When Penguins Fall in Love

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When penguins fall in love, love lesson (Very curious)

- When a male penguin falls in love with a female penguin, he searches the entire beach for the
perfect stone to give her. When he finally finds her, he bends down and places the stone right in
front of her. If she takes the stone, it means she accepts the proposal.

- The penguins during the nuptial parade, each one memorizes the other's voice so well that, after
months of separation, they manage to locate each other.

Penguins are special, just like seahorses and swans... they are faithful until death, they have only
one partner in their entire life and if one of them dies, the other does not look for another partner,
it is left alone until also dies. This act is really moving and tender... and that is why we leave you an
image of love that speaks of this story of eternal love and invites you to be part of it, the phrase
says "Did you know that when a penguin finds a partner, they stay together for the entire life?"
“life?… would you like to be my penguin?” Download, share and give as a gift to the person you
love, we are sure they will love this image.

Penguins, those little animals, apart from being pretty, are FAITHFUL. When they find their
partner, they don't let her go, they become one, forever :), what an example for us, the most
“intelligent” beings, we humans.

That's why today with this image we want to try to reinforce what our little penguin friends
already have well deciphered: giving everything to stay with that being that you really want for

If you liked it... share it!

You like tender details, don't worry, you are in the right place because here you can find the most
tender Images of Penguins in Love that will make you sigh with love and you will feel happiness
when sharing with your partner and the most important thing is that this repertoire is free without
no payment of money.

I know you will like these beautiful images that I will share with you below:

images of penguins in love

images of penguins in love-2Did you know that penguins are especially characterized by having
only one partner in their life and that they are also the most loving among all animals

.images of penguins in love-3

images of penguins in love-4The most beautiful feeling is love, if you are lucky to have it, take good
care of it and always show it to your partner.

images of penguins in love-5

images of penguins in love-6

I hope you like these beautiful images of penguins in love and affectionately and if you want to see
more of these new features just visit me on this page.
Remember that your relationship is more important than any money. I hope you know how to
take care of it.

Penguin Love Life

It is known that penguins are the most faithful animals and that when they find their partner they
stay with them forever. Furthermore, before being accepted as a partner, the male penguin
undertakes a journey in search of a shiny stone which, when accepted, will mean that it is His
proposal to be a couple is accepted and when his partner dies, the other dies of loneliness. But
penguins are definitely an example of true love.

Courtship stage Happy feet In this previous courtship stage, unlike the majestic human being who
impresses his partner by spending large amounts of money, the male emperor penguin during
mating season dances, that is, he performs a series of choreographic movements that resemble to
a dance. Before entering the mating stage, although both penguins have been a couple for years,
when they meet again they do not mate immediately, but rather have a previous courting stage.
The ceremonial courtship dances of the male emperor penguin during mating season include a
series of stripteases, which excite the female in preparation for the ovulation stage. Mating stage
Once a year of searching for a mate has passed, and having passed the previous stage of courtship,
the male emperor penguin in the mating season is ready to deposit its haploid cells inside the
female, forming a new being. This process is obviously done as long as there are no seals watching.
Although the female of the male emperor penguin during mating season can conceive more than
one egg, due to space and money problems, the female strives to only have one egg, since having
two would become a problem: By not paying babysitters, there is not much guarantee of raising
two children, so usually the second egg perishes.

Penguin CoupleBefore winter arrives in the frozen Antarctic, emperor penguins perform the
courtship ritual, during which the male and female scream at each other. And it is not a game,
because the life of the future chick depends on it. Because?

Once the egg is laid, the female leaves it to the father to hatch in his incubator bag while she goes
out to sea to feed. After about sixty-five days he returns after having traveled up to 150 kilometers
walking with a swaying step or sliding on his belly on the ice.

It is already surprising that he finds his colony, but how does he manage to recognize his mate and
the chick among the hubbub of tens of thousands of penguins? During the wedding parade, each
one memorizes the other's voice so well that, after months of separation, they manage to locate
each other.


The penguin dances

“The love that moves the Sun and all the other stars.” -The Divine Comedy. Dante Alighieri

Readers, the story that I will tell you below is, for me, one of the most amazing and admirable
events that we can observe in a world like ours, a globalized world in which we have learned to
lose sight of tiny details that They would make us rediscover our capacity to be surprised and feel
fascinated by life beyond our daily routine.
There at the ends of the earth, in the Southern Hemisphere of our planet, there is a species of sea
birds called penguins. Have you ever heard of the process involved in the birth of these birds? This
is a romantic story of survival and commitment.

It all begins at the end of March when all the penguins undertake a long journey, in which they will
walk day and night, until they reach the place where they were born. It is known that they choose
this place, because the ice is thick and will last throughout the winter to protect their babies from
falling into the water and freezing to death.

The most surprising thing about this species is that when they arrive at that place where
thousands of generations of penguins have passed since the beginning of time, they look for their
partner from the previous year with a funny call that the other will recognize, they court and
dance. before mating, and only if they do not find their partner, will they look for a new one.

Their relationship will last 8 months in which they will have to face all kinds of obstacles from a
harsh winter with merciless winds and storms; and above all, the most difficult of these tests will
be hunger, since they are very far from the sea.

When the egg hatches, the mother and father practice a dance hundreds of times in which they
exchange the egg quickly (because with one wrong move the egg could freeze) so that the mother
penguin can return to the sea to feed and bring food for her. his offspring. The penguin parents
must endure another 2 months without feeding and temperatures of up to -60° C, protecting the
egg between their paws under one of the folds of their belly. The mother penguin begins her
journey back to the sea, where she must also take care of her most feared predator: the leopard
seals. If she dies, it is a fact that her offspring will too.

When the penguin mothers return, they find their families through sounds and meet their chick
for the first time, the father penguin gives the mother the chick and they go to the sea to feed;
They say goodbye to their offspring with songs, it is a hard separation for them who have
witnessed their hatching.

As the chicks grow, the penguin mothers return to the sea, to their home; since the babies will
have to stay and grow a little more. When they reach maturity, their instinct tells them, despite
never having had contact with the sea, that it is time to go home for the first time. Next year it will
be your turn to find a partner.

Penguins accept all kinds of challenges alongside their partner, and this is, without a doubt, a story
worth sharing, because even though they are “animals” and guided by instinct, their fidelity often
exceeds that of ourselves. .

When someone asks if there has ever really been a love story, remember this species; that in a
dance, he finds the love of his life.

photography: weheartit


A few weeks ago I saw the movie "Never Been Kissed", a very funny romantic comedy even though
it is a bit old (from 1999 to be more exact). My attention was drawn to a part in which the
protagonist (Josie Grossie) made an analogy about penguins and related how they spent their
entire lives looking for the perfect partner and finally when they found one, they never separated.

I immediately generated an incredible fascination with penguins and began to investigate how
they mated with each other. Since I am very graphic, I asked myself what were the parameters and
requirements that penguins were looking for in their ideal partner. At first glance they are all
identical, fish head, bird body, black and white... but, to my surprise Courtship is a ritual, these
peculiar animals memorize each other's voices for months and as part of the courtship they move
their heads and plumage as a sign of attraction (hence the penguin dance has become popular).

So much and so much talk about love, about the perfect partner... history has changed a lot since
my grandmothers' time when you found the man of your life (or sometimes your parents selected
him for you) and they were happily ever after. . It is true that values such as fidelity and loyalty
have degenerated, but, no less important, I consider that people have also lost faith and hope in
finding their true "soul mate" and even doubt that it exists.

May my grandmother forgive me, but I am one of those who will continue kissing frogs until the
prince arrives, be careful, I do not want to promote the fact of changing boyfriends like one
changes clothes, but, as I said in one of my posts, you cannot settling for less than what you
deserve, with the first thing that comes your way, what destiny gave you or simply with what you
have, for cowardly thinking that it is better to know poorly than to know well.

If penguins swim the ocean and swans fly the world in search of their other half, I will continue
waiting for my better half, the love of my life, my prince, my immortal love.

I openly declare that I believe in love, in that which is described in 1 Corinthians 13, the one that
hopes for everything, can do it and endures it, the one that will never cease to be even when
prophecies pass, tongues cease or knowledge ends. . The same one from romantic films, from
Manzanero's boleros, from Shakespeare's novels, from the poems of Pablo Neruda, Mario
Benedeti, Emely Dickinson and Alfonsina Storni.

Love is an emotion, a feeling, a thrill of the soul, body, spirit and heart, it is undoubtedly
indescribable. Being in love is the most pleasant state of the human being, you feel that you can
do everything, that nothing is impossible and the joy you experience is such that even the world is
falling apart, you remain static, happy and immune to it. feeling of feeling accompanied, loved, in
love. Making the decision to love is a disposition of the mind, when you find that person who
fulfills you, who complements you, with whom you would like to share the rest of your life, it is
simply a divine pleasure, a gift from God.

Don't deprive yourself of knowing love, of living it and professing it to a mortal. If you are with
someone and you do not feel such an emotion, continue on your way, throw away the toads, well,
in the end you will find the prince and it is better that you are alone so that you can give yourself
the opportunity to start over. And if you have already found your "other self", take care of it like
the most precious of your treasures, do not miss the opportunity to remind it of how special and
wonderful it is, be faithful to it even in thought and together put the meaning of the words into
practice. : eternally and forever.
Song of Songs 8:6-7, 6 Set me as a seal on your heart, as a seal on your arm; because love is as
strong as death, insistence on exclusive devotion is as inexorable as Sheol. Its flares are the flares
of a fire, the flame of Jah. 7 Many waters cannot extinguish love, nor can they overwhelm it.

infinite blessings,

Chanel Fdez

Penguin love, an eternal love...


Penguin love, an eternal love

The penguin is one of the animals that looks for a partner for life...

When a penguin falls in love, he begins a search all over the beach to find the perfect stone and
place it under the feet of his intended one as an offering. If he accepts the offering, they will
become a couple and if they manage to have a baby, their relationship will be consolidated by
increasing the chances that the following year they will pair up again, remaining united for the rest
of their days, no matter how many years pass...

The most beautiful stone for you

During the courtship stage they memorize each other's sounds to such an extent that the following
year they are able to meet again among thousands of their peers.

And you? Would you recognize your love in the crowd just by listening?

If you liked this post, don't miss the others published here.

The coldest and most eternal love

It has always been heard that lessons are only learned from humans, but I don't think so. Animals
have feelings and therefore, they also give us an example to love. As is the case with penguins.

I saw an image on Facebook and I was curious what it said “did you know that when a penguin
finds its partner, they stay together for life?” My answer was no. I didn't know. I looked for
information about this and found it.

Despite being very cold, they are apparently very warm inside. The penguins when they find their
partner and get together, as the years and distance go by. They get together again and have
babies. When they return in search of the “love of their life” the penguins make a sound and it is
through this that they recognize each other and mate.

It can be said that the profile of penguins is, in itself, faithful, loving, homely beings and, above all,
responsible for knowing how to respect their partner. They have to face storms, rain, season of
famine and drought. But even with all this they remain together.

When the penguin gives birth to her baby, she leaves it with the penguin so that she can go in
search of food to the sea. The father stays with the son, protecting him and sometimes waiting up
to two months for the mother to return. During this period, he teaches his son how to live and
take his first steps.

When the penguin parents are reunited, together again, they have to overcome the weather, the
lack of food, and the storms. Without speaking, they make a promise to each other, they identify
their family and it is the force that drives them to continue.

It is incredible how, despite the years, penguins look for each other and if the penguin no longer
lives, some look for another one, but they say that others go into the deep waters of the oceans
and never return, thus becoming a symbol. of fidelity.

The value they have for their family bond is innate, it is something they have by nature. Union and
fidelity is a way of loving, although this happens in the animal world, it is something that humans
must rescue. And face just like the penguins: the distance, the storms, the cold and the time. As
long as there is the most important thing involved: love.

- See more at: http://www.eraseunavezasi.com/2014/03/el-amor-mas-frio-y-


warm footprints of love

melt the snow
around you...

imposing emperor
whose mission and destiny
is to find your soul the same
and keep it
until the end of the road.

Icy miles you will travel

and you will not rest
until it matches the heart
that will complement you.

Water and livelihood scarcity

you will replace them
with hope and longing
telling a story while walking.

To find your soul the same

charming courtship you will begin
you will scream with excitement
impregnated with passionate adoration.

That tone of voice will remain

in your soul for centuries tattooed
So, upon meeting again,
They will both know their words.

You will build your little love nest

zeal, diligence and dedication
crucial materials will be
prepared for the chick.

Magical idyll will continue

preserving fervor and care
and, even arriving at the grave,
You will love a soulmate by your side!

Read everything in: Poem PINGÜINOS, by Rocío VP., in Poemas del Alma

(Spheniscus Magellanicus)

Neither fool nor child nor black

not white but vertical
and a questioning innocence
dressed in night and snow.
The mother laughs at the sailor,
the fisherman to the astronaut,
but the child does not laugh, child
when he looks at the child bird
and of the ocean in disorder
immaculate passenger
emerges from snowy mourning.
I was without a doubt the bird child
there in the cold archipelagos:
when he looked at me with his eyes,
with the old eyes of the sea:
They were not arms and they were not wings,
They were tough little oars
those he carried on his sides:
I was the age of salt,
the age of moving water
and he looked at me from his age:
Since then I know that I do not exist,
that I am a worm in the sand.

The reasons for my respect

They stayed in the sand:
that religious bird
I didn't need to fly
I didn't need to sing
and although its shape was visible
his wild soul bled salt
as if they had severed
a vein of the bitter sea.

Penguin, static traveler,

slow priest of the cold:
I salute your vertical salt
and I envy your feathered pride.

Read everything in: Pingüino - Poems by Pablo Neruda http://www.poemas-del-

alma.com/pablo-neruda-pinguino.htm#ixzz3nZgVoQGi I wait for you when the night turns
into day,
sighs of hopes already lost.
I don't think you're coming, I know,
I know you won't come.
I know that distance hurts you,
I know the nights are colder,
I know you're not here anymore.
I think I know everything about you.
I know that the day suddenly turns into night:
I know you dream of my love, but you don't say it,
I know I'm an idiot waiting for you,
Well I know you won't come.
I'll wait for you when we look at the night sky:
you there, I here, longing for those days
in which a kiss marked the farewell,
Maybe for the rest of our lives.
It's sad to talk like that.
When the day turns to night,
And the Moon hides that radiant sun.
I feel alone, I know,
I never knew anything so much in my life,
I only know that I feel very alone,
and that I'm not there.
My apologies for feeling this way,
My intention has never been to offend you.
I never dreamed of loving you,
Not even with feeling like this.
My air goes away like water in desert.
My life is shortened because I don't carry you inside.
My hope of living is you,
and I'm not there.
Why am I not there, you might ask?
Why haven't I taken that bus that would take me to you?
Because the world I lead here does not allow me to be there.
Every night I torture myself while thinking about you.
Why don't I just forget about you?
Why do not just live like that?
Why not just...
Read everything in: I hope - Poems by Mario Benedetti http://www.poemas-del-
alma.com/mario-benedetti-espero.htm#ixzz3nZh4A0Tq penguin love..
February 10, 2010 | By aldo-jhimmy | # Permalink |
Believing in true love is also knowing how to hit yourself in the face with every slam of the
door... Something that I may have learned a long time ago was not to trust promises,
especially if they are about love.
Will I only love you? Are you the only one in my life? Will I never love another person
more than you? …. Does this sound familiar to you?
How many times do we promise things that over time disappear like cigarette smoke in the
wind, perhaps we should understand that saying something as important as I WILL LOVE
YOU ALL MY LIFE, is not a mere phrase that I said because I wanted to say it, but
because that came from our hearts.
I said and heard these phrases on some occasions, today after what I have learned I know
that I must be very cautious when saying it and also be very cautious to believe it... it could
be that we (human beings) lack a little more commitment, a little more saying and doing
things with the heart... a little unconditional love.
Sometimes I would like to believe that we are like penguins and know that if one day you
told me that your heart belonged to me, I would know that it was true and that that will
never change even beyond death.
Let's let our heart be in charge of saying our feelings, let's let it speak of love when it feels
that way.
A video about these wonderful animals, which teaches us what unconditional and eternal
love is.
I have in my hands the diary of a suicide, to whom many things happen in the course of his
life, and with each more or less insoluble step, which he magnifies, he tries to take his own
life. But his instinct is superior and he decides to remain in search of favorable exits, even
when he falls into drowsiness and despair each time.
Suddenly he receives an email about “The March of the Penguins”, he reads it carefully, the
intertextuality of which he associates himself with, and of course he is shocked, at which
point he perceives that another, different, window on existence is opening up and he
ponders. ..
He is going to forward them to his colleagues, from that varied spectrum, with whom he
usually exchanges them, and as soon as he gets into the topic he writes like this:
Friends and peers (all):
As those who usually read the Holy Scriptures know, they say that each verse contains at
least ten (10) different interpretations, which is why it must be read alongside a versed
person to help us understand them.
Meanwhile - saving the distance - in the literature workshops we have the alternative of
"Interpretation of texts", because of course there are some difficult ones, I mean: difficult to
access them, and from the same sentences that we had read, many without understanding,
when the teacher who "digests" the most hidden meanings, for us, appear in the same
syllables that formed the magic words (those that we had swallowed) and we are amazed
that versions emerge - in front of our eyes - that we had ignored with our understanding .
Perhaps that is why, the Kabbalists say, we only perceive 1% of what nature offers our
eyes. Meanwhile, to unravel the remaining 99%, you have to devote yourself to studying
it... but that is another topic.
Specifically in “the march of the penguins”, which constitutes an expression of life and
continuity, also the philosophers and eminences in the social sciences, added to the political
experts – the penguins also do politics now, did you know? -... Digging through the
sequences, they will extract from the author Luc Jacquet's detail his moving illustration of
this life-giving journey of the penguins in Antarctica.
Indeed, every year the Emperor Penguins gather in Amoak – a place in Antarctica,
magically on the same day at the same time, with the sole purpose of procreating.
They begin with the dalliance to find their partner - always the same - unless one of them
dies, there the dance of love will begin... for the mating that leads to the promise of a new
The crucial moment is when the female must leave in search of food (for the baby that will
be born), and transfer the egg to the male quickly so that it does not freeze.
The males remain without food for three months, protecting the egg with the heat of their
bellies, until their mothers return.
They walk 20 days to the sea.
The males stand, with integrity, facing up to - 60°, against each other, to protect and warm
The chicks are born but must wait for their mothers to feed; some die trying.
They finally return: males, females and chicks recognize each other by the sounds of their
The hungry and exhausted males go in search of the sea to feed, while the little ones grow
and become stronger.
There they will spend the three months of summer with the certainty of finding themselves
again in the “amoak” to continue life. Nothing about suicides (what is that?).
The corollary of this email that is moving, and simultaneously an invitation. To each
person, who meditates on his own earthly actions...
This is one of them!.
Faced with such a biological clock and this implacable, reiterated call in pursuit of the
inheritance and instinctive vocation to continue living, our initial suicide, ashamed,
recharged his weakened will and renounced that strange determination to eliminate
himself...in the face of this new and wise lesson of nature.-
JFA 08-17-2009.-

The Emperor's Journey

In the heart of Antarctica

In the last century, the French novelist Anatole

France wrote a beautiful satire on human society
under the title Penguin Island and in which the
protagonists are the members of a society of
penguins. The Emperor's Journey makes these
animals the protagonists of their own story in an
untamed and harsh world like Antarctica. From
the ocean to the mainland where they will hatch
the single egg to survive as a species, the emperor
penguin must walk up to 160 km with its clumsy
gait and at the mercy of the slightest obstacle. In
Antarctica there are few places to choose from,
because, in winter, in a perimeter of one hundred
to two hundred kilometers around the continent,
the sea freezes. To the north the frozen sea, the
ocean and its food. To the south the pack ice,
desert but stable. Between the two is the emperor
penguin, walking. Walking through hundreds of
kilometers of winter and danger. Walking the
endless path that separates food from its hungry
offspring. The Emperor's Voyage tells this epic
from the point of view of the penguins
themselves. In the Spanish version, these friendly
birds are voiced by José Coronado and Maribel

The emperor penguin is a fabulous, large, oceanic

animal, capable of diving to a depth of four
hundred meters and remaining in a state of apnea
for twenty minutes. In the ocean, the emperor
penguin looks more like a dolphin than a bird. This
powerful animal but with fluid movements is
capable of emerging from the depths like a
torpedo propelled by its legs as if it were a
powerful propeller. It skates agilely on the ice and
its aesthetics are one of the most beautiful of all
the aquatic birds in the world.

However, this animal, it is not known for what

reason, has to pay a significant toll to reproduce,
making an effort to walk like a penitent in the
middle of a snow storm for kilometers and
kilometers to the most remote part of the
Antarctic coast, far from the sea, to lay an egg in
the least unstable place possible; forced to come
and go all winter between the colony where he
lives and the sea, where everything he needs is. In
all of Antarctica there are only about forty places
suitable for this journey of the emperor penguin.
We are facing a species that is on the frontier of
life. After him there is nothing else. On a white
horizon of Antarctica, as far as the eye can see, he
is the last sentinel, the last element of life on the
planet, the guardian of the protected space of
Antarctica by the so-called Madrid Protocol and
keeping it free from any human exploitation. With
the hope of taking the viewer on board a beautiful
love story, the narrative is the dialogue between a
father or mother who aims to make their child
dream before they fall asleep. This is the
achievement and also the opportunity of this film
that is sweeping the children's population.

The Emperor's Journey is proof that nature can still

defeat the digital world in the celluloid industry.
Even though it is a documentary, it was designed
for the big screen. It is not a complex story like the
Genesis fable nor masterful like the Deep Blue
symphony, but it is a beautiful love story for Life,
because without a doubt the opportunity to follow
the instinctive passion of the emperor penguin to
raise his offspring is motivating. This is a film for all
audiences that allows us an interesting dialogue
about survival strategies. The emperor penguin is
a unique example of a species whose life cycle is
adapted to the annual period in such a way that it
does not leave time for boring tasks. The love
ceremony itself is overwhelmingly simple, as if the
icy Antarctica encouraged people to save energy
to withstand the hurricane-force winds that
accompany it. The mass of penguins protecting
themselves body to body against the icy rigor that
shakes them constitutes an example of
collaboration in the face of catastrophic events
worthy of humans practicing it in these many
problems that affect the world (famines, floods,
hurricanes, etc.)

The Emperor's Journey makes the viewer become

a collaborator rather than a spectator. The way of
approaching the animals and telling the different
life events of the penguin are exceptional due to
the sequence of shots. The relay in the incubation
of the egg between the male and the female is
memorable. But throughout the film, scenes
always take place with a positive vision, although
logically the life of the emperors is not free of
dangers and constitutes an excellent snack for
leopard seals or petrels. The value of this film is to
have turned the emperor penguin into the
protagonist of a beautiful love story in the last
natural paradise on the planet.

One year and one hundred and twenty hours of
footage were spent filming The Emperor's
Journey . The time of a hibernation, the entire
cycle of the emperor penguin. Without the
slightest rush. Neither the film nor the men left
filming until the story was over. Global warming
affects the life of the emperor penguin. It is
undeniable that, as the sea ice reduces, warming
will make life easier for the penguins, since they
will have to walk less. On the other hand, they will
also have less food. Many species feed on krill
(seals, whales and penguins to name the best
known) and, as the winter ice mass melts, this krill
decreases. During the winter, it feeds precisely on
the algae that remain in the sea. the ice. This
clearly shows that climate change has immediate
An adult emperor penguin ( Aptenodites forsteri )
measures 1.2 meters and can weigh between 30
and 40 kilos and live about 20 years. Each emperor
penguin, upon returning to the breeding area in
Antarctica, looks for its partner from the previous
year, and only if it cannot find it (usually due to its
death), will it choose another partner. If a male
tries to join a female who has not yet found her
partner from the previous year, and she arrives
later, the intruder immediately leaves in search of
another solitary female. Although both penguins
have been a couple for years, before mating they
court each other like old lovers. The entire life
cycle of the species and the fact that the babies
are born under adverse winter weather conditions
means that when they are ready to become
independent it coincides with summer and the
greater availability of food in the sea.

Story of a penguin (Story)


Penguins live in the distant Antarctic area, just like the penguin in my story, since both he and his
fellow species are used to living in that frozen part of the earth.

This penguin was very friendly and social and liked to help the few visitors who dared to travel to
that distant place where they live.

This penguin made friends with everything that was different from him that he saw in those parts,
because he always thought that they would need his help, since they were not prepared to travel
through those cold areas of the earth.

Thus he could be seen swimming quickly to break layers of ice and prevent some ships from
running aground in the sea. Sometimes he would stand upright in the immensities and move his
heavy body and head in a gesture of denial to indicate that they would not pass through that side
because there was some danger that could put occasional visitors at risk.

Many times he even helped other animals in his environment to make their lives more bearable.

All the visitors, upon returning to those parts, already recognized him, because he was always
there waiting to offer his help a thousand times every time they visited that place. Many even
started conversations with him:

- Penguin, is this here deep?

- Penguin, will this layer of ice resist the weight of our luggage?

- Penguin, can we continue forward?

And the penguin friend always had an answer for each question to which he responded by shaking
his head in denial if the answer was no, and moving his little wings in circles if the answer was
affirmative. It was a way of communicating that the visitors had already learned. They had even
given him a diminutive to make the talk shorter; many simply called him “pin.”

- Pin, has it snowed a lot?

- Pin, have there been a lot of visitors in recent days?

And the “pin” penguin always had some answer to give, to guide the tourists.

One day a famous scientist, an electronics specialist, traveled to that remote place to carry out
tests on a device he was inventing to attempt intelligent and instantaneous communication from
any part of the planet; and I needed to do some tests in that area.

Upon arrival he was received by his friend “pin” who knew how to guide him on his exploratory
trip and left, as always, a beautiful friendship with such an important character.

Once his research was completed, the scientist returned to his homeland and was able to happily
finish his invention; which is called Black Berry, which is a device to communicate with everyone,
which uses a numerical value to identify itself and be able to access certain communication
systems with other similar devices, a numerical value universally known as: “PIN ”, in tribute to our
friendly penguin who, with his simplicity and disposition, offered his help in his desire to
communicate with all visitors to distant Antarctica; the land of the penguins.
Read everything in: Poem Story of a Penguin (Story), by Diaz Valero Alejandro José, in Poemas del
Alma http://www.poemas-del-alma.com/blog/mostrar-poema-131369#ixzz3nZjcGdas

A STORY WITH PENGUINS nest, but the very spoiled one

she pretended not to
that our law determines: understand.
After so much wintering a penguin, a penguin.
they arrived at this place To your plants, with
Seek, therefore, each one, eagerness,
of the famous Antarctic a real penguin." The gallant brought another
because of the snow and blue one.
wind, They leave a bit sullen
the young penguins. Little penguin, rabitiesa,
a tribe of penguins he continued to do harm,
very correct and very fine. One, with a very fierce air,
He was acting quarrelsome. until the Penguin has had
As it was already spring enough
the shore shined Seeing it so potted, took another path.
everyone steps aside.
with a shining sun He saw beautiful Penguin,
and soft breezes from the The other, who was very said, who looked at him lovingly.
east. he gave himself a posh
appearance, As a pledge of his love,
The penguins already tired, looked for colored stones
how I was trained, the penguins admire him
and the penguins sigh. and saw a red one shine
they made their nests to the shore of the sea.
with stones and cochayuyos. He was happy and jovial,
very boutonniere. Penguin, blushing,
Mother Penguin tested He says she will be his wife.
the charquicán, how was it Suddenly, without knowing
when, They leave in a jiffy,
Daddy Penguin brought He found himself listening to very happy with your growth.
your bay fishing, one side.
They are already installed
each tiny penguin The drummer drummed along with the other married
runs wagging his tail. and the crier said thus: people.

Only the youngest has cried "The Great King of Pingüinia In her nice new nest
saying, "I want ice cream!" commands Penguin laid an egg.
let everyone be online
Everyone finishes dinner I won't tell you how happy
with the baby well filled. and there should not be a who are today both husbands,
To the biggest chicks at an age to deserve." Penguin and Penguin,
Dad says these reasons: with his Pigeon who is very
Little penguin wakes up mischievous.
"My children, you are already and form in the front row. ....................................
done Potted Penguin
some straight penguins, Penguin, who saw her, for being single they have
He walked before her. condemned
and the moment has already
come He was swaying, to leave alone
in which you will form your a very white stone, to look for a fight at the Pole.

Mother's determination
"We can imagine that these penguins on the move are the females who have just left their
partners to care for their new child. They always leave the egg in charge of the male who stays
protecting it from the cold until the 'birth' of the baby."

Magdalena Figiel New Woman

The 7 myths of working mothers

Suzanne Venker

Hansel and Gretel


Georgina García-Mauriño

The magic Flute

Georgina García-Mauriño

Orpheus and Eurydice


Georgina García-Mauriño

Every time I enter my friend Marcela's music studio, I see a poster on the wall and I think that
I would like to make a correction, or rather, annotation or reflection on the message of this poster.
There is a beautiful photo of emperor penguins walking in a row through the snows of Antarctica
and below it is written: DETERMINATION, and in smaller print: 'the will overcomes any obstacle'.

“Penguin determination”

We can imagine that these penguins on the move are the females who have just left their
partners to take care of their new child. They always leave the egg in charge of the male who stays
protecting it from the cold until the “birth” of the baby. Meanwhile, the mothers undertake a
tiring trip to the sea to feed themselves and return bringing food to their little ones.

I like emperor penguins, because for at least one year they remain faithful to their partner (in
fact it seems that they do not mate with another unless they manage to find their partner from
the previous year (1) but in this article we will not talk about marital fidelity). And I like them
because they are exemplary dads. In the terrible cold of the Antarctic continent, they do not stop
their efforts to protect and nourish their young. They even risk their lives for this purpose. They
give us an example of great willpower, of heroic sacrifice for the good of their children. …will?
Heroic love? No. In reality they behave this way because they can't do anything else.

They are determined by their nature, (whose laws, by the way, are very good). In the context
of penguins, “determination” means that they have to behave as their instinct tells them to. If she
were a human mom she could say she's had enough and not continue the exhausting trip. The
penguin does not have free will and is persistent in the face of setbacks because it cannot rebel
against its nature that determines it to bring food to the chick.

“Free determination”

The word “determination” applied to the will of the human being means something else. We
have free will. By nature we are free. Our nature does not deterministically force us to care for and
love our children, or be faithful to our husband. We can freely make the decision to do it or not.
Here is the superiority of human nature over that of penguins: we have the ability to freely choose
good, to protect our child out of love even if that means going against frozen air currents.
Determination of a mother's will is therefore a firm free decision. Choose the good out of love and
reject other options that are offered. “Free determination” is self-determination.

I remember what a lady told me last summer in Krakow. She already had two daughters, aged
eight and twelve, and a very happy family, when at the age of forty she became pregnant again.
An unplanned pregnancy. He always used to motivate everyone not to abort, however he told me
that in this new situation he spent the first three months very badly. I was angry, I continually
thought about the possibility of having an abortion. He was afraid that the child would be born
sick: "I'm too old now and I won't be able to handle it"... Her husband told her: “you can do it,”
and nothing more, but she needed more help.

Fortunately, his doctor and unexpectedly also his twelve-year-old daughter gave him the
necessary moral support and the little boy was born. It's totally healthy, a little tremendous, and
it's the joy of the house. I think this case illustrates the strong pressure to abort that exists in
today's culture and that conditions our mentality. It is like a current of the frozen Antarctic wind,
and it takes the collaboration of both parents and mutual support to do what is good by nature.

Cheer up!
The determination of mothers who, against the pressures of socio-cultural currents, and
despite all kinds of obstacles presented to them, lovingly protect the lives of their children, is
heroic. They are admirable and we must support them so that they do not become discouraged
and do not go against their nature when they feel alone and weak.

It was due to the worsening of the Antarctic climate that many years ago the behavior of
emperor penguins evolved so that today they arouse our admiration. They adapted to keep going
in a more adverse climate. Women also, in the face of adverse currents, enhance their great
capacity to love and set an example of heroism. I hope we stop trying to guide it towards the
opposite. There are those who would try to convince the mother penguin that she will surely die
on the trip, that she should not take the risk. But a woman is capable of being a mother; She is
always born with the same capacity to love and must be educated to love fully.

Penguins cannot influence the weather; we do in culture. Marcela's testimony is very

beautiful, it motivates us not to give up in the fight for our ideals, to give ourselves and love our
loved ones more.


(1) From what I learned from the documentary “The Emperor's March” by Luc Jacquet, our
penguins are faithful to their partner and monogamous while breeding. Each Emperor
Penguin, upon returning from further north to its breeding area in Antarctica, looks for its
partner from the previous year, and only if it cannot find it (usually due to its death), will it
choose another couple. If a male tries to join a female who has not yet found her partner
from the previous year, and she arrives later, the intruder immediately leaves in search of
another solitary female. Although both penguins have been a couple for years, when they
meet again they do not mate immediately, but rather have a previous courtship stage.

If we talk about penguins, images of those cute animals that are characterized by having a
greater proportion of black and white colors come to mind. That is something that is really
true, but there are other characteristics such as their resistance to cold weather.

Images of love with beautiful penguins help us send messages of love to whoever we want,
there are many options that we find for free on the web and we should not miss the
opportunity to obtain them all to be able to share images of love with beautiful penguins. Like
in the following image of beautiful penguins where they apparently kiss, it is something tender
and romantic.

Or what can you tell me about this one where they hold hands on a stage covered in snow and
where love prevails over it. Penguins are wonderful animals, very tender and they have to be
cared for because they are part of nature.


Anatole France: “Penguin Island”:


Brief Synopsis:

In this parody of the history of civilization. Anatole France has chosen as his protagonist a
funny, Sunday-dressed animal reminiscent of the caricature of the bourgeoisie of the late 19th
and early 20th centuries: penguins. Penguin Island begins with a hilarious episode: the
mistaken baptism, by Saint Maël, of the Arctic penguins. From there, Anatole France describes
in fictional form the most notable features of the history of humanity, mixing love and war,
absolute power and revolution, religion and financial speculation, even hinting at nuclear war
and denouncing the most characteristic features of the current globalization process, which,
apparently, are nothing new.



Anatole François Thibault, with the literary pseudonym Anatole France. (1844/1924).
Nobel Prize in Literature 1921.-


Aquilean Opinion:

A novel in which the French Nobel Prize winner sharply outlines and satirizes the vicissitudes
to which the evolutionary logic of Civilization is subject, in the name, of course, of Progress.
Great parody surreptitious criticism. I recommend it.


Quotes from “Penguin Island”:

“A woman is a cleverly constructed trap: just smell her to become a prisoner… They provoke
desire all the more and satisfaction less so. These verses from a poet, addressed to one of
them, express it well: 'I flee from you because I do not surrender my will to you, and the more
I separate myself, the more I long for you.'

“To know if Baptism is valid and if it will produce its consequences, that is, sanctification, we
must take into account who gives it and who receives it. In effect, the sanctifying virtue of this
sacrament results from the external act by which it is conferred, without the baptized person
cooperating in its sanctification by any personal act. Under other conditions it could not be
administered to newborns.”

“His folly was already notorious. Only one faculty escaped the disaster of his intelligence: he
preserved his parliamentary sense, the tact of majorities, his deep knowledge of groups and
the security of compromises.
“Weak souls, still disturbed by human suffering, were forced to take refuge in a hypocrisy,
which was not reprehensible because it contributed to the maintenance of order and the
solidity of institutions… The proletarians were increasingly poorer in spirit; The exhaustion of
his faculties, in a certain way a consequence of his miserable life, also resulted from a
methodical selection carried out by the employers”…

“The most painful thing in Civilization is to be deprived of the light of day.”

“Imagination brings together and shapes.”

“Glory is never expensive.”

“Wealth is one of the several means that Man has to live happily and they made it the only
goal of existence”:

"The History of a people is a succession of miseries, crimes and madness... This is proven in the
Penguin nation, as in all nations, and for this reason, its history is admirable from beginning to

“The Moral Law forces men, who, after all, are animals, to live in a different way from animals,
and this undoubtedly upsets them; but it also flatters and reassures them. As they are
arrogant, lazy and eager for pleasure, they willingly submit to the annoyances that make them
vain, and on which they base their present tranquility and the hope of their future happiness.


Post Source: France, Anatole. Penguin Island. Buenos Aires. Compañía General Fabril Editora
SA 1964.-

Links Post:




“Perfect love does not arrive, it is built with honesty” To the phrase in this image we can add
that we build love with respect and affection. There are many types of love that exist; the love
of a father for his son, the love of a friend for another friend, the love of a couple, the love of
life and more...

To nourish any love you need a lot of dedication, selflessness and respect for the other,
dialogue and tolerance. Conquer love with these condiments and you will see that it never
fails, never hurt anyone and use dialogue to do so, a love can end but never put aside good

lasting love? imitates penguins

Before the wedding

By Zuleyma, in Before the wedding

Published on October 25, 2013 at 19:38 · 24 Replies


Even though penguins live in an ice habitat, they are an example of warmth. They are capable
of facing, together with their partner, a series of responsibilities and emotions that lead them
to have a relationship beyond mating.

Emperor penguins walk more than 70 miles on ice and endure temperatures as low as 60
degrees to find their other half. This is the beginning of an adventure in which each one is
fundamental to the other. In this way they have clear agreements to maintain a relationship,
as described in the successful French documentary: March of the Penguins.
Their situation does not differ much from that of two humans, who are more obliged to
maintain constant communication because they are the union of two different individuals. The
ice atmosphere also occurs between man and woman. The absence of words, assuming what
the other thinks and feels, or punishing with indifference, are common mistakes that sooner
or later turn the house and the relationship into icy scenarios.

In a courtship, marriage or union with several years of healthy coexistence, without a doubt
one has known how to handle communication in which understanding and love are implicit.....


I like these little penguins as figurines for my wedding cake, they make me something nice,
different and with a great meaning since when the penguin chooses its partner it is for LIFE.

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