Hindu Cosmogony

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• Only in India is it followed by approximately a little more than 80% of
the 1,210 million Indians, that is, one of the religions with the most
followers in the world.
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• Hinduism and Hindus are those who are "born into a group
Indian social group, a caste, who behave according to the rules
regarding purity and marriage, and who perform obligatory rituals
usually focused on one of the many Hindu deities.
• To understand the myths of the creation of the universe of the Hindus,
it is necessary to take into account the main gods who play an
important role in these stories. It is worth mentioning that more than a
thousand forms of representation of the trimurti are presented; that is,
of Brahma.
• Trimurti : Representation of the main deities of

Hinduism, its three heads correspond to Brahma (creator
god), Vishnu (preserver god) and Siva (destroyer god).
• Brahma: is the creator god who refounds the universe
each cycle of the world. Today he is not worshiped
independently. He is represented with four heads
symbolizing that he sees in all directions.

Brahma Brahma, Shiva,

• Vishnu: the god who preserves and protects the universe. It
is represented with blue color and four arms which
symbolizes that it can reach the four corners of the world.
Vishnu has come to the world of men in different physical
forms called avatars.
• Siva: the destroyer or liberator. It personifies the cycles of
birth, life, death and rebirth. It is usually represented with
an impressive figure with four arms, matted hair, a moon
on its head and a snake coiled around its neck. The upper
right hand usually holds a drum with which it accompanies
the rhythm of its dance of liberation and recreation.

Vishn If
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• When evil threatens the world, Vishnu appears in one of his avatars, or incarnations, to protect
it. Hindu myths consider ten to be the most important and
powerful. The first avatar was like a fish, Matsya; the second as a
turtle, Kurma; the third as a boar, Varaha, the fourth as half man
half lion, Narasimha; the fifth as a dwarf avatar, Vamana, the sixth
as "Rama with the axe", called Parashurama. The most important
avatars are the seventh and eighth: Rama and Krishna.
• Worshiped as a god, Krishna is Vishnu's most popular avatar. He is
famous for having killed the demon king Kansa. He is usually
depicted with blue skin and playing the flute. The Mahabarata
recounts the actions of Krishna.

• There are severalMYTHS?
stories that try to account for the creation and
functioning of the universe.
• The most representative are:
• Myth Brahma the creator
Myth of Adikumbeshvara
Myth of Vishnu the creator
Golden egg myth
• According to this myth Brahma emerged from the lotus flower, it is
said that a beginning he was the universe and created the gods,
placed them in the worlds. Agni, in this world, Vayu in the
atmosphere and Surya in the sky. And in the worlds that are higher,
he placed the gods that are even higher. Then Brahma left for the
highest sphere called Satyaloka, the most excellent and distant of all
• Thus Brahma only occasionally interferes in the affairs of the gods,
and even more rarely in those of mortals. He is considered the
father of Dharma (the god of religion) and Atri. In Hinduism, Dharma
is the universal law of nature, a law that is found in each individual
as well as in the entire universe.
• Siva as the lord of the primeval jar, a jar created with mud
and the famous Amrita, the nectar of immortality. Siva
had this jar created where he would introduce the Vedas
or the knowledge and seeds of the creation of all the
creatures that inhabit the world.
• Once created, Brahma would adorn it and place it in the
waters that cover the world after the regenerating flood
(since each eon, Vishnu in his appearance as a destroyer,
burns the world to ashes and gives way to a regenerating
flood that covers the world and prepares it for the next
rebirth, returning to the cycle or samsara). After
wandering, Siva appears in his Hunter aspect and shoots
him with an arrow, thus releasing all the seeds of creation
and creating the world anew.
• In this version Vishnu takes the creative role, once
the destructive fire and the regenerating flood have
passed, Vishnu lies down on his thousand-headed
serpent; Shesha, and assumes the appearance of
Narayana; the one who floats in the waters, with his
wife Lakshmi and from his navel a lotus is born on
which Brahma is. Once Vishnu awakens, creation
• According to this myth, the egg is a symbol of the
Universe, and it is related that before the origin of
the universe itself, the heavens and the earth,
Hiranyagharba, the golden egg of creation, born from
the union of Purusha; the spirit, and Prakriti; The
matter. This egg is deposited in the primeval waters
of the flood. After a time, Brahma breaks the egg,
creating with its shell the sky and the earth, with the
inner membrane the mountains and clouds and fog,
and with the veins and fluids, the rivers and oceans.
• The conception of the world is divided into three parts, which are
each divided into seven.
• Loka: the sphere where gods and deities and immortal beings live, along
with the stars and planets. Humanity lives with them and pays them due
worship and sacrifices.
• Bhuloka: the earth
• Bhuvarloka , the space between the earth and the sun
• Svarloka: the heaven of the god Indra
• Maharloka: abode of the wise and enlightened
• Janaloka: plane of creation
• Taparloka: plane of austerity
• Satyaloka: plane of reality
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Tala: the underworld. A world beneath Loka, where various mythological creatures live and thrive.
They delight with pleasures and parties. These beings are not necessarily evil, but rather they become elusive if they are not
worshiped enough. Its cities are incredible and majestic.
• Atala: ruled by Bala (Bala creator of three types of women - svairiṇīs ("stubborn"), who like to marry men from their
own group; kaminis ("lustful"), who marry men from any group, and the punshchalī s ("those who completely
surrender themselves"), who change their partners. When a man enters Atala, these women charm him and serve
him an intoxicating cannabis drink that induces sexual energy in the man. Then, these women enjoy a sexual game
with the traveler, who feels he is stronger than ten thousand elephants and forgets about imminent death. 't ////7
• Vitala: Ruled by Hara-Bhava (a form of Siva).

• Nitala: kingdom of the demon Mahabali.

• Garbhastimat: realm of the demon Maya (Maya is the illusion, an illusory or unreal image. More specifically, in
Hinduism it is usually considered that reality or the entire universe of phenomenal things that appear to exist are
• Mahatala: kingdom of the Nagas (inferior demigods in the form of snakes).
• Sutala: kingdom of the demons Danavas and Daityas (Danavas are descendants of Dashka,
son of Brahma, Danavas revealed themselves before Devata with the direction of Bali, they are not evil per se).
• Patala: lower kingdom ruled by Vasuki (King of the naga snakes).
Kakola: evil

• Naraka: hell, where sinners and heretics will be punished for an entire eon.
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• Put: fear and lust
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• Avichi: anger
• Samhata: envy I/
• Tamisra: troubled thought
• Rijisha: selfishness

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• http://www.tierraquebrada.com/2014/el-mito-hindu-de-la-creacion-del-mundo/
• http://roble.pntic.mec.es/jfeg0041/todo _ reliduques/hinduismo/html/4dioses.html
• http://artehistoriaestudios.blogspot.com/2017/10/capitulo-9-cosmogonia-hindu.html
• https://universohindu.com/origen-del-universo-segun-los-hindues/
• http://artehistoriaestudios.blogspot.com/2017/10/capitulo-9-cosmogonia-hindu.html

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