very useful. The system can automate various aspects of his living environment such as lighting, door locks and
appliance control through a smartphone app. This technology not only reduces physical exertion and the risk of falling, but also
promotes Mr. Chen Wei's independence by allowing him to more efficiently control his surroundings.
3.2. Technology Proposal
a) For each selected technology, provide a detailed description, including how it works and its specific features that address
Mr. Chen Wei’s needs.
b) Explain the potential benefits of each technology for Mr. Thompson, including how it could enhance his independence,
safety, and quality of life.

(50 to 80 words approx.)

Smart insole
A smart insole is a high-tech shoe insert equipped with sensors that track walking patterns, pressure points and balance. It

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

connects to a mobile app, providing real-time feedback and data analysis. The insole can notify the user of any irregularities or
potential falls. It offers features like customizable alerts, daily activity tracking to manage and adapt to changing mobility needs.

Smart insole
By monitoring his walking patterns and balance, the smart insole can greatly improve Mr. Chen Wei's safety and independence.
This technology helps prevent falls by providing timely alerts and feedback, enabling proactive intervention. In addition, it
promotes better mobility management by monitoring daily activities and early detection of potential problems. By providing
real-time data and support, the smart insole could improve Mr. Chen Wei's confidence, allowing him to maintain his
independence for longer.

3.3. Implementation Plan

Outline a basic plan for how each technology could be implemented, including any necessary training for Mr. Chen Wei and
the care staff, adjustments to the living environment, and monitoring and feedback mechanisms to evaluate effectiveness.
(50 to 80 words approx.)

An action plan - Smart insole

Training -
Conduct initial training sessions for Mr. Chen Wei on how to use the smart insole and accompanying mobile app.
Provide training for care staff on monitoring data, setting alerts and responding to notifications.

Environmental Adjustments –
Ensure Mr. Chen Wei's living space is free of trip hazards and optimized for safe mobility.
Set up charging points for the insole and the mobile device used for monitoring.

Monitoring and Feedback –

Establish a routine for daily monitoring of Mr. Chen Wei's walking patterns and balance data by care staff.
Schedule regular meetings with Mr. Chen Wei to discuss feedback and make adjustments as needed.

3.4. Challenges and Solutions

Identify potential challenges or barriers to implementing each technology
(40 to 60 words approx.)

Potential Challenges-

 Insoles may be uncomfortable for Mr. Chen Wei, especially if he has sensitive feet.
 Smart Insole may experience connectivity or data accuracy issues.
 There can be a learning curve in adjusting to using insoles effectively.
 Frequent recharging can be inconvenient.

Solutions –

 Ensure the insoles are custom fitted to provide maximum comfort and cushioning.
 Get a reliable technical support team ready to resolve any issues quickly.
 Conduct training sessions for Mr. Chen Wei and care staff to understand how to use and interpret data from Insole.
 Make it a habit to provide backup batteries to ensure regular recharging and continuous use.

3.5. Read the scenario and complete the following activity.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Scenario Leading Mr. Chen Wei to Make a Complaint

Mr. Thompson has been using a new assistive technology device designed to help manage his Parkinson's disease symptoms
and enhance his mobility within the aged care facility. The device, recommended by the facility's care team, promised to be a
significant aid in his daily life, potentially offering him greater independence and safety as he navigated both his living area and
the communal spaces.
Initially, Mr. Chen Wei was optimistic about the device's potential benefits. However, after several weeks of use, he began to
encounter problems. The device frequently malfunctioned, either not responding to commands or behaving unpredictably,
which not only frustrated him but also posed a risk to his safety. Despite reporting these issues to the care staff on multiple
occasions, the response was slow, and the attempts to fix the device were temporary and ineffective.
Mr. Chen Wei also observed a lack of training among the care staff regarding the proper operation and troubleshooting of the
device. This lack of expertise meant that even when he sought help, the staff were unable to provide the necessary assistance,
leaving him feeling neglected and undervalued.
Feeling that his concerns were not being adequately addressed and that his safety and well-being were being compromised, Mr.
Chen Wei decided it was necessary to lodge a formal complaint. He hoped to not only resolve the issues with the assistive
device but also highlight the need for better training and responsiveness from the care staff to ensure that such problems would
be handled more effectively in the future. This decision was driven by his desire to regain his sense of independence and ensure
that the facility was a safe environment for him and other residents relying on similar technologies.

Explain if you were the carer, how you would approach the above situation. List and explain each of the steps (minimum of 7

Step 1 Instant acceptance

Approach: Upon learning of Mr. Chen Wei's concerns, acknowledge his complaint immediately to show
that his concerns are taken seriously.
Action: Express empathy to Mr. Chen Wei by assuring him that his safety and satisfaction are priorities.
Step 2 Detailed documentation

Approach: Record all details of the complaint, including specific issues with the device, dates, times, and
previous attempts to resolve the issues.
Action: Provide a clear record for further investigation and follow-up
Step 3 Initial assessment

Approach: Perform an immediate initial assessment of the device to understand the nature and frequency
of malfunctions.
Action: Monitor the device in use and note any visible problems.
Step 4 Technical support participation

Approach: Contact the technical support team for the supporting device to report errors and seek their
expert advice.
Action: Arrange for a technician to visit the site to perform a thorough inspection and any necessary
repairs or adjustments.
Step 5 Improving staff training

Approach: Recognize the need for improved staff training in device operation and troubleshooting.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Action: Organize comprehensive training sessions for all care staff to ensure they are knowledgeable and
confident in handling assistive technology.
Step 6 Regular check-in with Mr. Chen Wei

Approach: Schedule regular check-ins with Mr. Chen Wei to monitor his experience with the device and
resolve issues quickly.
Action: Use these meetings to provide ongoing support and make adjustments based on his feedback.
Step 7 Set up a formal complaints process

Approach: Following the facility's established procedure, assist Mr. Chen Wei in formally submitting his
complaint if he wishes to do so.
Action: Ensure that the complaint is documented and escalated to higher management if necessary.
Step 8 Feedback loop and resolution

Approach: Inform Mr. Chen Wei of the progress of his complaint and the action taken.
Action: After the issues are resolved, get feedback from Mr. Chen Wei to make sure you are satisfied
with the result and that the device is working properly.
Step 9 Action steps

Approach: Implement proactive measures to prevent similar problems in the future, such as regular
equipment maintenance checks and periodic training sessions.
Action: Create a schedule for routine testing of all support devices in the facility and establish a protocol
for prompt reporting and resolution of any technical issues.

3.6. Whilst you are assisting Mr Chen Wei, how can you ensure that you respect Mr Chen Wei’s cultural needs and ensure these
are respected. (80 to 100 words approx..).

In order to respect Mr. Chen Wei's cultural needs in assisting him, I will first familiarize myself with his cultural
background and specific traditions. I have an open conversation with Mr. Chen Wei, asking him about his preferences
and the cultural practices he would like to maintain. This includes respecting his dietary restrictions, religious practices
and communication styles. I ensure that care plans include his cultural values, such as celebrating important cultural
events or performing specific rituals. By fostering a culturally sensitive environment, I can ensure that Mr. Chen Wei
feels respected in a way that respects his cultural identity.

3.7. What support can you provide Mr Chen Wei to engage with his community more. (80 to 100 words approx.)

To help Mr. Chen Wei connect with his community, I provide opportunities for social interaction inside and outside the aged
care facility. This includes organizing regular cultural events and activities that resonate with his legacy and inviting community
members to participate. I help him use technology like video calling and social media to keep in touch with friends and family.
Additionally, providing him with transportation to attend local community gatherings, cultural events will help maintain a
strong connection with his community and enhance his sense of belonging and well-being.

3.8. Read the scenario below and complete the following activity.

Scenario: Observing Signs of Abuse with Mr. Chen Wei

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Context: As Mr. Chen Wei’s carer in the aged care facility, you have developed a strong, trusting relationship with him over
time. He is usually cheerful and engaged in community activities, showing particular enthusiasm for cultural events and classes.
However, over the past few weeks, you’ve noticed a marked change in his behaviour and physical appearance.
Withdrawal from Activities: Mr. Chen Wei, once active in his community engagement, has started to withdraw from
participating in cultural events and classes he previously enjoyed. He declines invitations, preferring to stay in his room.
Changes in Behaviour: You observe that Mr. Chen Wei has become increasingly withdrawn, appearing anxious and less
communicative. He avoids eye contact and has stopped sharing stories about his life, which he used to do with much
Physical Indicators: You’ve noticed unexplained bruises on his arms and wrists, which he quickly covers up when asked,
attributing them to “just being clumsy.” Additionally, Mr. Chen Wei seems to be in discomfort when moving, unlike his usual
demeanour with managing his Parkinson’s symptoms.
Alterations in Eating Habits: His appetite has decreased significantly. Mr. Chen Wei, who usually looks forward to meal
times, especially when the menu includes dishes from his cultural background, now barely touches his food.
Reluctance to Speak: When you gently inquire about the changes you’ve observed, Mr. Chen Wei becomes visibly distressed
but insists that everything is fine. He changes the subject or avoids answering directly when questions about his well-being or
the bruises are raised.

Explain what action would you take as the carer of Mr Chen Wei. (5 to 6 sentences).

As Mr. Chen Wei's guardian, I begin by ensuring that he feels safe and supported. Let him know I'm here to listen whenever he
feels ready to talk. I document all the signs and changes I observe such as him withdrawing from activities, increased anxiety,
physical bruising and changes in eating habits. After this, I immediately report these observations to my supervisor and the
facility's security team to ensure a proper investigation. Additionally, I encourage Mr. Chen Wei to see a health care
professional to assess any physical injuries and ensure his overall well-being. I also put him in touch with specialist elder abuse
counseling services to give him extra support. Finally, I will continue to maintain open communication to monitor his condition

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:


Assessment type: Practical tasks, role-play and demonstrations

Assessment instructions:
This is the 4th task where you will have to demonstrate your ability to support independence and wellbeing. You will be required to
simulate this activity prior to supporting three individuals during your work placement.

Purpose of assessment task

You must demonstrate your knowledge of the following:
 basic human needs:
 concept of self-actualisation
 human development across the lifespan
 wellbeing:
 individual differences, how these may be interrelated and impact on support provided
 basic requirements for good health for the person:
 mental health issues and risk and protective factors
 restrictive practices:
 indications of neglect or abuse:
 reporting requirements for suspected abuse situations
 service delivery models and standards
 relevant funding models
 issues that impact health and wellbeing
 impacts of community values and attitudes, including myths and stereotypes
 issues surrounding sexuality and sexual expression
 indicators of emotional concerns and issues
 support strategies, resources and networks
 legal and ethical requirements and how these are applied in an organisation and individual practice:

Assessment conditions
Skills will be demonstrated in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions in the aged care sector. Assessment must ensure
access to:
 individualised plans and any relevant equipment outlined in the plan
 modelling of industry operating conditions including real interactions with the person and their families or carers.

Read scenario below and complete following activities.

Case Study: Mr. Amir Patel

Background: Mr. Amir Patel is a 75-year-old retired engineer who recently moved into Jasmine Aged Care Facility. Born
and raised in India before migrating to Australia 40 years ago, Mr. Patel is a widower with two adult children living interstate.
He has a mild form of Parkinson's disease, which affects his mobility but not his desire to stay active and engaged. Mr. Patel
is a devout Hindu and has a deep interest in cricket, gardening, and classical Indian music. He values his independence and
wishes to maintain an active social life, but he also seeks connections within his cultural community, which he misses dearly.

Background Information:
Mr. Amir Patel, a respected resident of Jasmine Aged Care Facility, carries a rich tapestry of experiences and interests that
deeply influence his daily life and happiness. His journey from India to Australia, spanning over four decades, has been filled
with professional achievements as an engineer and personal joys and sorrows, notably the loss of his wife and the distance
from his adult children. Despite these challenges, Mr. Patel has maintained a zest for life, fuelled by his passions and cultural

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Current Situation:
Mr. Patel's diagnosis of Parkinson's disease presents him with new challenges, particularly in terms of mobility. However, it
hasn't dampened his spirits or his desire to stay engaged with his community and hobbies. As Diwali, the Hindu festival of
lights, approaches, Mr. Patel feels a keen sense of nostalgia and longing for the celebrations of his youth - the vibrant
gatherings, the fireworks, the sharing of sweets, and the joyous music and dances that marked the occasion.

Needs and Desires:

Cultural Connection: Mr. Patel expresses a profound desire to reconnect with his cultural roots, especially around significant
festivals like Diwali, which have always been a source of joy and spiritual fulfillment for him.

Social Engagement: He wishes to share this aspect of his culture with fellow residents and staff at the Jasmine Aged Care
Facility, to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of his heritage and to alleviate the loneliness that comes from
being far from family during such a time.
Physical Activity: Despite his mobility issues, Mr. Patel is keen to remain active, be it through participating in adapted
gardening activities that remind him of Diwali's marigold decorations or engaging in gentle movements to the rhythm of
classical Indian music.

Spiritual Observance: As a devout Hindu, Mr. Patel values the spiritual aspects of Diwali, including the prayers and rituals
that signify the victory of light over darkness, good over evil. He hopes to observe these with the support and understanding
of the care facility staff.

Proposal for Diwali Celebration:

To address Mr. Patel's needs and desires, the Jasmine Aged Care Facility plans to organize a comprehensive Diwali
celebration. The event will include:
Decorative Rangoli Making: Engaging residents in creating colourful Rangoli designs at the facility's entrance, with Mr. Patel
guiding the designs to ensure they are authentic and meaningful.

Music and Dance Performances: A mini-concert featuring classical Indian music and dance, with performances by local
artists and an opportunity for Mr. Patel to share his knowledge and stories related to each piece.
Cultural Workshop: A session led by Mr. Patel on the significance of Diwali, including storytelling about its myths and
legends, and a demonstration of traditional Diwali lantern-making.

Adapted Gardening Activity: Setting up a gardening corner for planting marigolds and other flowers significant to Diwali,
tailored to accommodate Mr. Patel’s mobility needs.

Community Engagement: Inviting members of the local Indian community to participate in the celebration, fostering a sense
of belonging and community for Mr. Patel.
Spiritual Observance: A small, respectful observance of the Diwali prayers, allowing Mr. Patel and others who wish to
participate a chance to mark the festival's spiritual significance.

5.1. As Mr Patel’s carer, you have been asked by your supervisor to prepare a detailed proposal for a cultural celebration day at
Jasmine Aged Care Facility that honours Mr. Patel’s heritage, involving activities, food, music, and decorations that reflect
traditional Indian culture. Describe how you would involve Mr. Patel in the planning and execution of this event to ensure it
aligns with his preferences and comfort level. You are required to:
a) Recognise and respect the person’s social, cultural and spiritual differences
b) Demonstrate support for Mr. Patel to express his own identity and preferences without imposing your own values and
c) Consider Mr Patel’s individual needs, stage of life, development and strengths when engaging in support activities

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

d) Recognise, respect and accommodate the person’s expressions of identity and sexuality as appropriate in the context of
their age and stage of life
e) Promote and facilitate opportunities for participation in activities that reflect the person’s individual physical, social,
cultural and spiritual needs
(150 – 200 words approx.)
Facility Jasmine Aged Care Facility
Aspect Details Implementation
Recognize and Mr. Patel's rich cultural heritage Mr. Patel discusses traditional Diwali rituals. Respect his views
respect social, and his devout Hindu faith are on how the celebration should be conducted, including specific
cultural and spiritual central to his identity. cultural practices.
Assisting Mr. Patel in Mr. Patel should feel empowered Encourage Mr. Patel to lead a storytelling session on the
expressing his to share his cultural practices and significance of Diwali, share his experiences and guide activities
identity and personal stories. like making rangoli and setting lanterns. Make sure his
preferences preferences are prioritized in all planning aspects.

Taking into account Mr. Patel's mild Parkinson's Adapt physical activities to match Mr. Patel's mobility level, such
individual needs, life disease affects his mobility but not as seated gardening or fine dance moves. Focus on his strengths
stage, development his interest in being active. like Indian culture and music by conducting workshops.
and strengths
Respect for Identify the need to express Mr. To facilitate a comfortable environment in which Mr. Patel can
expressions of Patel's cultural identity and participate and conduct cultural expressions without hindrance.
identity and sexuality spirituality. Ensure privacy and dignity during spiritual rituals.

Promote and Activities should reflect Mr. Organize a Diwali celebration with various activities:
facilitate participation Patel's physical, social, cultural Decorations: Create colorful Rangoli designs with the guidance
in activities and spiritual needs. of Mr. Patel.
Music and Dance: Organize a small concert featuring classical
Indian music and dance, with Mr. Patel sharing stories about each
Gardening: Set up a gardening corner to plant Diwali flowers
while meeting Mr. Patel's mobility needs.
Community Involvement: Invite the local Indian community to
participate, fostering a sense of belonging.
Spiritual observance: Organize a respectful Diwali prayer session
Action plan Meet Mr. Patel to discuss his vision for Diwali.
Based on Mr. Patel's input, plan culturally relevant and
accessible activities.
Reach out to the local Indian community for participation and
Arrange for materials, performers and volunteers to ensure all
activities run smoothly.
Host the event with Mr. Patel playing a key role, making sure he
is comfortable and engaged.

5.2. Promoting independence for Mr. Patel, despite his Parkinson's disease, involves recognising his capabilities, respecting his
autonomy, and providing support in ways that empower rather than restrict him. Detail 4 to 5 strategies you as a personal carer
can use.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Strategies to promote independence for Mr. Patel

1. Collaborative Goal Setting-

Have a sense of ownership and motivation. In doing so, engage Mr. Patel in setting achievable goals that align with his needs
and abilities. Regular discussions with Mr. Patel can be held to identify areas where independence is desired, such as managing
daily activities or attending cultural events. Outline steps to work toward these goals and celebrate milestones along the way.

2. Adaptation to changes in the environment –

Modify common areas within Mr. Patel's living space to improve accessibility and promote independent mobility. Installing
grab bars and hand rails in key areas, ensuring adequate lighting and eliminating trip hazards, and labeling commonly used
items and routes for easy orientation, empowers Mr. Patel to move around with confidence.

3. Skill Building Workshops-

Offer workshops and training sessions focused on developing practical skills that support independence, such as cooking,
budgeting and using technology. Organize cooking classes featuring Mr. Patel's favorite Indian recipes on using smartphones to
stay in touch with family and friends. Providing tutorials.

4. Empowering Decision Making –

Encourage Mr. Patel to make informed decisions about his care, lifestyle and activities and to respect his preferences. Present
Mr. Patel with options and information about available services, activities and treatment plans. Respect his choices, even if they
differ from traditional practices, by ensuring he feels valued in decision-making processes.

5. Continuous support and encouragement –

Provide ongoing support and positive reinforcement to strengthen Mr. Patel's confidence and motivation to pursue
independence. Regularly praise and encourage his efforts, celebrate successes and provide constructive feedback when needed.
Create a supportive environment where Mr. Patel feels comfortable expressing his needs openly.

5.3. Role-Play Scenario: Supporting Mr. Patel’s Independence

Scenario Overview:

In this role-play, a caregiver (Player A) is working with Mr. Amir Patel (Player B) to plan his week, focusing on integrating
activities that align with his interests and maintaining his independence while managing his Parkinson’s disease. The scenario
covers identifying Mr. Patel's strengths, communicating the importance of using support when needed, facilitating access to
support services, enabling self-management, and encouraging independence.

This role-play activity aims to practice compassionate, person-centered care strategies that recognize and leverage an
individual's strengths and preferences while offering the necessary support to maintain their independence and quality of life.

 Caregiver at Jasmine Aged Care Facility (You)
 Mr. Amir Patel, a resident with mild Parkinson’s disease (your colleague)

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

A comfortable sitting area in Jasmine Aged Care Facility, equipped with a table, chairs, and planning materials (activity schedules,
facility resources guide).

Role-play Activity Steps

 As the carer, discuss Mr. Patel’s interests in cricket, gardening, and classical Indian music. Encourage Mr. Patel to share how
he feels about participating in related facility activities, identifying opportunities where he can lead or actively contribute,
such as giving a talk about cricket or leading a music listening session.
 Explain the various supports available at the facility for engaging in his interests safely, such as adaptive gardening tools or
escorted visits to community cricket matches. Discuss with Mr Patel the importance of using these supports to continue
enjoying his hobbies without compromising his health.
 Introduce Mr. Patel to additional support services, like local community groups that host cricket events or music clubs
focusing on classical Indian music. Help in contacting these groups and arranging participation.
 Discuss with Mr. Patel how he can take an active role in managing his participation in these activities, such as choosing which
events to attend and scheduling them around his energy levels. Explore tools and strategies for Mr. Patel to keep track of his
schedule and medication timings.
 Brainstorm ways Mr Patel can maintain and strengthen his independence within the facility and in his broader social life. This
might involve setting small, achievable goals for physical activity or social engagement and recognising his achievements
 Promote and encourage daily living habits that contribute to healthy lifestyle and support and assist the person to maintain a
safe and healthy environment such as dressing and mobility support e.g. walker for stability and mobility within the facility-
refer to Mr Patel’s individual care plan attached as “Appendix A”.

After the role-play, participants document what strategies were effective in encouraging Mr. Patel’s independence and how the
caregiver facilitated access to resources while respecting Mr. Patel’s autonomy. They reflect on the balance between providing
support and enabling self-management, considering how this approach can be applied in real-life caregiving scenarios.
(200 -250 words)
During the role play, several effective strategies were used to promote Mr. Patel's independence and ensure that he received
adequate support to manage his Parkinson's disease. The curator initiated a collaborative discussion with Patel to identify his
strengths, interests and preferences. By involving Mr. Patel in the planning process, the trustee empowered him to take an
active role in decision-making, thereby instilling a sense of self-determination.

Clear and compassionate communication played a key role in facilitating access to support services while respecting Mr. Patel's
autonomy. The caregiver communicated effectively, ensuring that the use of support services did not reduce his independence
but improved his overall well-being. By providing information about available resources, such as mobility aids or therapy
sessions, tailored to Mr. Patel's needs, the caregiver enabled him to make informed choices about managing his condition.

Moreover, the role play demonstrated the importance of striking a balance between providing support and promoting self-
management. Encouraged Mr. Patel to take ownership of his care by empowering him to make decisions by providing guidance
on self-management techniques. This approach instilled a sense of empowerment in Mr Patel, reaffirming his belief in his
ability to live independently despite the challenges posed by Parkinson's disease.

5.4. Support physical wellbeing

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Scenario: Mr. Amir Patel's Gardening Activity

Mr. Patel has expressed a desire to participate in the Jasmine Aged Care Facility's community gardening project. Gardening has
always been a passion of Mr. Patel, offering him both physical activity and emotional satisfaction. However, his condition
presents certain challenges that need to be carefully managed to ensure his safety and well-being during this activity.

Refer to scenario above and recognise type of hazards which may present and report according to organisational policies and
procedures. Complete hazard checklist.

Hazard Identification Form

Date: 01/06/2024
Location: Community Garden, Jasmine Aged Care Facility
Activity: Gardening
Participant: Mr. Amir Patel
Completed by: Ana Luiza

Participant Information
Name: Mr. Amir Patel
Condition: Mild Parkinson’s Disease
Mobility: Limited; uses a walker
Interest in Activity: High; experienced gardener

Identified hazards Preventative Measures

Uneven terrain - cracks or falls due to irregularities in Regular inspection and maintenance of garden paths to ensure even
the garden path. surface. Installing handrails or support columns along pathways for

Heavy lifting – strain or injury from lifting heavy Supply of light gardening tools and equipment. Encourage Mr. Patel
vessels or equipment. to use proper lifting techniques or seek assistance from another
person when handling heavy items.
Sun exposure – Heat related illnesses due to prolonged Encourage Mr. Patel to wear protective clothing such as a wide-
exposure to sunlight. brimmed hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Schedule gardening
sessions during cooler times of the day, such as early morning or late
Overexertion - Increased or worsening Parkinson's Implement regular rest breaks during gardening activities.
symptoms due to overexertion. Encouraging Mr. Patel to pace himself according to his energy
Additional Comments: Mr. Patel seems enthusiastic and able to participate in garden activities. However, changes in his
condition may affect his well-being. Regular supervision may be necessary to ensure his safety and comfort.

General strategies:
 Ensure clear communication with Mr. Patel about safety precautions and his comfort during garden sessions.
 Provide ongoing support to Mr. Patel to maintain his motivation and engagement in activities.
Monitoring and review:
Initial Review Date:20/05/2024
Review Frequency: After each gardening session
Responsible Person: Ana Luiza

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Approval: Approved by: [Manager/Supervisor’s Name]

Date: [Approval Date]

Participant’s Acknowledgment: [Mr. Patel’s

Signature or Verbal Acknowledgment]
Date: [Acknowledgment Date]

5.5. Develop a communication guide for staff interacting with Mr. Patel, focusing on language that promotes self-esteem and
acknowledges his contributions and interests. Include examples of supportive phrases and feedback mechanisms using the
template below: (150 – 200 words approx.)


Name: Mr.Amit Patel

Age: 75

Establish effective communication with Mr. Patel, promote his self-esteem, acknowledge his contributions, and align
interactions with his needs and preferences.
Understanding Mr. Patel
Mr. Patel is a retired engineer with a mild form of Parkinson's disease. He values his independence and has a deep interest in
cricket, gardening and classical Indian music.
Born and raised in India, Mr. Patel immigrated to Australia 40 years ago. He is a widower with two grown children who live
Principles of Communication
 Always address Mr. Patel with respect, use his preferred name and maintain a positive tone.
 Show empathy for Mr. Patel's experiences and challenges, and validate his feelings and concerns.
 Listen attentively to Mr. Patel's thoughts, feelings and preferences without interruption.
 Offer words of encouragement and praise for his achievements and contributions.
 Acknowledge and respect Mr. Patel's cultural background and communication traditions.
Supportive Phrases
 "Mr Patel, your insight is invaluable. Thanks for sharing."
 "Mr. Patel, I appreciate your dedication to your interests."
 "It's wonderful to hear about your experiences, Mr. Patel. Your perspective enriches our discussions."

Feedback Mechanisms
 Encourage Mr. Patel to openly share his ideas and feedback in conversations.
 Check in with Mr. Patel frequently to ensure that his communication needs are being met and to resolve any issues

Risk and Protective Factors

 Encourage Mr. Patel to openly share his ideas and feedback in conversations.
 Check in with Mr. Patel frequently to ensure his communication needs are being met and to resolve any issues promptly.

5.6. How can you as the carer contribute to Mr Patel’s sense of security through use of safe and predictable routines. (100 to 150
words approx.)

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

As Mr. Patel's caregiver, I can contribute to his sense of security by establishing safe and predictable routines to suit his needs.
This includes creating a daily schedule that includes regular activities that he enjoys, such as gardening or listening to classical
Indian music, and ensures that there are designated times for relaxation. By maintaining consistency in his daily routine, Mr.
Patel feels more in control of his environment and is able to anticipate what to expect each day. Additionally, I can provide
clear communication about any changes or upcoming events, allowing Mr. Patel to adjust accordingly, further enhancing his
sense of safety in the aged care facility.

5.7. How can you as the carer contribute to Mr Patel’s participation in social, cultural, spiritual activities using existing and
potential new networks as per Mr Patel’s preferences. (5 to 6 sentences approx.)
To contribute to Mr. Patel's participation in social, cultural and spiritual activities, I first establish open communication to better
understand his interests. Encourage his involvement in relevant events using existing networks within aged care facilities, such
as cultural or social groups.

Additionally, I will explore opportunities to connect Mr. Patel with outside community networks or cultural organizations that
align with his background and interests. By facilitating his engagement with these networks through structured virtual
connections, I aim to enhance his belonging and wholeness in social, cultural and spiritual activities, respecting his autonomy at
every step.

5.8. Identify scenarios where Mr. Patel's well-being concerns may fall outside your expertise (e.g., psychological support for
dealing with Parkinson's disease). Outline steps for seeking additional support, specifying potential referrals or consultations.
Use the template provided. (3 to 4 bullet points for each).
Scenario 1: Increased Psychological Distress
Concern Steps for Additional Support:
Mr. Patel exhibits signs of  Ask the facility's mental health professionals to assess Mr. Patel's psychological
increased anxiety and condition and provide specialized support.
depression, possibly related to  Refer Mr. Patel to a psychiatrist for a comprehensive evaluation to address his mental
coping with the progression of health issues.
Parkinson's disease.  Collaborate with Mr. Patel's healthcare team to explore medication options to
effectively manage his anxiety and depressive symptoms.
 Arrange regular check-ins with Mr. Patel to monitor his emotional well-being and
ensure he is supported.
Scenario 2: Advanced Parkinson’s Disease Management
Concern Steps for Additional Support:
Mr. Patel’s physical symptoms  Coordinate with Mr. Patel's primary care physician to discuss his evolving symptoms
of Parkinson's disease worsen, and explore adjustments to his treatment plan.
requiring advanced medical  Refer to specialists, such as movement disorder specialists, who can offer specific
management beyond general interventions to manage advanced Parkinson's symptoms.
caregiving.  Collaborate closely with the facility's healthcare team to implement tailored care
strategies, including medication management and physical therapy exercises.
 Organize regular assessments and follow-ups to monitor Mr. Patel's condition and
adjust his care plan accordingly.
Scenario 3: Cultural and Spiritual Needs
Concern Steps for Additional Support:
Mr. Patel feels a lack of  Connect with cultural or spiritual advisors in the community who can guide Mr. Patel's
connection to his cultural and specific cultural and spiritual preferences.
spiritual roots, affecting his  Explore opportunities for Mr. Patel to participate in cultural events or rituals at the
overall well-being. facility or connect with local cultural organizations that align with his background.
 Facilitate discussions with family members or community leaders to better understand

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Mr. Patel's cultural needs and identify ways to incorporate them into his care plan.
 Resources related to Mr. Patel's cultural heritage, such as books and music, help him
feel more connected and supported.
Scenario 4: Dietary Preferences
Concern Steps for Additional Support:
Mr. Patel is not satisfied with  Collaborate with a facility nutritionist to review Mr. Patel's dietary needs and
the meal options, which do not preferences and develop a customized meal plan that meets his cultural and nutritional
always accommodate his dietary needs.
preferences related to his  Advocate for menu adaptations or special food arrangements that align with Mr. Patel's
cultural background. dietary preferences.
 Educate kitchen staff and caregivers on the importance of cultural sensitivity in food
preparation and encourage them to accommodate Mr. Patel's requests whenever
 Explore outside resources such as community organizations or ethnic grocery stores
that offer dishes specific to Mr. Patel's cultural cuisine, enhancing his dining experience
and satisfaction.

5.9. Read the scenario below and complete the following activity

Scenario: Cultural and Financial Impact on Mr. Patel's Well-being

Mr. Patel has always taken pride in celebrating Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, with elaborate rituals, traditional foods, and
decorations. This year, however, he's been quieter as the festival approaches. Upon gentle inquiry by his caregiver, it's revealed
that Mr. Patel is concerned about the financial implications of purchasing the necessary items for a proper celebration within the
facility. Additionally, he feels disconnected from his cultural roots, as the aged care facility's general environment and activities
schedule don’t fully embrace or facilitate the observance of important cultural festivals in the way he’s accustomed to.

Assess any cultural or financial barriers Mr. Patel faces in accessing preferred activities and resources. Propose solutions to
mitigate these barriers, considering community support or sponsorship options. (3 to 4 sentences approx. for each section)

 Mr. Patel feels disconnected from his cultural roots due to the lack of emphasis on important cultural festivals like Diwali
in the elderly care center's activity schedule.
 Mr. Patel worries about the financial implications of purchasing items for a proper Diwali celebration in the facility,
limiting his ability to fully participate.
Addressing the Impact:
 Conduct cultural awareness programs within the facility to educate staff and residents about the significance of festivals
such as Diwali. This fosters a more inclusive environment and encourages participation in cultural celebrations.
 Seek sponsorships or donations from local businesses or community organizations to help finance the purchase of
traditional Diwali items.
 Partner with local cultural groups or temples to organize Diwali celebrations in the facility, incorporating traditional
rituals, decorations and food. This not only respects Mr. Patel's cultural heritage, but also creates opportunities for cultural
exchange and connection between residents and staff.

 Facilitating Mr. Patel's involvement in planning and organizing Diwali celebrations and providing personalized assistance
to him to contribute according to his preferences. This compels him to actively participate in maintaining his cultural
traditions despite the challenges he faces.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

5.10. Conduct a risk and protective factor analysis for Mr. Patel’s mental health, considering his condition, social support
network, and engagement in meaningful activities. Recommend strategies to enhance protective factors and mitigate risks.


Risk Factors Description Impact on Strategies
mental health
Financial problems Concerns about financial Contributes to Contributes to stress and anxiety.
constraints affecting the ability stress and
to celebrate cultural events. anxiety.

Lack of cultural Feeling disconnected fromIt can lead to a Conduct cultural sensitivity training for staff and
attachment cultural roots and limited
sense of loss of organize regular cultural events.
opportunities for cultural
identity and
activities. emotional
Protective Factors Description Impact on Strategies
mental health
Meaningful activities Engaging in activities like Promotes Create and support participation in activities that
gardening, cultural events. positive mental align with Mr. Patel's needs.
health and
creates a sense
of purpose and
Recommendations to Enhance Protective Factors and Mitigate Risks

 Offer financial counseling and assistance programs to alleviate Mr. Patel's concerns regarding expenses related to cultural
celebrations and other needs.
 Conduct cultural sensitivity training for staff to ensure they understand and respect Mr. Patel's cultural background,
facilitate meaningful cultural engagement, and minimize feelings of disconnection.
Name: Ana Luiza
Title/Role: Carer
Signature: Date: 31/05/2024

5.11. Read the scenario below and compete the following activity.

Scenario: Possible Indicators of Abuse or Neglect in Mr. Patel’s Care

Mr. Patel, a resident of Jasmine Aged Care Facility, has always been a vibrant and engaged member of the community, known
for his passion for gardening and cricket. However, over the past two weeks, staff members have noticed a marked change in
his demeanor. Once outgoing and cheerful, Mr. Patel has become withdrawn and appears anxious, especially when certain staff
members are near. He has unexplained bruises on his arms and seems to flinch at sudden movements. Additionally, Mr. Patel,
who once took pride in his appearance, now looks unkempt, with his personal hygiene noticeably neglected.

What are the signs of possible abuse or neglect?

 The previously active and cheerful Mr. Patel has become withdrawn and seems anxious, especially around certain staff

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

 Mr. Patel has bruises on his arms without explanation.

 This reaction indicates fear and possible physical violence.
 A lack of personal care can indicate marked neglect, especially in a person who previously took pride in their appearance.

5.12. What would be the steps to report the above abuse or neglect according to organisational policies and who would you report
to? (100 – 150 words approx.)
 Carefully document all observations and signs of possible abuse, including dates, times, and any specific events or changes
in Mr. Patel's behavior or appearance.
 Make your manager aware of your concerns and provide documented observations.
 Follow the facility's specific protocols for reporting suspected abuse or neglect. This often involves completing an official
incident report form.
 Notify the appropriate authorities depending on the severity and nature of the abuse

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:


Assessment type: Workplace tasks

Assessment instructions:
This is the third practical assessment in which you are expected to showcase your competency in empowering individuals receiving care one
in an actual aged care workplace. Please note competency for this unit will not be granted until the workplace task has been completed.
Applicable conditions
Task is a workplace project which can be conducted during work placement. t's crucial to adhere to a set of applicable conditions designed to
ensure the safety, dignity, and well-being of both residents and staff. These conditions include compliance with national and local health and
safety regulations, maintaining confidentiality and privacy in accordance with legal requirements, and following established protocols for
infection control, especially in light of recent global health concerns.
Purpose of assessment task
You must demonstrate your ability to demonstrate the following in a simulated environment resembling workplace conditions:
 respond to the goals and aspirations of at least two people, one in a simulated environment and one in the workplace:
 employing flexible, adaptable and person-centred approaches to empower the person
 providing at least one service adjusted to meet the individual needs of the person, as determined through consultation with the person
 proposing at least one strategy to meet the individual health or re-ablement needs of the person, as determined through consultation with
the person
 recognising and responding appropriately to situations and barriers
 providing information to the person about their rights and checking for understanding
 using communication skills according to the needs of the person to maintain positive and respectful relationships and facilitate
 safely support at least three people to enhance independence and wellbeing
 perform the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 120 hours of direct support work in at
least one aged care, home and community, disability or community service organisation.

Assessment conditions
Skills will demonstrated an actual aged care workplace during work placement. The following conditions will be met for this unit:
 use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including:
 individualised plans and any equipment outlined in the plans
 organisation policies and procedures
 opportunities for engagement with people receiving care
 computers, internet, wi-fi, student portal, learner guide
 individualised plans and any relevant equipment outlined in the plan
 modelling of industry operating conditions including real interactions with the person and their families or carers.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

Instructions to the student
You are required to perform and demonstrate the following tasks in an actual aged care facility. Your workplace tasks must be
observed on the job and an observation checklist must be completed. Your assessor will discuss and advise you regarding this task
prior to your work placement This task is also part of your logbook in section B which you must complete and attach to the
logbook and upload in section CHC3-21_4.3 in your student portal


To create and execute a care plan for a resident that is tailored to their unique goals, aspirations, and needs, thereby demonstrating
flexible, person-centered approaches and demonstrate an understanding of basic functions and interrelations of the human body.

a) Initial Consultation and Assessment:
 Conduct a detailed interview with the resident to understand their goals, aspirations, health needs, and preferences. This
could involve discussions about their hobbies, any challenges they face, and what they enjoy most in their daily routine.
 Assess the resident's current health status, mobility, and any specific re-ablement needs.
 Document their medical history, current symptoms and lifestyle factors.

b) Developing the Care Plan:

Based on the consultation, develop a personalised care plan that addresses:
 The resident's goals and how to support them in achieving these.
 Flexible and adaptable approaches to care that respect the resident's preferences.
 Specific services or adjustments needed to meet their individual needs, such as dietary modifications, physical therapy
sessions, or social activities.
 Strategies for health improvement or re-ablement, focusing on enhancing their independence and quality of life.

c) Implementing Adjusted Services:

Provide at least one adjusted service as identified in the care plan. For instance, if the resident expressed a desire to spend
more time outdoors, facilitate daily walks or outdoor activities tailored to their mobility level.

d) Proposing Strategies for Individual Needs:

Propose and initiate at least one strategy to meet individual health or re-ablement needs, such as introducing exercises to
improve mobility or scheduling regular social interaction to combat loneliness.

e) Addressing Situations and Barriers:

Recognise and respond appropriately to any situations or barriers that arise during the implementation of the care plan. Adapt
the plan as necessary to ensure the resident's needs and goals are continuously met.

f) Rights and Communication:

 Provide the resident with clear information about their rights within the care facility and ensure they understand this
information. This could involve discussions about privacy, respect, and the right to make decisions about their care.
 Employ communication skills tailored to the resident's needs, ensuring interactions are positive, respectful, and
empowering. This includes listening actively, using clear and simple language, or any necessary communication aids.

g) Review and Feedback:

Regularly review the care plan with the resident to assess its effectiveness and make any needed adjustments. Solicit feedback
from the resident on their satisfaction with the services and strategies implemented.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

h) Documentation and Reflection (use template below)

a) Document the entire process, including the initial assessment, care plan details, adjustments made, and any strategies
b) Reflect on the outcomes and any lessons learned about providing person-centered care in an aged care setting.


Refer to your logbook and complete the tasks below:

You are required to demonstrate your ability to complete the tasks outline in the elements and performance criteria listed below in
the context of the job role, and:
 safely support at least three people to enhance independence and wellbeing
 perform the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 120 hours of direct support
work in at least one aged care, home and community, disability or community service organisation.

You must have access to the following on the job:

 individualised plans and any relevant equipment outlined in the plan
 modelling of industry operating conditions including real interactions with the person and their families or carers.
 Equipment and resources on the job as per the care plan to support the individual such as wheelchair, slide sheets, PPE,
mobility aids, shower chairs, benches, toilet seats, grab bars, cleaning products, lifters and any other resources to enable you to
provide support and wellbeing and empowerment to older people.

During your work placement you must demonstrate your ability to demonstrate the following skills:

 Recognise and respect the person’s social, cultural and spiritual differences.
 Avoid imposing own values and attitudes on others and support the person to express their own identity and preferences.
 Consider the person’s individual needs, stage of life, development and strengths when engaging in support activities.
 Recognise, respect and accommodate the person’s expressions of identity and sexuality as appropriate in the context of their
age and stage of life.
 Promote and facilitate opportunities for participation in activities that reflect the person’s individual physical, social, cultural
and spiritual needs
 Support the person to identify and acknowledge their own strengths and self-care capacity.
 Assist the person to identify opportunities to utilise their strengths, while communicating the importance of using available
support when required.
 Provide information and assistance to the person in order to facilitate access to support services and resources when needed.
 Provide support that allows the person to self-manage their own service delivery as appropriate.
 Encourage the person to build, strengthen and maintain independence.
 Promote and encourage daily living habits that contribute to healthy lifestyle.
 Support and assist the person to maintain a safe and healthy environment.
 Recognise hazards and report according to organisational policies and procedures.
 Recognise variations in a person’s physical condition and report according to organisational policies and procedures.
 Recognise indications that the person’s physical situation is affecting their wellbeing and report according to organisational
policies and procedures.
 Recognise physical health situations beyond scope of own role and report to the relevant person.
 Promote self-esteem and confidence through use of positive and supportive communication.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

 Contribute to the person’s sense of security through use of safe and predictable routines.
 Encourage and facilitate participation in social, cultural, spiritual activities, using existing and potential new networks and as
per the person’s preferences.
 Recognise aspects of supporting a person’s wellbeing outside scope of knowledge, skills and job role and seek appropriate
 Recognise variations to a person’s wellbeing and report according to organisational policies and procedures.
 Confirm any cultural or financial issues impacting on the person’s wellbeing.
 Determine the person’s risk and protective factors in relation to mental health.
 Recognise and report possible indicators of abuse or neglect and report according to organisational policies and procedures.
 Recognise situations beyond scope of own job role and report to the relevant person.

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:


Did the student demonstrate the following during role-plays? Simulation Activity
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Active Listening and Respect:
 Does the student actively listen to older people, valuing their thoughts, opinions, and experiences?

Does the student show respect for older people's autonomy, choices, and decision-making?
Does the student create a safe and non-judgmental environment that encourages open communication?
 
Person-Centered Approach:
 Does the student prioritize the individual needs, preferences, and goals of older people?

Does the student involve older people in decision-making and care planning?
Does the student adapt their approach and strategies to meet the unique needs and abilities of each older
 

Information Sharing and Education:

 Does the student provide accurate and relevant information to older people, empowering them to make

informed decisions?
Does the student educate older people about their rights, entitlements, and available resources?
 
 Does the student explain healthcare procedures, treatments, and options in a clear and understandable

Advocacy and Support:

 Does the student advocate for older people's rights, dignity, and access to quality care?
 Does the student support older people in expressing their concerns, needs, and preferences to relevant
 
 Does the student assist older people in navigating complex systems and accessing necessary services?

Promoting Independence and Autonomy:

 Does the student encourage and support older people in maintaining their independence and autonomy?
 Does the student identify opportunities for older people to participate in decision-making and self-care
 
 Does the student provide appropriate assistance and support without unnecessarily taking over tasks
that older people can do independently?

Empowering Decision-Making:
 Does the student facilitate older people's involvement in decision-making about their health, care, and

lifestyle choices?
Does the student encourage older people to set personal goals and support them in achieving those
 
 Does the student provide guidance and information to help older people weigh their options and make
choices aligned with their values and preferences?

Encouraging Social Connections:

 Does the student promote social engagement and connectedness for older people?
 Does the student identify opportunities for older people to participate in social activities, groups, or
community programs?
 
 Does the student facilitate interactions and conversations among older people to foster a sense of
belonging and social support?

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem:

 Does the student encourage and validate older people's strengths, abilities, and achievements?
 Does the student provide positive reinforcement and feedback to boost older people's self-confidence?

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Qualification code/name: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Unit code/name: CHCCCS038 Facilitate empowerment of people receiving support
CHCCCS040 Support independence and wellbeing
Student’s ID and name:
Assessor’s name:

 Does the student offer opportunities for older people to develop new skills or engage in meaningful
activities that enhance their self-esteem?
 
Emotional Support:
 Does the student provide emotional support to older people, acknowledging and addressing their

emotional needs?
Does the student actively listen and validate older people's feelings and concerns?
 
 Does the student offer empathy, compassion, and reassurance to older people during times of distress or
emotional challenges?

Continuity of Care and Follow-up:

 Does the student ensure continuity of care by coordinating and communicating with the older person,

their family, and the healthcare team?
Does the student follow up with older people to assess their satisfaction, address any ongoing needs or
 
concerns, and adjust care plans accordingly?
 Does the student facilitate smooth transitions between care settings and services to ensure older
people's empowerment and wellbeing are maintained?

Demonstrated ability to recognise and identify healthy body systems in situations involving people who are
aging or living with a disability on three different occasions
 
All task criteria must be satisfactorily demonstrated by the student. The task has been confirmed:
Task outcome: Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Assessor’s comments/feedback (include comments if students has not demonstrated skills or satisfactorily achieved all criteria).

Assessor’s I declare that I have observed the student perform this task. The task has been conducted as per SBTA’s procedures
Declaration: and the instructions provided for this assessment task. I have provided appropriate feedback to the student.
Assessor’s name:

Assessor’s signature: Date:

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