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Synthesis of
New Testament
Arturo Perez
Introductory Topics to the NT
1. Introduction to the Bible
Historical Background of Israel in the
3. NT The World of the New Testament
Introduction to the New Testament
5. Matthew
Gospel According to Saint Matthew
■ Issue
■ Author, date it was written and time it covers
■ Recipient and purpose
■ Content of the book
■ book summary
■ Peculiarities
□ Keywords or characteristic ideas
□ Big events
□ famous passages
The Gospels
■ Gospel (gr. euaggelion euangelion )
□ Eu = good; angelos = message
□ Gospel = “good news” or “good news”
□ God sent his son as a ransom for many, so that whoever
believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
□ The 4 gospels are not mere biographies of Jesus,
but rather they explain the purpose of life, ministry,
death and resurrection to convince us of our sin
and call us to repentance.
Matthew's central theme
□ “History of Jesus Christ as the Messiah and
King expected by Israel in whom the
prophecies of the Old Testament are
□ Jesus as the Messiah (“anointed one”)
□ Jesus as the Teacher (records speeches)
□ Jesus as the King (the Kingdom of God)

Author, date and historical

■ The book does not declare its author.
■ Tradition attributes it to Matthew (Levi)
□ Matthew 9:9-13; 10:3
■ Date, between 65 and 70 AD. (before the
destruction of Jerusalem).
■ Aramaic edition and then Greek?
■ It tells from the birth of Christ to his resurrection
(6 or 4 BC to 26 or 30 AD)
Historical period that Matthew Period Date Event History Publication
- 5 AC 1 DC 5 10 15 20 25 30 356 BC 40 45 Jesus
50birth 55 60 65 75 70
80 85 90 95 100
Initiation }
6 BC to 30 AD. 4 BC Death of Herod the Great.
| } Matthew/Luke John exiled
Visit to temple You river Apostolic Ministry; especially Paul }
} On Patmos
age 12 ministe
Birth 27 AD Santiago Baptism of Jesus } } Frames &
years redJesus
Of 30 AD Galat.
Crucifixion of Jesus Colos Matth } } Juan Apoc.
of Jesus 1&2Tes Filem ew
Expansion 30 – 1&2C
Conversion of Paul or
Eph. Done
31-33 AD
60 AD Rom. Filip. Luke } 1-2-3J
Anna } Facts
Marc. 1&2Ti }

Sumos Juan
s (Joseph) Anan or anias Titus }
Priests 45 AD
Caiaphas 49 AD
Jerusalem Council 1&2Pe }
52 AD Judas }

54 AD Hebre } }
55 AD }}
Herod w
Des tructio Galatians
56 AD Paul's
Alexandrinfirst imprisonment } } Epistles of
He n } } Pablo 1&2 Thessalonis.

e Albino J. } } 1Corinthians
Big Fado Square Festo Floro 2Corinthians Romans
37 – 4 a 60 AD }}
Archelaus Judea: Roman provinceConsolidation
under Etnarca

from the NT J 1 Jewis

60 Felix
Judea procurators }
– 100 AD Jerusalem occupied by Roman troops
and Coponium; Valerio Grato Pilate Marcelo h War
Attorneys } Colossians Philemon
SamariaAntipas Tetrarch Galilee and Perea
Herod King } Ephesians Philpians
Herod Philip Tetrarch Gaulanite, Batanea, Herod King Herod Agrippa II } Matthew
Traconite and Auraníte, and the district of Agrippa TOMATTHEW }
Luke Acts
Pancas Titus
} 1Peter
}} 2Timothy
}} 2Peter Hebrews
Second imprisonment of } Judas N erv
68 AD Pablo omici Jan
Destruction of Jerusalem Vspies} Epistles
iano d ao us
(Octavio) S tra
NE ON } General 1,2,3 John2nd
AUGUSTUS Corregency
70 AD }
Caligula 1st tit either pers Christi
} C an
persec }
ution Cution
85 AD Cristia 3
95 AD n rsecuc ra on
} Apocalypse Apocalypsepe
Cristia na

-5 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Recipient and purpose
■ Recipients: To the Jews
■ Purpose:
□ In general, like all other gospels: “present Jesus Christ
and his work, in such a way that it is possible for
unsaved people to know him personally as Lord and
□ In particular, Matthew writes to convince his fellow
Jews that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ .
Matthew Content
Chapters Description

1 –2 Genealogy and birth of Jesus

3 John the Baptist

4 Temptations and the beginning of Jesus' ministry

5 –7 The Sermon on the Mount

8 – 16:12 General ministry, mainly in Galilee

16:13 – 17:23 Peter's confession and the Transfiguration

17:24 – 18:35 The final ministry in Galilee

19 –20 Jesus leaves Galilee: the journey to Jerusalem

21 – 27 The last week of the life of the Savior

28 The resurrection and the great commission

Genealogy of Jesus

Summary of Matthew
■ A. The preparation (1 – 4:11)
□ Includes childhood stories (includes genealogy) (1-2)
□ John's ministry (3:1-12)
□ E baptism and the temptation of Jesus. (3:13 – 4:11)
■ B. The ministry in Galilee (4:12 – 18:35)
□ It narrates that Jesus uses Capernaum as a center of operations from where he begins his ministry preaching
repentance. (4:12-25)
□ The Sermon on the Mount (5 – 7) (it is not a map; it is a mirror of the saved)
□ Chapters 8 – 16 focus primarily on Christ's ministry in Galilee. Chapter 13 contains an important part of the
parables of the kingdom.
□ Chapters 17 to 18 deal with the final part of Christ's ministry in Galilee. He leaves the north and proceeds south
on his way to Jerusalem and the cross.
■ C. The ministry in Judea and Jerusalem (19:1 – 28:15)
□ He prepares the hearts of his disciples for what was going to happen (20:17-19) by specifying that he would be
□ He explains that his death is actually an act of service and eternal life for many. (20:28).
□ Chapter 21 presents the beginning of the last week of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ with the entry
triumphant in Jerusalem, fulfilling the prophecy cited by Matthew from Zechariah 9:9.
□ The teachings of Jesus Christ in that last week are strong and penetrating and his woes in chapter 23:37-39
end with a lament of deep compassion.
□ The remaining chapters (26 – 28) deal with the culmination of all the Old Testament prophecies, for which the
Savior came.
■ D. The great commission (28:16-20)
• The epilogue of Matthew concludes with the great commission that the Lord left after resurrecting so that his
apostles would go into all the world preaching the gospel, baptizing those who believe and making disciples of
all nations, keeping all his words until he returns.
Birth in Bethlehem (Mt.1:18-25) • Circumcised 8th day

(Luke 2:21)

1. • Presented in the temple (Luke 2:22-

• Return to Nazareth (Luke 2:39)
Transfer to Egypt
2. New home in Nazareth of Galilee
3. (Mt.2:19-23) 1st Passover in
Jerusalem (Luke 2:41-50)
4. Baptism and beginning of Jesus'
ministry in Judea. (Mt.3:13-17)
5. • Departure from Judea
Ministry in Galilee (Mt.4:12-17)
6. • Capernaum headquarters
Ministry around Galilee (Mt.14 –
7. 15:38) Last ministry in Judea and
Jerusalem (John 7 – 8) Ministry
8. around Perea (Jn.10:40 –42)
10. Samaria and Galilee (Jn.11
9. Luc.17)
11. Entry through Bethany
12. To the cross in Jerusalem (Mt.24-
Characteristic words or ideas
■ Matthew is the gospel of the Church . It is the only one mentioned by the Church
■ Matthew is the gospel of the Kingdom. The teaching of the KINGDOM OF GOD is
■ Matthew is the gospel of the King . The royal majesty and authority of Jesus the Christ
declared (25:31-46; 28:18-20), as well as his preeminence over the institutions of Israel:
□ He is greater than the Law (5:21-22, 27-28)
□ He is greater than the Sabbath (Son of Man is greater than the Sabbath) (12:8)
□ He is more than the temple (“I tell you, one greater than the temple is here”) (12:6)
□ He is more than the prophets (“Behold, more than Jonah”) (12:41)
□ He is more than the king (“behold, more than Solomon”) (12:42)
■ Matthew is the gospel of discourses. The Lord's teaching has special prominence in this
gospel. It records the content of several specific speeches of Jesus:
□ The Sermon on the Mount (5:3 – 7:27)
□ Instructions to his disciples before their mission (10:5-42)
□ Parables of the kingdom (13:3-52)
□ The Obligations of Discipleship (18:3-35)
□ The eschatological discourse (24:4 – 25:46)
■ Matthew is the gospel of the Jews. He is the most interested in citing the fulfillment of
the OT prophecies. He quotes the OT 53 times, (36 Mark, 25 Luke, and 20 John).
■ The phrase we read in Matthew 1:22 “All this took place to fulfill what was spoken by the Lord
through the prophet is repeated throughout this gospel.
■ Jesus repeatedly speaks of God as “my Father.”
Great Events Narrated in Matthew
■ Circumstances of the Birth of Jesus (1)
■ Baptism of Jesus (3)
■ The Temptation of Jesus (4)
■ The transfiguration (17)
■ Jesus' entry into Jerusalem (21)
■ Judgment and crucifixion (26-27)
■ Resurrection of Jesus (28)
Famous passages written in Matthew
■ The Sermon on the Mount (5-7)
□ The Beatitudes (5:3-12)
□ Love your enemies (5:43-48)
□ The Lord's Prayer (6:9-13)
□ First things first (6:25-34)
□ Ask, seek, knock (7:7-11)
□ The narrow gate (7:13-14)
□ Not everyone who says to me “Lord, Lord” (7:21-23)
□ The two houses (7:24-27)
■ “Come to me and rest” (11:28-30)
■ The parables of the kingdom of God (13)
■ The parable of the sower (13)
■ Peter's great declaration (16:13-19)
■ The parable of the virgins (25)
■ The parable of the last judgment (25:31-46)
■ The great commission (28:16-20)

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