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1. How do we know the name of the document we have open?

to. Looking at it with Windows Explorer.
b. If we haven't saved it, we can't know.
c. It appears in the title bar.

2. We can freely choose the name with which we want to save a document.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

3. The insertion point is the same as the mouse pointer.

to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

4. The insertion point and mouse pointer are...

to. ...always in different positions.
b. ...they can be in different positions.
c. ...they can be in different positions.

5. To delete letters we can use...

to. The "Del" key.
b. The "Backspace" key.
c. The two previous answers are correct.

6. Is it possible that when I turn on the computer, the Word program starts automatically?
to. No.
b. Yes, but it is very complicated and can affect other programs.
c. Yes, in a simple and safe way.

7. What are the advantages of starting Word from the taskbar?

to. It has the same advantages as any other way to start Word.
b. It starts with a single click and the icon is not covered by other applications.
c. It starts with a single click.

8. Are smart menus capable of detecting and displaying the commands that need to be used at the
to. TRUE.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
b. Fake.

9. How many ways to start Word should you have active?

to. All that are useful to us.
b. Two or three is enough to avoid wasting memory.
c. Just one, the one we like the most.

10. Is it convenient to change the toolbar buttons?

to. Yes, but we can forget how to recover some useful buttons.
b. Yes, but without removing buttons, just adding or changing their position.
c. Yes, we can always recover the initial distribution.

11. The tab bar...

to. ...contains all Word commands.
b. ...contains all Word commands, except those that appear in the standard bar.
c. ...contains all Word commands, except those that appear in other bars.

12. If in an 8-page document, we are on page 1, what is the fastest way to scroll to the middle of
the document?
to. Going forward three pages, with the key combination Ctrl + Page Down.
b. Going forward three pages, clicking three times on the double arrows on the scroll bar.
c. Moving the vertical scroll bar button halfway.

13. If in a 23-page document, we are on page 1, what is the fastest way to scroll to page 17?
to. Move the scroll bar button a little more than halfway and then page up or down.
b. Go to the end of the document with Ctrl + End and then go back pages.
c. With the Go to... command

14. It is possible to copy and paste images in a similar way as if they were words.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

15. The Find and Replace command allows...

to. ...mandatory to replace a word every time it occurs.
b. ...go through the words found and replace only the ones we want.
c. ...replace a word a certain number of times.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
16. The Find and Replace command allows...
to. ...replace one word with another, but only when it is in bold
b. ...replace one word with another only if the uppercase and lowercase letters also match
c. Both of the above answers are true.
17. Which of the following statements are true?
to. The normal view does not allow you to see the graphics.
b. The Web view shows us the page as if we saw it on the Internet.
c. Both previous answers are true.

18. Can there be two documents with the same name?

to. No.
b. Yes, as long as they are in different folders.
c. Yeah.

19. In the Save As... dialog, in the Save as type box, you can put...
to. Any of the types that appear in the drop-down menu.
b. Any type that is compatible with the document that we are going to save.
c. Just type "Word Document".

20. Is it equivalent to use the Save and Save As... commands?

to. Only if it is the first time we save the document
b. Yeah.

21. What is the purpose of pressing the F12 key?

to. To display the full screen.
b. To quickly open the Save As dialog box.
c. To quickly save the document.

22. Can a deleted file be recovered?

to. No.
b. Yes, through an operating system utility.
c. Yes, using the recycle bin.

23. Regarding the list of documents in the dialog box, which of the following statements are true?
to. We can see the first lines of each document.
b. We can see the list ordered by the date the documents were modified.
c. Both of the above answers are true.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
24. How can we make all new documents have a certain font, for example Arial instead of the
classic Times New Roman or the new Calibri font?
to. Changing the font when creating each document.
b. With the Default... button from the Format - Font menu.
c. Changing the font throughout the document once completed.

25. Which of the following statements is true.

to. Font, style and size can be changed only from the format bar
b. The font, style and size can be changed from the font context menu and from the Home tab, in
the Font tools group.
c. The font, style and size can be changed only from the Format - Font menu.

26. Justified alignment aligns the right and left edges of the paragraph.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

27. Which of the following statements is true.

to. You can change the color, set fast or slow flashing and the width between the characters.
b. You can change the color, strikethrough, shadow, character spacing, and character width.
c. You can change the color, strikethrough, drop shadow, character spacing, and character

28. Which of the following statements is the most complete, regarding end-of-paragraph marks.
to. They allow one paragraph to be separated from another.
b. They allow one paragraph to be separated from another and are entered by pressing the ENTER
c. They allow you to separate one paragraph from another, give different formats to the
paragraphs and are entered by pressing the ENTER key.

29. 6. Which of the following statements are true?

to. We can control that a page break does not break a paragraph in half.
b. We can control that a page break does not leave a single line at the end of a page.
c. We can control that a page break does not leave a single line at the beginning of a page.
d. All three answers above are true.

30. Will the spell check detect an error in the sentence: "Hello broke in the sand"?
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
to. No, because "hello" is a correct word.
b. No, because "hello" has two meanings.
c. No, because there is no error.

31. What is the difference between 'Check spelling when finished' and 'Check spelling while
to. 'Review when finished' performs a better review.
b. 'Review as you type' consumes fewer resources.
c. The fundamental difference lies in the moment in which the review is carried out.

32. Grammar check consists of analyzing a complete sentence to see if it is well constructed.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

33. When should we 'Add' a word to the dictionary?

to. When it is correct and does not exist in the dictionary.
b. When it does not exist in the dictionary.
c. It is not advisable to add words to the dictionary because the review will slow down.

34. With autocorrect I can add rules for...

to. ...that an erroneous word is replaced by a correct one.
b. ...avoid having to use spell check.
c. ...automatically fix all errors.

35. To start the spell check I can...

to. F7.
b. on the 'Review' icon in the standard bar.
c. ...go to the Home tab and select the Spelling & Grammar button.
d. All three answers above are true.

36. When setting page margins, what distance do we mean?

to. From the edge of the screen to the text.
b. From the edge of the window to the text.
c. From the edge of the paper to the text.

37. To see the effect of margins we must be in...

to. Normal view type.
b. View type Print Layout or Preview.
c. Any type of view.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
38. We can set an additional space in case we are going to bind a book.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

39. Page numbers...

to. ... They are mandatory.
b. ...are optional.
c. ...are optional but you cannot choose their position on the page.

40. The Header and Footer...

to. ...the Header has a fixed text that is repeated on all pages, it cannot have a page number.
b. ...the Footer is appropriate to put the page number.
c. ...the Footer cannot have fixed text.

41. Which of the following statements are true?

to. If we have a Footer we must also have a Header.
b. The Footer and Header are independent.
c. You have to have a Header and Footer or have nothing.
d. The footer always has a page number.

42. What are the tables for?

to. To organize information, make calculations and save space.
b. To organize information, save memory and help design.
c. To organize information, make calculations and help with design.

43. Which of the following statements is true?

to. In a table we can modify the number of rows, the number of columns, the width and height of
rows and columns.
b. In a table we can define that the width fits the content of each cell.
c. The two previous answers are correct .

44. We can draw a table with a pencil and erase the lines we want to leave the rows and columns
the width we want.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

45. This button is used to...

REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
to. ...make a formula.
b. ...insert addition symbol.
c. content.

46. These button allows...

to. ...sort cells by age.
b. ...sort the cells in ascending and descending order.
c. ...sort cells by size.

47. Which of the following statements is true?

to. In a cell you can enter text, numbers, images, graphs and another table.
b. In a cell you can enter text, numbers, AutoShapes, graphs and another table.
c. You can enter text, numbers, images and graphics in a cell.
d. The previous three are true.

48. Which of the following statements is the most accurate?

to. A style is a set of formats that facilitates their quick application.
b. A style is a way of writing similar Word documents.
c. A style is a document that serves as a basis for writing another similar document.
49. Which of the following statements is true?
to. Word allows you to create personal styles from predefined styles.
b. A personal style must be defined by the user starting from scratch.
c. Word does not allow you to create personal styles.
50. To apply a style you must select the text and click on the style you want in the task panel.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.
51. This button is used to...
to. the Styles panel.
b. ...create a new style.
c. ...apply a style.

52. How can we access a style that was created in another document?
to. With the Administrator and from the Styles panel with the "Show all styles" option.
b. Using the same template if the "Add to template" box was checked.
c. In all the ways described in the two previous answers.

53. Which of the following statements is true?

REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
to. To create a style you must define all its characteristics one by one in the dialog box.
b. You can use formatted text to create a style.
c. To create a style you must first have formatted text.
d. The previous three are true.

54. How is a template different from a style?

to. Practically nothing, both serve to save time when writing documents.
b. Templates save text, formatting, styles, autotext, toolbars, macros, etc., while styles only save
c. In a template you can save styles and also a base text, the styles only save formatting.

55. Why is the template so important?

to. Because it is the one with the most normal format.
b. Because it is the basis for creating other templates.
c. Because it is the one used when creating a new document.

56. To access the templates, use the "New Document" panel.

to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

57. What is the difference between templates created by Word and those created by users?
to. Formally they are practically the same.
b. Templates created by Word cannot be modified.
c. Templates created by Word are more useful.

58. How can we create a template?

to. From a Word document.
b. Using an existing template.
c. In the two ways described in the two previous answers.

59. A document can be converted into a template simply by changing the document type.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

60. What type of graphics can be inserted into a Word2007 document?

to. Vector graphics and clipart.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
b. Non-vector and bitmap graphics.
c. All of the previous answers.

61. How can I search for images in multimedia galleries? .

to. By themes.
b. By topics and keywords.
c. Only by topics since an image does not contain keywords.

62. It is possible to change the size and color of a photographic image pasted into a Word
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.
63. How can you add text to a graphic created in Word?
to. Text can be added to the bottom of the chart and within the chart itself.
b. Text can only be added to the outside of the graphic.
c. You cannot add text to a graphic, only add a text caption.

64. What are the advantages of linking an image instead of pasting it?
to. That the same image can be linked to several documents and thus the total size is smaller.
b. That you can modify the image without touching the document.
c. The advantages of the two previous answers.

65. Texts written with WordArt are not checked by Word's spell checker.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

66. What is this Office Button icon for?

to. To view printer properties and print.
b. To preview the document and print.
c. To print directly.

67. What is the document preview for?

to. To view the document with the latest modifications made.
b. To display the document as it will be printed.
c. So you can change the size before printing.

68. The "Print" dialog box (where we can change various printing characteristics) cannot be
opened from the Quick Print command.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

69. What is Quick Print for?

to. To print the document at low quality.
b. To print the document using less ink.
c. To use the last configured options in printing.

70. To install a "Plug and Play" type printer, what do we have to do?
to. Practically nothing, everything is done by the operating system.
b. Just give the printer model.
c. We must fill out several dialog boxes with the questions that an assistant will ask us.

71. Using the "Print" dialog box we can...

to. ...choose whether we want to print the current page, all or an interval.
b. ...choose if we want to print multiple pages on a single sheet of paper.
c. The two previous answers are valid.

72. What is a web page editor?

to. A program that allows you to write web pages automatically.
b. A program that helps write web pages.
c. A program that allows you to write in HTML.
73. What is Word used for as a web page editor?
to. Word is a web page editor to start writing web pages.
b. Word is a web page editor to create professional-level web pages.
c. Word is only used to convert Word documents to HTML.

74. When converting Word documents to web pages, no features are lost.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

75. When creating a Web page, it is advisable to use the view...

to. Web design.
b. Web Browser View.
c. Print layout.
76. What does it cost and who can put our web pages on the Internet?
to. It is something only available to companies or people with advanced computer knowledge.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
b. It can be done for free and anyone with a minimum of computer knowledge can do it and the
pages can be seen all over the world.
c. It can be done for free and anyone with a minimum of computer knowledge can do it, but the
pages can only be viewed in your country.

77. Word allows us to write a web page without knowing anything about HTML.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

78. The button is used to.

to. Print envelopes.
b. Combine the data when the document is a letter type.
c. Combine the data and send the result in the form of emails.

79. Can source data be filtered?

to. No, all records from the source are always combined.
b. Yes, always using the Query Options dialog box.
c. Yes, and sometimes it is not necessary to use the Query Options dialog box.

80. In order to insert an address block, the source fields must be named as standard Word names.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

81. When we scroll through the records...

to. ...we see a copy of the main document for each record in the data source before applying the
b. ...we see a copy of the main document for each record in the data source after applying the
c. order to go from one record to another we first have to combine into a new document.
82. From Mail Merge I can modify the data in the data source...
to. Yeah.
b. Only if the data is stored in a Word document.
c. Data can be viewed but not modified.

83. Source records can be sorted by three fields.

to. TRUE.
b. Fake.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
84. The icon is used to.
to. Look at the contact list.
b. Search for the letter corresponding to a specific record.
c. Search for an address in the contact list.
85. How useful is the option in the last step Edit individual letters?
to. It allows us to save the letters in a new document.
b. Allow you to later send the document to another user.
c. Both are correct.
86. The icon is used to assign fields.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.
87. The mail merge bar icon allows us...
to. ...pass the spelling to the document.
b. and hide the combined data.
c. ...highlight merged fields.

88. 11. To access the last record we must click.

c. .

89. We can sort the recipients by some sort field.

to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

90. What is an outline?

to. It is a well-structured summary of a level-based document.
b. It is a well-structured summary of a long document.
c. Both are correct.

91. A title style is...

to. ...the format applied to a title.
b. ...the paragraph format that you can use to assign a hierarchical level.
c. ...a part of the window attached to the left of the document.

92. By clicking on the marked icon we access the Document Map view.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

93. The button is used to...

94. ...hide the text you include in your level.
95. the first line of paragraphs.
96. ...see the text with the format that we have defined.

97. The and buttons are used to move the entire block of text.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

98. The Document Map only serves to move through the document.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

99. A master document can contain...

to. ...what a normal document.
b. ...links to a set of separate files...
c. Both are correct.

100. A good candidate to be a master document could be.

to. A very extensive user manual.
b. A document with many graphics.
c. An exam conducted by a teacher.
101. The drawback of master documents is that they cannot work with networking groups.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.
102. The button is used to...
to. master document buttons.
b. ...create subdocuments.
c. ...collapse/expand subdocuments.

103. The button is used to prevent a subdocument from being modified.

to. TRUE.
b. Fake.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
104. When we create a master document from the outline and save, subdocuments are
automatically created.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

105. Indexes, tables of contents and other tables...

to. ...they are useful for long documents.
b. ...are useful if the document is well structured.
c. Both are correct.
d. None of the above.

106. What does the acronym TDC or TOC mean?

to. Contour Table or Table Of Contour.
b. Table Of Contents or Table Of Contents.
c. Title Of Header or Title Of Header.

107. In the table of index marks in the first column you should put...
to. ...the entries from the original document that we want to have in the index.
b. ...the text that we want to appear in the index.

108. How do we access the Indexes dialog.

to. Through the Insert - Indexes tab.
b. Through the References tab - Insert Index.
c. Through the Tools - Reference - Index and tables tab.

109. To update a TOC after having modified the content of the document, it will be necessary to
delete it and recreate it.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

110. For illustration tables we cannot modify the title style or use a custom one.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

111. A marker is used to...

to. ...highlight text within a document.
b. ...identifies a position or selection of text.
c. Both are correct.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
112. None of the above.
113. The concept of cross-reference refers to parts of an external document.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

114. Footnotes and endnotes are the same.

to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

115. To directly access a bookmark we access...

to. pressing Ctrl + I.
b. ...using the Home - Search - Go to tab.
c. Both options are correct.

116. To insert a marker we select the text and press Ctrl + Shift + F5.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.
117. Bookmarks can be sorted by Name or Position.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

118. How can we activate the review.

to. Accessing the Review - Change Control tab.
b. Accessing the View - Review tab.
c. Both are correct.
d. None of the above.
119. The button is used to highlight text.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

120. What should we do to insert a comment in the document.

to. Select the text and access the Review - New comment tab.
b. Write the comment and access the Insert - New comment tab.
c. Select the text and access the Insert - New comment tab.

121. The button is used to edit a comment.

to. TRUE.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
b. Fake.
122. Comment balloons can be modified.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.
123. The button is used to...
to. ...modify comments.
b. ...go to the next comment.
c. None of the above.

124. Change control is activated from...

to. ...the Review tab by clicking on the button.
b. ...the Tools - Change Tracking tab.
c. Both are correct.

125. The button is used to synchronize the movement of two documents.

to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

126. Can we have comments from several reviewers on the same document?
to. Yeah.
b. No.

127. It is advisable to compare a revised document with the original in case the reviewer has
forgotten to activate change tracking.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

128. An organization chart is a graphic element that represents an organization.

to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

129. A diagram is a graphic representation that can represent a group of elements that are
necessarily related to each other.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

130. To insert an organization chart...

131. ... we must access the Insert - SmartArt tab.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
132. ...we must access the Insert - Organization Chart tab.
133. Both are correct.

134. The form "Assistant" is one level below where he hangs but before a subordinate.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

135. The button is used to...

to. Add a diagram.
b. Add an item to an org chart/diagram.
c. Both are correct.

136. We can select an element of an organization chart and move it around.

to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

137. What type of diagram is this?

to. Pyramid diagram.
b. Process diagram.
c. Hierarchical diagram.

138. The pyramid diagram is often used to show infrastructure-based relationships.

to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

139. The button is used to.

to. Change the shape of an element in a graph.
b. Show more types of diagrams.
c. Both are correct.

140. In a diagram we cannot change from one type to another.

to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

141. A macro is a series of instructions that are executed in an order determined by the user acting
as a single instruction.
to. TRUE.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
b. Fake.

142. Macros are often used to...

to. Automate repetitive tasks.
b. Insert text or graphics that we usually include in various documents.
c. Both are correct.

143. From Office Button - Word Options we can modify the quick access toolbar.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

144. To see the macros that we have created we must access by...
to. Insert - Macros.
b. View - Macros.
c. View - View Macros - Custom Macros...

145. We can modify the code of the commands defined by Word.

to. Yeah.
b. No.

146. What happens if we assign a name from an existing command or another macro to a new
to. Nothing happens.
b. Word warns us that the name already exists.
c. The new macro code will be assigned to the command or the old macro.

147. A password is a combination of characters that can contain both letters and numbers.
to. TRUE.
b. Fake.

148. What types of passwords can we apply.

to. Access password and modification password.
b. Open password and write password.
c. Opening password and modification password.

149. How useful is the read-only recommendation?

to. Suggest opening the document in reading mode if we are not going to modify the document.
REGIONAL VALLE DEL CAUCA CENTER CEAI Question Bank: Microsoft Word 2007
b. Mandatory to open the document in reading mode.
c. None of the above.

150. What types of restrictions can we apply.

to. Editing restrictions.
b. Format restrictions.
c. Both are correct.
151. In order to insert a digital signature, we must first contract it with a certifying authority
to. Yeah.
b. No.
152. How many levels of security do macros offer?
to. 3.
b. 5.
c. 4.
Prepared by: Eng. Carlos Hernando Bueno Date: April 2012
Reviewed by: Date:

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