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International University of La Rioja Master's

Degree in Neuropsychology and


mathematics in the

Presented by: Jeimmy Johanna Duran Arandia

Bogotá, February 1, 2021

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Intervening mathematics in the classroom practical

Practical case
Joaquín is an 8-year-old boy who is in 3rd grade. Primary. Since the beginning of the
course, the tutor has applied tests based on the curriculum in the classroom and has
observed that she shows a performance in mathematics that is well below the rest of her
classmates during the first quarter. In general terms, Joaquín is an intelligent child, he
usually shows enthusiasm in the subjects of Language, Environmental Knowledge and
Music, but is reluctant in tasks related to mathematics. He has had many school changes,
he started at this center at the end of last year and until now he has been cooperative and
is integrating with the group. In the area of mathematics, he is able to correctly perform
simple arithmetic operations, but he is very slow when performing them, since he counts
on his fingers and constantly makes mistakes, especially in operations that require
carrying out. In the IPAM test applied, the following performance is observed.

Punctuation Risk status

36 Half
Two-digit operations 2 High
Number sequences 4 High
One digit operations 12 Half
position value 4 High

Analysis of results
➢ Numerical comparison: in the numerical comparison component Joaquin presents
a medium risk, numerical comparison is the competence of determining whether
two quantities are equal or one is greater than the other. It belongs to the
competence of numerical knowledge and numerical operations.
➢ Two-digit operation: Joaquin's risk in this component is high, this component
belongs to the competence of numerical operations.
➢ Number sequences: Regarding the number sequences component, Joaquin's risk is
high and this component belongs to the number knowledge and counting skills.
➢ One-digit operations: Joaquin's risk in this component is medium, this component
belongs to the competence of numerical operations.
➢ Position value: lastly, in the position value component, in the case of Joaquin, the
risk is high, it belongs to the counting component.

Strengthening Activities


60 minutes Primary Individual

General objective Strengthen numerical and mathematical operations

skills through manipulative material.

Specific goal promote the numerical comparison component

through practical activities.

Activity development Each student must fill out the worksheets (Annex 1.)
with corn kernels. The amount of kernels indicated on
the sheet must be placed in the direction where the
chick has its mouth. This will be the largest number
and the smallest number is the number. which is
behind the chick's back.
Resources and materials
⮚ Work sheets

⮚ Corn kernels

⮚ Colored pencils
Good practice
Define objectives that guide learning:

Prior to the activity, there will be a prior explanation of

how we can identify the quantities and we can
compare how to identify where there is more and
where there is less.
60 minutes Primary Individual

General objective Strengthen counting skills through symbolic material.

Specific goal favor the positional value component, especially the

order of numbers in units or tens.

Activity development In the worksheet (Annex 2.) the student must place
the numbers in units and tens in the houses.
Resources and materials
⮚ Work sheets

⮚ colored pencils
Good practice Use and connect mathematical
representations: creating symbolism of the
house of numbers will teach the location of
numbers in units and tens.

60 minutes Primary group

General objective Strengthen the ability to calculate quickly with

numerical operations.

Specific goal Promote logical mathematical skills, especially with

two-digit operations.

Activity development The classroom is separated into groups of 4 to 5

participants, each group will be a team and the teams
on the board will have two-digit mathematical
operations. They must line up and get to the board to
do the operation. If they cannot do it, they can ask
the teacher for help. Next participant, the team that
solves the operation adds points and the team with
the most points wins.
Resources and materials
⮚ Board

⮚ erasable markers
Good practice
Carry out tasks that encourage reasoning and
problem solving: solving mathematical problems in
groups can support logical thinking.

The evaluation will be progress and will be carried out monthly, although in each session it
is proposed to create a progress diary where the work carried out, the achievements
achieved and the weaknesses observed are recorded.


Álvareza, C. d. L. P., & Brotóns, E. b. (2018). Dyslexia and dyscalculia: a current systematic review
from neurogenetics. Universitas psychology , 17 (3).

Alvarez, N. d. (2016). Dyscalculia, as one of the specific learning disorders. Conrado Magazine , 12

Fernández Baroja, F., Llopis Paret, A. M., & Pablo Marco, C. (2012). School dyscalculia . Madrid:
CEPE, 2012.

Suarez, A. c. R., Hernandez, A. Q. C., & Duarte, M. TO. TO. (2011). Didactic intervention to
promote mathematics learning in children with dyscalculia. Answers , 16 (2), 5-13.

Appendix 1. Feed the Chick Activity Worksheet
Appendix 2. Number house activity worksheet

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