Sead Ferizovic Brochure

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Donations and info: Contact: Nijaz Vrtagic 847-553-7028

Please take a few moments to read Sead Ferizvoics story and his ongoing battle with cancer. We can all make a difference and help save a beloved life.


One Wish
In early March 2009, Sead Ferizovic was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma (very aggressive, malignant blood cancer ). Sead is a 28-year old speech-language pathologist, has a degree in a special education. He is unemployed and lives with a single unemployed mother, and therefore they are not able to ensure him the needed medical care and those conditions under which he will be able to fight this terrible disease. His treatment started in March 2009 at the University Clinical Center Tuzla where he was treated with polychemotherapy followed by radiation therapy. In October 2010 his condition deteriorated, and he had even more aggressive chemotherapy. Subsequently he underwent autologous bone marrow transplantation (stem cells harvested from self). Unfortunately the disease relapsed in June 2011, and it has become even more contentious. Sead is currently undergoing chemotherapy in order for the disease not to deteriorate and also in order to alleviate the negative impact of the disease Given that the autologous bone marrow transplantation did not lead to remission, doctors estimate that the only chance left is an allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (stem cells harvested from donor). This procedure can only be done abroad given that there is no bone marrow donor registry in Bosnia& Herzegovina.

The estimated cost of bone marrow transplant is approximately 250 000 Euros. Unfortunately this is his only chance for a complete remission or long-term cure. Conventional Chemotherapy is just an attempt to keep the disease under control on a short term, until a bone marrow transplant can be done. We initiated a fundraising campaign for his treatment, you can help make a difference by donating!

Molimo da pruite Ferizovi Seadu, Vaim prilogom, mogunost da nastavi ivjeti, kako bi bio uz svoju porodicu i prijatelje. Donate on line : www .svizase fo /english .php

Jednu Zelju
Ferizovi Seadu, poetkom marta 2009. godine dijagnosticiran je Hodgkin limfom (izuzetno agresivno - maligno oboljenje krvi). Sead je inae diplomirani defektolog logoped, ima dvadeset i osam godina, nezaposlen, i ivi sa samohranom majkom koja je takoer nezaposlena, to u velikoj mjeri oteava njegovo lijeenje zbog nedostatka finansijskih sredstava. Njegovo lijeenje je zapoeto u martu 2009. godine na UKC-u Tuzla, agresivnom polihemioterapijom i zraenjem. U oktobru 2010. godine bolest se pogorala, te je bio izloen jo agresivnijoj hemoterapiji, a nakon toga je uslijedila autologna transplantacija kotane sri na UKC-u Tuzla (sam sebi je donirao matine elije). U junu 2011. godine bolest se naalost po drugi put vratila, u jo agresivnijem obliku. Sead se trenutno nalazi pod kontrolom ljekara UKC Tuzla, gdje i dalje prima hemoterapije s ciljem da se bolest dodatno ne pogora, i ublai njen negativan uticaj na ostale vitalne organe. Obzirom da prva transplantacija uraena u BiH, nije dovela do izljeenja, ljekari jedini izlaz iz trenutne situacije vide u alogenoj transplantaciji kotane sri (elije donira podudarni nesrodni donor) koja se moe uraditi samo van granica BiH, obzirom da u BiH ne postoji banka kotane sri. Sama transplantacija kotane sri kota cirka 250.000 eura. To je naalost jedina ansa za njegovo izljeenje, jer hemoterapije samo kratkorono dre njegovu bolest pod kontrolom.
Alternative Donation Methods: Donations in KM: Bank account name : Unicredit Bank dd Bank account number : 3384402546730584 Reference number : 40412158000 Foreign currency (Euro): Bank account name : Unicredit Bank dd Bank account number : 3384402546730584 Reference number : 40412158101 Abroad payments (Euro): Bank account name : Unicredit Bank dd Bank account number : 3384402546730584 IBAN: BA39 3384 4028 4673 1893 SWIFT: UNCRBA22 Foreign currency (US-Dollar): Bank account name : Unicredit Bank dd Bank account number : 3384402546730584 IBAN: BA39 3384 4028 4673 2766 SWIFT: UNCRBA22

Hvala svima! Thank you all!

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