CHC4 - 8.2 - Loss and Grief - CHCCSS017 - AT - V1

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Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support

SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4


You must read the student assessment instructions prior to completing all assessment tasks. After you have completed
all the tasks, you must declare that the completed assessment tasks are authentic and completed by yourself by
checking each point in the table below. You will also be required make an electronic declaration of authenticity prior
to submitting your completed assessment tasks.

I declare that:
I am submitting work in this assessment pack that is my own, except where acknowledgement/s of sources
☐ are made.

I have not copied in part, or in whole, or otherwise plagiarised the work of others.

I declare that the material does not infringe the intellectual property/copyright of a third party and I
understand that the evidence may undergo electronic detection and used to make comparisons with other

evidence submitted by current or previous students.

The Units of Competence, Elements and Performance Criteria which I studied during the course were

explained and I was provided with adequate resources which enable me to complete this assessment.
☐ The assessment tasks, assessment criteria and assessment due date(s) for this course were explained.
I was advised and I am aware of The Academy’s Policies including the Assessment Policy and the

Assessment Appeals Process.
I was given assistance from the trainer and/or other Academy staff during the study of this course when it

was requested.
I understand that my feedback will be used for reporting purposes and continuous improvement.

I acknowledge that my personal and outcomes details shall remain confidential and will only be used for

official reporting purposes.

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 1 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4


Assessment type: Answers to written Questions

Assessment task description

This is the first (1) unit of assessment task which consists of fourteen (14) knowledge questions. You must demonstrate
your ability to conduct research and answer each question as per the guidelines provided. Your assessor will provide
you with feedback within 2 weeks of submitting this task.

Applicable conditions:
This knowledge task is untimed and conducted as open book tests (this means that you can refer to your learner guide
for assistance. You must however demonstrate that you have completed each question independently and the
answers are in your own words. Your trainer/assessor may ask student relevant questions on this assessment task to
ensure that this is his/her own work.

This assessment task will be completed in a simulated learning environment at Level 6, 401 Sussex Street, Sydney, NSW
2000. The room will resemble an aged care setting.

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate that the student can demonstrate knowledge of:
 spectrum of loss situations, including:
o primary loss
o secondary loss
o cumulative loss
o integration of loss
 potential impacts at the individual, family and community level, of grief, bereavement and trauma
 features and expressions of grief and how these may vary, including:
o complex grief
o disenfranchised grief
 reactions that may indicate risk of suicide and required responses
 how loss, grief and bereavement can impact on social and emotional health and well being
 social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences in responses to loss, grief and bereavement
 different contexts and circumstances that may be present prior to loss and their impact on grief and bereavement
 strategies and communication techniques for formal and informal grief and bereavement support
 grief and bereavement care services and information resources
 stress vulnerability model and its application to loss and grief support
 self-care strategies and support services for workers
 legal and ethical considerations and how these are applied in an organisation and individual practice, including:
o duty of care
o privacy, confidentiality and disclosure

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 2 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

o work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations

Assessment conditions
Skills will be demonstrated in in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions of an aged care setting.
The following conditions will be met for this unit:
 use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including organisation policies, procedures and related
documentation to assist in the provision of grief and loss support
 modelling typical workplace conditions and contingencies, including:
 interactions with people from a diverse range of backgrounds
 links to other services for support for loss and grief – relevant websites and grief counselling services National Association for Loss and Grief (NSW) Inc


1.1) There are different categories of loss, refer to each category and explain what each of the losses mean. (Guide:
50 words are sufficient)

Primary loss
Secondary loss
Cumulative loss

1.2) List a minimum of five (5) common reactions to loss, which may be expressed by someone grieving.

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only - student may choose 5
from the list as stated below or provide their own).

1.3) Identify common causes of trauma and what category they would fall into which could have an impact on family
and community. Use the table below and list minimum of 3 points in each category in the table.

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only - student may provide
their own views and answer may not be exactly as stated below)
Emotional Physical Thinking Behaviour

1.4) The features and expressions of grief may vary. Explain the signs of the following features and expressions of
grief. (Guide: 100 - 150 words in total)

Type of grief Explanation of grief How to recognise it

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 3 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Complex grief
Disenfranchised grief

1.5) The feelings of loss, sadness, and loneliness experienced after any death of a loved one are often magnified
in suicide. Explain what behaviours may indicate risk of suicide and explain how would you respond to these
warning signs. (Refer to the flyer in support materials for assistance). (Guide: 40 to 50 words)

Behaviours which may indicate that a person is Responding to warning signs


1.6) There is no correct way to grieve or mourn. Given the differences in mourning rituals and customs, it can be
difficult to know how to be sensitive to a grieving person from a different cultural background. List some of the
questions you could ask to support a client and family from a different background.(Guide: minimum of 4
questions will be suitable)

Examples of answers may be: (answers below are examples only - student may provide different points).
Responses may include:

1.7) Explain how loss, grief and bereavement can impact on social and emotional health and well-being. (Guide: 30 –
40 words)

1.8) Helping family members deal with the death of a loved one includes showing respect for the family’s cultural
heritage and encouraging them to decide how to commemorate death. There are five (5) questions you should
ask those who are dealing with the emotional aftermath of the death of a loved one. (Guide: List the 5
questions below)

Examples of answers:
1. \

1.9) Explain different contexts and circumstances that may be present prior to loss and their impact on grief and
bereavement. (Guide: 4 to 5 points)

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 4 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Examples of answers:

1.10) What support strategies and services would you recommend for individuals displaying suicidal symptoms?

Examples of answers may be:

Support networks Support Services

1.11) List 6 informal and formal strategies for supporting a client who is grieving (guide: a minimum of 6)

Example of answers may be: (please note that the answers below is an example only)

1.12) What are some of the important tips for carer to provider self-care strategies and support services. (Guide: 5 to
6 bullet points)

1.13) In your own words what is meant by privacy and confidentiality? (Guide: 1 paragraph between 50 to 80 words
will be sufficient)

Example of answers may be: (please note that the answers below is an example only)

1.14) When is it appropriate to disclose information which should otherwise be kept confidential? (guide: 30 – 50

Example of answers may be: (please note that the answers below is an example only)

Assessor’s feedback:

Assessor’s initials: ………………………………………………………Date completed: ………………………

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 5 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Task outcome  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 6 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4


Assessment type: Scenario, roleplay and practical tasks

Assessment task description

This is the second 2nd) unit of assessment task which consists of a scenario, roleplay and practical activities. You will
be required to demonstrate skills of being able to reactions to loss and grief and engage. You will be observed by your
assessor who will provide you feedback.

Applicable conditions:
This knowledge task is untimed. You must however demonstrate skills independently and will be required to make
notes prior to demonstration. Your trainer/assessor may ask student relevant questions on this assessment task to
ensure you understand the required task.

This assessment task will be completed in a simulated learning environment at Level 6, 401 Sussex Street, Sydney, NSW
2000. The room will resemble an aged care setting.

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate that the student can demonstrate your skills in being able to
Recognise reactions to loss and grief taking into account social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences, identify
situations relating to risk of health and safety including suicidal thoughts, interact with individuals with empathy,
sensitivity, professionally and with courtesy using effective communication skills.

Assessment conditions
Skills will be demonstrated in in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions of an aged care setting.
The following conditions will be met for this unit:
 use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including organisation policies, procedures and related
documentation to assist in the provision of grief and loss support
 modelling typical workplace conditions and contingencies, including:
 interactions with people from a diverse range of backgrounds
 links to other services for support for loss and grief – relevant websites and grief counselling services National Association for Loss and Grief (NSW) Inc

2.1. Read the scenario below and complete the following activities.

Scenario 1
Paulo has recently lost his wife, Raffaella whom he has been married to for over 50 years. Raffaella passed away 3
months ago from cancer and soon after her death, Carlo entered care into a residential facility.

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 7 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Paulo was born in Italy, he and his wife moved to Australia 40 years ago where they built a life for themselves.
Paulo started his own business with his wife during his time in Australia. Paulo and Raffaella have not spent a day
apart since they were married. They were very much committed to each other. Paulo still has a very heavy Italian
accent, which at times can cause a communication barrier between himself and care workers.
The carers have noticed that Paulo has been upset and sad for weeks and has stopped eating regular meals and is
having difficulty sleeping. He has confined himself to his room and does not speak to a lot of people. He has
repressed his emotions so as not to appear weak or vulnerable. He is demonstrating signs of grief and loss of both
is wife and his home. The Registered Nurse has suggested that a care worker discuss these issues of loss and grief
with Paulo.

Instructions to role play participants

The following instructions have been developed for the participants/characters involved in the role play

Role play 1 – (colleague to play the role of Paulo)

You have just lost your wife of 50 years and have entered a residential facility. The loss of your wife and home have
caused you intense sadness. You have not spoken to anyone about your wife’s passing as you feel that it is not
appropriate for a male to discuss feelings. Losing your home also has made you feel like everything has been taken
away from you and you have nothing to live for.

A care worker has come to speak to you about the loss of your wife, offer support and suggests speaking to a
doctor. You have told the care worker you are not eating or sleeping. You don’t have any pictures or mementoes of
her in your room as it is too painful to remember her. The care worker suggests that it might help having some
pictures of your wife and listening to the music you both use to enjoy would bring some joy during this difficult time.
You ask the care worker if she can contact your son as you feel embarrassed to ask him for these items. As the care
worker leaves, she asks if you would like to speak to the Doctor, you oblige and say yes that would be great.

Role play 2 – (Student – to act as the Care Worker)

You are care worker and have been asked to provide support to Paulo who has just lost his wife, and has recently
moved into the facility. You head towards Paulo’s room, knock on his door and introduce yourself. You explain that
you are here to help him today. You sit down next to him and see the sadness in his face. You reach out and hold his
hand and ask if he there is anything he would like to talk about. He opens up a little and says that the loss of both his
wife and home has made him feel like everything has been taken away from him and he has nothing to live for.

You ask how long he has felt like this and if he has spoken to anyone. He says to you that only women show their
feelings and speak about their feelings. You reassure him that it is ok to talk to people about feelings, and you
suggest maybe speaking with a doctor. You notice that Paulo has no pictures of Raffaella and suggest that maybe
having a few mementoes of her may help with the grieving process. You empathise with Paulo and tell him about
how your own dad had photos of your mum when she passed away, which made your dad happy. Paulo thinks that
having pictures to remember Raffaella would be a great idea but is too embarrassed to ask his son to bring them to
the facility. You agree to contact his son and ask for these items. As you leave you ask if he would like to speak to
the Doctor, he says yes.

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 8 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

a) Describe the impact of the loss of a spouse.

b) What type of grief is Paulo suffering from?

c) Explain how Paulo’s distinctive social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences might impact on her loss and grief
and how she is supported.

d) What strategies could you offer Paulo to cope with his grief.

e) You are now required to role-play the above scenario with your colleague. Your assessor will observe you and
provide you with feedback.


Date and time of
Requirement: You will be required to demonstrate communication skills in discussing loss and grief with
Paulo, and to discuss possible strategies to address grief and outline effect on overall
health. Gain consent to refer client to General Practitioner actioner for additional support.
Context: This role play must be completed in a simulated environment that reflects workplace
During your observations did the student demonstrate the Yes No Comments
Recognise reactions to loss and grief  
Consider social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences  
Interact with individuals with empathy, sensitivity,  
professionalism and courtesy
Identify and respect social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual  
Select and use verbal and non-verbal communication  
approaches that acknowledge the individual’s emotional
Provide information about grief and bereavement support  
services and resources
Identify, suggest or use strategies for formal and informal  
grief and bereavement support
Obtain feedback from individual to confirm that options are  
clearly understood
Additional comments:

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 9 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Assessor’s declaration:
In my opinion, the student possesses the necessary skills and knowledge as required to provide loss and grief

Assessor’s initials: ……………………………………………………………… Date:

2.2. Scenario 1 is continued below. Read the scenario and complete the following activity.

Scenario 2

When you approach Paulo’s son for the photo, he asks about the type of care plan his father has been put on. You
are aware that according to the organisation’s policy you cannot give a care plan of a resident without their
permission. You know that Paulo is of sane mind and has not authorised anyone to access his care plan. You advise
Paulo’s son of the organisation’s privacy and confidentiality policy and that you have recorded his request and will
seek permission from Paulo first.

a) Give an example of when an individual’s confidential information can be shared.

b) State two ways you can safeguard confidential information of residents.

c) Identify two ways an organisation can comply with the privacy legislation for collecting information from a person.

2.3. Read the scenario below and complete the following activities

Scenario 3

Jimmy and his wife were going shopping when the car collides with an oncoming truck. Jimmy’s wife who was
driving dies instantly and Jimmy survives the accident. Jimmy is feeling very guilty and emotional that he survived
but is trying to pull himself together for the sake of their children. Jimmy is finding it extremely difficult to carry on
life, finds it difficult to get up in the morning and cook for the children to feed them. Jimmy is not accepting help
from anyone as he feels it is his duty to care for the children. His wife’s parents who offered help is concerned as
they can see that Jimmy is not coping and feels that they will take his children away too. Jimmy’s in-laws contact a
care worker to see Jimmy. The care worker, Lucy visits Jimmy in his house and talks to Jimmy about his grief. Lucy
explains to Jimmy that he is experiencing symptoms of unresolved grief and trauma and that he needs help. Lucy
recommends a counsellor but first for Jimmy to go and see his doctor as his health seems to be deteriorating and
seek a counsellor via the doctor.

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 10 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Student to act as Care worker

You are to act as “Lucy” the care worker and are required to explain to Jimmy (your colleague) that he is
experiencing symptoms of unresolved grief and trauma and that he needs help. Try to encourage and ask Jimmy to
see a doctor regarding his health and also that he needs to see a counsellor as he has unresolved grief which he
needs to deal with. Talk to Jimmy that his children need him and that he needs to do it for his children.

a) Explain what would be the physical impacts of loss for Jimmy?

b) Explain the stress vulnerability model of stress for Jimmy

c) Explain what informal and formal support services would you suggest to Jimmy as the care worker supporting

d) Now refer to the scenario above and conduct the role-play. You will be observed by your assessor who will
complete the checklist below.


Date and time of
Requirement: Identify and assess Jimmy’s suicidal risk and convince Jimmy to see a doctor and seek referral to
a counsellor as he has unresolved grief.

Context: This role play must be completed in a simulated environment that reflects workplace
During your observations did the student demonstrate the Yes No Comments
Recognise reactions to loss and grief  
Identify and assess Jimmy’s suicidal risk  
Interact with Jimmy with empathy, sensitivity,  
professionalism and courtesy
Select and use verbal and non-verbal communication  
approaches that acknowledge the individual’s emotional
Provide information about grief and bereavement support  
services and resources
Listen to Jimmy and suggest a few different doctors Jimmy  
could see
Explain the importance of seeing a doctor and counsellor for  
unresolved grief.
Additional comments:

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 11 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Assessor’s declaration:
In my opinion, the student possesses the necessary skills and knowledge as required to provide loss and grief

Assessor’s initials: ……………………………………………………………… Date:

2.4. Read the scenario below and complete the following activities

Scenario 4
Cathy has just lost her son Jack, her home and all her belongings in a major bushfire. Cathy identifies as Aboriginal.
She has support staff on hand to assist her.

a) How should staff communicate with Cathy and respond to her needs within culturally appropriate boundaries?
(Guide: your discussion points may vary from 50 words to 100)

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only - student may provide
their own views and answer may not be exactly as stated below as they will depend on team discussions).

Your assessor will complete this checklist and provide you with feedback prior to moving to another activity.
Assessor’s checklist Satisfactory Comments
During your observations did the student demonstrate the following? Yes No
interact with individuals with empathy, sensitivity, professionalism and courtesy  
identify and respect social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences which may  
affect grief and bereavement responses
apply, within culturally appropriate boundaries verbal and non-verbal  
approaches when communicating with individuals who are grieving
Assessor’s additional feedback to the student:

Assessment task 3: Recognise loss and grief and care plan

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 12 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Instructions to students
Assessment type: Role-play and practical activities

Instructions to the students

This is the third assessment task which consists of several role-plays and practical activities and answers to written
questions. Read each part of this scenario, discuss and role-play as indicated so that student can practice skills in this
subject prior to using them in the workplace. Observe and determine the student’s ability to demonstrate required
skills as would be used in the workplace.
Applicable conditions:
Your assessor will allocate a timeline for you to complete each role-play (approx. 5 to 10 minutes). You must make
notes prior to the role-play to demonstrate your own understanding of the task and to demonstrate that you are able
to perform the task independently. Your assessors may ask you relevant questions to ascertain your understanding of
the roleplay.
This assessment task will be completed in a simulated learning environment at Level 6, 401 Sussex Street, Sydney, NSW
2000. The room will resemble an aged care setting.

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate that you can demonstrate your skills in being able to recognise
reactions to loss and grief taking into account social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences, identify situations
relating to risk of health and safety including suicidal thoughts, interact with individuals with empathy, sensitivity,
professionally and with courtesy using effective communication skills and are able to prepare a care plan in
consultation with the client.

Assessment conditions
Skills will be demonstrated in in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions of an aged care setting.
The following conditions will be met for this unit:
 use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including organisation policies, procedures and related
documentation to assist in the provision of grief and loss support
 modelling typical workplace conditions and contingencies, including:
 interactions with people from a diverse range of backgrounds
 links to other services for support for loss and grief – relevant websites and grief counselling services National Association for Loss and Grief (NSW) Inc

3.1. Read the scenario above and answer the following questions as per the guide provided.

Activity 1:
Steve is 65 and suffering from brain cancer. He has been in hospital for some time and his health has
deteriorated rapidly. Doctors discussed with his family that Steve would be more comfortable in the palliative
care wing and he was moved there 3 weeks ago. Doctors feel Steve may only have a matter of weeks left to

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 13 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

His friend Made (Madey) is from Indonesia and Hindu and about 20 years Steve’s junior has been a regular
visitor since Steve first arrived at hospital and also now while he has been in palliative care. He has confided
in you that he and Steve were actually partners, (you and your colleagues had suspected this).
Made has told you and other carers that they had been in a relationship for 15 years, they met in Bali and
have lived there most of the time until Steve was diagnosed and returned to Australia. To this day Steve’s
family (ex-wife and 3 adult children and extended family) do not accept Steve’s relationship and are very cool
toward Made.
You have noticed that Steve’s family when they meet Made at the hospital are very cold toward him and can
be quite rude sometimes ignoring him completely, Made usually leaves when they arrive to avoid these
moments. Steve’s family have made comment to the staff that they think he is simply hanging around for
Steve’s money, that what else he could be interested in as he is so much younger and they would like the staff
to limit Made’s visits.
Steve’s carers have been consoling Made since Steve was moved to palliative care and those who are also gay
have been able to offer support for what he is experiencing. The carer’s have observed Steve and Made
together and are sure that the relationship is both loving and mutual.
Made has confided that he is very upset as he has not been invited to participate in any of the funeral
arrangements and is appears to be experiencing Steve’s illness and imminent loss on his own and would like
to celebrate Steve’s passing when the time comes with some of his own religious beliefs.

a) What type of grief would Made be experiencing? (Guide: 1 bullet point)

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only)

b) What could you do to offer Made some support? (Guide: single sentence is sufficient)

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only)

c) What signs and symptoms should you be looking out for in Made and what action would you take? (Guide:
list of words minimum of 6 are sufficient)

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only)

d) What could you do and what services could you refer Made to should he wish to accept additional support?
(Guide: 50 words or less will be sufficient)

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 14 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only)

e) What strategies would you use with Steve’s family with regard to Made? Especially their request that you
limit or prevent him from seeing Steve. (Guide: 50 words will be sufficient)

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only)

f) Role-Play

Refer to the scenario above and role-play this scenario. Each student must take part in this scenario and role-
play and swap responsibilities. You assessor will use the checklist below and provide you with feedback.
Assessor’s checklist Satisfactory Satisfactory
The assessor will be checking that you were able to: Yes No
recognise and identify disenfranchised grief  
identify and respect social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences  
which may affect grief and bereavement responses
apply, within culturally appropriate empathic listening skills  
recognise common reactions to loss and the range of grief  
identify when individuals are experiencing difficulty in coping with  
grief and trauma and link them with options for further help as
maintain confidentiality in line with organisational practices  
Assessor’s feedback to the student:

3.2. The scenario is continued from task 3.1 Read the scenario and answer the questions and conduct a roleplay.

Activity 2 (scenario continued)

Many of the carer’s and staff who have been working with Steve have befriended both him and Made over
the 3 weeks, Steve has been in palliative care, especially the staff who are gay have a particular affinity for the
couple and can empathise closely to their pain and the difficulties they are facing with regard to Steve’s
Some are finding it difficult not to become emotionally involved and angry at the situation.

a) Discuss the risks involved to these carer’s and the support that they require? (Guide: list minimum of 3)

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Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 15 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only - student may provide
their own views and answer may not be exactly as stated below as they will depend on team discussions).

b) Discuss they type of support that they may require? (Guide: list minimum of 3)

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only - student may provide
their own views and answer may not be exactly as stated below as they will depend on team discussions).

c) Role-Play Activity 2

Instructions: Referring to the scenario above you are now required to practice and role-play this scenario. Each
student must take part in this scenario and role-play and swap responsibilities. You assessor will use the checklist
below and provide you with feedback.

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Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 16 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Assessor’s checklist Satisfactory Comments

The assessor will be checking that you were able to: Yes No
recognise grief and bereavement care services available in the  
identify and recognise a range of risks associated with grief and  
implement appropriate strategies to minimise risks associated with grief  
and bereavement support.
Assessor’s feedback to the student:

3.3. Scenario – activity 3

Activity 3 (Scenario continued)

You and the other support workers have established that there needs to be a support plan put in place for
Made as he is particularly vulnerable to assist him through the final weeks of Steve’s life and then after his
death. You arrange an appointment for Made to have an assessment with a support worker to gather
information and document the plan.

a) You need to develop a support plan for Made. In small group list the type of questions or the type of
research you would do to be able to develop a good care plan to meet Made’s needs.

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only - student may provide
their own views and answer may not be exactly as stated below as they will depend on team discussions).

b) Role-Play Activity 3:

Referring to the scenario above you are now required to practice and role-play this scenario. Each student
must take part in this scenario and role-play and swap responsibilities. You will be required to meet with
Made to collect information so you are able to complete a suitable Care Plan that will meet his needs.
(Guide: use Template 1 provided below or you may choose Calvary’s equivalent documentation or process)

Individual Support Plan

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Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 17 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Carer’s name: (family

member or significant other)
Carer’s details: (family
member or significant other):
Family or other contact
Interview details and needs The section below provides space for comments about why this person may need a
of the (family member or care plan and what has been discussed with the carer.
significant other):

Appointments schedule: List the meeting schedule below – this is to discuss progress of the patient – and
what to expect:
Date / time: Comments / type of meeting / etc…


Professional external List the type of support that can be accessed to provide additional support (e.g.
assistance: emotional support)
Doctor or service

Policy, process, brochures

etc… available to assist the
carer (family member or
significant other):
References and reporting
Additional needs or
requirements (religion,
cultural, special needs)
Additional comments:
Review date:

You assessor will use the checklist below and provide you with feedback.
Assessor’s checklist Satisfactory Comments

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Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 18 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

The assessor will be checking that you were able to: Yes No
identify, suggest and use strategies for formal grief and bereavement support
identify, suggest and use strategies for informal grief and bereavement
design and implement a support plan
reflect on outcomes during and after support is provided
review practices for continuous improvement
obtain feedback from individuals to determine whether options are clearly
Communicate with compassion and support to gain information from a person
who may be grieving,
Assessor’s feedback to the student:

3.4. Scenario – activity 4 (Role-Play)

Activity 4 (Scenario continued)

Made’s support plan has been in place for 2 weeks, during this time Steve’s condition has worsened considerably
and it is only a matter of time before he dies. You and the other carers have noted that Made has made comment
that he” doesn’t want to be alone he wishes he could just die too, “if Steve was to die he doesn’t know what he
will do” and he is beginning to appear depressed, especially after encounters with Steve’s family. You need to
urgently review the support plan for Made and put strategies in place.

a) What do these comments indicate about Made’s emotional and mental state? (20 – 50 words)

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only)

b) What needs to happen? (30 – 50 words)

Examples of answers may be: (please note that the answers below are examples only)

c) List below types of policies procedures that a Calvary Silver Circle employee (care worker or other) may need to
refer to in regards referring a person (e.g. family carer, close family member or significant other) who may be
facing death of a close family or close member such as lifetime friend. (Guide: 2 points are sufficient) (Guide: 50 –
100 words)

Policy type or name Procedure type or name:

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Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 19 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Examples of answers may be Examples of answers may be

d) Role-Play Activity 4:

You are now required to practice and role-play this scenario. Each student must take part in this scenario and role-
play and swap responsibilities. You assessor will use the checklist below and provide you with feedback.
Assessor’s checklist Satisfactory Comments
The assessor will be checking that you were able to: Yes No
identify and assess an individual’s suicide risk  
refer to appropriate services where necessary  
identify grief and bereavement care services available in the community  
Refer to procedures in accordance with Calvary’s Silver Circle policies and  
identify where further support is required  
Assessor’s feedback to the student:

3.5. Scenario – activity 5 - Role-Play

Activity 5 (Scenario continued)

Made has been on his reviewed plan now for 1 month. During this time Steve has passed away however, Made
seems to have benefitted from the swift action of the support staff to recognise his needs and have a support plan
put in place. You will now have another review of the plan with Made and other stakeholders where you will
discuss any changes that may need to be implanted.
These reviews are also a good opportunity to receive feedback from Made and other stakeholders on how your
plan has been received and how effective it was, what you could have done differently and to use this information
to reflect, identify need for further support and review your practices for continuous improvement.

a) Role-Play Activity 5:

You are now required to practice and role-play this scenario. Each student must take part in this scenario and role-
play and swap responsibilities. You assessor will use the checklist below and provide you with feedback.

b) In the space below document the outcome of the role-play and any points that you will need to consider in the
future when and if you are faced with this type of a situation. The points you will be discussion are:

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 20 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

 The need of a review plan

 How to make the review plan effective
 What continuous improvement would you put in place to ensure that the plan is effective?

You assessor will use the checklist below and provide you with feedback.
Assessor’s checklist Satisfactory Comments
The assessor will be checking that you were able to: Yes No
communicated with stakeholders for changes so the plan effectively meets  
client needs
 
amend the plan and to ensure it is effective and proved comments in the  
plan to demonstrate structure of support to be provided or available
utilise the information received at the review  
Assessor’s overall feedback

c) Care Plan checklist

In this activity utilise the following checklist and check each point, and tick if the plan you have developed and
reviewed for Made was sufficient or not. In the comment section insert a points that you may feel needed
improvement if you were to develop this plan for Made again.

Support Plan – development, review and implementation checklist Satisfactory

Develop the care plan:
 Do the intervention strategies address the immediate, short-term and long-term needs of the
Students will
 Are there alternative services could have been offered?
be discussing
 Have support plan goals been prioritised and worked through each point
 Were the objectives and goals fully integrated into the support plan? and tick if they
 Are time lines met in accordance with the support plan feel that they
 Are the roles, actions and timelines negotiated with the client? met the point
 Are the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of all parties included in the support plan of not – give
and clearly defined each other
 Are there contingency plans available in times of need? feedback
 In case of cultural considerations, were these integrated in the negotiation and goal setting?
 Is the support plan documented in accordance with the organisation procedures
 Have the client’s needs changed

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Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 21 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

 What are the changes relating too

 How can these be accommodated.

Reviewing the support plan:

 Were the client’s needs accurately identified?
 Is the plan effective
 `Are we making a difference?
 Does the plan adequately meet the identified needs?
 Can we achieve more with less?
 Does the plan contribute to the client’s quality of life?
 Is it meeting the predetermined criteria?
 Is all work relating to the management of the plan meeting the identified standards
 What improvements could or should be made?
 What are the current pans or goals being implemented?
 What has the client achieved so far?
 What needs to be changed?
 Is the expected outcome of these changes?
 What preparation is needed for future care?
 What are the community workers strengths in case management skills?

Problem solving:
 Strengths of the client that can be built upon
 Who else has a stake in this intervention: (family, friends, professionals)
 How do external and internal parties influence the problem, individual or community worker
 Issues such as referral, agency and individual’ current life events
 Cultural issues that are relevant: (language, religion, marital status, sexuality, age)
 Was a Formal and informal history taking
 Is a Specialised assessment needed
 Is there a formal diagnosis required
 Legal issues, such as managing suicide risk

Monitoring and recording clients progress:

 Client has the right to review their support plan and read their files
 Inform all relevant stakeholders of any changes to the support plan
 Are joint reviews necessary

 What has already been gained from the client’s evaluation process

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 22 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

 Can this be applied to reviews of service models, policies and procedures?

 Has feedback been collected from clients during different stages of their program
 Have appropriate referral agencies, or other services provides and stakeholders been
included in the feedback process?
 Are clients aware they have the right to initiate a review of their support plan and read their
own files?
Student’s comments about any improvement that they have discussed which they would do next time fi they had
to develop another plan such as the one for Made.

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Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 23 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4


Assessment type: Scenarios and practical tasks.

Assessment task description

This is the fourth (4th) unit of assessment task which consists of a scenario, roleplay and practical activities. You will be
required to demonstrate skills of being able to provide evidence of caring for yourself and review support provided.

Applicable conditions:
This knowledge task is untimed. You must however demonstrate skills independently and will be required to make
notes prior to demonstration. Your trainer/assessor may ask student relevant questions on this assessment task to
ensure you understand the required task.

This assessment task will be completed in a simulated learning environment at Level 6, 401 Sussex Street, Sydney, NSW
2000. The room will resemble an aged care setting.

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate that the student can demonstrate your skills in being able to
Recognise reactions to loss and grief taking into account social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences, identify
situations relating to risk of health and safety including suicidal thoughts, interact with individuals with empathy,
sensitivity, professionally and with courtesy using effective communication skills.

Assessment conditions
Skills will be demonstrated in in a simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions of an aged care setting.
The following conditions will be met for this unit:
 use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including organisation policies, procedures and related
documentation to assist in the provision of grief and loss support
 modelling typical workplace conditions and contingencies, including:
 interactions with people from a diverse range of backgrounds
 links to other services for support for loss and grief – relevant websites and grief counselling services National Association for Loss and Grief (NSW) Inc

4.1 Read the scenario below and complete the following activity.

Scenario 1

Lyn works in a women’s crisis service where people ring in and also come in who have experienced trauma,
loss and other difficult situations for help and support. Every person coming in or ringing in has trauma they
have experienced and Lyn is very compassionate and caring. However, over time Lyn notices that she has

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 24 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

become less able to respond to the people she is supporting with compassion and empathy. She feels
overwhelmed and drained of energy. She is reluctant to talk to her supervisor about her concerns because of
all the workers are dealing with the same issue and they have not said anything.

However, when Lyn starts having intense thoughts about some of the discussions she has had with people,
she realises she needs help and decides to speak with her supervisor. The supervisor is very sympathetic and
supportive and suggests Lyn to see a counsellor. The supervisor has also taken some of the work off Lyn until
she starts to feel well again and also advises Lyn to meet every week to discuss any issues.

a) List three signs of emotional stress that may be shown by Lyn.

b) List three symptoms of compassion fatigue Lyn could be experiencing.

c) Explain how vicarious traumatisation occurs.

d) Give two examples of self-care strategies which could assist Lyn.

e) List three ways effective supervision can reduce a support worker’s stress.

f) List two factors you need to address to meet your duty of care to the person you are supporting.

g) List two positive effects of debriefing for the support worker.

4.2 Read the scenario and complete the following activities.

Scenario 2

Lyn has decided to keep a journal of her daily activities at work. She writes in her journal at the end of each
day. Lyn finds entering in the journal helps her think through particular incidents and identify areas of her
work where she might improve her practice and provide better outcomes for the person.

Her supervisor has suggested she brings her journal so she can discuss specific issues and experiences. Lyn’s
supervisor has suggested that some of the experiences might be experienced by other team members which
they could discuss at team meetings and get suggestions from others of how they were dealing with similar

a) List three questions Lyn could ask herself when carrying out self-reflection.

b) Identify three advantages of team reflective practice.

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 25 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

c) Explain two ways to request and receive feedback.

4.3 In this task you are required to demonstrate if an individual needs further support. Read the scenario below and
complete the following activities.

Scenario 3
Simon comes into Peter’s office in the morning and seems agitated and is acting very aggressively towards
Peter without justification. Peter feels something is wrong and the need to protect himself and others in the
office. Peter tries to:
 Calm Simon by speaking quietly and in a non-threatening way;
 Moving Simon in quiet room
 Ensures others in the area are safe
 Avoids arguing with Simon and listens to and reassure Russell that he is there to help him.
When Simon is calmer, Peter explains to Simon various options for help such as going to hospital, having a
mental health team visit him or going to a doctor or mental health professional as soon as possible.

a) Explain what do you think a support worker need to have knowledge of to ensure adequate support for
people accessing the service?

b) List three factors you may consider to determine if a person needs further support.

c) List two conditions that require additional support.

4.4 Read the scenario below and complete the following activity.

Scenario 4

Part of Julia’s responsibility as a supervisor at an aged care residential facility is to check procedures to ensure
they are accessible to all stakeholders and are current. Julia has an internal audit and is required to ensure
that all the policies and procedures are current. During her check Julia realises that there is no reference to
wearing disposable gloves when tending to injuries. She makes note this in her logbook and reports it to the
manager to ensure it is included.

During regular team meeting Julia discusses the importance of meeting accreditation standards and that she
will be observing team members performing their day to day tasks. Some of her new team members have
advised that they need more training and support on completing personal care plans so Julia organises a
training session with them. Julia records this as part of the continuous improvement and makes note for
follow-up audit.

a) Identify two examples of information that may be included in a continuous improvement plan.

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 26 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

b) List three question to ask when reviewing practices.

c) Explain how you would ensure your organisation maintains best practice.

d) How can reflective practice in a team environment assist Julia with continuous improvement in her role as a
support worker?

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 27 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Work Placement Task

Work Placement Task: Respond effectively to three (3) diverse situation of loss, grief, bereavement, or trauma.

In this assessment task, you are required to provide evidence of the ability to complete tasks where you have provided
loss, grief, bereavement, or trauma support in response to at least 3 different diverse situations. You must also engage
with people using effective communication skills with all your three (3) clients.

Task Description: This work placement task requires the student to demonstrate evidence that the student has
communicated and assisted three (3) different individuals in loss, grief, bereavement, or trauma situations.

Note: On the occasion of the unavailability of people with loss, grief, bereavement, or trauma situations, workplace
supervisors and assessors can act as clients requiring support with 3 different loss, grief, bereavement, or trauma

In order to do this the student will be required to:

Prepare case-management files, including:

 interpreting and applying legislation, policies, procedures, standards and statutory obligations
 responding to and managing three different loss, grief, bereavement, or trauma situations
 use of suitable facilities, equipment and resources, including workplace policies, procedures and related
 modelling typical work conditions and contingencies, including interactions with people from a range of
diverse backgrounds
 links to other services

To complete this workplace task, students are required to fill in the below template:

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 28 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Client – 1

A. Background - The matter: (150-200 words)

 Describe the background and critical details regarding the matter and individual/s involved.

B. Conduct an assessment with the client takin into account: (250-300 words)

 Any social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences

 Identifying if there is an increased risk to the health and/or safety of the person or other people
 Identifying and using intervention responses to address elevated suicide risk and increase safety
 Making any referrals to appropriate services

C. Engaging empathically (250-300 words)

 Interacting with individuals with empathy, sensitivity, professionalism and courtesy

 Identifying and respecting social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences
 Selecting and using verbal and non-verbal communication approaches that acknowledge the individual’s
emotional needs.

D. Offering support and information (250-300 words)

 Linking or referring individuals experiencing difficulty in coping with grief and trauma to options for further
 Providing information to the individuals about grief and bereavement support services and resources
 Suggesting or using strategies for informal and formal grief and bereavement support
 Ensuring individuals clearly understand the options presented
 Ensuring confidentiality is maintained at all times in accordance with organisational policies and procedures

E. How have you ensured self-care during and after the situation? (200-250 words)

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 29 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

 Monitor own stress level in relation to working in the area of grief and loss
 Recognise and minimise risks to self-associated with grief and bereavement support
 Identify and respond to the need for supervision and debriefing

F. Who will provide the required support?

• Within the organisation

• Other agencies

G. Any closing statements

Client – 2
A. Background - The matter: (150-200 words)

 Describe the background and critical details regarding the matter and individual/s involved.

B. Conduct an assessment with the client takin into account: (250-300 words)

 Any social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences

 Identifying if there is an increased risk to the health and/or safety of the person or other people
 Identifying and using intervention responses to address elevated suicide risk and increase safety
 Making any referrals to appropriate services

B. Engaging empathically (250-300 words)

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 30 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

 Interacting with individuals with empathy, sensitivity, professionalism and courtesy

 Identifying and respecting social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences
 Selecting and using verbal and non-verbal communication approaches that acknowledge the individual’s
emotional needs.

C. Offering support and information (250-300 words)

 Linking or referring individuals experiencing difficulty in coping with grief and trauma to options for further
 Providing information to the individuals about grief and bereavement support services and resources
 Suggesting or using strategies for informal and formal grief and bereavement support
 Ensuring individuals clearly understand the options presented
 Ensuring confidentiality is maintained at all times in accordance with organisational policies and procedures

D. How have you ensured self-care during and after the situation? (200-250 words)

 Monitor own stress level in relation to working in the area of grief and loss
 Recognise and minimise risks to self associated with grief and bereavement support
 Identify and respond to the need for supervision and debriefing

E. Who will provide the required support?

• Within the organisation

• Other agencies

F. Any Closing statements

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 31 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

Client – 3
A. Background - The matter: (150-200 words)

 Describe the background and critical details regarding the matter and individual/s involved.

B. Conduct an assessment with the client takin into account: (250-300 words)

 Any social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences

 Identifying if there is an increased risk to the health and/or safety of the person or other people
 Identifying and using intervention responses to address elevated suicide risk and increase safety
 Making any referrals to appropriate services

C. Engaging empathically (250-300 words)

 Interacting with individuals with empathy, sensitivity, professionalism and courtesy

 Identifying and respecting social, cultural, ethnic and spiritual differences
 Selecting and using verbal and non-verbal communication approaches that acknowledge the individual’s
emotional needs.

D. Offering support and information (250-300 words)

 Linking or referring individuals experiencing difficulty in coping with grief and trauma to options for further
 Providing information to the individuals about grief and bereavement support services and resources
 Suggesting or using strategies for informal and formal grief and bereavement support
 Ensuring individuals clearly understand the options presented
 Ensuring confidentiality is maintained at all times in accordance with organisational policies and procedures

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 32 of 33
Qualification: CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
SBTA Reference Code: CHC4_8.2_Loss and Grief
Units of competency: CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
Student’s ID: Please advise all students to insert their ID this column and on all pages, they submit.
Assessor’s name: Please ensure your name or assessor name is inserted.
Number of weeks for this cluster: 4

E. How have you ensured self-care during and after the situation? (200-250 words)

 Monitor own stress level in relation to working in the area of grief and loss
 Recognise and minimise risks to self associated with grief and bereavement support
 Identify and respond to the need for supervision and debriefing

F. Who will provide the required support?

• Within the organisation

• Other agencies

G. Closing statements

Ensure you workplace supervisor completes the workplace observation checklist which you will find in your workplace

Authorised by – CEO Doc Name – CHCCCS017_AT

Issue Date – 26 May 2021 Version 1 Page 33 of 33

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